Academic literature on the topic 'Travail – Physiologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Travail – Physiologie"
Ceccaldi, P. F., M. C. Lamau, O. Poujade, L. Mougel, G. Ducarme, C. Davitian, and D. Luton. "Physiologie du déclenchement spontané du travail." EMC - Obstétrique 8, no. 1 (January 2013): 1–12.
Full textVatin, François. "Du travail à la fatigue : genèse et échec de la psycho-physiologie du travail." Bulletin de psychologie 49, no. 425 (1996): 520–29.
Full textBARREY, E. "Propriétés contractiles des fibres musculaires et performance physique chez le cheval." INRAE Productions Animales 7, no. 1 (February 24, 1994): 41–53.
Full textChan, Man Sing. "Sinicizing Western Science." T’oung Pao 98, no. 4-5 (2012): 528–56.
Full textSchauf, C. L. "Hommage à Edward Alexander Sellers, M.D., Ph.D." Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 65, no. 6 (June 1, 1987): 1241.
Full textROKHSSI, Hasnaa, Annissa ABDELKOUI, Nadia MERZOUK, and Faiza BENFDIL. "L’empreinte piézographique en pratique quotidienne." Actualités Odonto-Stomatologiques, no. 289 (April 2018): 3.
Full textHamraoui, Éric. "La vie et l’activité de la pensée dans la philosophie de Maine de Biran (1766-1824)." Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28, no. 45 (April 7, 2016): 1009.
Full textBARILLET, F., and F. BOCQUIER. "Le contexte de production des ovins laitiers en France : principaux objectifs de recherche-développement et conditions de leur mise en oeuvre." INRAE Productions Animales 6, no. 1 (February 27, 1993): 17–24.
Full textJullien, Hugues, Valérie Amiard, and Said Ahmaidi. "Le test navette de 20 m adapté au football : un indicateur du potentiel physiologique et des habiletés techniques du joueur." STAPS 21, no. 53 (2000): 7–18.
Full textCoste, Bertrand. "Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine 2021." médecine/sciences 38, no. 1 (January 2022): 96–98.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Travail – Physiologie"
Louguet, Philippe. "Caféine, décalage horaire et travail posté." Bordeaux 2, 1997.
Full textZattara-Hartmann, Marie-Caroline. "Etude du travail musculaire en hypoxemie aigue ou chronique : contribution a l'analyse correlative des evenements metaboliques, physiologiques et electromyographiques." Aix-Marseille 2, 1997.
Full textLecœur, Guillaume. "De la gestion des maux au "travail des mots" : contribution à une sociologie historique d'un répertoire sémantique des maux du travail (XVIIème siècle à nos jours)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, CNAM, 2018.
Full textIn recent years, following a period during which suffering occupied a predominant space as a category shaping French public debate, new words have begun to move to the fore when it comes to denouncing workplace ills. Fatigue, stress, burn out, and phsycho-social risks are examples of new categories used today to name worker-experienced harm. While public debate over worker suffering is regularly revisited, the question of the origin of this new repertoire of concepts is problematic. Do these words really reflect the social conditions in which people work? What is at stake discursively and epistemologically when these concepts are used ? To answer these questions, this thesis endeavors to analyze the genealogy of the semantic repertoire of workplace suffering, by bringing particular focus upon the social trajectories of the people who promoted some of its different constituent concepts. By identifying some of the different possible historical and epistemological causes of this repertoire, this thesis offers new methodological and theoretical tools to stabilize and harmonize our commun thinking about work. In this way, it also helps shed light upon the conditions under which a peculiarly sociological approach to work, along with a more general social-science approach, have been able to emerge
Wilhelm, Catherine. "La détection des troubles de la vigilance en médecine du travail : à propos d'une enquête à la Cellulose du Pin." Bordeaux 2, 1996.
Full textLecoeur, Guillaume. "De la gestion des maux au "travail des mots" : contribution à une sociologie historique d'un répertoire sémantique des maux du travail (XVIIème siècle à nos jours)." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2018.
Full textIn recent years, following a period during which suffering occupied a predominant space as a category shaping French public debate, new words have begun to move to the fore when it comes to denouncing workplace ills. Fatigue, stress, burn out, and phsycho-social risks are examples of new categories used today to name worker-experienced harm. While public debate over worker suffering is regularly revisited, the question of the origin of this new repertoire of concepts is problematic. Do these words really reflect the social conditions in which people work? What is at stake discursively and epistemologically when these concepts are used ? To answer these questions, this thesis endeavors to analyze the genealogy of the semantic repertoire of workplace suffering, by bringing particular focus upon the social trajectories of the people who promoted some of its different constituent concepts. By identifying some of the different possible historical and epistemological causes of this repertoire, this thesis offers new methodological and theoretical tools to stabilize and harmonize our commun thinking about work. In this way, it also helps shed light upon the conditions under which a peculiarly sociological approach to work, along with a more general social-science approach, have been able to emerge
Vouriot, Alexandre Perrin Philippe. "Identification de facteurs posturaux individuels et environnementaux à l'origine de troubles de l'équilibre chez l'homme au travail." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2005.
Full textDipoppa, Mario. "The role of correlations and oscillations as a unified mechanism controlling persistent neural activity and working memory." Paris 6, 2012.
Full textBoerlin, Martin. "Probabilistic inference and working memory in networks of spiking neurons." Paris 6, 2011.
Full textStrock, Anthony. "Mémoire de travail dans les réseaux de neurones récurrents aléatoires." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2020.
Full textWorking memory can be defined as the ability to temporarily store and manipulate information of any kind.For example, imagine that you are asked to mentally add a series of numbers.In order to accomplish this task, you need to keep track of the partial sum that needs to be updated every time a new number is given.The working memory is precisely what would make it possible to maintain (i.e. temporarily store) the partial sum and to update it (i.e. manipulate).In this thesis, we propose to explore the neuronal implementations of this working memory using a limited number of hypotheses.To do this, we place ourselves in the general context of recurrent neural networks and we propose to use in particular the reservoir computing paradigm.This type of very simple model nevertheless makes it possible to produce dynamics that learning can take advantage of to solve a given task.In this job, the task to be performed is a gated working memory task.The model receives as input a signal which controls the update of the memory.When the door is closed, the model should maintain its current memory state, while when open, it should update it based on an input.In our approach, this additional input is present at all times, even when there is no update to do.In other words, we require our model to be an open system, i.e. a system which is always disturbed by its inputs but which must nevertheless learn to keep a stable memory.In the first part of this work, we present the architecture of the model and its properties, then we show its robustness through a parameter sensitivity study.This shows that the model is extremely robust for a wide range of parameters.More or less, any random population of neurons can be used to perform gating.Furthermore, after learning, we highlight an interesting property of the model, namely that information can be maintained in a fully distributed manner, i.e. without being correlated to any of the neurons but only to the dynamics of the group.More precisely, working memory is not correlated with the sustained activity of neurons, which has nevertheless been observed for a long time in the literature and recently questioned experimentally.This model confirms these results at the theoretical level.In the second part of this work, we show how these models obtained by learning can be extended in order to manipulate the information which is in the latent space.We therefore propose to consider conceptors which can be conceptualized as a set of synaptic weights which constrain the dynamics of the reservoir and direct it towards particular subspaces; for example subspaces corresponding to the maintenance of a particular value.More generally, we show that these conceptors can not only maintain information, they can also maintain functions.In the case of mental arithmetic mentioned previously, these conceptors then make it possible to remember and apply the operation to be carried out on the various inputs given to the system.These conceptors therefore make it possible to instantiate a procedural working memory in addition to the declarative working memory.We conclude this work by putting this theoretical model into perspective with respect to biology and neurosciences
Durrive, Barthélemy. "Usage et fonctionnement d’un corps sans mode d'emploi. Que se joue-t-il entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur du corps dans la constitution d’une "physiologie du travail" (de l’Âge classique à la Belle Époque) ?" Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textThe phrase “work physiology” (referring to professional work) appeared during the International Hygiene and Demography Congresses between 1900 and 1904. It was first used to call for a brand new research program applying the methods and results of experimental physiology to the study of the body at work in several definite occupations. Creating its first official state-funded laboratory in 1913, this “professional work physiology” tried to launch – by means of well publicized case studies and declarations – a large-scale scientific enterprise for the scientific analysis of human work. The self-proclaimed aim was to rationalize legislation regarding fatigue, settle arguments (between employers and employees) on scientific grounds, and most of all optimize the organization of work. This specific kind of “work physiology” developed t first without the knowledge of Taylor’s research, but as soon as the beginning of the 1910’s, “work physiologists” started announcing that their own studies tended to improve taylorism – as they confirmed its principles while adapting its applications to the specificities of the living organism.This thesis takes the “1900 period” as a starting point in order to show how the scientific debates resulting in the formation of “work physiology” actually have roots in distant history – for the working body has been an object for scientific study since at least the late 17th century. Our hypothesis is as follows: the formation of a “work physiology” raises an important epistemological issue, namely that experts in the organic functioning suddenly analyze the way workers are using their own bodies. Thus, while changing their object, scientists claim that it is possible to evaluate and optimize this use of one’s body from a purely physiological standpoint. This thesis tries to shed light on the source and the evolution of this peculiar idea, throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th century. Focusing on a few famous cases studies in the scientific analysis of human work, we try to show how the modeling practices tend to mix statements about what happens inside the body with what is at stake outside the body, in the real-world work situation.While the facts analyzed here are historical in nature, the question asked to carry out the analysis is philosophical in nature: what can we learn from the motives developed by and the difficulties encountered by these physiologists of a new kind, regarding the claim to dictate a “correct use” of the body solely based on physiological knowledge ? The issue that this dissertation tries to raise boils down to this question: can one assign something like an instruction manual to the living body? – a question fully renewed in the fifties and sixties by the newly formed ergonomics
Books on the topic "Travail – Physiologie"
Pascale, Senk, ed. Libérez-vous de vos dépendances: Couple, travail, médicaments. Paris: Le Grand livre du mois, 1999.
Find full textBeaunis, Henri Étienne. Travaux du laboratoire de psychologie physiologique à la Sorbonne, 1892-1893. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011.
Find full textRivolier, Jean. Résumé des travaux de recherche en médecine et psychologie dans les Terres australes et antarctiques françaises. 2nd ed. Plouzané, France: IFRTP-Technopôle de Brest-Iroise, 1995.
Find full textTable ronde du CCG sur le mieux-être de travail (Canada). Le juste équilibre: Guide à l'intention du gestionnaire sur le mieux-être en milieu de travail. Ottawa: Centre canadien de gestion, 2002.
Find full textTravail, organisation et santé: Le défi de la productivité dans le respect des personnes. [Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2004.
Find full textEntretiens de l'INSEP (2001 Paris, France). La charge de travail en sport de haut niveau: Actes des entretiens de l'INSEP des 9-10-11 octobre 2001. Paris: Institut national du sport et de l'éducation physique, 2002.
Find full textFortier, L. E. De la durée physiologique du travail physique chez l'homme: Travail lu devant la Société américaine d'hygiène publique lors de sa vingt-deuxième convention annuelle tenue à Montréal les 25, 26, 27 et 28 septembre 1894. [Montréal?: s.n.], 1993.
Find full textInstitut national de la recherche agronomique (France), ed. L' évaluation du travail à l'épreuve du réel: Critique des fondements de l'évaluation : une conférence-débat organisée par le groupe Sciences en questions, Paris, INRA, 20 mars 2003. Paris: INRA, 2003.
Find full textDie drei Geister des Menschen: Die sogenannte Spirituslehre in der Physiologie der Frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Travail – Physiologie"
Lansac, J., L. Sentilhes, G. Gillard, and P. Descamps. "Physiologie de la grossesse à terme et du travail." In Pratique de l'accouchement, 1–22. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textLansac, J., C. Garabedian, and L. Sentilhes. "Physiologie de la grossesse à terme et du travail." In Pratique de L'accouchement, 3–20. Elsevier, 2022.
Full textBesnard-Charvet, Christelle, and Antoine Demonceaux. "Accompagnement d’un travail physiologique." In Pratiques Homéopathiques en Gynécologie-Obstétrique, 50–52. Elsevier, 2019.
Full text"Indigenous Physiology." In Haunting Biology, 119–42. Duke University Press, 2023.
Full textBrown, Andrew. "Not Even a Physiologist." In Bound by Muscle, 7—C2.N61. Oxford University PressNew York, 2022.
Full textPocock, Gillian, Christopher D. Richards, and David A. Richards. "Introduction to the endocrine system." In Human Physiology. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBurggren, Warren W. "Complexity Change during Physiological Development." In Comparative Developmental Physiology, 174–90. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2006.
Full text"Plant Growth and Human Life Support for Space Travel." In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, 947–64. CRC Press, 2001.
Full textSubbarao, G., Neil Yorio, Raymond Wheeler, and Gary Stutte. "Plant Growth and Human Life Support for Space Travel." In Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology. CRC Press, 2001.
Full textLuks, Andrew M., Philip N. Ainslie, Justin S. Lawley, Robert C. Roach, and Tatum S. Simonson. "High altitude travel with preexisting medical conditions." In Ward, Milledge and West's High Altitude Medicine and Physiology, 471–94. CRC Press, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Travail – Physiologie"
Huang, Zixuan, Shuwen Qiu, and Zhijuan Zhu. "Improvement Design of Metro Access Control System Based on Ergonomics." In 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). AHFE International, 2023.
Full textPavličiková, Helena. "Josef Velenovský a František Mareš o světě techniky." In 100 let R. U. R. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2020.
Full textNicolás Palomares, Nicolás Palomares, Juan Manuel Belda, Sofía Iranzo Sofía Iranzo, Javier Silva Javier Silva, Begoña Mateo Begoña Mateo, José Laparra-Hernández José Laparra-Hernández, and José Solaz José Solaz. "Enhancing the acceptance of future automated vehicles through understanding the emotional state of passengers." In FISITA World Congress 2021. FISITA, 2021.
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