Academic literature on the topic 'Translation and creation'

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Journal articles on the topic "Translation and creation"


Avşaroğlu, Merve, and Ayşe Banu Karadağ. "“Foreign Language Creation” and “Textless Back Translation”: A Case Study on Turkish Translations of Jason Goodwin’s Ottoman-Themed Works Written in English." Advances in Language and Literary Studies 10, no. 5 (October 30, 2020): 107.

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The aim of this article is to examine the first two books in Jason Goodwin’s detective Yashim series and their Turkish translations in terms of “back translation”. Research subjects are The Janissary Tree (2006) and its Turkish translations by Çiğdem Öztekin dated 2006 and by Fethi Aytuna dated 2016 as well as The Snake Stone (2007) and its Turkish translations by Ali Cevat Akkoyunlu dated 2007 and by Fethi Aytuna dated 2017. The theoretical framework is based on the concepts of “foreign language creation”, a text describing a specific culture in a foreign language, and “textless back translation”, translation of a “foreign language creation” back into the language of that specific culture. Describing the Ottoman culture in English, Goodwin’s books can be considered as “foreign language creation” while their Turkish translations, which bring the culture back into its own land, can be considered as “textless back translation”. Depicting a foreign culture in his own language, thereby acting as a translator, the writer’s decisions are discussed within the choice of translation method in “foreign language creation”. Translating a “foreign language creation” back into Turkish, the translators’ decisions are discussed within the choice of translation method in “textless back translation”. In this respect, Ting Guo’s (2017) article entitled “On Foreign Language Creation and Rootless Back Translation–A Case Study of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” is taken as the reference point and the categories of translation methods are expanded with regard to textual findings. It is concluded that individual translation decisions of the Turkish translators support the idea that translators from the domestic culture might take the initiative to rearrange the source text information in their target text.
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Anis, Dewinta Khoirul. "TRANSLATION ANALYSIS OF RESPOND-TO-REQUEST IN 'THE LOST HERO' AND 'THE SON OF NEPTUNE' NOVELS." LEKSEMA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra 4, no. 1 (June 20, 2019): 65.

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This research aims to analyze the translation techniques used and assess the translation quality in the form of accuracy and acceptability assessment on respond-to-request speech acts of The Lost Hero and The Son of Neptune novel series written by Rick Riordan. This research used a qualitative-descriptive method whose data sources were the novel series and two raters who had aptitudes in assessing translation quality. The methods to collect and analyze the data were content analysis and Focus Group Discussion. The study found 11 translation techniques applied in translating the respond-to-request speech acts. They were establish equivalent, variation, borrowing, modulation, amplification, adaptation, discursive creation, transposition, reduction, literal translation, and substitution. Dealing with the quality, the findings showed that most translations were accurate and acceptable. The majority of accurate translations used established equivalent technique. The less accurate translations applied modulation, amplification addition, discursive creation, literal translation and reduction whereas the inaccurate ones applied literal translation technique. Meanwhile, the majority of acceptable translations used establish equivalent and he less acceptable translations applied modulation, amplification addition, and discursive creation. Thus, this research proposes that the use of appropriate translation techniques is very important for the results of quality translation that is easily understood by the reader.
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Almahasees, Zakaryia, Yousef Albudairi, and Hélène Jaccomard. "Translation Strategies Utilized in Rendering Social Etiquette in Holy Quran." World Journal of English Language 12, no. 6 (July 18, 2022): 137.

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The study aims at filling the gap in the translation of Quranic verses concerning social etiquette[1]. Translating culture specific items (CSIs) can be challenging because certain elements have meanings particular to the culture and the language in which they appear. These meanings do not exist necessarily in other cultures. Translation strategies tend to solve translational problems by applying specific procedures to the translated text. The article at hand has studied the translation strategies used by seven translations of the Holy Quran relating to social etiquette, based on the selection of Quranic verses pertaining to social etiquette as followed by practicing Muslims through analyzing nine English translations from 1930 to 2009. It is found that the dominant translation strategy is the literal translation, with 89% of all strategies in preference to other strategies such as free translation, neutralization, paraphrasing, lexical creation, and adaptation.[1] Eittquette is defined as “a set of customs and rules for polite behaviour, especially among a particular class of people” Collins (2022).
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Hagberg, Garry. "Creation as Translation." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46, no. 2 (1987): 249.

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HAGBERG, GARRY. "Creation As Translation." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46, no. 2 (December 1, 1987): 249–58.

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Dimitriu, Ileana, and Chris Mann. "Creation and translation." Current Writing 19, no. 1 (January 2007): 21–52.

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Stanislavova, L. "THE TRANSLATION OF INDIVIDUALLY AUTHOR’S NEOLOGISMS IN A. SAPKOVSKY’S NOVEL «OSTATNIE ŻYCZENIE»." Current issues of linguistics and translation studies, no. 19 (October 30, 2020): 93–97.

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The article is devoted to the problem of translating individually author’s neologisms from Polish into Ukrainian, based on the neologisms presented in Andrzej Sapkowski’s novel «Ostatnie życzenie». These neologisms are the names of mythical creatures, in other words, creatures included in A. Sapkowski’s bestiary. The typology of the mentioned individually author’s neologisms according to the way of their creation is presented. Most of these neologisms are the result of application of the morphological way of word formation, neologisms-borrowing, semantic neologisms are also presented. The methods of translation of neological names of mythical creatures by three authors of Ukrainian translations of the novel has been analysed . It had found that different translators in certain cases choose different ways of translating names-neologisms, creating Ukrainian analogues-neologisms, selecting neologisms-borrowings or using common Ukrainian lexemes . Such a practice deserve to exist . However, the translator must adhere to a certain chosen translation strategy, giving to the reader the opportunity to navigate in the semantic and grammatical motivation of Ukrainian equivalents in foreign individually author’s neological names. In the analyzed translations, in our opinion, S. Legez successfully coped with this translation task, he most fully used the arsenal of methods of translating neologisms, in most cases preserving the models of neologism creation used by A. Sapkovsky. Ryabchuk tried to convey the meaning of the names of mythical creatures as clearly as possible for the Ukrainian reader, but this sometimes caused quite distant from the original ideas about the described creatures. In the translations of the names of mythical creatures in the text of N. Mykhailivska, G. Syneoka the desire to recreate fantastic realities by Ukrainian linguistic and literary expressive means is seen. It seems that this choice of Ukrainian equivalents, which are tracings or approximate translations, somewhat neutralizes the mystical coloring of the names of the creatures, felt in the original text.
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Anggraini, Dian, M. R. Nababan, and Riyadi Santosa. "The Impact of Translation Techniques towards the Accuracy of Sarcasm Expression in Television Series the Big Bang Theory." International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding 7, no. 2 (March 24, 2020): 391.

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This research aims at mapping out the translation techniques applied in translating sarcasm expressions and describing the impact of translation techniques toward the translation quality in terms of the accuracy aspect. This descriptive qualitative research used documents (i.e. subtitle of television series The Big Bang Theory and its translation in bahasa Indonesia) and informant (i.e. raters) as the data sources. To collect the data, the methods that were applied are document analysis and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). As a result, there are 15 translation techniques applied by the translator in translating the sarcasm expressions. The application of appropriate translation techniques extremely affects the translation quality. The translator tends to apply established equivalent in dealing with sarcasm expressions. Consequently, the sarcasm expression translations tend to be rendered accurately. Meanwhile, reduction, discursive creation, literal techniques tend to produce less accurate and inaccurate translation.
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Rădulescu, Valentina. "Contrainte et réécriture-création dans la traduction des Exercices de style de Raymond Queneau." Translationes 9, no. 1 (June 1, 2017): 40–54.

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Abstract Our study presents a comparative analysis of selected texts from several translations of Queneau’s Exercices de style: the Romanian version (a collective work coordinated by Romulus Bucur), the English version (Barbara Wright) and the Italian one (Umberto Eco) that illustrate the variable degrees of difficulties in translating. The analysis is meant to confirm our research hypothesis: though disruptive and often hardly surmountable, translation constraint does not stifle translator’s creativity or his fidelity toward the original style; on the contrary, it stimulates the translational process and fosters the rewriting-creation.
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Sterk, Jan P. "Translation as Re-Creation." Bible Translator 45, no. 1 (January 1994): 129–39.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Translation and creation"


Швачко, Світлана Олексіївна, Светлана Алексеевна Швачко, Svitlana Oleksiivna Shvachko, Ірина Карпівна Кобякова, Ирина Карповна Кобякова, Iryna Karpivna Kobiakova, and D. Nestorenko. "Canadian Humor vs Creation and Translation." Thesis, Вежа-Друк, 2018.

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The materials of the First International Scholarly and Practical Congress on Canadian Studies show the latest Ukrainian-Canadian socio-political, historical, socio- economic, philological, cultural, educational and pedagogical researches in the field of modern Canadian Studies. The collection includes the theses of reports by more than 90 scientists from Ukraine and Canada (from Winnipeg, Edmonton, Saint-Albert, Lutsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Sumy, Dnipro, Chernivtsi, Kremenets, Chernihiv, Rivne, Ostroh, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ternopil). The authors are responsible for the content of their materials, the accuracy of data, facts, and quotations, and the level of originality of the results.
Робота присвячена розгляду проблеми гумору і шляхів його перекладу в тексті. Серед мовленнєвих функцій особливе місце займає лінгвокреативна функція, яка обумовлена мисленням. При вербальному засобі вираження гумористічного ефекту залучається адаптивна сила мови.
Работа посвящена проблеме юмора и способам его перевода в текстах. Среди речевых функций особое место занимает лингвокреативная, которая обусловленна данным типом мышления.
The article in question deals with the problem of humour and its way of rendering in translational texts. Among the speech functions the special role is performed by the linguo-creative function predetermined by corresponding thinking.
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Sandvick, Joshua Sandvick. "Machine Translation Through the Creation of a Common Embedding Space." The Ohio State University, 2018.

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Della, Corte Giuseppe. "Text and Speech Alignment Methods for Speech Translation Corpora Creation : Augmenting English LibriVox Recordings with Italian Textual Translations." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi, 2020.

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The recent uprise of end-to-end speech translation models requires a new generation of parallel corpora, composed of a large amount of source language speech utterances aligned with their target language textual translations. We hereby show a pipeline and a set of methods to collect hundreds of hours of English audio-book recordings and align them with their Italian textual translations, using exclusively public domain resources gathered semi-automatically from the web. The pipeline consists in three main areas: text collection, bilingual text alignment, and forced alignment. For the text collection task, we show how to automatically find e-book titles in a target language by using machine translation, web information retrieval, and named entity recognition and translation techniques. For the bilingual text alignment task, we investigated three methods: the Gale–Church algorithm in conjunction with a small-size hand-crafted bilingual dictionary, the Gale–Church algorithm in conjunction with a bigger bilingual dictionary automatically inferred through statistical machine translation, and bilingual text alignment by computing the vector similarity of multilingual embeddings of concatenation of consecutive sentences. Our findings seem to indicate that the consecutive-sentence-embeddings similarity computation approach manages to improve the alignment of difficult sentences by indirectly performing sentence re-segmentation. For the forced alignment task, we give a theoretical overview of the preferred method depending on the properties of the text to be aligned with the audio, suggesting and using a TTS-DTW (text-to-speech and dynamic time warping) based approach in our pipeline. The result of our experiments is a publicly available multi-modal corpus composed of about 130 hours of English speech aligned with its Italian textual translation and split in 60561 triplets of English audio, English transcript, and Italian textual translation. We also post-processed the corpus so as to extract 40-MFCCs features from the audio segments and released them as a data-set.
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McGuinness, Hayden James 1980. "The creation and frequency translation of single-photon states of light in optical fiber." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2011.

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xiii, 164 p. : ill. (some col.)
We explore the frequency translation of single-photon states of light and the creation of photon pairs by four-wave mixing in optical fiber. Frequency translation refers to changing the central frequency of a field, while photon pair creation refers to the creation of two individual photons at the same time. We demonstrate these effects in third-order nonlinear optical fiber. While both phenomena have previously been shown by three-wave mixing in second-order nonlinear media, there are compelling reasons to develop these tasks in third-order media. Most importantly, frequency translation in third-order material allows for the practical implementation of both small and large frequency shifts, while second-order material only practically allows for large shifts. Photon creation in third-order media often permits more flexible phase-matching conditions, allowing for the creation of a wider variety of quantum states than is often possible in second-order media. In our theoretical study of photon pair creation, we focus on the spectral correlations of the photon pairs. We pay particular attention to the creation of quantum states of high purity, where the photons are not spectrally correlated with one another. High purity photons are a requisite resource for several different quantum information processing applications, such as linear-optical quantum computing. We find that states with high purity can be realized with a minimal amount of spectral filtering. Experimentally, we study photon frequency translation in photonic crystal fiber. The central wavelength of the input photons was translated from 683 nm to 659 nm. We perform second-order intensity correlation measurements on both channels to demonstrate their quantum nature. This resulted in values of 0.21 ± 0.02 and 0.19 ± 0.05 for the 683-nm and 659-nm channels, respectively, demonstrating that those fields were dominated by their single-photon component. The efficiency at which the process occurred was 29 percent. Theoretically, we develop a Green function formalism to describe the translation process and develop a computational model to calculate the solution to the governing equations. Also, in a related experiment, we demonstrate classical frequency translation from 851 nm to 641 nm, a record translation in both wavelength and frequency, at an efficiency of 0.2 percent in a birefringent fiber.
Committee in charge: Dr. Daniel Steck, Chair; Dr. Michael Raymer, Advisor; Dr. Steven van Enk, Inside Member; Dr. Raghuveer Parthasarathy, Inside Member; Dr. Andrew Marcus, Outside Member
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Syed, Mohamed Ahmed. "Use of evidence and knowledge translation approaches facilitating co-creation of evidence in public health." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2017.

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Best available research evidence is essential but not the only type of evidence needed in public health decision making. Decisions are also influenced and must take into account factors other than research evidence. This approach in public health is called evidence-informed public health (EIPH). A fundamental concept of EIPH is to take into account realities of a specific real-world environment when translating research evidence into policy and practice. Therefore approaches to co-creation of best available evidence for decision making - evidence that is informed by best available research evidence but that also incorporates other types of information to address decision makers’ needs - are necessary for knowledge translation in public health. This thesis includes published works which report findings on 1) the use of research and other types of evidence and barriers and facilitators of its use and 2) KT approaches facilitating co-creation of best available evidence in public health policy making and practice. The eight publications included in this thesis studied factors associated with evidence use and present examples of co-creating evidence. The published works on evidence use (Publications 1 and 2) were undertaken using qualitative methods, specifically, content analysis of policy documents and interviews with decision makers within physical activity policy-making. Examples of co-creating evidence to address barriers identified in Publication 2 (such as relevance of research, lack of resources, lack of applicability of research etc.) used the Delphi technique, Population Impact Measure and Coverage with Evidence Development methodologies. They were applied to inform public health policy and practice in areas which include SARS and SARS-like diseases (Publications 3 and 4), rare diseases (Publication 5), cardiovascular diseases, strokes, cancers (Publication 6) and Dupuytren’s disease (Publication 7 and 8). It is essential that approaches supporting the use of research and other types of evidence in public health continue to be developed and documented, and this thesis represents such an endeavour. Usefulness and effectiveness of different KT approaches facilitating evidence use and reduce its barriers must also be continuously evaluated as they are adopted or modified to deal with different issues in different settings. Effective interventions along with strategies facilitating their delivery and implementation can then be utilised by public health professionals and policy makers who wish to promote EIPH.
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TAI, Pui Shan. "Interpretation and re-creation : English translations of poetry in the Sanguo Zhi Yanyi." Digital Commons @ Lingnan University, 2003.

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This thesis is a textual and contextual study of English renditions of poetry in Luo Guanzhong’s Sanguo zhi yanyi, in terms of their artistic approach and their bearing on the artistic functions which poetry fulfills in the novel. There are several English renditions of the Sanguo zhi yanyi in full or in part, including two full translations by Charles H. Brewit-Taylor and Moss Roberts. While the two full translations form the focus of the study, Roberts’s abridged version is also included. Published fifteen years before the full rendition by the same translator, the abridged version serves every now and then as a reference point showing how an individual’s interpretive perception may change over time and bear on choices made in a literary translation. Insertion of poetry in a novel is basically unique to Chinese fiction, often contributing to its overall artistic effects as an organic element. A Western reader coming from a different cultural background may employ different standards in evaluating the artistic role and appeal of poetry in a Chinese classical novel. In an attempt to be as flexible and open-minded as possible, this thesis does not adopt any particular theoretical perspective, but makes use of literary concepts to facilitate the analysis as appropriate. To assess the literary translations, concrete analysis of selected original poems in semantic, syntactic, auditory, imagistic, symbolic and stylistic terms is made before the strategies adopted by the translated versions, along with their merits and limitations, are discussed. Detailed discussions of textual features and contextual elements offer an evidence-based appraisal of the renditions. artistic approaches, which are significant in shedding light on the translators’ attempts to re-create and revitalize the artistic appeal of the source text within the multidimensional context of the target language and culture. It is also hoped that the thesis help shed light on some general as well as language- and culture-specific issues in the translation of classical Chinese poetry.
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Abu-Milha, Khalid Yahya. "Scientific issues in the Holy Qur'an : the meaning and translation of verses relating to the creation of the universe." Thesis, Durham University, 2003.

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Liao, Min-Hsiu. "Translation and the creation of a new genre : a corpus-based study of interaction in English and Chinese popular science writings." Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 2008.

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The aims of this study are to investigate the interactive strategies of the translators in the genre of popular science and the potential influence of translation practice on nontranslated popular science writings. The theoretical framework of interaction in written texts and translations is based on work on text-linguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and target-oriented and inter~ctional translation studies. The theoretical framework of the relationship between translations and non-translations draws mainly from polysystem theory and other empirical studies. The investigation is based on corpora comprising texts from Scientific American magazine (English and Chinese editions) and Academia Sillica Balanced Corpus of Modem Chinese. This corpus-based methodology is adopted to facilitate the observation of recurrent patterns of Interactive trends in a large body of texts. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are involved. Whereas quantitative analysis points out trends of interaction based on numerical evidence, qualitative analysis focuses on contextualised factors and seeks to explain the interactive phenomena. The textual findings of interactive patterns are then further supported by paratextual evidence. The study finds that the Chinese translators of popular science writings tend to take an active approach in mediating the gap between source text writers and target readers. The translators use more interactive strategies than the source text writers to involve the readers in the texts. Another important finding is that, based on the use of selected interactive features, we suggest that the Chinese popular science writings have been influenced by the interactive strategies used by the'translators; and have begun to show trends of more active writer-reader interaction which are not seen in iraditional popular science writings in Taiwan.
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Mazzoli, Valentina. "The creation and use of an international reference glossary specific for horror role-playing games." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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This thesis focuses on the technical approach to the translation of the Italian horror role-playing game Sine Requie into English. It aims to prove that both the role-playing and horror aspects of the genre are important to convey an enjoyable experience to the players, and that it is possible to create and international reference glossary to better translate the horror genre itself. Following a brief introduction of the history of role-playing games (RPGs), we will look at the RPG technical vocabulary in Sine Requie, and analyze which of these elements can be translated following the great models of the history of role-playing games. A brief introduction will follow regsrding the horror genre and its core characteristics based on the work of worldwide famous horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. Lastly, a description on how the international reference glossary for the horror genre was created will be presented along with a few examples of its practical use.
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Jenkins, Emily K. "Contributing to the development of community-based knowledge translation through the creation, implementation and evaluation of a youth mental health promotion initiative." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2015.

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Background: Mental health challenges have been identified as the most significant health issue facing young people. Leaders in the field have advocated for public health approaches to better address this issue. Some scholars have called for interventions informed by young people to enhance relevance and effectiveness of interventions. Knowledge translation (KT) has emerged in the health context as a strategy to promote the uptake of evidence to improve health outcomes; however, the majority of KT research to date has focused on clinical settings. The needs of researchers and practitioners working in community settings to address population-level health outcomes have not been adequately attended to, leading to calls for further development of community-based knowledge translation (CBKT), an approach underpinned by the tenets of participatory research and KT. Given these gaps, the purpose of this research was to contribute to the field of CBKT through the development, implementation and evaluation of a youth-driven mental health promotion initiative. Methods: This study utilized a case study design and was conducted in a rural community located in North-Central British Columbia, Canada. A mixed methods approach incorporating quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews and ethnographic field notes was used to examine the contextual factors associated with adolescent mental health, develop a CBKT framework to inform future work in this field, and assess the influence of a CBKT initiative on youth mental health. Findings: Findings demonstrate ways in which adolescent mental health may be influenced by contextual factors, evidence that can be used to inform change efforts to improve youth mental health. Further, a theoretically-driven and evidence-informed CBKT framework is introduced and used to illustrate how it can inform context-relevant, youth-driven initiatives. The CBKT approach utilized was shown to make a contribution to enhancing positive aspects of mental health such as resilience and connectedness among young people. Further, this approach was linked by study participants to changes at a community-level that foster mental health outcomes such as civic engagement, shifting norms and empowerment. Conclusions: CBKT shows promise as an approach to addressing one of the leading public health issues facing young people today, mental health challenges.
Applied Science, Faculty of
Nursing, School of
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Books on the topic "Translation and creation"


Pollard, David E., ed. Translation and Creation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Bryan, Peter Cullen. Creation, Translation, and Adaptation in Donald Duck Comics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Eckhart. Breakthrough: Meister Eckhart's creation spirituality in new translation. New York: Doubleday, 1991.

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Warren, Glenda Leah. Translation as re-creation in the Roman de Troie. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1990.

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Grosseteste, Robert. Robert Grosseteste On the six days of creation: A translation of the Hexaëmeron. Oxford: published for The British Academy by Oxford University Press, 1996.

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E, Pollard David, ed. Translation and creation: Readings of Western literature in early modern China, 1840-1918. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1998.

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E, Pollard David, ed. Translation and creation: Readings of western literature in early modern China, 1840-1918. Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1998.

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Dharmawijaya. Colours of creation: Selected poems, 1963-1973 = Warna maya : sajak-sajak pilihan, 1963-1973. Kuala Lumpur: Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia, 2012.

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Thomas. Summa theologiae: A concise translation. Westminister, Md., USA: Christian Classics, 1989.

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Thomas. Summa theologiae: A concise translation. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1989.

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Book chapters on the topic "Translation and creation"


Pollard, David E. "Introduction." In Translation and Creation, 5. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Yuezhi, Xiong. "Degrees of familiarity with the west in late Qing society." In Translation and Creation, 25. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Teruo, Tarumoto. "A statistical survey of translated fiction 1840–1920." In Translation and Creation, 37. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Xiaoming, Wang. "From petitions to fiction." In Translation and Creation, 43. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Chan, Leo Tak-hung. "LIberal versions." In Translation and Creation, 57. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Chi Yu, Chu. "Lord Byron’s “The isles of Greece”." In Translation and Creation, 79. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Wong, Lawrence Wang-chi. "“The sole purpose is to express my political views”." In Translation and Creation, 105. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Cheung, Martha P. Y. "The discourse of occidentalism? Wei Yi and Lin Shu’s treatment of religious material in their translation ofUncle Tom’s Cabin." In Translation and Creation, 127. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Hung, Eva. "Giving texts a context." In Translation and Creation, 151. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Pollard, David E. "Jules Verne, Science fiction and related matters." In Translation and Creation, 177. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

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Conference papers on the topic "Translation and creation"


Tang, Kenan, Peiyang Song, Yao Qin, and Xifeng Yan. "Creative and Context-Aware Translation of East Asian Idioms with GPT-4." In Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2024), 1–21. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.

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The article is devoted to the study of the role of the translator's creative personality in the creation of translated literary texts. The role of pragmatic translation factors is determined, as well as the dependence of the strategy on the experience and competencies of the translator. The subject of the study is the translations of Leo Tolstoy's novel Resurrection, presented by Ru Long and Cao Ying in 1979 and 1990. Representative fragments of the original text are considered for the purpose of analysis and comparison in the paradigm of translation plurality.
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Şəmsi qızı Məmmədova, Xumar. "Nakhchivan literary atmosphere and literary translation." In OF THE V INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE., 2021.

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The presented article discusses the issues of Nakhchivan literary environment and literary translation. It is noted that translation is a creation in itself, and the activities of representatives of the Nakhchivan literary environment in this area are exemplary. In general, during the independence period, some experience was gained in the literary environment of Nakhchivan, translations from German, English and French by our poets and writers Hamid Arzulu, Shirmammad Gulubeyli, Shamil Zaman who is famous as poet, prose-writer and translator were delivered to readers in the form of books and works were published in the press. The examples presented in the article once again prove the perfection of the writers' translation activities, their translations from German, English and French provide the Azerbaijani reader with full information about the society, people and their life of these peoples. Key words: Nakhchivan, literary atmosphere, literary translation, prose, poetry
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O‘tanova, Sirdaryoxon. "SOME CONSIDERATION ABOUT THE AZERBAIJANI TRANSLATIONS OF “BABURNAME”." In The Impact of Zahir Ad-Din Muhammad Bobur’s Literary Legacy on the Advancement of Eastern Statehood and Culture. Alisher Navoi' Tashkent state university of Uzbek language and literature, 2023.

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There is discussed about two editions of “Boburname” which translated into Azerbaijani in 2011. Translators are Ramiz Askar and Fuzuliy Bayot. They made these translations based on a number of “Boburnomeh” manuscripts Russian and Turkish translations and publications that published before their creation in different years and various countries. There have been taken into consideration structure of translation books, potential of authors, achievements and shortcomings in thiswork. Also, some passages from the translation of both authors are also compared and tried to evaluate them. In article is discussed the need of translating “Boburnameh” from Chigatay-Turkic language into Azerbaijani belonging to the group of Turkic languages.
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The article examines the problem of developing the skills of translation-oriented reading in teaching foreign languages to translation students. It outlines the characteristic features of the translator as a reader with a special motivation, emphasises the importance of their ability to identify the items of information which are relevant to the creation of the desired communicative effect and highlights the tasks which the translator has to accomplish during the first stage of the translation process the importance of which cannot be underestimated. To ensure the acquisition and development of the skills required for translation-oriented reading, it has been proposed to use a set of questions which can serve as guidelines for the analysis of the text. The questions draw students’ attention to the types of information which are essential for translationoriented reading. The article also outlines the benefits of this learning procedure.
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Źrałka, Edyta. "Manual Quality Evaluation and Post-editing in Enhancing the Correctness of MateCat’s English-Polish Legal Translations." In New Trends in Translation and Technology Conference 2024, 261–70. INCOMA Ltd. Shoumen, BULGARIA, 2024.

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The reduced credibility of Machine Translation (MT) engines evoked the necessity of quality control and post-editing (PE). Some aiding instruments for evaluation were introduced (Quality Assessment Metrics - QAMs) to facilitate PE and make the process of MT valuable, subject to specified rules. The idea was not only to invent the criteria for metrics and evaluation performance but to record the proofread outcomes and make them repetitive. In such a case, the process of evaluation and PEwould be more effective and lead to better translation quality. A valuable contribution to that need was the creation of MateCat (Machine Translation Enhanced Computer Assisted Translation) tool, a combination of MT engine and CAT tool, enabling a user to translate automatically and edit MT results for better outcomes based on translation memories (TMs) and terminology databases. The outcomes depend on the tool’s parallel corpora and databases created by any individual user. Such linguistic data serve to improve the quality of subsequent translations, even if the language is specialised. The research aims to discover how the quality of legal texts translated via MateCat is enhanced based on quality assessment,PE, andthe creation of new databases.It also seeks to determine how the quality of the tool’s performance can be improved andproposes theoretical approaches to Translation Quality Assessment (TQA). Based on the research, it can be observed that introducing terminological corrections in MateCat translations results in consistently rendered terminology. Grammatical problems tend to be sustained due to fewer chances of contexts’ replicability. Keywords: Translation Quality Assessment, evaluation metrics, post-editing, CAT tools, translation memories.
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ILIE, ALEXANDRA. "Traducerea automată a literaturii. O himeră încă vie?" In Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences: “Rethinking Values in Interdisciplinary Research”, 51–76. EDITURA UNIVERSITĂȚII „ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” DIN IAŞI, 2024.

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Artificial intelligence is about to reshape the world and redefine the relationship humans maintain with their professional activities. Recent machine translation systems, as well as the prior generation of statistical machine translation, rely on extensive aligned corpora and generate outputs whose quality can compete with human translations. This is particularly the case for technical and even medical texts. The role of the translator is to be questioned. Could algorithms potentially substitute this profession? Certain texts types, such as legal and literary ones, remain resistant to machine translation. The main obstacle for these systems is their lack of direct, tangible interaction with the outer reality from which these texts emerge, hence the systems’ inability to understand and interpret them. The ability of Transformer models is confined to analyzing intra-sentential context. In 2017, a new player entered the machine translation scene, DeepL, whose primary advantage lies in its integration of the Linguee database, an enormous parallel corpus of high-quality human translations. Generative natural language models include translation functionality. These models can be trained to identify or even replicate specific literary styles. Since literary works are replete with wordplay, extratextual references, and stylistic devices, we propose to investigate whether the task of decoding their message, particularly the author’s intent (understood as the addresser) via algorithms remains a chimera. Research efforts within the domain of natural language processing, such as the creation of parallel corpora, text “cleaning” and the morphological and syntactic annotation of texts (pre editing) have undeniably played a significant role in achieving a level of quality superior to that of rule-based or statistical systems. The results achieved in the field of automatic literary translation, however, do not meet the high demand upheld by human translation (biotranslation). How automatic translation systems are created and how do they function? What parallel corpora are? Are parallel corpora sufficient for generating high-quality automatic literary translations? What quality in translation is? Is there any evaluation metrics for human translations? And what about the metrics used to assess machine translations by humans? What is the current state of automatic translation for texts from classical Romanian literature? These are some of the questions we commit to answering in this paper.
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Liu, Suying. "DIFFICULTIES AND STRATEGIES OF MUTUAL TRANSLATION OF RUSSIAN-CHINESE THINKING IN TEACHING CHINESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE." In Themed collection of papers from Foreign international scientific conference «Joint innovation - joint development». Part 1. by HNRI «National development» in cooperation with PS of UA. October 2023. - Harbin (China). Crossref, 2024.

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Polysemy is a major difficulty in the teaching of Russian translation of Chinese as a foreign language. On the basis of translation theory, only by fully creating the context can we better master the translation of polysemy.This article explains how to improve Russian-Chinese translation skills from the two aspects of translation theory principles and the creation of situational context.
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Shi, Tianyang, Yi Yuan, Changjie Fan, Zhengxia Zou, Zhenwei Shi, and Yong Liu. "Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation." In 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). IEEE, 2019.

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Apidianaki, Marianna, Guillaume Wisniewski, Anne Cocos, and Chris Callison-Burch. "Automated Paraphrase Lattice Creation for HyTER Machine Translation Evaluation." In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers). Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018.

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Reports on the topic "Translation and creation"



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The article analyzes transformation of word-forms during spontaneous creation in live television broadcasting. Particular attention is paid to adjectives adverbs. The specific properties of adverbs makes it easier to trace general trends in their transformations, because adverbs are not burdened with many different forms and their variations, that occur in the process of word change of some other class of words at the same time adverbiatives allow to analyze in more detail the semantical and grammatical structure of speech. The main method we use is to observe the speech of live TV journalist, we used during the study methods of comparative analysis of comparison of theoretical positions from the work of individual linguists and journalists. Our objective is to trace these transformations and develop a certain attitude towards them in our researches of the language of the media and practicing journalists to support positive trends in the development of the broadcasting on TV and give recommendations for overcoming certain negative trends. All studies of the problems of transformation of grammatical forms in different ways relate to translation studies, mostly investigate the grammatical transformations, that the translator resorted to, when reproducing the original by means of another language. At first glance, it would be logical, if the live speech of television journalists was dominated by transformations? Associated with the translation from internal to foreign broadcasting in cases where natural for this TV journalists is Russian-speaking internal broadcasting and he reproducing the text from internal Russian-speaking. The transformation of grammatical forms however this cannot be seen in the live use of adverbiatives. An interesting trend can also be seen in the transformation of different types of gramma­tical forms. In particular, negative interference is mostly characteristic of the forms of corporate adverbs. Forms of the same word with the same grammatical meaning is such overlapping of two forms of the same grammatical meaning is practically impossible outside of adjectives adverbial and adjectives themselves. Only a small number of transformations are associated with the forms of superlatives.
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Kapp, Julie M., Ryanne Despain, Kristi Ressel, and Kathleen Quinn. Missouri Research-Extension (MO-RE) protocol to accelerate the translation of science to communities. University of Missouri, 2022.

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This project is designed to strengthen the bridge between research and practice through which leading science developed throughout the University of Missouri system (UM) is delivered to its communities, particularly in rural areas. MU Extension’s delivery systems offer immense potential for knowledge translation given they reach every community in the state, but there are infrastructure barriers connecting research to practice that require intentionality before these systems can realize their potential. A focus area of the work is closing the health and health care equity gap with high-touch community health approaches delivered through Extension educational programs that link Missouri communities with university research. The protocol’s creation represents the confluence of research and scholarship, clinical training and practice, and public and community health needs. [Excerpted paragraph from p. 6]
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Chamovitz, Daniel, and Albrecht Von Arnim. Translational regulation and light signal transduction in plants: the link between eIF3 and the COP9 signalosome. United States Department of Agriculture, November 2006.

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The COP9 signalosome (CSN) is an eight-subunit protein complex that is highly conserved among eukaryotes. Genetic analysis of the signalosome in the plant model species Arabidopsis thaliana has shown that the signalosome is a repressor of light dependent seedling development as mutant Arabidopsis seedlings that lack this complex develop in complete darkness as if exposed to light. These mutant plants die following the seedling stage, even when exposed to light, indicating that the COP9 signalosome also has a central role in the regulation of normal photomorphogenic development. The biochemical mode of action of the signalosome and its position in eukaryotic cell signaling pathways is a matter of controversy and ongoing investigation, and recent results place the CSN at the juncture of kinase signaling pathways and ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. We have shown that one of the many CSN functions may relate to the regulation of translation through the interaction of the CSN with its related complex, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF3). While we have established a physical connection between eIF3 subunits and CSN subunits, the physiological and developmental significance of this interaction is still unknown. In an effort to understand the biochemical activity of the signalosome, and its role in regulating translation, we originally proposed to dissect the contribution of "h" subunit of eIF3 (eIF3h) along the following specific aims: (i) Isolation and phenotypic characterization of an Arabidopsis loss-of-function allele for eIF3h from insertional mutagenesis libraries; (ii) Creation of designed gain and loss of function alleles for eIF3h on the basis of its nucleocytoplasmic distribution and its yeast-two-hybrid interactions with other eIF3 and signalosome partner proteins; (iii) Determining the contribution of eIF3h and its interaction with the signalosome by expressing specific mutants of eIF3h in the eIF3h- loss-of function background. During the course of the research, these goals were modified to include examining the genetic interaction between csn and eif3h mutations. More importantly, we extended our effort toward the genetic analysis of mutations in the eIF3e subunit, which also interacts with the CSN. Through the course of this research program we have made several critical scientific discoveries, all concerned with the apparent diametrically opposed roles of eIF3h and eIF3e. We showed that: 1) While eIF3e is essential for growth and development, eIF3h is not essential for growth or basal translation; 2) While eIF3e has a negative role in translational regulation, eIF3h is positively required for efficient translation of transcripts with complex 5' UTR sequences; 3) Over-accumulation of eIF3e and loss-of-function of eIF3h both lead to cop phenotypes in dark-grown seedlings. These results were published in one publication (Kim et al., Plant Cell 2004) and in a second manuscript currently in revision for Embo J. Are results have led to a paradigm shift in translation research – eIF3 is now viewed in all systems as a dynamic entity that contains regulatory subuits that affect translational efficiency. In the long-term agronomic outlook, the proposed research has implications that may be far reaching. Many important plant processes, including developmental and physiological responses to light, abiotic stress, photosynthate, and hormones operate in part by modulating protein translation [23, 24, 40, 75]. Translational regulation is slowly coming of age as a mechanism for regulating foreign gene expression in plants, beginning with translational enhancers [84, 85] and more recently, coordinating the expression of multiple transgenes using internal ribosome entry sites. Our contribution to understanding the molecular mode of action of a protein complex as fundamental as eIF3 is likely to lead to advances that will be applicable in the foreseeable future.
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Wüthrich, Annik. The Copenhagen Wooden Stela AAd6 from the National Museum of Denmark: An unusual Testimony of the 22nd Dynasty. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, December 2021.

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The subject of this article is a wooden stela (AAd6) kept in the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. By iconographical and typological criteria, this object is datable to the 22nd Dynasty and probably comes from the Theban area. The stela displays several particularities, among others, one of the longest genealogies preserved on this object type. Alongside a careful investigation of the different iconographical elements and a new translation of the text, this contribution looks into the onomastic and the prosopographical material, examining different titles such as “ḥnk-nw.w-priest in southern Heliopolis” or “wab-priest in chief of the estate of Mut, the great one, the mistress of Isheru.” This study not only reconstitutes the family tree but also connects this object with three others, that are datable to a timeframe from the 21st Dynasty to the beginning of the 26th Dynasty. An excursus focusing on the painting sequence of the text and depictions contributes to a better understanding of the creation of wooden stelae in the Third intermediate Period.
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Melad, Kris Ann. Harmonizing Philippine Census Data across Decades (1970–2020). Philippine Institute for Development Studies, December 2024.

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This research harmonizes Philippine Census of Population and Housing (CPH) data from 1970 to 2020 to address data consistency challenges across five decades. The study systematically reconciles evolving variable definitions, classification systems, and measurement scales to create a unified longitudinal dataset. Key harmonization challenges include accommodating changes in the education system, such as the K-12 reforms, tracking modifications to administrative boundaries over the years, managing the expanding data scope across census years, and addressing historical data preservation issues, particularly for the 1970 and 1980 censuses. The research involved the creation of translation tables and crosswalks for major classification systems, including the Philippine Standard Geographic Classification (PSGC), Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC), and Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC). Variable-specific harmonization protocols and guidelines for researchers using the harmonized data are also documented. The harmonization process standardized core demographic variables across all periods while preserving more detailed classifications where possible, though some variables necessarily lost granularity when harmonized to their lowest common denominator. Beyond producing a consistent dataset for longitudinal analysis, this study contributes to PIDS's agenda of strengthening statistical systems for evidence-based policymaking. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving future census data collection and harmonization practices to support effective policy development in the Philippines.
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Lim, Kenneth Yang Teck, and Longkai Wu. The development of a framework for the effective translation of educational research into sustained practice in Singapore. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2024.

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This project arose from the need to engage in translation and scaling efforts from previous technologically mediated research projects; this is in line with the strategic direction set by the third tranche of research funding at the OER. The concepts of diffusion, scaling and translation are contested and are sometimes framed too narrowly from the paradigm of numbers progressing along a unilinear trajectory alone; to an extent, this paradigm arises from how translation has been understood from the bioscience and pharmacological industries. Transposing these understandings to the Social Sciences in general, and to Education in particular, has not been straightforward. Because of the pressing need to enact translational work for both Future Schools (FS) and eduLab projects and also potential CRPP curricular innovations, a framework to inform decision making and policy formulation is critical. Using one of these projects – the eduLab Six Learnings project – as a test-bed, we have sought to: (a) determine how the design principles and theories which have informed the original research project can be subsequently scaled; and in the process develop a framework for translation which involves detailed understandings into the breadth and depth of the specificity of outcomes resulting from the research; and (b) assess whether there is sufficient preparedness in the schools in terms of teacher-readiness for scaling to occur. The latter is important largely because lethal mutations from the original intentions usually occur if those who take up the interventions do not understand the conceptual underpinnings of the research innovation. Hence, to reiterate, the central focus of this research study is to develop a framework for understanding how the outcomes arising from researcher-driven interventions may be translated, extended and scaled into wider practitioner-driven enactments, in the context of the education system in Singapore. In 2012, we collected data of teacher enactment of Six Learnings curriculum to help us understand the process of effective translation of a curricular innovation in local schools. We explored how teachers in different schools and different levels appropriated a Six Learnings curricular framework in their classrooms, and discuss the kinds of support to be provided to teachers. In our study, we have chosen to stress the importance of people and stakeholders as a key dimension in successful translation efforts. By arguing for a community-based approach to augment translation efforts, we have proposed and justified a social participatory process complementing the traditional product-oriented scaling models. We see this as another significant contribution of this study to the literature. We frame such a community as central to the success of re-creating resemblances and legitimate mutations relative to the original research innovation.
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This article is devoted to the study of the translation of onomatopoeia in English-language comics into the Russian language. Onomatopoeic words cause difficulties in their translation, which creates the need to study onomatopoeia from the point of view of their special characteristics, such as their optional role. The need for creative rethinking, full consideration of the context as well as getting into the situation are especially highlighted.
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BIZIKOEVA, L. S., and M. I. BALIKOEVA. SOMERSET MAUGHAM - MASTER OF CREATING CHARACTERS. Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, 2021.

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Purpose. The goal of the present article is to study various means of creating a literary character. Analyzing the creative work of a famous English writer William Somerset Maugham and basing on the story «The Kite» an attempt is made to scrutinize Maugham’s peculiar style and lexico-stylistic devices he employs to create the main female characters of the story «The Kite». The main methods used in the research are: the method of contextual analysis and the descriptive-analytical method. Results. The results of the research revealed that the peculiar characteristic of the protagonists of the story “The Kite” is the author’s strong presence. Portraying the characters of Missis Sunbury and Miss Bevan, Somerset Maugham pays special attention to precise description of their appearances and manner of speech. Employing various lexico-stylistic devices, S. Maugham creates extraordinarily vivid characters. Practical implications. The received results can be used in teaching Stylistics of the English language, stylistic analysis of the text as well as theory and practice of translation.
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NIST, Gaithersburg MD. NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0: Quick-Start Guide for Creating and Using Organizational Profiles (Japanese translation). Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2025.

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Georgalakis, James, and Fajri Siregar. Knowledge Translation in the Global South: Bridging Different Ways of Knowing for Equitable Development. Institute of Development Studies, July 2023.

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This study explores knowledge translation (KT) in the global South and provides recommendations for funders to support more effective structures and strategies for the use of research for equitable development. The project explores the KT strategies, practices and theories researchers and research intermediaries use in the global South, and the challenges they experience, and identifies the types of support required from research funders. The mixed methods design incorporated facilitated learning sessions, a review of the literature, case study selection and analysis, and semi-structured interviews. The research finds that KT is too narrowly defined and a holistic approach is needed support it in the global South. Recommendations for funders include creating challenge funds, taking a programme-level approach to supporting KT, and embracing complexity.
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