Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Transformation de programme (Informatique)'
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Kunz, César. "Préservation des preuves et transformation de programmes." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00004940.
Full textAlexandre, Francis. "Transformation de programmes logiques." Nancy 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991NAN10429.
Full textGrenier, Christophe. "Transformation de programme et protection de la propriété intellectuelle - préparation, intégration et vérification." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00915579.
Full textDai, Min. "Transformation et optimisation des programmes pour le parallélisme d'instructions." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000VERS002V.
Full textNous commencerons d'abord par l'introduction des techniques de transformation et d'optimisation a haut niveau au chapitre 2. La presentation des architectures auxquelles nous nous interessons, les processeurs superscalaires et vliw, est presentee dans le chapitre 3. Apres avoir aborde les principales machines, nous presentons la methode de la simulation des unites fonctionnelles qui est voisine des tables de reservation reduites. Dans le quatrieme chapitre, nous introduisons les techniques existantes d'extraction de dependances de donnees pour qu'elles puissent etre utilisees dans les phases de transformation et d'optimisation. Le chapitre suivant resumera les differentes methodes de la transformation de code source. Nous avons utilise sage++ comme base de travail pour realiser les transformations, les parallelisations et les optimisations de code source (tops) dai99. Sage++ fournit une abstraction du programme source, qui facilite la manipulation de code source. Le chapitre 6 detaillera les techniques d'elimination de code redondant en integrant le pipeline logiciel afin de minimiser les operations de chargement et dechargement dans la boucle pipelinee. Dans le chapitre 7, nous donnons les resultats experimentaux des performances qui integrent differentes transformations et les methodes d'optimisation que nous avons developpees. Finalement, le dernier chapitre est destine a donner quelques details d'implantation et de comparaison avec les travaux existants
Neron, Pierre. "Transformation de Programmes pour des Nombres Réels Fiables." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00960808.
Full textCohen, Albert Henri. "Analyse et transformation de programmes : du modèle polyédrique aux langages formels." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 1999. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00550829.
Full textAmini, Mehdi. "Transformations de programme automatiques et source-à-source pour accélérateurs matériels de type GPU." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2012. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00958033.
Full textBalland, Emilie Kirchner Claude Moreau Pierre-Etienne. "Conception d'un langage dédié à l'analyse et la transformation de programmes." S. l. : Nancy 1, 2009. http://www.scd.uhp-nancy.fr/docnum/SCD_T_2009_0026_BALLAND.pdf.
Full textIoualalen, Arnault. "Transformation de programmes synchrones pour l’optimisation de la précision numérique." Perpignan, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PERP1108.
Full textThe certification of programs embedded in critical systems is still a challenge for both the industry and the research communities. The numerical accuracy of programs using the floating-point arithmetics is one aspect of this issue which has been addressed by manytechniques and tools. Nowadays we can statically infer a sound over-approximation of the rounding errors introduced by all the possible executions of a program. However, these techniques do not indicate how to correct or even how to reduce these errors. This work presents a new automatic technique to transform a synchronous program in order to reduce the rounding errors arising during its execution. We introduce a new intermediate representation of programs, called APEG, which is an under-approximation of the set of all the programs that are mathematically equivalent to the original one. This representation allows us to synthesize, in polynomial time, a program with a better numerical accuracy, while being mathematically equivalent to the original one. In addition, we present many experimental results obtained with the tool we have developed, Sardana, and which implements all of our contributions
Jouvelot, Pierre. "Parallelisation semantique : une approche denotationnelle non-standard pour la parallelisation de programmes imperatifs sequentiels." Paris 6, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA066559.
Full textKoukam, Abder. "Dérivation de programmes Ada par transformation de systèmes parallèles fondés sur la communication abstraite entre processus." Nancy 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990NAN10481.
Full textBalland, Emilie. "Conception d'un langage dédié à l'analyse et la transformation de programmes." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00435881.
Full textNeron, Pierre. "A Quest for Exactness: Program Transformation for Reliable Real Numbers." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00924379.
Full textFradet, Pascal. "Approches langages pour la conception et la mise en oeuvre de programmes." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2000. ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/techreports/habilitations/fradet.pdf.
Full textMachado, Javam de Castro. "Parallélisme et transactions dans les bases de données à objets." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1995. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00005039.
Full textNous avons implanté un premier prototype qui met en œuvre le modèle de parallélisation des transactions. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé le système de bases de données à objet 02. Notre prototype introduit le parallélisme par la création et la synchronisation des activités parallèles au sein du processus client 02 qui exécute une application. Le système étant développé sur une machine monoprocesseur, les fonctions liées au parallélisme utilisent de processus légers. Nous avons applique ensuite notre modèle de parallélisations au système de règles NAOS. Notre approche considère l'ensemble de règles d'un cycle d'exécution, dites règles candidates, pour la parallélisation. Nous construisons un plan d'exécution pour les règles candidates d'un cycle qui détermine l'exécution séquentielle ou parallèle pour les règles
Tardieu, Olivier. "De la sémantique opérationnelle à la spécification formelle de compilateurs : l'exemple des boucles en Esterel." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2004. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00001336.
Full textAjouli, Akram. "Vues et transformations de programmes pour la modularité des évolutions." Phd thesis, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00866997.
Full textGarchery, Quentin. "Certification de la transformation de tâches de preuve." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022UPASG006.
Full textIn various provers and deductive verification tools, logical transformations are used extensively in order to reduce a proof task into a number of simpler tasks. Logical transformations are often part of the trusted base of such tools. In this thesis, we develop a framework to improve confidence in their results. We follow a skeptical} approach: transformations are instrumented to produce certificates that are checked by a third-party tool. Thus, we benefit from a modular approach that is also robust to changes in the source code of the transformations. We design two kinds of certificates. Transformations produce surface certificates} that are then translated to kernel certificates} which are destined for final verification. We made sure that surface certificates are easy to produce. Moreover, surface certificates are as independent of the transformation application as possible and this makes for a modular certification. On the contrary, kernel certificates include numerous details about the transformation application and are kept elementary. This helps to define simpler checkers and establish their correctness. We propose a translation procedure from surface certificates to kernel certificates which does not need to be trusted. Logical transformations are considered in a higher-order logic, with type polymorphism and built-in theories such as equality and integer arithmetic. We apply our framework to Why3 and use it to instrument pre-existing and complex transformations. Additionally, we implement two certificate checkers. The first one follows an efficient computational approach while the second is based on a shallow embedding of proof tasks inside the logical framework Lambdapi, thus exhibiting formal guaranties of its correctness
Saint-James, Emmanuel. "De la meta-recursivite comme outil d'implementation." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066612.
Full textLermusiaux, Pierre. "Analyse statique de transformations pour l’élimination de motifs." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022LORR0372.
Full textProgram transformation is an extremely common practice in computer science. From compilation to tests generation, through many approaches of code analysis and formal verification of programs, it is a process that is both ubiquitous and critical to properly functionning programs and information systems. This thesis proposes to study the program transformations mechanisms in order to express and verify syntactical guarantees on the behaviour of these transformations and on their results.Giving a characterisation of the shape of terms returned by such a transformation is, indeed, a common approach to the formal verification of programs. In order to express some properties often used by this type of approaches, we propose in this thesis a formalism inspired by the model of compilation passes, that are used to describe the general compilation of a program as a sequence of minimal transformations, and based on the notions of pattern matching and term rewriting.This formalism relies on an annotation mechanism of function symbols in order to express a set of specfications describing the behaviours of the associated functions. We then propose a static analysis method in order to check that a transformation, expressed as a term rewrite system, actually verifiesits specifications
Hufflen, Jean-Michel. "Fonctions et généricité dans un langage de programmation parallèle." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1989. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00335698.
Full textKessaci, Kamel. "Synthèse de circuits digitaux synchrones par transformations de programmes fonctionnels." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992ESAE0007.
Full textLayaïda, Nabil. "Représentation et analyses de contenu et de programmes Web." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00872752.
Full textGalinec, David. "Exécution asynchrone de programmes synchrones par transformations automatiques : application au traitement d'images temps-réel." Lille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LIL10054.
Full textKerneis, Gabriel. "Continuation-Passing C : transformations de programmes pour compiler la concurrence dans un langage impératif." Phd thesis, Paris 7, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA077133.
Full textMost computer programs are concurrent ones: they need to perform several tasks at the same time. Threads and events are two common techniques to implement concurrency. Events are generally more lightweight and efficient than threads, but also more difficult to use. Additionally, they are often not powerful enough; it is then necessary to write hybrid code, that uses both preemptively-scheduled threads and cooperatively-scheduled event handlers, which is even more complex. In this dissertation, we show that concurrent programs written in threaded style can be translated automatically into efficient, equivalent event-driven programs through a series of proven source-to-source transformations. We first propose Continuation-Passing C, an extension of the C programming language for writing concurrent Systems that provides very lightweight, unified (cooperative and preemptive) threads. CPC programs are processed by the CPC translater to produce efficient sequentialized event-loop code, using native threads for the preemptive parts. We then define and prove the correctness of these transformations, in particular lambda lifting and CPS conversion, for an imperative language. Finally, we validate the design and implementation CPC by comparing it to other thread librairies, and by exhibiting our Hekate BitTorrent seeder. We also justify the choice of lambda lifting by implementing eCPC, a variant of CPC using environments, and comparing its performances to CPC
Kerneis, Gabriel. "Continuation-Passing C : Transformations de programmes pour compiler la concurrence dans un langage impératif." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00751444.
Full textDupuis-Toubol, Frédérique. "La nature juridique du programme d'ordinateur." Paris 10, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA100195.
Full textLefebvre, Vincent. "Restructuration automatique des variables d'un programme en vue de sa parallélisation." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998VERS0008.
Full textJones, Charles Albert Muñoz. "Conversion and transformation : Prince Albert's programme for a European monarchical order." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/16558.
Full textVialette, Jean-Paul. "Application du programme de medicalisation des systemes informatiques au traitement du pneumothorax." Aix-Marseille 2, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990AIX20829.
Full textDUVAUX, CHRISTOPHE. "Teleinformatique et regionalisation des soins : a propos du programme loginat." Lille 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991LIL2M108.
Full textKanyabwero, Erwanne Paméla. "Mécanisme de contrôle du flot d'information dans un programme : approche par typage trivalué." Thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2013/29577/29577.pdf.
Full textGuerte, Yves. "Dérivation de programmes impératifs à partir de spécifications algébriques." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 1996. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00004992.
Full textMaran, Abdalhmed. "Une approche formelle pour la transformation de modèles UML-XML." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005VERS0007.
Full textUML (Unified Modeling Language) offre un ensemble de diagrammes permettant de décrire la structure des objets et leurs comportements. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) est un format de données. Il propose un langage pour décrire la structure (schéma) des documents et il distingue et sépare les données de leurs schémas, de leurs descriptions et ontologies et de leurs éventuelles représentations. Il est apparu très rapidement que les deux standards sont complémentaires et que le passage de l'un vers l'autre s'impose. L'objectif de cette thèse et de proposer une approche innovante et formelle pour la transformation entre modèles UML et Schémas XML. Les transformations ne se limitent pas à UML et aux Schémas XML et nous remarquons qu'elles sont antérieures à ces notations. Les bases de données forment un domaine où les conversions entre différents niveaux d'abstraction abondent. La popularité d'un langage ou d'un format (c'est le cas pour UML et XML) est une forte motivation pour développer des conversions de et vers ceux-ci. Notre approche s'appuie sur deux points principaux. Elle consiste en la définition des règles de conversion au niveau des méta-modèles pour transformer les modèles. Et elle adopte les TADs (Types Abstraits de Données) pour écrire les transformations ainsi que pour spécifier les modèles à convertir. Les TADs introduisent une abstraction dans les systèmes qu'ils spécifient et procurent, donc, une indépendance par rapport aux langages et aux plate-formes d'implémentation. Ils sont basés sur des fondements mathématiques et permettent de vérifier les propriétés autant des modèles que nous transformons que celles des conversions. La machine des transformations que nous avons créée consiste en trois bibliothèques de TADs : une première pour spécifier les modèles UML, une deuxième pour spécifier les Schémas XML et une troisième définissant les transformations. Nous avons implémenté cette architecture dans le langage LOTOS. Afin d'intégrer, dans le processus de transformation formelles, des modèles UML générés par les différents AGL disponibles, nous avons adopté le format XMI et implémenté des conversion en XSLT permettant la conversion de modèles UML de XMI vers une représentation LOTOS. Nous avons également programmé, en Java, un analyseur syntaxique permettant de transformer des Schémas XML de leurs représentation LOTOS vers XML. L'approche que nous avons adoptée n'est pas exclusive aux transformations de UML vers les Schémas XML et elle peut être utilisée avec d'autres modèles sources et destinations et en particulier pour la rétro-génération de Schémas XML à partir de modèles UML. L'ingénierie des modèles basée sur les transformations est un champ de recherche actif et les efforts de normalisations sont en cours et sont illustrés par MDA (Model Driven Architecture) et QVT (Query View Transformation). Notre approche des transformations formelles est conforme à la vision de l'OMG des transformations et à son architecture en couches. De plus, par le biais des (TADs), elle introduit un formalisme à la spécifications de modèles et des transformations
CASANOVA, BRUNET ISABELLE. "Etude de la fievre q au travers d'un programme informatise." Aix-Marseille 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988AIX20318.
Full textOHAYON, ALAIN. "Le programme de medicalisation du systeme d'information hospitalier : description et analyse." Aix-Marseille 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988AIX20199.
Full textDuruisseau, Mickaël. "Améliorer la compréhension d’un programme à l’aide de diagrammes dynamiques et interactifs." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL1I042/document.
Full textDevelopers dominate in software development. In this context, they must perform a succession of elementary tasks (analysis, coding, linking with existing code ...), but in order to perform these tasks, a developer must regularly change his context of work (search information, read code ...) and analyze code that is not his. These actions require a high adaptation time and reduce the efficiency of the developer. Software modeling is a solution to this type of problem. It offers an abstract view of a software, links between its entities as well as algorithms used. However, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is still underutilized in business. In this thesis, we propose a tool to improve the understanding of a program using dynamic and interactive diagrams. This tool is called VisUML and focuses on the main coding activity of the developer. VisUML provides views (on web pages or modeling tools) synchronized with the code.The generated UML diagrams are interactive and allow fast navigation with and in the code. This navigation reduces the loss of time and context due to activity changes by providing at any time an abstract diagram view of the elements currently open in the developer’s coding tool. In the end, VisUML was evaluated by twenty developers as part of a qualitative experimentation of the tool to estimate the usefulness of such a tool
Peltier, Mikaël. "Techniques de transformation de modèles basées sur la méta-modélisation." Nantes, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NANT2057.
Full textThe last modern requirements of software development have caused OMG to define an architecture driven by models that are based on modelling and meta-modelling technologies. This evolution has caused a new problem: the transformation of models. Interest in this activity growing from the industry has ended in the elaboration of a request for proposal in April 2002 whose objective will be to standardise a transformation system. In this document, we are concretely and pragmatically studying the model transformation. After having presented the existing systems, we are orientated towards usage of a domain-specific language to allowing you to express the transformations in a formal, non-ambiguous and executable way. The proposed language can constitute the heart of a unified model transformation system. The results of the normalisation works allow us to confirm the proposed choices and possible suggest extensions or improvements
Kao, Kuan-Yu. "Control of the EBV growth transformation programme : the importance of the Bamhi W repeats." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2011. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/1493/.
Full textPottier, Laurent. "Le contrôle de la synthèse sonore informatique : cas particulier, l'utilisation du programme PatchWork." Paris, EHESS, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001EHES0121.
Full textLecerf, Jason. "Designing language-agnostic code transformation engines." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL1I077.
Full textCode transformations are needed in various cases: refactorings, migrations, code specialization, and so on. Code transformation engines work by finding a pattern in the source code and rewriting its occurrences according to the transformation. The transformation either rewrites the occurrences, elements of the intermediate representation (IR) of the language, into new elements or directly rewrites the source code. In this work, we focused on source rewriting since it offers more flexibility through arbitrary transformations, especially for migrations and specializations. Matching patterns come in two different flavors, explicit and syntactic. The former requires the user to know the IR of the language, a heavy knowledge burden. The latter only relies on the syntax of the matched language and not its IR, but requires significantly more work to implement the language back-ends. Language experts tend to know the IR and the syntax of a language, while other users know only the syntax. We propose a pattern matching engine offering a hybrid pattern representation: both explicit and syntactic matching are available in the same pattern. The engine always defaults to syntactic as it is the lowest barrier to entry for patterns. To counterbalance the implementation cost of language back-ends for syntactic pattern matching, we take a generative approach. We combine the hybrid pattern matching engine with a parser generator. The parser generator generates generalized LR (GLR) parsers capable of not only parsing the source but also the hybrid pattern. The back-end implementer only needs to add one line to the grammar of the language to activate the pattern matching engine. This approach to pattern matching requires GLR parsers capable of forking and keeping track of each individual fork. These GLR implementations suffer the more forking is done to handle ambiguities and patterns require even more forking. To prevent an explosion, our Fibered-GLR parsers merge more often and allow for classic disambiguation during the parse through side-effects
Delamare, Romain. "Analyses automatiques pour le test de programme orientés aspect." Rennes 1, 2009. ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/techreports/theses/2009/delamare.pdf.
Full textAspect-oriented programming is a new paradigm that separates the different concerns to improve the modularity. This paradigm introduces new challenges for the validation. To offer effective solutions to these problems, we have studied the use of Aspect in 38 open source projects. These observations have shown that the aspects are rarely used, and with great caution, and that aspect-oriented programming reduces the testability by increasing the coupling. We have developed a static analysis of the impact of aspects on the test cases. The objective is to statically determine which test cases are impacted by the aspects and should be modified to take the changes into account. This analysis, supported by a tool, aims at reducing the execution time of the test cases and allows the tester to focus on the test cases that need to be modified. We propose an approach, implemented in a tool, AdviceTracer, to test test the pointcut descriptors separately from the advices. This tool allows the definition of oracles that are specific to the detection of faults in the pointcut descriptors. This allows the oracle to test if an advice has been correctly woven without depending on the behavior of the advice. In the context of this thesis, we have developed different analysis tools. AjMetrics is a tool which measures different metrics on aspect-oriented programs, using a formalism. AjMutator is a tool for the mutation analysis of aspect-oriented programs, which is able to insert faults in the poincut descriptors
Yannias, Alexandra. "Section 26, Grootboom, and breaking new ground : South Africa's constitutional right to housing in theory and practice." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/3679.
Full textBouchet, Sala Agnès. "Transmission et transformation identitaire, l'ambivalence du programme d'enseignement général à l'Université de Stanford (1920-1998)." Paris 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA030170.
Full textCore requirements generally involve interdisciplinary study in humanities and sciences. Their aim is to provide a shared cultural heritage and intellectual experience for all undergraduate students at a particular institution. Therefore they inherently contribute to the building of a common identity. We studuy the cultural contents of four successive general education courses at Stanford University from 1920 to 1998, and give an insight on American identity in relation to its context of production. Our findings reveal a double process through which certain features of the American identity are preserved and others transformed, insuring social continuity as well as social change. Though this duality implies tensions, it is also a proof of American dynamism and adaptability to the needs of the society of a time. .
A, Hamid Aida Hanim. "Between vision and action : the local implementation of the district transformation programme policy in Malaysia." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2017. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.738213.
Full textBsaïes, Khaled. "Construction de programmes logiques par synthèse de propriétés." Nancy 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993NAN10295.
Full textMartin, Eric. "Bilan du programme de medicalisation du systeme d'information (pmsi) en 1989 au chru de nancy." Nancy 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990NAN11286.
Full textDuris, Etienne JOURDAN MARTIN. "CONTRIBUTION AUX RELATIONS ENTRE LES GRAMMAIRES ATTRIBUEES ET LA PROGRAMMATION FONCTIONNELLE." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1998. ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/publication/Theses/TU-0541.ps.gz.
Full textRoads, Curtis. "Synthèse et transformation des microsons." Paris 8, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA082890.
Full textBeneath the level of the note lies the realm of microsound, of sound particles. The microsonic particles remained invisible for centuries. Recent technological advances let us probe and explore the beauties of this formerly unseen world. Microsonic techniques dissolve the rigid bricks of music architecture–the notes–into a more fluid and supple medium. This book is the fruit of a lengthy period of activity involving synthesis experiments, programming, and composition. Beginning with a few strands, it eventually grew into a lattice of composition theory, historical accounts, technical overviews, acoustical experiments, descriptions of musical works, and aesthetic reflections. A diverse body of information is presented in seven chapters. At this stage of development, the musical, technical, and aesthetic problems interweave
Nikjoo, Soukhtabandani Ali. "Partial shape matching using CCP map and weighted graph transformation matching." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2014/30611/30611.pdf.
Full textMatching and detecting similarity or dissimilarity between images is a fundamental problem in image processing. Different matching algorithms are used in literature to solve this fundamental problem. Despite their novelty, these algorithms are mostly inefficient and cannot perform properly in noisy situations. In this thesis, we solve most of the problems of previous methods by using a reliable algorithm for segmenting image contour map, called CCP Map, and a new matching method. In our algorithm, we use a local shape descriptor that is very fast, invariant to affine transform, and robust for dealing with non-rigid objects and occlusion. After finding the best match for the contours, we need to verify if they are correctly matched. For this matter, we use the Weighted Graph Transformation Matching (WGTM) approach, which is capable of removing outliers based on their adjacency and geometrical relationships. WGTM works properly for both rigid and non-rigid objects and is robust to high order distortions. For evaluating our method, the ETHZ dataset including five diverse classes of objects (bottles, swans, mugs, giraffes, apple-logos) is used. Finally, our method is compared to several famous methods proposed by other researchers in the literature. While our method shows a comparable result to other benchmarks in terms of recall and the precision of boundary localization, it significantly improves the average precision for all of the categories in the ETHZ dataset.