Academic literature on the topic 'Travail des frontières'
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Journal articles on the topic "Travail des frontières"
Jouve, B. "Planification territoriale et frontière internationale : le cas franco-genevois." Geographica Helvetica 49, no. 4 (December 31, 1994): 150–56.
Full textBesson, Jean-François. "Travail sans frontières." Hommes et Migrations 1166, no. 1 (1993): 53–55.
Full textPapinot, Christian. "Quelles frontières à la subordination salariale ? Logiques de débordement et tentatives d’endiguement du temps de travail chez les jeunes intérimaires en France." Lien social et Politiques, no. 54 (April 27, 2006): 163–72.
Full textSimonet, Maud, Catherine Achin, and Simon Cottin-Marx. "Les frontières du travail." Mouvements 114, no. 2 (July 5, 2023): 74–83.
Full textPénin, Julien, and Thierry Burger-Helmchen. "Crowdsourcing d’activités inventives et frontières des organisations1." Management international 16 (September 20, 2012): 101–12.
Full textMartinache, Igor. "Aux frontières du travail." Idées économiques et sociales N° 158, no. 4 (2009): 4.
Full textCollet, Eva. "Cartographier et dissocier les frontières entre Byzance et l’Islam (nord du Bilād al-Šām, IVe-Ve/Xe-XIe siècles)." Source(s) – Arts, Civilisation et Histoire de l’Europe, no. 17 (October 5, 2022): 15–33.
Full textBollé, Patrick. "Statistiques du travail: frontières et diversité du travail." Revue internationale du Travail 148, no. 1-2 (June 2009): 197–207.
Full textDugué, Élisabeth, Guillaume Malochet, and Patrick Nivolle. "Aux frontières du travail social ?" Hommes & migrations, no. 1290 (March 1, 2011): 98–107.
Full textAlbert, Anaïs, Clyde Plumauzille, and Sylvain Ville. "Déplacer les frontières du travail." Tracés, no. 32 (May 18, 2017): 7–24.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Travail des frontières"
Rémy, Catherine. "Mise à mort des animaux, travail des hommes : une ethnographie aux frontières de l'humain." Paris, EHESS, 2005.
Full textThis thesis is about the evolution of the frontier between man and animals. The frontier here is perceived as the carrying out of an act which is particularly visible in situations where the subject of the killing of animals is an every day reality. Three situations of work have been observed : a slaughterhouse, a veterinary clinic and a laboratory of physiology. In each situation the killing of animals is carried out in a specific way. However, the research reveals that in the three situations there are common points : the importance of the implicit aspects in the organization of work, the delegation of violence to a few individuals and their interaction with the animals. In conclusion, we can affirm that the frontier has indeed evolved in the sense of a larger acceptance of the similarities, but animals cannot be categorized in such a way as to completely eradicate significant differences
Brand, Magdalena. ""Boxer Bangui" : les femmes libres aux frontières des politiques sexuelles de l'expatriation française en Centrafrique." Thesis, Paris 8, 2016.
Full textDuring my fieldwork, I lived in the LATIN QUARTERS in Bangui (Central African Republic), named SOWETO, where women are head of household. Other people call them « FREE WOMEN, BECAUSE THEY USE THEIR FREEDOM SO MUCH, IT BECOMES PEJORATIVE ». To earn their living, they work every night in the recreational areas of French expatriates, bars, restaurants and downtown nightclubs, as domestic workers, waitresses, prostitutes and cooks. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze power relations that structure sexual-economic exchanges between French expatriate men and Central-African women in Bangui. The research will lead to analyze sexual and domestic work of Central-African women as the heart of the construction of the French expatriate community, and of the existence of a class of women who, between constraints and search for autonomy, negotiate the value of their lives in the city.« If people say that you are a whore, you hear them but you shut your ears, because inside you, you know why you do it: for the future. It’s a job. You do it for what you have decided to be in your heart »
Azambuja, Ricardo. "Cadres intermédiaires et frontières dans l'organisation : enjeux de collaboration, d'expérience du travail, et de réalités organisationnelles." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, Ecole supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales, 2015.
Full textThis dissertation investigates middle-managers’ work, experience of work, and construction of organizational reality. It draws its empirical material upon a seven month multi-site ethnographic fieldwork within a medium-sized Brazilian auditing and consulting firm. The core of this dissertation is constituted of three independent papers. The first of these papers sets out a conceptualization of the emergence and nature of middle-managers’ boundary work as a means of fostering collaborative work among distinct, and often divergent, organizational actors. Boundary work consists of the transference of knowledge, the translation of understandings, and the transformation of interests that are mismatched across organizational groups. A conceptual framework composed of eight structural conditions, seven types of middle-managerial boundary work and nine structural consequences is advanced and mobilized, illustrating its theoretical and practical implications for understanding middle-managers’ work of fostering cross-functional collaboration. The second paper of this dissertation studies the subjective experience of middle-managers while performing such a boundary work of interfacing different organizational groups. This is done by building upon the concept of ‘boundary subjects’ proposed by Huzzard et al. (2010), which encapsulates such work responsibilities, and by demonstrating the ambivalent repercussions of the in-betweenness of middle-managers’ work in their subjective experience of performing this work. The third paper focus on the most important of BAMA’s branches to study how the middle-managers from this branch deviate from headquarters directives. The Baudrillardian (1983) concept of the simulacrum is drawn upon to structure the demonstration of three distinct simulated practices engaged in at the branch, each pertaining to an order defined by an increasingly distance from the corresponding headquarters practices. This paper highlights middle-managers’ roles and purposes in creating and maintaining simulated practices, and posits that the simultaneous management of alternative ‘realities’ may provide a way for middle-managers to expand their power, in both symbolic and material terms
Dromard, Benjamin. "Esclaves, dépendants, deportés : les frontières de l'esclavage en Babylonie au premier millénaire avant J.-C." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textSeveral modes of production exist in first millennium BCE Babylonia (modem Iraq): wage-labour, slavery, different forms of dependency. My thesis is mainly focused on the study of the status and the activities of slaves and temple dependants, with the addition of Judean and West Semite deportees, forced by the neo-Babylonian to live and work in Mesopotamia after the conquest of Syria-Palestine. These three social groups have been analysed as different forms of slavery in the historiography. My aim is for a precise study of their economic activities, their part in several economic sectors (agriculture, trade, craftsmanship, building) in rural and urban context. I try to put this in contrast with the available legal documentation. Therefore, I try to show the theoretical boundaries of the statuses of slaves, dependants and deportees and how their legal analysis isn't sufficient. My dissertation aims for revealing the hierarchies present inside those three groups of labourers and the social dynamics at play. The making of a class of intermediary workers (slave agents, dependants having an administrative position, deportees investing capital ... ) is an important historical fact needing an analysis. Are there possibilities for social mobility and emancipation in their favour in first millennium BCE Babylonia? Answering this is one objective of my study, grounded in the perspective of an history of labour
Lahrizi, Imane-Zineb. "Au-delà des frontières : stratégies identitaires et choix de carrière des jeunes issus de l'immigration." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textThe aim of this study was to understand the articulation between double culture and identity on immigrant children’s vocational project. Literature concerning these three concepts is rich and there is a great amount of researches on immigrant children. Identity is considered here in a dynamic perspective, and studied in accordance with identity strategies. The vocational project reflects the interests of a person, but refers at the same time to other elements, such as identity, context and culture. The content analysis of nine semi-structured interviews with immigrant children led to an identification and the understanding of the complexity of career choices when considering their double cultural and identity development. Results show, among others, that identity changes and is influenced by participants’ various contexts. Also, career choices are made according to family expectations, parents’ project of immigration and participants’ career aspirations. Keywords: Immigrant children's identity construction, career choices, cultural affiliation.
Elguezabal, Eleonora. "La production des frontières urbaines : les mondes sociaux des "copropriétés fermées" à Buenos Aires." Paris, EHESS, 2011.
Full textThat does it mean for a neighbourhood or a building to be "gated"? My doctoral thesis assesses the notion of "residential enclaves", usually used to evaluate the so-called "gated residential developments" as devices of upper class self-segregation, according to dual city theories. Instead of doing a macro-sociological and typological study, my doctoral thesis studies the processes whereby social and symbolic boundaries at the newly "gated residential developments" in Buenos Aires (the torres and complejos) are created and maintained, when found to be present at all. This approach entails two main differences with other studies already done about these kinds of places. On the one hand, I did not restrict my research only to those "gated residential developments" that easily fit under the study of "enclaves". I also took into consideration more controversial cases. This approach allowed me to highlight how dynamic is the creation of social boundaries through space and to show the conflicts of legitimacy that are involved in those boundaries. On the other hand, I included in my research some people that take part in the everyday life of these new developments but that usually are not taken into account-particularly the employees. By taking into account their presence in these "gated residential developments", my research shows the socially constructed nature of the image of these places as socially homogeneous "enclaves". My doctoral thesis shows the presence of heterogeneous social worlds in the "gated" space and the ways they are linked to each other in order to produce the boundaries making a "gated residential development" a reality
El, Wafi Wafa. "Perméabilité des frontières vies « personnelle et professionnelle » et usage des TIC : modèles d’articulation." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016.
Full textSeveral studies has shown that the increased use of information and communications technology (ICT) in professional and personal life has largely contributed to the blurring of the boundaries between these two spheres. The resultant permeability reflects the degree to which the individual can be psychologically and / or behaviorally engaged in one area, but physically and temporally present in another. Our goal is to identify the determinants of porous personal and professional borders and the different models of articulation between these two areas of life, based on the use of information and communications technology. We used a mixed, qualitative and quantitative methodology. The results of the first study made by a questionnaire survey on 241 people confirm, firstly, that personal boundaries are more permeable and that they depend on several organizational variables and work characteristics, secondly, that the permeability of professional boundaries depends only on work flexibility. Four articulation models were identified: segmentation, spillover, integration and hybridization.The second study conducted according to the scenario method, set the articulation patterns in a dynamic and evolutionary perspective. Individuals change the ways of managing their life boundaries, depending on their age, the changes in their family and work situation and the organizational climate. All the results are discussed from a theoretical, methodological and practical point of view
Carol, Nathalie. "Le rôle des managers de proximité dans la fabrique du sens stratégique à l’Office National des Forêts : les effets des frontières sur le travail d’influence des pratiques de martelage." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textTo support the growth of a promising sector and improve its financial situation, the National Forestry Office (ONF) adopted a new roadmap for the period 2016-2020, focusing primarily on increasing wood supply. However, this strategic focus, which is based on sustainable production, comes up against a patrimonial vision of forest management inherited from a multi-century-old administration, the Eaux et Forêts (Water and Forests). The weight of tradition may explain an intensity of harvesting that remains below the estimated productivity of ecosystems and the objectives set out in previous roadmaps. This calls for an examination of the ONF's capacity to adapt to meet the demands of a changing environment. In a practical approach to strategy, hammering practices can be a possible entry point for explaining and understanding how the ONF's wood supply strategy is formed and implemented in the field. Hammering consists of marking with hammer hits or traces of paint the trees that will be cut by logging workers. This technical act directly influences the volumes of wood put on the market. Hammering is carried out by relatively autonomous professionals who work under the responsibility of middle managers. Middle managers are considered as key actors of change. Based on the sensemaking theory, I show how middle managers can seek through interactions to influence the meaning behind hammering practices. However, these interactions are conditioned by the symbolic, social, physical and temporal boundaries that structure the practices. These boundaries are not fixed but may potentially evolve in the daily actions and interactions. This movement can be driven by middle managers and understood through the concept of boundary work. The influential work of middle managers consists then in working on the boundaries to influence practices towards increased wood supply. This leads to examine a potential change at the ONF through two questions: what are the effects of boundaries on the work of influencing practices of hammering? How do middle managers work on boundaries to influence practices?To answer these questions, an ethnographic case study was conducted in the Great East region. The data collected over nearly two years show that the boundaries that structure hammering practices strongly constrain the interactions needed to influence practices. These boundary effects have led the middle managers to create “free spaces” that provide more favourable conditions to interact and to influence the practices towards increased wood supply. Three main theoretical contributions arise from this study. First, taking boundaries into account in the influential work of middle managers allows us to shed light on the conditions of sensegiving, which Maitlis and Lawrence (2007) have long been calling for. The results obtained then make it possible to enrich the concept of ecology of spaces. Spaces of freedom are used to inform and influence the "front stage" spaces in which practices are carried out or in which boundaries are defined. Finally, this study invites a discussion on two aspects of the theory of sensemaking, that of resources and that of temporality.The results of this study lead to managerial recommendations aimed at increasing the influence of middle managers and promoting wood supply. These recommendations consist of several measures such as redynamizing work exchanges by opening spaces of discussion and using technical language to influence hammering practices
Bussi, Chloé. "Aux frontières du social et du sanitaire : Approche ethnographique de la prise en charge de la santé des sans-abri en centres d'hébergement." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2023.
Full textThis inductive research project, carried out in various homeless shelters, is based on the premise that health-related factors occupy a central position in these spaces which traditionally revolve around social work. By monographing an association in north-western France that runs one of the country’s oldest night shelters, the thesis examines the redefining of the boundaries between social and healthcare. In the space of a century, the homeless person has gone from being an individual whom society sought to distance itself from to a person who must be helped. Little is known, however, about how social workers, historically engaged to take care of these people, have addressed the reevaluation of this social issue. This ethnography, conducted from an insider’s perspective as a former specialised educator, takes a “bottom-up” look at the sanitary redefinition – conceptualized as a sanitarization process – of care for the homeless, questioning the conditions under which the realm of healthcare came to impose itself so prominently and what this implies for professionals and the sheltered alike.Qualifying the idea of a turning point in the care of homeless people’s health, this sociohistorical study first highlights the extent to which care to sheltered people’s health ailments has structured this association’s history, marked as it is, however, by relentless caution to resist any form of medical control. The research then examines the materiality of this consideration of care. Who is actually performing the care giving for the homeless? The study of professional trajectories and practices suggests reflecting on the importance of an intersectional perspective in the analysis of the sanitarization process, insofar as the care provided to the homeless is part of a gendered division of care work. The thesis then turns to the ethnography of concrete situations of assistance for homeless person. By analyzing the effects of this health bias in their care, the study proposes a reflection on the rectification and production of social inequalities in health, to which these individuals are overexposed. Based on the case of shelters and their less visible, but nonetheless central, players in the care of the homeless, this research lies at the juncture of a sociology of health and social work to question, more broadly, the contemporary issues at stake in recompositing the social State
Guille-Escuret, Paul. "Les critiques de la déraison pure : sociologie des défenses citoyennes de la vaccination et de la science." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.
Full textPeriodically brought to the forefront by new controversies, the anti-vax figure has emerged over the past few decades as a prominent symbol of the problematic relationship that populations have with technology and science. Without seeking to legitimize them, numerous studies focused on refusals and hesitancy have highlighted the stigmatizing or counterproductive nature of a label that is indiscriminately applied to all critical attitudes. However, the role played in this process of social labeling by citizens mobilized in favor of vaccination has been largely overlooked. Due to the increasing engagement of activists aligned with various pro-Science currents, the fight against anti-vaccine activists has, in recent years, significantly transformed, particularly within digital arenas. This study aims to contextualize the significance of these moral crusades for those who invest in them and to analyze the effects of these mobilizations on the broader construction of a public issue surrounding the defense of science.To achieve this, this thesis employs a mixed-methods approach. The data comprises both in-person and online ethnographies of communities advocating for vaccination and, more broadly, for the defense of science in the public sphere. It also includes in-depth qualitative interviews with activists (n=36) and network analyses based on data collected from the internet (websites and Twitter).This thesis shows that the main collectives specializing in vaccination advocacy differentiate themselves online from currents identifying as "rationalists", in which vaccines are seen as one object among many. Navigating between vaccine and science advocacy, this work seeks to situate these mobilizations within a network whose coalitions and fractures elucidate both the expansion of online activism practices and the heterogeneity of the social dynamics underlying these commitments. The diversity of trajectories can be partly attributed to the rise of social media, which lowers the barriers to enter into such controversies and facilitates the involvement of individuals not strictly associated with medical, scientific, or public health campaigns. Consequently, alongside researchers and physicians, self-taught individuals, converts, and engineers frequently find themselves positioned to negotiate the boundaries of science, selectively including or excluding certain actors or objects. Because their own interests influence their rhetoric, it is argued here that these activists contribute to the transformation of public uses of scientific authority. Often heralding an unprecedented crisis in the legitimacy of science, their interventions paradoxically polarize debates and bind science to its technological applications. Ultimately, the discourses of citizen defenders of vaccination and science emerge as hybrid cultural products constructed at the intersection of several forms of identity work, varied professional ethos, and a ballistics specific to the exchange of arguments on social networks
Books on the topic "Travail des frontières"
Miri, Mustapha El, and Delphine Mercier. Frontières en travail: Migrations, travail et fabrique des frontières dans le monde. Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2020.
Find full textHirlet, Philippe. Travail social sans frontières: Innovation et adaptation. Rennes: Presses de l'École des hautes études en santé publique, 2013.
Find full textJean-Hervé Bradol et Claudine Vidal. INNOVATIONS MÉDICALES EN SITUATIONS HUMANITAIRES - Le travail de Médecins Sans Frontières. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textBellemare, Guy. Transformations du travail/transformations des frontières des systèmes de relations industrielles. Montréal: CRISES, 2006.
Find full textMarie-France, Freynet, Blanc Maurice 1943-, and Pineau Gaston, eds. Les transactions aux frontières du social: Formation, travail social, développement local : [séminaire, 11 et 12 avril 1997, La Rochelle]. Lyon: Éd. Chronique sociale, 1998.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Études interdisciplinaires un monde sans frontières idc4o cours ouvert. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textPotoski, Antonin. Nager sur la frontière. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2013.
Find full textOdinetz, Hervé Collart. Amazonie, la dernière frontière. Paris: Nathan, 1988.
Find full text1937-, Stewart Carlton R., and Lethbridge Historical Society, eds. Alberta's 49th parallel: A natural & historical journey. Lethbridge, Alta: Lethbridge Historical Society, 2009.
Find full textThomas, Betteridge, ed. Borders and travellers in early modern Europe. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Travail des frontières"
Gaspar, Jean-François. "« Travailler ensemble » : « entre » champ médical et travail social." In L’intervention sociale aux frontières du médical, 135–47. Genève: Éditions ies, 2023.
Full text"Frontières." In Filmer l'artiste au travail, 343–45. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
Full textPieret, Denis. "Chapitre V. Frontières et travail mondialisés." In Les frontières de la mondialisation, 207–51. Presses universitaires de Liège, 2016.
Full textprévot-Carpentier, Muriel, and Leïla Boudra. "Déplacer les frontières disciplinaires pour intervenir sur le travail humain." In L’interdisciplinarité au travail, 127–43. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2020.
Full textPerraudin, Anna. "Des mobilités dans et par l’emploi ? L’ambivalence du rapport au travail." In Esquiver les frontières, 203–27. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018.
Full textBeyries, Sylvie. "Le travail de la peau, révélateur d’enjeux techniques, sociaux et symboliques." In Préhistoire. Nouvelles frontières, 167–75. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2023.
Full textPetit, Héloïse, and Nadine Thévenot. "Introduction. Repenser les frontières du travail subordonné." In Les nouvelles frontières du travail subordonné, 5–18. La Découverte, 2006.
Full textBellemare, Guy, and Louise Briand. "Nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles frontières des régions de rapports de travail et dénationalisation." In Repenser le travail, 15–48. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2015.
Full textGrelet, Yvette. "Entre Études Et Travail, Une Frontière Floue." In Les catégories sociales et leurs frontières, 29–35. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2011.
Full text"Pages de fin." In Les nouvelles frontières du travail subordonné, 251–56. La Découverte, 2006.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Travail des frontières"
MANGEON, Michaël, Claire Marie DULUC, Lise BARDET, Nathalie GILOY, Yasser HAMDI, and Olivier CHANTON. "Opportunités, limites et frontières de l'évaluation des aléas extrêmes : Plongée au cœur du travail des experts scientifiques de l'IRSN." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2020.
Full textDevaux, Franck. "Commentaire sur l’observation du travail d’un Comité d’éthique pédiatrique, un jeu de miroirs avec l’humain en son centre." In 2ème Colloque International de Recherche et Action sur l’Intégrité Académique. « Les nouvelles frontières de l’intégrité ». IRAFPA, 2022.
Full textAldama, Juan Alonso. "D’un état à l’autre : la question des limites." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Travail des frontières"
Hunter, Janine, Lorraine van Blerk, Thomas d'Aquin Rubambura, Cold Musiwa Mubigalo, Luc Mufano, Wayne Shand, Anabelle, et al. Vie de rue dans la ville à la frontière: Des jeunes de la rue racontent leurs vies quotidiennes à Bukavu, RDC. StreetInvest, August 2022.
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