Academic literature on the topic 'Transport de marchandises – Stabilité'
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Journal articles on the topic "Transport de marchandises – Stabilité"
Lange, Sandra, and Flavio V. Ruffini. "Transport de marchandises transalpin." Revue de géographie alpine, no. 95-1 (March 15, 2007): 9–20.
Full textBruns, Frank. "Transport de marchandises et économie." Revue de géographie alpine, no. 95-1 (March 15, 2007): 77–85.
Full textDelorme, Frédéric. "La renaissance du transport ferroviaire de marchandises." Administration N° 275, no. 3 (November 17, 2022): 68–70.
Full textHauet, Jean-Pierre, and Servan Lacire. "Hydrogène et transport de marchandises par camions." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Août 2024, no. 4 (November 2, 2022): 94–100.
Full textMaurin, Laurence. "Transport de marchandises et logistique urbaine à Paris." Transports urbains N°137, no. 2 (2020): 29.
Full textDablanc, Laetitia. "Logistique et transport de marchandises dans les grandes métropoles." L Economie politique N° 76, no. 4 (2017): 50.
Full textWackermann, Gabriel. "Le transport des marchandises en Europe bilan et perspectives." Logistique & Management 6, no. 1 (January 1998): 75–86.
Full textLe Grand, Guillaume. "TOWT relance le transport de marchandises à la voile." Servir N° 522, no. 4 (August 21, 2023): 67–69.
Full textLe Gros, Gaïc. "Le transport maritime mis au défi de la décarbonation." Revue Générale Nucléaire, no. 3 (2022): 38–39.
Full textTrentini, Anna, and Nicolas Malhene. "Maîtriser la coexistence des flux de passagers et de marchandises en milieu urbain." Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 29, no. 2 (June 1, 2010): 105–23.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Transport de marchandises – Stabilité"
Leguebe, Elora. "Optimisation de la stabilité de charge au cours d'un transport à partir de l'étude du comportement viscoélastique des matériaux polymères destinés au banderolage." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Reims, 2023.
Full textNowadays, protecting products during transportation has become essential as import-export increased drastically. Therefore, the wrapping used to stabilize and protect pallets of goods is fundamental. The most commonly used material for wrapping films is linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). However, ecology has become a major issue for the world. The eco-design of the film is desired for a lower mass of plastic on the pallet, while preserving the stability of the load. Therefore this thesis work concerns the optimization of load stability according to the properties of the wrapping materials and the mechanical stresses of transport in order to reduce the weight of plastic used. Manual and mechanical films were analyzed. The anisotropy of materials was studied. The characterization of the material was performed through mechanical tests (traction, relaxation, hysteresis and fatigue creep) and morphological tests with DSC, IR and XRD analysis. The characterization of the wrapping and the importance of its parameters were also investigated. The effect of wrapping speed, LLDPE fatigue and acceleration experienced during transport were found to affect significantly the film properties. Films morphology was found to be affected by the wrapping process, showing changes in crystallinity. The study showed the importance of wrapping parameters and transport constraints on the morphology of the stretch film on the pallet and therefore on the stability of the load
Brunel, Julien Bonnafous Alain. "Prévoir la demande de transport de marchandises à long terme estimation économétrique du couplage transport/économie, le cas des traversées alpines /." Lyon : Université Lyon 2, 2007.
Full textSanne, Pierrick. "Nouvelles technologies d'information et transport de marchandises." Lyon 2, 1986.
Full textCHEYAP, TIANGUEU HONORE. "L'assurance maritime des marchandises transportees en droits camerounais, francais et accessoirement senegalais." Lille 2, 1998.
Full textIn developping countries, lots of interets are emerging from marine insurance and marine cargo insurance particulary. Relations between cameroon, senegal and france forwer colonial authority are various. Their legal system is heavily influenced by old french's code: the 1807 trade code is still enforced; and french policies cargo of marine insurance of 1968 or 1983 are also applied. A binding marine cargo insurance about imports has been set up by both cameroon (parliament act n 75-14 of 08 dec. 1975) and senegal (parliament act n 83-47 of 08 fab. 1983). But there are many problems about this insurance domiciliation. Some people are thinking wrongly of an assimilation with "customs duty" (cameroon) or "private tax" (senegal). This incomprehension explains probably services quality offered to insured party and also the insurance pratice in these countries. Indeed, the lack of good relationship between insurance agent and insured party, is also due to the lack of qualified employees, general corruption (cameroon) and to the defiscient system of court. Marine insurance implies many consequences : both parties of the contract hope to keep free. The freedoom rule of contract is recognised by three legal systems (cameroon, senegal, france). The authoritatives clauses are drew of the contract. The market's cargo insurance offers many forms of guaranties : limited average, free of particular average unless (fpa) and all risks
Brunel, Julien. "Prévoir la demande de transport de marchandises à long terme : estimation économétrique du couplage transport/économie, le cas des traversées alpines." Lyon 2, 2007.
Full textThe current research aims to produce long-term forecasts of freight transport demand across the Alps. A first part introduces the literature related to forecast freight transport demand in the long-term. It highlights the role of economic activity as a main determinant of freight transport demand. Then, this issue is discussed using the concept of coupling for freight transport. The second part estimates the relationship between freight transport demand across the Alps and Italian industrial activity. We apply two alternative econometric specifications, a model in rate of growth following quin-quin fret models (Gabella-Latreille, 1997) and an error-correction model following Engel and Granger (1987) procedure in reason of the co-integrated nature of time-series. It shows that the model in rate of growth and the error-correction model results are globally coherent. In a third part, these estimates are combined following an idea purposed by Bates and Granger (1969) in order to produce long-term forecasts of freight transport demand across the Alps. It suggests that these estimates differ from those obtained by previous models. One can observe that previous models generally estimate log-linear models using standard econometric tools in spite of a high risk of being spurious regressions (Granger and Newbold, 1974). More precisely, this research assumes that the estimation of standard models, rather than more advanced techniques, is likely to produce an over-estimation of traffic forecasts of twenty percent
Massiani, Jérôme. "La valeur du temps en transport de marchandises." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2005.
Full textDjoric, Ana. "Le contrat de transport international terrestre des marchandises." Paris 10, 2004.
Full textInternational inland transport of goods is subject to three different international conventions. A company willing to transport goods from one end of Europe to the other, working according to the principles of market economy, can not take advantage of different modes because the convention on multimodal transport does not exist. This problem can be solved by adopting of an international convention that would fill this legal gap. But such initiative has failed already. As the mechanisms of the adoption of an international convention are complicated and take time, such uniformity can be achieved on the basis of adoption of principles for international contracts. Uniform application can be granted by the CJED in EU
Boye, Ibrahima Diagne. "L'assurance face à l'évolution du transport de marchandises." Aix-Marseille 3, 1996.
Full textRoubaie, Abid Juma al. "Droit des transports terrestres de marchandises : étude comparée en droit irakien et en droit français." Montpellier 1, 1986.
Full textShipper and carrier agree to a contract covering overland shipment of goods. As contracting parties, they are bound by this contract, from which their rights derive and whose obligations they assume. Its settlement is subject to common law. Often, however, its effects can extend to a third party, namely, the consignee, who-upon his desmonstrating either express or tacit acceptance of the merchandise, and not only upon this acceptance, but even after fulfilment-benefits from the rights deriving from this contract and submits to its obligations. In certain cases, a fourth party intervenes : the fowarding agent, who acts as an intermediary between shipper and carrier, and who, upon commission, contracts both on his own behalf and on behalf of his principal. The validity of the shipping contract implies the gathering together of the necessary subjective and objective conditions for the formation of all subsequent contracts. Accordingly, the shipping contract is a consensual one, i. E. ,by mutual consent;for,to be perfect,it does not need the intervention of the merchandise. This means that the contract acquires jurisdictional existence at the moment the contracting parties agree as to the nature of the services to be furnished and to the price. Also, the existence of the contract is not dependent upon a written document. It is true that the document delivered at the time of shipment constitutes an excellent proof of the agreed-to contract. In a contract covering the shipment of goods, two major obligations rule in the matter: the obligation accepted by the carrier to transport the goods to the agreed-upon point, and the obligation assumed by the shipper-and also occasionally executed by the consignee-to pay the shipment price. On the responsability level, the carrier guarantees to place the goods at the disposal of the rightful consignees,this within the delivery date, and in the same condition in which they were at the time of shipment. If he does not satisfy his obligation, he has committed a fault of a contractual nature. The basic rule is simple: all damage which occurs between pick-up and delivery is considered to be the carrier's responsability,and this presumption of responsability, which weighs upon him, is very heavy
Assongba, Cossi Hervé. "Les contentieux en transport maritime de marchandises par conteneurs." Thesis, Lille 2, 2014.
Full textThe container shipping has become universal because of its multimodal nature. The success of this mean of transport is also linked to the involvement of many professionals from both private and public sectors. However, the container shipping constitutes a field of litigation sometime ignored. The use of these boxes involves not only litigations of private nature but also of administrative nature. Although some international conventions regulate shipping in general, the unsuitability of some of these norms does not help the settlement of these litigations. And, as the customs administration is upstream and downstream involved in the execution of the contract of carriage, its involvement is a source of disputes whose settlement implies two different kinds of courts
Books on the topic "Transport de marchandises – Stabilité"
Jean-Pierre, Mongrain, Simond Monique, Canada. Translation Bureau. Terminology and Linguistic Services Branch., and Canada Environment Canada, eds. Vocabulaire du transport des marchandises dangereuses. [Ottawa, Canada]: Secrétariat d'Etat du Canada, 1988.
Find full textStauffacher, Eric. Le transport aérien international des marchandises dangereuses. Lausanne: Editions Payot, 1985.
Find full textĐorić, Ana. Le contract de transport international terrestre des marchandises. Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo, 2005.
Find full textCommunauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale., ed. Réglementation du transport par route des marchandises dangereuses. Yaoundé, Cameroun: Editions SAAGRAPH, 2000.
Find full textBauchet, Pierre. Le transport international de marchandises: Air, mer, terre. Paris: Economica, 2011.
Find full textĐorić, Ana. Le contract de transport international terrestre des marchandises. Beograd: Institut za uporedno pravo, 2005.
Find full textBokalli, Victor Emmanuel. Droit des contrats de transport de marchandises par route. Bruxelles: Bruylant [etc.], 2006.
Find full textPaquin, Laurent. Le transport des marchandises en mots et en images. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Office de la langue francaise, 1999.
Find full textCanada. Ministère des Transports. Direction Générale du Transport des Marchandises Dangereuses. Marchandises dangereuses: Guide de premières mesures d'urgence 1992. Ottawa, Ont: Ministre des approvisionnements et services Canada, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Transport de marchandises – Stabilité"
"Épreuves de stabilité pour les mélanges de nitrocellulose." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: épreuves et critères, 547–54. United Nations, 2023.
Full text"Transport de marchandises." In Panorama des statistiques de l'OCDE 2013. OECD, 2013.
Full text"Ruptures dans le transport de marchandises." In Perspectives des transports FIT 2019. OECD, 2020.
Full text"Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 1–9. UN, 2013.
Full text"Recommandations Relatives Au Transport Des Marchandises Dangereuses." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 1–8. United Nations, 2021.
Full text"Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 1–9. UN, 2009.
Full text"Recommendations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 1–9. UN, 2017.
Full text"Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 1–8. United Nations, 2023.
Full text"Dispositions relatives aux opérations de transport." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 413–33. UN, 2017.
Full text"Dispositions Relatives Aux Opérations De Transport." In Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses: règlement type, 886–901. United Nations, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Transport de marchandises – Stabilité"
Hebert, Antoine. "Conseil, Formation et Fournitures pour le transport de marchandises dangereuses." In Le transport des colis ne nécessitant pas d’agrément. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2012.
Full textHebert, Antoine. "Conseil, Formation et Fournitures pour le transport de marchandises dangereuses." In Les métiers du Conseiller à la Sécurité des Transports et les bonnes pratiques dans le transport. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2013.
Full textEzzaher, Rihab, and Ahmed Bouklata. "Méthodologie d'évaluation de l'impact du transport de marchandises en ville sur le développement durable : Revue de littérature." In 2020 IEEE 13th International Colloquium of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LOGISTIQUA). IEEE, 2020.
Full textMarcer, Richard, and Nadège Robin. "Modélisation des courants de houle et du transport sédimentaire pour l'étude de stabilité de plage." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 1996.
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