Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Transports aériens – Transport – Aspect économique'
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Aloy, Elise. "Compatibilité et coopération : Le cas du transport aérien." Paris, ENMP, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ENMP0003.
Full textChaumet-Dalmasso, Sophie. "Alliances et transport aérien." Nice, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006NICE0058.
Full textSince the liberalization of air transport in 1978, airlines developed strategies to preserve their competing advantages. From hubs to frequent flyer programs, each one sought to develop its market while reducing its costs. At the end of the nineties, alliances airlines appeared at the as one of the most judicious strategies making it possible to offer to passengers a broad choice of destinations without increasing the costs. After analysing opportunities and difficulties met by the airlines within the framework of alliance, the thesis is interested in the consequences of this strategy on the airport infrastructures. How airports, in particular those only recognised as hubs feeders, can impose their point of view facing companies organized within an alliance? Are airports alliances finally possible even through others forms of organisation ? These questions emerge since the beginning of this new century, and if by the nature of airports, their fixed costs are very important and depreciation on the long term, their managers are looking for other possibilities. Acquisition of shares in privatiszed airports, constitution of consortia sharing the know-how of each one, airport managers also launch out them to the conquest of the world
Duchemin, Pascale. "Modèles dynamiques et prévisions de la demande de transport aérien." Toulouse 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU10060.
Full textIn this thesis, we analyse the demand for airline traffic in order to obtain forecasting middle-term models of French domestic and international traffic. One interesting feature of these models is in their ability to be interpreted in terms of structural economic behavior. The first chapter exposes and characterizes air demand and supply. The different factors influencing demand are defined in chapter 2. The aggregated models used to analyze air transportation demand of AR-type log-linear non-stationary dynamic models conditional to a set of exogenous variables (see chapter 3). Estimation results allow us to identify the main determinants of transportation demand (see chapter 4). The relevance of the results is tested for the year 2002, which are found very close to the observed data (see chapter 5). Finally the last chapter focuses on the consequences of 09-11-2001 terrorist attacks on both French domestic and international traffic
Domergue, François. "La recomposition du transport aérien de l'Est canadien." Bordeaux 4, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002BOR40031.
Full textPetit, Ghislaine. "Le transport aérien intérieur, élément de développement régional : comparaisons internationales." Bordeaux 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR1D310.
Chabchoub, Najoua. "Externalités, complémentarités et concurrence dans les réseaux : application aux secteurs des télécommunications et du transport aérien." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010015.
Full textToru, Tuba. "Essais empiriques sur l'organisation industrielle du transport aérien." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0069.
Full textThis thesis examines three important issues in the air transport industry. The first chapter deals with the structural impacts and policy changes on the airline industry. A structural econometric model is used to analyse the extent to which the air traffic is affected by an increase in fuel prices and the proposal of the European Commission on the accession of air transport to the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). An increase in energy costs implies an increase of air fares and a dec1ine in the levels of traffic. The EU-ETS could indeed significantly affect the level of aviation emissions while he should not radically change the competitiveness of European airlines. The second chapter analyzes the model of case of the airport in the framework of two-sided market. The airports of our database are not internalize externalities exist between the two parties. They use different price setting strategies for each side. We find the empirical evidence of profit maximization pricing for the passengers and the Ramsey prices for the airlines. The third chapter focuses on code sharing between airlines by a structural econometric model. The prices increase and the dec1ine in the consumer surplus after code sharing if it does not encourage the entry ofnew products. The parameter for the division of profits between partner airlines in a code-share agreement is estimated 91 percent mean that the operating carrier receives 91 percent of the profits of the sharing of the product code
Perri, Pascal. "Du monopole pur et dur aux compagnies low cost : quand le ciel s'est ouvert." Perpignan, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PERP0810.
Randrianarisoa, Laingo Manitra. "Three essays on the economics of air transportation." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27454.
Full textMy thesis is composed of three essays on the economics of air transportation. My first essay, entitled "Effects of Corruption on Efficiency of the European Airports", analyzes the effect of corruption on airport productive efficiency in Europe. Many governments have privatized and commercialized their airports in order to improve efficiency of their operations. However, this objective may not be achieved if the business-operating environment is very corrupt. According to the economics literature, corruption may be a hindrance to efficiency, especially when it comes to large infrastructures. Using an unbalanced panel data of 47 major European airports from 2003 to 2009 and the corruption measure provided by International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), we show that corruption has a negative impact on airport operating efficiency and the effect depends on the ownership form (private, public and mixed). Airports under mixed public-private ownership with private majority achieve lower levels of efficiency when located in more corrupt countries. They even operate less efficiently than fully and/or majority government owned airports in highly corruption environment. We conclude that privatization may not lead to efficiency gains in countries that suffer from higher levels of corruption. My second essay, entitled "Flexible Estimation of an Airport Choice Model: The Case of Quebec airports", explores the determinants of passengers’ choice between a primary hub and a secondary airport in Quebec. Among the most popular models, we explore fixed- and randomcoefficients logistic models along with two flexible alternatives including an additive logistic model and a kernel-based conditional density with continuous and discrete variables. Using an original dataset from the 2010 Airport Service Quality survey conducted in Quebec airports, we show that flight frequency, access time and access mode to airports, among others, are the main factors of airports’ choice across all specifications. Airfare, the reason for travel, flight destination and departure times also appear to have significant impacts. While the logistic models have strong theoretical foundations based on the random utility models, the recent kernel-based tests reject these specifications. The nonparametric kernel estimators provide flexible tools to capture non linearities and interactions effects between selected explanatory variables without imposing shape constraints on the conditional probability. My third essay, entitled "When Hotelling Meets Vickrey - Spatial Differentiation and Service Timing in the Airline Industry", investigates rivalry between transport facilities in a model that includes two sources of horizontal differentiation: geographical location and departure time. We explore how both sources influence facility fees and the price of the service offered by downstream carriers. The interactions between the facilities and their carriers are represented as a sequential three-stage game in fees, departure times and fares with simultaneous choices at each stage. Travellers’ cost includes a fare, a transportation cost to the facility and a schedule delay cost, which captures the monetary cost of departing earlier or later than desired. One carrier operates at each facility and schedules a single departure time. We show that duopolistic competition drives to an identical departure time across carriers when their operational cost does not vary with the time of day, but generally leads to distinct service times when this cost depends on the time of the day. When a facility possesses a location advantage, it can set a higher fee and its downstream carrier can charge a higher fare. Departure time differentiation allows the facilities and their carrier to compete along an additional differentiation dimension that can reduce or strengthen the advantage in location.
Savidan, Pierre-Yves. "Biens, systèmes et concurrence dans le transport aérien." Paris 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA010003.
Full textJouini, Nizar. "Impact of service trade liberalization for developing countries : Evidence form Tunisia." Thesis, Tours, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOUR1006/document.
Full textThis dissertation focuses on the effects of trade service liberalization in Tunisia. Using a DGSE model, the first chapter studies the overall effect of service liberalization on economic growth while considering the non-tariff barriers preventing investors to access this market. The second chapter analyzes the particular case of the banking sector liberalization by estimating its effect on capital accumulation. In particular, it suggests that increasing bank competition via liberalization is benefitting to the Tunisian banking sector up to a doubling of its capital accumulation. The third chapter shall estimate the direct and indirect effect of air transport liberalization on tourist flows in the southern Mediterranean countries. The agreements signed by these countries will be considered as well as those signed between third countries. In particular, when these third countries have transit airports through which pass tourists to visit Mediterrenean countries, liberalization can also be beneficial to the latter. For this purpose we have collected an original database to account for all of these agreements. Our results show that the liberalization of the service sector in Tunisia has a positive effect and depends mainly on the performance of the goods sector as well as the value of non-tariff barriers, evaluated at 37% of total of production. Morever, the liberalization of the Tunisian banking sector has a positive impact on capital accumulation running up to about 200 % of the current accumulation. Finally, the study of air transport liberalization on tourism shows that there is an increase in tourist flows using direct and indirect routes. The direct effect (following one unit increase of the liberalization index) increases the tourist flows by 3 to 4 percent, while the indirect effect is between 2 and 3 percent
Dufresne, Yves. "La Réglementation économique du transport aérien intérieur au Canada : aspects juridiques et politiques." Thesis, McGill University, 1985. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63209.
Full textTerrassier, Nicolas. "Stratégie de maritimisation des économies : illustration par l'analyse comparée du développement du transport maritime de lignes régulières en Asie et en Afrique." Paris 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA010080.
Full textRegular shipping lines transport is the corner stone of the industrial development policies of nations. The new asian maritime nations have weel understood the stakes in this sector for the industrial "take-off' of their economy. Through a comprehensive understanding of the principles of this industry, perceptive asian shipowners have defined shipping policies fitted to the constraints and advantages of their economy and choosen appropriate strategies for the development of shipping companies. Some asian states have been able to implement a "maritime-integration" policy of their whole economy. These countries first favored the promotion of exports and the control of freight by shippers, then opened their economy to the sea through policies of port and coastal industrialization. Finally they adopted consistent industrial policies at macroeconomic level to develop the shipping companies and the related industries such as ports, multimodal transport and shipyards. This macro-economic policy is based on a gradual approach, never dogmatic, but carefully worked out by shipowners who have a perfect knowledge of maritime transport. Conversely, african countries, which were emerging as shipping nations during the 70s, have witnessed the downfall of their shipping companies. In addition to the lack of advantages at the regional and industrial levels, the decline of shipping fleets has been accelerated by irrational and inconsistent decisions, taken without any analysis of the economic environment, and without abiding by the laws and principles of functioning of maritime transport
Geloso, Grosso Massimo. "Air transport services in APEC : regulation, impact on trade and political economy of reform." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010IEPP0047.
Full textThe aim of this dissertation is threefold: 1) to provide an overview of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) air transport services and evolving regulatory landscape; 2) to estimate the potential effects of easing trade and regulatory impediments in the sector; and 3) to examine policy options available to Asia Pacific economies to maximise the gains of air transport services liberalisation. Particular attention is paid to the policy relevance of this research for APEC governments in the medium term. The first two chapters present trade and regulatory patterns in the APEC region, respectively in air passenger and cargo services. They then analyse the extent to which reduction of air transport services impediments enhances the region’s international trade. Both are primarily empirical, but build on insights from recent research that provides a theoretical foundation to motivate the empirical investigation. The first chapter focuses on the effects of liberalisation on passenger traffic and the second on trade in merchandise, including with a focus on products of interest for Asia Pacific economies. The third chapter complements the first two by examining the role of regulation and remedial policies for the successful liberalisation of air transport in APEC. Having made the case for liberalisation through empirical analysis in the first two chapters, the focus here is on to how to minimise the downsides potentially stemming from reform in the sector, particularly in relation to competition policy and environmental protection. The chapter also explores negotiating options available to economies in the region
Souley, Halimatou. "Déréglementation du transport routier de marchandises au Niger et intégration sous-regionale." Paris 12, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA123007.
Full textOndo-Ella, Jean. "L'économie des transports et le développement du Gabon." Nancy 2, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992NAN20007.
Full textGabon, a country with enormous mining, forester and agricultural potentialities, has endowed itself with an excessive transport system. Today, it is incoherent and irrelevant; it weakens the economy, prevents the state from financing the agricultural and manufacturing production and hinders consequently, the development of the country. This transport system needs consequently a new restructuration appropriate to the needs of the development of the country. This adaptation implies a coherence of aims between the transport system and the system of socioeconomical activities ; it advocates a minimalisation of the transport costs by planning the transport networks and by the combination between the economies of scope and scale ; it enables at last a better financing of the agricultural and manufacturing activities thanks to the organization of the transport system for the budgetary balance and thanks to the selective and progressive denationalization of the transport national companies
Rabenja-Fontaine, Iris. "Déréglementation américaine et libéralisation européemme en matière de transport aérien." Lyon 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995LYO33003.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to focus on the changing situation of the aviation policy of the united states and the european community. It sets out the development of aviation policy in the subject country, the reasons behind subsequent moves towards deregulation or liberalization and the impacts of these changes
Commenges, Hadrien. "L'invention de la mobilité quotidienne : aspects performatifs des instruments de la socio-économie des transports." Phd thesis, Paris 7, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA070052.
Full textCurrent technical reports and transportation policies strongly emphasize the need to reduce automobile dependency and to encourage collective and human-powered modes. At the end of the 1950s, quantification and modelling methods are imported from United States by engineers of the Corps des Ponts et Chaussées in a very different socio-technical context. These methods aimed to justify the development of the road network, considering collective and human-powered modes as residuals. This half-century of change can be seen as the evolution of a socio-technical controversy in which technical devices play a crucial role. This thesis aims to study the technical and conceptual tools developed in order to grasp the mobility phenomenon. It is about better understanding daily mobility in two linked perspectives: knowledge and action. How do we know what we believe we know about daily mobility? How what we know about daily mobility impacts our actions and policies?
Lopez, Charles. "Le transport fluvio-maritime, quelle pertinence socio-économique pour le bassin Rhône-Saône ?" Lyon 2, 2008. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2008/lopez_c.
Full textSea-river shipping is a form of short-sea transport and an interesting multi-modal transport. Its concept is simple: one vessel sails both coastal and inland waters. Sea-river ships can connect the hinterland with overseas destinations without the need for an intermediate transhipment. As a result, transport costs are lowered and the risk of damage due to handling is reduced. Nevertheless, sea-river shipping has not been significantly developed in Europe (Rissoan, 1994, 1995). Substantial traffic volumes are only found on a very limited number of routes (e. G. Rhine; some Russian waterways). In France, it is restricted to a very limited number of waterways, such as the Seine or the Rhône-Saône basin. On the Rhône-Saône corridor, sea-river shipping can directly connect inland ports with Mediterranean seaports. Then, it offers “Rhône valley-Mediterranean” logistics. Rissoan (1987) tries, for different products, to define the competitive navigational area of sea-river shipping (including river and maritime trips). Konings and Ludema (2000) evaluate the opportunities for sea-river shipping on the United Kingdom – Germany corridor (Rhine). They examine its competitiveness with regard to a number of alternative transport modes. Nonetheless, there is no study which calculates the volume that divides the transport market between sea-river shipping and a “river + sea” alternative. A reasonable question arises: at which threshold, in terms of tonnage, are sea-river vessels more efficient than barge+shortsea transport service? Comparing the returns to scale of each transport chain, we define this tipping point. The costs production function is taken from Cullinane – Khanna (2000) and Stopford (2002). After addressing this question, we determine, for different ports of the Rhône-Saône corridor, the maximum sea trip that is efficient for a sea-river vessel (as a function of tonnage). After Rissoan (1987), we define the competitive navigational area of sea-river shipping. Our specific contribution is to consider the nautical access offered by inland ports along the Rhône and the Saône
Hamiche, M'Hamed. "Chemin de fer, aménagement de l'espace et développement économique au Maroc." Tours, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002TOUR1501.
Full textKOUASSI, CEMITE ANTOINE. "Systeme portuaire et transports maritimes en cote d'ivoire : quelle strategie pour le maintien de l'autonomie maritime nationale dans un transport maritime international en crise?" Nantes, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987NANT4009.
Full textThe commercial control of the sea has become today a visible world wide competition which does not escape any developing coastal country in west africa. For that purpose, they have undertaken to develop and modernize their ports' infrastructures and the organization of their maritime transportation by acquiring their own national merchant shipping lines. Due to the continuance of the economical crisis, the international maritime environment has become increasingly uncertain. Then, the acute competition that has arisen from this, has consequences that threaten it's autonomy in this region. A new dependence on the foreign companies can lead these states into economic strangulation. The strategy to be adopted is not obvious, but they are aware of the fact that preservation of their national companies is a necessity
Bettini, Thierry. "Les perspectives de développement des compagies aériennes charter européennes dans le marché unique." Paris 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA010019.
Full textThe object of this thesis is to analyze european chart6er airlines' development prospect in the eec single market. The first section briefly defines the subject and describes the historical conditions in which these airlines were born and developed both in the united states of america and in europe. It emphasizes the leading role of major political events and technological breakthrough in their expansion. General air transport regulations as well as specific rules applicable to the charter airline business are then presented to highlight the separation that exists between these two categories of transport since the origin of commercial air transport. The consequences of american deregulation on the us charter airlines' development, as well as the european deregulation experience are analyzed to conclude the first section. The second section presents the european market's characteristics. The airline business, the carriers and distribution are extensively analyzed to show the importance of charter air transport in europe and highlight the strength and weaknesses of charter airlines. The european leisure market is also presented in order to put the accent on the recent evolution of the tourists'demand. The third section presents the adaptation undertaken by charter airlines since the end of the '80s, as a response to the new characteristics of the leisure market
Chèze, Benoît. "Pollutions locales et globales : Evaluation de leurs impacts environnementaux et des poltiques publiques visant à les réduire. Trois analyses empiriques." Paris 10, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA100052.
Full textThis thesis is composed of three different studies aiming at empirically analysing various pollutions and environmental policies examples, which are all emblematic of our contemporary life-style. A first Chapter provides air traffic CO2 emissions projections at the worldwide level and for eight geographical zones until 2025. We show that air traffic energy efficiency improvements yield effectively to reduce the effect of air traffic rise on corresponding CO2 emissions increase, but do not annihilate it. Thus, air transport CO2 emissions are unlikely to diminish unless there is a radical technological shift, or air travel demand is restricted. A second Chapter presents the results of a meta-analysis that focuses on the environmental valuation methods and their estimates of waste disposal sites disamenities. The mean external cost and the effect of key factors influencing these estimates are quantified by mean of specific econometric and statistical methods. A last Chapter aims at identifying the EU ETS carbon price drivers during its pilot Phase, i. E. From 2005 to 2007. The main result of this study features that price drivers of CO2 allowances linked to energy market prices, unanticipated weather events and economic activity vary around institutional events revealing the installations’ net short/long positions
Martin, Sébastien. "Les transformations contemporaines des services publics de transport." Bordeaux 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR40029.
Full textFor many years, public utilities of transport have evolved in various ways that renews the French conception of public interventionism. Up until then, public interest activities could be carried out by public bodies that allowed them to benefit from an exorbitant common law regime. All of the applicable rules effectively made it possible to set them apart from the market game. Today, as European Union law in particular affects them, they are dependant on the rules of the market, that is to say on free competition and the free provision of services. However, the State’s intervention in the economy, in the name of public interest, is not prohibited and it is possible to set aside the EC rules when they prevent public transport service tasks from being carried out. However, whereas the State alone managed this business, it now shares the task of public services with the local authorities that are controlled by European Union institutions. These various aspects lead us to reconsider, entirely, the manner in which the public services are adjusted from a legal point of view. Indeed, in many respects, it appears that new public transport services have emerged. The biggest innovation for these services, which now differ depending on whether they are organised for a “short distance” journey or a “long distance” journey, is in subjecting these services to specific rules that makes it possible to differentiate them from the transport activities that are governed solely by market rules but also from network services that enjoy a whole other regime of protection of the public service tasks
Lacoste, Romuald. "Les opérateurs maritimes et portuaires européens dans la mutation de la chaine de transport de marchandises en vrac : essai de géographie économique." Nantes, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NANT3029.
Full textSince ten years, a global change affects the bulk cargoes supply chain. The industries of raw materials evolve, and need more quality, worldwide transport capacity and globalized services. European Commission enforce sustainable development, maritime and port security' acts. Liberalization of energy and agricultural market modify the players game. The transport chain generates new spatial organisation schemes based on networking, hub ports, industrial and standardized relationships, control of cargoes flows. But in fact, this large trend appears like an homogeneisation of the bulk transportation system on general transportation model which already exits exist in containerized and general cargoes
Godjé, Madi. "Réseaux aériens et structuration des territoires : les effets de la déréglementation du transport aérien en Afrique : le cas de la Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale." Le Havre, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005LEHA0051.
Full textComposed of airports and lines that connect the places, air networks need fewer infrastructures on the ground. Since the American Air Deregulation, air transport is in change. This change subjects the African States to a brutal crisis and the considerable consequences. The example of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (EMCCA) is rather clear. Indeed, in the 1960s, states of this part of Africa set up policies favourable to air transport: multiplication of airports and connections under cover of the state-owned air carriers as well as to structure and develop their territories as to post and affirm a national sovereignty newly acquired. With the change in the international air transport, they have no possibility to remain effective actors in the field. They confronted besides with economic and financial crisis such as measurements known as of structural adjustment are imposed to them by the international backers (World Bank, International Monetary Funds) not very inclined to maintain the mechanisms of the public intervention in the sector that they dedicate to market and private interests. The financial bankruptcy of the States leads to the bankruptcy of the state-owned air carriers. That raises some problems for the service road the country. Il is developing an accessibility very differentiated from the places. The example of the EMCCA shows a problem that involves most African countries. How to build effective air connections in order to benefit from an increasing demand of air transport ?
Baumstark, Luc. "Tarification de l'usage des infrastructures et théorie de l'allocation optimale des ressources : de la logique de la couverture des coûts à la logique de la révélation des préférences." Lyon 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LYO22027.
Full textThe issue of infrastructure pricing has always been one of the major preoccupations of economists. Today more than ever, with the deregulation of the transport sector, it is in the spotlight of economic and political discussions, like most network goods. Theorists in public regulation have especially looked into the pricing procedures, which play a major role in the allocation of scarce resources. In this context, the pricing system has both avoiding waste of resources and situations in which demand of mobility is not properly satisfied. These theoretical objectives lead, on the one hand, to base pricing on investment and infrastructure funding, on the other hand to base pricing on way to regulate congested infrastructures, and lastly to base pricing on internalization of environmental externalities. The debates about infrastructure usage pricing are often limited to the costs which have to be charged on users. The theoretical analysis means further and requires to tackle pricing system as a way to force economic actors to reveal their willingness to pay in order to assure the realization of the social surplus. The actors concerned are just as well national or local authorities, citizen, users, taxpayers, as transport operators which appear with the spread of demand mobility
Édorh, Pierre Ezi. "Le Risque dans le transport maritime du pétrole entre l'Europe et les Etats-Unis : incidences sur les performances europeennes." Littoral, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005DUNK0125.
Full textUntil in the decade1970, the theory of the risk is, in the economic thought, focused on the monorisk only. Since the decade 1980, the economic theory of the risk includes the multirisk. In this study, the concept of maritime oil risk consists in multirisk which returns to a system of two principal risks : the body risk related to the oil tanker, and the risk of maritime pollution. The risk in maritime oil transport, concerned with the dependent multirisk, is by its component "oil pollution risk", a new risk, which cannot be covered by methods of insurances. The application of the economic theory of the risk to maritime oil transport presents limits then. On a regulatory and legal base, this study retains the performance by management of total quality. For this reason, strategies pursued by the various partners implied in maritime oil transport are analized. This entails two consequences. The first is related to the oil tanker fleet, whose surplus production capacity compresses then, oil freight rates. The renewal of the oil fleet, from (modern) tankers of good quality and with double hull is possible, if these freight rates are strongly remunerative and if they authorize the cover of totallity of the costs of the oil tanker shipowner, to allow this last, to acquire modern tankers. The second consequence is that, only the strict application of the regulations and legislations, could contribute to allow the oil tanker shipowner, to obtain profitable rewards, by the elimination of the tankers under standard
Chun, Jae Seung. "Efficiency of the evolution paths for space transportation system (STS) technology : a qualitative analysis." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2005/CHUN_Jae_Seung_2005.pdf.
Full textNdjambou, Léandre Edgard. "Le transport maritime dans le cadre de la relation entre la France et les pays membres de la Conférence ministérielle des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (CMEAOC/TM)." Bordeaux 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR30057.
Full textFrench maritime and commercial relation with its former west- african colonies is ruled by co-operation agreements concluded in the days follwing the independences. Yet, with the creation of the united nations conference on commerce and development in 1964, international talks were entered into with a view to set up a + good conduct code for the conferences ; (1974). Consequently, the advancement of the european integration brougth the eec countries to define the guiding principles of their seaspace managament through a series of rules published in 1986. Since 1994, a world trade organisation has finally been created. Our research work is aimed at taking stock of the evolution of the french martime and commercial relations with its oac partners inside the great flow of international trade liberalization begun with the setting-up of the gatt
Amri, Mostapha. "Evaluation et valorisation des grandes infrastructures de transport : essai d'analyse sur le cas du projet du lien fixe à travers le détroit de Gibraltar entre l'Europe et l'Afrique." Aix-Marseille 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX24016.
Full textNesterova, Nina Nikolaevna. "Les perspectives de développement des opérateurs de transport terrestre de marchandises en Sverdlovskaya oblast (Fédération de Russie) dans un contexte d'évolution rapide des pratiques logistiques chez les chargeurs régionaux : une application de la démarche prospective." Aix-Marseille 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX24029.
Full textOur previous research, performed across forty industrial companies in Sverdlovskaya oblast (Russian Federation), reveals and illustrates the increasing significance of logistics to these organizations. Transportation companies are among the first to have an interest in this development. Logistics management has developed time and space notions and changed the transport operation requirements of cargo owners. In this context, there is an increasing need to integrate into the global and regional supply chains. At the same time, the work of Russian transport operators today is to a large extent conditioned by a great number of external environmental factors which have recently been characterised by several substantial shifts. Therefore, this PhD has a dual pupose. Firstly, it provides a detailed study of the competitive environment within which the regional transport companies are functioning today and distinguishes the key-factors of their development in order to assist them through this period of change. Secondly, there is an analysis of how the transport companies of Sverdlovskaya oblast can efficiently prepare themselves for the development of logistics in their clients' companies. In order to achieve the main objectives of this study, the foresight approach and, more particularly, the scenario method are applied. Founded on the results of cross-impact and morphological analysis, as well as an analysis of the key players in the regional transport sector, we have constructed a tendencial scenario. This scenario describes the most probable development of the market structure of the road and rail freight transport sector of Sverdlovskaya oblast to 2020. This approach has furthermore allowed us to elaborate some recommendations to guide the regional transport operators with their strategic development
Boucq, Élise. "Évaluation économique d'une infrastructure de transport en milieu urbain : le cas du tramway T2 Val de Seine." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL12011.
Full textAccording to economic theory, transport infrastructures have long lasting effects, especially through the real estate and economic activities. The aim is to determine the added value generated by a transport infrastructure in an urban area, in conjunction with the search for ways of funding new transport projects. Firstly, we cover the theoretical links between transport infrastructure and their long term economic benefits. Secondly, we empirically estimate the impacts on land and real estate prices, on residential real estate construction and on the creation of economic activities. Finally, we willl provide an estimation of surplus taxes for the territories, real or potential, and we describe available tools to recover these added values, which could then be used to finance transport infrastructure. The case study is the T2 tramway, opened in 1997 in the Hauts-de-Seine French department. The most important estimated surplus is related to the evolution of collective housing prices. However these added values are not recovered by local authorities because tax bases are not regularly reassessed. We also show the existence of a transitory impact on residential building by private companies and on the creation of firms. These impacts have had an impact on local tax revenues, but we cannot measure it because there are too many non-controllable elements in the composition of revenues. Therefore, the current situation of institutional and fiscal system is not suitable to recover the economic impacts of T2 through taxation.revenues
Gaté, Romain. "Régulations de la pollution et de la congestion urbaine dans les villes polycentriques : Formes urbaines et tarification routière." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REN1G017/document.
Full textUrbanization in developed and developing countries has major drawbacks regarding air pollution, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and congestion externalities due to transport in car-based cities. In this thesis, we study the effects of urban design on pollution, congestion, traveled distances and welfare. We build a theoretical model of residential choices with pollution and congestion externalities arising from commuting, where the location of jobs within the city is endogenous. Finally we collect data from French metropolitan areas to conduct an empirical analysis of spatial determinants of commuting time and distances. This thesis highlights the need of a cautious approach to implement some urban policies that would guarantee a sustainable development of a city. A polycentric city may be a desirable city or not depending on the (i) accessibility of workplaces, (ii) the quality of road infrastructure (high speed), (iii) the employment density and (iv) the distribution of population and workplaces in cities. This thesis also demonstrates the significant role of the housing demand on urban structure when the latter is endogenous in a context of unpriced transport congestion. Some urban densification project might reconsider and quantify the negative externalities (congestion and pollution) which arise when the population grows within any city. These externalities are indirect costs due to the adjustment of the housing and transport demand in the long run
Lanneaux, Marie-Agnès. "Grandes infrastructures de transport et territoire : valorisation et dynamique du territoire traversé par l'Autoroute A39." Besançon, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BESA1019.
Full textYousfi, Badr-Eddine. "Dynamiques urbaines, mobilités et transports dans le Sud-ouest algérien (wilayas d'Adrar et de Bechar)." Thesis, Besançon, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BESA1007/document.
Full textBetween a regional perspective of the territorial (spatial) planning and a geopolitical vision of the region " Sahel, the Maghreb ", the Algerian State made a commitment since the second decade of its independence not only to develop transport in the Saharan zones but also to set up the necessary equipments for the economical and social development of these zones, by serving almost the totality of the urban areas. In the Southwest, this dynamics remodelled profoundly the relational space in Saoura, Gourara and Touat.Structured formerly by the roads of the trans-Saharan caravan business, this space opens up, attributes new functions and becomes urbanized. A new reorganization of the space is set up in the urban, rural and regional scale in which the city recomposes and constitutes the insertion engine of these territories in the national space. Supported by a new road transport network, the urban dynamics in the Algerian Southwest contributed to revitalize the intra-Saharan mobility, and so it is redefining not only new spatial relations between the city and its back country but also between the South and the North. The succession of a new human component in urban areas has entrained the changes of the social reports in the local company and the development of new practices and consumer behaviors. The question of mobility centers essentially around certain known logics: Political, economic, social and cultural, but it is especially the product of unknown strategies, practices and stakes
Launay, Pierre. "Le redéploiement technique et organisationnel des réseaux de messagerie dans les territoires." Thesis, Paris Est, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PESC1091/document.
Full textThe French concept of “Messagerie” describes both less-than-truckload (LTL) and parcel delivery operations based on network organizations. These transport operations rely on the consolidation and groupage of shipments belonging to different kind of supply chains. In the last two decades, this activity adapted to the evolution of production and distribution systems and has integrated the digital revolution tools in its internal organization. The French LTL and parcels networks have little in common with what they were in the ‘90s. Yet, their transformations are largely ignored in the scientific literature. This thesis proposes an analysis of the organizational and technical adaptation of French LTL and parcels networks to the evolution of the production and distribution systems in the last two decades. It is based on information gathered from professionals and open data. It reveals an extend of the range of possibilities offered by the transport networks in terms of delays and geographic coverage, and a technical specialization of these networks according to the size, weight and packaging of the goods transported, which determine their potential for automation. At a time of globalization, this thesis offers new tools to understand the deployment of transport networks in the territories
Sossou-Agbo, Anani Lazare. "La mobilité dans le complexe fluvio-lagunaire de la basse vallée de l'Ouémé au Bénin, en Afrique de l'Ouest." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00995697.
Full textDepigny, Marine. "Terrorisme international et mesures de sûreté : analyse économique du comportement du voyageur sur le réseau de transport aérien mondial." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO22020/document.
Full textIn our dissertation, we question the impact of both international terrorism and security measures on the behavior of the users of the global air transportation network. Using an econometric model, we analyze a new database, AirNetTerror, which contains data on all international passenger flows toward the U.S. from 1990 to 2006 as well as the events of international terrorism by country for the same period. The relevance of our research is twofold. On the one hand, our investigation regarding air travelers’ behavior and their possibilities of modifying their itinerary in light of international terrorism has – so far as we know – never been studied. On the other hand, as we analyze passenger flows from the perspective of the network, we propose a dynamic representation of the impact of travelers’ behavior changes related to terrorist threats and security measures. In particular, taking into account the interdependent security that rules the global air transport network, allows us to question the existence of failures in security measures. Our results underline a significant impact of both international terrorist events and security measures. Furthermore, we locally observe itinerary modifications of travelers that are linked to the previous phenomena. Thus, the combined effect of terrorist threats and security measures seems to lead to equilibrium breaks – that are limited but real – in passenger flows of the global air network. Our thesis offers a different representation of the impact of international terrorism on air transport by placing the traveler’s behavior at the center of the strategic interactions between security actors and terrorists
Hammad, Mohanad. "Le désenclavement maritime de l'Irak : perspectives de compétitivité et capacités concurrentielles." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040058.
Full textBasrah in the bottom of the Arabian Gulf. Iraq possesses a small 58km-coastline in the Arabian Gulf which gives the country a strategic view of the world. This side has a vital influence on the Iraqi local market as well as the global one since imports goods from various countries and mainly exports oil. Such a condition has triggered great opportunities, but it has unfortunately caused perils. During the last two decades, Iraqi ports have witnessed a tough competition with neighbor countries’ ports (Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, United Arab Emirates) who have been through noticeable development and progress while , the performance and efficiency of the Iraqi ports decreased during the same period because of the wars Iraq has conducted between 1980-2000 (1st , 2nd and 3rd Gulf war) . One of the causes which has weakened and caused shortcoming to the Iraqi ports is the economic blockade which has been imposed on Iraq for 13 years. This eventually forced Iraq to resort to neighbor countries’ ports goods such as the commercial port of Aqaba in order to import and export. Due to Iraqi economic prosperity after 2003, the country was in urgent need of affective and efficient ports that would enable it to host ships with attractive and high-quality services. Enhancing their competitiveness has thus became of great importance.This paper locates the Iraqi problematic in the scientific field of the geography of transport of the concept of which is seeks to rely on. It is framed within the emergency context to to include the particular case of Iraq in a reflection which aims to demonstrate that, despite a context still dominated by negative factors, the rationality of the world of transport and logistics can Impose a scenario of growth if not of sustainable development. Therefore, this survey proposes to reveal the possibilities of actual Iraqi ports It aims to study both the problems and obstacles that the Iraqi ports have witnessed and the actual actual competitiveness and for their future perspectives. A huge amount of work isis, accordingly, deemed necessary.The internal organization of ports needs to be examined. With the building of Fao port, which is an essential step towards the enhancement of Iraq’s competiveness and a response to the requirements of global market, Iraq holds its head high. Its goal is to enter the competition, not only by reexamining its port schema , but , in fact , by developing backcountry strategies and multimodal corridors. Furthermore, with Al-Basrah –Fao and through going beyond the oil logics alone, Iraq can find a maritime opening on the world
Mazoyer, Harold. "Les calculs de la puissance : Socio-histoire d’une science de gouvernement : l’économie des transports (1960-1982)." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO20115.
Full textFrom the early years of the French Fifth Republic, transport economics was gradually institutionalised as a science of governing. Resorting to economists, and their knowledge, in public policy decisions progressively became a social necessity. The research presented here seeks to understand the phenomena underlying this process. It endeavours, more generally, to grasp the origin and the nature of the authority bestowed upon them in a field of public action. In order to do so, it first looks at the services of the central administration where engineers/economists began to be seen as influential ''advisors to the prince'', before imposing themselves as the leading actors in the attempt to reform the administration. The dissertation also studies the development of scholarly expertise in the academic field. Finally, the investigation analyses the processes of expertise and decision-making in a particular project, the Lyon Subway, in order to understand how economists intervened in the relationship between central and local governments. This analysis of the institutionalisation of a science of governing focuses on the phenomena participating to the construction and affirmation of the roles of the economist in these three distinct fields. The thesis thus attempts to throw light on the particular processes characterizing each of them but also to understand how they interacted with each other. This approach underlines the success of economists in transport governance as the appropriation of a scheme to reform public policy that was originally carried by « centraliste » elites and institutions. It also shows how local government was a decisive arena which contributed to the development of the expectations placed upon economists. Based upon a socio-historical approach, the analysis is essentially based on archival material but also on more than seventy semi-directive interviews
Bocarejo, Juan Pablo. "Évaluation économique de l'impact des politiques publiques liées à la mobilité : les cas de Paris, Londres, Bogotá et Santiago." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00937668.
Full textLe, Roy Thierry. "Les Bretons et l'aéronautique des origines à 1939." Rennes 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000REN20034.
Full textAs early as the nineteenth century and the birth of aeronautics, at the same time when Nantes was discovering airships, some men from Finistère became famous as flight pioneers. Beyond the cultural fracture between the two regions, it seems that geography is a likely explanation to those diverging interests. Inland Brittany, open up to the French commercial network, was turning its back on maritime Brittany, open onto the ocean, a prime source of inspiration for all seamen. The invention of planes emphasized those differences. Even befor WWI, the Navy recruited their pilots among seamen of modest origin, born in sea ports, whereas the Army called up reservists before opening their ranks to unemployed cavalrymen, born in well-off families of higher Brittany. The presence of the Navy in Brittany contributed to the presence of numerous Bretons in the French Fleet air arm between WWI and WW2. The opening out onto the ocean was equally to lead the Bretons into planning air connections with america and the building of ground installations different from those envisaged by the towns of Inland Brittany, whose airfield building programmes were directed towards Paris and Europe. The arrival of a new generation, as the Air Force was being created was to soften the differences between the two Brittanys but it is WW2 that was to bring the fatal blow to seaplanes, by wiping out all that had made maritime Brittany different for nearly half century
Meite, Youssouf. "Gouvernance du transport urbain et mobilité durable dans le district d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAG009/document.
Full textIn Abidjan, the supply of urban transport, dominated by small -scale units alongside modes of mass transit public company remains insufficient for a growing urban population. The urban transport system is characterized by low adapted and degraded infrastructure with a high level of air pollution. Analysis of transactional relationships among stakeholders highlights conflicts of jurisdiction in the governance of urban mobility. These conflicts, which constitute sources of blockage in the official regulation, lead to uncoordinated actions and give rise to the spontaneous creation of a parallel regulation (by the transport unions) in urban stations. Despite these constraints and limitations, this mobility can be part of a logic of sustainability and meet a social need for movement of people especially as it has development potential that only the willingness of all stakeholders can emerge
Lochun, Dharmanand. "La sécurité du transport aérien face à la libéralisation du marché des services aéroportuaires : la recherche d'une gouvernance adaptée." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AIXM2017.
Full textThe liberalization of the European air transport market has also led to the opening of the airport ground handling market whose field of activity is very sensitive to economic pressure that can have safety impact. This new market of private operators is thus left with a multitude of power-delegated contracts. Therefore, attributing responsibility of adverse events becomes complex and the cost of managing safety very high. In this thesis, we analyze a system of delegations being able to network through contracting of ground handling services transactions, on this newly released market. We demonstrate the causes, the limits and the shortcomings of form of organizations - so called today “governance” - to better control the absolute parameter in the air transport, which is safety. We also look for explanations of a possible dichotomy between the cost of production of ground handling services and the cost of safety of aircrafts, passengers, staff and infrastructures. In order to achieve improved governance of this system, this research provides some clarifications and analysis and opens operational perspectives for an appropriate model of safety while balancing cost of safety with the gain generated by the latter
Miroudel-Landel, Marie-Aude. "Enjeux de la monétarisation et de l'aménagement durable dans une politique publique de transport : le cas du Lyon-Turin." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011GRENH030.
Full textHow are used and appropriated the environmental external costs and which are their stakes in the decision-making process of a transport infrastructure project? Through the story of the railway project transalpine Lyon Turin, this thesis questions about the uses and the appropriations of the valuation of the environmental nuisances. In the nonlinear unfolding of the project (1989-2010), we will reveal the technical uses of the monetary valuations inserted into a wide instrument of evaluation, the public economic calculation, to deal with its political and social appropriations. By its transformations and the emergence of an alpine question of transport following the accident in the tunnel of Mont Blanc and its reading under risk register, Lyon Turin gains in precision and in public visibility. In spite of its complexity, its cost and weak profitability, it becomes the symbol of a new sustainable transport policy. Yet, the values allotted to the environmental external costs following the Boiteux groups do not manage to modify the results of the evaluations. Within the framework of the alpine area, the project offers a political solution to crisis and questions the relevance of economic calculation to measure the collective interest of the project. The instrument, in the heart of the issues on the realization of the project, is constantly reinvested in the process of negotiation and decision. The controversies on the realization of the project give to see the issues of a project life, cost-benefit analyses and let charge the interest of the protagonists for environmental external costs as an instrument of public action
Paoli, Joachim de. "Clément Colson (1853-1939), la science économique de son époque et ses prolongements." Thesis, Lyon, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LYSE2077.
Full textThe object of this dissertation is to analyse the contributions of Clément Colson to the economics in order to be better acquainted with his thought, with the French Liberal School at the beginning of the 20th century, to see the influence he had on his main students, Divisia, Roy and Rueff, and to evaluate the actuality of his recomandations. The first chapter develops the Colson’s theoretical contributions.For his students, his main contribution would be the theory of the joint setting of wage and of the interest rate. We will explain this theory is close to the optimal management rule in microeconomics attributed to Clark; we will see we can speak then about multiple discovery.Colson is interesting too from the point of view of the method used. We will see he uses statistics and mathematics in his developments: he makes one of the first assesments of the French income, his lectures develop economics calculus, he can be seen as a precursor of econometrics in France. The second chapter shows that Colson develops the Jules Dupuit pricing method for means of communications exploited by a monopoly by proposing practical way of preferences revelation. We will show too that this theory is used nowadays with the Yield Management and by airline lowcost companies.The third chapter has for purpose to see how Colson takes into account the social question. We will see he argues for a more important State intervention than other liberal economists in order to avoid workers to turn to socialism. The fourth chapter is devoted to the State intervention recommended by Colson in the field of railways. We will see that in this field in which the State is very present, the author wishes to limit it. So he prefers the concession to the public exploitation and wishes construction of new railway lines just if they are profitable. We will see again that the fear of socialism is not stranger to his positions. On each theme, we will see that Colson gives an important place to the practice. At the theoretical level all starts and finishes with the observation, at the practice level he is influenced by the preoccupations of his time
Trevien, Corentin. "Four essays in empirical urban economics : evaluation of French regional policies." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016IEPP0010/document.
Full textThis thesis evaluates four French urban and regional policies. It also covers three major issues in urban economics: the impact of transportation on the spatial distribution of employment and population, the elasticity of housing supply and urban segregation. First, the thesis focuses on the Regional Express Rail system. The improvement of public transport in the Paris region causes employment to grow in suburban municipalities. However, there is not effect on overall population growth but a possible gentrification effect nearby RER stations. Secondly, this thesis studies the role of high-speed rail in the spatial organization of multi-plant businesses. It shows that the reduction in travel time to their headquarters subsidiaries lead the affiliate to specialize in production activities, to the expense of management tasks. Then, this work assesses the impact of the French Urban Enterprise Zones. The first generation of this program have a massive impact on firm location and employment. However, it only slightly benefited to the local residents, highlighting a lack of targeting. The last chapter evaluates the effect of housing allowance on the level of rents and the supply of rental housing. It confirms that housing subsidies cause private rents to increase. The elasticity of housing supply remains low in the long term, since the upward effect does not vanish and the quantity and the quality of rental housing do not adjust
Windisch, Elisabeth. "Driving electric ? : a financial assessment of electric vehicle policies in France." Thesis, Paris Est, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PEST1159/document.
Full textIn recent years, electric vehicles have come to the forefront of public transport policies. They are seen as remedy for various pressing public concerns and are thus increasingly benefiting from supportive policy measures. Such measures remain contested: their impact on actual vehicle uptake rates, their sustainability, usefulness and justification are far from being self-evident. This study aims at uncovering the effect of financial demand-side public policy measures on i) the uptake rate of electric vehicles among private households in France, and ii) the public budget. First, the context within which electric vehicles are to evolve is sketched. A comprehensive overview of the potential opportunities that come with the introduction of electric vehicles is given. An international policy review depicts public policy levers that are currently deployed in order to support the uptake of electric vehicles. A focus is put on financial demand-side measures. Preliminary conclusions on their effectiveness with regards to observed electric vehicle uptake rates in the various countries reviewed are drawn. Next, the potential market for electric vehicles among French households is explored. Besides financial aspects, socio-economic obstacles to electric vehicle uptake among private households are analysed. With the aid of scenario analysis that accounts for the many uncertainties with regards to future vehicle developments, costs and market trends, a forecast of the electric vehicles' potential up until 2023 is given. The applied disaggregate approach based on the database of the French National Transport Survey 2007/2008 allows identifying the most promising sets of financial public policy measures that are likely to guarantee certain electric vehicle uptake rates over the next decade. Lastly, the effect of replacing one conventional vehicle by one electric vehicle on the public budget is investigated. Both, vehicle manufacture and use aspects are considered. The set up valuation model hereby accounts for direct and indirect financial impacts on the public budget. These comprise direct purchase subsidies, tax breaks, and tax income, as well as effects of changing employment situations that alter the amount of social contributions and unemployment benefits .The study's findings and considerations allow for various suggestions for vehicle manufacturers and policy makers willing to support the uptake of electric vehicles. These are listed in the conclusions section which also sketches directions for further research
Cattaruzza, Diego. "Vehicle Routing for City Logistics." Thesis, Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EMSE0737/document.
Full textTransportation of merchandise in urban areas has become an important nowadays topic. In fact, transportation is a vital activity for each city, but entail pollution, congestion, accidents.City logistics aims at optimizing the whole urban logistics and transportation process, taking into account environmental and social aspects. This thesis, that is part of the MODUM project, finds its location in this area of research. In particular, MODUM aims at studying a delivery system based on City Distribution Centers.We first present a classification and an analysis of urban good movements and routing problems peculiar to metropolitan areas. A second survey proposes a complete collection of articles that has been done on the Multi Trip Vehicle Routing Problem (MTVRP). The MTVRP is an extension of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) where vehicles are allowed to perform several trips.We propose an efficient heuristic for the MTVRP that is, in a subsequent step, adapted to a new routing problem, the MTVRP with Time Windows and Release Dates (MTVRPTWR). It is a variant of the MTVRP where each customer is associated with a time window and each merchandise is associated with a release date that represents the instant it becomes available at the depot.We, then, study a variant of the MTVRP where goods belong to different commodities that cannot be transported at the same time by the same vehicle. An analysis is conducted on the benefits of the multi-trip aspect in fleet dimensioning problems.Finally we describe the complex routing problem that arises in MODUM and the simulator that is developed to evaluate the performances of the system