Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Transfert de sédiment'
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Bertin, Delphine. "Transfert des composés perfluorés des sédiments aux invertébrés benthiques." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO10274.
Full textThe accumulation of persistent compounds in biota creates environmental, health and regulatory concerns. Among these substances, the poly-fluorinated compounds (PFASs) represents a case of interest due to their specific physicochemical properties. So the PFAs behavior in the environment is difficult to predict as the existing tools are not suitable. Athough it is recognized that these compounds are persistent and accumulate in biota, many knowledge gaps remain, including the mechanisms of sediment-biota transfer and the factors that control them. This thesis examines the role of sediment in the accumulation process, especially (a) exposure routes of biota, (b) role of biodiversity in the accumulation, by exposing two benthic invertebrates (Chironomus riparius and Gammarus sp.) to natural sediment. The description of PFASs kinetics of accumulation and elimination have showed the biodisponibility of the compounds to organisms. Thus, a bioaccumulation model including the organisms growth and the specificity of the compounds was used to estimate the accumulation and depuration rate constants (ku and ke). A conceptual representation of compounds transfer allowed us to understand the major routes for organisms contamination. Moreover, the interspecific variability has been assessed by comparing the PFASs bioaccumulation and transfer pathways for both invertebrates. This thesis have helped to open up many issues, and especially the influence of both biofilm and organism bioturbation onPFASs bioaccumulation. Moreover some new perspectives on the study of biomagnification were opened
Véron, Alain. "Dynamique du transfert du plomb dans l'océan atlantique Nord-Est depuis l'atmosphère jusqu'au sédiment." Paris 11, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA112025.
Full textIsaure, Marie-Pierre. "Spéciation et transfert du zinc dans un dépôt de sédiment de curage contaminé : évolution le long du profil pédologique." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00717491.
Full textBuscail, Roselyne. "Le cycle du carbone sur une marge continentale : aspects biogéochimiques du transfert de la matière organique à l'interface eau-sédiment." Perpignan, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PERP0123.
Full textSmith, Rose-Michelle. "Transfert de polluants émergents issus du secteur de la santé entre les compartiments sol/sédiment et eau en présence de cuivre- Effet cocktail." Thesis, Reims, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REIMS047.
Full textThis thesis aims at studying the behaviour of pharmaceuticals in the environment at sediment/soil-water interfaces in order to better understand the involved processes following their release, their fate and their impact. Thus, the retention of four pharmaceuticals was investigated on different solids (soil/sediment). The cation exchange capacity has been identified as the parameter governing the propranolol retention and the pH value governing sotalol adsorption. In the case of contaminant mixtures, a competition for the surface sites was evidenced with in particular a decrease of sotalol and furosemide adsorption.The influence of copper, a ubiquitous metal in the environment, on pharmaceutical retention was also studied. Although copper did not influence the retention of propranolol, sotalol and furosemide, its presence increased the mobility of sulfamethoxazole in the environment by decreasing its adsorption. Finally, it has been shown that the presence of these pollutants in the environment induced toxic effects on aquatic organisms
Torres, Escamez José. "Analyse détaillée du transfert de sédiment du continent vers le bassin : le quaternaire terminal au large du delta du Rhône (Méditerranée nord-occidentale)." Brest, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BRES2028.
Full textChalaux, Thomas. "Impact of decontamination and recultivation of agricultural soils on sediment and radiocaesium transfers in Fukushima rivers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASJ037.
Full textSignificant quantities of radionuclides (mainly radiocesium) were deposited on the soils of Northeastern Japan after the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant in March 2011. Starting from late 2013, the Japanese authorities initiated an unprecedented large-scale decontamination programme in cultivated and residential areas affected by the main radioactive plume (8953 km2). The main objective was not to expose local inhabitants to radioactive doses exceeding 1 mSv yr−1 in addition to the natural levels, in order to allow a rapid return of the local inhabitants and the resumption of agricultural activities. In these areas, decontamination consisted of removing the uppermost 5-cm layer of soil that concentrated radiocesium (90-99%) and then replacing it with saprolite sand extracted from local quarries opened for this purpose. Decontamination targeted a minor proportion of the landscape, as farmland covers less than 10% of this region. Furthermore, as agricultural land started to be re-cultivated, many questions were raised regarding the impact of this decontamination work on the transfer of radiocesium into rivers and across landscapes. A multi-proxy sediment tracing approach was designed to quantify the evolution of sources of sediment and particle-bound radiocesium transiting river systems draining the main contamination plume since the accident, through the combined analysis of sediment cores and river flood deposits collected across the region. In 2021, Japanese authorities announced the potential reopening of parts of the Difficult-to-Return zone without obligatory decontamination from Spring 2023 onwards. The current research reconstructed and compared the sources and transfers of sediment and radiocesium in three contrasted catchments (i.e., Mano Dam, Yokokama Dam and Ogaki Dam) where different management modes (and schedules) were implemented. This will shed light into the impact of different management decisions and their timing (early-decontamination or late-decontamination) on sediment and radiocesium transfers in these unique post-accidental conditions
Durin, Bertrand. "Transfert et transport colloïdal de polluants métalliquesApplications en assainissement routier." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00104567.
Full textCoulon, Fanny. "Contribution à l’étude des sédiments marins lors d'opérations de dragage portuaire : re-sédimentation et mobilisation de la pollution organique." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014MON20056/document.
Full textIn the framework of Port-Camargue dredge (ECODREDGE-MED project), the main objective was to study the dredged sediment re-sedimentation and matter transfers (particular and molecular matter). An experimental characterization approach was realized in order to study these phenomena working at different scales : macroscopic (sedimentation mechanisms), mesoscopic (particular matter mobilization) and molecular (sorption phenomena). These research works focused on study of five sediments and their granular fractions. A dispersion granular method was developed and highlighted the importance to verify dispersion quality of processes concerning study of granular fractions. Morpho-granular approach used in theses works permitted to highlight cohesive aspect of sediments and to identify different agglomerate types. This approach was also used to propose a classification method of sediments, based on limon/sand ratio determination by laser granulometry.Secondly, re-sedimentation behavior was investigated studying physico-chemical stability of particles in the water column with a suspension analyszer (Turbiscan MA2000). The results contributed knowledge on sedimentation mechanisms and parameter (limon/sand ratio, salinity and volume fraction) influence. With the use of TOC analyze (Total Organic Carbone), matter transfers were identified in water column, via interparticular phenomena (agglomeration/dispersion) and sorption phenomena (adsorption/désorption)
Foucher, Anthony. "Reconstitution de la cascade sédimentaire en contexte de plaine agricole drainée : sources, voies de transfert et stockage de matière dans le bassin versant du Louroux (Indre et Loire)." Thesis, Tours, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUR4031/document.
Full textSoil erosion is identified as one of the main factors influencing the physico-chemical degradation of the aquatic environments. This phenomenon has been largely described on contrasted topographic areas but there is a gap of knowledge about sediment mobilization/transfer in lowland areas despite the high connectivity level between the potential sources of sediment and the water bodies. In this context we have implemented an integrated multi-parameter approach allowing to track the sediment dynamics in a drained lowland area (the Louroux pond catchment: 47.16°N – 0.78°E) by starting from the sources of sediment to their accumulation in a sedimentary receptacle: the middle-age Louroux pond. The aims of this study are (i) to quantify at long (approx. 60 years) and short time scales (<10 years) the evolution of the erosion rate in the hillslope in link with the increase of the anthropogenic pressures (land consolidation, implementation of the drain network, ditches design), (ii) to track the origin of sediment reaching the pond, (iii) to identify and quantify the parameters influencing bank erosion, that is one of the main source of sediment transfers
Marcandella, Élise. "Caractérisation biophysicochimique du transfert d'un soluté réactif en milieu poreux saturé : application à la migration du phényl acétate de mercure à travers les sédiments du Rhin." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996INPL026N.
Full textLayglon, Nicolas. "Comportement des éléments traces métalliques lors de la remise en suspension de sédiments contaminés en zone côtière." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOUL0009.
Full textTrace metal elements entering marine environment accumulate in the sediments. In harbor areas, sediment can be resuspended in the water column following natural (swells, storms ...) and/or anthropic events (maritime traffic, dredging activity). In particular, the Mediterranean Sea represents a significant maritime trade route, generating frequent resuspension events of anthropic origin, while being slightly subjected to the influence of natural tidal phenomena. In this context, the objectives of this thesis consisted in evaluating the potential of trace elements during re-suspension events in order to provide knowledge that would help to better predict and thus better manage the associated risk. The kinetics of trace metal elements, studied in laboratory experiments, were specified in light of the variability of harbor contexts. During the first 5 days of suspension, trace elements transfers appeared mainly determined by abiotic processes. The understanding of these processes partially explained the field observations performed during an impact study of a dredging operation
Odin, Muriel. "Transferts des dérivés du mercure et du cadmium entre les sédiments ou la colonne d'eau et les larves d'Hexagenia rigida (Ephéméroptères), en fonction des conditions expérimentales (température, photopériode, pH et nature du sédiment)." Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR10584.
Full textPiedra-Cueva, Jose Carlos Ismael. "Contribution à l'étude des mécanismes de transport des sédiments cohésifs." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE10200.
Full textNoël, Mary-Hélène. "Le plutonium comme traceur du transfert et de l'accumulation des apports particulaires du Rhône en Méditerranée Nord Occidentale." Paris 12, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA120033.
Full textRolland, Benoît. "Transfert des radionucléides par voie fluviale : conséquences sur les stocks sédimentaires rhodaniens et les exports vers la Méditerranée." Aix-Marseille 3, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX30006.
Full textThis study deals with the behaviour of trace contaminants originating from chronic liquid releases within fluvial aquatic systems. It focuses on some artificial radionuclides that were mainly released by the Marcoule nuclear fuel reprocessing plant during several years prior the end of the nineties and that are still detected in the lower Rhône River. The role of the transport dynamic during flood events on the removal of sedimentary stocks and on the radionuclides fluxes to the Mediterranean Sea is particularly considered. The contribution of such sedimentary stocks acting as a delayed source term to radionuclides fluxes as well as the residence time of these stocks are estimated. The location typologies of sediment storages in fluvial systems are also specified
Rousseau, Mathieu. "Volumes et transferts des sédiments carbonatés du Jurassique moyen sur la péninsule arabique." Lyon 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LYO1A001.
Full textGuarracino, Maud. "Contrôle hydrodynamique du transfert de la matière particulaire sur la marge continentale du Golfe du Lion." Perpignan, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PERP0575.
Full textA long term experiment of monthly downward particle fluxes and hourly currents and temperature has been initiated in 1993 on the continental slope of the Gulf of Lions. This study aims at describing the spatial variation of the intensity and nature of particle fluxes, discriminating the temporal flux variability, and analysing the role of some forcing factors in the control of particle exchange across the margin. Forcing variables include sources of particulate matter on the shelf (river inputs, atmospheric input and resuspension) and cross-slope exchange mechanism derived from in-situ temperature and current records. The statistical analysis of the long term time series underlines that the transfer of particulate matter to the deep ocean is not forced by the sources of matter, and mass fluxes are likely controlled by the meandering of the Northern Current and by winter dense water formation. Numerical simulations have been carried out to check these hypotheses as well as to define the spatial structure of the water exchanges between the continental shelf and the basin and the major hydrodynamic mechanism which controls the export of matter to deep ocean. This modelling approach scans the impact of local atmospheric forcing (wind stress, heat fluxes, precipitation-evaporation budget) on the variability of the oceanic circulation and of mass fluxes within the canyons. Some results showed an East-West gradient of matter export on the shelf, a positive correlation between matter inputs from the shelf and particle fluxes measured on the slope as well as a positive correlation between anomalies of dense water formation rates and interannual variability of particle fluxes
Giral, Patrick Jean-pierre. "Utilisation des aldehydes phyténiques comme traceurs chimiques instables : application à l'étude des transferts surface-sédiments." Aix-Marseille 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991AIX22079.
Full textSionneau, Thomas. "Transferts Continent/Océan : Enregistrement du dernier cycle climatique par les sédiments terrigènes du Golfe du Mexique." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00366377.
Full textSionneau, Thomas. "Transferts continent-océan : enregistrement du dernier cycle climatique par les sédiments terrigènes du Golfe du Mexique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL10105.
Full textThe Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is a key area for the global thermohaline circulation (THC) and for the global-climatic system, since its hydrological characteristics (hlgh salinity and temperature) partly control Gulf Stream physical properties. Dunng the last climatic cycle, GOM hydrology was impacted by episodic freshwater inputs via the Mississippi River resulting from intermittent meltmg of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). The resulting salinity changes affected the THiC. global heat exchange and worldwide climatie conditions. Direct effeets of these freshwater supplies on the GOM paleoceanography have been documented studying the planktonic foraminifera [delta]18O evolution By contras!. terrigenous inputs associated with these meltwater pulses are poorly understood. These detrital fractions are. however. IIkeiv to provide information on the link between continental and marine records during the last climatic cycle. An overview of the main continental detrtital source areas, of the dominant factors controlling clav minerai transport patterns (by drawing clay minerai distribution maps in the US and northem GOM) and of thin terrigenous particle sedimentation in the GOM (by analogical modeIing), lays the groundwork for the use of clay-minerai assembiages for understanding the connection between North America and the GOM. The downcore investigations of sedimentary (clay mineralogy, grain-slze . .) and isotopic ([delta]18O) records ln two minibasins of the GOM (Orca Basin and Basin 4) allow us to explain the fluvial inputs variations, during the last climatic cycle, by paleoenvironmental (ice meltback) and paleocllmatic (atmospheric circulation) fluctuations that affected North America
Froger, Claire. "Sources et dynamiques spatiales et temporelles des contaminations en éléments traces et hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques du continuum atmosphère - sol - rivière d'un bassin versant contrasté." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS394/document.
Full textThe development of human societies since the 19th century has led to deleterious impacts on the Critical Zone (from atmosphere to river, including biosphere and soils). Despite the decrease of pollutions since the late 1960’s, contaminations remain especially in urban environment, concentrating human activities. To better manage this pollution, it is necessary to understand the dynamics and pathways of contaminants through the atmosphere – soil – river continuum. The goal of this study in thus to evaluate the temporal and spatial variations of two contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and trace elements (TE)) in the Orge River catchment (900 km2, France) being under increasing urban pressure from up to downstream. Several fingerprinting approaches were used to trace sediment dynamics in the river (radionuclides: ⁷Be, ²¹⁰Pb, ¹³⁷Cs), to identify lead sources (lead isotopes) and PAH sources (PAH molecular ratios). The results demonstrated the strong influence of downstream urban areas on the river quality, with an increasing contamination for Cu, Zn, Sb, Pb and PAH in the particulate phase, and for SO42⁻, Na⁺ et Cl⁻, Cu, Zn and Pb in the dissolved phase. The sediment fingerprinting using radionuclides revealed a significant input of particles originating from urban areas and transferred through urban runoff, and identified road deposited sediments as the major source of contaminated particles downstream. Source tracking of Pb and PAH confirmed urban runoff as the main pathway of river contamination. In addition, annual and seasonal PAH and TE fluxes were estimated respectively for the atmospheric inputs, and riverine exports and revealed a global accumulation of contaminant over the catchment, already containing a significant stock of pollutants in its soils. Finally, this study highlights the need to integrate the Critical Zone and the potential of coupling multiples tracking approaches to properly evaluate the contaminant dynamics. These results may be used to establish a model of contaminants transfer in urban catchments
Taddei, Dorothée. "Transfert de matière et d'énergie dans les sédiments d'un complexe récifal anthropisé : île de La Réunion, océan Indien." La Réunion, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00472730/fr/.
Full textCoral reefs are very productive ecosystems. Soft-sediment plays generally a role in storing place, in transforming and in producing of matter, and therefore it could play a key role in coral reefs ecosystems. The goal of this study was to evaluate the role of soft-bottom compartment during the transfer of matter and energy in the reef of La Saline (Reunion Island). Three main lines of research were developed: the physicochemical characterisation of studied site, the metabolism of soft bottom in view to estimate the trophic production and its status and finally, the characterisation of biological component by the study of macrobentos and megabentos (i. E. Holothurians). A limited disturbance was detected by physicochemical data although locally enrichment of freshwater by nutrients (nitrates+nitrites+silicates) were measured (reef back hollow of Planch’Alizé and Grand Trou d’Eau). At the reef scale (9 stations and 2 seasons), the soft-sediment was found heterotrophic (net production = 31. 6, respiration R = 109. 6, gross production Pg = 77. 9 mmolC m-2 d-1 et Pg/R = 0. 7). Opposite to the two holothurians studied population Holothuria atra et H. Leucospilota, macrobenthos (> 1 mm) did not constitute a major group in the food web (134 taxa, with a mean of 32. 86 individuals per 0. 2 m-2 et 0. 059 gPS 0. 2m-2) compared to Echinoderm biomass that could reach 7. 92 gPS m-2. At the station scale, spatial heterogeneity of metabolism was in agreement with the physicochemical characteristics of environment reflecting the double influence of both ocean and continent (freshwater enrichment). The most productive and heterotrophic stations were located in the reef back hollow where the oceanic influence was the lowest. Finally, macrofauna was under hydrodynamic influence although holothurians are growing in the most productive area. The soft-bottom sediment played a key role in filtrating organic matter provided from the back reef. This mechanism was deeply influenced by the high hydrodynamism (narrow reef and low water level) which modulated the loss of mater and energy of the reef. These losses were however limited by the action of holothurians (high density ind m-2), which store organic matter such as biomass and enhanced probably local production via excretion and bioturbation. To conclude, at the ecosystem scale, soft-bottom was responsible of recycling, which was reinforced by holothurians that limited the loss of matter and energy due to hydrodynamism
El, Ganaoui Ouafae. "Modélisation de la dynamique sédimentaire pour les transferts des radionucléides dans les cours d'eau." Aix-Marseille 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002AIX22087.
Full textGérard, Benoit. "Modélisation 3D des transferts de chaleur et de fluide dans les formations sédimentaires : application aux réacteurs d'Oklo (Gabon)." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPL047N.
Full textFilizola, Naziano. "Transfert sédimentaire actuel par les fleuves amazoniens." Toulouse 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU30162.
Full textGermain, Claire. "Les sucres marqueurs de transferts de matière : application d'une nouvelle méthode chromatographique à l'étude de la marge nord-occidentale méditerranéenne." Perpignan, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PERP0141.
Full textPeyaud, Jean-Baptiste. "Diagenèse et transferts en milieu argileux fracturé : l'argilité de Tournemire (Aveyron, France)." Paris 11, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA112051.
Full textThe Tournemire experimental site (Aveyron, France) is located on the Western border of the Causses basin and is studied by the French Institute for Nuclear Safety and Protection (IPSN) as natural analogue of a nuclear waste disposal site in shale. This work focused on the variation of the shale confinement capacities during its geological evolution. Sedimentary dynamics are unclear during Early Cretaceous due to an important Cretaceous erosion event. The regional thermal history was reconstructed to solve this problem. Fission tracks modeling reveals a fast denudation of buried sediments beginning at 120-110 Ma and compatible with the development of the Durancian Isthmus in the South-East Basin. T_max modeling agrees with the deposition of 800 to 1600 m thick sediments during Early Cretaceous. These sediments were removed during the Cretaceous erosion event. Fluid inclusion data and delta 18_O in calcite fracture cements indicate they were crystallized from hot (80 to 120ʿC) diagenetic brines during the Jurassic extension and from cold (30 to 40ʿC) fluids with a strong meteoric component during the Eocene compression. Although carbonates were recrystallized in a metric zone in shale near to a fault connected to the overlying aquifer, uranium and thorium remained trapped in shale. Rare earth elements are slightly mobilized and migrate toward the main fault plane. The shale capacity to retain radionuclides remains intact during compression, in spite of an alteration of its sealing capacity
Simon, Erwan. "Étude des mécanismes de mobilité des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques contaminants des sédiments fluviaux." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10150.
Full textThis study presents the consequences, on PAH mobility, of 3 possible actions a watercourse administrator can take while facing a contaminated sedimentary bed: no action, the opening of the canal to navigation and its dredging. In this respect, concentration rates of free Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons have been obtained in the sedimentary column and in the water column by displaying passive samplers on different locations along the watercourse, one of them being exposed to navigation. A follow-up is made before, during and after the dredging of the watercourse. The impact of the age of the sedimentary matrix and of the microbiologic activity on the PAH transfer to the water column is studied through a remobilized sediment in batch experiments. It is then observed that the PAH sorption increases with the age of the matrix in one homogenous section of the sedimentary column. However, in case of a discontinuity in the matrix nature, sudden variations of free PAH concentration can occur in interstitial water. It results in a diffusion of free PAH. This PAH diffusion is even more sensitive to the water-sediment interface, on which we can observe a transfer of the PAH towards the water column. Navigation decreases the boundary layer and thus reinforces theses transfers.The dredging of the sediment bed results in a large release of free PAH in the water column. Those PAH are fixed again by the suspended material. Yet, this new fixation is frail : the PAH can be freed once more by the biodegradation of the suspended material transporting them
Vansimaeys, Caroline. "Comportement à long terme de dépôts de sédiments de curage : approche mécanistique du transfert de métaux en milieu poreux non saturé." Thesis, Lille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL10025/document.
Full textCanal dredging generates high volumes of sediments which are often heavily contaminated with metals, especially in industrialized zones. Dredged sediments are usually deposited on land for long or temporary periods, and may impact surrounding environments. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of metal mobilisation during the ageing of sediment deposits. Sediment ageing was simulated in laboratory under controlled conditions with two protocols of wetting-drying : le first one simulated a sediment disposal in drained conditions and the second one hydromorphic conditions. The solubilisation of metals and their speciation in solid phase were followed over time. The distribution of metals was determined by selective dissolution. Sediment deposit on land leads to a fast transfer of Cd, Cu, As and Zn into the organic matter pool and these associations are stable with time excepted for Cd. The transfer of Cd, Cu, As and Pb into the oxyhydroxydes pool takes place later on following the disposal of sediment, excepted for the Zn-oxyhydroxides association, which is rapid but not stable with time. The acido-soluble pool becomes rapidly predominant for Zn, Cd and Pb after the sediment disposal and persists over time. Deposit conditions have no impact during the first time of the deposit. But, with time, hydromorphic conditions lead to a transfer of higher quantities of Cd, Cu and Zn into draining water and into exchangeable positions than the deposit in drained conditions
Schrimm, Muriel. "Transferts de carbone entre un écosystème récifal et l'océan par l'intermédiaire d'une passe lagonaire (île de Mooréa, Polynésie française)." Perpignan, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PERP0387.
Full textSimon, Erwan. "Étude des mécanismes de mobilité des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques contaminants des sédiments fluviaux." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10150/document.
Full textThis study presents the consequences, on PAH mobility, of 3 possible actions a watercourse administrator can take while facing a contaminated sedimentary bed: no action, the opening of the canal to navigation and its dredging. In this respect, concentration rates of free Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons have been obtained in the sedimentary column and in the water column by displaying passive samplers on different locations along the watercourse, one of them being exposed to navigation. A follow-up is made before, during and after the dredging of the watercourse. The impact of the age of the sedimentary matrix and of the microbiologic activity on the PAH transfer to the water column is studied through a remobilized sediment in batch experiments. It is then observed that the PAH sorption increases with the age of the matrix in one homogenous section of the sedimentary column. However, in case of a discontinuity in the matrix nature, sudden variations of free PAH concentration can occur in interstitial water. It results in a diffusion of free PAH. This PAH diffusion is even more sensitive to the water-sediment interface, on which we can observe a transfer of the PAH towards the water column. Navigation decreases the boundary layer and thus reinforces theses transfers.The dredging of the sediment bed results in a large release of free PAH in the water column. Those PAH are fixed again by the suspended material. Yet, this new fixation is frail : the PAH can be freed once more by the biodegradation of the suspended material transporting them
Bajolle, Lisa. "Reconstitution des paléotempératures holocènes de la forêt boréale coniférienne de l'ouest du Québec basée sur une approche multi-indicateurs." Thesis, Montpellier, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018MONTG026/document.
Full textA future warmer global climate with more severe annual drought has been predicted, especially for the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Such an environmental change would be marked by higher frequencies and intensities of natural disturbances, which could threaten the integrity of some boreal forest ecosystems. One of the foreseeable consequences would be a significant increase in the occurrence of wildfires, which is already the major disruptive element of these ecosystems. The future of boreal ecosystems thus raises many questions and uncertainties, highlighting the need for a good characterization of spatio-temporal climate changes and its consequences on these ecosystems.In order to maintain these forest landscapes within the limits of their natural variability, the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFP) proposes, in a context of sustainable ecosystem management, to establish a registry of reference states. In this perspective, the research objective of this thesis was to produce the most possible robust reconstructions of Holocene temperatures within the spruce-moss forest of western Québec. The research focused on a multi-indicator approach including Chironomidae and pollen deposited in the sediments of two selected lakes.The results highlight the relevance of Chironomidae head capsules to reconstruct at high temporal resolution the August Holocene temperatures from Lac Aurélie using two Transfer Functions (TF). The East Canadian TF was more in agreement with the regional signal than the Canadian TF. In addition, chironomid assemblages from Lac Lili gave an overestimated paleotemperature reconstruction due to the specific shallowness of this lake. Finally, the combined quantitative reconstruction (Chironomidae and pollen) of the August palaeotemperatures suggested three distinct periods: (i) 8500-4500 years BP, identified as the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) during which the August temperatures are warmer than modern temperatures; (ii) 4500-1000 cal BP, marked by the beginning of the cold Neoglacial period, where the temperatures oscillate around the current values and (iii) the last 1000 cal BP, characterized by a general decrease of the temperatures. Several short climatic events were also identified for each period: (i) the 8200 cal BP cold event; (ii) the 4200 cal BP warm event; (iii) the Roman Warm Period (RWP, 1900-1700 cal BP); (iv) the Dark Age Cold Period (DACP, 1700-1500 cal BP); (v) Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA, 1100 cal BP) and (vi) the Little Ice Age (LIA, 500-250 cal BP). A series of cold events is also observed around 5900, 4300, 2800 and 400 cal BP, probably corresponding to the "Bond" events. The observed duration and amplitude of climate events are consistent with regional, North American records, and more widely those of the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, the synthesis highlighting climate-vegetation-fire relationships confirms the influence of climatic instability on changes in fire regimes mainly driven by seasonal variations in rainfall and frequency of drought events. However, our paleotemperatures combined reconstitution indicated that large fires coincide with the occasional event of 4200 cal BP and those occurring from 2000 cal BP onwards (RWP, DACP, MCA and LIA). Summer temperatures combined with other climatic variables (summer drought, summer insolation, and annual precipitation) play an important role in the variation of the fire regime in western Québec
Ollivon, Donatienne, and Brigitte Garban. "Transport et devenir de polluants et micropolluants en Seine : rôle des matières en suspension et des sédiments dans les processus de transfert." Paris 6, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA066602.
Full textDevallois, Valérie. "Transferts et mobilité des éléments traces métalliques dans la colonne sédimentaire des hydrosystèmes continentaux." Aix-Marseille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX11046.
Full textLeguédois, Sophie. "Mécanismes de l'érosion diffuse des sols : modélisation du transfert et de l'évolution granulométrique des fragments de terre érodés." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00516390.
Full textEttajani, Hanane. "Transfert des éléments traces essentiels ou toxiques dans une chaîne trophique à mollusques." Tours, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOUR4007.
Full textMorosanu, Gabriela Adina. "La dynamique hydro-sédimentaire du bassin de la rivière Jiu. Approche systèmique et multi-échelles." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAU036.
Full textThe doctoral thesis titled “The Hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the Jiu River Watershed. A systemic and multi-scale approach” aimed to investigate the dynamics of liquid and solid flows at various temporal and spatial scales, in the Jiu River Basin. The study area is located in southwestern Romania, Jiu River (339 km long) being one of the most important Carpathian tributaries of the Danube river.In the current context, marked by the need to elaborate integrated watershed management plans, the present study offers valuable and original information on the hydro-sedimentary dynamics in the Jiu River watershed, that stems from a cross-disciplinary research carried out at different temporal and spatial scales.The watershed under study is characterized by complex geographical particularities, determined by a great diversity of natural and socio-economic factors. From an economic standpoint, the element that individualizes Jiu’s watershed is the presence and exploitation of coal in its upper sector (black coal) and middle sector (lignite), activities that have left their mark on the hydrological characteristics of the rivers in the basin. The presence of coal resources has been relied upon in this paper in order to investigate the hydro-sedimentary dynamics on the basis of an analysis, carried out through different laboratory methods, of the coal associated elements’ content in the alluvium samples collected in the riverbeds of Jiu and its main tributaries.The present research seeks to answer the following two major questions:(i) Which are the natural and human factors that contribute to the production and transfer of the solid and liquid fluxes within the Jiu River basin?(ii) What is the importance of spatial and temporal scales in the analysis of the hydro-sedimentary dynamics with regards to sediment sources, extreme hydrological events, transfer paths and the most favorable accumulation areas?The scientific methodology that we adopted followed a perspective that shifted from the general to the specific.In the first part of the thesis, the analysis was carried out at the scale of the whole basin, in order to highlight the physico-geographical factors, as well as the man-made ones, controlling the liquid and solid fluxes. The issues that we approached refer to the connectivity between sources – transfer – accumulation areas, hydrological variability and the relationship between the solid and the liquid discharge, the geomorphological mapping of alluvium-generating processes.In the second part of the thesis, we shifted from the systemic perspective of the whole Jiu River Basin towards a smaller scale, both spatially and temporally, able to reflect the role of the largest floods recorded in Jiu River Basin in the hydro-sedimentary dynamics and the contribution of its main sub-catchments in the sediment transfer. From a methodological point of view, in this part of the thesis we moved from the classical, geographical and hydrological methods, employed in the first part (based on mapping and GIS analysis, as well as by statistical processing of data series) towards a complex methodology, integrating hydrological analysis (on the basis of flood indices), field research and the complex analysis of fine sediments in the laboratory (through techniques belonging to colorimetric tracing, geochemistry, organic petrology).The results of our research connected the elements and factors behind the hydro-sedimentary dynamics at various spatial and temporal scales into a systemic vision. The laboratory analyses of the sediment and coal samples, the study of flood events and the hydrological and geomorphological analyses of Jiu watershed’s particularities have contributed to a better understanding of the hydro-sedimentary dynamics, offering original insight into potential sediment sources, the composition and quantity of sediments and the transfer paths they follow in the system of Jiu River’s watershed
Dumas, Chloé. "Impact of extreme events on particulate trace metal transfer from the continent to the deep sea." Perpignan, 2014. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01164554.
Full textNormandeau, Alexandre. "Transfert sédimentaire extracôtier récent via un système chenal-levée au large de Sept-Îles, Est du Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28779/28779.pdf.
Full textGomez, Delgado Federico. "Processus hydrologiques, écophysiologiques et de transfert de sédiments dans un bassin agroforestier caféier combinant des approches expérimentales et de modélisation pour les besoins des Services Hydrologiques Environnementaux." Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NSAM0032/document.
Full textThe profitability of hydropower is affected by soil erosion and sedimentation in dam reservoirs, which are influenced by land use, infiltration and aquifer interactions with surface water. In order to promote the payment of Hydrological Environmental Services (HES) in Costa Rica, a quantitative assessment of the impact of land uses (such as coffee farming) on the functioning of drainage basins is required. This thesis seeks: 1) to study the water balance partitioning in a newly installed coffee agroforestry basin 2) to estimate the water and sediment yield at various spatio-temporal scales: from plot to basin and from event to annual scale; and 3) to simulate the water and sediment yields, at both annual and peakflow scale, by including the surface runoff from hillslopes and roads. The main hydrological, ecophysiological and sediment processes were monitored during one year at the basin (rainfall, streamflow, evapotranspiration, soil humidity, aquifer level, turbidity) and at the plots (surface runoff and erosion). A new eco-hydrological model was developed to close the water balance, and the annual sediment yield was also quantified. Improvements are in progress to take into account the effect of roads in surface runoff generation. The low surface runoff, low plot erosion and low basin sediment yield observed under the current biophysical conditions (andisol) and management practices (no tillage, planted trees, bare soil kept by weeding), offer potential HES by reducing the superficial displacement capacity for fertilizers and pesticides, yielding low sediment loads and regulating streamflow variability through highly efficient mechanisms of aquifer recharge-discharge
Reulier, Romain. "Impact de la structure paysagère sur les dynamiques spatiales des transferts hydro-sédimentaires : approche par simulation multi-agents." Caen, 2015. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01264723.
Full textMany socio-economic and environmental issues associated with hydro-sedimentary transfers are organized within hydrosystems from agricultural fields up to rivers streams (soil loss, soil infertility, diffuse pollution, turbid flood. . . ). If transfers initiation conditions are well known at the agricultural field levels, the flow dynamic that occur on the slope remains poorly understood. It is especially true in small hydrosystems in north-western France, where the abundance of linear networks (hedges, roads, ditches, etc. ) that could interfere with the topographic flow dynamics are present in the landscape. To measure these impacts, which remain difficult to estimate, two complementary approaches have been developed within this thesis. First, a quantification of the hydro-sedimentary transfers was achieved during different rainfall events on a small Normandy catchment (17. 6 km², BV Lingèvres, Calvados). This work allowed us to highlight the importance of sedimentary flows that can pass though during runoff episode and the complexity of spatio-temporal dynamics induced by the landscape structure. In parallel to this "field" approach, a computer model in multi-agent systems (SMA) was designed. By relying on SMA capabilities to bring out the overall dynamics of a system based on interactions at a local level, it is possible to reconstruct the path of runoff and get clues on spatial analysis in order to measure the effect of the landscape structure. The SMA model requires little input data and was applied to various catchment with different landscape features. This model produces interesting results that allow us to better understand the consequences of the landscapes on runoff
Constant, Mel. "Source, transfert et devenir des microplastiques (MPs) en mer Méditerranée Nord-Occidentale." Thesis, Perpignan, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PERP0057/document.
Full textAnthropogenic litter, particularly plastic litter and their fragments (microplastics or “MPs”; < 5 mm) represent a highly pervasive and persistent global threat to marine ecosystems, as they can be ingested by a wide range of marine species. As a landlocked sea with a high population density, the Mediterranean Sea is highly exposed to marine litter pollution. This thesis aims tounderstand the origin and the future of marine MPs thanks to a holistic approach from terrestrial sources to marine sinks. This strategy was applied at the regional scale of the Gulf of Lion (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea) on all coastal compartments. MPs were observed in every studied matrices (water, sediment, atmospheric fallout) with a high variability within and betweenthe different compartments. No significant qualitative trend seems to occur during the transfer of MPs between compartments and fibers were the most abundant shape found in samples. MP concentrations changed at a short spatial and temporal scale (< 1 hour and < 1 kilometer), overlaying other variabilities (i.e. seasonal or between sites). If no obvious relationship betweenexternal forcing (e.g. precipitations, river flow rates, winds) and MP concentrations was observed, rainfall events seemed to have an important impact on the amount of MPs transferred into the sea. Extrapolating our results to the whole Gulf of Lion watersheds, 30 ± 20 tons of MPs would settle on urban areas and 7 ± 10 tons would be supplied by rivers into the Mediterranean Sea every year. The extrapolation of MP quantities within marine environments seems to indicate that the sea surface and beaches are only transitory compartments (<1 ton) whereas sea floor and water column couldbe more impacted (up to 350 tons for marine sediment). New data on water column and marine sediments are needed to confirm this hypothesis, but those results suggest that both latter compartments could be major sinks for marine MPs
Blanc, Eric. "Transect plate-forme-bassin dans les séries carbonatées du Berriasien supérieur et du Valanginien inférieur (domaines jurassien et nord-vocontien) : chronostratigraphie-transferts des sédiments." Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 1995. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00723723.
Full textBlanc, Eric. "Transect plate-forme-bassin dans les séries carbonatées du Berriasien supérieur et du Valanginien inférieur (domaines jurassien et nord-vocontien) : chronostratigraphie-transferts des sédiments." Grenoble 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995GRE10110.
Full textEngrand, Patrick, and Régine Maury. "Recherches en écotoxicologie expérimentale sur la bioaccumulation et les transferts du mercure dans un système sédiment-eau-macrophytes : Incidences combinées des facteurs température, photopériode, modalités de la contamination." Bordeaux 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986BOR10637.
Full textHawi, Hanan. "Μοdélisatiοn de transfert de matières dissοutes et particulaires dans un milieu fracturé." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMLH09.
Full textIn order to face the emerging problems of pollution and deterioration in water quality, it is necessary to master the hydrogeological functioning of pollutant-receiving rocks. This involves, defining the vulnerability of aquifers and optimising the modelling of the retention phenomena and transport mechanism of particles in rocks. In karstic aquifers, fractures serve as preferential pathways for particles, thus allowing their rapid transport. The transport of particles and dissolved matter in fractures is governed by advection and dispersion which are influenced by several factors. The objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of transport of solid particles and dissolved matter in fractures and the different factors influencing these mechanisms. For this purpose, an experimental program was developed to understand the influence of flow velocity, fracture aperture, fracture orientation and ionic strength on the transport of kaolinite particles and fluorescein dissolved tracer in fractured chalk samples. In addition, a numerical model was developed based on the Advection-Dispersion equation, to determine the transport parameters and deeply understand the particle-fracture surface interactions under different conditions. The results of this study revealed that the hydrodynamic effect is significant regardless of fracture orientation, with particle recovery increasing as flow velocity increases. Kaolinite particles travel faster than fluorescein due to the size exclusion effect and the higher dispersion coefficient of fluorescein. The attachment coefficient increases with flow velocity for all fracture orientations and is independent of fracture aperture. Conversely, the detachment coefficient, which is negligible for small flow velocities, is greater in smaller apertures due to higher shear stress. The findings showed that fracture orientation significantly affects the transport of kaolinite particles but has a negligible impact on fluorescein as a dissolved tracer. Increasing the fracture orientation vertically enhances particle recovery and dispersion, while the attachment coefficient decreases. The effect of ionic strength indicate that higher ionic strength increases particle retention and decreases the recovery rate. With the attachment coefficient exhibiting a linear increase and the detachment coefficient follows an exponential trend with increasing ionic strength.The study findings highlight the importance of considering high flow velocities in studying the hydrodynamic effect, fracture aperture, and IS effect in understanding micron-sized particle transport mechanisms in chalk fractures. It also contributes to the advancement of understanding the effect of fracture orientation on the transport of particles by using experimental methods. These understandings are essential for assessing risks to groundwater resources and advancing environmental protection measures
Higueras, Marina. "Impact of eastern storm on the transfert of particulate organic matter in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean sea)." Perpignan, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PERP1240.
Full textRivers represent the primary pathway for particulate organic matter (POM) transport from continent to the continental shelf and are capable of discharging significant amounts of this organic matter during the occurrence of short but violent flash flood events, commonly associated with eastern storms. Terrestrial matter delivered by rivers during flash flood events is stored into continental shelf. Then, hydrodynamic conditions occurring at the shelf are capable of transferring this matter to the deep sea along submarine canyons. This study has allowed to simultaneously assess the variations of the quantity and origin of the POM in several rivers discharging into the NW Mediterranean Sea during a flash flood event, in the settling particles of two sediment traps deployed into the southern flank of the Cap de Creus canyon; and in the surficial sediments along 4 transects perpendicular to the continental shelf during March 2011. The obtained results will help us to understand land-sea exchanges
Gay, Aurore. "Transfert de particules des versants aux masses d'eau sur le bassin Loire-Bretagne." Thesis, Tours, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOUR4048/document.
Full textErosion and particles redistribution represent major environmental, societal and economic issues. To adopt protection measures, it is essential to identify and quantify sources and sinks of sediment and their spatial and temporal dynamic. The aim of this work is thus to establish a sediment budget for a large river basin (Loire and Brittany river basin 155,000 km2) with contrasted landscapes. On hillslopes, detached particles from the miscellaneous form of erosion (sheet and rill erosion, gullies and mass movements) represent a supply of 1.5 * 107 t.yr−1 (contribution to the stock of 82.4%, 12.9%, and 4.7% respectively). The consideration of the spatial distribution of processes involved in sediment transport and the characteristics of the study site (soil saturation and presence of hedgerows) in a qualitative landscape-based index allows us to assess the hillslope connectivity. Bank erosion also participates in the sediment budget with 6.9 * 105 t.yr−1 of material provided to the river network. In the end, only 5% of detached particles, from all sources of sediment, reach the basin outlet indicating a substantial deposition on the way from source to outlet. In parallel, the use of the database of dissolved elements allows us to highlight the importance of the dissolved sediment fluxes ( 90% of the total exports of the Loire river). The presentation of all results at different spatial scales permits to provide a qualitative approach of sediment source-to-sink transfers and to identify hotspots of erosion and transfers
Andres, Sandrine. "Etude écotoxicologique des transferts de cadmium et zinc entre la colonne d'eau et les sédiments du Lot (France) et les organismes aquatiques. Approches in situ et expérimentale." Toulouse 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997TOU30258.
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