Academic literature on the topic 'Transatlantic transfers'

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Journal articles on the topic "Transatlantic transfers"


Majkowska-Szulc, Sylwia. "Tarcza Prywatności UE–USA po kolizji w „bezpiecznej przystani”. Zakres ochrony prywatności po wyroku w sprawie C-362/14 Schrems." Przegląd Prawa i Administracji 107 (April 4, 2017): 181–93.

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EU–U.S. PRIVACY SHIELD AFTER A COLLISION IN THE “SAFE HARBOUR”. THE SCOPE OF PRIVACY PROTECTION AFTER THE JUDGEMENT IN THE C-362/14 SCHREMS CASETransfer of personal data is an essential element of the transatlantic trade relationship, because the EU and the United States are for each other the most important trading partners. Data transfers increasingly form an integral part of their commercial exchanges. The Court of Justice of the European Union ruling of 6 October 2015 in case C-362/14 Schrems reaffirmed the importance of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data, as enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, including the situation when such data are transferred outside the EU. In the wake of the hereinabove judgement the transatlantic data transfer has been regulated anew. European Commission has launched EU-U.S. Privacy Shield in order to ensure stronger protection for transatlantic data flows. This article aims to analyse the importance and results of the above-mentioned judgement.
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Fuster, Gloria González, Paul De Hert, and Serge Gutwirth. "SWIFT and the vulnerability of transatlantic data transfers." International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 22, no. 1-2 (April 23, 2008): 191–202.

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Hegar, R. L. "Transatlantic Transfers in Social Work: Contributions of Three Pioneers." British Journal of Social Work 38, no. 4 (April 15, 2008): 716–33.

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Versailles, David W., and Valérie Mérindol. "KNOWLEDGE TRANSFERS AND R&D MANAGEMENT: AN INQUIRY INTO THE PROBLEM OF TRANSATLANTIC COMPLEMENTARITIES." Defence and Peace Economics 17, no. 3 (June 1, 2006): 239–56.

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Logemann, Jan. "Americanization through Credit? Consumer Credit in Germany, 1860s–1960s." Business History Review 85, no. 3 (2011): 529–50.

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This study of the American impact on German consumer credit reveals that the notion of post–World War II Americanization emerging through credit-induced consumption is more complicated than has been previously acknowledged. The postwar debate in Germany over consumer credit as an American import had antecedents in a longer, previously overlooked, history of consumer credit. Moreover, the concept of Americanization remains misleading from a comparative perspective: First, examples of indigenous German institutional consumer lending predate the postwar period. Second, differences in both the forms and quantitative weight of consumer lending defy the notion of convergence. Third, different social and political contexts prevented a wholesale adoption in Germany of an American model of credit financing, despite repeated transatlantic transfers.
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Kosta, Eleni, and Irene Kamara. "The Right to an Effective Remedy In International Data Transfers of Electronic Evidence: Past Lessons and Future Outlook." Review of European Administrative Law 16, no. 1 (May 9, 2023): 57–82.

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Cross-border and international collaboration of authorities is often a necessity, involving inter alia the exchange of good practices, tools, human resources, but also information, including personal data. Cross-border access to data is essential in the context of electronic evidence in criminal investigations and proceedings, as more than half of all criminal investigations involve a cross-border request to obtain e-evidence. From a fundamental rights perspective, a common denominator in transborder exchanges of data -irrespective of whether they take place for commercial or for criminal purposes- is that the right to effective remedy of the individuals concerned shall be safeguarded, a right protected under Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the European Union. Taking into account this context, this paper provides a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the right on effective remedies for EU citizens in international data transfers of electronic evidence and discusses the future of the right to effective remedies in transatlantic transfers of data in this context. The main argument of the paper is that the effective remedies for sharing electronic evidence outside the EU territory are not sufficiently guaranteed by the existing applicable rules, due to the piecemeal approach followed in the EU.
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Jóźwiak, Marek, Łukasz Woźniak, Zaid Al-Shakarchi, Peter Bernius, Michael Wade Shrader, and Elisabet Rodby-Bousquest. "Diagnosis and treatment of crouch gait in children with cerebral palsy. Report from the 4th Edition of the Transatlantic Orthopedic Surgery Webinar 2022." Chirurgia Narządów Ruchu i Ortopedia Polska 88, no. 1 (March 28, 2023): 30–40.

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Introduction. The fourth edition of the Transatlantic Orthopedic Surgery Webinar 2022 took place on December 12th, 2022. The main theme of the webinar was the treatment of crouch gait in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Speakers from Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States participated. Results. The first general session presented the biomechanics of crouch gait, the function of the hip and knee muscles in children with CP, the principles of prevention and treatment of crouch gait in spastic diplegia, and the natural course and treatment outcomes of CP in adults. The surgical sessions comprehensively presented the surgical techniques for treating crouch gait: percutaneous myofasciotomy in the posterior knee joint, straightening osteotomy of the distal femur in hemiplegia, asymmetric and symmetric diplegia, techniques for shortening and plastically reconstructing the patellar ligament, anterior hemiepiphysiodesis of the distal femur, and transfer of the hamstring muscles to the rectus femoris muscle. The second general session presented postoperative standing and walking rehabilitation protocols and evaluation of treatment outcomes (pain, fatigue, ambulatory activity, motor function, and quality of life). Summary. The most important conclusions from the event were: do not lengthen the Achilles tendon in zone III in crouch gait; laboratory gait analysis is necessary before lengthening the hamstring muscles; hemiepiphysiodesis of the distal femur can be performed when the predicted growth period is less than two years; distal femur osteotomy should be considered during adolescence for knee flexion contracture of 10-40 degrees; treatment possibilities of tendon transfers and myofasciotomies should be remembered, especially in younger patients. The webinar attracted an audience of approximately 1,600 people from 672 centers located in 57 countries. Most participants came from Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Norway, Sweden, and India.
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Biggam, Ross. "Brexit and the Effects of the Proposed EU–UK Partnership Agreement on the Audiovisual Sector." European Foreign Affairs Review 25, Issue 3 (September 1, 2020): 379–98.

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The audiovisual media industry has undergone and is undergoing a phase of global consolidation. While the sector is a significant component of the European economy, it is a special sector from a cultural perspective. Governments have reacted to this by trying to accommodate a tension between commercial objectives and what is perceived as ‘cultural’ objectives. Also the European Union has sought to reconcile these tensions. Now, Brexit poses further challenges for the global media sector, much of whose business activity was based in the UK.While the exact details of what Brexit would mean were unclear in June 2016, they have been partially clarified since then. The aim is to base the future EU/UK relationship on a free trade agreement, not on the Single Market. However, the audiovisual sector will be excluded from this agreement in line with the long-established precedent of a cultural exception in EU trade deals. The sector has widely understood these following extensive debates since 2013, ahead of adopting the EU mandate for the now-abandoned Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations with the US. Many international broadcasting groups have anticipated the end of UK Single Market access after Brexit by relicensing channels and relocating staff into the EU27. While the UK will retain and maybe grow some core strengths, notably around content production, its role as the leading European centre for global media companies is likely to be eroded by new hubs in the EU27, while UK-based media companies will continue to be affected by EU regulation in relation to market access as well as free movement. There are particular issues around data transfers and state aids. This article seeks to evaluate if the current negotiations cater to the interest of the audiovisual sector and if not, why not. Brexit, EU–UK Partnership, Audiovisual, Post-Brexit settlement, Personal Data, State Aid
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Hambleton, Robin, and Marilyn Taylor. "Transatlantic urban policy transfer." Policy Studies 15, no. 2 (June 1994): 4–18.

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Huyssen, Andreas, and Anson Rabinbach. "Introduction: Transatlantic Theory Transfer: Missed Encounters?" New German Critique 44, no. 3 132 (October 25, 2017): 1–3.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Transatlantic transfers"


Lundmark, Martin. "Transatlantic defence industry integration : discourse and action in the organizational field of the defence market." Doctoral thesis, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Institutionen för Marknadsföring och strategi, 2011.

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The integration of defence companies in Europe and the U.S. has in the defence market’s environment for a long time received considerable interest. Companies see business opportunities and attractive technology on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Governments advocate in a public discourse that transatlantic defence industry integration is highly desirable and that it would benefit all concerned. This supportive discourse is compared to the action; the corporate integration that has occurred. The aim of the thesis is to understand and explain the level and nature of the transatlantic defence industry integration and its driving forces and inhibitors. A combination of three focal theoretical concepts has been used: integration, discourse and organizational field. The thesis shows that there is a marked discrepancy between the discourse for and the actual extent of transatlantic defence industry integration. This discrepancy and the nature of the corporate integration is analyzed and explained through the combination of discourse and integration within an organizational field. The thesis shows that defence companies’ in transatlantic acquisitions achieve very limited influence over the acquired company’s strategy and operations, and that synergies and rationalization are strongly disencouraged by governments. The processual integration within trans-national groups and in transatlantic defence materiel collaboration is highly restricted by governments. The thesis also shows that the defence innovation largely is separated between the U.S. and Europe. The defence market is an example of a political market showing a very different corporate rationality compared to ideal models of corporate rationality as the SCP paradigm. The findings suggest that defence companies’ strategy and integration appear non-rational in isolation, but become rational when understood through the lens of the defence market seen as an organizational field – a perspective that emphasizes the influence of the government field. If you want to understand, analyze or engage in transatlantic defence industry integration, you should benefit from this study. It should be of interest to researchers who study the defence industry, defence procurement, political markets, organizational fields, regulatory governance and corporate integration. It should be of interest to policymakers and others engaged in the discourse that concerns reforms of political markets in general, and of the defence market in particular. Martin Lundmark is a researcher at the Center for Marketing, Distribution and Industry Dynamics at the Stockholm School of Economics. His research focuses on the defence market, defence procurement, Europeanization and the transformation within political markets. Martin also works as defence market and defence procurement analyst and deputy research director at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, 2011
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Tnaïnchi, Leïla. "La correspondance de Benjamin Franklin, psyché de la France d'Ancien Régime (1776-1790)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2023.

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Le séjour français de Benjamin Franklin entre 1776 et 1785 en qualité d'envoyé des États-Unis laisse une image forte, celle de la popularité remarquable du diplomate, qui déborde le cercle des bureaux ministériels pour investir l'espace public. Cette étude entend mettre en lumière les rapports de Franklin avec ce que certains contemporains, tel que Necker, commencent à appeler « l'opinion publique », dans le but de brosser un portrait des Français à travers le miroir de l'image publique aux multiples facettes d'un étranger célèbre, sans déterminisme et dans une période que je nommerai simplement, pour écarter autant que faire se peut toute tendance à la téléologie, « la fin du XVIIIe siècle ». Cette recherche s'appuie sur l'important recueil des « Papers of Benjamin Franklin » et ainsi sur l'intégralité de la correspondance française de l'Américain, forte de près de deux-mille épistoliers et de plus de cinq-mille-cinq-cents lettres. D'autres sources viennent compléter ce corpus : les écrits de Franklin traduits en français et circulant dans le royaume, mais aussi bien d'autres imprimés, la presse européenne francophone du moment, les fonds des archives du Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Courneuve, et enfin la foisonnante iconographie ayant trait au personnage. Ce vaste corpus nous offre une bonne appréhension des Français de cette période à travers l'étude de nombreuses thématiques, telles que les sciences, les techniques, la politique, les salons, la franc-maçonnerie, la cour, le commerce ou encore l'armée. Cette recherche fait également apparaître la vision de l'Amérique et des États-Unis qu'entretiennent les Français et offre ainsi une analyse des réelles motivations des sujets de Louis XVI qui sont prêts à commercer avec les Américains et à leur accorder des crédits, des postulants pour l'émigration dans le Nouveau Monde et des militaires volontaires pour rejoindre le théâtre de la guerre
The French stay of Benjamin Franklin between 1776 and 1785 as an envoy of the United States leaves a strong image, that of the remarkable popularity of the diplomat, who goes beyond the circle of ministerial offices to invest the public space. This study intends to highlight Franklin's relationships with what some contemporaries, such as Necker, began to call "public opinion", with the aim of painting a portrait of the French through the mirror of the public image with multiple facets of a famous foreigner, without determinism and in a period that I will simply name, to exclude as much as possible any teleology, "the end of the 18th century". This research is based on the important collection of “Papers of Benjamin Franklin” and thus on the entirety of the French correspondence of the American, comprising nearly two thousand letter writers and more than five thousand five hundred letters. Other sources complete this corpus: Franklin's writings translated into French and circulating in the kingdom, but also many other printed materials, the French-speaking European press of the moment, the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of La Courneuve, and finally the abundant iconography relating to the character. This vast corpus offers us a good understanding of the French people of this period through the study of numerous themes, such as sciences, techniques, politics, salons, Freemasonry, the court, commerce or even the army. This research also reveals the vision of America and the United States held by the French people and thus offers an analysis of the real motivations of the subjects of Louis XVI who are ready to trade with the Americans and grant them credits, of applicants for emigration to the New World and of military volunteers to join the theater of war
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Guerpin, Martin. "Adieu New York, bonjour Paris ! : les enjeux esthétiques et culturels des appropriations du jazz dans le monde musical savant français (1900-1930)." Thèse, Paris 4, 2015.

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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université Paris-Sorbonne et l'Université de Montréal. Composition du jury : M. Laurent Cugny (Université Paris-Sorbonne) ; M. Michel Duchesneau (Université de Montréal) ; M. Philippe Gumplowicz (Université d'Evry-Val d'Essonne) ; Mme Barbara Kelly (Keele University - Royal Northern College of Music) ; M. François de Médicis (Université de Montréal) ; M. Christopher Moore (Université d'Ottawa)
Cette version de la thèse a été tronquée de certains éléments protégés par le droit d’auteur (exemples musicaux et iconographie). Par conséquent, ces éléments n'apparaissent pas dans le document.
Ce travail envisage les appropriations musicales et discursives du jazz dans le monde musical savant français. Fondé sur la méthode des transferts culturels, il propose une histoire croisée de la musique savante française, de la diffusion des répertoires de jazz en Europe et de leur perception. La réflexion s’appuie sur un corpus systématique des œuvres savantes influencées le jazz et des textes que lui consacrent compositeurs et critiques. La réflexion se fonde sur l’établissement d’un corpus systématique des œuvres savantes influencées le jazz et des textes que lui consacrent compositeurs et critiques. Une analyse informée par des données issues de l’esthétique et de l’histoire culturelle montre que ces œuvres contribuèrent à différentes entreprises de redéfinition d’une identité française de la musique. Les appropriations du jazz remettent également en cause une conception de la musique populaire propre au XIXe siècle. Elles valorisent des sujets auparavant considérés comme triviaux et proposent un son nouveau, tantôt associé au modernisme mécaniste des États-Unis, tantôt à l’énergie débridée attribuée au primitivisme nègre. Enfin, elles participent à la remise au goût du jour d’un classicisme protéiforme. Ces différents aspects font l’objet d’une périodisation et d’une thématisation. Si les premiers cake-walks des années 1900 sont mis au service d’un exotisme « nègre », les emprunts au jazz à la fin des années 1910 relèvent d’un geste avant-gardiste au service d’un projet nationaliste de rétablissement de l’identité française de la musique. À partir du milieu des années 1920, suite aux efforts fructueux de Jean Wiéner pour légitimer le jazz aux yeux du monde musical savant, un discours spécialisé émerge. De nouveaux compositeurs s’y intéressent, dans la perspective d’un classicisme désormais plus cosmopolite. Tout en faisant émerger différents paradigmes de l’appropriation du jazz (cocteauiste, stravinskien, ravélien, entre autres), ce travail vise à jeter un éclairage nouveau sur la production musicale savante dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres et sur les rencontres entre différentes traditions musicales.
This thesis deals with the musical and discursive appropriations of jazz in the French musical world. Inspired the approach of cultural transfers and crosses the history of French art music in France and the history of its diffusion and perception in Europe. To do so, it draws upon a corpus of art music pieces influenced by jazz and of texts written by composers and critics. This corpus contributes to different redefinitions of an alleged French musical identity. What is more, appropriations of jazz renew a conception of popular music that goes back to the beginning of the 19th century. They also valorize topics previously considered as trivial, and they display a new kind of sound, evoking Anglo-saxon modernism or « negro » primitivism. The different aspects mentionned above are presented in a chronological and thematic fashion. In the 1900s, the first cake-walks contribute to a tradition of « negro » exoticsm. Ten years after, borrowing to jazz has become an avant-gardist gesture, and a response to nationalist motivations. Thanks to Jean Wiéner’s efforts in order to legitimize jazz, a new group of composers and critics take an interest in it. Jazz then becomes a means to assert a more cosmopolitan classicism. This thesis identifies different paradigms of the appropriation of jazz in France. More broadly, it sheds new light on musical creation in the French art music world between 1900-1930, and on musical encounters between different musical traditions.
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Lenoir, Anaïs. "Canada- European Union Transatlantic Dialogue: Economic and Environmental Transfers of Knowledge and the Case of the CETA Negotiations." Thesis, 2013.

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The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) currently under negotiations between Canada and the European Union is one of the first next generation free trade agreements. In this respect, it seeks to go beyond where other free trade agreements went. CETA will not only reduce tariff barriers but will attempt to tackle issues such as internal barriers to trade, uneasy market access, government procurement. Many scholars have attempted to uncover the special relationship that the policy fields of trade and the environment maintain. As a way to add to this tradition, this study seeks to uncover the dynamics of this relationship when taken in the context of a next generation free trade agreement. Based on interviews with key observers and an analysis of the literature, this thesis suggests that due to the different parties’ current management of environmental protection, CETA could very well be one of the most environmentally friendly free trade agreement to date.
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Infante, Ignacio. "Poetics of transfer translation, cosmopolitanism and the intermedial in twentieth-century transatlantic poetry /." 2009.

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Books on the topic "Transatlantic transfers"


R, Hofmann Annette, ed. Turnen and sport: Transatlantic transfers. Münster: Waxmann, 2004.

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Stockholm, Handelshögskolan i., ed. Transatlantic defence industry integration: Discourse and action in the organizational field of the defence market. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics, 2011.

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E, Fisher Christine, Koehl Stuart 1956-, Mossberg Christer Lennart, and Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Center for Transatlantic Relations, eds. Fortresses and icebergs: The evolution of the transatlantic defense market and the implications for U.S. national security policy. Washington, D.C: Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 2009.

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1968-, Lorenz Sebastian, Machill Marcel 1968-, and Schmidt, Helmut, 1918 Dec. 23-, eds. Transatlantik: Transfer von Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1999.

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M, Beyerle Shaazka, and European Institute. Project on Transatlantic Technology Cooperation., eds. Transatlantic technology cooperation: Building a win-win outcome : a report of the European Institute Project on Transatlantic Technology Cooperation (PROTEC). Washington, DC, USA: The European Institute, 1994.

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M, Beyerle Shaazka, and European Institute. Project on Transatlantic Technology Cooperation., eds. The Transatlantic technology agenda: New policy dimensions : a report of the Project on Transatlantic Technology Cooperation (PROTEC), November 1994 seminar. Washington, DC: The Institute, 1995.

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Geoffrey, Pattie, Smith Michael T. 1943-, and Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.), eds. Making transatlantic defense cooperation work: Findings and recommendations of the CSIS Atlantic Partnership Project. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1996.

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W, Wessner Charles, and National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy., eds. New vistas in transatlantic science and technology cooperation: Based on a conference held June 8-9, 1998, in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1999.

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Project, CSIS Atlantic Partnership. From shadows to substance: An action plan for transatlantic defense cooperation : conference summary and background report of the CSIS Atlantic Partnership Project. Washington, D.C: The Center for Strategic & International Studies, 1995.

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Jacob, Frank, and Martina Kaller. Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Book chapters on the topic "Transatlantic transfers"


Machill, Marcel, and Sebastian Lorenz. "Nicht Amerikanisierung, sondern Transfer." In Transatlantik, 14–22. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1999.

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Kukies, Jörg, and Frederic M. Scherer. "Zeit für wirtschafts- und finanzpragmatischen Transfer." In Transatlantik, 233–46. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1999.

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Adam, Thomas. "The Intercultural Transfer of Knowledge and Concepts About Higher Education." In Transatlantic Encounters in History of Education, 103–19. New York : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Routledge studies in cultural history ; 88: Routledge, 2020.

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Medearis, Dale. "Formalizing the Transfer and Application of Environmental Policies and Lessons from Germany to the United States: The Case of Northern Virginia." In Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective, 171–84. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.

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"Cultural Transfers and Transatlantic Negotiations." In Literary Agents in the Transatlantic Book Trade, 117–49. Routledge, 2017.

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Abduca, Ricardo. "Coca leaf transfers to Europe." In Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492, 106–26. Routledge, 2019.

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Jacob, Frank, and Martina Kaller. "Introduction." In Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492, 1–12. Routledge, 2019.

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Benninga, Noah. "Unlocking platinum." In Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492, 189–207. Routledge, 2019.

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Henderson, John S., and Kathryn M. Hudson. "Chasing chocolate." In Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492, 15–29. Routledge, 2019.

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Katz, Esther. "Flavors and colors." In Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492, 30–53. Routledge, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Transatlantic transfers"


Hu¨ffmeier, Johannes, Bjo¨rn Forsman, Jim Sandkvist, and Johan Rafstedt. "Decision Support for Offshore Operations in Remote Arctic Areas TOSC: An Optimization Toolbox Based on Bayesian Networks." In ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2009.

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SSPA Sweden AB has developed a decision support tool for Arctic offshore operations in close cooperation with the ship owner Transatlantic. With their icebreaking offshore supply vessels, Transatlantic has experience in both offshore operations and ice breaking for the Swedish Maritime Administration, which gives them a unique competence for Arctic offshore tasks. Founded on these experiences SSPA has created a toolbox based on Bayesian networks to provide the decision maker with the required competence to plan, dimension and organise offshore operations. The demands on the model given by Transatlantic for this tool were to include an accurate planning possibility, it should be handy and flexible, successively extendable, based scientifically and it should reflect the operators experience and even experience transfer. The developed tool is based on so called Bayesian Networks. With the help of the graphical directed arrows it is possible to describe complex links and relations between: - specific customer demands and service needs, - supply tasks, icebreaking management, anchor handling, towing, etc., - local external environmental conditions, ice, weather, - surrounding infrastructure, base harbours, transports, - external requirements, national rules, permissions, classification requirements, - possible abnormalities, undesired events, danger of accident, - emergency preparedness, redundant resources, - resources, vessels in use, land-based resources, helicopters, etc. By combining risk analysis methodology, statistics and expert judgements the tool belays and incorporates high safety, cost-benefit, well-reasoned strategies, alternative plans of action and purposive solutions.
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Zhang, Victor, Thomas E. Parker, Joseph Achkar, and Daniele Rovera. "Transatlantic 2.5 MChip/s two-way satellite time and frequency transfer with surface acoustic wave filters." In 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS). IEEE, 2011.

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Čović, Ana. "PRENOS LIČNIH PODATAKA NAKON ODLUKE EVROPSKOG SUDA PRAVDE SCHREMS II." In XVIII Majsko savetovanje. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2022.

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The paper will analyze the judgment of the European Court of Justice from July 2020, which declared the transfer of personal data of Europeans to US illegal. The "Privacy Shield" is the legal framework for regulating the transatlantic exchange of personal data for commercial purposes between the European Union and the United States, which allowed US authorities to collect personal data about entities in the European Union, but without adequate safeguards, the court said. From Facebook, dissatisfied with the verdict, which is important for multinational companies, they point out that stopping the transfer of data will have negative consequences on the results of targeted online advertising. It was determined that the principles of the American "Privacy Shield" are not in line with European laws, nor with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and that they are therefore invalid. This verdict affects every American company, not only Facebook аnd Instagram, so the consequences of its adoption will be felt by companies such as Google and Amazon. In the meantime, the question of the impact of this verdict on the transfer of data to other countries, such as China and Russia, was raised, especially when it comes to transmission via the current social network TikTok or through the technology of the Chinese company Huawei, аnd Yandex taxi applications.
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Marru, Suresh, Brian Freitag, Dimuthu Wannipurage, Uday Kumar Bommala, Patrick Pradier, Christophe Demange, Nishan Pantha, et al. "Blaze: A High-Performance, Scalable, and Efficient Data Transfer Framework with Configurable and Extensible Features : Principles, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Transatlantic Inter-Cloud Data Transfer Case Study." In 2023 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). IEEE, 2023.

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Marshall, I. W., P. D. Constantine, A. J. Lowery, D. J. Cooper, and D. Elton. "Optimisation of packaged, actively mode-locked 1.5 μm InGaAsP diode laser for >10 Gbit/s OTDM transmission systems." In Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1991.

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Work on transatlantic communications systems has already shown [1] that the maximum bit-rate/distance product for any system length is always obtained by transmitting well spaced transform limited pulses (solitons), e.g. 20 ps pulses for 10 Gbit/s transmission over 5000 km [2]. In a 40 Gbit/s network similar techniques would allow transmission over 1-2000 km using 3-5 ps pulses [3]. The principal barrier to development of such systems has always been the lack of a suitable pulse transmitter, which must produce high power, transform limited ps pulses at GHz rates, and must also be portable and stable for long periods (years). Recently it has been shown that suitable pulses can be generated by optically amplified semiconductor laser sources [4-6], similar to those used in current lightwave transmission systems. Two techniques have been used; gain switching and filtering [4],which is simple to implement but produces substantial pulse to pulse jitter, and mode-locking [5,6], which produces better pulses but is subject to stability problems. In this paper we show for the first time that the mechanical problems associated with external cavity mode-locked lasers can be overcome, without compromising on output pulse quality, by building a packaged cavity, and that the important operating parameters are amenable to external control for long term stability.
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