Academic literature on the topic 'Trucco politico'
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Journal articles on the topic "Trucco politico"
Wańczyk, Kacper. "Tak trudno się rozstać." Sprawy Międzynarodowe 74, no. 2 (November 8, 2021): 113–31.
Full textMurphy, Colleen. "Political reconciliation, the rule of law, and truces." Journal of Global Ethics 13, no. 1 (January 2, 2017): 28–39.
Full textHyden, Goran. "Beyond the Liberal Democracy Paradigm: A Fresh Look at Power and Institutions." African Studies Review 59, no. 3 (December 2016): 169–80.
Full textJackson, John S. "The Southernization of American Politics (Research Note)." American Review of Politics 8 (January 1, 1988): 62–68.
Full textRose, Taylor. "The “Opening of the Clackamas”: Log Trucks, Access Roads, and Multiple-Use Infrastructure in Oregon’s National Forests." Western Historical Quarterly 53, no. 2 (February 23, 2022): 167–93.
Full textTrocchio, Clint, and Paul J. Miller. "Washington, DC’s Lottery-Rotation System for Food Trucks: A Step in the Right Direction." Policy Perspectives 22 (May 4, 2015): 55.
Full textVahrenkamp, Richard. "Lastkraftwagen und Logistik in Deutschland 1900 bis 1955:." Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 95, no. 4 (2008): 430–55.
Full textPérez-Sánchez, Gema. "David Trullo’s queer revisionist photography." Journal of Language and Sexuality 5, no. 2 (September 16, 2016): 197–221.
Full textDurrenberger, E. Paul, and Kathleen Gillogly. "Greed in a “Tribal” Economy? Acquisitiveness and Reciprocity in Lisu Society." Economic Anthropology 1, no. 1 (January 2014): 88–103.
Full textProkofeva, E. Yu. "Causes and consequences of truck production predominance in the Soviet automotive industry in the first half of the XX century." Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology 28, no. 3 (October 14, 2022): 28–39.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Trucco politico"
Petersen, Deanne. "Food truck fever: a spatio-political analysis of food truck activity in Kansas City, Missouri." Kansas State University, 2014.
Full textDepartment of Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning
Hyung Jin Kim
Planning researchers and professionals have recently noted the social, economic, and cultural benefits food truck activity can provide within a community. As a result, the proliferation of food truck activity has challenged planners to reconsider the role of streets and urban spaces. Food trucks have the potential to enliven the urban landscape and enrich the quality of public life by serving as revitalization catalysts in urban spaces. While food trucks have become an increasingly visible aspect of street life, few jurisdictions have determined an effective manner to regulate and promote food truck activity. The study recommends how cities can improve current food truck policies in order to enable the revitalization of urban spaces through food truck activity. Using Kansas City, Missouri as a study area, the primary question was explored through three secondary inquires and their related methods. First, a GIS-based spatial analysis identified the spatio-temporal characteristics of food truck locations via social media data mining processes. Second, a survey of food truck vendors and interviews with city staff highlighted stakeholder conflicts that pose barriers to food truck activity. Third, a policy review in key cities and the development of a policy framework helped determine appropriate policy guidelines that allow food trucks to operate effectively in a city. The cumulative findings of the study informed food truck policy guidelines for Kansas City, Missouri. The policy framework also provides a structure for cities to utilize in order to analyze their own regulations. Sixteen significant policy areas are included in the framework, with the policy areas falling into one of three categories: permitting and enforcement, streets and spaces, or public health and safety. Appropriate policies that balance the needs of stakeholders allow food trucks to operate effectively, thus allowing cities to capitalize on the urban revitalization effects and other benefits that food truck activity provides within urban spaces.
Foughali, Hana. "L'éclatement du plafond de verre ? Entre maquillage politique et gender patchworking identitaire : visions du monde et vie professionnelle de femmes cadres supérieures et dirigeantes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.
Full textThis thesis examines the persistence of a professional malaise, symptomatic of a "symbolic glass ceiling", over and above the (hierarchical) "glass ceiling", through the worldviews of female senior managers and executives. Through the potential decoupling between the heteronomous experiences of these women and the managerial practices of the three companies observed, this work also analyses the latent reasons for this persistence, as well as the way in which protest against or adaptation to these situations of malaise, experienced by these women, may manifest themselves within the institutions. This thesis examins three hypotheses: bodily experience, cultural dimension, and self-ceiling (self-restraint). Using a phenomenological approach, sometimes with features resembling a praxeological approach, this research combines several types of material and theoretical approaches cultivated by different disciplines. Notwithstanding the egalitarian enthusiasm put forward by the companies analysed, the results show that the companies seem to focus more on improving their public image than to bring about substantial change. The structure has not really changed "political make-up". In fact, it is the women who have adapted, by adhering to the mobilisation of their subjectivity and accepting a mould of "masculine neutrality". Hierarchically they have appropriated power, but symbolically they continue to be subjected to these standards, notably through a process of "empowerment by proxy". Fuelled by a variety of factors, the persistence of a professional malaise traps female senior managers and executives in a double contingency; a capitalist "steel cage" and a patriarchal "invisible corset". In this professional situation, full of constraints and 'patriarchal shaming' as well as authorisations for sexist behaviour, granted by a "misogynist pass", these women find themselves trapped in a firmly established lifestyle, which they have consciously created, and which conforms to the instrumental reason they so desired. They have no choice but to conform, by resorting to "gender patchworking identity". Four worldviews emerge from this adaptation: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe and Cosette
Questa tesi di dottorato esamina la persistenza di un malessere professionale, sintomatico di un "soffitto di vetro simbolico", al di là del "soffitto di vetro" (gerarchico), attraverso le visioni del mondo delle donne senior manager e dirigenti. Attraverso il potenziale disaccoppiamento tra le esperienze eteronome di queste donne e le pratiche manageriali delle tre aziende osservate, questo lavoro analizza anche le ragioni latenti di questa persistenza, nonché il modo in cui la protesta o l'adattamento a queste situazioni di malessere, vissute da queste donne, possono manifestarsi all'interno delle aziende. Tre ipotesi guidano la spiegazione: l'esperienza corporea, la dimensione culturale e l'autosoffitto (l'auto-limitazione). I risultati mostrano che, nonostante l'entusiasmo egualitario introdotto dalle aziende analizzate, questo sembra servire più a migliorare la loro immagine pubblica che a produrre un cambiamento sostanziale. La struttura non ha realmente cambiato "trucco politico", sono le donne che si sono adattate aderendo alla mobilitazione della loro e accettando uno stampo di "neutralità maschile". Si sono appropriate del potere gerarchico, ma simbolicamente continuano a subirlo, attraverso un processo di "empowerment per procura". Alimentata da una serie di fattori, la persistenza di un malessere professionale intrappola le donne dirigenti e manager in una doppia contingenza: la "gabbia d'acciaio" capitalista e il "corsetto invisibile" patriarcale in questa situazione professionale, piena di vincoli e di "shaming patriarcale" e di autorizzazioni a comportamenti sessisti, concessi dalla struttura attraverso un "pass misogino", queste donne si trovano intrappolate in uno stile di vita saldamente stabilito, che hanno consapevolmente creato e che si conforma alla ragione strumentale che hanno desiderato, non hanno altra scelta che adattarsi, ricorrendo al "gender patchworking d'identità". Da questo adattamento emergono quattro visioni del mondo: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe e Cosette
Full textKollars, Nina Ann. "By the Seat of Their Pants: Military Technological Adaptation in War." The Ohio State University, 2012.
Full textHanson, Kolby. "Rebel Organizations in Crackdown and Truce." Thesis, 2019.
Full textCotrim, João Miguel Oliveira. "Making sense of the sharing economy: how and why stakeholders grant legitimation." Doctoral thesis, 2021.
Full textA Economia de Partilha (EP) tem vindo a desenvolver-se a um ritmo impressionante em todo o mundo e emergindo rapidamente como uma prática inovadora da economia, que, por outro lado, tem vindo a atrair a atenção da comunidade científica. Um crescente número de estudos tem vindo a emergir, particularmente desde 2017, ajudando a documentar e analisar como a EP tem vindo a revelar-se e evoluir nos sistemas económicos. Ainda existe, no entanto, uma escassez de uma compreensão bem sedimentada e pacífica sobre a EP. Este projeto de investigação aborda essa lacuna dando uma contribuição valiosa para ajudar a resolver/pacificar o discurso, por vezes, controverso em torno deste campo de conhecimento que tem vindo a surgir nos últimos anos. É composto por 3 estudos sequenciais, cujas respetivas perguntas de pesquisa ajudam a encontrar uma resposta para a questão de pesquisa central/geral do projeto, e que é: qual é a natureza da SE e como é que e porque que é que as partes interessadas têm vindo progressivamente a conceder legitimação a ela? Ao realizar uma análise histórica qualitativa da expressão SE e seus equivalentes, o estudo 1 clarifica que (i) a EP é um fenómeno que tem sido formado predominantemente por processos de emergência, compreendendo componentes de movimento social, agrupamento por similaridade e trégua; (ii) existe uma legitimidade generalizada concedida à EP por um vasto número de partes interessadas, embora ainda carente de consolidação da legitimação sociopolítica; e (iii) a natureza da EP parece enquadrar-se numa abordagem metafórica, particularmente, na noção de categorias radiais. Os estudos 2 e 3 representam um olhar mais profundo no seio da esfera da EP, com o objetivo de explorar o papel de dois stakeholders centrais, cuja interação mútua é fundamental para o ganho de legitimidade da EP: (a) as organizações pertencentes ao campo e (b) os consumidores. Os resultados revelam, respectivamente,: (a) uma análise de conteúdo de (1) como as organizações SBPs se retratam e expressam as suas identidades para o mundo e (2) qual é a natureza da legitimidade que é concedida pelas audiências externas a SBPs prototípicas revelam que, enquanto que as SBPs passam por um processo de crivo de avaliação das partes interessadas envolvendo o grau da sua legitimidade em termos de semelhança (ou substituição próxima), distinção, cognitiva e sociopolítica, elas recorrem a uma estratégia de autoapresentação que se baseia na proclamação de fazer parte de um movimento social global e atuar enquanto agentes sociais de mudança no que diz respeito a questões contemporâneas de alta prioridade, nomeadamente: a prevalência generalizada de tecnologias de informação; o desejo de capacitar as pessoas; a coesão social como requisito num mundo globalizado; e a sustentabilidade como pré-condição para um mundo mais auspicioso; (b) uma experiência revela que a intenção dos consumidores de participar em SBPs da EP de “pura partilha” e/ou de “pura troca” depende quer de motivos hedónicos, de ganho e/ou normativos, compreendendo, portanto, vertentes individuais e supra individuais, de serem cognitivamente ativados neles pelo estímulo dado pela natureza da SBP em questão. Mais relevante, há uma tendência de os consumidores associarem ambos os extremos das SBPs da SE a vertentes normativas, supra-individuais, permitindo assim elaborar que eles optam em grande parte por participar nas SBPs devido ao seu caráter transformador – é a favor do bem coletivo, da aproximação entre as pessoas, de uma sociedade mais coesa, altruísta, não egocêntrica, justa e, em última instância, do desbloqueio de novos caminhos para uma melhor sustentabilidade do planeta e um futuro mais auspicioso para a humanidade, que é algo que, tanto quanto é do nosso conhecimento, a literatura atual não havia posto a nu antes.
Books on the topic "Trucco politico"
Il trucco: Sessualità e biopolitica nella fine di Berlusconi. Rome, Italy: Ediesse, 2014.
Find full textValle-Inclán, Ramón del, 1866-1936, author of Tureno dorado, ed. El trueno dorado. Madrid, España: Publicaciones de la Asociación de Directores de Escena de España, 2016.
Find full textLunnai, Algido. Manuale dell'aspirante deputato: Cento e più trucchi per far carriera in politica. Roma: Edizioni associate, 1992.
Find full textTrus, Leonid. Trudno tolʹko pervye desi︠a︡tʹ let. Kharʹkov: "Prava li︠u︡dyny", 2015.
Find full textGismondi, Arturo. L' inverno della giustizia: 1991-2001, il gioco truccato. Milano: Bietti, 2002.
Find full textLa rebelión forajida traicionada y el proceso constituyente trunco: Poder ciudadano, poder constituyente. [Quito?]: [Sur Editores], 2007.
Find full textIl Parlamento: Biografia non autorizzata : misteri, segreti, bugie, trucchi e tradimenti. Milano: Melampo editore, 2015.
Find full textShevt͡sova, Lilii͡a Fedorovna. Odinokai︠a︡ derzhava: Pochemu Rossii︠a︡ ne stala Zapadom i pochemu Rossii trudno s Zapadom. Moskva: ROSSPĖN, 2010.
Find full textDelfino, Emilia. El hombre del camión: Hugo Moyano : la historia secreta del sindicalista más poderoso de la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Trucco politico"
Wadiwel, Dinesh Joseph. "Counter-Conduct and Truce." In Philosophy and the Politics of Animal Liberation, 187–237. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.
Full textAigner, Walter, Matthias Neubauer, and Wolfgang Schildorfer. "Discussion." In Energy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck Platooning, 229–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textCo, Mario Dal, and Paolo Perulli. "The Trilateral Agreement of 1983: Social Pact or Political Truce?" In Economic Crisis, Trade Unions and the State, 157–70. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textCope, Suzanne. "Free Breakfast and Taco Trucks: Case Studies of Food as Rhetorical Homology in Political Discourse." In Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress, 101–12. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textFarmer, Paul. "5. Touring One & All!" In After the Miners’ Strike, 67–82. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023.
Full textLemon, Robert. "Landscape, Labor, and the Lonchera." In The Taco Truck, 77–102. University of Illinois Press, 2019.
Full textCeplair, Larry, and Christopher Trumbo. "Money, Politics, and War." In Dalton Trumbo, 110–31. University Press of Kentucky, 2014.
Full textCeplair, Larry, and Christopher Trumbo. "Blacklist and Black-Market Politics." In Dalton Trumbo, 327–36. University Press of Kentucky, 2014.
Full textWhittall, Edward. "Eating in the City: Fidel Gastro, Street Performance, and the Right to the City." In Food Trucks, Cultural Identity, and Social Justice. The MIT Press, 2017.
Full textHadjiathanasiou, Maria. "The Cyprus Revolt and the ‘Prickly Subject’ of Truces." In The Oxford Handbook of Late Colonial Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies, 687–705. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Trucco politico"
Kahre, Karl T. "The National Aerospace Plane: A Political Overview." In SAE International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1987.
Full textAKHALADZE, Lia, Nino SHIOLASHVILI, Tamar PKHALADZE, Gvantsa BURDULI, and Gela KISTAURI. "TRUSO, IN WAITING FOR HAPPY PEOPLE." In Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Contemporary Society”. SPOLOM, 2022.
Full textFaozi, A., and A. Yani. "Digital Marketing Culture: An Exploration of Food Truck Business f rom Online Social Capital Perspective." In Proceedings of the First Brawijaya International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, BSPACE, 26-28 November, 2019, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. EAI, 2020.
Full textCapes, David B. "TOLERANCE IN THE THEOLOGY AND THOUGHT OF A. J. CONYERS AND FETHULLAH GÜLEN (EXTENDED ABSTRACT)." In Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement. Leeds Metropolitan University Press, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Trucco politico"
Lucas, Brian. Impacts of Trade Facilitation on Carbon Emissions. Institute of Development Studies, March 2021.
Full textRahmé, Marianne, and Alex Walsh. Corruption Challenges and Responses in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Institute of Development Studies, January 2022.
Full textOverweight truck shipments to nuclear waste repositories: legal, political, administrative and operational considerations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1986.
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