Academic literature on the topic 'Trigger Processor'

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Journal articles on the topic "Trigger Processor"


Asner, M., V. Papadimitriou, H. Sanders, J. Ting, Y. W. Wah, and E. Weatherhead. "A cluster-finding trigger processor." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 291, no. 3 (June 1990): 577–86.

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Lee, C., G. Miller, D. M. Kaplan, J. Sa, Y. B. Hsiung, T. Carey, and R. Jeppesen. "A parallel pipelined dataflow trigger processor." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 38, no. 2 (April 1991): 461–70.

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Baird, S. A., N. Bains, D. Campbell, M. Cawthraw, D. Charlton, J. Coughlan, E. Eisenhandler, et al. "The new UA1 calorimeter trigger processor." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 36, no. 1 (1989): 364–69.

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Sheaff, Marleigh. "A specialized second level trigger processor." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 263, no. 1 (January 1988): 196–98.

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Bains, N., S. A. Baird, P. Biddulph, D. Campbell, M. Cawthraw, D. Charlton, J. Coughlan, et al. "The UA1 upgrade calorimeter trigger processor." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 292, no. 2 (July 1990): 401–23.

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Amaral, P. B., N. Ellis, P. Farthouat, P. Gallno, H. P. Lima, T. Maeno, I. R. Arcas, et al. "The ATLAS local trigger processor (LTP)." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52, no. 4 (August 2005): 1202–6.

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Perrella, S., Y. Afik, A. Armbruster, P. Czodrowski, N. Ellis, S. Haas, A. Koulouris, et al. "Integration and commissioning of the ATLAS Muon-to-Central-Trigger-Processor Interface for Run-3." Journal of Instrumentation 17, no. 04 (April 1, 2022): C04006.

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Abstract The Muon-to-Central Trigger Processor Interface was completely redesigned as part of the ATLAS Level-1 trigger upgrade for Run 3 of the Large Hadron Collider. The new system is implemented as a single AdvancedTCA module, using three large state-of-the-art FPGAs and high-density fiber-optic modules. Trigger information from the muon trigger detectors are received through 208 high speed links, while 60 links are used to send processed trigger information to the L1 Topological Trigger Processor and the Central Trigger Processor. Extensive integration tests with all input and output systems have shown that the data transfer is stable and reliable. We present results from integration tests with connected sub-systems as well as commissioning of the Muon-to-Central Trigger Processor Interface in the ATLAS experiment.
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Koulouris, A., Y. Afik, A. Armbruster, P. Czodrowski, N. Ellis, S. Haas, A. Kulinska, et al. "Commissioning of the new muon-to-central-trigger-processor interface at ATLAS." Journal of Instrumentation 18, no. 03 (March 1, 2023): C03020.

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Abstract The ATLAS trigger system includes a Level-1 (L1) trigger based on custom electronics and firmware, and a high-level software trigger running on off-the-shelf hardware. The L1 trigger system uses information from the forward detectors, the calorimeters and the muon trigger detectors. Once information from all muon trigger sectors has been received, trigger candidate multiplicities are calculated by the Muon-to-Central-Trigger-Processor Interface (MUCTPI). Muon multiplicity information is sent to the Central-Trigger-Processor (CTP) and trigger objects are sent to the L1 Topological Trigger Processor (L1Topo). The CTP combines the information received from the MUCTPI with the trigger information from the forward detectors, the calorimeters and the L1Topo, and takes the L1 trigger decision. As part of the ATLAS L1 trigger system upgrade for Run-3 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) a new MUCTPI has been designed and commissioned. We discuss the commissioning and operation of the new MUCTPI used in ATLAS from the beginning of Run-3. In particular, we describe the integration tests which have been carried out for the commissioning and operation of the new MUCTPI.
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Krivda, M., D. Alexandre, L. S. Barnby, D. Evans, P. G. Jones, A. Jusko, R. Lietava, J. Pospíšil, and O. Villalobos Baillie. "The ALICE Central Trigger Processor (CTP) upgrade." Journal of Instrumentation 11, no. 03 (March 23, 2016): C03051.

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Bains, N., S. A. Baird, D. Campbell, M. Cawthraw, D. Charlton, J. Coughlan, E. Eisenhandler, et al. "UA1 upgrade first-level calorimeter trigger processor." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 279, no. 1-2 (July 1989): 297–304.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Trigger Processor"


Dinu, Ioan-Mihail. "New Small Wheel Muon Detector Trigger Processor Hardware and Beyond Standard Model Searches Using Machine Learning Techniques in the ATLAS Experiment at LHC." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2022.

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Le modèle standard de la physique des particules représente le point culminant de la compréhension humaine en termes de blocs de construction fondamentaux de l'univers et de leur interaction à un niveau fondamental. Pourtant, il lui manque encore plusieurs pièces, comme les solutions au problème de la hiérarchie de jauge, les mécanismes à l'origine des masses des neutrinos et les candidats à la matière noire, qui nécessitent tous une nouvelle physique et des théories au-delà du modèle standard (BSM). Repousser ces frontières implique une amélioration constante des capacités expérimentales et de la compréhension théorique de la communauté scientifique de la physique des particules à haute énergie (HEPP). Si la dernière percée sur ce front remonte sans doute à une décennie avec la découverte du boson de Higgs, ces dix dernières années ont été marquées par une croissance explosive en termes de développement technologique dans le domaine du calcul scientifique, tant du point de vue matériel que logiciel. Les méthodes d'apprentissage automatique (ML) ont été largement adoptées et ont connu un grand succès dans de nombreux domaines, grâce à l'accélération matérielle de plus en plus performante des unités de traitement graphique (GPU). Cette recherche de doctorat vise à étudier l'efficacité potentielle de l'application de mises en œuvre de réseaux neuronaux (NN) pour améliorer différents domaines de HEPP. Du côté des détecteurs, je me suis concentré sur l'évaluation de la faisabilité du déclenchement au niveau hardware pour le détecteur de muons ATLAS "New Small Wheel" (NSW) récemment installé. Le processeur de déclenchement (TP) fonctionne in situ sur du hardware FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) avec un budget temps de 200 ns pour prendre une décision de déclenchement de niveau 0 (L0). Il s'agit d'exigences très strictes et, compte tenu du fait que l'inférence NN est gourmande en ressources, le modèle a été conçu spécifiquement pour atténuer ces limitations inhérentes. En fin de compte, une approche de réseau neuronal convolutif (CNN) a été choisie pour interpréter les résultats des huit plans de détection MicroMegas (MM) du NGS et entraînée à produire des quantités liées à la probabilité qu'une piste de muons provienne du point d'interaction (IP). Le second sujet principal de cette thèse concerne l'exploration de l'apprentissage non supervisé comme moyen de recherche de BSM agnostique. En ayant accès aux données générées par des processus SM bien compris, un NN est entraîné à comprimer les événements dans une représentation de plus faible dimension et à l'utiliser pour reconstruire l'entrée originale. Ce type de modèle est appelé Autoencodeur (AE), et une erreur élevée de reconstruction d'un événement est un indicateur potentiel que l'événement ne fait pas partie de la même distribution que les données d' la même distribution que les données d'apprentissage, à savoir les données SM. La combinaison d'un tel modèle avec l'estimation de densité basée sur les réseaux neuronaux donne un ensemble appelé autoencodeur probabiliste (PAE), qui représente la technique centrale employée dans cette recherche. Le PAE a été testé en tant qu'outil potentiel pour identifier une nouvelle physique de manière indépendante du modèle dans le contexte de la physique des jets et a donné des résultats prometteurs
The Standard Model of particle physics represents the culmination of human understanding in terms of the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact at a fundamental level. Yet, it is still missing several pieces such as solutions for the gauge hierarchy problem, and the mechanisms behind neutrino masses and dark matter candidates, all of which require new physics and Beyond Standard Model (BSM) theories. Pushing those frontiers implies constant improvements both in the experimental capabilities and theoretical understanding of the High-Energy Particle Physics (HEPP) scientific community. While the last breakthrough on this front was arguably one decade ago with thediscovery of the Higgs boson, those last 10 years brought explosive growth in terms of technological development in scientific computation, both on the hardware and software side. Machine Learning (ML) methods have seen widespread adoption and success across many fields, aided by the increasingly better performing Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) hardware acceleration. This Ph.D. research aims to study the potential effectiveness of applying Neural Network (NN) implementations to improve different areas of HEPP. On the detector side, I focused on evaluating the feasibility of hardware-level trigger for the newly installed ATLAS New Small Wheel (NSW) end-cap muon detector. The Trigger Processor (TP) operates in-situ on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware within a 200 ns time budget allowed for making a Level-0 (L0) trigger decision. Those are very stringent requirements and considering how resource-hungry NN-inference is, the model was designed specifically to mitigate those inherent limitations. In the end, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach was chosen to interpret hits from the NSW’s eight MicroMegas (MM) detector planes and trained to output quantities related to the likelihood for a muon track to originate from the interaction point (IP). The second main topic of this thesis involves the exploration of unsupervised learning as a means to model-agnostic BSM searches. Provided access to data generated by well-understood SM processes, a NN is trained to compress the events into a lower-dimensional representation and use it to reconstruct the original input. This type of model is called Autoencoder (AE), and a high error of an event’s reconstruction is a potential indicator that the event is not partof the same distribution as the training data, namely SM data. Combining such a model with NN-based density estimation results in an ensemble called Probabilistic Autoencoder (PAE) and this represented the central technique employed in this research. The PAE was tested as a potential tool for identifying new physics in a model-independent way in the context of jet physics and showed promising results
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Schopferer, Sebastian [Verfasser], and Horst [Akademischer Betreuer] Fischer. "An FPGA-based trigger processor for a measurement of deeply virtual compton scattering at the COMPASS-II experiment = Ein FPGA-basierter Trigger-Prozessor für eine Messung der tief-virtuellen Compton-Streuung am COMPASS-II Experiment." Freiburg : Universität, 2013.

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Lilley, Joseph Neil. "Z + γ differential cross section measurements and the digital timing calibration of the level-1 calorimeter trigger cluster processor system in ATLAS." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2011.

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This thesis investigates the reconstruction of Z(→ee)γ events with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The capabilities of the detector are explored for the initial run scenario with a proton-proton centre of mass collision energy of √s = 7TeV, and an integrated luminosity of \(\char{cmsy10}{0x4C}\) = 1 fb⁻¹. Monte Carlo simulations are used to predict the expected precision of a differential cross-section measurement for initial state radiation Z + γ events, both with respect to the transverse momentum of the photon, p_T(γ), and the three body eeγ invariant mass. A bin-by-bin correction is used to account for the signal selection efficiency and purity, and to correct the measured (simulated) distribution back to the theoretical prediction. The main backgrounds are found to be from the final state radiation Z + γ process, and from jets faking photons in Z → ee events. The possible QCD multijet background is studied using a fake-rate method, and found to be negligible for the particle identification cuts used in the analysis. The main systematic uncertainties on the differential cross-section measurements are explored with Monte Carlo simulations, and found to be of a similar scale to the statistical errors for the chosen distribution binning. The three body eeγ invariant mass distribution was then used as the basis of an exclusion study on new particles decaying to the Z(ee)γ final state. Under the assumption that the measured data agrees with the Standard Model prediction, exclusion limits were placed at 95% confidence level on the cross-section times branching ratio for a new scalar (modelled by SM Higgs process), or vector (based on a low-scale technicolor process) particle hypothesis, for particles in the mass range 200 to 900GeV. Limits of the order \(\char{cmsy10}{0x4f}\)(0.01) - \(\char{cmsy10}{0x4f}\)(0.1) pb on the cross section times branching ratios are predicted, which would improve on the equivalent limits previously calculated by the DØ experiment at the Tevatron collider, albeit in a different √s region, where cross-sections will generally be higher for new massive particles. In addition to the Zγ measurements, a digital timing calibration procedure was developed for the Cluster Processor (CP) subsystem of the level-1 calorimeter trigger. This work was essential to providing a repeatable and robust mechanism for timing in the digital processing in the CP system, a necessary ingredient for a robust and reliable trigger system; a pre-requisite of any physics analysis. This calibration procedure is described here.
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Mroszczyk, Przemyslaw. "Computation with continuous mode CMOS circuits in image processing and probabilistic reasoning." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2014.

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The objective of the research presented in this thesis is to investigate alternative ways of information processing employing asynchronous, data driven, and analogue computation in massively parallel cellular processor arrays, with applications in machine vision and artificial intelligence. The use of cellular processor architectures, with only local neighbourhood connectivity, is considered in VLSI realisations of the trigger-wave propagation in binary image processing, and in Bayesian inference. Design issues, critical in terms of the computational precision and system performance, are extensively analysed, accounting for the non-ideal operation of MOS devices caused by the second order effects, noise and parameter mismatch. In particular, CMOS hardware solutions for two specific tasks: binary image skeletonization and sum-product algorithm for belief propagation in factor graphs, are considered, targeting efficient design in terms of the processing speed, power, area, and computational precision. The major contributions of this research are in the area of continuous-time and discrete-time CMOS circuit design, with applications in moderate precision analogue and asynchronous computation, accounting for parameter variability. Various analogue and digital circuit realisations, operating in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains, are analysed in theory and verified using combined Matlab-Hspice simulations, providing a versatile framework suitable for custom specific analyses, verification and optimisation of the designed systems. Novel solutions, exhibiting reduced impact of parameter variability on the circuit operation, are presented and applied in the designs of the arithmetic circuits for matrix-vector operations and in the data driven asynchronous processor arrays for binary image processing. Several mismatch optimisation techniques are demonstrated, based on the use of switched-current approach in the design of current-mode Gilbert multiplier circuit, novel biasing scheme in the design of tunable delay gates, and averaging technique applied to the analogue continuous-time circuits realisations of Bayesian networks. The most promising circuit solutions were implemented on the PPATC test chip, fabricated in a standard 90 nm CMOS process, and verified in experiments.
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Markowska, Magdalena. "Entrepreneurial Competence Development : Triggers, Processes & Consequences." Doctoral thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, ESOL (Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Organization, Leadership), 2011.

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This dissertation, comprised of the cover story and the four separate but interrelated articles, focuses on exploring the development of entrepreneurial competence. Building on the assumption that purposeful engagement in entrepreneurial action potentially leads to the acquisition of specific entrepreneurial competencies, this thesis investigates the mechanisms facilitating and enabling entrepreneurs’ acquisition of entrepreneurial expertise, and the consequences of this process. As such, it unpacks the entrepreneurial learning process. In particular, building on Bandura’s (1986) social  cognitive theory (SCT), this study explores the role of deeply held beliefs, goal orientation and social networks (role models) in shaping entrepreneurs’ behavior, specifically their ability to create new means-ends frameworks (cf. Sarasvathy, 2001). The research included in this dissertation provides insight into the complexity of entrepreneurial competence development by connecting multiple theoretical perspectives, utilizing two different qualitative datasets situated in the context of gourmet restaurateurs and abductively building theory by developing explanations of the phenomenon of interest. This is one of the first attempts to open the ‘black box’ of entrepreneurial learning by simultaneously incorporating the contextual variables and the cognitive properties and practices of entrepreneurs in exploring their learning process. By combining SCT with entrepreneurship theory, the thesis develops an integrating model of entrepreneurial competence development that explains the relation between the preferred learning mode, action-control beliefs, the perceived role identity and role models. The findings suggest that attainment of entrepreneurial competence, and ultimately expertise, is facilitated by changes in action-control beliefs; and by the development of entrepreneurial identity. The findings also suggest that the role model’s perceived function changes depending on the entrepreneur’s goal orientation. Thus, one of the most important implications of the study is the idea that entrepreneurs need to become agents of their own development. Overall, this dissertation provides an explanation of the mechanisms of entrepreneurial competence development by suggesting that changing action-control beliefs and the formation of entrepreneurial identity are crucial in the development of entrepreneurial competence. In addition, access to role models and learning goal orientation facilitate this process.
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Hirsch, Philipp E. "Phenotypic Processes Triggered by Biological Invasions." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Limnologi, 2011.

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Individuals within a single population can vary widely in their phenotype e.g. in their body shape. These differences are an important source of biodiversity and they can precede evolutionary divergence within a population. In this thesis we use the biological invasion of the zebra mussels into Swedish lakes to investigate which processes create or maintain phenotypic diversity within populations of the two native fish species perch and roach and the mussel itself. Both fishes have specially adapted body shapes that depend on whether they feed in the near-shore or open-water habitat of lakes. This habitat-specific divergence was more pronounced in lakes with zebra mussels, probably because resources in both habitats were in higher supply due to the mussels’ effects on the lakes. Divergence in perch body shapes between habitats was also higher in lakes with a higher water clarity, suggesting that visual conditions can affect the resource use and thus also the expression of a habitat-specific body shape. When investigating the diversity of body shapes in the mussel itself we found that mussels from one lake changed their shell shape when exposed to different predators: fish predators induced a more elongated shell shape while crayfish predators induced a rounder shell. These specific shell shapes probably serve as two alternative predator defenses protecting the mussel from predation. We conclude that the availability and use of distinct resources is an important source of diversity within populations. Abiotic conditions can play a previously underappreciated role by promoting or impairing the use of the distinct resources thus affecting the divergence. The diversity of shell shapes we found in the zebra mussels complements our study by demonstrating that not only consumer responses to resources but also resources’ responses to predators can generate phenotypic diversity.
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Žádník, Jakub. "Implementation of Fast Fourier Transformation on Transport Triggered Architecture." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2017.

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V této práci je navrhnut energeticky úsporný procesor typu TTA (Transport Triggered Architecture) pro výpočet rychlé Fourierovy transformace (FFT). Návrh procesoru byl vytvořen na míru použitému algoritmu pomocí speciáoních funkčních jednotek. Algoritmus byl realizován jako posloupnost instrukcí tak, že většina výpočtu probíhá ve smyčce obrahující pouze jedionu paralelní instrukci. Tato instrukce je umístěna do instrukčního bufferu, odkud je potom volána místo instrukční paměti. Díky tomu se dá docílit nižší spotřeby, neboť volání z instrukčního bufferu je efektivnější než volání z instrukční paměti. Program byl zkompilován na časovém modelu procesoru a časová simulace potvrdila správnost návrhu. Součástí práce jsou rovněž pomocné programy v Pythonu, které slouží ke generaci referenčních výsledků a automatické simulaci a porovnání výsledků simulace s referencí.
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Guerra, Marcelo Del. "Desenvolvimento de apalpador de contato elétrico (\"touch trigger probe\") para atuação no processo de torneamento." Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.

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A utilização dos apalpadores acoplados a máquinas CNC se tornou uma realidade muito comum no mundo atual, principalmente devido à diminuição do tempo de preparação e possibilidades de realização de medições na própria máquina-ferramenta. Porém, ainda existem algumas barreiras a se transpor, como por exemplo, a dificuldade de programação, custo relativamente elevado e pouca literatura que trata exclusivamente a respeito da utilização dos apalpadores para medição nas máquinas-ferramentas. Nesse trabalho é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso dos apalpadores em ambiente industrial, discutindo-se as tecnologias utilizadas na geração do sinal de \"trigger\" e é proposto um novo modelo de apalpador de contato elétrico, de baixo custo, desenvolvido especialmente para atender as necessidades de medições em tornos CNC. Os testes em laboratório revelaram que a repetibilidade do protótipo construído foi de 0,003 mm dentro de uma confiabilidade de mais ou menos 3 \'sigma\' ou 99,73%. Concluiu-se que tais características são altamente compatíveis com os requisitos necessários para a maioria dos processos de torneamento.
The use of touch trigger probes attached to CNC machines has become a world standard, especially due the reduction of setup time and the ability to promote work piece measurements on machine. However, some barriers like measurement routines programming difficulties, high costs of these equipments and the low number of technical literature about this subject, still need to be transposed. This work presents a review on the applications of touch trigger probes on companies shop floor, discussing the nowadays technologies used to generate the trigger signal. A new touch trigger probe model based on a simple electrical contact is specially developed to provide the measuring characteristics required for Lathes, with the needed characteristics and low cost. The tests of the probe developed in the laboratory shown a repeatability of 0,003 mm (more and less 3 \'sigma\' or 99,73%). Those characteristics are high compatible with the most needs of the industry.
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Ghazi, A. (Amanullah). "SDR implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 PHY on transport triggered architecture processor." Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2013.

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Ever evolving wireless communication standards, reduced time-to-market and a need for flexibility and interoperability of multiple wireless communication technologies on a single device are the driving factors behind implementation of wireless standards on Software Defined Radios (SDR) platforms. The concept behind SDR is to implement as much functionality on software as possible. SDR provide greater interoperability and programmability compared with traditional hardwired implementation at the cost of higher power consumption and market cost. SDR is the driving technology for the next generation of co-operative and cognitive radios. For implementing an SDR, the existing wireless communication algorithms needs to be modified and an appropriate hardware platform needs to be selected. The IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN standard requires low cost and low-power consuming devices. The data rate requirements are also low (such as 250 kbps). Traditionally, the devices compliant with the standard are hardwired system-on-chip implementation which provides benefit in terms of power and cost. Recently, there has been significant effort on modeling the IEEE 802.15.4 SDR systems which provide greater interoperability and programmability of the devices. In this study, Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) based Application Specific Processor is selected for SDR implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz physical layer for studying the performance of such system in terms of Bit-Error-Rate, CPU cycle count, and processor chip area. As part of this work, different SDR frameworks like GNU Radio, Matlab-Simulink etc. were evaluated for their feasibility of providing an agile platform for the development. These existing frameworks need an operating system for their execution and are not suitable for stand-alone systems such as a TTA based processor. The work also includes the study of different receiver algorithms and design choices for the transceiver implementation. Based on existing literature and Matlab modeling, Asynchronous Zero-Crossing Detector (AZCD) based non-coherent receiver algorithm is selected for the implementation. The algorithm provides the required BER performance with very less complex computation and is suited for low power and low chip area implementations. The transmitter and receiver are implemented on single-core TTA processors which provide the required performance in terms of BER and data throughput. The processors designed need a very low silicon area and clock frequency for their realization.
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Casiraghi, Maurício Pezzi. "Insônia : a tecnologia audiovisual como catalisador para a imersão no teatro." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017.

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Esta dissertação caracteriza-se como memorial reflexivo de uma pesquisa empírica, que se enquadra no campo de estudos dos processos de criação cênica. A pesquisa se articula em torno da questão da imersão na cena contemporânea, aqui despertada pelo contato com obras que têm como denominador comum a relação intrínseca da cena e da tecnologia e, ao mesmo tempo, investem na experiência de inundamento sensorial de seus espectadores. A partir dessa perspectiva, investigo procedimentos que possam promover essa experiência teatral imersiva. Para isso, desenvolvo uma pesquisa em dois módulos. O primeiro, um estudo bibliográfico, que visa reconhecer tensões conceituais sobre a perspectiva da imersão. Neste reconheço os princípios de provocação do efeito imersão para serem aplicados no segundo módulo da pesquisa. O segundo módulo dedico à investigação empírica por meio do agenciamento de um experimento cênico conduzido pelos disparadores de imersão discriminados nos desdobramentos teóricos. Esses desvendados por articulação de dispositivos tecnológicos com elementos da linguagem teatral: tempo, espaço, presença, dimensão real e ficcional e manipulação dos sentidos. A partir dessa premissa, desenvolvi o experimento cênico “Insônia”. Disseco o processo de criação e, por consequência, problematizo as descobertas e soluções cênicas encontradas no caminho.
This dissertation distinguishes as a memorial of an empirical research, that belongs to the research field of theatrical creation processes. This research revolve around the notion of immersion in the contemporary scene. In this work is considered by recent contact with theater plays that makes uses of technology and bets in the experience of sensory flooding the spectators. From this perspective, i develop a research about the procedures that might produce this immersive theatrical experience. For achieving that I divide this work in two modules. The first module, a bibliographical study, that wishes to recognize conceptual tensions about the notion of immersion. Here I recognize the principles of provoking this immersion effect for then applying in the second module of the research. In the second module I devote to the empirical research by the means of arranging a theatrical experiment conducted by the immersion triggers found in the conceptual studies. These were discovered by linking technological devices and elements of theatre language: time, space, presence, real and fictional dimensions and sense manipulation. Having this as premise, I developed the theatrical experiment called “Insônia”. I analyze the creative processes and problematize the discoveries and scenic solutions found along the way.
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Books on the topic "Trigger Processor"


Gregory, Jonathan Michael. The VA1 trigger processor and a study of jet production. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1990.

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Vasterman, Peter, ed. From Media Hype to Twitter Storm. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

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The word media hype is often used as rhetorical argument to dismiss waves of media attention as overblown, disproportional and exaggerated. But these explosive news waves, as well as - nowadays - the twitter storms, are object of scientific research, because they are an important phenomenon in the public area. Sometimes it is indeed 'much ado about nothing' but in many cases these media storms have play an important role in political issues, scandals and crises. Twitter storms sometimes ruin reputations within hours. Although different concepts are used, such as media hypes, news waves, media storms, information cascades or risk amplification, all the studies in this book refer to the same process in which key events trigger a chain of reactions and interactions, building up huge news waves in the media or rapidly spreading social epidemics in the social media. This book offers the first comprehensive overview of this important topic. It is not only interesting for scholars and students in media and journalism, but also for professionals in PR and communication, crisis communication and reputation management.
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Granic, Isabela, and Jessica P. Lougheed. The Role of Anxiety in Coercive Family Processes with Aggressive Children. Edited by Thomas J. Dishion and James Snyder. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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The majority of aggressive children exhibit symptoms of anxiety. This chapter outlines a novel theoretical model that builds explicitly on coercion theory, linking aggression with the regulation of anxiety in both caregivers and children. Three hypotheses are suggested and data are applied to support this model: (1) unpredictable oscillations between permissive and hostile parenting (two distinct aspects of the coercive cycle) induces anxiety in children, which in turn triggers aggressive behavior; (2) peer relations and difficult school contexts exacerbate anxiety, which in turn may trigger bouts of aggression that function as regulation for distressing emotions; and (3) to improve the efficacy of treatments for childhood aggression, anxiety needs to be one of the primary targets of treatment. Almost no research has directly tested these hypotheses, but the chapter reviews extant research and theory consistent with these claims and suggests future research designs that can test them specifically.
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Gordon, Diane, Matthew D. Sjoblom, and Lori A. Aronson. Anaphylaxis. Edited by Erin S. Williams, Olutoyin A. Olutoye, Catherine P. Seipel, and Titilopemi A. O. Aina. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Anaphylaxis is an acute multisystem process resulting from allergic or nonallergic reactions to a foreign substance in the body. Regardless of trigger or pathophysiology, the mainstay of treatment is epinephrine. Common triggers of anaphylaxis in children undergoing anesthesia are latex, neuromuscular blocking agents, and antibiotics. Risk factors for latex sensitivity include frequent catheterization of the urogenital tract, atopic conditions, and mastocytosis. Presentation of anaphylaxis during anesthesia can be subtle or sudden, and cutaneous signs may be obscured by surgical drapes. A high index of suspicion facilitates prompt treatment with epinephrine, volume replacement, and airway management. Histamine and tryptase blood tests collected during the event can confirm the diagnosis acutely. Allergy consultation and skin testing may determine the causative agent.
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Bateson, Patrick. Evolutionary Theory Evolving. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The formation of new species was thought to result from a slow process of Darwinian evolution, but evidence indicates it can occur suddenly. The organism was thought to be passive, playing no role in evolution, but it can affect the evolution of its descendants because of its mobility, choices, control of the environment, and adaptability. Developmental processes were thought to be irrelevant to an understanding of evolution, but the enormous growth of epigenetics suggests that these processes can play an important role in evolutionary change. Acquired information can be passed to progeny without changing DNA sequences, and information can be inherited for a period in the absence of the initial environmental trigger. All this evidence suggests that evolutionary theory is evolving.
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Lawrenson, John. Pathogenesis: from acute rheumatic fever to rheumatic heart disease. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Rheumatic heart disease is considered to be an autoimmune disease; the trigger of the process is a streptococcal throat infection which then initiates both a humeral and a cellular immune response in environmentally and genetically susceptible individuals.
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Pekša, Jānis. Modular Implementation of Autonomous Decision Making Algorithms in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. RTU Press, 2022.

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are large modular enterprise applications designed for most enterprise business processes. They are mainly intended for transaction processing. ERP systems are used to implement the company's business processes; to implement, modify and maintain ERP systems successfully, one needs to know the company's business processes (BPs). BPs is a set of activities, the execution of which results in the desired result. Events trigger the execution of the BP. Business activities are performed by employees who represent various functional areas of the company. Enterprise applications provide BP implementation. ERP systems are typically used to implement internal company processes. The basic processes of the ERP are finance, logistics, human resources, and others. The modules of the ERP system are production planning, materials management, sales and distribution, financial accounting, management accounting, and human resource management. In the Thesis a framework that allows reducing the integration of forecasting methods in ERP systems has been developed. A standard integration method has been designed and developed, ensuring a simplified integration process in ERP systems.
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Bietti, Lucas M., and Michael J. Baker. Multimodal Processes of Joint Remembering in Complex Collaborative Activities. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The aim of this chapter is to expand research on joint remembering into real-world complex collaborative activities at the workplace. The text illustrates how the interweaving of verbal, corporal, social, and material resources supports joint remembering of relevant aspects of work projects during group interactions. As joint remembering does not represent a ubiquitous joint action in complex collaborative activities in the workplace, but rather a localized and goal-oriented interactional mechanism, here we focus on those interactional sequences concerning past actions and events, in relation to work projects, that are triggered by questions acting as reminders. Such sequences are called “multimodal remembering sequences.” The group interactions that are presented as illustrative examples to support our theoretical standpoint were taken from a corpus collected on the basis of two naturalistic studies on joint remembering collaborative design conducted with architects and animation designers at their workplaces.
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Physiologists, Society of, and Theodore Holmes Bullock. Physiological Triggers and Discontinuous Rate Processes; Papers Based on a Symposium at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1955. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Physiological Triggers and Discontinuous Rate Processes; Papers Based on a Symposium at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1955. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2021.

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Book chapters on the topic "Trigger Processor"


Hanson, Eric N., and Samir Khosla. "An introduction to the TriggerMan asynchronous trigger processor." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 51–66. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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Spiwoks, R., A. Armbruster, G. Carrillo-Montoya, M. Chelstowska, P. Czodrowski, P. O. Deviveiros, T. Eifert, et al. "The ATLAS Muon-to-Central-Trigger-Processor-Interface (MUCTPI) Upgrade." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 360–65. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Majekodunmi, Dipo. "Triggers." In Business Process Automation with ProcessMaker 3.1, 257–76. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2017.

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Domaneschi, Filippo. "Processing Presupposition Triggers." In Presuppositions and Cognitive Processes, 105–24. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.

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Shoush, Mahmoud, and Marlon Dumas. "Prescriptive Process Monitoring Under Resource Constraints: A Causal Inference Approach." In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 180–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractPrescriptive process monitoring is a family of techniques to optimize the performance of a business process by triggering interventions at runtime. Existing prescriptive process monitoring techniques assume that the number of interventions that may be triggered is unbounded. In practice, though, interventions consume resources with finite capacity. For example, in a loan origination process, an intervention may consist of preparing an alternative loan offer to increase the applicant’s chances of taking a loan. This intervention requires time from a credit officer. Thus, it is not possible to trigger this intervention in all cases. This paper proposes a prescriptive monitoring technique that triggers interventions to optimize a cost function under fixed resource constraints. The technique relies on predictive modeling to identify cases that are likely to lead to a negative outcome, in combination with causal inference to estimate the effect of an intervention on a case’s outcome. These estimates are used to allocate resources to interventions to maximize a cost function. A preliminary evaluation suggests that the approach produces a higher net gain than a purely predictive (non-causal) baseline.
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Martin, Monique M., Pascal Plaza, and Yves H. Meyer. "Intraligand Charge-Transfer as a Trigger for Cation Photorelease." In Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, 91–94. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Shoush, Mahmoud, and Marlon Dumas. "When to Intervene? Prescriptive Process Monitoring Under Uncertainty and Resource Constraints." In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 207–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractPrescriptive process monitoring approaches leverage historical data to prescribe runtime interventions that will likely prevent negative case outcomes or improve a process’s performance. A centerpiece of a prescriptive process monitoring method is its intervention policy: a decision function determining if and when to trigger an intervention on an ongoing case. Previous proposals in this field rely on intervention policies that consider only the current state of a given case. These approaches do not consider the tradeoff between triggering an intervention in the current state, given the level of uncertainty of the underlying predictive models, versus delaying the intervention to a later state. Moreover, they assume that a resource is always available to perform an intervention (infinite capacity). This paper addresses these gaps by introducing a prescriptive process monitoring method that filters and ranks ongoing cases based on prediction scores, prediction uncertainty, and causal effect of the intervention, and triggers interventions to maximize a gain function, considering the available resources. The proposal is evaluated using a real-life event log. The results show that the proposed method outperforms existing baselines regarding total gain.
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Hüwel, Jan David, Florian Haselbeck, Dominik G. Grimm, and Christian Beecks. "Dynamically Self-adjusting Gaussian Processes for Data Stream Modelling." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 96–114. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractOne of the major challenges in time series analysis are changing data distributions, especially when processing data streams. To ensure an up-to-date model delivering useful predictions at all times, model reconfigurations are required to adapt to such evolving streams. For Gaussian processes, this might require the adaptation of the internal kernel expression. In this paper, we present dynamically self-adjusting Gaussian processes by introducing Event-Triggered Kernel Adjustments in Gaussian process modelling (ETKA), a novel data stream modelling algorithm that can handle evolving and changing data distributions. To this end, we enhance the recently introduced Adjusting Kernel Search with a novel online change point detection method. Our experiments on simulated data with varying change point patterns suggest a broad applicability of ETKA. On real-world data, ETKA outperforms comparison partners that differ regarding the model adjustment and its refitting trigger in nine respective ten out of 14 cases. These results confirm ETKA’s ability to enable a more accurate and, in some settings, also more efficient data stream processing via Gaussian processes.
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Corporaal, Henk, and Jan Hoogerbrugge. "Code Generation for Transport Triggered Architectures." In Code Generation for Embedded Processors, 240–59. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.

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Safarpour, Mehdi, Ilkka Hautala, Miguel Bordallo López, and Olli Silvén. "Transport Triggered Array Processor for Vision Applications." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 361–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Trigger Processor"


Costa De Paiva, Thiago. "Hardware Trigger Processor for the MDT System." In Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2018.

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Amaral, P. B., N. Ellis, P. Farthouat, P. Gallno, J. Haller, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Maeno, et al. "The ATLAS Level-1 central trigger processor." In 14th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference, 2005. IEEE, 2005.

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Chiozzi, S., E. Gamberini, A. Gianoli, G. Mila, I. Neri, F. Petrucci, and D. Soldi. "The level-0 trigger processor for the NA62 experiment." In 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2015.

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Simioni, Eduard, Gabriel Anders, Bruno Bauss, David Berge, Volker Buscher, Taylor Childers, Reinhold Degele, et al. "Topological and Central Trigger Processor for 2014 LHC luminosities." In 2012 IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference (RT 2012). IEEE, 2012.

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Delgado, Ademar Tavares, and Dmitry Emeliyanov. "ATLAS trigger algorithms for general purpose graphics processor units." In 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop (NSS/MIC/RTSD). IEEE, 2016.

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Afik, Yoav, A. Armbruster, P. Czodrowski, N. Ellis, S. Haas, A. Koulouris, A. Kulinska, et al. "The new Muon-to-Central-Trigger-Processor Interface at ATLAS." In 41st International Conference on High Energy physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2022.

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Cieri, Davide. "Hardware Demonstrator Of The Phase-II ATLAS MDT Trigger Processor." In Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2020.

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Mizukami, Atsushi. "Development of the New Trigger Processor Board for the ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger for Run-3." In Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2018.

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Ntekas, K. "Recent Developments in the MDT Trigger Processor for the ATLAS Level-0 Muon Trigger at the HL-LHC." In 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2022.

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Shi, Zaifeng, Peng Qiu, Yong Wang, Su Wang, and Wei Guo. "A Sub-band Synthesis Filter parallel processor based on Transport Trigger Architecture." In 2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP). IEEE, 2010.

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Reports on the topic "Trigger Processor"


James L. Nagle. Smart Trigger Pre-Processor Custom Electronics for the PHENIX Experiment. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2003.

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Crosetto, D. 3D-Flow processor for a programmable Level-1 trigger (feasibility study). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1992.

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Hanson, Eric N. Support of Intelligent Integration of Information Using an Asynchronous Trigger Processor. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2000.

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Bigongiari, Ciro. Studio di un trigger dedicato per il processo $Z \to b \bar{b}$ a CDF. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1999.

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Giacometti, Alberto, and Hilma Salonen. Innovation Dynamics in Wood Construction in Sweden and Finland. Nordregio, February 2023.

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This publication provides the results of a case study on the construction sector transformation process triggered by the emergence of wood-based construction in Sweden and Finland, particularly of multi-storey buildings. The case reconstructs the micro-processes leading to innovations and breakthroughs in the market.
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Obregon, Jean-Francois, Sergio Lazzarini, Diane-Laure Arjalies, Julie Gualandris, Guanjie Huang, Ellen Kempton, Rubaina Singla, Yashika Sharma, and Jimmy Wang. Towards a Climate-Smart Food System: A Theory of Change and Impact Metrics to Trigger Farming and Societal Change. Richard Ivey School of Business., October 2023.

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There is significant interest in sustainable food production practices in Canada and worldwide due to the challenges caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, land degradation, and climate change. Sustainable food production is a food system that provides affordable, nutritious food while preserving and restoring natural resources and generating robust ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water filtration, and retention. This report explores multiple routes to foster improved social, ecological, and economic impacts associated with alternative practices promoting sustainable food production. It identifies core problems that prevent agricultural systems and their food chains from implementing (more) sustainable practices. The report mobilizes a Theory of Change (TOC) to outline possible interventions and metrics to implement (community-based) interventions to promote shared principles of sustainable production and create communities of practice. The TOC was developed in consultation with a set of actors in the food chain (including farmers, financial institutions, municipal governments, food processors, NGOs and industry associations) during a nine-month research intervention in Canada (2023), complemented by a literature review. Thanks to this co-creation process, the proposed interventions and metrics to measure and track improvements at the farm and societal levels presented in this report are outcomes-based and bottom-up. This enables agricultural communities and actors in the food chain to pursue alternative routes to improve outcomes. The report also discusses incentives to pursue sustainable food production, either explicit (e.g. monetary payments, contractual clauses) or implicit (e.g. social norms, cultural values, network-based engagement of food chain actors). Lastly, it outlines a potential research design to test the suggested interventions, metrics, and incentives in a Randomized Control Trial (RCT).
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Belaid, Fateh. The Implications of Soaring Gas and Coal Prices on Europe’s Energy Poverty Trap. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, December 2021.

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With the recovery of the world economy following the easing of restrictions designed to contain COVID-19, energy demand has surged even as natural gas stocks were dangerously low. This triggered one of the first significant energy shocks of the green era and exposed the fragilities of the ongoing process to green the energy system.
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Joyce, Charles L. The National Study of Water Management During Drought; The New England Drought Study: Trigger Planning: Intergrating Strategic, Tactical, and Emergency Planning into a Single Water Resources Management Process. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1994.

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Medina de Loera, Wendy Alejandra. The making of a digital archive, by a non-archivist. York University, 2018.

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This online exhibit has been created to share relevant insights about the process of preparing a digital archive for junior and senior scholars who have no training as archivist. The exhibit is based on my experience as a non-archivist making David Wurfel digital archive. The reflections and ideas captured in this online exhibit were triggered and enriched by multiple readings and the project team. The hope is that the ideas discussed in this exhibit will be helpful to all of those who may not have training as archivists but may be interested in preserving and sharing material via its digitization and display through an online archive.
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Suitner, Niels. Data set on the dissolution experiments available. OceanNets, March 2023.

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Abiotic laboratory-based experiments were undertaken to determine the characteristics of mineral dissolution in seawater and thereby examine the potential for ocean alkalinization applications. As part of the mesocosm campaigns on Gran Canaria 2021 (WP5.3) and Bergen 2022 (WP5.4) we contributed to the impact assessment of OAE by conducting labbased experiments, focused on the carbonate chemistry and the stability of alkalinity in TA enhanced seawater. Due to extensive precipitation of secondary Ca-carbonates during the dissolution experiments, the focus of WP5.1 changed from mineral dissolution experiments to describing and avoiding the process of runaway precipitation while studying the generation of alkalinity. Understanding when, why and how precipitation is triggered in an OAE context might be an essential factor to determine the potential as a negative emission technology. All data sets for the dissolution experiments, the precipitation process and critical thresholds are available for project members.
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