Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique Complexe'
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Peraud, Berthelot William. "Trouble de stress post-traumatique et trouble de stress post-traumatique complexe chez les personnes LGBTQIA+ : prévalences et facteurs associés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0437.
Full textContext: LGBTQIA+ individuals make up 9% of the population (IPSOS, 2023). The LGBTQIA+ acronym encompasses people with diverse profiles regarding their sexual orientation, gender identity, anatomical characteristics, or, more broadly, their relationship to heterosexual and cisgender norms. LGBTQIA+ individuals constitute a vulnerable population, particularly concerning physical and psychological health. Frequently subjected to chronic interpersonal violence, wich can begin as childhood and involving attachment figures, LGBTQIA+ individuals share the main risk factors for developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Method: the first article establishes the translation and cross-cultural validation of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ; Cloitre et al., 2018), a self-report questionnaire that assesses PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms according to the criteria of the Eleventh International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). The second article is a systematic literature review aimed at collecting prevalence data on PTSD and C-PTSD in LGBTQIA+ individuals and identifying factors associated with PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms. The third article is a standardized study conducted in France among the general adult population, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, to compare exposure to violence, its traumatic impacts (PTSD, C-PTSD), and explore factors that may influence traumatic symptoms. Results: the translation and cross-cultural validation process produced a validated French version of the ITQ, demonstrating a factorial structure equivalent to the original version. The tool shows satisfactory convergent and divergent validity, as well as good temporal stability (Peraud et al., 2022). The systematic literature review, based on 60 articles, revealed extremely high PTSD prevalence rates among LGBTQIA+ individuals. Certain groups appear particularly vulnerable, notably bisexual individuals (10.3-35.7% PTSD) and transgender individuals (36.8-64.3% PTSD). The factors associated with symptoms exist at multiple levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and political (Peraud et al., under review). The empirical study conducted in France on a sample of 2175 individuals showed significantly higher rates of violence exposure among LGBTQIA+ individuals compared to cisgender heterosexual individuals. This is reflected in elevated PTSD and C-PTSD prevalence, particularly among transgender and gender-diverse individuals (10-14% PTSD; 12-32% C-PTSD; 25-46% cumulative prevalence) and pansexual individuals (11.6% PTSD; 28.4% C-PTSD; 40% cumulative prevalence) (Peraud et al., in preparation). Hierarchical regression analyses indicate that various factors contribute to PTSD and C-PTSD symptomatology (e.g., dissociation, characteristics of violence, family functioning, coping). Some factors appear more specific to the LGBTQIA+ population (e.g., discrimination, violence related to LGBTQIA+ identity, income, age) (Peraud et al., in preparation) Discussion: the results of this doctoral research emphasize that considering exposure to violence in LGBTQIA+ individuals is a public health issue. It is now essential to support existing actions and propose new prevention and care measures for the benefit of these individuals. Such efforts cannot exist without institutional and political commitment rooted in the fight against inequality
Dellucci, Hélène. "Une approche intégrative en psychothérapie EMDR du trauma complexe et des troubles dissociatifs auprès des adultes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0326/document.
Full textThis thesis tells a journey of a clinician, with back and forth between a psychotherapeutic practice and conceptual thinking, trying to move towards an integrative approach for addressing complex situations in psychotraumatology. Guided by the desire to learn, but also examining field practice, we have expanded, step by step, our psychotraumatologic approach, coming to a proposal of an integrative and original treatment model. We hope this model may allow clinicians to adapt to the complex reality of complex and chronic traumatized persons, without getting lost. The presentation of different publications and clinical cases illustrate this line of thought and practices in order to achieve a rigorous model that can be subjected to scientific testing as well as put to the proof of the psychotherapy field
Bui, Thanh-Huy Éric. "Facteurs de risque péritraumatiques psychologiques d'un trouble de stress post-traumatique." Toulouse 3, 2010. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/993/.
Full textThis work is part of a project funded by the ANR dedicated to the design of a new type of organic photovoltaic cell. The goal is to design a new device architecture, bilayer or multilayer, composed of two columnar liquid crystalline molecular materials (electron donor and electron acceptor). This thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of new electron acceptor materials combining several properties: thermal stability and stability in air, capability of self-organize into columnar liquid crystals, strong absorption in near infrared and infrared spectral domain. The choice is the neutral nickel bisdithiolene complexes. Several series of complexes have been synthesized with dpedt (diphenyl-ethylenedithiolate) ligands. Their physicochemical behaviors were characterized by using different techniques: differential thermal analysis and thermo-gravimetric, polarized light microscopy, cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry, absorption spectroscopy. The results show that they are all very stable in air and heat until 300 °C, they absorb strongly between 750 nm to 1100 nm and they have high electron affinity. In addition, some of these compounds show columnar liquid crystalline phase around 80 to 110 °C, metastable at room temperature in the condensed state. In particular, it is shown that the HOMO-LUMO energy gap of such complexes can be modulated as a function of functional groups grafted on the dpedt ligands. All these properties make these compounds very interesting for photovoltaic application
Charretier, Laura. "Mémoire et conscience de soi dans le Trouble de stress post-traumatique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMC001.
Full textImpaired emotional memory is considered the central mechanism of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This alteration can be explained by the impairment of components of self-awareness during traumatic exposure and in the longer term. Although individual memory processes are documented and recognized in PTSD, understanding their link to individual and collective self-awareness remains poorly understood. As part of the "13-November Program", the aim of this thesis work is to better characterize the factors involved in the link between memory and self-awareness over time in PTSD. In this work, we propose a model of the involvement of agency (the feeling of control) on representations associated with self, others, and the world over time in PTSD. At the cognitive level, our results show that PTSD has a negative influence 1) on the narration of traumatic experience and past controlling self-image, 2) on communication skills and social interaction with loved ones, and 3) on controlling self-representation in the future world. At the clinical level, this thesis work has led to the creation of an information guide on PTSD. We propose that participants in the "13-November Program", exposed to the attacks of November 13, 2015, co-create this guide by evaluating its content, form, and conditions of dissemination. This thesis work provides a better understanding of the individual's memetic and identity characteristics of resilience, and more broadly of the relational and societal systems in which they evolve
Gagnon, Richard. "Traitement du trouble : état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) par thérapie cognitivo-comportementale /." Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2005. http://www.uqtr.ca/biblio/notice/resume/24019353R.pdf.
Full textGagnon, Richard. "Traitement du trouble : état de stress post-traumatique (ESPT) par thérapie cognitivo-comportementale." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2005. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/1981/1/000121648.pdf.
Full textLoisel-Fleuriot, Louise. "Habiletés de prévision affective et expérience émotionnelle dans le trouble de stress post-traumatique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2023. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/ToutIDP/EDBSL/2023/2023ULILS082.pdf.
Full textPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur after exposure to a traumatic event involving the risk of death, severe injuries, or sexual violence. Individuals with PTSD experience uncontrollable reminders of the traumatic event, such as flashbacks or nightmares, leading to psychological distress and actively avoiding any reminders of the event. Neurocognitive models of PTSD and the most commonly used therapeutic approaches primarily focus on these symptoms. However, beyond the emotional impact associated with the traumatic experience, the emotional experience of individuals with PTSD is profoundly altered. They endure persistent negative emotions and have difficulty experiencing positive emotions, along with pessimistic anticipations about the future. Yet, our understanding of these emotional challenges, whether in the present or in future projections, remains extremely limited, impeding our ability to comprehend PTSD as a whole and provide appropriate care.This thesis aimed to explore the abilities of individuals with PTSD to experience emotional situations in the present and predict their emotions in the future. It had three main aims: (i) to synthesize current knowledge about emotional experiences in PTSD in response to affective stimuli, (ii) to develop a new experimental paradigm that examines both affective forecasting and emotional experience, and (iii) to apply this paradigm to individuals with PTSD.To address the first goal, we conducted a systematic review following PRISMA criteria. We identified 33 articles that examined the brain, physiological, behavioral, and/or subjective correlates associated with the processing of affective stimuli in PTSD. Although the data showed some heterogeneity, the results of this review indicated that individuals with PTSD exhibit changes in brain activity, particularly in sensory networks and anterior regions associated with affective evaluation. Furthermore, subjective data revealed a pronounced tendency to evaluate stimuli more negatively, including those unrelated to the trauma.To address our second goal, we employed an experimental paradigm involving 30 healthy subjects to assess affective forecasting abilities and emotional experiences while measuring associated physiological reactivity (heart rate and electrodermal activity). Our results confirm the tendency of individuals to anticipate more extreme emotional responses to emotional scenarios compared to what they actually experience when exposed to them.For our final goal, we used the same paradigm to compare patients with PTSD (n=30) to healthy individuals exposed (n=28) or unexposed (n=28) to a traumatic event. Our findings indicate heightened negative anticipation and experience in emotional situations, and more arousal in neutral situations among individuals with PTSD.This work provides novel data regarding PTSD by suggesting the presence of a negative filter during the processing of affective information, even if unrelated to the trauma, which affects both the present experience and future projections of the patients. The experimental paradigm developed offers many research perspectives, including the study of neurocognitive mechanisms, both in PTSD and in the general population. Identification of the factors that influence changes in affective functioning in this disorder will optimize therapeutic interventions
Boukezzi, Sarah. "Mécanismes cérébraux impliqués dans le trouble de stress post-traumatique et dans sa rémission symptomatique." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0041.
Full textPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder that arises in the aftermath of a traumatic event. To date, the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR) therapy has shown to be the most efficient therapy for the treatment of PTSD. The aim of this thesis was therefore to understand neural mechanisms underlying PTSD and its recovery. To do so, we conducted four studies. In a first study, we showed alterations in the reward circuit activity in PTSD patients, which may underlie an imbalance mobilization of cognitive and hedonic motivational processes, possibly contributing to emotional numbing in PTSD (study 1). Following this, an altered resting state functional connectivity between a network associated with attentional processes and another associated with emotional and memory processes was also found, suggesting an atypical emotional regulation and attention processing (study 2). A third study showed changes of grey matter density in regions involved in emotional regulation after symptoms remission by EMDR therapy. Finally, we were also able to replicate, in PTSD patients, the fear extinction and fear extinction recall facilitation by bilateral alternating stimulations (BAS) a major component of EMDR therapy, previously demonstrated in animal studies. Taken together, the present findings of these studies contribute to enlarge our knowledge, opening new ways of thinking the actual model of explaining the PTSD. More importantly, we believe that our findings may contribute to improve therapeutic strategies to significantly ameliorate the life of these patients
Santerre, Marie-Ève. "Le soutien social et le trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les anciens combattants canadiens." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28045.
Full textBoucher, Maxime. "L'exposition cognitive pour l'anxiété généralisée, le stress post-traumatique, le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif et l'hypocondrie." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2011. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/2046/1/030188012.pdf.
Full textAl-Ogaidi, Firas. "Les effets du trouble du stress post-traumatique de la guerre chez les civils irakiens." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0020/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with post-traumatic stress following the war situation in Iraq. The studies carried out in the framework of this research work cover a large sample of civilians. The first objective was methodological: since the work carried out would allow the adaptation of clini-cal assessment tools to the Iraqi population and the assessment of their usefulness to the dif-ferent groups examined. The second objective was theoretical. The data collected would allow us to study very closely the modes of expressions of post-traumatic stress in our sample of civilians and the links it may have with other psychological variables such as emotional regu-lation, dissociation and social support
Ladois-Do, Pilar Rei Agnès. "Réactions péritraumatiques et symptômes de trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) après une admission en psychiatrie." Toulouse 3, 2012. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1606/.
Full textThe present study aims to explore the exposure to stressful events during psychiatric admission and psychiatric setting, and the predictive power of peritraumatic distress and dissociation in the development of acute PTSD symptoms after exposure to such events. Psychiatric inpatients (N=239) were asked to report exposure to potentially traumatic events during their admission within 48h of their being admitted. Individuals reporting at least one potentially traumatic event during admission (n=70, 29%) were assessed for peritraumatic dissociation and distress in relation to the worst event, and five weeks later were reassessed for acute PTSD symptoms. Eight participants (12,3%) scored above the score threshold for a probable acute PTSD. Multiple regression analyses revealed that peritraumatic distress was a significant predictor of 5-week acute PTSD symptoms. Our findings suggest that patients who had hight levels of peritraumatic distress related to the worst potentially traumatic event experienced during psychiatric admission, might be at risk for acute PTSD symptoms and might benefit from increased attention. Five weeks after admission, participants (N=176) were screened about possible exposure to potentially traumatic events during hospitalization. Then, those who had experienced at least on event (N=37, 21%) responded to Peritraumatic Distress Inventory and Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire (N=34). Five weeks later, 2 participants (5,9%) had probable acute PTSD. Furthermore, our results showed no association between peritraumatic reactions and acute PTSD. Finally, three month after exposure to the worst event occured during psychiatric admission or hospitalization, no participant has developped a probable chronic PTSD. This research highlights the need to be especialy careful during psychiatric admission or hospitalization procedures and to protect the most vulnerable patients
Rousseau, Pierre-François. "Etude des mécanismes d'actions neurobiologiques de la thérapie EMDR dans le trouble de stress post-traumatique." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0527/document.
Full textPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common condition affecting nearly 8% of the general population. This psychiatric pathology is expressed by a symptomatic square including a syndrome of repetition, avoidance, neurovegetative hyperactivation and a negative alteration of cognitions and mood. One of the most effective treatments in this pathology is a psychotherapy called EMDR for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Although this therapy no longer needs to prove its effectiveness, its mechanisms of action are still at the hypothesis stage today. The objective of our thesis work was to explore the mechanism of action of EMDR therapy through different paradigms in EEG, PET-scanner and fMRI, comparing brain activity before and after treatment or during bilateral alternating stimuli. We were able to demonstrate that EMDR therapy altered the brain activity of a brain network involved in emotional treatment and memory and of a particular structure, the precuneus. The alternating bilateral stimuli underlying the action of EMDR also activate part of this network explaining the impact of EMDR on traumatic memory. For the first time, we also have shown that the activity of the precuneus before treatment is able to predict the magnitude of the decrease in PTSD symptoms. The length of REM sleep before treatment can predict the number of sessions needed to reach remission
Cottencin, Olivier. "Mémoire, traumatisme et psychopathologie : étude de l'oubli dirigé chez des sujets souffrant d'état de stress post-traumatique et de trouble dépressif comparés à des témoins sains." Lille 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LIL2S024.
Full textOne of the clinical characteristics of the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the reexperiencing symptoms, during which the patient experiences intrusion into consciousness of horrific autobiographical memories. The existence of a disturbance of the autobiographical memory is apparent; the subject seems to be fixed at the traumatic event and cannot consider the future. The autobiographical memory is organized in three levels from most general to most specific. To retrieve a memory, subjects need external indices and activation of these three levels; the activation of the memory can be automatic or intentional. However such a system requires the existence of control processes. To retrieve a memory it is necessary to inhibit others of them without what the memory would be saturated. These mechanisms were studied with the directed forgetting paradigm which consists of the presentation of items of which some have to be remembered and others to be forgotten. A preliminary study comparing the directed forgetting task in PTSD versus controls show us that PTSD presented an effect of directed forgetting decreased in comparison with controls (i. E. They had difficulties in inhibit the items "to forget"); in other words they presented a deficit of the inhibiting processes. However we are not being able to know if these processes failing (constituting a factor of vulnerability specific to the PTSD) or are exceeded by nature of traumatic information per se. So, we compared PTSD with depressed patients which we know that their autobiographical memory is disturbed. Results of the directed forgetting task was comparable with controls and better than PTSD. We discuss the psychopathological implications of these results directing us towards the idea of the existence of a disorder specific to the PTSD without being able to conclude if it is a factor of vulnerability or a consequence of the traumatic nature of information
Hannachi, Nawel. "Trouble du Stress Post-Traumatique suite à l’accouchement : impact sur le bonding mère-enfant. Etude multiculturelle franco-tunisienne." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LORR0327.
Full textChildbirth can be experienced as a traumatic experience by the mother. This event may be associated with the expression of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the postnatal period, but does it have any impact on the development of maternal bonding? What are the factors associated with postnatal PTSD and with the impairment of maternal bonding? Are there differences in risk factors for PTSD and in altered maternal bonding between two populations from two different cultures? To answer these questions, 646 French and Tunisian women were approached during the third trimester of pregnancy. Of these women, 284 were contacted two months after delivery and 190 were recalled at six months postpartum. Within this study, it was possible to adapt and validate a coping strategy scale on the Tunisian population and to build and validate a PTSD specific scale related to childbirth, according to the new diagnostic criteria of DSM 5, on French and Tunisian women. The results of this work showed that at two months after childbirth, 5.2% of French women and 16.5% of Tunisian women had PTSD. At six months postpartum, the prevalence of PTSD was 3.1% for French women and 16.3% for Tunisian women. Hierarchical regression models specific to each population showed that for French women, it was the primiparity and mode of delivery, self-blame used during the prenatal period, prenatal physical pain, as well as the negative perception of support from the health care team during delivery that constituted risk factors for the development of postnatal PTSD. For Tunisian women, it was the primiparity and mode of delivery, the negative perception of support from the health care team during delivery, the use of dramatization and self-blame after delivery that were risk factors for the development of PTSD in the postpartum period. With regard to the effect of PTSD on maternal bonding, the results showed that this disorder had a negative impact on the development of bonding in the postnatal period and more specifically on the alteration of the mother-child bond and child related anxiety for French women. The results also showed that coping strategies such as self-blame, behavioural disengagement and less planning had a mediating role between postpartum PTSD and maternal bonding. For Tunisian women, PTSD had a negative impact on bonding and especially on child related anxiety. Coping strategies that mediated the relationship between post-natal PTSD and maternal bonding in this population were dramatization, self-blame and rumination. This research also provided etiological models on the impact of post-natal PTSD on bonding and the different associated variables for the French and Tunisian populations. In conclusion, the tools developed and validated on both populations in this work as well as the results presented establish important foundations for future interventions to enable better prevention and diagnosis of post-natal PTSD as well as to prevent its deleterious impact on the mother-child bonding
Dumas, Louise-Émilie. "Les cognitions sensorielle, émotionnelle et sociale dans les troubles de perception et le trouble de stress post traumatique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024COAZ6021.
Full textIntroduction: Sensory, emotional and social cognition represent the processing of internal and external information required by the subject to adapt to the environment. A psycho-trauma is defined as an event that threatens the physical and psychological integrity of an individual, and acts as a sudden and intense intrusion of the cognitive system exposed to danger. This psycho-traumatic intrusion leads to sensory, emotional and social cognitive damage, caused by alterations in the neuromodulation system of the brain structures affected. These cognitive sequelae give rise to the post-traumatic symptoms that constitute post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including perceptual disorders. PTSD is also associated with other comorbid psychiatric disorders, including psychotic disorders. Our work proposes the hypothesis of a "cascade" clinical understanding of psycho-trauma. It supports the idea that sensory, emotional and social cognition articulate with each other and with the environment, and participate in the evolution of the continuum between psycho-trauma and psychotic disorder.Methods: The aim of our research is to study the role of sensory, emotional and social cognition in post-traumatic perceptual disorders. This work is illustrated by two prospective, longitudinal 6-month clinical research studies. PROJECT 1: Identification of markers of emotional and social cognition associated with acoustic-verbal hallucinations (AVH) in the general pediatric population, then in the clinical pediatric population with PTSD. PROJECT 2: Impact of persistent post-Covid-19 olfactory disorders on quality of life, hedonic experience and anxiety and depression dimensions in an adult population.Results: PROJECT 1: The study, carried out in a general pediatric population, included 40 patients (30 girls, 10 boys) with a mean age of 12.8 years. Negative emotions (sadness, fear, anger) were significantly found in the group with persistent AVH at 6 months. Persistent AVH were significantly associated with the diagnosis of PTSD (p=0.01). The study conducted in a clinical pediatric population with PTSD included 31 patients (25 girls, 6 boys) with a mean age of 12.9 years. Negative emotions (patient guilt and maliciousness of HAV) were significantly associated and correlated with persistence of HAV. Negative emotions (disgust, fear and anger, and diagnoses of depression and anxiety) were also associated with PTSD persistence at 6 months. The persistence of HAV was significantly associated with the emergence of a diagnosis of psychotic disorder at 6 months (p=0.01). PROJECT 2: The study included 56 patients with a mean age of 39 (33 women, 23 men). Olfactory disorders were significantly associated and correlated with negative emotions (quality of life, loss of pleasure). Patients with sensory distortion (parosmia, phantosmia) were more significantly impacted emotionally than patients with no sensory perception (anosmia). Although they "objectively" recovered their sense of smell on the psychophysical test, patients who "subjectively" perceived the persistence of an olfactory disorder responded to PTSD symptoms and were more emotionally impacted (quality of life, loss of pleasure, anxiety and depression).Conclusion: Sensory and emotional cognitions are significantly linked after a traumatic event. Their articulation contributes to the onset and maintenance of perceptual disorders. They are also involved in the development of post-traumatic clinical symptoms, PTSD and other associated psychiatric disorders, including psychotic disorders. The evolution of post-traumatic symptoms requires a dimensional reading for a better clinical understanding, preventive monitoring of risk factors for poor psychiatric evolution, and a therapeutic proposal targeting sensory and emotional cognition
Taillefer, Alain. "Proposition d'intégration de stratégies thérapeutiques centrées sur les émotions à la thérapie par exposition pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique /." Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal, 2005. http://accesbib.uqam.ca/cgi-bin/bduqam/transit.pl?&noMan=24145769.
Full textSoncin, Lisa Dounia. "Trouble de stress post-traumatique dans les épilepsies pharmaco-résistantes de l'adulte : Vers un modèle multidimensionnel de la psychoépileptogénèse." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024COAZ2012.
Full textEpilepsy can give rise to various comorbid psychiatric disorders, notably generalized anxiety disorder and depression, which exert a more detrimental impact on quality of life than the seizures themselves. It has been demonstrated that epilepsy alone cannot fully account for the extent of psychiatric comorbidity, primarily associated with early traumatic exposures. The primary objective of this PhD is to investigate traumatic exposure and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). Five studies were conducted to achieve these goals: (1) We report, for the first time, that patients with DRE exhibit significantly more PTSD symptoms compared to control participants. Subsequently, we describe the specificity of the clinical presentation of PTSD and psychological trauma in epilepsy, emphasizing an association between these symptoms and the subjective semiological manifestations experienced during epileptic attacks. (2) As a follow-up to the initial study, we sought to determine whether the prevalence of PTSD is linked to epilepsy or living with a chronic disease. We compared traumatic exposure, PTSD, psychiatric comorbidities, quality of life, and emotional regulation between patients with epilepsy and two groups with other chronic diseases: type 1 diabetes (1TD) and atrial fibrillation (AF). Patients with epilepsy reported significantly higher exposure, more PTSD symptoms, anxiety, depression, dissociation, as well as poorer quality of life and greater difficulties with emotional regulation than both other groups. Additionally, we explored the voluntary capacity (perceived control) that patients can exert over their disease symptoms and investigated the extent to which these capacities may be impacted by psychiatric symptoms and PTSD, as well as fostered by the ability to regulate one's emotions. (3) To further understand the PTSD-DRE association, in addition to the semiological studies, we examined associated cognitive aspects, particularly focusing on the perceived control of epileptic seizures. We demonstrate the involvement of cognitive control and perceived control influenced by PTSD and dissociation symptoms. Notably, hypervigilance was found to promote seizure control with patients having PTSD reporting better success in avoiding seizures than those without PTSD. (4) To explore the PTSD-DRE association at the cerebral level, we studied metabolic responses using Positron Emission Tomography (PETScan) from patients with drug-resistant temporal epilepsy (tDRE). Our data revealed right medial temporal hypometabolism in patients with a complex traumatic history and PTSD symptoms. (5) Subsequently, we analyzed functional connectivity (FC) using Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) in patients with tDRE (temporal drug-resistant epilepsy) with and without PTSD, showing an increase in FC in patients with PTSD in the hemisphere where the epileptogenic zone is located and a corresponding decrease in the opposite hemisphere. This suggests a physiological association between PTSD and epilepsy. The results of this PhD work are groundbreaking and original in understanding PTSD associated with epilepsy and potentially extend to a broader understanding of chronic diseases. We propose a model of PTSD in the DRE as a synthesis of all this research work, introducing the concept of psychoepileptogenic, which signifies the association between intense stress (PTSD) and epilepsy by integrating semiological, cognitive, and cerebral aspects supporting this association
Allenou, Charlotte. "Facteurs de risque péritraumatiques d'un trouble de stress post-traumatique dans un groupe de mères d'un enfant victime d'accident." Toulouse 3, 2010. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/922/.
Full textBackground : the rare cohort studies involving parents whose child has suffered a road traffic accident (RTA) show that about 20% of mothers present with clinically significant symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) one month after the accident and 6% one year later. These figures suggest that second hand trauma exposure and PTSD among significant others might be underestimated. However, unlike with other types of trauma survivors, few studies have investigated the predictors of PTSD in parents whose child has suffered a RTA. This prospective and longitudinal study assessed, within a group of mothers whose child has suffered a RTA, the incidence of PTSD after the accident and the predictive power of peritraumatic distress and dissociation for PTSD. Methods: the assessment of peritraumatic distress, peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD was carried out using respectively, the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire and the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory during the week following the accident; and the PTSD CheckList Specific and the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale 5 weeks, 6 months and 1 year after the accident. Results: 89 mothers, of mean age 41. 2 (SD=5. 9), have completed the study. Five weeks, 6 months and 1 year after the accident, respectively 18. 8%, 11. 7% and 5. 6% of mothers presented with significant PTSD symptoms. PTSD symptoms were positively correlated with peritraumatic distress, respectively 5 weeks (r(68)=. 33, p<. 01), 6 months (r(59)=. 68, p<. 01) and 1 year after the accident (r(53)=. 41, p<. 01); and with peritraumatic dissociation, respectively 5 weeks (r(68)=. 33, p<. 01), 6 months (r(59)=. 68, p<. 01), and 1 year after the accident (r(53)=. 41, p<. 01). Peritraumatic distress was found to be a predictor of mothers' acute PTSD symptoms (ß=. 45, p<. 01) and peritraumatic dissociation was found to be a predictor of PTSD symptoms at 6 months post-trauma (ß=. 25, p<. 05). Conclusion: peritraumatic responses and PTSD symptoms should be routinely assessed among parents whose child has experienced a traumatic event
Aït-Aoudia, Malik. "Les cauchemars et les troubles du sommeil dans le contexte d'un trouble stress post-traumatique : évaluation psychopathologique et psychophysiologique." Thesis, Paris 8, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA080140.
Full textSleep disorders in general and nightmares in particular are often associated with psychopathological and physical disorders. They are among the largest and the most frequent complaints reported by patients with PTSD and their links with the severity are now more specified. The overall objectives of this thesis are to shed light on the clinical, psychopathological and psychophysiological aspects of nightmares in the specific context of PTSD, and also to clarify the therapeutic contributions of nightmares centered treatment through a case study. In order to achieve these objectives, a sample of 21 patients suffering from posttraumatic nightmares and hospitalized in a specialized psychotraumatology unit of care were assessed using self-administered questionnaires (IES-R, HAD, PSQI, PSQI-A, NDQ and DES), structured interviews (MINI and the CAPS) and psychophysiological recordings. In parallel, another patient coming from a specialized psychotraumatology center in Paris was carefully monitored in regards of his therapeutic evolution while receiving the Imagery Rehearsal Therapy program on an individual basis. The main results of this research show that the severity of PTSD is strongly and positively associated with the severity of post-traumatic nightmares and that the distress related to nightmares better explains the severity of PTSD that the frequency of nightmares does. The results also confirmed what has been reported in the scientific literature, namely the presence of significant comorbidities. However and in terms of psychophysiological assessments of sleep, no significant results were found in the analysis of polysomnographic recordings, and none of the studied parameters were correlated with the frequency and/or the distress related to nightmares. Finally, the case study was successfully used to evaluate the expected therapeutic benefits of a relatively new psychotherapeutic treatment focusing on nightmares and the results show a significant reduction in the severity of nightmares, accompanied by a reduction in the severity of PTSD and a proportional improvement in sleep quality. In conclusion, the results of this research are consistent with those found in previous studies and underscore the clinical and psychopathological importance nightmares and their involvement in the severity of PTSD
Aït-Aoudia, Malik. "Les cauchemars et les troubles du sommeil dans le contexte d'un trouble stress post-traumatique : évaluation psychopathologique et psychophysiologique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA080140.
Full textSleep disorders in general and nightmares in particular are often associated with psychopathological and physical disorders. They are among the largest and the most frequent complaints reported by patients with PTSD and their links with the severity are now more specified. The overall objectives of this thesis are to shed light on the clinical, psychopathological and psychophysiological aspects of nightmares in the specific context of PTSD, and also to clarify the therapeutic contributions of nightmares centered treatment through a case study. In order to achieve these objectives, a sample of 21 patients suffering from posttraumatic nightmares and hospitalized in a specialized psychotraumatology unit of care were assessed using self-administered questionnaires (IES-R, HAD, PSQI, PSQI-A, NDQ and DES), structured interviews (MINI and the CAPS) and psychophysiological recordings. In parallel, another patient coming from a specialized psychotraumatology center in Paris was carefully monitored in regards of his therapeutic evolution while receiving the Imagery Rehearsal Therapy program on an individual basis. The main results of this research show that the severity of PTSD is strongly and positively associated with the severity of post-traumatic nightmares and that the distress related to nightmares better explains the severity of PTSD that the frequency of nightmares does. The results also confirmed what has been reported in the scientific literature, namely the presence of significant comorbidities. However and in terms of psychophysiological assessments of sleep, no significant results were found in the analysis of polysomnographic recordings, and none of the studied parameters were correlated with the frequency and/or the distress related to nightmares. Finally, the case study was successfully used to evaluate the expected therapeutic benefits of a relatively new psychotherapeutic treatment focusing on nightmares and the results show a significant reduction in the severity of nightmares, accompanied by a reduction in the severity of PTSD and a proportional improvement in sleep quality. In conclusion, the results of this research are consistent with those found in previous studies and underscore the clinical and psychopathological importance nightmares and their involvement in the severity of PTSD
Wafa, Mohammad Hashim. "Identification des facteurs biopsychosociaux prédictif du trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les patients admis dans le service d’urgence après un traumatisme." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSE1194.
Full textPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), one of the most serious sequels of a traumatic exposure, is a chronic anxiety disorder that interrupts normal psychosocial functioning of the person. Even though 60.7% of all men and 51.2% of all women encounter traumatic event(s), only 8% of these men and 20% of these women meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD. A number of well-documented risk factors predispose the individual for developing PTSD. In addition to the biopsychosocial characteristics of the person, the risk factors entail particular features of the index trauma. Trauma chronicity and severity, female gender, decreased social support, childhood adversities, pretrauma mental problem, alcohol or substance abuse and acute stress disorder are examples of the vulnerability factors. To measure sensitivity and specificity of these factors in terms of detecting population at risk of developing PTSD, we conducted the following two-step prospective multisite cohort study in five emergency departments of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The first multisite cross-sectional study have measured level of acute stress and prevalence of moderate and high risk of developing PTSD among patients visiting EDs in the aftermath of a recent trauma. The second study had a prospective cohort design and aimed at determining biopsychosocial predictors of 3-month PTSD in a randomly selected sample of the first cross-sectional study subjects. Additionally, we measured prevalence of dissociative experiences at inclusion, along with the consequences and comorbidities of PTSD at 3 months
Sider, Cherifa. "La relation entre le trouble de stress post-traumatique et le risque suicidaire en Algérie : Résultats de l’enquête Santé Mentale en Population Générale (SMPG)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCD023/document.
Full textObjective. The Mental Health Survey on General Population was conducted in 2003 by the WHO collaborating centres in Lille (WHOCC-Lille) in partnership with the Mahfoud Boucebci psychiatric hospital (EHS-Alger). Data regarding suicidal risk are exploited in the present study. The main objective aims at studying the relationship between post traumatic stress disorder and suicidal risk.Method. Eight hundred ninety-nine subjects living in Algeria (n=899) took part in this survey. Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used to collect data related to mental disorders and suicidal behaviors. Results. 61% of the population (n=548) were exposed to « traumatic » events. PTSD prevalence is estimated to be 13.5% (n = 121) in the overall sample. 13.6% of the subjects (n = 122) present a suicidal risk. There is no direct relationship between PTSD and suicidal risk.However, PTSD significantly increases the suicidal risk in non-practising subjects (OR = 5.81, CI [1.948-17.328], p = 0.001) compared to practising subjects. Suicidal risk is 10 times higher in practising subjects suffering from alcohol problems (OR = 10.26, IC [3.133-33.609], p <= 0.0001). Conclusion. This first study in the general population highlights the relatively high prevalence of suicidal risk and PTSD. Religious practice is a protective element against suicidal behavior. These results could be exploited so that a preventive approach to suicidal risk can be put in place
Beauregard, Jennifer. "Étude des stratégies d'adaptation au stress des individus présentant à la fois une consommation problématique de psychotropes et des symptômes de stress post-traumatique." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/10651.
Full textLe, Dorze Claire. "Le trouble de stress post traumatique, une pathologie de la réactivation mnésique ? Recherche d'un découplage monoaminergique et de nouvelles tentatives thérapeutiques chez le rat." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066645/document.
Full textPost-Traumatic Stress disorder (PSTD) appears on a part of individuals exposed to traumatic events. This pathology is characterized by frequent re-experiencing of the traumatic event inducing disabling and long-lasting anxiety disorders. These flashbacks, triggered by reminder cues, are responsible for the frequent relapses that characterize PTSD. Addiction to drugs of abuse is also characterized by a hyper reactivity to reminder cues which is responsible for drug craving and relapses. We hypothesized that such a susceptibility to environmental cues, common to both pathologies, could be due to an uncoupling of monoaminergic systems induced by exposure to intense conditions (trauma or drugs). Data from this thesis showed that our animal model of PTSD (the Single Prolonged Stress) reproduced PTSD-like symptoms on vulnerable rats, and reactivity to reminder cues. Our data also showed that trauma induced a behavioral desensitization and a cortical noradrenergic sensitization, in vulnerable traumatized rats, supporting the hypothesis of monoaminergic uncoupling. Finally, we developed a new therapeutic approach, the "emotional remodeling" which was shown to durably decrease PTSD-like symptoms. The results obtained in this thesis support the hypothesis of common physiological basis between PTSD and drug addiction, and offer new therapeutic approaches for these two pathologies
Laguerre, Claire-Emmanuelle. "Exposition aux événements traumatiques et trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les individus souffrant de troubles liés à l'usage de substances : analyse de l'impact psychologique, culturel et familial." Toulouse 3, 2012. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1757/.
Full textBackground: Co-occurrence of substance use disorder (SUD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is quite frequent in mainland France and Martinique. Moreover, exposure to traumatic events, and a family history of traumatic events of SUD increase the risk of SUD development. Aims : (i) to assess the prevalence of comorbid PTSD and SUDs in France mainland and Martinique, (ii) to identify the characteristics, the severity and types of trauma, (iii) to assess the role of psychodynamic and intergenerational variables in PTSD among individuals with SUDs. Methods: We conducted a retrospective case-control study, among individuals with SUDs and control participants from the general population. Results: 149 participants were included (SUDs, n = 65; non-SUDs, n = 84). Subjects in the SUD group reported significantly higher scores for repetition, avoidance and arousal symptoms than the non-SUDs (p < 0. 001). Only physical/sexual abuse (p = 0. 011) and hyperarousal (p = 0. 006) significantly contributed to the SUDs status. Furthermore, SUDs variables and traumatic events among parents (respectively, p = 0. 036 and p = 0. 015) and avoidant attachment scores (p = 0. 001) contributed significantly to the model explaining SUD status. "Avoidant attachment" (p = 0. 013), "secure attachment" (p = 0. 016), SUDs from the grandparents (p = 0. 003) and traumatic events among parents (p = 0. 002) and education (p < 0. 01) contributed significantly to the model predicting clinically significant PTSD symptoms. Conclusion: Results highlight the importance of taking into consideration, both the symptoms of PTSD family psychological disorder history, when treating individuals with SUDs
Delrue, Nicolas. "Résurgence des traumatismes chez le sujet âgé, impact sur un processus démentiel et traitement : étude en institution auprès de sujets atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer." Thesis, Paris 8, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA080121/document.
Full textPurpose – This research aims to analyze the links between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and to verify if a PTSD treatment can improve episodic memory, global cognitive functioning and quality of life in AD patients.Methods – We review the literature about the links between PTSD and AD, building on several theoretical models. We propose the hypothesis that the treatment of PTSD in AD can improve verbal episodic memory and autobiographical episodic memory with some positive effects on AD evolution. We present a longitudinal study in order to confirm the likely benefits of such an approach. There were 20 participants in the target group (AD and PTSD) and 20 participants in the control group (AD without PTSD). During three sessions (T0, T1 and T2) separated by an interval of six months, different components of episodic memory were assessed with specific tests. AD evolution was assessed with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). For the target group, PTSD presence and quality of life were also assessed, and treatment for PTSD was undertaken between T0 and T1 for the target group.Results/Findings – The analysis of scientific literature highlighted some clinical, cognitive and neurobiological similarities between AD and PTSD with a key-role of episodic memory. The results of the research indicate that PTSD treatment in AD participants improves significatively all assessed indicators: word recall, word recognition, immediate recall, delayed recall, personal recent events recall, personal lifetime events recall, global cognitive abilities (MMSE) and quality of life.Discussion/Conclusion – There are strong theoretical and practical reasons to search for an effective intervention for PTSD in AD patients. This study indicate a promising avenue for therapeutic care of AD patients with involved trauma
Belrose, Célia. "Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique : analyser et comprendre le rétablissement pour optimiser la réinsertion : étude exploratoire auprès de militaires et civils français." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2020. https://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/ulprive/DDOC_T_2020_0270_BELROSE.pdf.
Full textPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops following a traumatic confrontation. It is characterized by a clinical tetrad: avoidance behaviors, hypervigilance, revivals and cognitivo- emotional impairments. PTSD has a prevalence of 1 to 7% in Europe (lifetime), and 20% in the military depending on the missions. The clinical course, regardless of the care, shows that more than 20% of subjects are resistant to treatment and that about 40% of subjects who recover relapse at some point. Thus, for a significant part of PTSD patients arise as a chronic disease. This finding questions the recovery mechanisms in these patients that could allow satisfactory socio-professional reintegration.Recovering process from this chronic pathology involves the interplay of psychological, cognitive and social resources. The data available in patients suffering from chronic illness point to the importance of psychological resources which allow a capacity for autonomy and social commitment. It is clear that in the context of PTSD, the psychological resources supporting recovery need further investigation. On a neurocognitive level, PTSD is characterized by executive cognitive impairment affecting in particular the memory, often associated with neurological complaints that are still little explored. These neurocognitive disorders are risk factors for chronic PTSD, impacting not only the patients' quality of life and also their socio-professional reintegration possibilities. Finally, on the social level, the course of recovery and reintegration involves satisfactory socialization. Socialization is not a linear process but it is subject to constant perpetual changes in the quality of social interactions, a key feature in this process. While the hypothesis of an impact of clinical symptoms of PTSD in the socialization of these is legitimate, the available data are scarce. This issue is all the more important for soldiers with chronic PTSD, since most of them will have to leave the military environment and re-socialize in civilian world. This doctoral work aims to better understand the psychoneurosociological mechanisms of the recovery trajectory in patients suffering from chronic PTSD. More specifically, it focuses on 4 issues. The first one is theoretical. It aims to analyze the data in the literature on recovery, and its dimensions, in chronic mental illnesses in order to propose a theoretical framework for recovery and interventionsthat could be assessed in PTSD (article 1). Three issues on the subject of field studies: a) What are the important psychological resources for the recovery and reintegration of PTSD? ; b) What are the neurological signs of interest for better understanding the evolutionary trajectory of the patient suffering from PTSD? ; and c) What are the core characteristics (pro and cons) of socialization for patients suffering from PTSD? At the end of this exploratory work, carried out mainly on soldiers suffering from chronic PTSD, we propose lines of work/evidence and recommendations for intervention to improve course of their socio-professional reintegration
Traber, Delphine. "Comment prevenir le trouble de stress post traumatique? Reflexion et application chez les professionnels à risques de la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAS009/document.
Full textPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) follows exposure to one or more traumatic events and is characterized by a set of symptoms: flashbacks, avoidance, negative cognitive and affect changes, hyper-vigilance and sleep disturbance (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The recent consideration of this disorder in the public sphere has highlighted the societal interest in acting upstream with professionals exposed to this type of event as part of their professional duties. The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region has populations of professionals specialized in mountain environments (dangerous and unstable with sudden changes in weather conditions), who are particularly exposed to traumatic events (Weinbruch & Nordby, 2010). As a result, they are more likely to develop PTSD than the general population.The aim of this thesis work was to provide elements to establish the lines of action to be adopted to improve the resilience capacities of at-risk professionals in order to prevent PTSD in the early stages. Through an integrative and processual approach to PTSD development focused on a biopsychosocial perspective, we studied a set of factors involved in the development and/or persistence of this disorder and coupled with the construction, evaluation and implementation of preventive action.The results of the laboratory and on-site studies revealed the involvement of a set of both specific and general factors (i.e., coping flexibility, physiological regulatory mechanisms, meaning of the mission). We can thereby conclude that this disorder is the result of a translational interaction defined by strong interconnection between psychology and physiology, and by the socio-professional environment that modifies the expression and visibility of this disorder. This thesis proposed new elements to prevent professional TSPT, based on an integral and multifactorial vision with an evidenced-based approach. In conclusion, these studies are the first to address primary prevention of PTSD with an integrative approach
Loignon, Alexandra, and Alexandra Loignon. "Taux de comorbidité du traumatisme cranio-cérébral et du trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les civils et les militaires : une méta-analyse." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/37479.
Full textLa fréquence et les facteurs de risque entourant le développement d’un trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) après un traumatisme cranio-cérébral (TCC) sont méconnus. Étant davantage disposés à subir des blessures physiques et à vivre des expériences potentiellement traumatiques, les militaires pourraient être plus à risque de présenter la comorbidité TCC-TSPT. Le présent mémoire vise à documenter la fréquence du TSPT après un TCC, les mécanismes expliquant le développement de cette double condition, ses particularités symptomatologiques ainsi que les conditions la favorisant. Une recension systématique et une méta-analyse ont été réalisées pour déterminer si les adultes ayant subi un TCC présentent plus de risque de développer un TSPT que ceux sans TCC ayant vécu une expérience similaire, et si ce risque est plus élevé chez les militaires comparativement aux civils. Un objectif secondaire vise à déterminer les facteurs augmentant les risques de présenter ce double diagnostic. Les résultats de la méta-analyse de 33 études suggèrent que le risque de TSPT est 2,68 fois plus élevé (27%) après un TCC qu’en l’absence d’une telle blessure (11%). De plus, les militaires avec un TCC présentent 4,18 fois plus de TSPT (37%) que ceux sans TCC, comparativement à 1,26 pour les civils (16%). Le risque de présenter le double diagnostic varie selon la méthodologie des études (objectifs liés au TSPT, groupe de comparaison) et les caractéristiques spécifiques des participants (pays d’origine, sexe, type d’événement traumatique). La présence d’un TCC représente un facteur de risque pour le développement d’un TSPT, et ce, spécialement chez les militaires et les vétérans. La cooccurrence de ces deux troubles complique le portrait des patients, la charge des proches et le travail des cliniciens. Ce double diagnostic requière une collaboration interdisciplinaire étant donné la complexité du portrait des personnes ayant été soumises à un trauma autant physique que psychologique.
The risk of developing a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the factors that may affect the manifestation of both disorders in a same individual remain to be clarified. Military personnel (including veterans who have been active members) are at higher risk of physical injuries and exposure to potentially traumatic events and could be particularly susceptible to display the TBI-PTSD comorbidity. This dissertation aims to depict the frequency of PTSD after TBI, the mechanisms behind the development of this dual diagnosis, its symptomatic particularities and risk factors. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to determine if adults with TBI are at greater risk of developing PTSD than other trauma-exposed populations, and if this risk is even greater in military than in civilian populations. A secondary aim was to determine the factors that increase the probability to experience PTSD after TBI. Results from the 33 studies that were included in this meta-analysis suggest that the risk of developing PTSD is 2.68 times greater (27%) after TBI than when there is no such head injury (11%). Moreover, individuals with TBI are 4.18 times more likely to have a diagnosis of PTSD than those without TBI when they are in the military (37%), compared with 1.26 for civilians (16%). The risk of PTSD after TBI is concurrently attributable to the methods of the included studies (objectives focused on PTSD diagnosis, type of comparison group) and to participants’ characteristics (country, sex, type of traumatic event). TBI diagnosis represents greater risk for PTSD, especially in military and veteran settings. The dual diagnosis of TBI and PTSD complicates the patients’ portrait, the burden of the caregivers and the clinicians’ work. The combination of these disorders requires an interdisciplinary collaboration, as physical and psychological traumas are closely intertwined.
The risk of developing a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the factors that may affect the manifestation of both disorders in a same individual remain to be clarified. Military personnel (including veterans who have been active members) are at higher risk of physical injuries and exposure to potentially traumatic events and could be particularly susceptible to display the TBI-PTSD comorbidity. This dissertation aims to depict the frequency of PTSD after TBI, the mechanisms behind the development of this dual diagnosis, its symptomatic particularities and risk factors. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to determine if adults with TBI are at greater risk of developing PTSD than other trauma-exposed populations, and if this risk is even greater in military than in civilian populations. A secondary aim was to determine the factors that increase the probability to experience PTSD after TBI. Results from the 33 studies that were included in this meta-analysis suggest that the risk of developing PTSD is 2.68 times greater (27%) after TBI than when there is no such head injury (11%). Moreover, individuals with TBI are 4.18 times more likely to have a diagnosis of PTSD than those without TBI when they are in the military (37%), compared with 1.26 for civilians (16%). The risk of PTSD after TBI is concurrently attributable to the methods of the included studies (objectives focused on PTSD diagnosis, type of comparison group) and to participants’ characteristics (country, sex, type of traumatic event). TBI diagnosis represents greater risk for PTSD, especially in military and veteran settings. The dual diagnosis of TBI and PTSD complicates the patients’ portrait, the burden of the caregivers and the clinicians’ work. The combination of these disorders requires an interdisciplinary collaboration, as physical and psychological traumas are closely intertwined.
Landré, Lionel. "Etude des corrélats cérébraux de la mémoire épisodique et de la mémoire de travail chez les patientes souffrant d'un trouble de stress post-traumatique consécutif à des abus sexuels." Thesis, Tours, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOUR2010/document.
Full textPTSD is classically associated with verbal memory impairments and specific brain alterations. However, few studies have investigated the population of female victims of civilian traumas. During three studies using magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the condition of the brain correlates of episodic and working memory in patients with sexual abuse-related PTSD. Our work has highlighted an important matching between the brain regions underlying strong verbal memories encoding and those that are usually affected by PTSD. Moreover, we demonstrated the absence of volumetric shrinking of these regions in our sample. Finally, we noticed a potentially compensatory alteration of functional activation pattern in this population during verbal working memory processing of trauma-related and unrelated items. These results suggest a gender-dependent specificity of PTSD neurocognitive mechanisms and further support the interest of using cognitive remediation in its treatment
Leroy, Arnaud. "Étude du réseau de saillance dans la survenue des expériences intrusives dans la schizophrénie et le psychotrauma Reward anticipation in schizophrenia: a coordinate-based meta-analysis fMRI capture of auditory hallucinations: Validation of the two-steps method." Thesis, Lille, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LILUS018.
Full textIn a sensorially complex world, human beings need to efficiently and effectively filter and respond to relevant stimuli. Stimuli are prioritized according to their saliency. Especially, the salience network is readily identified as an intrinsically connected large-scale network including prominent nodes as the anterior insula, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, the amygdala, the ventral striatum, and the substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area. The salience network not only plays an important role in saliency detection and reactivity but also facilitates access to attention and working memory resources once a salient event has been detected. Stress reactions have been previously linked to activation of the salience network. Moreover, network models are now being widely used to characterize deficits in a wide range of psychiatric and neurological disorders. These studies have provided evidence for prominent salience network dysfunctions in frontotemporal dementia, mood and anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, drug addiction, or pain. Especially, the role of the salience network in intrusive experiences has been suggested, during hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia, and more recently, during re-experiencing in patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders. The goal of the present thesis is to improve knowledge about the role of the salience network in intrusive thoughts in these two disorders. In a first part, we studied the role of the salience network in hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia. In a second part, we studied its role in re-experiencing in post-traumatic stress disorder. In a coordinate-based meta-analysis, we explored the neural bases of salience in schizophrenia, focusing on reward processing. We showed that the hypoactivation of the ventral striatum found in patients with schizophrenia during such tasks was correlated with positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Furthermore, several ‘trait’ and ‘state’ studies found that the salience network has a modulatory function in the occurrence of hallucinatory experiences. In a second study, we thus validated a method for hallucinations’ capture, making possible the comparison between the time-course of brains areas overactivated during these experiences and conventional resting-state networks, which is a mandatory step for the study of the dynamic role of the salience network during hallucinations. Finally, in a third study, we explored the role of insular cortex in re-experiencing symptoms in post-traumatic stress disorders, and especially its role in response to pre-reactivation propranolol therapy. The neural bases of treatment-response are indeed still poorly understood, notably via effective connectivity analysis. We showed that the anterior insula exerted causal influences over the brain which correlate with reexperiencing in post-traumatic stress disorder. These studies pave the way for future developments. Especially, improvement in the knowledge about the physiopathology of intrusive experiences, both in schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder, are important to develop re-experiencing capture methods, and for the development of personalized medicine in these two disorders
Einloft, Brunnet Alice. "Évaluation des réactions post-traumatiques chez les migrants et réfugiés : une étude transculturelle en France et au Brésil." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UBFCH025.
Full textIntroduction: This research aimed to investigate the post-traumatic reactions in migrants who live in France and Brazil. Through five studies, diverse aspects of this phenomenon were studied: (1) psychological assessment in a transcultural situation, (2) the validity of the factorial models for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a multicultural sample, (3) the factors associated with the development of PTSD, symptoms of anxiety, depression, (4) the post- traumatic growth (PTG), (5) the migration experience. Method: Our total sample consisted of 244 participants, 100 living in France and 144 in Brazil. Participants completed questionnaires assessing symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and PTG. In addition, a qualitative study was conducted with thirteen participants (5 in France and 6 in Brazil), who responded a semi- structured interview about their migratory experiences. The data were collected in non- governmental organizations that provide support for migrants in both countries. Quantitative data were analyzed using software R. Descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis were performed. Qualitative data were analyzed with a thematic analysis on ATLAS.TI software. Results: The results of this thesis are presented in two parts. The first part, called “psychological assessment in transcultural situation”, consists of two articles, one theoretical and one quantitative. The second part, “Migrations and mental health in France and Brazil” consists of two quantitative and one qualitative article. Regarding the factorial structure of PTSD, the tested models presented a good fit to the data, with the ICD-11 model being superior to the DSM-5 model and to the theoretical model “Anhedonia”. Participants in France had higher rates of PTSD, anxiety and depression while respondents in Brazil presented higher rates of PTG. The number of post-migratory stressors was the most important predictor of the mental health outcomes in both countries. Little access to food and feelings of loneliness were negatively associated with PTG. Concerns about the family in the country of origin was a positive predictor. Qualitative results were analyzed from three major categories of the migratory experience: before, during and after migration. Conclusion: Although the models proposed by international manuals are valid in a multicultural sample, clinicians who come in contact with this population must be sensitive to other presentations of the disorder, which can be influenced by cultural issues or by the type of trauma experienced. Our results also show the importance of the host country context in the mental health of migrants, as well as the traumatic events experienced before and after migration
Viard, Florent. "L’EMDR dans l’évolution de la prise en charge du TSPT : psychothérapie de la dissociation par les Stimulations Bilatérales Alternées Auditives." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AZUR2028/document.
Full textScientific background: The alternate bilateral stimulations (ABS) are techniques relating to the visual, tactile or aural modalities used in the psychotherapy EMDR "Eyes Movement Desensitization And reprocessing". Insulating research the SBA often focus on visual modality and relate its effect on subjective disturbance from the decline in observed vegetative activity. However, some PTSD do not exhibit marked vegetative activity, this correlatively with the presence of dissociation (Choi et al., 2017; Sack, Cillien, & Hopper, 2012; Briere, Weathers, & Runtz, 2005) Also, few studies are devoted to auditory ABS except to indicate their lesser effect compared to other modalities (Van Den Hout et al, 2012). On the other hand, the link between the auditory ABS and the dissociation has never been the subject of publication.Problem: What is the effect of auditory ABS on the intensity of event-related dissociation and disturbance signs?Method : After defining dissociation as a process of perception of subjective experience that escapes consciousness, we use an experimental method including 40 voluntary participants to offer an argument in favor of the interest of the auditory ABS in the treatment of dissociation. The study includes 40 healthy participants with stable vegetative activity during the recall of a disturbing memory. The subjects are randomly distributed for the treatment phase during which they recall the event simultaneously to auditory SBA (n = 20) or without hearing SBA (n = 20). The intensity of the signs of dissociation and disturbance is measured in pre-treatment and post-treatment from the average scores in the questionnaire RSDI "Response to script Driven imaging" (Hopper and LA, 2007). Results : For dissociation, there is a significant interaction between the variables group and Moment, F (1, 38) = 5.25, p =. 03. With SBA auditory, there is a difference in pre-and post-treatment scores of significant V = 134, n = 20, p =. 03; In the sense of a decrease. For subjective disturbance, there is no significant interaction between the variables and the difference in scores is not significant.DISCUSSION : The auditory technique reduces the intensity of the dissociation signs. This does not necessarily generate a disturbing subjective experience. These preliminary results open a field of research on dissociative psychopathology and of auditory ABS. Based on the work of Stanislas Dehaene on the "Global Neural work space" and consciousness, we propose a new theoretical model of ABS action by integrating its effects on dissociation. Methodological recommendations are envisaged
Perreault, Mathieu. "Évaluation du groupe de traitement du sommeil de la base militaire de Valcartier." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/7928.
Full textWoods, Jamie. "Le trouble stress post-traumatique en contexte de traumatisme crânio-cérébral : caractéristiques pré- et péri-traumatiques associées et effet à long terme sur la qualité de vie liée à la santé et la participation sociale." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/69377.
Full textAlvarez, Fernandez Victor. "Réactivité émotionnelle en vie quotidienne chez des adultes exposés à des événements potentiellement traumatiques." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0252.
Full textExposure to a potentially traumatic event (PTE), especially when involving interpersonal violence, can generate severe long-term psychological consequences such as disturbances in emotional regulation. Several studies suggest that the presence of alterations in emotional reactivity is an important vulnerability factor for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, very few have addressed the subject through ecological protocols, that is, by observing emotional reactivity in response to real daily events.The objective of the present work is to examine alterations in emotional reactivity to daily events and how these alterations associate to PTSD, as well as exposure to PTE.To do so, this study uses an ecological momentary assessment protocol. The study is ancillary to the World Mental Health- International College Survey, an international initiative of the World Health Organization to assess the risk and protective factors involved in the occurrence of mental health problems in young adults.The overall results reveal an association between the development of PTSD and the exposure to interpersonal violence with alterations in emotional reactivity to daily events.These results suggest that emotional dysregulation is a central feature of PTSD, and that the exposure to interpersonal violence can have long-term emotional consequences that are independent of the emergence of a mental disorder, thus providing new perspectives for further research on the emotional alterations resulting from exposure to a traumatic event
Postel, Charlotte. "Anomalies structurales de la région hippocampique chez l'adolescent et l'adulte souffrant d'un trouble de stress post-traumatique Hippocampal subfields alterations in adolescents with PTSD Hippocampal subfields alterations in terrorist attack survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder Hippocampal subfields plasticity following post-traumatic stress disorder : a longitudinal study Développement de l'hippocampe durant l'enfance et l'adolescence Prospective memory in adolescents with autism : a preliminary study of the impact of memory load." Thesis, Normandie, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NORMC005.
Full textPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with structural differences within several cerebral regions, such as the hippocampus. A smaller hippocampal volume is thought to foster the development and the maintenance of the pathology. The hippocampus is composed of several subfields (Cornu Ammonis (CA1, CA2 and CA3), Dentate gyrus (DG), Subiculum), each having different histological characteristics and functions. Hence, the objectives of this thesis were to (1) investigate structural alterations within hippocampal subfields and (2) explore the links between these alterations and the symptoms in adolescents and adults suffering from PTSD. Our results showed a smaller volume of the region CA2-3/DG in adolescents with PTSD and suggested that this alteration could foster re-experiencing symptoms. Adults with PTSD had smaller volumes of CA2-3/DG and CA1. An alteration of CA2-3/DG was associated with avoidance, hyperarousal and depression symptoms while smaller CA1 volume was associated with more severe re-experiencing symptoms. Our results also suggested that enhanced hippocampal plasticity in adults could promote a reduction of the symptoms. Indeed, an augmentation of CA2-3/DG and CA1 volumes in adults with PTSD, over a period of two years, was associated with a reduction of depression and re-experiencing symptoms, respectively. Hence, targeting hippocampal plasticity in PTSD individuals could be a promising approach to promote symptoms reduction
Billoux, Peyrot des Gachons Sophie. "Fonctionnement de la mémoire autobiographique dans un contexte de traumatisme psychique." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOU30097/document.
Full textPsychological trauma defines the emotional shock experienced by an individual following a traumatic event. In some cases, the psychotraumatic symptomatology develops and persists, leading to the onset of posttraumatic stress disorder. The literature has widely described the memory impairment associated with the disease, especially dysfunction of autobiographical memory. This complex memory system contains the story of our past, on which our present identity and future aspirations are based. However, it remains unclear whether this deficit is due to premorbid autobiographical memory dysfunction, to the trauma exposure itself, or to the subsequent development of posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology. Research has not yet clarified the relationship between autobiographical memory dysfunction and psychological trauma. Throughout this work, we will define autobiographical memory function in the context of psychological trauma. The first two studies will analyze autobiographical memory function following a single traumatic exposure and following repeated exposures. The final study will shed light on how autobiographical memory functions among participants with posttraumatic stress disorder in partial remission
Pranal, Marine. "Hémorragies du post-partum immédiat : Estimations visuelles des pertes sanguines par les sages-femmes et les étudiants sages-femmes et prévalence des troubles psychologiques en cas d'hémorragie du post-partum immédiat : Etude PSYCHE." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CLFAS008.
Full textObjectives: The objectives were to assess the accuracy of visual estimates of blood loss (EVPS) by midwives and midwifery students (Part 1) and secondly to assess the psychological consequences after postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) (Part 2). Part 1: We performed a multicenter cross-sectional study (n = 16,656). French practicing midwives and midwifery students were asked to estimate eight photographs of the volume of blood loss via online survey. Each photograph was duplicated and randomly ordered in the questionnaire with a reference 50 mL. We observed that the overall percentage of exact estimates of the volume of losses proposed was low in both groups of respondents (34.1%). PPH threshold was always successfully diagnosed but identified in less than half of the cases for severe PPH. Intra-observer agreement was better for the extreme values (100 mL and 1500 mL) with higher agreement (weighted kappa ≥ 0.8) for the highest values (1000 mL and 1500 mL). Midwives tended to underestimate the amount of blood loss but to a lesser extent than students. Regardless of respondent category or diagnosis (HPP or severe PPH), the specificity of the EVPS as a diagnostic test was greater than its sensitivity. Part 2: Our second component was a monocentric cross-sectional descriptive and etiologically oriented study on a cohort of women who gave birth at Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital [n = 1298; 528 women with HPP = exposed (GE) and 770 women without HPP = unexposed (GNE)]. The prevalence of depression in women after immediate PPH (<24 hours) was assessed at postpartum M2, M6 and M12 using the EPDS questionnaire. Anxiety was assessed at the same time with the STAI-YA and GAD-7 questionnaires and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) via the IES-R. All questionnaires were self-reported. The overall participation of women at M2 was 63,7% (GE: 63% and GNE: 64,1%). We found prevalences in exposed patients of 24,1% for DPP (vs. GNE: 18,3%), 20,4% anxiety (vs. GNE: 13,4%) and 12,9% TSPT (vs. GNE: 7,8%). After adjustment, only the risk of having PTSD at M2 remained significantly increased in women who had PPH (ORa = 2,11, 95% CI: 1,14-4,00). Analyzes at M6 and M12 will be carried out when the follow-up is completed. Conclusion: Part 1: Students midwives tended to underestimate the amount of blood loss more often than midwives despite using a standard measure. HPP (≥ 500 ml) was always identified but severe PPH (≥ 1000 ml) was identified in less than half of the cases. The difficulty of the EVPS must be emphasized during the initial training of the students and during professional’s trainings. Part 2: DPP, anxiety, and PTSD are common in the postpartum period including women who have not had PPH. The occurrence of PTSD is to be monitored at M2 in women with PPH. It is important to identify these disorders in all postpartum women in order to implement adapted and individualized follow-up of these women and thus to promote the mother-child bond
Rekik, Khaoula. "La mémoire hippocampo-dépendante : altérations dans un modèle de vieillissement accéléré et régulation par le système nociceptinergique chez la souris." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30327/document.
Full textMemory can be defined as a biological and psychic activity that allows the acquisition, storage and retrieval of information. Long-term memory formation takes place in several stages: acquisition, consolidation. Once consolidated, the memory can be reactivated and then reconsolidated. Memory is a dynamic process that can undergo physiological (aging) or pathological alterations (neurodegenerative diseases, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)) during the life of an individual. In a first step, we characterized the behavior of Werner mice (WRN), a model of accelerated aging. Our results showed that WRN mice of different ages (3, 5 and 8 months) showed no motor problems or anxiety, two parameters altered in 21-month-old mice. These mice also showed no non hippocampus-dependent memory deficit but showed hippocampus- dependent memory deficits. In terms of functional integrity of the hippocampus, Werner mice are able to store information after learning, but from 8 months onwards, they lack behavioral flexibility in spatial and contextual memory tests, a feature also observed in physiological aging. Our results show that at the behavioral level, WRN mice are a good model for studying aging because they show from 8 months deficits comparable to normal elderly mice without confounding effects related to locomotion or anxiety. Secondly, we evaluated the effect of a neuropeptidergic system, the nociceptin system (N/OFQ peptide, NOP receptor) on long-term memory. We first showed that differentagonists of the NOP receptor inhibit the reconsolidation of aversive memory in the fear conditioning paradigm.. This inhibitory effect was also observed in a non- aversive hippocampus-dependent task, the object location test. Since activation of NOP receptors produces an amnestic effect, it can be hypothesized that their inhibition by antagonists could promote learning and memory. Indeed, our first results show that the injection of a NOP antagonist improves the performance in the object location test in Tg2576 mice, a model of familial Alzheimer's disease. All these results validate the interest of the nociceptinergic system as a therapeutic target to attenuate pathological forms of aversive memory as in the case of PTSD, or on the contrary improve memory performance in Alzheimer patients
Payer, Mylène. "L'état de stress post-traumatique-complexe : un concept novateur à explorer." Thèse, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/9232.
Full textMaltreatment is a risk factor that may hinder the normal development of children. The principal objective of this thesis is to better understand complex posttraumatic stress disorder, by evaluating it and documenting its relationship with other variables. This thesis includes two empirical articles. The objective of the first article is to develop a measure of complex posttraumatic stress disorder for French-speaking adults. The psychometric properties of the translated version of the Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress-Self-Report (SIDES-SR) were tested through preliminary analyses with 438 French-speaking adults from the general population and the University of Montreal. Results demonstrate that the instrument has a factor structure of five factors similar to the English version of the instrument. The factors obtained are: 1) pessimistic beliefs about others and future, 2) managing emotions, 3) avoidance of physical and sexual contact, 4) somatization, and 5) risk-taking behaviours. The internal consistency of 4 of the 5 factors varies from acceptable to very satisfactory, while their temporal stability and convergent, divergent and concurrent validity are acceptable. The purpose of the second article is to examine the contribution of complex posttraumatic stress disorder found in mothers and parenting practices (monitoring and abusive punishment) on psychological symptoms reported by children victims of sexual abuse. Symptoms of 96 mothers and their rearing practices were assessed using self-report measures, while children’s symptoms were measured with an instrument designed for children. Results demonstrate that, after controlling for sociodemographic variables and characteristics of the child sexual abuse, complex posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with several symptoms in children. The moderating role of maternal monitoring in the relationship between complex posttraumatic stress disorder of mothers and symptoms of depression and opposition of children is also demonstrated. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed concerning the results obtained in this doctoral project.
LaGarde, Geneviève. "Déficits cognitifs associés au trouble de stress post-traumatique aigu : une investigation longitudinale." Thèse, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/6359.
Full textRobitaille, Roxane. "Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in young males diagnosed with testicular or lymphatic cancer." Thèse, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/6388.
Full textGallant, Audrey. "Étude des perceptions du trouble de stress post-traumatique parmi des militaires canadiens et leur conjointe." Thèse, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/13432.
Full textPineau, Hélène. "Impacts neuropsychologiques d'un état de stress post-traumatique, selon qu'il s'accompagne ou non d'un traumatisme cranio-cérébral léger concomitant." Thèse, 2011. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/4036/1/D2157.pdf.
Full textBerthiaume, Caroline. "Le trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les enfants : état des connaissances et examen de l'efficacité d'un traitement cognitivo-comportemental suite à un événement traumatique unique." Thèse, 2007. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/684/1/D1608.pdf.
Full textPoundja, Joaquin. "Le blocage de la reconsolidation des souvenirs, une avenue possible pour le traitement du trouble de stress post-traumatique?" Thèse, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/8682.
Full textThis dissertation aims at exploring the efficacy of a new treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The treatment was developed in accordance with an emerging theory in neuroscience, the reconsolidation theory, and it consists in six short reactivation sessions of a traumatic memory under the influence of propranolol (a ß-blocker), with patients suffering from longstanding PTSD. This dissertation includes five chapters. Chapter I is the introduction, it includes a discussion on the following topics : definition and prevalence of PTSD,empirically validated treatments in the field, memory theories, etiology of PTSD, studies on consolidation and reconsolidation, pharmacokinetics of propranolol and its mechanism of action in reconsolidation, and the objectives of the dissertation. Chapter II is a critical literature review on reconsolidation theory. We discuss some of the contradicting findings in reconsolidation, as some researchers have reported negative results in the field. We address the possibility to reconcile these discrepancies,within the scope of evaluating the validity of the theory. We also discuss a series of criterion which could provide guidance in differentiating reconsolidation from other processes. We conclude that reconsolidation theory seems valid, although more research is needed in order to shed light on some negative results that were published in the past. Chapter III is an open label trial comprising six sessions of treatment (trauma reactivation under propranolol) with 42 patients suffering from chronic PTSD. At a three-month follow-up, we report that patients have a 41% - 56% reduction in PTSD symptoms, and that 31 / 42 patients no longer meet the diagnostic threshold for PTSD. In comparison, only 2 / 25 patients from the control group (assessments only) don’t meet the diagnostic threshold for PTSD. In the treatment group, effect sizes (Cohen’s d) range between 1.32 -2.19. Chapter IV follows on the previous chapter’s study, and aims at identifying predictors of treatment outcome (i.e., predictors of the improvement in PTSD symptoms), and whether patients also improve in health domains other than PTSD. We report that women improve more than men during the treatment, but that other factors such as borderline personality severity traits or type of trauma (childhood versus adulthood) do not influence treatment outcome. Patients also improve in diverse health domains during the treatment; they have a better quality of life, less depressive symptoms, less intense negative emotions in daily life and during trauma recollection. Chapter V contains a general discussion and a conclusion. We summarize and interpret the results, we explore alternative hypotheses to the clinical improvement as well as future research directions. We conclude that this treatment yielded interesting results in our sample of patients suffering from chronic PTSD. However, our methodology (open label study) doesn’t provide any information on the mechanism of action of the treatment used in this dissertation, i.e. whether the clinical improvement was caused or not by reconsolidation blockade.
Lafrance, Valérie. "Efficacité thérapeutique et adaptations culturelles de la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour traiter le trouble de stress post-traumatique chez les jeunes réfugiés." Thèse, 2011. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/4043/1/D2160.pdf.
Full textBoisclair, Demarble Julie. "Différences de genre dans la dissociation et la détresse péri-traumatique, et associations avec les troubles de stress aigu et de stress post-traumatique chez des victimes d’actes criminels graves." Thèse, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/19305.
Full textThis thesis aimed to contribute to the acute stress disorder (ASD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) literature in terms of gender differences among crime victims. Precisely, we were interested in the intensity and presence of peritraumatic reactions namely, dissociation and distress, among men and women victims of violent crimes. Two objectives were pursued. First, we evaluated whether peritraumatic dissociation and distress were significant risk factors for ASD development and if these acute stress reactions’ predictive capacity, differed according to gender. A second objective was to investigate if peritraumatic dissociation and distress significantly predicted PTSD development according to gender. Globally, in this research project, we were interested in determining the impact of gender in the prediction of the above-mentioned relationship . Semi-structured interviews; the Acute Stress Disorder Interview (ASDI) in the first article and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) in the second article were conducted with 214 victims (125 women, Mage=39.6yrs) to assess ASD and PTSD respectively. Data on peritraumatic variables were collected through self-report questionnaires, the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experience Questionnaire and the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory. Peritraumatic dissociation and distress were both significant risk factors for ASD in men and women. Women presented higher peritraumatic distress levels compared to men victims. Gender differences were revealed through past potential traumatic experiences, where they have a cumulative impact on ASD risk development for men, but having few past potential traumas could be a protective factor for women. In the second article, findings reveal that acute stress variables were both significantly related to more PTSD symptoms, although no gender differences were identified. An acute stress disorder diagnosis was also confirmed as an important predictor of PTSD in victims of violent crimes. These results, study limitations, directions for future research as well as clinical implications for ASD and PTSD treatment will be discussed.