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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'TRIZ'

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Grawatsch, Markus. "TRIZ-basierte Technologiefrüherkennung /." Aachen : Shaker, 2005.

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Grawatsch, Markus [Verfasser]. "TRIZ-basierte Technologiefrüherkennung / Markus Grawatsch." Aachen : Shaker, 2005.

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Крестенкова, Е. "Theory of inventive problem solving (triz)." Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2006.

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Shahdad, Mir Abubakr. "Engineering innovation (TRIZ based computer aided innovation)." Thesis, University of Plymouth, 2015.

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This thesis describes the approach and results of the research to create a TRIZ based computer aided innovation tools (AEGIS and Design for Wow). This research has mainly been based around two tools created under this research: called AEGIS (Accelerated Evolutionary Graphics Interface System), and Design for Wow. Both of these tools are discussed in this thesis in detail, along with the test data, design methodology, test cases, and research. Design for Wow ( is an attempt to summarize the successful inventions/ designs from all over the world on a web portal which has multiple capabilities. These designs/innovations are then linked to the TRIZ Principles in order to determine whether innovative aspects of these successful innovations are fully covered by the forty TRIZ principles. In Design for Wow, a framework is created which is implemented through a review tool. The Design for Wow website includes this tool which has been used by researcher and the users of the site and reviewers to analyse the uploaded data in terms of strength of TRIZ Principles linked to them. AEGIS (Accelerated Evolutionary Graphics Interface System) is a software tool developed under this research aimed to help the graphic designers to make innovative graphic designs. Again it uses the forty TRIZ Principles as a set of guiding rules in the software. AEGIS creates graphic design prototypes according to the user input and uses TRIZ Principles framework as a guide to generate innovative graphic design samples. The AEGIS tool created is based on TRIZ Principles discussed in Chapter 3 (a subset of them). In AEGIS, the TRIZ Principles are used to create innovative graphic design effects. The literature review on innovative graphic design (in chapter 3) has been analysed for links with TRIZ Principles and then the DNA of AEGIS has been built on the basis of this study. Results from various surveys/ questionnaires indicated were used to collect the innovative graphic design samples and then TRIZ was mapped to it (see section 3.2). The TRIZ effects were mapped to the basic graphic design elements and the anatomy of the graphic design letters was studied to analyse the TRIZ effects in the collected samples. This study was used to build the TRIZ based AEGIS tool. Hence, AEGIS tool applies the innovative effects using TRIZ to basic graphic design elements (as described in section 3.3). the working of AEGIS is designed based on Genetic Algorithms coded specifically to implement TRIZ Principles specialized for Graphic Design, chapter 4 discusses the process followed to apply TRIZ Principles to graphic design and coding them using Genetic Algorithms, hence resulting in AEGIS tool. Similarly, in Design for Wow, the content uploaded has been analysed for its link with TRIZ Principles (see section 3.1 for TRIZ Principles). The tool created in Design for Wow is based on the framework of analysing the TRIZ links in the uploaded content. The ‘Wow’ concept discussed in the section 5.1 and 5.2 is the basis of the concept of Design for Wow website, whereby the users upload the content they classify as ‘Wow’. This content then is further analysed for the ‘Wow factor’ and then mapped to TRIZ Principles as TRIZ tagging methodology is framed (section 5.5). From the results of the research, it appears that the TRIZ Principles are a comprehensive set of innovation basic building blocks. Some surveys suggest that amongst other tools, TRIZ Principles were the first choice and used most .They have thus the potential of being used in other innovation domains, to help in their analysis, understanding and potential development.
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Fernandes, João Nuno Sá. "Aplicação da metodologia TRIZ em empresas industriais." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2013.

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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
A metodologia TRIZ (Teoria de Resolução Inventiva de Problemas) promove a inovação sistemática e a procura de novas soluções para os problemas existentes. A importância da inovação está bem presente nos dias de hoje nas empresas que queiram ser competitivas, os mercados estão em constante evolução e as empresas têm de acompanhar essa necessidade, sendo um ponto forte de diferenciação o uso da metodologia TRIZ no alcance de novas soluções e com isso ficar em vantagem em relação a outras empresas. No âmbito deste trabalho foi realizado um estudo explorativo da utilização das ferramentas da metodologia TRIZ em várias atividades industriais. No 1º caso, fez-se um estudo de melhoria tecnológica de um esterilizador industrial, utilizando a metodologia TRIZ. No 2º problema, foi aplicada a metodologia TRIZ na automatização do processo de soldadura numa empresa metalomecânica. No 3º caso, a metodologia TRIZ foi aplicada na implementação da manutenção preditiva de equipamentos mecânicos e na sua mão de obra. No conjunto das situações analisadas, foram aplicadas várias ferramentas analíticas do método TRIZ, nomeadamente o ARIZ (Algoritmo de Resolução Inventiva de Problemas), as 76 Soluções Padrão, a Matriz de Contradições e a Análise Substância-Campo.
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Córdova, Ames Wilmer. "TRIZ, la herramienta del pensamiento e innovación sistemática." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012.

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La teoría de la solución de problemas de inventiva (TRIZ, por sus siglas en ruso) es una poderosa metodología que aprovecha el proceso de pensamiento sistemática. Está basada en el conocimiento y las experiencias de las mentes más ilustres de la historia, y nos brinda una serie de herramientas que permiten llegar a soluciones innovadoras, crear nuevos productos e incrementar nuestra habilidad creativa.Existen otras metodologías conocidas que generan innovación, como el brainstorming (lluvia de ideas), mapas mentales, seis sombreros, lenguajes de neurolinguistica, etc. Estas metodologías están basadas en patrones de conducta, emociones, e inercia psicológica; otra desventaja respecto a estas metodologías es que el conocimiento es su limitante. Una vez agotadas todas las búsquedas de posibles soluciones, se llega a soluciones forzadas o de compromiso; en cambio, TRIZ es una metodología basada en el estudio del conocimiento humano (patentes) y que nos presenta el pensamiento sistemático.El presente artículo revela una poderosa herramienta del pensamiento sistemático con el fin de resolver o conseguir soluciones concretas a cualquier problema, ya sea de ingeniería, administración o cualquier campo, que pueda aportar a la comunidad el pensamiento sistemático, así como brindar herramientas para lograr la ansiada innovación.
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Berglund, Johan. "Framtagning av ny bärare för kassettöverdelar." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2015.

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Fiomi Diagnostics AB manufactures and develops point of care cassettes for bloodsamples to determine risk of myocardial infarction and heart failure for use within thehealthcare sector. The cassette contains of three main parts; top, bottom and a plasticchip. The bottom parts are delivered directly from the supplier to the assembly linewhile the top part has to be prepared with a membrane for blood separation byultrasonic welding before it can be sent to the assembly line. At present the top parts are provided with the membranes a floor below theassembly line and therefore have to be transported by carriers to the assembly line.These carriers are currently designed as large plates (400 x 600 mm) with a capacityof 120 top parts, but they are space consuming at the ultrasonic welder as well at theassembly line.To solve this lack of space the operators often place the platesdiagonally behind themselves where room is available. This causes ergonomicproblems due to the many twists of the upper body conducted at both processes. To solve the ergonomic problems this thesis work were initiated to develop a newmore agile carrier between the two processes. During the thesis work TRIZ wereused to trigger creative concepts, choose among them and combine the good ideasfrom different concepts. After the conceptual phase different manufacturing methodswere explored. To be certain that the concept could be manufactured by specificmanufacturing process different manufactures were contacted to help out with whatwould make the concept suitable for the specific method. The manufacturing methodsexamined were: injection molding, plastic and aluminum extrusion, vacuum molding,additive manufacturing and sheet metal bending. Prototypes of the three best concepts were created by 3D-printing to be evaluatedby the operators whom in the future might be using the new carriers. Complementedwith an evaluation of the carriers economic and performance data, a recommendationof which carrier should be selected were concluded. The result was a carrier manufactured by sheet metal bending with a pattern cut outwhich allows for the top parts to hang in the carrier. The design has a capacity of 60top parts which is half of the current carrier, but with a base area of a sixth of thecurrent carrier gives the new design an increase in surface efficiency by 300 %. Due tothe low order size the sheet metal alternative was the cheapest alternative.
Fiomi Diagnostics AB tillverkar och utvecklar patientnära blodprovskassetter för attidentifiera risk för hjärtinfarkt och hjärtsvikt för att användas inom hälsovården.Kassetterna består av tre huvuddelar, en överdel, en underdel samt ett plastchip.Underdelarna kommer direkt från leverantör till monteringen medan överdelarna måsteförses med ett blodseparationsmembran genom ultraljudssvets innan det kan skickas tillmonteringen. I dagsläget förses överdelarna med blodseparationsmembran på våningen undermonteringen och måste därför transporteras på bärare till monteringen. Dessa bärare äridag stora plåtar (400 x 600 mm) som rymmer 120 kassettöverdelar, men som ärskrymmande både vid ultraljudsprocessen och vid monteringen. För att lösa platsbristenställer operatörerna dessa plåtar ofta snett bakom sig där plats finns. Detta skaparergonomiska problem då många vridningar av överkroppen sker vid båda processerna. För att lösa de ergonomiska problemen initierades detta examensarbete för att ta fram enny smidigare bärare mellan processerna. I arbetet så används TRIZ för att genererakreativa koncept samt sålla bland dessa och kombinera det som var bra från ett koncepttill andra. Efter konceptfasen utforskades olika produktionstekniker för att tillverkakoncepten. För att veta att koncepten kunde tillverkas för tänkt tillverkningsmetodkontaktades tillverkare och tillfrågades vad som krävdes för att metoden skulle varagenomförbar. Tillverkningsmetoder som utforskades var; formsprutning, extrusion avplast samt aluminium, vakuumformning, additiv tillverkning samt plåtbockning. Prototyper togs fram med hjälp av 3D-printer av de tre bästa alternativen för att utvärderasav operatörerna som i framtiden kan komma att använda dessa. Tillsamman med enutvärdering av bärarnas ekonomi och prestanda utsågs en rekommendation av vilkenbärare som bör användas. Resultatet blev en bärare tillverkad genom plåtbockning med utskuret mönster för att låtakassettöverdelarna hänga i den. Designen har en kapacitet för 60 kassettöverdelar vilketär en halvering av den befintliga, men basytan för den nya designen är en sjättedel av denbefintliga bäraren vilket ger en yteffektivitetsökning med 300 %. Då seriestorleken avbärarna var relativt låg så blev plåtalternativet också billigaste av alternativet.
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Thiel, Rainer. "Dialektik, TRIZ und ProHEAL." 2020.

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Huang, Jing-Chiang, and 黃靖強. "TRIZ and PDM System Integration." Thesis, 2010.

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Companies must develop new product and improve their knowledge to keep up with competitive markets. Creativity is one of Critical Success Factors.Recently, a special method to improve creativity named TRIZ(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving).TRIZ have been developed rapidly and known as a useful tool to slove those problem include engineering and management. People will make systematic thinking when they have contradition. PDM system specialize to manage data in product develop life cycle. In this process, Members output a large number documents. It will deteriorate ability of communication. PDM system will track and control all changes to product related data. It will spend less time organizing, reduce data reduplication and improve productivity. In view of the above, the research has put forward the conception of combine TRIZ and PDMS. Engneers will slove problem effectively by the new method from this research. The integrated system ,have both advantages, not only help enterprise innovate problem solving but also store the knowledge.Enhance competiton and create a good collaborat environment.
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MING-REN, CHEN, and 陳銘仁. "Integrating TRIZ with Value Engineeringon the Innovation of ProductIntegrating TRIZ with Value Engineeringon the Innovation of ProductIntegrating TRIZ with Value Engineering on the Innovation of Product." Thesis, 2009.

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The technology developing in a high speed pace makes short product life cycle. At the same time when company holding technology of research and development that resembles to another, the product differentiation is the key factor how they can compete advantageously. Thus how to make product innovation systematically and efficiently and reduce product cost become crucial issues in the current stage of doing business. The purpose of this research is to propose a systematic product innovation process, by using the function attribute analysis and product value concept, to find the break-through point of the problem to improve design, even to upgrade the efficiency and quality of the R&D design. The implementation of the research is outlined. First, to understand the function of each component in a product, then analyze the relationship among the components, followed by the development of product function attribute to access the parameter value with link analysis, next perform the evaluation of component by the introduction of value engineering, using the formula of (ideality=profit/unit cost) to calculate the benefit value and cost of each component to determine the ideality, and consummates in the choice of component with low ideality parameter, and tackling on that component by a systematic product innovation process invoked through TRIZ. The results of this research, typified by a dining table, present a systematic methodology for product innovation process to innovate a product efficiently and to establish product function analysis so that each component of the product can be evaluated quantitatively. Thus the product cost will be reduced and its profit will be increased.
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Yang, Ying Ming, and 楊英明. "A TRIZ Approach to IT Service." Thesis, 2007.

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In today's worldwide business competition, the development of the enterprise IT (Information technology, IT) is very important to provide the highly required technology, and all of the staffs of the IT department need to be serious in providing the best ITS(Information Technology Service) for their business and enterprise. As to the enterprise information technology service management framework, the ITIL (Technical Information Infrastructure Library) has become a global IT standard. Many of global enterprises and organizations are based on the ITIL processes to enhance the IT performance and service efficiency. Otherwise the standardize management, we still to keep the buffer for the able-customized requests in advance after the ITIL implement to enterprise, and the TRIZ can enhance these kinds of purposes Base on this ITS and TRIZ research and compare with the Contradictions Matrix to build one web site and quickly search service to provide the Search agent, moreover IT problem to give the solution in this web service to help the IT staffs and enhance the IT service with new IT services innovation.
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Tseng, Zi-Ting, and 曾子庭. "The Development of Interactive TRIZ Application." Thesis, 2010.

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TRIZ is an innovative theory that is widely discussed in recent years, it has been proved having significant positive impact on enterprise’s innovation capability. TRIZ was first applied in product design and product improvement. As the concepts of TRIZ being disseminated and popularized, TRIZ started being applied on areas such as business management and information technology, and gradually recognized by the public. This study utilizes Microsoft Excel as developing platform, and VBA(Visual Basic for Application) as the software modeling tool, to implement the most popular TRIZ tools, which includes a Contradiction Matrix inquiry tool that includes 18 various application areas, a Su-Field Analysis inquiry tool, and an integrated application of QFD(Quality Function Deployment) and Contradiction Matrix . With user-friendly interface, detail user manual, and adopting widely accepted EXCEL environment as platform, the outcome of this research will help to promote TRIZ methodology.
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Su, Yenn-Lon, and 蘇燕倫. "Screwdriver Innovative Design by Using TRIZ." Thesis, 2010.

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TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) innovative design theory can help designer to systematically creative design innovative products. Based on the innovative design theory TRIZ, this work investigates a creative screw driver design. First, we analysis the patents and papers of screw driver and conclude the design criteria. By applying the design theory TRIZ and establish the contradiction matrix, this work design a multi-function screw driver. The user can easily operated the screw driver with large storage space that can store more driver tools. The design result proves the feasibility of the proposed design concept is feasible.
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Chien, Ya-Lan, and 簡雅嵐. "Using TRIZ for Educational Toys Design." Thesis, 2007.

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Toys play an indispensable role in the process of children’s development. When parents choose a toy, they pay much attention to the components of toys; however, traditional toys’ designers seldom considered their demand. The consumer conduct of purchasing toys is different from that of purchasing other products. The purchasers and the users are different in that purchasers are usually the parents, not the child. There is little research investigating consumer conduct of purchasing toys. Also, it is difficult to reveal the motivation of the purchasing; therefore, the present study aims to explore the attribute of the consumers’ demand for toys through “Modified Delphi Method” and “ERG Theory” and through gathering opinions and mutual consents of scholars and experts. Basing on the ERG Demand Theory, we obtain information on consumers’ levels of demand over toys as well as the elements of the toys they value the most. Through examining the quality and functions of toys and gathering customers’ opinions, the present study proposed a systematized product design method using QFD and TRIZ for educational toys, which adds the voices of customers, product quality and innovation factors in toys design. This method intends to help solve contradictory problems in product design while inventing and developing new products. This systematize design model intends to give support to the insufficiency of the traditional toy design, and increase the competitiveness in educational toys.
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Shiu, Li-Ling, and 許麗鈴. "A Study of Service Design Using TRIZ." Thesis, 2009.

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ABSTRACT Generic innovation on service product can be easily imitated or copied by most competitors, especially it attracts only quite few market share. Facing the Pressure of competition, corporations need find their applicable differentiations and utilize the differentiated strategies to achieve innovative design for service product. Normally Service Innovations result from abstract idea, inspiration or past experience, for most corporation, it still lacks of a systemic methodology to design new service. Accordingly, how to emerge “Service ” and “Technology” to build up “Service Science ” will be a core approach to achieve innovation and differentiation. The study takes TRIZ related innovative combination of services as framework, with the characteristics of service by combining compose and decompose, turning the applications for 39 Conflict Features and 40 Invention Principles from technical engineering industry into service industry. It hopes that those patterns of problems and solutions can provide a applicable solution for service innovative design.
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Weng, Kuo-Hsing, and 翁國星. "The evaluation of business strategyby using TRIZ." Thesis, 2012.

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The impact of economic prosperity has led to structural changes in the global industry. In a competitive environment of globalized market, Taiwan companies face with severe economic downturn, declining industries and heavy cost pressures, which inevitably contribute to the impacts and challenges in business operations. A correct and quick assessment of business operating strategies can provide companies with more competitive advantages in a rapidly changing environment. When companies face with dilemma in management and market competition, it is necessary for managers to figure out a management method and to seek for breakthroughs or transformation, in addition to taking consideration of the domestic industry patterns and investment in mainland by thinking over the necessary retention/discard decisions over organizational operations (production department), to cope with operating issues related to business layout and improvement. The study applied TRIZ as the basis and used TRIZ 39 Parameters and TRIZ 40 innovative principles through Contradiction Matrix and Ideal Final result, to convert the TRIZ management parameters corresponding to the business environment, in attempt to discuss the application of TRIZ techniques on the assessment of business operating strategies. The study offers the techniques and examples of TRIZ in the assessment of business operating strategies and the thinking logics and framework for solving management of conflicts and contradictions as well as the tradeoff issues, while concurrently establishing the quantitative and quantitative context of the Ideal Final Result, so that the results can be used by business in the judgment of relevant management strategies. The results of study on the Ideal Final Result for TRIZ techniques showed that the assessment results of production department retention was 27.48 with 59.84% of efficacy; the assessment results of production department discard was 34.54 with 78.80% of efficacy. The managers can propose quantitative recommendation through the study results as the grounds for companies in business operating strategies.
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Yi-Chin, Chan, and 詹宜錦. "Application of TRIZ Tools In Information Security." Thesis, 2016.

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More than past 10 years, each government or enterprise has aimed for information security increasingly,they could not defend that hackers profited from attacking websites or infiltrating network to steal data besides obeying the rules. The governments or enterprises depended on IT deeply to make documents or decisions. Network becomes one part of daily life, and the government faces how to solve the problem of information security will be the important issues . The main purpose of this study is to use TRIZ method to improve the problems of government information security. The systematic management model will help the government solve the current or future problems efficiently. It also provides the quick and efficient manner to check the Computer information security system setting and help the user understand the importance of information security. In this study, we use a case study to improve the management of government information security,and attend to measure the 40 inventive principles in TRIZ theory and contradiction matrix are used as 21 items new parameters of the government information security contradiction matrix to improve and correct the problems of information security management. Then we establish a systematic management process of government computer security contradiction matrix that help the government solve the current or future problems efficiently. We find that management will be integrated with innovative technology to be converted into automatic detection and check wholly system in order to reduce the risk of information security to keep the government information security. Keywords:automatic detection, contradiction matrix,management of information security,information security,Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch (TRIZ).
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Jen, Chao-Hsun, and 任昭勳. "Applying TRIZ Model to Designing Rehabilitative Device." Thesis, 2017.

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In recent years, with the increasing numbers of seniors, numerous people among seniors have suffered from functional degeneration. Additionally, numerous diseases also happen to the civilized society such as stroke and limb paralysis. Plus some inevitable accidents like car accidents, all of these situations make victim patients forced to receive medical treatment in rehabilitation preventing from atrophy and degeneration of muscle groups and bodies. However, for patients receiving rehabilitation medical care and their families, they face severely mental and physical torment. It is not only required for troublesome traffic activities, but also all-time accompanying. Such a situation is highly inconvenient. Although, there have been numerous aids available to relieve relevant physical pains and inconvenience.However, there are still some high cost problems of inconvenience existing. Therefore, this research aims to improve something better and make them become the best. New aids are designed to remove the inconvenience faced by patients and their families. Our design really brings with much more welfare and convenience and this is exactly the ultimate goal for this research. By focusing aforementioned problems, this research is conducted by using the TRIZ theory and following relevant procedures, to design an aid functioned with rehabilitation.This design satisfies the demands of remote patients required for rehabilitation medical care. Under R&D efforts, a novel wheelchair functioned with rehabilitation medical care to release pressure on hands is invented. Additionally, the lightweight and removable functionalities are also designed. It is also helpful for patients to relieve painful medical care from rehabilitation with relaxation achievable. More important, through non-fixed and divergent operational ways, relevant rehabilitation courses are implemented. It is allowable for patients to prevent from void and monotonous mental conditions but ensure the delightful effect with pressure well relieved.
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Fan, Yao-Jen, and 范耀仁. "The Integrated TRIZ Method and the Applications." Thesis, 2001.

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The process of systematic design includes understanding design task, creating design concepts, generating primitive design layouts, evaluating each layout and selecting an appropriate layout to complete the details of each component and assembly. Among the design process, generating design concepts and primitive layouts depend on the creativity of the designer. However, a designer would hardly create new design concepts if no systematic innovative process can be followed. The research will try to employ the TRIZ method, an inventive method, step by step to generate new design concepts for a design problem. To extend the TRIZ method, the “Integrated TRIZ method” will link to other design methods, such as QFD, Problem Formulation, as the problem definition generator. Then the sorted problem can be imported into the process of the Integrated TRIZ Method to create new designs. In this research working special effort would be needed to develop possible results by creative mechanism design when the Integrated TRIZ Method is applied to the field of mechanical design. A case study of a rock-climbing tool, chock, has been used to demonstrate the process of Integrated TRIZ Method. Several conceptual designs can be generated step by step and the corresponding geometric models are constructed by using a CAD software (i.e. I-DEAS). The study has shown the capability of a systematic innovative design method for creating design concepts. Furthermore, the creative design process can be envisaged as the basis for design automation in the future.
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Kuo, Hsiao-Wei, and 郭曉暐. "Applying QFD and TRIZ to improve drains." Thesis, 2012.

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The floor drains is very general in home environment, in the market, most of floor drains can not prevent cockroach and stink are invade home environment. This study uses quality function deployment (QFD) and TRIZ solve the problems.. First, this study synthesizes useful information on the topic of customers that use floor drains, and then we fine product quality characteristic by quality function deployment. Finally, we use contradiction-matrix and SUH of TRIZ to improve drainage devices. We provide two improvement solutions in this study., both of solutions can successfully prevent cockroach and stink, and seal drains whether with water or not.
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Siao, Shih-Tian, and 蕭士田. "Design of fan by using Biomimetic TRIZ." Thesis, 2012.

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There are many product design are trending to Biomimetics by the impact of environmental protection and sustainable wave in recent years. However, the design process in the literature related Biomimetics is only suitable for the concept of product development, but the Biomimetics product is not to expose its development process, so product design of the verify process and the think up phase are not to know. This research proposes an 「Integrated bionic optimization design process」 for constructing a complete set of bionic design process and verification methods. The first design of think up is based on spiral model designed by bionic, and extraction of biological principles that through two-tier level Biologically Inspired Design, also define the problem of contradiction between biology and technology. We can make advanced concept of bionic design after solving the design contradiction by Bio TRIZ method. To improve efficiency of design bionic product s, which by using CAE and with Taguchi Methods, then get the optimization design products . In this study, the fan for the design example to verify performance and feasibility of integrated bionic optimization design process. By design and analysis steps, we can confirm the bionic fan, which could improve operating efficiency and decrease noise of air.
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Yang, Fu-Hsien, and 楊富先. "Creative Universal Design By Applying TRIZ Principles." Thesis, 2008.

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Hou, Yi-Ju, and 侯怡如. "A TRIZ Approach to Business Strategy Formulation." Thesis, 2005.

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With the coming of knowledge-based economy, the innovation in companies has been a unique way for their existence. The knowledge-based economy is still grown by innovation. However, the achievements of innovation are not created without foundation and not all the sources of originality are practicable. Therefore, the study intends to evaluate the feasibility that process from originality to innovation. G. Alstuller, a Russia inventor, refused to accept an unreliable, unrepeatable, personality-dependent psychological approach to creativity in the 1940’s. He choose another way, in which is based on an analysis of the inventions in technology. This approach allowed Altshuller to make his conclusion on the basis of information documented the human innovative experience. It is so-called “TRIZ” (Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems)! Using the creativity methodology, TRIZ theory, we try to understand the nature of innovation. No matter what any field of study, controlling the nature will help us to create new idea. The paper focuses on the business model innovation and combines the creativity methodology to generalize business strategies that produce new business models. All of the business strategy attributions are (1) External view: Formation (2) Internal view: Aptitude (3) Timely view: Maintainability (4) Special view: Phase (5) Macroscopic view: Merit (6) Microscopic view: Accessory. By evaluating the feasibility and value of creativity, the database that is established through SONY case assists the company in reaching an achievement practicing innovation activity. Expecting the future, we will heartily foresee more development to provide for managers as a result of the study.
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Ramos, Carlota Pissarra de Brito Carrilho. "Aplicação da metodologia TRIZ numa indústria alimentar." Master's thesis, 2015.

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Para fazer face à concorrência crescente que se sente em todos os mercados e à atual situação de pós crise na economia mundial, é cada vez mais necessário adotar novas estratégias e abordagens, completando com isso os métodos de gestão tradicionais. Neste sentido, há maior procura de novas metodologias e abordagens que permitam aumentar a eficácia e a eficiência dos processos nas organizações. Na indústria agroalimentar, é crucial reforçar a competitividade, tanto a nível nacional, como a nível internacional. A inovação sistemática pode contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento de soluções mais criativas e inovadoras para os problemas existentes. A metodologia TRIZ (Teoria de Resolução Inventiva de Problemas) é normalmente associada à inovação sistemática. A TRIZ oferece ferramentas, técnicas e conceitos que auxiliam na identificação e na resolução de problemas (contradições na terminologia TRIZ). A utilização desta metodologia visa a incrementar a criatividade e a inovação, proporcionando vantagens competitivas importantes às organizações em relação à concorrência. A presente dissertação incide na aplicação da metodologia TRIZ numa indústria agroalimentar – Dancake S.A - que produz e comercializa bolos, bolachas, biscoitos, tostas e outros produtos de pastelaria. O estudo centrou-se na linha de produção das bolachas crackers, tendo sido identificados vários problemas organizacionais e técnicos. Através da aplicação de algumas ferramentas analíticas da metodologia TRIZ (Matriz de Contradições, Matriz de Idealidade e Análise Substância - Campo), não só foram elaboradas propostas de resolução de problemas identificados, como também foram desenvolvidas propostas de melhoria de alguns aspetos de funcionamento da linha estudada. A implementação das propostas poderá aumentar a produtividade e reduzir significativamente os desperdícios, aumentando, assim, a eficácia e eficiência da linha. Com base nos resultados obtidos, está a ser preparada uma publicação para o CIBIM XII-Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica que terá lugar em Novembro de 2015 em Guaiaquil, Equador.
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Sameiro, Miguel Neto. "Metodologia TRIZ aplicada em projetos de consultoria." Master's thesis, 2015.

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A metodologia TRIZ conhecida como Teoria de Resolução Inventiva de problemas é uma ferramenta de análise, previsão e resolução de problemas que como o seu nome indica, é orientada ao ser humano e é baseada no conhecimento. Uma das suas caraterísticas passa pela inovação, sendo uma boa forma de uma organização se diferenciar através de soluções inovadoras e criativas, que poderão causar grandes vantagens competitivas face à concorrência. Um projeto é uma atividade temporária, de curta ou longa duração, em que o seu objetivo passa pela criação ou alteração de um produto ou serviço já criado anteriormente, sendo para tal muito importante haver alguém responsável pela gestão desse mesmo projeto, onde será feita a aplicação de conhecimento, técnicas e ferramentas em todo o seu ciclo de vida até se chegar ao objetivo definido. A metodologia TRIZ é uma das ferramentas que pode ser aplicada por gestores de projeto, de modo a encontrar soluções inventivas na resolução de problemas que possam surgir. Na presente dissertação o estudo desenvolvido foi feito ao abrigo de uma empresa de consultoria (Winsig), que trabalha com o software PHC e Sage X3. Estas ferramentas informáticas disponibilizam às mais variadas empresas a possibilidade de executar vários serviços essenciais como contabilidade, gestão dos ativos, gestão de stocks, gestão de clientes, logística e distribuição, orçamentos entre outros, tudo informaticamente. Os seus consultores são especializados nestes dois softwares e as suas funções passam por encontrar soluções integradas de gestão, através da comercialização, implementação e prestação de apoio técnico deste tipo de software. Assim sendo este estudo concentrou-se em provar que é possível implementar a metodologia TRIZ em projetos de consultoria independentemente da área de negócio em que esses mesmos projetos se inserem.
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Branco, João Frederico da Silva Lopes de Frias. "Aplicação conjunta das metodologias TRIZ-Taguchi-SMED." Master's thesis, 2016.

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Cada vez mais as empresas procuram investir em inovação, redução da variabilidade e melho-ria contínua de produtos e processos através da utilização de novas metodologias e abordagens. Existindo diversas metodologias usadas no âmbito de melhorias de processos industriais que, individualmente, têm provas de sucessos alcançados, a combinação das potencialidades e comple-mentaridades entre algumas das mesmas pode resultar num aumento da eficiência e eficácia global. As metodologias abordadas e aprofundadas no âmbito desta dissertação são: o SMED, o TRIZ e a me-todologia Taguchi. Já são conhecidas algumas aplicações práticas de utilização destas metodologias par-a-par. Não existem ainda referências da utilização conjunta e sequencial destas três em particular. Assim, foi desenvolvido um modelo de forma genérica para poder ser aplicado em diversas áreas de enge-nharia e gestão industrial. O modelo foi testado e validado numa indústria de injeção de moldes de plásticos em dois casos de estudo. A perceção da problemática foi adquirida numa empresa do mes-mo ramo, Eugster / Frismag AG, sediada em Torres Vedras, que poderá aplicar o modelo na resolu-ção de problemas atuais e futuros. A junção das três metodologias permite a redução dos tempos de setup iniciais, a redução da variabilidade, a melhoraria das características pretendidas e, ainda, a identificação e resolução de eventuais contradições encontradas no processo de melhoria, alcançando maior grau de idealidade do sistema.
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Kuo, Pin-Hsu, and 郭品序. "Using TRIZ to Resolve Interface Design Problems." Thesis, 2015.

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With the evolutions of the world market, designers have to propose technical innovations during design or engineering. Due to the system incompatible, innovative thinking become the solution for the designer. Both creativity and design aid tool are the vital elements for the innovative thinking. This paper proposed to integrated TRIZ into interface development process and aims at proofing TRIZ is an efficient tool to define the contradictions in interface and solve the contradictions. 39 engineering parameters and problem solution process were listed by TRIZ to solve engineering problem. By using TRIZ, the solution had been developed for the interface development process. This research was divided in two parts: 1. TRIZ proposed to use 39 engineering parameters explaining the interface design Based on the questionnaires filled by experts, 39 engineering parameters that were suitable for interface design development were redefined and presented. By using 39 interface parameters, a set of contradictory matrix and single engineering parameter list were rearranged. Interface design problem solving process had been developed. 2. Solution Analysis Based on the developed design process and innovative interface design parameters, twelve mobile device interface were selected, to improve the interface design. Firstly, improved parameters and worsen parameters were analyzed and listed by experts, in order to identify the root causes of problem. Secondly, TRIZ contradictory matrix and one parameter method were used to select suitable inventive principle. To solve the problem, the inventive principle selected the interface design problem solution and compared with Eight Golden Rules. Based on the case study and inventive interface design, the practical results showed the effectiveness of TRIZ in improving interface design development. Utilizing TRIZ 39 interface design parameters and interface creative design process, designers would be able to solve the problem more effectively. In addition, this study had revealed that the inventive TRIZ design thinking can be utilized efficiently in the interface design field.
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楊茜涵. "Integration of TRIZ-Lean-Six Sigma Processes." Thesis, 2011.

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Yang, Yueh-Lun, and 楊岳崙. "Establishment of Computer-aided TRIZ Innovation Tools." Thesis, 2011.

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This research established a computer-aided software tool based on proposed TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) systematic innovation process. The system guides the user through the correct opportunity identification and problem-solving processes to minimize mis-steps, providing thought provoking questions, quickly retrieving needed data, providing data commonality between tools to ensure data integrity, and facilitating documentation of the processes. 6 real-world cases were used to test the system. Satisfactory solutions were deduced and documented effectively. The contributions of this research include: 1) Establishing an optimal sequence of systematic innovation processes. 2) Developing a computer-aided TRIZ opportunity identification and problem solving system to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of the innovation process. 3) Manifesting the links between various TRIZ tools.
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Wen, Chun-Chieh, and 溫竣傑. "Analysis of Patent Management Strategy using TRIZ." Thesis, 2012.

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Today either market exchange or sharing of information has been quite convenient, and the world has become a common economic system. When a new popular product is developed, the issues of patent infringement are most likely to occur in a short period of time; therefore, an effective patent management strategy has a great influence on the enterprise's growth and profitability. In this study, a number of methods and tools in TRIZ will be investigated.By thorough analysis of the product, and understanding its technical level and status analysis; we hope to establish a guided process or methodology that would be used in the field of patent activities. We will resolve the technology and status of the product by the 9-windows analysis, functional attributes analysis, and S curve of TRIZ. We analyze the patent property through the in-depth relations. Different attributes of the patents should use different strategies. Basically, the "offensive patent" should focus on patent portfolio strategy, and the "defensive patent" should pay attention to the design-around strategy. This study will examine how to apply TRIZ tools in different patent strategies.
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Chen, Denny, and 陳幸志. "TRIZ-based Process Analysis and Trimming Method." Thesis, 2012.

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This research established a set of fundametal theory with application examples for process-oriented functional analysis and trimming. An algorithic procedure to analyze process systems leading to systematic process diagnosis and trimming has been established. Specific tools used in the procedure include Operation Flow Chart, Functional Analysis for Process, Flow Analysis, Cause-effect-contradiction-chain Analysis, and Process Trimming. Sub-tools established include graphic functional model, a structured set of trimming rules based on analysis of component relationships, Trimming plan for process, and a recursive trimming procedure for processes. The contributions of this research include: 1) Establishing a systematic process analysis procedure and theory to identify process-oriented system problems and solve problem with process trimming; 2) Establising graphic function modeling for process trimming, a structured set of expanded trimming rules, and trimming plan to facilitate systematic trimming processes; 3) Integrating TRIZ and manufactuging process analysis tools for process trimming and problem solving by component and process reduction.
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Lu, Tsung-Hsing, and 呂宗興. "Analysis of TRIZ Trends and Their Applications." Thesis, 2012.

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Evolutionary Trends is a set of powerful TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) tool for problem solving and other usage. There have been two popular sets of trends by GEN3 Partners and Darrell Mann separately without cohesion. This research integrates the two major evolutionary trends - GENS enhanced classical Trends of Technical Systems Evolution and the Darrell Mann's technical trends into a cohesive integrated set of Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution. Relevant attributes and functional advantages of each stage of the trends are identified. A mathematical problem-solving tool based on similarities between the problem characteristics and the trends characteristics is established to identify relevant trends for probable solution directions as models of the solutions. By encoding the 'knowledge' embedded in the integrated trends, a piece of excel-based software is written to identify the relevant trends for problem solving quickly and objectively without needing to rely on expert experience and knowledge. The contributions of this research include: 1) Integrating the prevailing GEN3 classical TRIZ trends and Darrell Mann's trends into a complete set of evolutionary trends with the relevant attributes and functions of each stage identified conducive to using trends for problem solving; 2) Constructing the structural diagram for the new set of evolution trends for better understanding of the relationships among the trends; 3) Constructing a mathematical model that can automatically and quickly identify the relevant trends for problem solving reducing the reliance on experts knowledge and subjective judgment.
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Li, Chih-Chen, and 李芝蓁. "Use TRIZ Innovative Design Color Eyelid Stickers." Thesis, 2018.

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The eye is window of the soul, has a pair of enchanting vivid beautiful double pupil is the heavy spot which many female students quite care about,Is extremely broad attraction of regarding the appearance influence stratification plane, because each person likes, the suitable double-fold eyelid highly all differs from,Permits for oneself a pair of attractive natural open style double-fold eyelid, marks the thick eye buttcock line, joins false eyelash which long curls upwards, again matches the mydriasis piece,The success transformation into America pupil female, is the multitudinous several human of hypothesis goal. The profound double pupil most likes for the modern beautiful eyebrow making the exclusive illusion -like double-fold eyelid! Wants to have the foreign-style doll illusion double-fold eyelid not to be by no means impossible, although in the market condition had many double-fold eyelids to paste can reduce the correlation the question, But has many inconvenient and the cost high question is at, therefore this research grasps well must also again a better point of view, then regarding this aspect question may say is brings the very big gospel and the convenience, this also is this research biggest objective and the goal. In view of above question, this research and will act according to its flow step using the TRIZ theory, will design one section to fly dazzles the bright color double-fold eyelid to paste, the common common double-fold eyelid will paste is sticks together the adhesive tape to paste attaches on the eyelid skin the adhesive tape.However, the common double-fold eyelid pastes only has the sole color also has had the reflection effect.
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WU, KUO-CHING, and 吳國慶. "TRIZ innovative theory for saxophone mouthpieces Design." Thesis, 2019.

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Saxophone’s mouthpiece may look simple from its appearance as it only consists three parts: body, reeds, and beam, but it determines 40% of the sound which is a very important in this industry. From the material selection on the body, plating, to its geometry design, its complexity is much beyond than what I have known as the mouthpiece. In addition, the complexity of its mold making manufacturing process in CNC and cost is much higher than we can imagine. That is why there are not many Taiwanese companies dedicating to this component. As a result of this, the investment in the mouthpiece of saxophone is much lower than main body which is somehow force most manufacturers heavily rely on OEM or seek directly import mouthpiece from foreign brands. Being an enthusiast of saxophone, I’m having hard time when selecting the best mouthpiece from existing products in the market which model is the most suitable, what kind a the difference between the designs in A vs B, and which brand is the best. So, that was the motivation pushing forward in studying, researching, and developing the fundamental understanding of this mouthpiece. This study applies the TRIZ engineering parameter contradiction theory 39 and 40 inventions innovation principles which was founded by Altshuller in 1946 to study the key factors of saxophone design, and true manufacture and test. Study the difference in size of each part as well as the impact of material and various detail on the tone.
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LIN, WEI-CHEN, and 林威辰. "Research on using TRIZ to improve toilet." Thesis, 2019.

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An ageing population is happening; therefore, in the near future we may need to take care of the elderly and people with reduced mobility at home. Furthermore, bathroom is the second most dangerous place indoors, especially the movements of standing and sitting for the elderly in the toilet. They often suffer from falling because of the loss of muscle strength in the hands and legs. At present, there are many toilet products on the market, but the functions are imperfect, for example, the tilted seat cushion is convenient for the user to sit, but with the danger of slipping, etc, as a result this research aims to improve the toilet. First, I collected the relevant references of toilet and TRIZ method, and found out the related problems of toilet, then used the Nine Windows Method analysis, Problem Hierarchy analysis, contradiction matrix, Function Analysis, and Substance-Field Analysis in TRIZ method to find out what could be improved, then made innovative improvements and design of toilet, such as adding a safety ring and backward tilted seat cushion to prevent the risk of slipping due to the forward tilted seat cushion. From this study, I hope my design can make the elderly and people with reduced mobility more safe and convenient to use the toilet, at the same time reduce the burden on themselves and the caregiver.
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CHENG, Weber S. H., and 鄭順興. "Golf Iron Clubhead Design by Using TRIZ Methodology." Thesis, 2000.

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This article illustrates how to design a new golf club by applying the TRIZ methodology and its sofeware. TRIZ is a Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Soving. TRIZ was developed by Genrich Altshuller, a Russian scientist and inventor. He has discovered that the evolution of technical systems follows predictable patterns. TRIZ, an algorithmic methodology, has validated itself by solving thousands of difficult technical problems. Golf irons is the one, which you want to use when approaching the green. So, how to send the ball to the exact position is its main function. From the time being, the materials of golf iron pursuit to the aspect of lightweight and high strength. Customers’ meeds also focus on the high performance of the long distance and accuracy. Thus, to develop a novel & innovative golf iron is the competitive goal of every clubmaker. This research conduct TRIZ and its software implementaion to solve these problems. The testing reports of the developed golf club iron is promising.
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(6622694), Ibukun Phillips. "An SSM-TRIZ Methodology for Business Problem Structuring." Thesis, 2019.

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Checkland developed Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to address problem situations from a systems perspective; however, SSM needs to be extended with other methods to find superior solutions that overcome the need for a compromise or trade-off between conflicting or contradictory elements. This thesis extends Checkland’s SSM approach to resolve problems with conflicting or contradictory elements. This work integrates the powerful benefits of TRIZ-based analysis into SSM and provides a means for systemic resolution of business problems with conflicting sub-system elements. Furthermore, this study acknowledges that soft problems can have conflicting relationships among their elements, compares the strengths and weaknesses of SSM and TRIZ in problem structuring, and presents a collaborative SSM-TRIZ approach for problem structuring. Finally, this thesis applies the joint methodology to examine the business problem of customer needs assessment for a certain market segment of INCOSE’s planned Professional Development initiative. Although SSM-TRIZ helps structure problems with opposing requirements, it does not always provide definitive, prescriptive solution implementations for technical and business issues. Hence, hard thinking approaches cannot be discarded in practice after implementing SSM-TRIZ. Text mining was selected for providing a final and definite solution to the problem situation of interest.
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Tseng, Chao-Chuan, and 曾朝泉. "Applying TRIZ Theory to Solving CMP Quality Conflict." Thesis, 2007.

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Quality conflicts exist in a competitive market, and come from customer’s large quality require mainly, for example, quickly delivery, lower cost and keep quality steady. Sometimes corrosponsive technology bottleneck get difficult to break through, unfortanlty, the quality conflicts come one after another. Therefor, to solve quality conflicts effieiency and to accord with customer’s demand, the effective and powerful management method is necessary. Nowadays, TRIZ theory has been the innovative and systematic way to manage technology. In other words, it is the most popular innovative design in solving engineering problems. The TRIZ theory not only helps all engineers find out the technique contradiction parameter exactly but also use conflicts matrix and applies substance field to discover technical bottleneck, in addition, combining experiment design analyses properly, offer and solve direction of quality conflicts. In the paper, innovative management not only improves the shortcoming of unable quantification and also combines sensitive analysis of Taguchi Method. It includes the commonness of advantages of increasing useful resources and eliminating harmful resources, breaking through technical bottleneck and solving quality conflicts. In practical case, in this paper, semiconductor process in CMP quality conflict of example proves the TRIZ innovation results. I believe that it would be more effective if creative users match suggestions and ideas when using the TRIZ theory. The old model evaluates enterprise’s wealth only with productivity, profit and property assets and it only focuses on management performances on short-term interests or competitiveness.
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Kang, Hsien-Yih, and 康憲鎰. "Application of TRIZ on improving waterproof switch products." Thesis, 2015.

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With the quickly developing of network communication and technological advancements, the competition between enterprises is increasing daily. In order to increase the competition of enterprise, the enterprise needs to launch a new product more quickly. For being first-to-market with product innovation, the enterprise needs to come up with an efficient ways. This paper is taken a case from an enterprise. This enterprise is aimed to service customers in providing electronic components Recently, the enterprise assists a customer in providing new waterproof electronic switches and developing more innovative products. In order to solving issues for the enterprise, this study applies the TRIZ-based method for providing a systemic theory to obtain the inventive principles. Then, the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix is introduced to fit with the business criteria and obtains the inventive principles which will help the enterprise to solve their contradiction in developing new products. The study successfully helps the enterprise for developing a new waterproof electronic switch. The comparison results with previous design which doesn’t apply our method show the improvements of product.
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Chang, Yu-Lun, and 張佑倫. "Innovating the Inkjet Printer Design with TRIZ Theory." Thesis, 2017.

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Cost effective and being green are essential for customers to choose from the variety of printers in the market. Being able to recycle and reuse papers would be a big plus to a printer’s selling points. TRIZ, a Russian acronym “Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach”, meaning "Theory of the resolution of invention-related tasks" is a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patents. It is intended for applications in problem formulation, system analysis, failure analysis, and patterns of system evolution. TRIZ results in predictability, reliability and repeatability to solve problems in an effective manner. This paper applied TRIZ analysis and problem-solving methods to propose a reusable paper inkjet printer idea by using a thermal-discoloration-ink, and analysis of this structure for further improved. Finally we provide a product design for reference.
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HU, CHING-JU, and 胡靜如. "Appling TRIZ Innovation Approach in Assistant Rehabilitation Shoes." Thesis, 2017.

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Taiwan enters an age in which elderly people are the majority, whether or not the elderly possess the abilities of self-care affects medical and health care budgets. Slip and fall related incidents cause more than 300,000 deaths each year, more than half of those cases are with elders over the age of 60, critical falls trigger other health issues that potentially cause one to lose the abilities of self-care, therefore, our main objective is to prevent the elderly from falling. The core of this study is elderly stroke patients, where most stroke patients find it difficult to walk again after experiencing a stroke. Their fear of walking creates a barrier to the rehabilitation process, which in turn stops them from gaining full recovery. Using the TRIZ approach, we first utilize the ISQ questionnaire to pinpoint the issue, we use near-paralytic rehabilitation footwear as our subject of study and analyze the functions of the system, we identify the unfavorable factors, to lead to the Cause Effect Chain Analysis to explore the key reasons, to identify the conflict with the contradictory attributes of the key issues, and finally the use of forty inventions to obtain possible trigger solution for the follow-up product design. Through this approach, we came up with a vacuum sucker design on rehabilitation shoes as that is the best way to maximize traction for the footwear. However, there this design comes with the contradiction that increasing grip between the shoe bottoms and the ground with a vacuum sucker also makes it more difficult for the user to lift his feet. By utilizing the Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems, two solutions were discovered, which are “mini ventilation holes in the suckers to release pressure” and a “3-step landing slip-free design”. In the mentioned “3-step landing slip-free design” the goals are to stabilize the backend of the foot and prevent the foot from sliding forward or sideways. The design takes into fashionable demands of female users and incorporates a sporty appearance. The vacuum sucker design is more complex overall but does add values to the product as it stabilizes each step the user takes while providing a “massage-like” feel to the bottom of the foot. This study aims to provide insight to the shoe industry in its future developments.
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Sung, Feng-Wei, and 宋豐煒. "A Study on TRIZ Method for Mechatronic Engineering." Thesis, 2010.

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A robotic control system is mainly getting the input signal by carrying out sensing the environment with sensors, then the controller can do computing and thinking and transmits the final output signal to the driver. The TRIZ theory and other related methods are discussed in this research, the contradiction matrix is considered that it is the most used in the related research so that it is used to be the reference of specifications of sensors, controllers and drivers. Related engineering parameters can be found from contradiction matrix according to the characteristics of these specifications. After finding out the engineering parameters, a specific programmed matrix for component can be the reference for future design. By analyzing specifications and matching engineering parameters can understand each aspect of designing robotic components. After specification analysis, the matching engineering parameters can be found immediately. This method can solve problems quickly and reduce the time cost on design procedure.
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Lin, Yun-Man, and 林芸蔓. "TRIZ-Based Computer-aided Trimming process and tool." Thesis, 2010.

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Liu, Chia-an, and 劉家安. "A Study of Contradiction Problem in TRIZ Method." Thesis, 2009.

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Recently, TRIZ method was extensively applied to all kinds of industry sectors. It was used in the improvement of process, product innovation and prediction of product development etc. TRIZ has been proven to be an effective tool for the practitioner to solve many different kinds of engineering problems. Among TRIZ methods, the most popular methods are Contradiction matrix and 40 Invention Principles due to their simplicity of application. There are 39 Engineering Parameters in Contradiction matrix. The 39 Engineering Parameters and 40 Invention Principles are based on the analysis of numerous patents. Thus, they can solve most of common problems. However, there is no perfect method without any pitfalls, nor does TRIZ method. In Contradiction matrix, some matrix does not provide innovation method for the user to refer. Therefore, practitioner should find some other way to solve it. The purpose of this research is to use the Su-Fields method to solve empty cells. Fours cases are used to demonstrate this method. Besides, in the stage of analysis, some difficulty should be overcome. It is recommended to use Current Reality Trees(CRT) and Conflict Resolution Diagrams(CRD) in Theory of Constraints (TOC). An example is provided to illustrate how to guide the practitioner to effectively find the contradiction characteristic of problem. Then use separation principle to solve the problem.
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Chen, Ray-yuan, and 陳瑞源. "Conceptual Design of Razor by Using TRIZ Method." Thesis, 2009.

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Innovative product is the future trend that a market will head for. The application of invention-improved theories can effectively and quickly solve the problems occurring in the process of research and development of a new product. It will reduce the waste in both time and resource, and then save the cost. This study conducts a conceptual design of manual razors by using the TRIZ method. It basically uses the engineering parameters, contradiction Matrix, inventive principles, substances-fields analysis, resources, patterns of Evolution, and ideality analysis, to study the design of new razors. Through the use of CREAX software, we can gradually construct the design-innovation method and procedure of a new product. This thesis emphasizes to clarify the idea in the analysis of a new product, and it aims to design razors of new style.
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陳博正. "The study of vehicles safe by using TRIZ." Thesis, 2009.

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The modern transportation system is very important to the overall economic development of a country. To ensure a fast, safe, and convenient transportation system, the governments of all countries as well as the motor companies are making great efforts to prevent traffic accidents. For example, there are efforts in the improvement of the high way and the sign design, in pushing a more severe punishment of drunk-driving, and in the promotion of vehicles part reliability. There are also improvements on the safety facilities of vehicles to decrease the casualties of traffic accidents. These improvements include the safety belt, the vehicle structure and design, the air bag, the design of vehicle seat, the improvement of dash-board and steering column, and the plan of designing ASV safety facilities. The goals of this research are to re-organize the development of vehicle safety, and to search the present domestic vehicle patents related to the power and safety equipment. In view of these safety patents, we use the methods of TRIZ to analyze and statistics the invention principles. Then we use contradictory matrix solve the question model of TRIZ to obtain the invention principle. Unifies two way obtained invention principle, carries on design of the security patent. By way of this systematization innovation method proposes a continual change demonstration area style of LED lighting device with brake pedal is proposed. The new brake system enables the vehicle in the back to detect the braking strength of the front vehicle and makes the sounds connecting from loudspeaker when the driver steps on the brakes for 3 to 4 seconds.
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Chang, Min-Chieh, and 張閔傑. "The Improvement of TRIZ Method and the Application." Thesis, 2004.

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TRIZ (is the abbreviation in Russian meaning ”the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving” ) can be defined a method of resolving problems during designing process. It holds that any invention of design could be achieved through resolving contradictions. Thus, first, it asks design engineers to search contradictions between the objects of design and suit them to the 39 engineering parameters and find the principle through referring to the contradiction matrix of TRIZ. Second, according to the suggestion, design engineers proceed to look for their own solution to achieve the objects. In other words, TRIZ can help design engineers to resolve design problem by providing an explicit direction to improve. It can reduce time for searching, avoid wasting resource and enhance the quality. However, there are two problems in using TRIZ: (1) How to determine “improve” and “aggravation”? (2) How to make “improve” and “aggravation” corresponding to any one of the 39 engineering parameters objectively and separately. Because of two problems, design engineers must determine them subjectively. So, it will expect to develop an objective and regulative method to help using TRIZ. There are two models in this thesis: (1) Contradictions extraction model: Using the correlation matrix in the house of quality of QFD to search the contradiction of twin design parameters. (2) Inductive decision model: Building an objective and individual decision model to help making “improve” and “aggravation” corresponding to any one of the 39 engineering parameters through using clustering method and decision tree.
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Lu, Chii-Horng, and 盧啟宏. "The Multi-Function Coin Mechanism Design with TRIZ." Thesis, 2001.

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Now there are three judgments in the mechanical or electric coin mechanism , involved shapes , materials and weight . Mechanical coin mechanism usually measures by slits and cradles . Slits are constructed by slanting channels , they are like the arranging mechanisms of automatic productions . Electric coin mechanisms differentiate from the different coins by examining the variation of voltages when coins pass through electric coils . Actually , the traditional coin mechanisms still have many disadvantages , so we will adopt the multi-function way to raise the identifying ability . This research uses the TRIZ method during the design process and operates the contradiction matrix to find out the feasible and requisite design . We believe that this research could be good for the market development of coin mechanisms .
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Wei, weiling, and 魏瑋伶. "A modified TRIZ in new product development management." Thesis, 2012.

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New product development (NPD) and innovation are the key factors that affect a company's long-term survival and growth. In a dynamic, highly competitive, and uncertain market environment with short product life-cycle, firms must learn how to compete globally by strengthening their NPD and innovation capabilities. The success of the NPD is depending on how the NPD is controlled and how the control results is led to the improvements. One of the key of success for managing the NPD is determining the proper metrics together with effective control to assure the desired result. In doing so, the management of NPD is necessary. Ones of the most important keys of success of NPD are interest, commitment and support of management. Managing the knowledge associated with innovation and problem solving is therefore of great important to every company. A TRIZ (teoriya resheniya izobretatelskikh zadatch) based approach, founded on the notions of functionality and contradictions, provides a very effective framework for structuring, storing, accessing and reusing knowledge associated with innovation. TRIZ is about providing means for problem solvers to access the good solutions obtained by the world's finest inventive minds now, significantly, from far beyond just the field of patents and engineering. It provides a combination of methods and tools for creativity and a distillation of the world's best inventive knowledge. TRIZ will give our organization the capability for breakthrough solutions to difficult technical problems. TRIZ radically enhances the quality and quantity of idea-generation. One needs to take TRIZ to the companies, to get the benefit of solving one’s own problems in one’s own environment, where one can develop these new ideas for competitive advantage to set new standards, or to get proprietary advantage from being first to market with new concept. TRIZ helps managers develop methods of improving product quality, not only technological problems. The modify TRIZ methodology comprises three stages: 1. Investigating and analyzing the requirements of NPD. 2. Using TRIZ tools to analyze and resolve NPD problems. 3. Building an action plan for achieving resolution.
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Chien-Cheng, Huang, and 黃建承. "Application of TRIZ Theory for Designing Window Lock." Thesis, 2015.

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