Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Tratta di esserei umani'
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Tonello, Arianna <1992>. "La tratta di esseri umani." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/10147.
Full textColo', Francesco <1990>. "La lotta internazionale alla tratta di esseri umani." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15003.
Full textKOLA, REZARTA. "Il divieto di tratta degli esseri umani nel diritto internazionale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/201845.
Full textCignolini, Eleonora <1997>. "Una visione europea al problema della tratta di esseri umani. L’Azione dell'Unione Europea in materia di politiche di contrasto." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/21746.
Full textTACCARDI, CRISTIANA. "UN REATO SENZA "CONFINI": LA TRATTA DI ESSERI UMANI DAI MODELI TEORICI ALLA PRASSI APPLICATIVA." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/122448.
Full textThe aim of this research is to analyse the criminal legislation of human trafficking as a paradigmatic area of multi-level criminal science, seeking to improve the strategy of prevention and repression of this criminal phenomenon. Some of the most relevant issues related to this topic are addressed in order to do so, such as the difficult definition of the relationship between human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, as well as the characteristic of trafficking as a transnational crime. In the light of the numerous legislative instruments already in place to combat trafficking and the persistent ineffectiveness of legal protection, the study focuses on the transnational nature of the crime of trafficking and the need for an approach that goes beyond the EU harmonisation of national laws and inter-State cooperation. The changing 'legal space' within which the issues raised by meta-national forms of crime, among which trafficking is included, challenge the postulate of the inherence of criminal law to the prerogatives of State sovereignty. Therefore, the possibilities of delineating a new European territoriality, as a prerequisite for a direct criminal competence of the Institutions in the field of transnational crimes, will be investigated. The topic of European criminal law will be explored in depth, aware of the limits that the processes of European law production currently suffer from. In the face of serious transnational crime phenomena, such as trafficking in human beings, the need to transpose, at a European level, that shared core of criminal science, unavoidably linked to the protection of legal goods and respect for human rights, appears even more urgent.
TAMMONE, Francesca. "Controllo della migrazione nel Mediterraneo e tratta di persone: profili di responsabilità internazionale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/10447/559920.
Full textFANFARILLO, SARA. "La tratta di esseri umani nel diritto internazionale: tra lotta al crimine transnazionale organizzato e tutela dei diritti fondamentali." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/1088.
Full textCIRINEO, SACCO ANDREA. "Tratta di esseri umani per lo scopo sessuale e corruzione in Brasile: un'analisi approfondita sul collegamento tra due fenomeni criminali." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/206.
Full textThis thesis deals with the interrelationship between two criminal phenomena: trafficking in human beings, particularly women and minors for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and official corruption in Brazil. The study is based on empirical data from four different sources: three sets of secondary data and a survey. Chapter I highlights the importance of the study, the problems addressed by the thesis, as well as its objectives. Chapter II explores up-to-date scientific literature, the working hypothesis, applied methodology, and research design. Chapter III presents the empirical findings of each set of data which shows: 1) the dependence of Trafficking in Human Beings on Corruption; 2) the most vulnerable points for corruption during the trafficking and criminal justice chains; 3) and regional differences and trends on THB and Corruption in Brazil. Multivariate analysis is used: 1) to highlight the strength and of the interrelationship between Trafficking in Human Beings and Corruption; 2) and to establish predictability. The dependence of Trafficking on Official Corruption is analysed by means of qualitative method. Chapter V discusses the results and presents conclusions.
CIRINEO, SACCO ANDREA. "Tratta di esseri umani per lo scopo sessuale e corruzione in Brasile: un'analisi approfondita sul collegamento tra due fenomeni criminali." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/206.
Full textThis thesis deals with the interrelationship between two criminal phenomena: trafficking in human beings, particularly women and minors for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and official corruption in Brazil. The study is based on empirical data from four different sources: three sets of secondary data and a survey. Chapter I highlights the importance of the study, the problems addressed by the thesis, as well as its objectives. Chapter II explores up-to-date scientific literature, the working hypothesis, applied methodology, and research design. Chapter III presents the empirical findings of each set of data which shows: 1) the dependence of Trafficking in Human Beings on Corruption; 2) the most vulnerable points for corruption during the trafficking and criminal justice chains; 3) and regional differences and trends on THB and Corruption in Brazil. Multivariate analysis is used: 1) to highlight the strength and of the interrelationship between Trafficking in Human Beings and Corruption; 2) and to establish predictability. The dependence of Trafficking on Official Corruption is analysed by means of qualitative method. Chapter V discusses the results and presents conclusions.
LAZZARINO, RUNA. "Who is the subject of human trafficking? A multi-sited and polyphonic ethnography." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/88443.
Full textWith the aim of answering to how a global discourse craft scattered marginal subjectivities, this work endeavours to unravel the global human trafficking (HT) discourse, which developed since the entrance into force of the UNODC “Palermo Protocol” in 2003. I explore its ideological premises and practical consequences at the international, governmental, humanitarian, and subject-making level. I show how, at each level, specific features of the “victim” profile emerge: from a totally innocent sex slave to a threatening illegal migrant; from an uncomfortable citizen to reintegrate to a traumatized returnee; from a fatally poor and uneducated girl to a subject occupying different positions and looking for a compromise in the quest of more fulfilling life conditions. The text has a polyphonic structure to try reconstructing the complex picture of the various institutions and organs, political and legal instruments, perspectives and practices, which turn the HT discourse operational and effective. Starting from the macro international voices, via the States intermediation and the humanitarian action, I finally consider the microphysics of some female returnees, who negotiate their position of ex-victims of HT taken care by governmental and non-governmental aid services. This thesis is based on a multi-sited fieldwork conducted in Northern Vietnam, Central-West Brazil and Kathmandu Valley (Nepal), coherently with the purpose of focusing on the interplay between the international realm and the lived experiences, piercing the cultural belongings. Grounded in studies around the issues of subjectivity, violence, migration, and social change, and in a variety of sources and documents, this work ultimately aspires to offer an experimental ethnographic case-study to the anthropological debate on power and agency.
MARCHESI, MARTINA ELENA. "Lo sfruttamento delle vulnerabilità sistemiche da parte delle reti della tratta lavorativa in Europa: il caso del settore agricolo italiano." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/92060.
Full textLabour trafficking in Europe is a serious crime against persons, violating their fundamental human rights. Existing research primarily focuses on the victims, while data on offenders and the manner in which they exploit vulnerabilities is less developed. Recent trends in criminological literature are highlighting how the past lack of research is related to the lack of robust data, but also to traditional rigid approaches with exception to few extreme cases. On the contrary, they call for more flexible concepts recognising that labour trafficking is not only the product of offenders’ will, but has deep roots embedded in the socioeconomic system. Elaborating on these indications, this research focuses on the Italian agriculture sector, which has not yet been examined in literature from a criminological perspective, with the aim to understand the mechanisms through which labour trafficking originates and develops. This choice has been made because the characteristics particular to Italy make labour trafficking in agriculture central to the debate within the country; and because Italy shares some characteristics with other European countries, so some lessons learnt from this case can be discussed in light of the international debate on labour trafficking. First, a macro-analysis examines how the structural factors associated in the international literature with labour trafficking take shape in the Italian context. The results show that the system itself seems to create a fertile ground for labour trafficking to develop and maintain: migrant workers’ vulnerability is inherent in the current migration regulatory framework; the agrifood supply chain makes it necessary for producers to lower the cost of workforce; and the current legal system based on the repression of abusive conducts seen as exceptional events proves ineffective. Second, a meso-analysis at organisation/network level describes the general characteristics of labour trafficking networks in Italy, and then zooms in four case studies selected through a rational systematic method to identify the main features, modalities, and relational organisation of the crime commission, and how the exploitative condition of the victims is developed and maintained. The results show that in the four case studies the trafficking networks develop and adapt to the opportunities offered by the legal system. The results are finally discussed in light of the international debate on labour trafficking, and the lessons learned from the case of Italy.
MARCHESI, MARTINA ELENA. "Lo sfruttamento delle vulnerabilità sistemiche da parte delle reti della tratta lavorativa in Europa: il caso del settore agricolo italiano." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/92060.
Full textLabour trafficking in Europe is a serious crime against persons, violating their fundamental human rights. Existing research primarily focuses on the victims, while data on offenders and the manner in which they exploit vulnerabilities is less developed. Recent trends in criminological literature are highlighting how the past lack of research is related to the lack of robust data, but also to traditional rigid approaches with exception to few extreme cases. On the contrary, they call for more flexible concepts recognising that labour trafficking is not only the product of offenders’ will, but has deep roots embedded in the socioeconomic system. Elaborating on these indications, this research focuses on the Italian agriculture sector, which has not yet been examined in literature from a criminological perspective, with the aim to understand the mechanisms through which labour trafficking originates and develops. This choice has been made because the characteristics particular to Italy make labour trafficking in agriculture central to the debate within the country; and because Italy shares some characteristics with other European countries, so some lessons learnt from this case can be discussed in light of the international debate on labour trafficking. First, a macro-analysis examines how the structural factors associated in the international literature with labour trafficking take shape in the Italian context. The results show that the system itself seems to create a fertile ground for labour trafficking to develop and maintain: migrant workers’ vulnerability is inherent in the current migration regulatory framework; the agrifood supply chain makes it necessary for producers to lower the cost of workforce; and the current legal system based on the repression of abusive conducts seen as exceptional events proves ineffective. Second, a meso-analysis at organisation/network level describes the general characteristics of labour trafficking networks in Italy, and then zooms in four case studies selected through a rational systematic method to identify the main features, modalities, and relational organisation of the crime commission, and how the exploitative condition of the victims is developed and maintained. The results show that in the four case studies the trafficking networks develop and adapt to the opportunities offered by the legal system. The results are finally discussed in light of the international debate on labour trafficking, and the lessons learned from the case of Italy.
ROSSI, CHIARA. "GLI ESSERI UMANI SONO ESSERI MUSICALI? RELAZIONI TRA TRATTI DI PERSONALITÀ, BENESSERE PSICOLOGICO E MUSICA." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2023. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/134701.
Full textBackground: Music resonates differently in every single person and can reveal some implicit information about personal characteristics. Moreover, music can be used as an appropriate and effective way to improve well-being among different populations. Methods: This thesis is composed of three studies: a systematic review of the scientific literature on the relationship between everyday music listening, individual characteristics, and well-being; an exploratory study that investigates the Italian music preferences and personality traits but also the Italian population's psychological well-being (related to the COVID-19 outbreak); an experimental pilot study on a sample of athletes to explore the effect of music listening on diaphragmatic breathing and well-being. Results: The first two studies underlined the influences that personality traits play on music choices. In addition, findings from the second study strongly supported the existence of a 5-factor structure of music preferences (labeled with the acronym MUSIC). In the last study, the music listening intervention improved the average respiratory rate, self-emotional regulation and control, preparation for competition, and self-confidence of young tennis players. Conclusion: The overall findings are encouraging and can offer a foundation for the development of music-based interventions for all categories of people in order to enhance well-being.
CORASANITI, VITTORIO. "I trattati contro la criminalità organizzata." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/53047.
Full textGENOVESE, DIANA. "Tra dignità e libertà: la tratta di esseri umani e lo sfruttamento lavorativo dei migranti." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2158/1170343.
Full textSCOLARI, BALDASSARE. "State Martyr Representation and Performativity of Political Violence." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11393/251176.
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