Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Transformation texture'
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Bourque, Eric. "Image-based procedural texture matching and transformation." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=100327.
Full textThe textural characteristics of many real world objects change over time, so we are therefore interested in how textured objects in a graphical animation could also be made to change automatically. We would like this automatic texture transformation to be based on different texture samples in a time-dependant manner. This notion, which is a natural extension of procedural texture matching, involves the creation of a smoothly varying sequence of texture images, while allowing the graphic artist to control various characteristics of the texture sequence.
Given a library of procedural textures, our approach uses a perceptually motivated texture similarity measure to identify which procedural textures in the library may produce a suitable match. Our work assumes that at least one procedural texture in the library is capable of approximating the desired texture. Because exhaustive search of all of the parameter combinations for each procedural texture is not computationally feasible, we perform a two-stage search on the candidate procedural textures. First, a global search is performed over pre-computed samples from the given procedural texture to locate promising parameter settings. Secondly, these parameter settings are optimised using a local search method to refine the match to the desired texture.
The characteristics of a procedural texture generally do not vary uniformly for uniform parameter changes. That is, in some areas of the parameter domain of a procedural texture (the set of all valid parameter settings for the given procedural texture) small changes may produce large variations in the resulting texture, while in other areas the same changes may produce no variation at all. In this thesis, we present an adaptive random sampling algorithm which captures the texture range (the set of all images a procedural texture can produce) of a procedural texture by maintaining a sampling density which is consistent with the amount of change occurring in that region of the parameter domain.
Texture transformations may not always be contained to a single procedural texture, and we therefore describe an approach to finding transitional points from one procedural texture to another. We present an algorithm for finding a path through the texture space formed from combining the texture range of the relevant procedural textures and their transitional points.
Several examples of image-based texture matching, and texture transformations are shown. Finally, potential limitations of this work as well as future directions are discussed.
Kundu, Saurabh. "Transformation strain and crystallographic texture in steels." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2007. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/218329.
Full textLeng, Xiaoling. "Analysis of some textured images by transputer." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.324405.
Full textHumbert, Michel. "Un nouveau modèle de transformation de texture avec sélection des variantes : application à la transformation martensitique." Metz, 1987. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/1987/Humbert.Michel.SMZ8718.pdf.
Full textIn the phase transformation of the solid state (especially the martensitic ones), the crystallographic texture of the final phase depends on the texture of the initail phase. However, the orientation relations (variants), which are observed in the transformation of the monocrystal, are in general not sufficient to predict the texture of the final phase from the texture of the initial phase. Indeed, many factors such as internal stresses, which are present before the transformation (or caused by the latter), can work towards a selection of variants. In this work we propose a model of texture transformation, which takes into account the selection of variants, by introoducing a variant selection function which describes, the effect of the "physical fields" on the transformation from the crystallographic point of view. This analytic expression, which is represented by a convolution integral, makes it possible, under certain conditions, to determine the variant selection function from the functions of the textures of the initial and final phases. So we obtained the variant selection functions from the functions of the texture of Fe3ONi sheets rolled in different conditions. This way of using the midel of transformation enables us to establish a "catalog" of variant selection functions which are associated to physical fields and this should make it possible to distinguish, by comparison, the main parameters, which rule the transformation. However, the most direct apllication of this transformation model is the prediction of the texture of the martensitic phase, the texture of the austenitic phase and the variant selection function being known. This model of transformation has also been used to test physical assumptions on the martensitic transformation of samples of rolled Fe3ONi sheets with complex textures, which are described from the crystallographic point of view by variant selection functions. The differences between the simulated texture and the experimental one constitute a test of validity of the proposed assumption. Thus we showed that for a large part of the grain population, the formed variants were those, which ensure the minimal deformation in the sheet plane. Systematical studies of morphology and dilatometry should confirm this result
Humbert, Michel. "Un Nouveau modèle de transformation de texture avec sélection des variantes application à la transformation martensitique /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37605996x.
Full textHumbert, Michel ESLING MICHEL. "UN NOUVEAU MODELE DE TRANSFORMATION DE TEXTURE AVEC SELECTION DES VARIANTES : APPLICATION A LA TRANSFORMATION MARTENSITIQUE /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1987. ftp://ftp.scd.univ-metz.fr/pub/Theses/1987/Humbert.Michel.SMZ8718.pdf.
Full textLoh, Angeline M. "The recovery of 3-D structure using visual texture patterns." University of Western Australia, 2006. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2006.0101.
Full textFuchs, Alexander. "Application of microstructural texture parameters to diffusional and displacive transformation products." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2005. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/212/.
Full textRomero, Ospina Javier Ernesto. "Texture evolution during beta-quenching of a zirconium alloy." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2010. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/texture-evolution-during-betaquenching-of-a-zirconium-alloy(bc5fc24d-f5dd-4074-b2ae-a7cf1a8bae7e).html.
Full textLiao, Wei-Hsiang. "Modelling and transformation of sound textures and environmental sounds." Thesis, Paris 6, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA066725/document.
Full textThe processing of environmental sounds has become an important topic in various areas. Environmental sounds are mostly constituted of a kind of sounds called sound textures. Sound textures are usually non-sinusoidal, noisy and stochastic. Several researches have stated that human recognizes sound textures with statistics that characterizing the envelopes of auditory critical bands. Existing synthesis algorithms can impose some statistical properties to a certain extent, but most of them are computational intensive. We propose a new analysis-synthesis framework that contains a statistical description that consists of perceptually important statistics and an efficient mechanism to adapt statistics in the time-frequency domain. The quality of resynthesised sound is at least as good as state-of-the-art but more efficient in terms of computation time. The statistic description is based on the STFT. If certain conditions are met, it can also adapt to other filter bank based time-frequency representations (TFR). The adaptation of statistics is achieved by using the connection between the statistics on TFR and the spectra of time-frequency domain coefficients. It is possible to adapt only a part of cross-correlation functions. This allows the synthesis process to focus on important statistics and ignore the irrelevant parts, which provides extra flexibility. The proposed algorithm has several perspectives. It could possibly be used to generate unseen sound textures from artificially created statistical descriptions. It could also serve as a basis for transformations like stretching or morphing. One could also expect to use the model to explore semantic control of sound textures
Gelebart, Perrine. "Modulation de la texture des gels acides laitiers par addition d'agrégats de protéines laitières." Thesis, Nantes, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019NANT4018/document.
Full textThe texture of dairy products is a key parameter influencing consumer choices. In yogurt-type acid systems, the addition of milk protein aggregates would allow the development of products with innovative textures containing only dairy ingredients. The aim of this work is thus to highlight and understand the texturizing mechanisms of acidified models dairy emulsions through protein aggregates of different compositions, morphologies and sizes, by comparing them with conventional systems supplemented with whey proteins. For this purpose, fatty dairy gels acidified with GDL were manufactured by varying the concentration of different types of aggregates. The addition of whey proteins and fractal aggregates increases the strength of the gels and reduces their syneresis. Whereas the addition of compact spherical and mixed (casein-whey protein) aggregates does not modify the texture. Aggregates have a role in the continuous phase. The development of the interfacial surface by increasing the homogenization pressure and the fat fraction can allow the adsorption of aggregates at the interface of the fat droplets and increase the firmness. The nature of the aggregates influences interactions formed with the casein network during acidification. Among the interactions formed, disulphide bridges between whey proteins or fractal aggregates and the network were highlighted. The large variety of texture obtained in these systems demonstrates that it is possible to create innovative and specific products, especially protein-rich ones, to target certain types of population
Hielscher, Ralf. "The Radon transform on the rotation group inversion and application to texture analysis /." Doctoral thesis, [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006. http://deposit.ddb.de/cgi-bin/dokserv?idn=985235330.
Full textGermain, Lionel. "Contribution à l'étude des hétérogénéités de texture des billettes d'IMI 834." Metz, 2005. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2005/Germain.Lionel.SMZ0518.pdf.
Full textThe IMI 834 is a quasi-[alpha] titanium alloy used to design high pressure compressors for aero-engines. The microstructure of the final parts is composed of equiaxed primary [alpha]p grains in a lamellar matrix of secondary [alpha]s colonies (also called Widmanstätten microstructure). This bimodal microstructure was optimised to provide a good behaviour of the material in both creep and fatigue. However, the forged parts can contain millimetre long regions called macrozones, characterised by very sharp local textures which seem to significantly reduce the fatigue resistance of the material, in particular in dwell fatigue testing. This work is a detailed study of the texture heterogeneities and local microstructures that are damageable for the fatigue resistance of bimodal IMI 834 billets. The observed microstructures contain important indications on the formation of these heterogeneities during the billet elaboration. Their analyses allow for a better understanding of the genesis of the heterogeneities and further, guide us toward additional thermomechanical heat treatments that could lead to their reduction. The study is based on orientation maps obtained by the EBSD technique and on specifically developed tools. We first elaborated a method to distinguish the [alpha]p grains from the [alpha]s colonies, automatically on orientation maps. Thus, we determined the contribution of each population of grains to the formation of the heterogeneities. Moreover, we used the partial orientation map of the [alpha]s phase to calculate the parent [bêta] microtextures and deduced the high temperature microstructure formed by the combination of the [alpha]p and the [bêta] phases. Thus, we analysed the influence of this complex microstructure on the formation of the macrozones. In parallel, we took advantage of various compression tests to follow the development of the macrozones and suggest a deformation route that can reduce their intensity. Our work shows that the macrozones correspond to regions elongated in the axial direction of the billet, in which [alpha]p grains have an unique but dispersed texture component, so that the c axes mainly point in the radial direction. The [alpha]p colonies are oriented around several texture components but have their main component matching the unique component of the [alpha]p grains. In these zones, the local texture of the parent [bêta] phase is relatively smooth. Consequently, the macrozones cannot correspond directly to the traces of the large [bêta] grains strongly elongated in the axial direction after the forging in the [beta] field. The sharp [alpha]p texture results from an heterogeneous deformation / globularisation of the [alpha] phase that initially corresponded to the colonies of lamellae that were in Burgers orientation relation with the [bêta] matrix. The sharp texture of the [alpha]s phase is inherited from the transformation of the [bêta] phase through a variant selection mechanism occurring during the [bêta] [to] [alpha]s phase transformation in the presence of [alpha]p grains. In this variant selection, we have highlighted the role of certain [alpha]p/[bêta] phase interfaces which promote certain [alpha]s variants that minimise the [alpha]p/[alpha]s misorientations. Moreover, modelling showed that the elastic anisotropy due to the strong local textures of the [alpha]p phase tends to favour the [alpha]s orientations close to [alpha]p orientation. The analysis of the different results led us to make further compression tests to evaluate the possibility of reducing the macrozones. This work offers some new perspectives in the production of industrial parts in IMI 834
Wiley, Paul Robert. "The use of genetic transformation to determine the molecular basis for grain texture in wheat." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.425137.
Full textShi, Rongpei. "Variant Selection during Alpha Precipitation in Titanium Alloys- A Simulation Study." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1397655766.
Full textAyour, Jamal. "Contribution à l'étude de la diversité génétique et recherche des paramètres physicochimiques et biochimiques indicateurs de la qualité au cours de la maturation des fruits d'abricots frais et après transformation." Thesis, Avignon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AVIG0704.
Full textThe problematic of this thesis is based on the characterization of the quality of apricotsand their aptitude for industrial processing. Three main axes guided this study. The first oneconsisted initially of a global morphometric characterization of Moroccan apricot clonesmaintened in experimental station of INRA of Marrakech and followed by the analysis ofgenetic diversity. 92 accessions, from different geographical regions, were genotyped using21 microsatellite markers. Indeed, the analyzed collection was characterized by a highpolymorphism and a reduced genetic diversity. A total of 120 alleles were identified with anaverage of 5.71 alleles per locus. All the statistical evidence (hierarchical analysis, PCA andstructural analysis) show that the genetic structure of Moroccan apricot can be subdivided intotwo populations : a major population made up of most accessions of genetic groups (authenticpopulation linked in particular to the Delpatriarca variety) and a second less diversifiedpopulation related to all reference varieties, including the Canino variety. The observedvariability between the 92 genotypes could be an asset to improve the apricot cultivation andto allow a sustainable development in the space and the time of the fruit by the selection ofnew genotypes of apricots. Finally, the observed genetic variability was used in the selectionof new apricot clones for phenotypic analysis. The second axis focused on the study ofbiochemical markers that allow to understand and evaluate the quality of selected apricots,namely : the change of organic acids and soluble sugars in relation to the sensory quality, thedevelopment of pigments and color change, the evolution of phenolic compounds in relationto antioxidant activity and loss of texture according to the cell wall biochemistry. Indeed,good physicochemical and biochemical properties have been reported for the ten chosenclones (Maximum values reported for some bioactif compounds : Vitamin C = 0.15 g / kg, β-carotene = 149.251 μg / kg, provitamin A = 0.028 mg / kg), as well as the qualitative traitsassociated with the maturation season and the genotype, is certainly a valuable genetic sourceto extend the apricot season and to supply stalls and industry. The third axis was on theimplication of the texture of the fruit in the industrial processing of apricot. We analyzed thevarietal ability of apricots for industrial processing by analyzing their textural propertiesbefore and after processing. And to better understand the variability of apricot texture, westudied the impact of heat treatment depending on the stage of fruit harvesting on a widerange of French cultivars. In the end, five apricots varieties were chosen as the mostappropriate for the industrial process
Gey, Nathalie. "Etude des changements de textures par transformation de phase beta-alpha dans des produits TA6V laminés à chaud." Metz, 1996. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/1996/Gey.Nathalie.SMZ9634.pdf.
Full textIn the present investigation, the texture transformations induced by alpha beta phase transformation in hot rolled TA6V products were studied. Different samles were rolled at 1050°C (beta field), 900 °C (alpha - beta field). The alpha textures, inherited by phase transformation, were determined by X-ray diffraction or by EBSP and analysed according to the volume proportion of both alpha beta phases and their respective deformation mechanisms. After a 30% deformation at 1050 °C, the inherited alpha texture were characterised by a fibre type texture whereas a 75% deformation favoured the (0°, 90°, 0°) orientation. The originality of this work lies in the determination of the corresponding high temperature beta textures by specific methods. The beta texture, 30% deformed at 1050°C, was characterised by the 100 and 111 fibres. A 75% deformation promoted the 100<110> component in the 100 fibre whereas the 111 one was still observed. This texture evolution were analysed and compared to the results simulated by a rate sensitive Taylor model. The high temperature beta textures were then introduced in a texture transformation model using the Burgers relationship, in order to simulate the inherited alpha textures. The modelling without variant selection allowed to reproduce the fibre texture characteristic of the 30% deformation at 1050°C. After a 75% deformation, the same model made clear that a sharp variant selection mechanisms occured in the beta alpha transformation, favouring the orientations of the alpha phase centred around (0°, 90°, 0°). A transformation texture modelling were proposed in which the alpha variants, associated to the most active slip systems at the end of rolling, appeared preferentially in the transformation. This model allowed to simulate an alpha texture in agreement with the experimental one
Holmberg, Björn. "Estimating Human Limb Motion Using Skin Texture and Particle Filtering." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för systemteknik, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-9352.
Full textZhang, Xiaoxue. "Effects of high magnetic field on high purity Fe-C alloys during diffusional phase transformation." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0052/document.
Full textIn this work, the influence of the magnetic field on diffusional phase transformation in high purity Fe-C alloys has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. The magnetic field induced microstructural features and crystallographic orientation characteristics have been thoroughly studied in three different carbon content alloys: Fe-0.12C, Fe-0.36C and Fe-1.1C alloys. Magnetic field induces different aligned and elongated microstructures along the field direction, namely aligned and elongated pearlite colonies in Fe-0.12C alloy and elongated proeutectoid ferrite grains in Fe-0.36C alloy, due to the two scaled magnetic dipolar interaction. Magnetic field increases the amount of ferrite in hypoeutectoid alloys and this field effect becomes more pronounced with the increase of the carbon composition. Magnetic field inhibits the formation of Widmanstätten ferrite by introducing additional driving force to ferritic transformation and thus reducing the need for low energy interface which is required to overcome the transformation barriers during slow cooling process. Magnetic field promotes the formation of abnormal structure by increasing the driving force of transformation from carbon-depleted austenite to ferrite and it enhances the spheroidization of pearlite due to its influence on accelerating carbon diffusion resulting from increased transformation temperature, together with its effect on increasing the relative ferrite/cementite interface energy. The field induced enhancement of carbon solution in ferrite is evidenced through the WDS-EPMA measurements for the first time. Ab-initio calculations reveal that the presence of an interstitial carbon atom in bcc Fe modifies the magnetic moments of its neighboring Fe atoms. This leads to the decrease of the demagnetization energy of the system and makes the system energetically more stable under the magnetic field. Due to the atomic-scaled magnetic dipolar interaction, magnetic field favors the nucleation and growth of the ferrite grains with their distorted <001> direction parallel to the transverse field direction, and thus induces the enhancement of the <001> fiber component in the transverse field direction. This field effect is related to the crystal lattice distortion induced by carbon solution and its impact becomes stronger with the increase of the carbon content and the field intensity.Three ORs between pearlitic ferrite and cementite have been found in present work, namely Isaichev (IS) OR and two close Pitsch-Petch (P-P) ORs. Magnetic field hardly changes the types of the appearing ORs, but it considerably increases the occurrence frequency of the P-P2 OR, especially in Fe-1.1C alloy, by favoring the nucleation of ferrite
Leroy, Adeline. "Étude, modélisation et renforcement des structures pariétales responsables de la fermeté de la fraise : application à sa transformation industrielle." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005INPL013N.
Full textKouadri-Henni, Afia. "Contribution à l'étude des propriétés physiques des produits pulvérulents. Corrélation coulabilité-granularité. Application : produits alimentaires." Montpellier 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002MON20011.
Full textLubin, Sophie. "Etude des mécanismes de transformation de phase de l'austénite en bainite dans les aciers bas carbone." Paris, ENMP, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00422924.
Full textCe travail de thèse vise à comprendre et à modéliser les mécanismes de transformation de phase d'austénite en bainite dans un acier bas carbone faiblement allié et en particulier d'étudier une éventuelle sélection de variants à l'échelle locale. Une campagne d'essais de torsion a permis de déterminer des lois de comportement des phases austénitique et bainitique à haute température afin d'améliorer un modèle existant de sélection de variants et d'obtenir des échantillons présentant différentes microstructures de l'austénite avant transformation. Puis des essais de transformation bainitique isotherme ont été réalisés afin de pouvoir étudier l'influence de la température de transformation et de la taille de grain austénitique sur la sélection de variants. L'étude des microtextures a été réalisée grâce à la technique EBSD qui nous a permis de confirmer la présence d'une répartition non aléatoire des variants voisins au sein d'un ancien grain austénitique. Le modèle micromécanique de sélection de variants porte sur un critère d'auto-accommodation de la déformation de transformation entre certains variants afin de réduire l'énergie globale du système composé de l'austénite et de plusieurs variants de bainite. Les déformations de transformation sont déterminées à l'aide de la PTMC, puis les interactions entre les différents variants sont obtenues en résolvant un problème d'inclusions d'Eshelby. La confrontation des résultats expérimentaux avec ceux du modèle induit une meilleure compréhension des microstructures de martensite et de bainite formées à basse température par le critère d'auto-accommodation des déformations de transformation que celles formées à haute température
Bourles, Erwan. "Aptitude variétale des pommes à la transformation : Recherche d'indicateurs biochimiques de l'évolution de la texture et de marqueurs d'intérêt nutritionnel." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00538900.
Full textBoucard, Élodie. "Étude de l’influence de l’état métallurgique de l’austénite sur la microstructure de transformation de phase dans les aciers bas carbone." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0245/document.
Full textThe thesis aims to understand the influence of the metallurgical state of austenite at high temperature on the phase transformation mechanisms in two model grades of low carbon steel: 0.06%C-2.4%Mn-0.3%Si (CMn-1) and 0.2%C-2.4%Mn-0.3%Si (CMn-2). A series of heat treatments enabled a thorough crystallographic analysis of the transformation products according to the γ grain size. According to the numerous microstructures obtained, the advantages and limits of the crystallographic reconstruction of austenite from EBSD data are defined according the type of inherited microstructures. Finally, hot compression tests at 800°C (Ar3+100°C) are performed on the grade CMn-1 to follow the evolution of the austenitic microstructures and microtextures based on strain conditions. The characteristics obtained by crystallographic reconstruction are confirmed by an analysis of the 30%Fe-70%Ni hot-rolled model alloy. We identified high misorientations in the vicinity of grain boundaries and two characteristics deformation substructures: grains homogeneously deformed by planar slip mechanism and grains with deformation microbands. These structures depend on the components of texture developed in the austenite. It was found that the bainitic laths are promoted as the deformation increases to the detriment of the martensite formed by quenching, resulting in a decrease of the hardness. Moreover a granular structure also grows along prior [gamma] grains boundaries and spreads across the grain during isothermal bainite transformation at 525°C. Lamellar microstructures are aligned along the most active slip plans {111} [gamma] in homogeneously deformed grains, while the nucleation of small bainitic areas with different orientations is promoted in the microbands
Cong, Daoyong. "Crystallographic study on Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys." Thesis, Metz, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008METZ045S/document.
Full textNi-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) with chemical composition close to Ni2MnGa have received great attention due to their giant magnetic shape memory effect and fast dynamic response. In this work, the crystal structure, martensitic transformation crystallography, texture and alloying in Ni-Mn-Ga FSMAs are systematically investigated. In situ neutron diffraction experiments show that Ni53Mn25Ga22 has a tetragonal I4/mmm structure from 20K to 403K, with a pretransformation occurring in the martensitic phase around room temperaure. Ni48Mn30Ga22 has a cubic, L21 Heusler structure from 373K to 293K. Its crystal structure changes into a seven-layered orthorhombic martensitic structure when cooled to 243K. There is no intermartensitic transformation upon further cooling to 19K. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses show that the neighboring martensitic variants in the Ni53Mn25Ga22 alloy have a compound twinning relationship with the twinning elements K1 = {112}, K2 = {112}, η1 = <111>, η2 = <111>, P = {110} and s =0.379. The twin interface plane coincides with the twinning plane. The ratio of the relative amounts of twins within the same initial austenite grain is ~1.70. The main orientation relationship between austenite (A) and martensite (M) is Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) relationship with (111)A//(101)M, [110]A//[111]M. Based on the crystallographic phenomenological theory, the calculated habit plane is {0.690 -0.102 0.716}A (5.95° from {101}A), and the magnitude, direction and shear angle of the macroscopic transformation shear are 0.121, <-0.709 0.105 0.698>A (6.04° from <-101>A) and 6.88°, respectively. Nanoscale twins inside the martensitic lamellae are found in the Ni53Mn25Ga22 alloy annealed at 1173K for 4h followed by furnace cooling. Two kinds of interfaces, i.e. interpenetrated inter-lamellar interface and stepped intra-lamellar interface, are observed. The orientation relationships between the nanotwins connected by different interface configurations are determined. Texture in Ni-Mn-Ga FSMAs is developed by hot forging. The texture evolution in the hot-forged Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 alloy after room temperature deformation and subsequent annealing is found to be closely related to its thermally activated shape memory effect. The texture changes significantly during deformation and it recovers to its initial state after subsequent annealing. An excellent shape memory effect with a recovery ratio of 74% is observed. The substitution of Co for Ni in Ni53-xMn25Ga22Cox (x=0-14) alloys proves very efficient in increasing the Curie temperature. It only slightly decreases the martensitic transformation temperature when the Co content is less than 6%. In contrast, an abrupt decrease of martensitic transformation temperature is observed when the Co content exceeds 6%, due to the atomic disorder as a result of the addition of a large amount of Co. It is suggested that the substitution of a small amount of Co for Ni is helpful to the development of FSMAs with high martensitic transformation temperature and high Curie temperature. Insights into the fundamental aspects such as microstructure, crystallography and phase transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga FSMAs are of great significance to the improvement of the functional performances of the present Ni-Mn-Ga alloys and to the design of new promising FSMAs
Redortier, Bernard. "Contribution de l'analyse de Fourier à la segmentation et la quantification des surfaces multi-texturées : application à l'analyse d'aspect des surfaces textiles." Saint-Etienne, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992STET4018.
Full textGilardi, Thierry. "Etude par analyse thermique à vitesse de transformation contrôlée des mécanismes d'oxydation et de réduction des oxydes d'urnium." Aix-Marseille 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993AIX11054.
Full textHaddad, amamou Anis. "Couplage entre ecoulements, transferts thermiques et transformation lors du changement de phase d'un produit alimentaire liquide complexe - application a la maitrise de la texture." Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00005395.
Full textQiu, Shipeng. "INVESTIGATION OF THERMAL, ELASTIC AND LOAD-BIASED TRANSFORMATION STRAINS IN NITI SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2010. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/3338.
Full textPh.D.
Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering
Engineering and Computer Science
Materials Science & Engr PhD
Belaubre, Nicolas. "Etude de la dégradation de suspensions de grosses particules fragiles lors d'un traitement thermique en continu et en cuves mécaniquement agitées." Nancy 1, 2000. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_2000_0185_BELAUBRE.pdf.
Full textJouili, Mohamed. "Caractérisations Mécaniques et Microstructurales des Films de Zircone Obtenus Par MOCVD et Sol-Gel." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00684387.
Full textLouis-Alexandre, Antoine. "La texture des grains de mai͏̈s africains : détermination de la vitrosité et de la dureté : relation avec les propriétés physico-chimiques et avec l'obtention de produits de transformation." Toulouse, INPT, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991INPT020A.
Full textBouchara, Daniel. "Elaboration, microstructure et proprietes magnetiques d'alliages de fer a six et demi pour cent de silicium elabores par solidification rapide." Toulouse, INSA, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990ISAT0025.
Full textEspinosa, Munoz Brisset Lucia Carolina. "Texture de la purée de pomme : influence de la structure sur les propriétés rhéologiques et la perception sensorielle - effet du traitement mécanique." Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AGPT0008/document.
Full textFruit purees are considered as concentrated dispersions of deformable and insoluble particles in a continuous phase or serum rich in water, sugar and soluble pectin. The dispersed phase consists of cells or cell clusters of parenchyma tissue and the insoluble cell wall material dispersed in the serum represents a very low weight (~ 1% w/w). The structure and the rheological properties of purees will depend on many internal factors such as the variety and ripeness of the fruit and external factors occurring during the processing (mechanical and thermal treatment). Texture is a key quality attribute of purees and thus constitutes an important potential source for new product development. The main objective of this study was to better understand the relationship between the rheological, structural and sensory properties of apple puree, in order to pilot and control the texture of the products. The study was performed with a single batch of apple puree prepared industrially from fresh mature Golden Delicious. In order to create purees with varied structure and texture, three structural parameters were identified and modified: the cell walls concentration (related to the amount of pulp), the particle size and the viscosity of the continuous phase. A separation-reconstitution strategy joined to a grinding step and the modification of the serum viscosity allowed us to obtain a wide range of products with different structures and textures. The construction of two experimental designs made it possible the controlled preparation of the products so as to study the relatioins between structure, rheology and texture of the apple puree. Physical and sensory characterization highlighted the importance of structural parameters on the rheological behaviour and perception of the texture of the puree. Thus, the concentration of particles is the main parameter influencing these properties, followed by the particle size and the serum viscosity. The increase in particle content translates directly at the “overcrowding” that also depends on the particle size. Mechanical treatment leads to the separation of clusters of parenchyma cells in to individual cells; this change in structure involves marked changes of properties. Rheological and structural characterization made it possible the generation of rheological models and the better understanding of the behaviour, the state and the role of particles (soft and deformable) on the structure of the medium and the volume occupied by them. This approach has been completed and validated by the observation of dispersions by various microscopic techniques. The different regimes of concentration were identified. Texture perception of apple puree can be described basically by their “consistency” and their “graininess”. The viscosity of the continuous phase has an impact on the perception of “graininess” and in the cohesion of the particle network. Our results show that the texture of plant food dispersions can be “mastered” by controlling a few selected key parameters: the concentration of cell walls (pulp) and particle size, completed by the viscosity of the continuous phase. High possibilities for innovation are opened by playing on these parameters that can be modified during the processing
Falconer, Jayne. "Eccentric abstraction : investigations into the transformation of objects in clay, a physical process of emotional repression and absence." Thesis, University of Derby, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10545/621591.
Full textBoubellouta, Tahar. "Apports des spectroscopies infrarouge et de fluorescence couplées à la chimiométrie pour la caractérisation de la structure de matrices fromagères et des relations structure-texture." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00726362.
Full textBisaro, René. "Etude des proprietes et structure des couches minces de silicium deposees par decomposition thermique de silane." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066267.
Full textChen, Zhe. "Relation microstructure et propriété mécanique des films de ZrO2 obtenus par MOCVD." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00637177.
Full textAbbasi, Gharacheh Majid. "Microstructural Evaluation in Friction Stir Welded High Strength Low Alloy Steels." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2011. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/3099.
Full textYang, Bo. "Fabrication and crystallographic features of epitaxial NiMnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy thin films." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0193/document.
Full textEpitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga thin films have attracted considerable attention, since they are promising candidates for magnetic sensors and actuators in micro-electro-mechanical systems. Comprehensive information on the microstructural and crystallographic features of the NiMnGa films and their relationship with the constraints of the substrate is essential for further property optimization. In the present work, epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga thin films were produced by DC magnetron sputtering and then characterized by x-ray diffraction technique (XRD) and backscatter electron diffraction equipped in scanning electron microscope (SEM-EBSD). Epitaxial NiMnGa thin films with nominal composition of Ni50Mn30Ga20 and thickness of 1.5 µm were successfully fabricated on MgO monocrystalline substrate by DC magnetron sputtering, after the optimization of sputtering parameters such as sputtering power, substrate temperature and seed layer by the present work. XRD diffraction measurements demonstrate that the epitaxial NiMnGa thin films are composed of three phases: austenite, NM martensite and 7M martensite. With the optimized measurement geometries, maximum number of diffraction peaks of the concerning phases, especially of the low symmetrical 7M martensite, are acquired and analyzed. The lattice constants of all the three phases under the constraints of the substrate in the films are fully determined. These serve as prerequisites for the subsequent EBSD crystallographic orientation characterizations. SEM-EBSD in film depth analyses further verified the co-existence situation of the three constituent phases: austenite, 7M martensite and NM martensite. NM martensite is located near the free surface of the film, austenite above the substrate surface, and 7M martensite in the intermediate layers between austenite and NM martensite. Microstructure characterization shows that both the 7M martensite and NM martensite are of plate morphology and organized into two characteristic zones featured with low and high relative second electron image contrast. Local martensite plates with similar plate morphology orientation are organized into plate groups or groups or variant colonies. Further EBSD characterization indicates that there are four distinct martensite plates in each variant groups for both NM and 7M martensite. Each NM martensite plate is composed of paired major and minor lamellar variants in terms of their thicknesses having a coherent interlamellar interface, whereas, each 7M martensite plate contains one orientation variant. Thus, there are four orientation 7M martensite variants and eight orientation NM martensite variants in one variant group. According to the crystallographic orientation of martensites and the crystallographic calculation, for NM martensite, the inter-plate interfaces are composed of compound twins in adjacent NM plates. The symmetrically distribution of compound twins results in the long and straight plate interfaces in the low relative contrast zone. The asymmetrically distribution leads to the change of inter-plate interface orientation in the high relative contrast zone. For 7M martensite, both Type-I and Type-II twin interfaces are nearly perpendicular to the substrate surface in the low relative contrast zones. The Type-I twin pairs appear with much higher frequency, as compared with that of the Type-II twin pairs. However, there are two Type-II twin interface trace orientations and one Type-I twin interface trace orientation in the high relative contrast zones. The Type-II twin pairs are more frequent than the Type-I twin pairs. The inconsistent occurrences of the different types of twins in different zones are originated from the substrate constrain. The crystallographic calculation also indicates that the martensitic transformation sequence is from Austenite to 7M martensite and then transform into NM martensite (A→7M→NM). [...]
Bensemra-Zegadi, Nacera. "Analyse spectrale locale d'images texturées par transformation en ondelettes : application à la quantification de textures osseuses." Lyon, INSA, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ISAL0042.
Full textTexture is naturally a multi-scale notion which is linked to a human observant. In its classical form, wavelet transform (WT) is a multi-scale representation. It permits a hierarchical texture observation, in a global and a local manner, similar at the human vision and which characterise spatial interactions into-scale. We focus also on a second interpretation of WT as a frequency analysis tool. Space-frequency transformations associate a local frequential spectrum to each point of the image. Thus, spectrogram, Gabor transform, Wigner-Ville transform and the quadratic form of WT can be defined for images in a class of energetic representations. Relationships between these transformations can be expressed by means of the Wigner-Ville transform, which plays a central theoretical role. A Mellin-Fourier transform based technique is proposed. The obtained spectral representation is well adapted to texture analysis. It allows extracting a large number of frequential parameters from local spectra. Moreover, parameters characterising orientation and anisotropy are proposed and illustrated with natural textures. WT is also well suited to estimate -the fractal dimension. This last parameter permits to characterise the roughness texture. The textural approach is a non invasive method which is particularly interesting to quantify structural variations due to vertebra aging. We have used local analysis methods and some global ones on radiological images of vertebra (obtained in high resolution tomography and in sagital micro-radiography), which contains different directional informations
Tavares, Wellison da Silva. "InfluÃncia de transformaÃÃo martensÃtica a baixa temperatura no nÃvel de tensÃes residuais e textura cristalogrÃfica de juntas soldadas de aÃo usado na indÃstria do petrÃleo." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2013. http://www.teses.ufc.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=10898.
Full textOs arames eletrodos de aÃos inoxidÃveis martensÃticos tÃm seu emprego voltado nas soldagens de ligas ferrÃtica/martensÃticas por fornecer apropriada resistÃncia mecÃnica e à corrosÃo. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do efeito da estrutura martensÃtica formada a baixa temperatura no metal de solda de juntas soldadas multipasse, sobre o nÃvel de tensÃes residuais, propriedades mecÃnicas e tenacidade, comparando com os resultados obtidos por soldagens convencionais. O arame eletrodo utilizado foi Fe-12%Cr-5%Ni, com temperatura de transformaÃÃo martensÃtica inferior a 200 ÂC, soldando secÃÃes de tubulaÃÃes de aÃo API 5L classe B utilizado em extraÃÃo e transporte de petrÃleo. As soldagens dos corpos de prova foram realizadas de modo automÃtico. Amostras de cada cordÃo do enchimento foram retiradas para a realizaÃÃo das anÃlises de composiÃÃo quÃmica, microdureza, caracterizaÃÃo microestrutural por microscopia Ãtica (MO) e microscopia eletrÃnica de varredura (MEV), difraÃÃo de raios-X e ensaio termo-magnÃtico. Realizando o mapeamento da textura cristalogrÃfica e determinando as variantes cristalogrÃficas da formaÃÃo da martensÃta por Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD). Os resultados de tensÃes residuais mostraram que as juntas soldadas com eletrodo de baixa temperatura de transformaÃÃo martensÃtica apresentaram maiores intensidades de tensÃes residuais compressivas comparados com o eletrodo comum, e nÃo influenciaram no surgimento de textura cristalogrÃfica nos cordÃes de topo. A maior energia de soldagem influenciou significativamente no aumento da tenacidade do cordÃo e contribuiu para o surgimento de austenita revertida.
Os arames eletrodos de aÃos inoxidÃveis martensÃticos tÃm seu emprego voltado nas soldagens de ligas ferrÃtica/martensÃticas por fornecer apropriada resistÃncia mecÃnica e à corrosÃo. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do efeito da estrutura martensÃtica formada a baixa temperatura no metal de solda de juntas soldadas multipasse, sobre o nÃvel de tensÃes residuais, propriedades mecÃnicas e tenacidade, comparando com os resultados obtidos por soldagens convencionais. O arame eletrodo utilizado foi Fe-12%Cr-5%Ni, com temperatura de transformaÃÃo martensÃtica inferior a 200 ÂC, soldando secÃÃes de tubulaÃÃes de aÃo API 5L classe B utilizado em extraÃÃo e transporte de petrÃleo. As soldagens dos corpos de prova foram realizadas de modo automÃtico. Amostras de cada cordÃo do enchimento foram retiradas para a realizaÃÃo das anÃlises de composiÃÃo quÃmica, microdureza, caracterizaÃÃo microestrutural por microscopia Ãtica (MO) e microscopia eletrÃnica de varredura (MEV), difraÃÃo de raios-X e ensaio termo-magnÃtico. Realizando o mapeamento da textura cristalogrÃfica e determinando as variantes cristalogrÃficas da formaÃÃo da martensÃta por Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD). Os resultados de tensÃes residuais mostraram que as juntas soldadas com eletrodo de baixa temperatura de transformaÃÃo martensÃtica apresentaram maiores intensidades de tensÃes residuais compressivas comparados com o eletrodo comum, e nÃo influenciaram no surgimento de textura cristalogrÃfica nos cordÃes de topo. A maior energia de soldagem influenciou significativamente no aumento da tenacidade do cordÃo e contribuiu para o surgimento de austenita revertida.
The filler metal of martensitic stainless steels has its used welding of alloy ferritic / martensitic to provide suitable mechanical strength and corrosion. This research accomplishes a study of the mechanical and metallurgical properties correlate with the crystallography texture and variants selection during the martensitic transformation in the weld metal. The filler metal used was Fe-12% Cr-5% Ni, with martensitic transformation temperature less than 200ÂC, welding sections of steel pipeline API 5L grade B used in oil extraction and structure offshore. The welding of the specimens was performed automatically. Samples of each layer of filling were removed for analysis during chemical composition, microhardness, microstructural characterization by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and thermo-magnetic test. Itâs intend to accomplish a mapping of texture and variants selection of the formation of martensitic morphology by Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD). The results have shown that residual stresses in welded joints filler metal of low-temperature martensitic transformation had higher compressive residual stress intensities compared to the common electrode, and did not influence the appearance of crystallographic texture on top of beads. The high heat input significantly influenced the increase toughness beads and contributed to the appearance of reverted austenite.
The filler metal of martensitic stainless steels has its used welding of alloy ferritic / martensitic to provide suitable mechanical strength and corrosion. This research accomplishes a study of the mechanical and metallurgical properties correlate with the crystallography texture and variants selection during the martensitic transformation in the weld metal. The filler metal used was Fe-12% Cr-5% Ni, with martensitic transformation temperature less than 200ÂC, welding sections of steel pipeline API 5L grade B used in oil extraction and structure offshore. The welding of the specimens was performed automatically. Samples of each layer of filling were removed for analysis during chemical composition, microhardness, microstructural characterization by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and thermo-magnetic test. Itâs intend to accomplish a mapping of texture and variants selection of the formation of martensitic morphology by Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD). The results have shown that residual stresses in welded joints filler metal of low-temperature martensitic transformation had higher compressive residual stress intensities compared to the common electrode, and did not influence the appearance of crystallographic texture on top of beads. The high heat input significantly influenced the increase toughness beads and contributed to the appearance of reverted austenite.
Persson, Daniel H. E. "On the Mechanisms behind the Tribological Performance of Stellites." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Univ.-bibl. [distributör], 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-6201.
Full textButrón, Guillén Martha Patricia. "Transformation textures in hot rolled steels." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=28700.
Full textChapellier, Philippe. "Prediction of transformation textures in steels." Thesis, McGill University, 1989. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61998.
Full textNguyen, Chi-Toan. "Microstructure changes during fast beta cycles of zirconium alloys." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2018. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/microstructure-changes-during-fast-beta-cycles-of-zirconium-alloys(f8812f2b-21d3-420d-a9f7-d5be72bcccb5).html.
Full textBoussaid, Djafar. "Stabilisation de l'austénite résiduelle d'un acier TRIP à 0. 2C 1. 5Mn 1. 5Si : et analyse de la texture et du gradient de texture." Metz, 1999. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/1999/Boussaid.Djafar.SMZ9954.pdf.
Full textAlonzo, Macias Maritza. "Etudes comparatives de différents processus de séchage de fraise par air chaud, lyophilisation et autovaporisation instantanée : application à la préservation des contenus biologiques." Phd thesis, Université de La Rochelle, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01066753.
Full textKebe, Mouhamadou. "Incidence de traitements thermiques sur le parenchyme de Pomme (Malus Domestica) et diffusion des composés phénoliques." Thesis, Avignon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AVIG0253/document.
Full textApple (Malus domestica Borkh. ) fruit widespread in temperate countries, is much consumed.It represents an important source of phenolic compounds. This study was interestedin polyphenol content of apple tissue parenchyma. The problem concerns effects of texturedegradation on the diffusion of polyphenols molecules. The originality of the approach isbased on the combination of texture, osmotic pressure and polyphenol leaching. Physicaland biochemical methods were used to measure changes at macroscopic scale and chemicalchanges occurring in the parenchymateous tissue . The study of mass transfer highlightedvarious factors that may affect apparent coefficient diffusion. The result showed that thedisintegration of texture , thickness, apple variety and osmotic pressure of leaching mediacan influence mass transfer yield. The study of the Cell walls components showed changesthat occur during leaching process. Light microscopic analysis revealed changes at cellularscale, procyanidins the major polyphenols, leaching phenomena and also interactionswith cell walls matrix
Tipton, Lee James. "Scribing place : textured transformation across the prison(er) canvas." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.618808.
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