Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Transferts de matières'
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Butaeye, Damien. "Hydrodynamique et transferts de matières dans le bassin versant de la Druance (Normandie, France)." Caen, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001CAEN2023.
Full textSemhi, Khadija. "Erosion et transferts de matières sur le bassin versant de la Garonne. Influence de la sècheresse." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996STR13297.
Full textEtchanchu, Didier. "Géochimie des eaux du bassin de la Garonne : transferts de matières dissoutes et particulaires vers l'Océan Atlantique." Toulouse 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988TOU30122.
Full textBertrand, Catherine. "Les forêts tropicales d'altitude de l'Himalaya central : phénologie, transferts de matières et d'éléments minéraux, prélèvements par la population." Grenoble 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988GRE10116.
Full textVeyssy, Eric. "Transferts de matières organiques des bassins versants aux estuaires de la Gironde et de l'Adour (Sud-Ouest de la France)." Bordeaux 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR10529.
Full textPujos, Cyril. "Estimation de la rhéologie d'un polymère dans une filière d'extrusionSimulation d'écoulement avec transferts thermiques et inversion de mesures." Bordeaux 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006BOR13253.
Full textGarcia, Esteves Javier. "Géochimie d'un fleuve côtier méditerranéen : la Têt en Roussillon : Origines et transferts de matières dissoutes et particulaires de la source jusqu'à la mer." Perpignan, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PERP0672.
Full textThe purpose of this work was the study of the chemical and mineralogical composition in the dissolved and particulate matter of the river Têt (Pyrénées-Orientales) in order to identify the major sources of these materials, and to propose detailed budgets with respect to their fluxes to the Mediterranean Sea. The main objective was to develop a geochemical and hydrosedimentological model that is able to distinguish between the part of the materials that come from natural sources, and the part that is released or retained by human activities. The scientific approach was constructed on a weekly survey during one hydrological year (2000-2001), from the headwaters down to the river mouth. The overall observations allowed the identification of five major sources that contributed to the material fluxes: rainfall, road salting, agriculture, urban waters and chemical rock weathering. For each source, the respective contributions were quantified. The particulate matter fluxes were determined by etablishing empirical models between the suspended matter concentrations and runoff, which also allowed a prediction of the carbon fluxes. All particulate matter fluxes were affected by the existence of a major reservoir lake and their retention rates in this lake could be estimated. The distinction between the natural and anthropogenic matter fluxes finally also allowed the proposition of a model about the functioning of a natural erosion that takes into account the spatial variability of the chemical and mechanical erosion in the basin, and that also distinguishes the contributions of silicate and carbonate weathering in the overall release of alkalinity to the river
Baumard, Théo. "Modelling the influence of infrared preheating and temperature uniformity in forming of powder-impregnated thermoplastic composites Experimental characterization and modeling of the temperature and rate-dependent shear behaviour of powder-impregnated glass fiber/PA66 woven semipregs." Thesis, Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EMAC0010.
Full textNon-isothermal thermoforming of thermoplastic composites, in which a preconsolidated blank is heated above the melting temperature of the matrix before being formed in a press, is a process well adapted to the high production rates of automotive structural parts, allowing for cycle times < 1 min. Numerical tools to predict the apparition of manufacturing-induced defects based on the process parameters used are of an obvious industrial interest to avoid relying on a cost and time intensive trial-and-error approach. This thesis focused on the development of a comprehensive simulation of the forming of powder-impregnated PA66/glass composites, modelling explicitly the infrared preheating step to investigate the effect of temperature homogeneity on shape defects. The thermophysical and optical properties of the material were characterized experimentally at two levels of consolidation, and as a function of temperature when relevant. The structure of the non-consolidated material leads to a less uniform heating, compared to preconsolidated blanks. A finite element model based on the radiosity method to compute the radiative heat transfer was used to simulate the preheating step; this approach was validated against experimental results from a custom-built infrared oven. The model has been used to investigate the effect of blank sag on temperature distribution, and an optimization method to determine the oven parameters based on a desired temperature field has been presented. The mechanical behaviour of the woven composite during forming was modelled with a hypoelastic continuum approach, implemented in Abaqus/Explicit. The model parameters were determined from experimental tensile tests and in-plane shear tests at various temperatures and shear rates. Non-isothermal simulations of the forming of hemispherical parts were conducted, using the temperature field predicted from the preheating simulation as an input, and showed good agreement with that observed on parts formed on a lab-scale thermoforming setup
Dang, Thi ha. "Erosion et transferts de matières en suspension, carbone et métaux dans le bassin versant du Fleuve Rouge depuis la frontière sino-vietnamienne jusqu’à l’entrée du delta." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14236/document.
Full textErosion and transfer of suspended particulate matter (SPM), and associated elements (e.g. carbon, trace metal elements-ETM) by river are attributed to a combination of natural parameters related to geology and climatic influences and affected by human disturbance. Based on an extensive dataset of daily water discharge and SPM concentrations between 1960 and 2008 at the outlet of the Red River system, the annual SPM yield of the Red River is estimated at 600 t/km²/yr (ranged between 160 and 1330 t/km²/yr). This large range of sediment yield is strongly related to the inter-annual hydrological conditions and the operation of the HoaBinh Reservoir in 1989. In fact, the HoaBinh Reservoir reduces annual SPM delivery to the delta by half after 1989, i.e. the mean sedimentation rate of 52-200 cm/yr. The spatial variability of SPM fluxes in the Red River watershed suggests that most SPM were eroded from the upstream catchment located in China (80%), contrasting the water discharge with only 21%. In addition, the complex processes of erosion/sedimentation occurring in the middle Red River basin strongly depend on hydrological conditions; in contrast, an important sedimentation was observed at the entry point to the Red River Delta whatever the hydrological conditions. The major factors controlling the spatial variation of the sediment yields of the Vietnamese Red River watershed are maximum elevation and mean surface.During 2008-2009, high resolution sampling (weekly to bimestrial) of biogeochemical parameters (carbon and ETM) were performed at five key sites along the Red River system. The organic carbon (particulate and dissolved) concentrations in the Red River are relatively low and mainly allochtonous; in contrast, the dissolved inorganic carbon are very important and is the major carbon form (60 -90%) in relation to the abundance of carbonate rocks in the Red River watershed. In terms of ETM concentrations, the quality of water and SPM transported in the Vietnamese Red River watershed can be classified as poor upstream and as mediocre downstream. The study of the partition between the dissolved and particulate phases showed that most ETM transported in the Red River are in particulate phase (except Mo), due to the high mechanical erosion rate. In addition, high spatial resolution study (40 sites) performed in the Vietnamese Red River watershed of ETM concentrations and their speciation (dissolved and particulate) has highlighted strong geochemical anomalies in the upstream Red River. Finally, the identification of geochemical signals showed a similarity in the geochemical signal of particulate metal transport between upstream and downstream of the Red River, suggesting a contribution quasi-exclusively from the upstream part (in China) in the ETM fluxes of the Red River (80 -95%)
Quá trình xói mòn và vận chuyển vật chất (chất rắn lơ lửng, các-bon và kim loại nặng) bởi các dòng sông, suối chịu ảnh hưởng tổng hợp từ các quá trình tự nhiên (địa chất, khí hậu) và các hoạt động của con người. Dựa trên các bảng số liệu ngày về hàm lượng chất rắn lơ lửng và lưu lượng nước trong giai đoạn từ năm 1960 đến năm 2008 trên trục chính của sông Hồng tại trạm Sơn Tây (hạ nguồn của hệ thông sông Hồng trước khi chảy vào vùng đồng bằng), mục tiêu đầu tiên của luận án là nghiên cứu sự biến đổi theo thời gian tải lượng trung bình chất rắn lơ lửng của sông Hồng. Các kết quả cho thấy trong giai đoạn quan trắc, hàng năm sông Hồng chuyển tải ra biển khoảng 24×106 đến 200×106 tấn/năm (trung bình các năm là 90×106 tấn /năm), tương đương với hệ số xâm thực từ 160 đến 1330 tấn/km²/năm. Chính sự phụ thuộc mạnh mẽ của hàm lượng chất rắn lơ lửng vào các điều kiện thuỷ văn khác nhau đã tạo ra sự đa dạng về tải lượng chất rắn chuyển tải hàng năm của hệ thống sông Hồng. Tuy nhiên, trong những năm 1989-1990, khi hồ chứa Hoà Bình đi vào hoạt động, tải lượng chất rắn lơ lửng chuyển tải ra biển của hệ thống sông Hồng đã giảm sút còn khoảng 50×106 tấn, tức là đã giảm khoảng 50%. Dựa trên chiều cao và thể tích của hồ Hoà Bình, hệ số lắng đọng chất rắn lơ lửng trong lòng hồ được xác định vào khoảng 52-200 cm/năm. Như vậy, sau 20 năm đi vào hoạt động, độ dầy lớp bùn đất lắng đọng trong hồ Hoà Bình khoảng 10.4-40m, làm giảm đáng kể thể tích của hồ Hoà Bình.Mục tiêu tiếp theo của luận án là thiết lập cân bằng hàm lượng chất rắn lơ lửng trong các đoạn sông từ thượng nguồn sông Hồng (trạm Lào Cai), tại các hạ nguồn của 3 nhánh sông chính (sông Hồng tại Phú Thọ, sông Đà và sông Lô tại Việt Trì) và tại Sơn Tây trong thời kỳ 2003-2008. Diễn biến của các quá trình xói mòn, chuyển tải và lắng đọng diễn ra trên các đoạn sông một cách phức tạp, đan xen lẫn nhau và phụ thuộc chặt chẽ vào các điều kiện thuỷ văn. Tuy vậy, hiện tượng lắng đọng mạnh mẽ các chất rắn lơ lửng trong vùng hạ nguồn của hệ thống sông Hồng (từ Phú Thọ đến Sơn Tây) đã được ghi nhận trong tất cả các năm quan trắc, không phụ thuộc vào điều kiện thuỷ văn. Ngoài ra, dựa vào các số liệu thu thập được, chúng tôi đã lập bản đồ xói mòn cho toàn bộ lưu vực sông Hồng tại Việt Nam. Hơn thế, các kết quả còn chỉ ra rằng độ cao và độ dốc trung bình lưu vực là hai yếu tố chính ảnh hưởng đến hệ số xâm thực của lưu vực sông Hồng.Đánh giá chất lượng nước và chất lượng chất rắn lơ lửng chuyển tải trong hệ thống sông Hồng là mục tiêu thứ 3 của luận án. Để đạt được mục tiêu trên, chúng tôi đã tiến hành lấy các mẫu nước và chất rắn lơ lủng trên trục chính cũng như trên các nhánh sông chính của sông Hồng để phân tích hàm lượng các-bon hữu cơ và vô cơ cũng như hàm lượng kim loại nặng trong hai năm 2008-2009, với chu kì lấy mẫu hàng tuần đến hàng tháng. Hàm lượng các-bon hữu cơ (dạng hoà tan và lơ lửng) trong nước sông Hồng tương đối thấp tại tất cả các điểm lấy mẫu và nguồn gốc chính của các-bon hữu cơ là allochtone. Ngược lại, hàm lượng các-bon vô cơ hoà tan rất cao, chiếm khoảng 60-90% hàm lượng các-bon tổng và được giải thích bằng sự có mặt phong phú của núi đá vôi trên toàn lưu vực. Đối với kim loại nặng, dựa trên các kết quả phân tích về hàm lượng kim loại nặng trong nước và trong chất rắn lơ lửng và các tiêu chuẩn đánh giá chất lượng nước QCVN 08, chúng tôi đã đánh giá chất lượng nước cho toàn bộ hệ thống sông Hồng từ Lào Cai đến Sơn Tây. Nếu nước sông Hồng trên vùng thượng nguồn (tại Lào Cai và Phú Thọ) không đảm bảo chất lượng để có thể sử dụng làm nguồn nước sinh hoạt thì tại các vùng hạ lưu của sông Hồng, sông Đà và sông Lô, nhìn chung nước của 3 nhánh sông có thể dùng để cung cấp nước sinh hoạt nhưng phải qua các quá trình xử lí tách cặn lơ lửng. Hơn nữa, trong năm 2008, chúng tôi đã thực hiện hai chương trình lấy mẫu nước, chất rắn lơ lửng và trầm tích trên 40 điểm phân bố đều trên toàn bộ lưu vực sông Hồng tại Việt Nam trong mùa cạn và mùa mưa
Mathey, Eliette. "Optmisation numérique du refroidissement des moules d'injection de thermoplastiques basée sur la simulation des transferts thermiques par la méthode des éléments frontières." Toulouse 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU30264.
Full textIn this work, an optimization procedure of the cooling system is proposed. This procedure is based on numerical simulation of the cooling stage. Heat transfer during injection are simulated using a stationary or a transient model solved by the boundary element method and the dual reciprocity method. Numerical simulation is then used in an optimization loop to find the best combination of cooling system geometry and coolant parameters. A study of the possible parameters, objective functions, constraint handling techniques is carried out. Optimization is performed with a sequential quadratic programming method. Sensitivity analysis can be performed by a finite difference method or by direct differentiation. The optimization procedure is applied to 2D mould sections to study the effects of the objective function, the constraints and the simulation models used. Simulation results are also compared to experimental measures of mould temperatures
Grybos, Malgorzata. "Une approche expérimentale du rôle de la dissolution réductrice des oxyhydroxydes de fer et de la dynamique des matières organiques sur les transferts de métaux à l’interface sol / eau." Rennes 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REN1S131.
Full textIn wetland, large quantities of dissolved organic matter and trace metal (TM) are often released under reductive conditions. Knowing that both, iron oxyhydroxydes and organic matter (OM) are strong complexants for the TM, it is very difficult from a temporal soil solution chemical analysis to identify the responsible mechanism of these releases. The goals of this work was to identify the exact mechanisms of TM and OM transfers. The results showed that the majority of the mobilized TM are related to OM released by desorption in response to pH increase due to the reduction reactions. The reduction of iron oxyhydroxydes, up to now shown as being the principal cause of TM and OM release, brings only little of OM and TM into the solution. The bacteria seem preferentially reduce colloidal iron related to OM and not iron in inorganic solid form
Aubert, Dominique. "Contribution de l'altération et des apports atmosphériques aux transferts de matières en milieu silicaté : traçage par le strontium et les terres rares : cas du bassin versant du Strengbach (Vosges,France)." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001STR13202.
Full textIn silicate catchments, weathering and exchange processes in soils and bedrock contribute to neutralize acid atmospheric inputs by the way of base cation release in drainage waters. In this study, we combined several geochemical tracers (like Sr isotopes and rare earth elements) to describe precisely the mechanisms controlling the weathering processes, which greatly influence the fluxes of chemical elements transported in surface waters. For the first time in the Strengbach experimental catchment, the annual atmospheric input of Sr has been quantified. We also demonstrated that REE in atmospheric solutions and lichens have a natural origin like terrigeneous particles (loess) but could also originate from anthropic inputs, particularly from the fertilizers. Compared to the deep soil horizons, the shallow soil horizons are MREE and HREE depleted. The selective dissolution of MREE and HREE-rich minerals like apatite mostly contribute to the mobilization of these elements in the soils. On the opposite, dissolved and suspended matter in the drainage waters show HREE enrichment. Moreover, Sr and Nd isotope show the strong influence of apatite and plagioclase dissolution on the isotopic composition of dissolved and particulate phases of the surface waters. A specific Sr isotopes study in the Strengbach streamwaters show that the variations of 87Sr/86Sr ratios are related to discharge variations. In this respect, we demonstrated that three different contributive areas influence the Sr concentrations and the Sr isotopic ratios in streamwaters depending on hydrological conditions prevailing in the catchment
Chafi, Nafa. "Synthèses, caractérisation et hydrolyses de nouvelles formes galéniques avec des polymères supports de médicaments : étude de la libération contrôlée dans un milieu gastrique de Ph=1,2 : modélisation des transferts de matières." Saint-Etienne, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990STET4003.
Full textWielhorski, Yanneck. "Transferts de chaleur dans un écoulement de polymère fondu en régime non stationnaire - Application aux procédés d'extrusion et d'injection." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00606855.
Full textSaari, Hanna-Kaisa. "Dynamique saisonnière des transferts particulaires dans les systèmes fluviaux-estuariens : application des radioisotopes à courtes périodes : 234 Th, 7 Be et 210 Pb." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR13701/document.
Full textThe main objective of this study was to develop short-lived radioisotopes (234Th, 7Be and 210Pb) as tracers of particle transport in the Garonne-Dordogne-Gironde watershed. Firstly, the possibility to use 234Th/238U pair to study particle residence time in the Gironde fluvial-estuarine system was tested. The results show that dissolved 238U should be greater than 5 mBq l-1 to permit this application in fluvial systems. Secondly, the two years monitoring of natural radioisotopes, 234Th, 7Be and 210Pb, and artificial radioisotopes, 137Cs and 131I, in the Garonne and Lot rivers and in the Gironde Estuary, had allowed to observe the dynamic of particle transport, linked to the river flow. Based on this database, preliminary particle residence times and percentages of the new and old sediments were estimated. In the Lot and Garonne rivers, the particle retention ranges between 2-89 days during low and mean river discharges. The percentage of the new sediments is average 25 %, which indicates that the old resuspended sediments are dominated the suspended particulate matters (SPM). In the Gironde estuary, the particle residence time is mainly controlled by river discharge. The particle residence time during low river discharge is about 400 days. When the river discharge is increasing, the freshwaters are predominant in the estuary, the maximum turbidity zone (TMZ) is dispersed and the old sediments transported toward the ocean. During this period the particle residence time is only few months
El, Azzi Désirée. "Transfert de polluants organiques et inorganiques dans les hydrosystèmes en période de crue : interactions avec les matières en suspension et la matière organique." Toulouse 3, 2012. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1885/.
Full textThe mechanisms involved in the transfer of organic and inorganic pollutants to streams in agricultural watersheds are largely studied. However, few studies concern storm events responsible for the transportation of large quantities of pollutants to the outlet and they rarely take into account a multi-pollution dynamic. A heavy monitoring was therefore conducted during the storm event of May 2010 at the outlet of the Save river (1110 Km2) in the south west of France. The majority of pollutants and their controlling factors (dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) and suspended particulate matter (SPM)) are more concentrated during storm flow than base flow and their concentration increases with stream water discharge. Pollutants are also more concentrated during these events. Hydrograph separations showed that pollutants are primarily transported in the surface runoff adsorbed onto SPM when they have a low solubility (hydrophobic) and in the subsurface runoff linked to DOC when they are soluble. Different kinds of chemical bonds can exist between pollutants and the different SPM fractions (organic matter, clay and oxides). In order to investigate these bonds, we studied in particular Cu dynamic in the small wine growing catchment of Baillaury (18. 2 Km2), close to Banyuls sur Mer (Eastern Pyrénées), within the framework of the CRUMED project (EC2CO-INSU/CNRS). This Mediterranean type-flow regime stream is mostly cultivated with vineyards and has been treated with Bordeaux mixture for centuries. Moderate to significant enrichments of soils at different depth, river bottom sediments and suspended matters were revealed. Anthropogenic contribution to this enrichment is estimated between 50 and 85 % in all samples showing that the Cu present in the river is mainly due to agricultural practices. Sequential chemical extractions SCE) allow us to determine Cu distribution in the different residual and non-residual fractions (exchangeable, acido-soluble, Mn and Fe oxides, organic matter), showing that anthropogenic Cu is mainly adsorbed onto iron oxides. The isotopic Cu composition measured in each fraction shows that Cu transported in solution and adsorbed onto organic matter seems to be associated without any fractioning. Gross samples have signatures similar to the bedrock and so studying the detailed SCE fractions is essential. Combining SCE and isotopic signatures is a powerful tool to understand Cu distribution and transfer in the environment. However, in the environment, a pollutant is rarely alone and other pollutants can influence its fate. Therefore, in order to investigate the influence of the presence of other pollutants on a pollutant's adsorption, organic (two pesticides: alachlore and aclonifen) and inorganic (two heavy metals: Cu and Cd) pollutants adsorption on natural SPM (collected in the Save river during the flood) were studied. Most studied pollutants were influenced by the presence of one or more other pollutants in the water, trace metals to a lesser extent than pesticides. The order of presence in the water also influences the adsorption rate of the pollutant onto SPM. The mutual influence can be due to competition for the same adsorption sites or to the creation of complexes between pollutants. These complexes can modify the adsorption capacities of each pollutant. These original results obtained in this work open up new perspectives and requests
Aimar, Pierre. "Mécanismes de transfert de matière en ultrafiltration." Toulouse 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987TOU30166.
Full textThoury-Monbrun, Valentin. "Formalisation des relations structure/propriétés de transfert de matière dans un biocomposite modèle." Thesis, Montpellier, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018MONTG048/document.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to formalize the relationships between the structure and mass transfer properties (sorption, diffusion, permeability) in biocomposites for food packaging. It raises two main scientific questions: (i) how to evaluate the mass transfer properties in micrometric size vegetal particles and (ii) how to formalize the impact of the interphase on mass transfer properties by using experimental and modeling approaches. For this purpose, a model system has been considered, i.e. a biocomposite polypropylene (PP)/ micrometric cellulose particles, produced by melt extrusion. The first part of this work focuses on the development of reliable methodologies to characterize mass transfer properties in micrometer size particles. A new method based on the use of a quartz crystal microbalance coupled to an absorption system has been developed and critically compared to classical methods such as DVS. The accurate characterization of the particle morphology distribution is a key point for estimating diffusivity parameters. The second objective is dedicated to the quantitative characterization of the 3D microstructure using X-ray micro-tomography. Structural parameters are used in biphasic and triphasic (consideration of the interphase) models of mass transfer. This thesis brings new knowledge in the modeling of structure / mass transfer properties relations in biocomposites, which is the necessary step for developing biocomposites based on a reverse engineering approach
Jamnongwong, Marupatch. "Transfert de matière gaz/liquide en milieux complexes." Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ISAT0040/document.
Full textThe gas/liquid mass transfer is an essential step in process engineering. It directly affects theperformance of gas/liquid reactor in being often limiting process efficiency. The objective of this studyis to propose new investigations in order to study (i) the effect on oxygen diffusion coefficients underthe presence in clean water of some compounds usually found in biological process and (ii) quantifytheir consequences on liquid-side mass transfer coefficients. The oxygen diffusioncoefficients DO2 were measured in various synthetic liquid phases containing either salt (NaCl), sugar(glucose) or surfactant (sodium laurylsulphate). When compared to clean water, reductionsof DO2 were observed; the variation of DO2 with the compound concentration C was modeled andfound dependent on the nature of the compound added. Then, to determine the liquid side masstransfer coefficient kL, experiments on a train of bubbles rising in a quiescent liquid phase were carriedout by the same synthetic liquid phases. For all cases, whatever the aqueous solutions, a decreaseof kL with increasing C was clearly observed. These results firstly showed that, even if the properties ofclean water (density, viscosity, surface tension) were not significantly changed by the addition of salts(NaCl), the liquid-side mass transfer coefficients could be modified. For the aqueous solutions ofglucose, the reduction of kL with DO2 was well correlated, and mainly due to the change in viscositywith concentration. For surfactants, the hydrodynamic conditions (i.e. bubble Reynolds number) beingalmost kept constant for all concentrations, only the change in DO2 was thus responsible for thedecrease of kL. The present study clearly confirmed the need to complete and/or account for thedatabase related to oxygen diffusion coefficients and liquid side mass transfer coefficient in complexmedia (electrolytic solution, organic solution and surfactant). This condition is imperatively required todescribe and to model appropriately the gas-liquid mass transfer phenomena
Crouvisier-Urion, Kevin. "Etude des propriétés mécaniques et de transfert de matière des bouchons en liège aggloméré et application à la conservation des vins effervescents." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UBFCK023.
Full textThe agglomerated cork stopper plays a key role in the preservation of sparkling wines because the gas exchanges (CO2 and O2) between the wine and the external environment depend on the stopper. The objective of this work is to determine the mechanical and barrier properties of agglomerated cork stoppers in order to identify the formulation parameters that can impact these properties, and highlight several critical points, which must be controlled during the process.The characterization of the agglomerated cork structure has revealed a large intergranular porosity, which is greatly reduced when smaller cork granules are used and when the cork is compressed in the bottleneck.The study of the mechanical properties of agglomerated cork shows that the elasticity of the material increases with the hydration of the material, the use of small cork granules and adhesive polymer with a low proportion of crystalline phase. On the other hand, the adhesive content within the agglomerated cork does not seem to have an impact on the mechanical properties.Concerning the transfer properties of agglomerated cork stoppers for sparkling wines, the CO2 diffusion coefficients were measured, for the first time, in the various parts of the stopper (agglomerated body, adhesive film, cork disc). The diffusion is essentially governed by a surface diffusion mechanism through the adhesive network. The more the adhesive network is homogeneous within the agglomerated body and between the two washers, the higher the barrier properties will be. Compression of the cork in the bottleneck greatly increases the barrier properties.Finally, it seems that the mechanical and transfer properties of agglomerated cork are slightly impacted by the aging provided that the network of polyurethane glue is not in contact with a highly concentrated ethanol medium, due to solvolysis phenomena that can occur and thus cause a strong degradation of the barrier and mechanical properties of the material.Keyword: Natural cork, agglomerated cork, structure, mechanical properties, gas transfer, surface diffusion, aging
Barrut, Bertrand. "Etude et optimisation du fonctionnement d’une colonne airlift à dépression - Application à l’aquaculture." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON20125.
Full textThe aim of this work was to study the three functions of a vacuum airlift, which are water pumping, mass transfer and foam fractionation. The investigations mainly focused on the treatment of fish culture water and on phytoplancton harvesting. Each function was studied separately, in order to assess the performance of the vacuum airlift with specific operating conditions. By studying the airlift pump, the effects of water and diffuser types, air injection conditions and depression level were shown. In fresh water, bubble coalescence was observed, which reduced gas holdup compared to sea water. Consequently, the water flow of the vacuum airlift appeared higher in fresh water than in sea water (30 to 35 m3.h-1 against 10 to 20 m3.h-1) for the same air flow rate (5 m3.h-1). Conversely, the available lift height was higher in sea water (up to 0.8 m) than in fresh water (0.6 m maximum). For low head aquaculture systems, the vacuum airlift may be an economical pumping system which allows a 40 % energy saving compared to centrifugal pumps. The vacuum airlift had a mass transfer efficiency similar to other gas transfer systems. The KLa values calculated for CO2 desorption ranged between 0.002 and 0.01 s-1. They were four times lower than those obtained for oxygen transfer in similar conditions. Mass transfer efficiencies ranged between 0.02 and 0.023 Kg.KW.h-1 for CO2 and between 1.52 and 1.8 Kg.KW.h-1 for O2. Mass transfer velocities significantly depended on air flow rate, water temperature, average bubble size and the presence of feed in the rearing tank. They are weakly depending on salinity, depression level, inner tube length or water flow. At last, foam fractionation increased when air flow and bubble size were reduced. The extraction efficiency decreased when the concentration of the extracted product increased (maximal concentration factor around130). The vacuum airlift appeared to be as a high-performance multifunctional system, even if the maximal efficiency for each of the functions corresponds to different operating conditions. This process could be used in a large scope of fields ranging from aquaculture to industrial water treatment
Picard, Charlotte. "Transfert de matière dans un biofilm aéré sur membrane." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00650179.
Full textAbdelmoumni, Lei͏̈la. "Epuration et transfert de matière en réacteur anaérobie membranaire." Montpellier 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON20095.
Full textGafrej, Raoudha. "Modélisation conceptuelle du transfert des matières en suspension : effets d'échelles spatio-temporelles." Paris 6, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA066372.
Full textBouquerel, Mathias. "Influence des transferts hygro-aérauliques sur les transferts thermiques dans les super-isolants nanostructurés sous vide." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00833210.
Full textAboutaybi, Abdelhakim. "Transferts de matière dans les polymères PVC, PU : modélisation et expérimentation." Saint-Etienne, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990STET4016.
Full textViné, Thibaut. "Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation des transferts de matière et d’énergie lors des opérations culinaires de cuisson par contact." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASB015.
Full textCooking is one of the most common food processing operations at both domestic and industrial scale. Among the many cooking methods, contact cooking has received very little attention in the literature, particularly with regard to the transfers of mass and energy within the food and between the food and its environment. This is mostly due to the metrological and theoretical difficulties involved in the study of contact heat transfer in food processes. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding and prediction of mass and energy transfers during contact cooking and to provide new tools (especially numerical ones) to better dimension and monitor this operation. To achieve this objective, an approach combining experimental study and modelling of transfer phenomena has been achieved. An instrumented cooking device was designed in order to carry out a large experimental campaign aimed at studying the impact of several heating conditions on the cooking of three products: potato, pancake and omelet. The results enabled the development and validation of several models capable of accurately predicting the temperature rises and water losses of these products during cooking. These models are generic enough to be easily adaptable from one product to another and transposable to different contact cooking processes
Zhu, Yan. "Rational design of plastic packaging for alcoholic beverages." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLA020.
Full textThe view of plastic food packaging turned from useful to a major source of contaminants in food and an environmental threat. Substituting glass by recycled or biosourced plastic containers reduces environmental impacts for bottled beverages. The thesis developed a 3D computational and optimization framework to accelerate the prototyping of eco-efficient packaging for alcoholic beverages. Shelf-life, food safety, mechanical constraints, and packaging wastes are considered into a single multicriteria optimization problem. New bottles are virtually generated within an iterative three steps process involving: i) a multiresolution [E]valuation of coupled mass transfer; ii) a [D]ecision step validating technical (shape, capacity, weight) and regulatory (shelf-life, migrations) constraints; iii) a global [Solving] step seeking acceptable Pareto solutions. The capacity to predict shelf-life of liquors in real conditions was tested successfully on ca. 500 hundred bottle min iatures in PET (polyethylene terephthalate) over several months. The entire approach has been designed to manage any coupled mass transfer (permeation, sorption, migration). Mutual sorption is considered via polynary Flory-Huggins formulation. A blob formulation of the free-volume theory of Vrentas and Duda was developed to predict the diffusion properties in glassy polymers of water and organic solutes in arbitrary polymers (polyesters, polyamides, polyvinyls, polyolefins). The validation set included 433 experimental diffusivities from literature and measured in this work. The contribution of polymer relaxation in glassy PET was analyzed in binary and ternary differential sorption using a cosorption microbalance from 25 to 50°C. Part of the framework will be released as an open-source project to encourage the integration of more factors affecting the shelf-life of beverages and food products (oxidation kinetics, aroma scalping)
Knoth, de Zarruk Katrin. "Transferts réactifs et mobilité de la matière organique dissoute dans les sols." Avignon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AVIG0605.
Full textDOM is present in all soils, waters and organic wastes and can be important in binding and co-transporting metals and organic polluants, there fore endangering the quality of potable waters. Dom is higly variable over space and time, which complicates its characterization. A new approach to DOM, a bottom-up approach is presented that concentrates on the molecular composition of DOM. By the means of a thorough literature research, the importance of simple individual compounds in environmental processes is demonstrated. Dialysis of DOM from different sources revealed a great variability of DOM samples in respect of molecular composition and size. Eighty, 70, 50 and 40% of the total organic carbon (TOC) was found in the fractions with low molecular weight in vinasse, leaf compost, soil and chicken manure, respectively. More than 40% of the TOC in vinasse and leaf compost belonged to the fraction with a molecular weight <500 Da, revealing the abundance of small weight in vinasse, suggesting a potential co-transport of copper by low molecular weight compounds. In order to enable us to better estimate the true co-transport of copper by low molecular weight compounds, column experiments were conducted to determine sorption and biodegradation dynamics for a set of selected compounds (glucose, glucosamine, glucuronic acid, alanine, citric acid, acetic acid, caffeic acid, dextran). Results showed that functional group content plays a major role in compound mobility. Even seemingly similar molecules that only differ in one functional group are sorbed and biodegraded in very different manners. Afters combining metal-complexing with sorption and biodegradation parameters, acetic acid was found to be the compound with the highest co-transport potential
Castellani, Sandrine. "Etude des transferts de matière dans les procédés d'extraction par fluide supercritique." Paris 13, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA132006.
Full textPérou, Anne-Laure. "Étude des transferts de matière et de chaleur dans des matériaux polymériques." Saint-Etienne, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997STET4024.
Full textMotedayen, Ali Akbar. "Novel stratified self-assembled Polyehtylene-Organoclay films for food packaging." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016MONTT156.
Full textInspired by the traditional Layer-by-Layer (LbL) assembly technique, this PhD study demonstrates the first effort to develop a novel methodology for multilayer self-assembly on the basis of hydrophobic interactions and further physical adsorption to fabricate stratified Polyethylene(LLDPE)-organoclay(OMMT) nano-enabled composite film. In contrary to the electrostatic LbL technique, here, the multilayer films were synthesized by starting from an uncharged apolar polymer substrate and successively depositing apolar organoclay and uncharged apolar PE layers with subsequent repeating depositions. The alternate variation of contact angle (85° average for organoclay and 107° for PE layers) confirmed the profilometry and the scanning electron microscopy results as well as the linear growth pattern, i.e. the successful highly stratified assembly of repetitive bilayers comprised of 450 nm organoclays and 2.25 µm PE layers. Further characterization tests were performed to evaluate the effect of the main identified process parameters (concentration, temperature, rinsing and drying steps, and solvent type) variation on the formation and thickness growth of the films. As a consequence, the high dependence of the self-assembly’s growth to the tested process parameters was showed by the obtained experimental results. The barrier properties of the multilayer films were also evaluated by characterizing the Water vapour, Oxygen (O2), and Carbon dioxide (CO2) permeability as well as the water vapour sorption. A 5-bilayer (OMMT/PE) coating (∼14 µm thick) reduced the O2 permeability of a 160 µm-thick PE film by 84.4% and the CO2 permeability by 70%, while the WVP was reduced by 45%. These permeability reductions obtained by only 2.4 v/v % of nanoclay addition level were found to be significantly greater compared to the reduction values reported in the literature for prepared blend PE/organoclay nanocomposites. This knowledge can be used in the establishment of an approach to produce stratified micro/nanostructures with tailored barrier properties for food packaging application
Toudji, Sid-Ali Amine. "Pervaporation de composés purs : approche expérimentale du couplage entre transfert de matière et transfert de chaleur." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0100.
Full textThe aim of this work is to study the pervaporation process and specifically to understand the mass and heat transport mechanisms in a dense polymeric membrane. A better understanding of these mechanisms would make it possible to improve the limiting parameters for the development of this process, such as the low mass fluxes as well as the origin and the quantity of heat required for transport through the membrane. In order to answer these questions, we have developed an experimental setup that allows simultaneous measurement of mass flux and heat flux density. The dead-end permeation of the setup developed gives access to the temperature profile of the liquid feed. These temperature data make possible the estimation of the heat flux densities engaged during the pervaporation experiments by means of an inverse computation coupled with a STAR CCM + simulation. The mass flux is measured by a new method in addition to the gravimetric method used as a reference. The new method uses a pressure sensor located in the feed tank to continuously measure the mass flux with 1Hz raw acquisition frequency synchronized with the temperature measurement. In order to simplify the experimental constraints, we applied only permeation of pure liquids. The correlation of the two fluxes (mass and heat density) measured led us to observe that the amount of heat taken to the feed side to pervaporate a unit mass of pure liquid is less than the amount of heat required to vaporize the same liquid. It represents 50% of it in the case of water and only 25% in the case of the ethanol
Rosca, Iosif-Daniel. "Applications du transfert de matière et chaleur : transfert de contaminant entre emballage cylindrique et aliment solide." Saint-Etienne, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998STET4027.
Full textTaddei, Christine. "Mécanismes influençant le transfert de matière lors de l'ultrafiltration de lactosérum." Toulouse 3, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986TOU30169.
Full textTiwari, Akhilesh. "Caractérisation du transfert de matière par condensation sur une plaque horizontale." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00708562.
Full textParis, Johanne. "Etude et modélisation des mécanismes de transfert de matière en ultrafiltration." Aix-Marseille 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AIX30109.
Full textThis study essentially deals with the description and modelling of mass transport phenomena in ultrafiltration. First, according to an experimental study under controlled conditions, various resistances to the mass transfer were underlined and the influence of experimental parameters on the relative importance of each of them was studied. Then, modelling was used in order to predict permeate flux as a function of operating conditions such as initial concentration, mean velocity, transmembrane pressure. In the light of previously published results as well as new experimental results, we discussed the most classical models such as the gel-polarization model, the osmotic pressure model, the resistance-in-series model. No doubt that the first two models are based on deficient assumptions. Moreover, despite several modifications, the resistance-in-series model fails in predicting permeate fluxes. Nevertheless, these models require the knowledge of the mass transfer coefficient k which can be in principle estimated by correlations including Sherwood number. Classical correlations and corrected correlations published were investigated. Due to strong coupling of the transport phenomena (diffusion- convection- high concentration at the membrane surface) close to the membrane, a reliable mass transfer coefficient is difficult to obtain. Thus we have developed a new two-dimensional model based on the numerical resolution of the convective and diffusion equations. This model makes it possible to predict permeate flux according to the operating conditions such as transmembrane pressure, initial concentration, velocity and membrane length. This model was tested using two different solutes and two kind of membranes and good prediction of flux is obtained
Grandclaudon, Martine. "Etude du transfert de matière à l'interface gaz-liquide par chimiluminescence." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990NAN10386.
Full textCommenge, Jean-Marc. "Réacteurs microstructurés : hydrodynamique, thermique, transfert de matière et applications aux procédés." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2001. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_2001_COMMENGE_JM.pdf.
Full textThe present manuscript presents an analysis of flow and transport phenomena in microstructure reactors, their influence on the behavior of the reactors and the major interest and areas of application for the use of microtechnology in ptocess engineering. Hydrodynamic conditions and space-times in the numerous channèls are accurately controlled by appropriate design of the reactor. The residence time distribution, although narrow in a single microchannel, is significantly dispersed in the reactor due to flow singularities. Nevertheless, microstructured reactors are suited to periodic operation at frequencies higher than 1 Hz. The thermal behavior, characterized by significant axial conduction, leads to spatial isothermicity in metallic reactors and requires the use of poody conducting ni'aterials to maintain temperature gradients. Under transient conditions, following a step change in fluid temperatures; the reactor temperature variation can be represented by two characteristic times, one internal, the other external. In mass transfer, an axial diffusion effect can predominate with respect to convection, which increases the Sherwood number and back-mixing. Nevertheless, the determination of kinetic parameters being accurate for the low Damkohler numbers attainable, microchannelreactors provide favorable conditions for the study of rapid, reactions. A synthesis of the above-mentioned points indicates several advantages for microstructured reactors, such as a significant energy saving induced by the structuring of the,flow in' parallel channels. Intensification of heat exchange in microchanne1 dimensions limits therisks of thermal runaway by removing heat generatedhy exothermic reactions and allows miniaturization of production units without loss in productivity. Finally, lleat and mass transfer by conduction and diffusion are favored with respect to reacticin and hence microstructured reactors are well suited to kinetic measurement and to development of new processes limited by heat and mass transfer
Heyouni, Abderrahim. "Hydrodynamique et transfert de matière gaz-liquide dans les mélangeurs statiques." Toulouse, INSA, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ISAT0001.
Full textThe objective of this study was to characterize the two-phase flow hydrodynamic behaviour and mass transfer in a static mixer in a horizontal pipe. Different arrangements of elements of the static mixer were tested and their performances compared. The pressure drop, bubble diameters and mass transfer coefficient were measured. The influence of operating conditions was also studied. A different correlations are proposed and compared with other correlations found in the literature
Corne, Florian. "Microfluidique et cinétique de transfert de matière : application à un procédé d'extraction liquide-liquide réactive d'actinide." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019INPT0076.
Full textAn innovative microfluidic parallel co-current flow process has been developed to study the mass transfer kinetics of the system uranium(VI)-HNO3 / TBP-TPH. Due to the use of this chemical system in the spent fuel recycling, the kinetics of the uranium(IV) transfer has already been studied and the overall kinetic constant is available. Nevertheless, the chemical kinetic constant has not yet be determine because of the high molecular diffusion resistance at macroscopic scale. Thanks to miniaturization of the studying microfluidic device and the high velocities flows, those molecular diffusions resistances are strongly reduces then the chemical kinetic constant is supposed to be reachable. Our first studies in confocal microscopy confirm a straight liquid-liquid interface across the depth of the micro-channel and along the flow, even at high speed. Extractions experiments have highlighted a strong phase homogenization which get more important has the initial uranium(VI) concentration increase. Moreover, 2D modelling with COMSOL or Scilab confirms the previous observations where the experimental fits are only validated considering the presence of a solute Marangoni phenomenon. In this case and especially at 50 g/L of uranium(VI), the radial velocity generated by the Marangoni effect is high enough to consider that outlets uranium(VI) concentrations are equivalent to the interfacial concentrations. So, we have estimated the chemical kinetic constant of uranium(VI)-HNO3 3 M / TBP-TPH to be near 3.2x10-4 m/s with a first order reaction for the uranium(VI) in chemical mass transfer condition
Bassama, Joseph. "Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la formation de l'acrylamide lors de l'opération de friture : cas du plantain." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON20010.
Full textAcrylamide, a molecule known as a carcinogen, appears during heat treatment of asparagine and sugars rich foods at high temperature (> 120 ° C). Deep frying produces this compound at levels close to 0.44 ppm for plantain chips, these foods being widely consumed in developing countries. The aim of the present work is to better understand the accumulation of acrylamide during the process of plantain-based products. In this context, the level of precursors (asparagine) was obtained firstly in different varieties of bananas and also during ripening of an export plantain variety (Harton). These results allowed identifying asparagine as a limiting factor of acrylamide formation in plantain. Afterwards, a kinetic study of the coupling between temperature and water activity was undertaken in a closed system. The field of study consisted of four temperatures of treatment (140, 160, 180 and 200 ° C) and three water activities (0.43, 0.9, 0.97). The kin etics of formation and elimination of acrylamide was translated by the sum of 2 order 1 kinetics. The kinetic parameters were identified and showed that temperature is the parameter that influences the most acrylamide kinetic. The kinetic model, in a further step, was coupled to a model describing energy and steam transfers during frying. The model simulated well water and acrylamide content in two plantain-based fried products: "Tajada" (produced thick) and "tostones" (thin product). The coupling between transfers and reaction were discussed in order to identify strategies to reduce acrylamide. It was demonstrated that acrylamide formation occurs almost exclusively in the hygroscopic and peripheral area (crust). Thus, conducting frying process at varying temperatures is recommended and can reduce by at least 50% the acrylamide content. The varietal selection and the ripeness degree of plantain are more flexible ways to control upstream the levels of acrylamide in the final product. Immersion pretreatments were also effective to reduce significantly acrylamide. However, the formulation of antioxidant molecules did not appear to have reduction effect
Fey, Pauline Héloise Aline. "Transferts de matière organique et fonctionnement des réseaux trophiques côtiers aux îles Marquises." Thesis, Nouvelle Calédonie, 2019. https://hal-unc.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03180365/document.
Full textThe Marquesas archipelago is distinguished from the Polynesian group by many environmental and ecological peculiarities. The hydrodynamic conditions seem to generate local nutrient enrichment process, which contrast with oligotrophic conditions usually encountered around the coral ecosystems. These rich waters seem to favor a high phytoplankton primary production. The Marquesas Islands atypical coral structure, associated with high primary production, suggests particular trophic relationships. In the system, phytoplankton is an important organic matter source, with high nutritional quality, supported by macrophytobenthos. Terrestrial OM sources have only a little influence. Despite the dominance of phytoplankton in OM pools (POM and SOM), macroalgae seem to contribute mainly to the food web functioning, with the support of phytoplankton, especially during phytoplankton bloom (cold season). These observations suggest a benthic-pelagic coupling in OM supply in the food web. The marine primary producers have significantly higher δ15N isotopic signatures than in other parts of the South Pacific. These high isotopic values are also identified for consumers and show seasonal variability, probably reflecting variations in nutrient intakes available to primary producers. These variations would reflect the hydrodynamic processes intensification during the cold season, highlighted in other studies, allowing a rise in nutrients in surface water.However, although Marquesan food webs have high nitrogen isotopic signatures and significant contributions from phytoplankton, the structure and functioning of communities remains similar for other coral ecosystems observed
Dardour, Houda. "Étude des machines frigorifiques à absorption et à absorption-diffusion utilisant un mélange d'alcanes : étude systémique et modélisation rigoureuse de l'absorbeur." Thesis, Pau, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PAUU3013/document.
Full textThis work is aimed primarily to investigate the feasibility limits and the performance of absorption and absorption-diffusion cooling machines using light alkane mixture as working pairs and secondarily to analyze the absorption process along a falling film absorber in the presence of an inert gas. It is shown that in the case of water cooling the best performances are those of an absorption machine using the C₃H₈/n-C₉H₂₀ binary mixture with a COP of about 0.51 in the heat driving temperature range 110-125℃. A COP of about 0.44 is attained with an absorption-diffusion cooling machine using the same mixture in combination with hydrogen with a heat driving temperature of 120℃. A detailed study of the absorption process with the C₃H₈/n-C₉H₂₀ pair and hydrogen as inert gas is conducted. The study results show that the heat and the mass transfer resistances are both prevalent in the vapor phase. An absorption rate of about 34% through an exchange surface of 0.15m² is calculated. A parametric study is carried out to evaluate the system response to the changes of its main characteristic parameters. This study allows a better understanding of the complex behavior of the absorption process in the presence of an inert gas
Del, Pozo Mariano. "Transfert de matière et de chaleur particule-liquide en lit fluidise gaz liquide-solide." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992INPL044N.
Full textPouliot, Kathleen. "Détermination du coefficient de transfert de matière en fermentations liquide et solide." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape8/PQDD_0011/MQ41994.pdf.
Full textDrelich, Audrey. "Emulsions formulées avec des particules de silice : caractérisation, stabilité, transfert de matière." Compiègne, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009COMP1821.
Full textThis topic of this dissertation is the formulation and characterization of emulsions prepared with solid particles only, without any added emulsifier. The objective of this work is to understand the role of the particles on the emulsion structure and stability. Different techniques such as granulometry, calorimetry, tensiometry and rheology were used to characterize emulsions. A first part, dedicated to formulation, shows the possibility to formulated simple (w/o and o/w) and complex (multiple and mixed) emulsions solely with silica particles. The influence of parameters such as the hydrophobicity of the particles, the amount particles used and the energy required for emulsification, was analysed in order to establish formulation rules related to our systems. A second part, devoted to w/o emulsion stability, allowed to better understand the mechanism of emulsion stabilization by the formation of a 3D network of particles in the continuous phase and a steric barrier of particles around droplets. It also shows the possibility to destabilize these emulsions by destruction of the 3D network of particles by addition of surface-active molecules. A third part, dedicated to mass tranfer observed between droplets of different composition (mixed o/w emulsions), allowed to develop a methodology based on the formulation of referential emulsions prepared withe particles only. It resulted into the modelling of transfer kinetics and evidenced a mechanism of transport by solubilisation-diffusion in presence of micelles in emulsified systems
Benghalem, Abderrazak. "Transfert de matière dans des matériaux polymériques solides avec diverses applications pharmaceutiques." Lyon 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994LYO10321.
Full textPontalier, Pierre-Yves. "Identification et modélisation au transfert de matière dans des membranes de nanofiltration." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1996. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_1996_PONTALIER_P_Y.pdf.
Full textRollet, Véronique. "Transfert de matière en pervaporation application à la deshydratation de mélanges complexes." Compiègne, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000COMP1319.
Full textThe aim of our study is the understanding of laws governing mass transfer in pervaporation. The design of an optimised coupled distillation-pervaporation process able to desydrate multi-component water-alcohol mixtures (Fuser and Light oils and a water-IPA-salt mixture) is the target of this work Water-éthanol binary mixtures are separated by pervaporation through a new synthezised PVA-PAA (90-10) membrane. The sorption of water and ethanol by the membrane are studied experimentally and described by an empirical approach; a synergy of sorption between ethanol and water is observed and modelised. Three different solution-diffusion models are used to describe the mass transfer experiments : the key-component- the total-free-volume- and six-parameter model are studied. The mass transfer parameters are computed from binary pervaporation results at nit downstream pressure. The three theoretical approaches are checked by computing the fluxes when the upstream pressure varies: the predicted fluxes using the TFV- and KC- equations are in agreement with the experimental results. For the six-parameter model, the prediction is less precise. The concentration and temperature polarisation at the upstream liquid-membrane interface are described by Nusselt and Sherwood type correlations winch could predict fairly the experimental fluxes observed when both polarisations occurred simultaneously. Finally, some engineering aspects of pervaporation are studied. A GFT commercial membrane is employed to dehydrate multicomponent water-alcohol mixtures. The mass transfer equations are obtained from lab scale and pilot-scale pervaporation units. A new process simulation method is proposed for multistage, multicomponent pervaporation when each module is modelised as a non-isothermal plug-slow reactor. To optimize the separation a coupled pervaporation-distillation process is simulated