Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Transformation et gestion des conflits'
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Houdret, Annabelle. "Les conflits autour de l'eau au Maroc: origines sociopolitiques et écologiques et perspectives pour une transformation des conflits.(Konflikte um Wasser in Marokko: ökologische und soziopolitische Konfliktursachen sowie Möglichkeiten der Konflikttransformation)." Phd thesis, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00409020.
Full textL'objectif essentiel de ce travail est de comprendre, à l'exemple du Maroc, comment différents facteurs politiques, sociaux, économiques influencent l'émergence et le déroulement des conflits autour de l'eau. L'étude est organisée en neuf chapitres. Dans un premier temps, nous introduisons la thématique et l'état de la recherche. Au delà de l'impact de la pénurie en eau dans la région du Proche et Moyen Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord nous analysons également le rôle politique particulier de l'agriculture irriguée et les implications sécuritaires de la pénurie. Le deuxième chapitre évalue l'état de la recherche dans trois domaines proches de notre problématique : la recherche sur la sécurité environnementale, les théories de la gestion des biens communs, et la recherche sur les conflits. Sur la base de notre constat des forces et des faiblesses des théories existantes, nous développons notre approche d'analyse et méthodologique et présentons nos hypothèses de travail (chapitre 3). Celles-ci assument qu'une combinaison de processus de marginalisation écologique et socio-économique provoque les conflits autour de l'eau. Nous présumons aussi que le succès d'initiatives de médiation dans ces conflits dépend de la légitimité des intervenants, et que les organisations locales jouent un rôle important à cet égard.
Les chapitres 4 et 5 sont consacrés à l'analyse des structures politiques et socio-économiques du Maroc dans le but d'identifier de potentielles causes structurelles de conflits. Le système politique et la position particulière du roi ainsi que ses alliances traditionnelles avec les élites rurales se trouvent au centre du quatrième chapitre. Nous concluons que le système socio- politique marocain se trouve aujourd'hui dans un processus de mutation conditionné par la faible légitimité des institutions démocratiques, la popularité croissante des acteurs de la société civile mais aussi de groupements religieux, et l'émergence d'une nouvelle élite. Le cinquième chapitre se concentre sur les changements dans la politique de l'eau et de l'agriculture et des conflits potentiels qui en résultent. Nous identifions la pénurie en eau, la libéralisation économique, une décentralisation inachevée et les grandes disparités entre les zones rurales et urbaines comme problèmes cruciaux et potentiellement conflictuels du développement rural.
L'étude de cas dans la zone du Souss au Sud du Maroc se trouve au centre des chapitres 6 et 7. Dans le sixième chapitre, nous analysons la situation paradoxale de la simultanéité d'une forte dégradation des ressources eau et terre dans la région d'une part, et de son importance stratégique pour les cultures agricoles hautement rentables d'autre part. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions également la marginalisation croissante des petites exploitations agricoles ainsi que les problèmes de la gestion de l'eau. Par ailleurs, nous analysons le projet pilote d'un partenariat public-privé pour l'irrigation. Au-delà de l'étude du montage financier et technique de ce projet, nous révélons également ses implications politiques et environnementales. Dans cette étude de cas, nous avons procédé à l'étude de sources bibliographiques mais surtout aussi à de nombreuses enquêtes de terrain. Le septième chapitre introduit d'abord notre typologie des conflits autour de l'eau et présente ensuite les résultats des enquêtes. Nous concluons entre autres qu'un profond décrochement entre petites et grandes exploitations agricoles a eu lieu dans les dix dernières années et qui s'accentue encore aujourd'hui. Par ailleurs, nous révélons la fréquence de l'affectation des petites, moyennes et grandes exploitations par différents types de conflits d'eau et évaluons le succès de différents médiateurs. Finalement, sur la base de ces données et compte tenu de l'impact du projet de partenariat public-privé, nous évaluons le potentiel de conflits présent et à venir dans cette région. Dans les chapitres 8 et 9, nous tirons les conclusions de notre étude de cas. Nous présentons premièrement les enseignements méthodologiques et analysons ensuite les tendances majeures concernant la continuité et le changement des relations entre la société marocaine, le gouvernement et le roi. Nous concluons le huitième chapitre par une analyse des possibilités d'une transformation des conflits autour de l'eau.
Le neuvième et dernier chapitre présente un concept pratique pour l'évaluation et la prévention des conflits autour de l'eau. Dans ce but, nous développons trois principes suivis d'une série de mesures pour leur mise en oeuvre: (1) le développement et la réalisation d'une compréhension globale de la politique de l'eau, (2) un meilleur diagnostic des conflits autour de l'eau et de leurs causes structurelles, ainsi que le soutien à leur transformation, et (3) une modification de la manière d'appréhender les conflits, orientée vers leur potentiel innovateur et de coopération. Finalement, nous résumons les résultats principaux de notre travail, signalons les défis essentiels liés aux conflits de l'eau à l'avenir et proposons des pistes de réflexion pour de nouvelles recherches dans ce domaine.
Tosunlu, Berkay. "Decision theory, design theory and innovative policy design for conflict transformation and management." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPSLD055.
Full textThis thesis presents a novel approach to conflict transformation and policy design by integrating Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs), cognitive maps, and value trees with design theory, particularly Concept- Knowledge (C-K) theory. The research aims to bridge the gap between descriptive and prescriptive methodologies, offering decision-makers a structured framework to understand conflicts and generate innovative solutions. Two case studies are used to test and validate this approach: the Kurdish-Turkish conflict and groundwater management in Tunisia. In the first case study, the method was tested by identifying shared values between conflicting parties and highlighting areas of potential compromise. The second case study. validated the approach by using the top structure of the value tree to construct a concept tree, resulting in actionable and consensus-driven policy solutions. Additionally, a second algorithm was developed to formalize the transformation of value trees into concept trees, and this was applied in the Alice example to generalize the method's applicability beyond conflict resolution to complex decision problems. The key contribution of this thesis is the formalization of a process that transforms cognitive maps into value trees, offering decision-makers a replicable method for identifying common ground and designing innovative alternatives. The integration of value trees with C-K theory allows for the generation of new solutions by bridging the gap between the knowledge space and the concept space. With further development, this methodology has the potential to significantly contribute to both conflict resolution and public policy design in a variety of complex, multi-stakeholder scenarios
Sow, Fatou Kine. "Conflits et résolution des conflits en Afrique subsaharienne : l'élaboration de la gestion des conflits." Thesis, Paris 11, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA111005.
Full textThe African continent has experienced a long period of conflict in the 1990s, this periodcoincides with the exhaustion of purely altruistic policies of Western countries, increasinglyreluctant to commit troops in conflicts that are not theirs.In Africa, peacekeeping is a challenge of all time, the African Union must respond to threatsagainst peace and security through collective responses based and supported by coherentmechanisms.In a conflict resolution controlled and centralized by the United nations Security Council, hasgradually established an alliance between the UN system and the African Union. Theassertion of the interdependencies in the search for stability involves the coordination ofstrategies and programs of security and defense between the different actors of peace on thecontinent.The mechanisms of action are reconsidered and the strategies changed. And to avoid thejuxtaposition of actors and avoiding chaos, cohesion and coordination among institutions isgaining momentum, its dash.ECOWAS has a proven ability to lead a peacekeeping force until the cease-fire and the returnof peace in the conflict in Liberia. It has mechanisms recognized and structured interventionthat will serve lever to the African Union in developing its own tools for peacekeeping andsecurity sub-regional and regional.Conflict management will be renovated with a real architecture of peace and security of theAfrican Union, which now has functional mechanisms and African forces trained, operationaland especially interoperable with the forces of international organizations.The issue of security and stability in Africa and the challenges of reconstruction it poses,necessitated the redefinition of international relations in sub-Saharan Africa.These issues will enable the African Union to work out for developing and establishingconflict management on the continent
Nguyen, Tan Hon Véronique. "Débats et conflits lors de l'élaboration du budget." Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2008. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00472470.
Full textIn this research, we have tried to study the phenomena of debates and conflicts during the budgeting process from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, in order to improve the literature on the conditions that are favourable to the performance of the budgeting process and on the value of conflicts on organizational performance. The measurement tools designed for this research, the relationships tested, as well as the verbatim collected, enable us to conclude that the performance of the budgeting process is influenced much more by factors that have been identified in the literature on conflict as favouring a constructive resolution of oppositions (common vision, superior common goal, willingness to cooperate, belief in the possibility of resolution) than by the intrinsic level of debate or conflict. This research thus suggests for practice that debates or even conflicts among managers are not appropriate if cohesion factors, favourable to the constructive resolution of conflicts, are not at first present and effective. Contrary to the hierarchical vision of the budgeting process, our results also show that debates between peers or conflicts between peers are the most efficient interactions to draw up a budget. Hence our work underscores the importance of the informal factors of cohesion as well as the managerial skill of teammanagement to prevent some of the flaws of the formal control devices, especially budgeting, as they have been identified in the literature
Orillard, Magali. "Décisions de groupes : coalitions et auto-organisation : application aux processus de concertation et de négociation." Aix-Marseille 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AIX32045.
Full textThe emergence of coalitions in a population and the nature of the decision processes in a complex socio-economic environment are studied. Players' motivations are diffuse, semantic codes are multiple, rationality is bounded. In the first part, from orders or preorders of preferences built by players on the goals sets (which come from the coding of their motivations) and from a pretopology-analysis of the population structure, we characterize "realizable coalitions", "maximal coalitions" under complete information and then under incomplete information. The dynamics of coalitions structures is generated by self-organization mechanisms which select potential alliances, and explains groups transformations as well as the evolution of players welfare and of the "opacity" about the perception of their preferences. In the second part, players are modelled with more active roles; the "meta-groups" formation is induced by "overcoding processes" (l. Sfez) which ease negotiation agreements, as well as the emergence of new projects and set up groups behaviour. All this characterizes the "meta-game" according to the negotiation processes and the search of acceptable compromises corresponding to the organization of the socio-economic strengths
Abderrazak, Alaoui Driss. "Contribution à ĺétude des interactions agressives en milieu scolaire : conflits et modes de résolution des conflits." Paris 8, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA080906.
Full textThe autor of the following (the present) study intends to analyse the interactions in agressive behaviour among school children while at school. The analysis stresses signification given to agressive behaviour by the participants themselves as they see it (here and there). In this context i consider that the underlying interactions are significant factors. In fact, in social violence, three actors are usualley involved, the assailant, the victim and, often, a third person. Each of these actors views the situation differently, has his own prospect and strategy. They are all active participants in the construction as well as in the deconstruction of the situation one intention of this study is to analyse the interactions of signigicances and conflits brought forward by the confrontation of siffering definitions of the situation. This analyses brings you beyond the very moment when violent behaviour actually occurs. The agressive interaction is analysed within a larger context of conflictual interactions. The present approach ( multireferencial) is related to a number of references, its target is to multiply the points of view on this single subject
Gnanou, Edgard. "Contrôle et évolution des conflits entre intérêt individuel et intérêt collectif." Paris, CNAM, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005CNAM0508.
Full textOrganization cannot be maintened, subsist and be developped without the control of its finalities and its members. The coherence of finabilities of organization and of its members compose the condition of the guarantee of success. Two aspects are often proposed on this theme: -the first part of the theory is that the company is a place of personal interests -the second considers the company as a centre of consensus where collective interests nonetheless allow individual expression. The object of our study is to develop, illustrate and validate a conceptual framework which associate several models leading to organization's goals. Case studies illustrate this framework by proposing two characteristics of the convergence of finalities in an organization. These two aspects are both complementary and contradictory. They allow to design on annalyses framework with our types of context. Case studies show the results obtained in important public and private companies. The conflictual "champs de force" of the areas studied are unbalanced. To summarize, when the "forces" go in one direction without being compensated by equivalent "forces" in the opposite direction, they tend to decrease and weaken with time until a downhill balance is attained. This weakening can be avoided by strengthening the type of increase, between a convergence of individual and collective results. These cases illustrate the use of internal audit, management control and corporate control to pilot this rebalancing. These elements allow correction of the components of organic and collective solidarity at each stage
Lévy-Tadjine, Thierry. "L'interaction entre jeu interne et jeu externe dans la dynamique de l'entreprise." Paris 9, 1994. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1994PA090001.
Full textLetzkus, Pierre. "La gestion des conflits d'objectifs dans la conduite et l'exploitation d'installations nucléaires." Toulouse 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU20042.
Full textThe goal conflicts constitute classes of situation or behaviors which can be translated, in the human activity, by skirtings or variations with the rules. . . Their consequences can be serious, in particular in nuclear industry. In addition, the analyses of incidents do not make it always possible to integrate complex factors like individual attitudes, organisational or design features which push the operators to take risks to achieve their activity. This research first of all presents indicators which make it possible to go up with the causes of these variations. In the second place, a model of management of the activity illustrates why it is observed that people can adopt strategies or behaviors whose finalities seem to be opposed to the context. For that, it allots to emotional dimension a role of modulator intervening on the cognitive mechanisms managing an operational situation
Mel, Meledje Raymond. "Emokr : systèmes de gestion des conflits chez les Odjukru, Côte-d'Ivoire." Paris, EHESS, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994EHES0046.
Full textEmokr, reconciliation, is among the odzukru a real judicial activity which connotes justice, negotiation, reaching consensus, conciliation. . . To bring about unity and peace. Indeed, in the odzukru society in past as today's communities animated by the same ideology (fraternity, unity), emokr again allow harmonious relationships that have been short-circuited, reunites and increases life, force, unity and peace. In order to arrive at this point of arbitration of conflicts, the seniors who generally preside, develop a sufficiently strong theory of powers which bring back the rebelles in order. However, today more than yesterday, the potential power of seniors is to test the disbelief of the modernism which creates a new era: era of contestations, of critiques, of thorny conflicts between social regions of villages of ivory-coast. The arbitration of seniors facing the methods of yesterday is rejected by upcoming generations. Consequently, the efficacy of emokr is limited, on par with conflicts, processes of reconciliation, results. Now the odzukru need the emokr always. So, if emokr is still necessary for odzukru, is it not worth while to modify, to enrich and to adapt it. Briefly, rendering it more effective and credible than not ?
Alis, David. "Conflits de rôles et régulations autonomes du personnel en contact avec la clientèle : le cas des agents généraux d'assurance." Aix-Marseille 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX32034.
Full textHarsher and harsher competition in insurance industry increases the importance of the role of insurance salespeople who represents the company, sells services and provides advice to clients. . The research is about role conflicts and coping strategies of insurance salespeople. Coping strategies are used to face these conflicts. They are not allowed according to the company's rules. The research is based on semi-directive interviews with 102 agents and 131 clients. Theses interviews are focused on favourable and unfavourable critical incidents in the service encounter. Content analysis of incidents shows different types of role conflicts linked to contradictory demands of organisations and clients four coping strategies (prevention, exemplary service, negotiation and agreement) are also identified the differences of perceptions between agents and clients are emphasised. To explain the development of coping strategies, a model and some hypothesis are tested with an experimentation. Results shows the importance of professional identity (characterised here by length in service and localisation) and the importance of client : it acts upon the implementation of coping strategies. The practical interest lies in the identification of main difficulties between agents and clients and coping strategies used to face it. At a theoretical level, the use of both disciplines (marketing and human resource management) favours a crossed fertilisation between disciplines and give new insights. At a methodological level, the interest of triangulation (using both qualitative and quantitative methods, comparison client's perceptions with agents' perceptions) is also underlined
Diné, Sébastien. "Gestion des conflits interpersonnels dans les organisations : dynamique interactionnelle et modes de résolution." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX32068.
Full textThis research concerns the conflicts between people in their workplace. We focused on situations where individuals acting for themselves, whether at same or different levels. Managers spend much of their time managing this kind of situation, however, these conflicts are rarely apprehended as the books suggest. This could be linked to the fact that theoretical works provide a few “tactics” applicable and that the manuals are suggested only for specific contexts. This doctoral research develops a matrix decoding conflict situations to enable the practitioner to simplify conflict situation interpretations between people. The goal is to maximize the efficiency of managing relationships designated as conflictual. We have based ourselves on the works of Bateson, Jackson and Watzlawick regarding family therapy. Through the method of cases, we propose ten conflict situations that allow us to illustrate and support an interpretation grid of interactional conflict dynamics. This research provides multiple inputs. A definition of the non-standard and pragmatic conflict is proposed. A systemic conception of the relationships may surpass the scapegoat nomination in the conflict to reflect the need for a broader delineation of the actors involved in this type of phenomenon. Implications related to the team management are released. Finally, we question the positionning of the speaker’s subjectivity (or investigator) to enlighten the performance of organizational actors relations system
Vu, Hoang Linh. "Gestion du conflit et management interculturel dans le canal de distribution : une analyse des déterminants et des effets du conflit sur la satisfaction des acteurs. Application au cas de la grande distribution au Vietnam." Aix-Marseille 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX24005.
Full textIn a context of internationalization of large retailers and increased exchanges between companies from diverse countries and cultures, the issue of mutual adjustment between local suppliers in host countries and foreign retailers is essential. This research focuses on this issue. We analyze conflict and adjustment mechanisms between retailers and suppliers in the host country, in the case of Vietnam. Our analysis outlines the determinants and consequences of conflict on the satisfaction of stakeholders, considering culture as a key variable. Four theoretical fields have been mobilized: behavioral theories in the distribution channel, contract, culture and market orientation theories. A quantitative study was conducted to test the hypothesis of our dyadic model. The results indicate that the culture organizational remains a key variable in explaining conflict, its determinants, methods of resolution and impact on stakeholders’ satisfaction
Didonet, Del Fabro Marcos. "Gestion de métadonnées utilisant tissage et transformation de modèles." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00481520.
Full textDidonet, del Fabro Marcos. "Gestion de métadonnées utilisant tissage et transformation de modèles." Nantes, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NANT2039.
Full textThe interaction and interoperability between different data sources is a major concern in many organizations. The different formats of data, APIs, and architectures increases the incompatibilities, in a way that interoperability and interaction between components becomes a very difficult task. Model driven engineering (MDE) is a paradigm that enables diminishing interoperability problems by considering every entity as a model. MDE platforms are composed of different kinds of models. Some of the most important kinds of models are transformation models, which are used to define fixed operations between different models. In addition to fixed transformation operations, there are other kinds of interactions and relationships between models. A complete MDE solution must be capable of handling different kinds of relationships. Until now, most research has concentrated on studying transformation languages. This means additional efforts must be undertaken to study these relationships and their implications on a MDE platform. This thesis studies different forms of relationships between models elements. We show through extensive related work that the major limitation of current solutions is the lack of genericity, extensibility and adaptability. We present a generic MDE solution for relationship management called model weaving. Model weaving proposes to capture different kinds of relationships between model elements in a weaving model. A weaving model conforms to extensions of a core weaving metamodel that supports basic relationship management. After proposing the unification of the conceptual foundations related to model weaving, we show how weaving models and transformation models are used as a generic approach for data interoperability. The weaving models are used to produce model transformations. Moreover, we present an adaptive framework for creating weaving models in a semi-automatic way. We validate our approach by developing a generic and adaptive tool called ATLAS Model Weaver (AMW), and by implementing several use cases from different application scenarios
Dupré, Frédéric. "Autorité royale et gestion de conflits en terre sacrée, pêcherie traditionnelle et capital haliteutique à Madagascar." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ38074.pdf.
Full textLeblanc, Lorraine. "Les conflits et leur résolution : recherche-action en milieu scolaire." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29072.
Full textGauché, Mélanie. "Résolution durable des conflits interpersonnels au travail et hors travail." Toulouse 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU20045.
Full textThe framework of this research is the long-lasting interpersonal conflict resolution in the workplace and out of the workplace. The main goal is to compare the effects of the intention to harm, the cancellation of consequences, the apologies, the social proximity, the others'attitude, and the personality on the willingness to forgive, during physical aggressions and psychological aggressions, in the workplace and out of the workplace. The three studies were conducted with the Functional Theory of Cognition (Anderson, 1996). The results have shown that (a) the cancellation of consequences has a more important effect during a psychological aggression, (b) the intention to harm and the important effect during a physical aggression, (c) the schema of forgiveness is an additive nature in all situations and all types of agression and, (d) the agreableness and the neuroticism have a general effect of the propenstity to forgive
Hubert, Nicolas. "Environnement, Ressources et Conflits au Burkina Faso." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/41871.
Full textAffes, Habib. "Les Conflits d'objectifs dans les organisations un exemple particulier dans le cadre organisationnel et culturel tunisien /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376111781.
Full textMarciniak, Rolande. "Les mesures de l'efficacité des projets informatiques : modélisation et validations." Aix-Marseille 3, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991AIX32032.
Full textGnanguênon, Amandine. "La gestion des "systèmes de conflits" en Afrique subsaharienne : concept et pratique d'un multilatéralisme régionalisé." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010CLF10313.
Full textSometimes characterized as a political environment in total transformation, Africa is an unavoidable laboratory for the study of war. Beyond national boundaries, regions become a space where we can observe the increasing interdependence between the states and the other actors who contest national authority and legitimacy. The relationship between political leaders and non-state actors can be largely integrated into the formation of "conflict systems". We define these systems as cross-border and sociopolitical spaces within which social representations interfere with political stakes. Region building can therefore be perceived as a way of understanding the change of political spaces. As regards the spread of national disorder, regional order can be an effective way for the states to protect their interests. With the development of a security regionalism, region seems to be a logical and effective space for the strategy of states who seek to reinvest their security capabilities. The re-emergence of the African regional organizations appears to be linked to the current talk about "African ownership". Since 2002, this perspective has seen its realization in the creation of the African peace and security architecture, supported by the United Nations and the European Union. Today, regionalised multilateralism has an impact on the sense and execution of conflict resolution policies. These policies efficiency depends on the coherent integration of security-related public policies at the regional level. Africa remains a good example a place to study the region both as a conflict and cooperation space. While not specific to Africa alone, region building is linked to various degrees of use and ownership by the actors involved
Touquet, Cédric. "Mésententes, discordes et autres histoires : une anthropologie du conflit en milieu périurbain (Bandiagara, Mali)." Aix-Marseille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX10043.
Full textLyonnet, du Moutier Michel. "Financement sur projet et conflits d'agence : l'exemple de grandes infrastructures à péage." Orléans, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ORLE0506.
Full textCouderc-Barraud, Hélène Gauvard Claude. "La violence, l'ordre et la paix : résoudre les conflits en Gascogne du XIe au début du XIIIe siècle /." Toulouse : Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2008. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41362652r.
Full textBibliogr. p. 349-365. Notes bibliogr. Index. L'ISSN exact est : 1248-895X.
Uhalde, Marc. "Crise sociale et transformation des entreprises." Paris 9, 2004. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2004PAO90066.
Full textThe research in "Social Crisis and Enterprise Transformation" focuses on organizational crisis that arises when companies modernize their internal management mechanisms. Built around four specific case studies, this research indicates that this "organizational crisis" can become endemic and long-term as individuals struggle to maintain their organizational identity throughout the change process. In addition, "Social Crisis and Enterprise Transformation" shows that the degree of an "organizational crisis" has a direct relation to current company work mechanisms, particular styles of Change Management, and an organization's unique tradition and culture
Baylac-Martres, Paul. "Contribution des modes alternatifs et plus particulièrement de la médiation à l'évolution du règlement des conflits." Paris 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA020125.
Full textDemissie, Yadeta Meseret. "Analyse du nouveau mécanisme de l'OUA pour la prévention, la gestion et le règlement des conflits." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0020/MQ47191.pdf.
Full textCorbat, Lisa. "Fusion de segmentations complémentaires d'images médicales par Intelligence Artificielle et autres méthodes de gestion de conflits." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UBFCD029.
Full textNephroblastoma is the most common kidney tumour in children and its diagnosis is based exclusively on imaging. This work, which is the subject of our research, is part of a larger project: the European project SAIAD (Automated Segmentation of Medical Images Using Distributed Artificial Intelligence). The aim of the project is to design a platform capable of performing different automatic segmentations from source images using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, and thus obtain a faithful three-dimensional reconstruction. In this sense, work carried out in a previous thesis of the research team led to the creation of a segmentation platform. It allows the segmentation of several structures individually, by methods such as Deep Learning, and more particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), as well as Case Based Reasoning (CBR). However, it is then necessary to automatically fuse the segmentations of these different structures in order to obtain a complete relevant segmentation. When aggregating these structures, contradictory pixels may appear. These conflicts can be resolved by various methods based or not on AI and are the subject of our research. First, we propose a fusion approach not focused on AI using the combination of six different methods, based on different imaging and segmentation criteria. In parallel, two other fusion methods are proposed using, a CNN coupled to the CBR for one, and a CNN using a specific existing segmentation learning method for the other. These different approaches were tested on a set of 14 nephroblastoma patients and demonstrated their effectiveness in resolving conflicting pixels and their ability to improve the resulting segmentations
Lesobre, Thomas. "Contrôle et conflit ou la construction d'un acteur : évolution des pratiques de contrôle dans les relations Air France/Air France Cargo (1991-2001)." Paris 9, 2002. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2002PA090048.
Full textBraud, Pierre-Antoine. "L'ordre de la violence : ordre politique, historicité des violences et gestion des conflits au Rwanda et au Burundi dans les années 1990." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005IEPP0045.
Full textBased on the Rwandan and Burundian examples, this research endeavours to analyse which processes can lead to carrying out mass violence, as well as analyzing its characteristics. It leads to questioning which "figurations" (Norbert Elias) enable heterogeneous parameters to converge and form such processes : social movements, leaderships' strategies, their capacities of administrative framing and of ideological mobilizations, voluntary participation of perpetrators beyond the state apparatus coercive abilities, as well as how these internal dynamics meets international approaches. Political violence is frequently analyzed through an "intentionalist" approach rested on two postulates, i. E. Violence as a tool in political rivalries and rulers' capacities to manoeuvre the ruled into perpetrating violence. Without excluding these postulates, this research relativizes their roles by taking into account the historicity of violence and the political and social orders in/from which they proceed. Some "dispositifs" (Michel Foucault) of violence might be formed, including an individually internalized relation to violence and eliding alternative "repertoires" (Charles Tilly). Resorting to violence as a strategic tool is then facilitated by possible conformism into violence thus euphemized. Three themes go through the four parts of this text : an analysis of inner-circles, their setting-up, strategies and imaginaries ; the spin-off effects ensued by relations between national and international players, as well on the state-building processes ; consequences of the two former on the Rwandan and Burundian societies in terms of social mobilizations and imaginaries
Geryville, Mohammed Hichem. "Une architecture d'échange et de partage d'information produit : transformation et adaptation des connaissances dans un contexte d'entreprise étendue." Lyon 2, 2008. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2008/geryville_mh.
Full textThe rough increase of competition and the technology evolution make more complex the design, the development and the launching of the products. Nowadays, the companies must focus on their own competencies, and outsource the complementary expertise needed for supporting the product innovation, which is required by the clients. Therefore, the product and its development are not related to one team or one company, but result from a multidisciplinary teamwork. Thus, a well structured multidisciplinary collaboration which evolve in the product lifecycle and supply chain integration, will answer these problems. In this context, a significant information set is created and used. The exploitation of this information generates communication problems related to the capturing, exchange and sharing between heterogeneous systems. Many systems are thus realized to answer these problems. However, the multidisciplinarity of the actors and the multiplicity of their viewpoints which they carry on the product are not taken into account in these solutions. The objective of this thesis work is to define a methodological and implemental approach which answers to the following problematic: “How can we do to capture and capitalize the interests, the objectives and the knowledge of the multidisciplinary actors? And how can we improve and make more relevant the exchange and the sharing of most adequate information?”. Those elements enable formalization of the various actors’ viewpoints, by capturing, adapting and transforming the most relevant information from an actor to another one. Thus, the integration from the actors' viewpoints will allow a more effective modeling of the products and processes, and a better communication between the multidisciplinary actors
Maghfour, El Hassane. "La législation internationale et les conflits de l'eau au Proche-Orient." Reims, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REIMD003.
Full textThe countries in the Middle East share a symbolic and ethical heritage that advocates equitable use of water. However, the conflicts concerning the use of the Jordan, Nile, Euphrates and Tigris waters are eminently political. Their development is concomitant to the shaping of the modem States in this region. It is important to define the real nature of these conflicts in order to assess the effectiveness of international law in resolving them. The analysis proves that a water cnsis combines structurai scarcity, increasing demand and inefficient agriculture. This crisis exacerbates the geopolitical nature of water conflicts. The lack of political cohesion between the riparian countries leads them to undertake national water projects. This unilateral approach is incompatible with cooperative and rational management of international waterwurses in the Middle East. The agreements governing at present these watercourses are incomplete or disputed. They are the legal aspect of this potentially conflicting reality. The international law allows the counties in the region to settle their disputes peacefully on condition that political will exists. The 1997 UN Convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses offers these countries an adequate "framework" to negotiate and conclude watercourse agreements with a view to achieving a regime of equitable and reasonable utilisation
Soukhal, Ameur. "Ordonnancement simultané des moyens de transformation et de transport." Tours, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001TOUR4010.
Full textHémidy, Laurent. "Construction d'usages et transformation des pratiques autour d'instruments de gestion agricole informatises." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992EPXX0003.
Full textThis doctoral work analyses the place and the role of computing tools in farm management. From the recent developpement of microcomputing technics, emerges a large and direct diffusion of management tools for farmers. In fact, several tens of thousands of them manage their farm and use these tools daily. The analysis focuses on the farmer's management activity. In this frame, the ways to use tools and their effects in term of management are examined carefully. Method used is interactive research and direct observation. Means of access to, and local context are carefully described. In the results of this work, the different levels of uses and the dynamic of instrumental learning are characterized. The effects in term of management are analysed according to three levels : the improvement of administrative procedures, the intensification of the logic of adjustment and attention, the developpement of the strategic vision of farmer. Then a model is proposed, which explains why this learning process leads to a transformation of management practices and a kind of vigilance economy for farmer. This conceptual model of the decisional and informational process can be used for a renewal of works about farm management methods. At last and from these results, a reflection about the contribution of management research is presented, particularly in the matter of farm advice and decision support
Valitova, Aysylu. "Gestion des conflits au travail : les systèmes relationnels complexes dans trois situations en France, Canada et Russie." Thesis, Lille 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL12014.
Full textWe develop an approach based on articulation of four main dimensions: the analysis of conflicts in terms of process of escalation; the psychosociological phenomena of interpersonal communication and positioning in the relation (Palo-Alto School); the cultural dimensions; and the individual trajectories in particular in terms of habitus in the meaning of Bourdieu and as developed by Lahire. Our global theoretical model is applied to three case studies of conflicts in a community center in France, a Canadian university and a cultural institution in Russia. The conflict begins within interpersonal relations with relational incongruent positioning in the meaning of the Palo-Alto school (Relational disjunctions). Numerous "classic" psychosociological processes are also combined: construction of intergroups social identity, social facilitation, polarization, group thinking. This analysis shows how the individual and interpersonal aspects, due to the interacting positionings of people, eventually result in conflict escalation. These cases illustrate how relational interlinks and psychosociological processes at the individual as well at the interpersonal levels turn to be out of control of implied people. An analysis in terms of actors' strategies then appears insufficient to understand the conflict dynamics. All these processes, constructing a "complex of situation", results in a social conflict in which finally all protagonists are losers. The cases analysis underline that contextual factors (Habitus, fields, cultures, including national cultures, and so on) are not determinant; they are "acting" through their internalization in people’s behavior in the present situation
Peyronne, Clément. "Modélisation mathématique et résolution automatique de conflits par algorithmes génétiques et par optimisation locale continue." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00855296.
Full textAssens, Christophe. "La dynamique des complémentarités et des conflits dans un réseau d'entreprises." Paris 9, 1998. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1998PA090001.
Full textThis thesis deals about mechanisms of regulation and development in a network organisation. The aim of the research is to observe and analyze interaction process between units. In this perspective, we choose to study a network of enterprises in the public utilities sector. Based on the case method, our observations point out three kind of interaction process in this organisation : the collaboration between partners and / or competitors ; the subcontracting between suppliers and customers ; the competition between competitors. According to this data, the research shows the coexistence of collaboration and conflict in the same network. By this way, we go beyond normalised approaches that consider the network dynamic through the consensus or the conflict perspective
Varenne, Patrick. "La transformation digitale des entreprises : effectuation et Business Model Digital Dynamique (BMD²)." Thesis, Lyon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LYSE2029.
Full textDigitalization is defined as the reformulation of business models by industrializing low value-added processes. The product or service thus digitized is delivered using a platform-type digital artefact or computer code in order to disintermediate a traditional business model and thus gain in performance. Digitization is helping to transform the uses of users. Digitalization leads to a deep organizational transformation, which takes place on two levels : technological on the one hand, evoking the capacity for transformation and digital maturity, and organizational on the other hand, referring to the strategic and operational aspects of the transformation.Digitization first appeared with the advent of Web 2.0. The shift from e-commerce in the early 2000s to e-Business characterized the digital transformation of traditional business models. This results in an important demand on the part of entrepreneurs for tools and prescriptions in order to be supported in this transformation. The posture of the entrepreneur and the concept of business model are therefore central in this thesis to analyze the methods of creation and capture of value such as those associated with digital platforms. The general problem can therefore be formulated as follows : « How does the entrepreneur digitize his business model ? ».Digitization is a doubly complex phenomenon, articulating challenges in terms of information systems and change management. The thesis contributes to the literature on digitalization and business models by developing a transformation model called Dynamic Digital Business Model (BMD²). It also endeavors to contribute, in managerial terms, to propose an operational support methodology, easily actionable in the field: the DSIFAT (Discovery, Awareness, Integration, Training, Support, Transformation). Thus supported, the entrepreneur can lead the transformation of his Business Model with method and success
Rey, David. "Minimisation des conflits aériens par des modulations de vitesse." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00819879.
Full textGueret-Gbagba, Herménégilde-Richard. "Les droits de l'homme dans la prévention et la résolution des conflits en Afrique subsaharienne : proposition d'une méthode et évaluation des résultats de son application." Grenoble 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006GRE21006.
Full textIn sub-saharan Africa, during the last years, the number and intensity of the armed conflicts remained a subject of serious concern requiring a total answer. These conflicts have deep root and main consequence, the violations of human rights. The United nations willing to restore, build and consolidate peace in sub-saharan Africa, deployed general-purpose peace keeping operations with components human rights and operations for the human rights. The organization of African Unity then the African Union and the African sub-regional organizations installed mechanisms of prevention, management and resolution of the conflicts. All these organizations acquiered the conviction and the proof that there is no long lasting development in a conflict environment and that the existence of wars is a major obstacle to the realization of economic integration. In addition, they also understood, as the United nations did, that peace and development are largely tributary of the effective respect of human rights. Therefore, it is essential for the African Union and the African sub-regional organizations, to integrate human rights in the structure and operation of their respective mechanisms. That would constitute an advance in the prevention, management and resolution of the peace keeping and security in Sub-saharan Africa
Castillo, Vaquera Jorge Galileo. "Administrer et judiciariser la gestion des conflits électoraux au sein des institutions électorales : Etats-Unis 2000-Mexique 2006." Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030070.
Full textThe intervention of the judiciary power to solve a ballot in last resort, arise several problems concerning the progress of the representative democracy, and even a paradox: the principle of the democratic representation by an indirect vote of the citizens can be put forward by the judiciary interpretation on the meaning of the ballot's votes. At the same time, the intervention of the judiciary as an independent power constitutes a guarantee of impartiality for the political resolutions, seeking to reinforce the trust of the main social and political protagonists about the electoral administration. We are also faced with the problem of the political rationality versus the legal rationality, constantly put forward during electoral conflict contemporary processes as essential protagonists but nearly antagonistic ones, by the fact that they pursue close but distinct interests
Viaut, Laura. "Les mécanismes de gestion des conflits dans l'espace aquitain au haut Moyen-Age (VIII-XIIe siècle)." Thesis, Limoges, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIMO0020.
Full textThe first Middle Ages have a bad reputation, because we think that the period is dark and particularly violent. A new scientific vision has emerged during the last few decades. We can now evaluate the exercise of justice. But this approach is incomplete, especially for Aquitaine. This thesis therefore aims to reconstitute its institutional and societal frameworks between the beginning of the Carolingian period and the end of the twelfth century. A study of historical anthropology of law allows, from concrete cases, to demonstrate the mechanisms by which conflicts could be managed, while highlighting the major evolutions that are observed in the sources. To understand altimedial justice, we must reconstruct structures, judicial procedures, social strategies. It is clear that judges have privileged agreements and peace. In this perspective, it is necessary to look at the Middle Ages, not from outside with modern eyes, but from within. This analysis provides an opportunity to highlight the legal manuscripts of Aquitaine, and to question the effectiveness of justice of the High Middle Ages
Baldé, Hassatou. "La coordination entre l'ONU et les organisations régionales africaines dans la gestion de la paix." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010252.
Full textJouffroy, Danièle. "Quand la gestion des conflits devient impossible : la crise définitive du syndicalisme vertical (1958 – 1975)." Paris 4, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA040151.
Full textOriginally the Spanish Trade Union Organization (OSE) was a control body of the francoist government, but during the fifties it became a place where wage-earners could defend themselves, and even act against the regime. After 1965, it tried to manage crises and defuse conflicts, which were more and more numerous in a tense context which repeatedly forced the government to back down. The trade union's archives show that, to devise strategies of neutralization able to fit in efficiently with a more modern context, OSE kept close watch on the working world. They also reveal the complexity of social relations in the "late francoist period". The "Vertical" tried to adapt to these varied situations, but it was being increasingly rejected, which caused it to disappear along with the political power that had set it up by force
Derainne, Pierre-Jacques. "Le travail, les migrations et les conflits en France : représentations et attitudes sociales sous la Monarchie de Juillet et la Seconde République." Dijon, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999DIJOL019.
Full textCadoret, Anne. "Conflits d'usage liés à l'environnement et réseaux sociaux : Enjeux d'une gestion intégrée? Le cas du littoral du Languedoc-Roussillon." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00176681.
Full textOn observe que des configurations spatiales récurrentes apparaissent quant à la localisation des conflits d'usage. Cependant, le mode d'expression et les formes de régulation diffèrent selon les types de territoires (lagunes, zones périurbaines, départements, communes, etc.) et les types de conflits (urbanisation et aménagements, protection des espaces et des espèces et gestion de l'eau et des déchets).
L'analyse des conditions d'émergence, des modes d'expression et des formes de régulation à une échelle locale révèle les interactions fortes entre les réseaux d'acteurs et les mutations spatiales. L'apparition d'un conflit bouleverse les pratiques et les représentations socio-spatiales. Les territorialités se redessinent et participent d'une part à la restructuration des réseaux d'acteurs, et d'autre part à l'évolution des stratégies et des comportements des acteurs qui influencent en retour l'organisation du territoire.
Poussart-Vanier, Marie. "Jeux d'acteurs dans le système alimentaire burkinabé : normes, conflits et compromis dans le marché céréalier et la gestion de l'aide alimentaire d'urgence." Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010671.
Full textVillagómez, Velázquez Yanga. "Gestion sociale de l'eau, transformation agraire et intégration territoriale dans l'isthme de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca." Toulouse 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001TOU20084.
Full textThe administration of collective resources, among which can be counted water, rises some problems whose complexity usually passes unnoticed by specialists of the matter. As a matter of fact, it passes unnoticed in so far as models proposed by these specialists, in order to optimise the use of water, make relative social consequences and agrarian transformations caused by hydro agricultural politics in the Tehuantepec Isthmus, Oaxaca. Hydro agricultural politics in this particular region began in the 1930's, when the first irrigation works were built. Planning works to profit by the waters of the Tehuantepec river were followed by the construction of the Benito Juarez dam and then the Irrigation District N° 19 in the early 60's. This state policy was formed to solve the agricultural deficit in Oaxaca, but in the region, it caused a deep social and political crisis in social organisation by bringing the ingredients that allowed the form of soil property to be altered. It has also contributed to create the breaking off in organisational form of country production introducing a model of productivist company. In the last thirty years, the use of water has been oriented towards exploitation and specialisation of great culture production (sugar cane, rice, sesame, Indian millet and extensive catering), which revealed to be inadequate in an irrigated perimeter because these federal systems were formed to give priority to demand of domestic alimentary products. This transformation of local economy, consequence of introduction of irrigation, lead to the creation of a market of soils, their seizing and concentration of property. From a social point of view, producers concerned by the phenomenon have began to organise a political movement as a reaction to this privatisation
Barret, Emma. "Les modes alternatifs de règlement des conflits en droit du travail." Bordeaux 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BOR40024.
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