Academic literature on the topic 'Transe – Dans la danse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Transe – Dans la danse"
Motta, Roberto, and Guy Ménard. "La fête et la transe au coeur du social : l’exemple du candomblé brésilien." IV. Sacré et religion au coeur des socio-cultures, no. 26 (November 3, 2015): 129–36.
Full textMajed, Asma. "Musique et hypnose." Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research 2, no. 2 (March 30, 2022): 148–73.
Full textMiredin, Jean-Hugues, and Karine Bénac-Giroux. "Des poncifs aux contre-pieds : les mises en corps des Noirs dans la danse-théâtre." Tracés, no. 30 (April 15, 2016): 227–38.
Full textMokhtari, Fizia Hayette. "Autobiography and "Genre" Transgression in Malika Mokeddem’s Works." Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 40, no. 2 (January 18, 2017): 82.
Full textMartínez Galván, Jorge Antonio. "«Cumplir, aunque sea de manera diferente»: Expresiones de la devoción en la celebración digital del Señor de Gracias en Tepexpan, Estado de México / «Fulfill, even if in a different way»: Expressions of devotion in the digital celebration of the Lord of Graces in Tepexpan, State of Mexico." Revista Trace, no. 83 (January 31, 2023): 113.
Full textDe la Torre, Renée. "Tensiones entre el esencialismo azteca y el universalismo New Age a partir del estudio de las danzas “concheroaztecas”." Revista Trace, no. 54 (July 5, 2018): 61.
Full textRobichaux, David, and José Manuel Moreno Carvallo. "El Divino Rostro y la danza de Santiagos en el Acolhuacan Septentrional: ¿ixiptla en el siglo XXI?" Revista Trace, no. 76 (July 31, 2019): 21.
Full textDuriez, Nathalie. "La transe dans le moment présent de la dispute de couple." Perspectives Psy 59, no. 3 (July 2020): 281–89.
Full textChottin, Ariane, and Mathieu Potte-Bonneville. "entrer dans la danse." Vacarme 42, no. 1 (2008): 86.
Full textPugnet, G., N. Doumerc, C. Neveu, L. Astudillo, C. Garnier, C. Luxembourger, L. Sailler, P. Arlet, and A. Konate. "Entrez dans la danse !" La Revue de Médecine Interne 34, no. 9 (September 2013): 577–80.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Transe – Dans la danse"
Rousselot, Maëlle. "De la transe dans les ballets du XIXe siècle à aujourd’hui : pour un décentrement des regards." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2023.
Full textThis research formulates the hypothesis that there may be presence of trance in the representations and perceptions of ballets from the nineteenth century to the present day. This raises a number of questions: how is trance represented and perceived in these works? What do these representations of trance, or on the contrary its invisibility in these ballets, say about us as Westerners? How can we define trance, this elusive phenomenon and multifaceted state? Our methodological operation, then, consists not so much in defining trance, as in identifying, dimensions and features, i.e., recurring aspects found within an open corpus of trance phenomena variously identified as such throughout Western history from the sixteenth century to the present day. This then allows us to identify the transic features and dimensions of ballets from the nineteenth century to the present day, through analyses of works and discourses based on various sources such as librettos, texts, images, drawings, lithographs, paintings, photographs, videos and on interviews with dancers. In this way, we can both approach the phenomenon of trance in all its complexity and shift the way we look at ballets. We discover a nineteenth century teeming with trance aspects, whereas from the end of the twentieth century to the present day, there seems to be many elements that obscure and erase these aspects. The fact of showing or, on the contrary, erasing these characteristics conveys information about these dances, but also about their audience. This decentred perspectives also allows possible “transic” reinterpretation of these ballets in a contemporary context
Pouchelon, Jean. "Les Gnawa du Maroc : intercesseurs de la différence ? étude ethnomusicologique, ethnopoétique et ethnochoréologique." Thesis, Paris 10, 2015.
Full textGnawa are living in all the big towns of Morocco (Oujda, Tanger, Casablanca, Fes, Meknes, Rabat, Marrakech, Essaouira, Agadir etc.). Musicians, officiants and adepts gather in a night ritual called the leela (litt. "one night") which celebrates at the same time God, his prophet Muhammed, Sub-Saharan Africa and other many invisible entities divided in seven families. Music, dance and trance are ubiquitous in this ceremony.This thesis gives the analysis of Gnawa identity, of their representations, their ritual instruments, their performances, their music, their sung texts, their dances and their trances. The examination of these differents fields reveals that Gnawa play with ambiguity in a systemic way and at many levels. The way Moroccan society see them, their "pantheon", their rhythms, their dances and trances, all these aspects of their actions and thought are acted with ambiguity.Hybrid brotherhood which has both carried on the memory of its Sub-Saharan roots and integrated the mystic and political influences of its society of exile, the Gnawa - Blacks but also Mixed and White - have raised in art the fact to bring back imaginaries potentially contentious together in the Moroccan society. But paradoxically, they have to maintain esotericism and otherness to preserve their legitimacy of experts of the unseen
Pavard, Amélie. "Chanter l'extase : approche psycho-cognitive de la musique dans les rituels de transe soufis." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015.
Full textThe purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate the role of music in intense emotional contexts. In Sufi invocation rituals, believers try to reach to a superior spiritual state in their quest for divine knowledge. The šaḏiliyya brotherhood includes music at the core of this process : by listening to mystic love songs followed by collective dancing, emotion reaches its paroxysm in an ecstatic contemplation (wajd). This dissertation lies in between the fields of ethnomusicology and cognitive psychology. It introduces several lines of thinking concerning the study of vocal music belonging to the oral tradition and its expressivity. First, a description of a Damascene brotherhood doctrine will highlight emotional elements in rituals. Then, following a presentation of major theories of emotions in cognitive psychology, two interpretations of the same work will be compared using acoustic and prosodic methods of analysis
Hoffmann, Manfred. "Rythmes et valeurs dans trois rites dansants d'Europe : essai d'anthropologie filmique." Paris 10, 1992.
Full textFollowing an exploration of the relationship between possession rites and music in Europe, several social-anthropological definitions of ritual are discussed and a paradigm for scenographic analysis is given. Three case studies of european anthropology provide the basis for a scenographic analysis of these rites that are then used to develop a strategy for the making of two films, pas de danse and danse avec l'icone, which constitute the main film part of the thesis. From pragmatic point of view music, dance and ritual are studied as figurative rhythms and from a global point of view the representation of the person is studied as a figuration of values. By progressing from the material elements to the ideational aspects of the ritual "mise en scene" the figuration could be seen as a synchronic procedure and or as a diachronic process. The figuration of rhythm and value has two complementary aspects: on the one hand, it is significant of human behavior in general and on the other hand, it permits the development of a general theory of film based on a scenographic paradigm within a cultural perspective. This is illustrated in two experimental films, geste du tireur an l'arc and ocean solide. A synthesis of portrait and dialogue is suggested as a valid film form to this approach
Nova, Cristiane Carvalho da. "L'histoire en transe : le temps et l'histoire dans l'oeuvre de Glauber Rocha." Paris 3, 2003.
Full textLambert, Marc. "Ethnoscénologie du Padayani : le corps aux frontières de l'imaginaire." Paris 8, 2004.
Full textKhebour, Slimène. "Le corpen : de la calligraphie chorégraphique à la chorégraphie calligraphique : traces et tracés du corps dans la lettre dansée." Paris 1, 2013.
Full textDos, Santos Boivin Vilma. "La transe, les rites et le langage dans le Candomblé de Bahia (culte afro-brésilien)." Paris, EPHE, 2000.
Full textJeong, Seon-Hye. "La question du souffle dans les arts plastiques : à partir d'une pratique de la photographie." Paris 1, 2008.
Full textTherme, Lisa. "Entre deux mondes : essai sur le rôle social de la musique dans le rituel de transe thérapeutique de la lila dans la confrérie des Hamadcha du Zerhoun (Maroc)." Paris, EHESS, 2009.
Full textThe Hamadcha's brotherhood, created in the 17th century by Sidi Ali Ben Hamdouch and Sidi Ahmed Dghoughi in the zerhoun mountain (Morocco), performs the lila, a trance ritual said to be therapeutic, in order to ally with the spirits. In spite of the feeble interest shown about music in anthropologic researches on possession, it seems that music conceals an important social part, rooting in the lila, that blossoms out in the Hamadcha's community
Books on the topic "Transe – Dans la danse"
Un voyage à travers la transe: La terpsichore - transe - thérapie. Paris: Tchou, 1992.
Find full text1990), Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Bagnolet (2nd. La danse dans le monde. [Paris]: Armand Colin, 1991.
Find full textRencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Bagnolet (3rd 1992). La danse dans le monde. [Paris]: A. Colin, 1993.
Find full textHélène, Pilotto, ed. Elle danse dans la tourmente. Toronto: Éditions Scholastic, 2007.
Find full textde, Morant Alix, ed. Extérieur danse: Essai sur la danse dans l'espace public. Montpellier: Entretemps, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Transe – Dans la danse"
Rieger, Rita. "Figur – Szene – Szenario." In Bewegungsszenarien der Moderne, 21–37. Heidelberg, Germany: Universitätsverlag WINTER, 2021.
Full textPolo de Beaulieu, Marie-Anne. "Traces d’oralité dans les recueils d’exempla cisterciens." In Understanding Monastic Practices of Oral Communication, 139–57. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full textGehmacher, Johanna. "Féminisme: Translations, Transfers, and Transformations." In Translation History, 153–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textMitrofanoff, Paul. "Cystostomie continente trans-appendiculaire dans le traitement des vessies neurologiques." In 50 Landmark Papers every Pediatric Surgeon Should Know, 120–22. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textSamson, Vincent. "Chapitre V. Transe et lycanthropie dans l’Egils saga." In Les Berserkir, 157–78. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011.
Full textCingal, Guillaume. "Transe, errance, et transhumance dans travelling with Djinns de Jamal Mahjoub." In Transport(s) in the British Empire and the Commonwealth, 341–62. Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2007.
Full textJonckers, Danielle. "10. Les vieilles petites personnes autonomes. Pratiques de la transe et des sacrifices par les enfants minyanka bamana du Mali." In Du soin au rite dans l'enfance, 211–30. Érès, 2007.
Full textJonckers, Danielle. "10. Les vieilles petites personnes autonomes. Pratiques de la transe et des sacrifices par les enfants minyanka bamana du Mali." In Du soin au rite dans l’enfance, 231–53. Érès, 2021.
Full textIwao, Yumiko. "Les changements intervenus dans la pratique des sages-femmes et dans le domaine de la naissance au Japon après la seconde guerre mondiale." In Naître et grandir. Normes du Sud, du Nord, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, 181–88. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textBAMMEY, Quentin, Miguel COLOM, Thibaud EHRET, Marina GARDELLA, Rafael GROMPONE, Jean-Michel MOREL, Tina NIKOUKHAH, and Denis PERRAUD. "Comment reconstruire l’histoire d’une image digitale, et de ses altérations ?" In Sécurité multimédia 1, 9–50. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Transe – Dans la danse"
Abramovici, Jean-Christophe. "Les traces littéraires dans La Fable mystique." In Michel de Certeau et la littérature. Fabula, 2018.
Full textVernozy, Delphine. "Le débat sur la « danse pure » dans la première partie du xxe siècle." In La danse et les arts (XVIIIe-XXe siècles). Fabula, 2018.
Full textLabra Cenitagoya, Ana Isabel. "Neige ardente ou les métamorphoses des éléments dans les littératures maghrébines d'expression française." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textAssanto, Gaetano, George I. Stegeman, Manuel B. Marques, William E. Torruellas, Winfried H. G. Horsthuis, Guus R. Möhlmann, and E. W. P. Erdhuisen. "Large Non-Resonant Nonlinearities in DANS Based Polymer Waveguides: Role of Microscopic Cascading." In Nonlinear Guided-Wave Phenomena. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1991.
Full textChedevergne, F., J. Yang, Alexander Stroh, and P. Forooghi. "Modeling roughness effects using the DANS/DEM approach." In 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23, Rome, Italy, 11-15 September 2023. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 2023.
Full textChedevergne, F., J. Yang, Alexander Stroh, and P. Forooghi. "Modeling roughness effects using the DANS/DEM approach." In 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23, Rome, Italy, 11-15 September 2023. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 2023.
Full textAbraham, Marine. "Jeunesse et plage : approche sociolinguistique des publicités contemporaines." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textMicó Romero, Noelia. "Problèmes de terminologie dans « Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan/ Plan d’urgence de bord contre la pollution par les hydrocarbures » sur la Méditerranée à partir d’une traduction de l’anglais vers le français." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textBarbedette, Sarah. "« Bloc qui danse » : la matière en mouvement dans Parc des Princes de Nicolas de Staël1." In Penser le mouvement. Fabula, 2015.
Full textLeroux, Pierre, and Flora Veit-Wild. "Dans les replis de l’archive, naissance et transformations du fonds Dambudzo Marechera." In Archives matérielles, traces mémorielles et littérature des Afriques. Fabula, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Transe – Dans la danse"
Kira, Beatriz, Rutendo Tavengerwei, and Valary Mumbo. Points à examiner à l'approche des négociations de Phase II de la ZLECAf: enjeux de la politique commerciale numérique dans quatre pays d'Afrique subsaharienne. Digital Pathways at Oxford, March 2022.
Full textDonaldson, E. M. Quelques méthodes instrumentales destinées au dosage des éléments traces et mineurs dans le fer, l'acier et les métaux et alliages non-ferreux. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1985.
Full textGodet, A., M. Smit, C. Guilmette, and F. Fournier-Roy. La longue vie du Batholite de Decelles, Pontiac, Québec: les grenats à notre rescousse! Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textTea, Céline. REX et données subjectives: quel système d'information pour la gestion des risques? Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, April 2012.
Full textGruber, Verena, Ingrid Peignier, and Elinora Pentcheva. Analyse des motivations d’achat de camions légers au Québec. CIRANO, February 2023.
Full textTorre, Costanza. Considérations clés : Mobiliser les « personnes en déplacement » pour promouvoir l’acceptation du vaccin contre la COVID-19 en Italie. SSHAP, May 2022.
Full textDufour, Quentin, David Pontille, and Didier Torny. Contracter à l’heure de la publication en accès ouvert. Une analyse systématique des accords transformants. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, April 2021.
Full textVargas-Herrera, Hernando, Juan Jose Ospina-Tejeiro, Carlos Alfonso Huertas-Campos, Adolfo León Cobo-Serna, Edgar Caicedo-García, Juan Pablo Cote-Barón, Nicolás Martínez-Cortés, et al. Monetary Policy Report - April de 2021. Banco de la República de Colombia, July 2021.
Full textPoints de vue 2STNBNCG sur l’accès à la justice : une évaluation des besoins juridiques: une évaluation des besoins juridiques. JusticeTrans, May 2022.
Full textPoints de vue 2STNBNCG sur l’accès à la justice: Le zine. JusticeTrans, May 2022.
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