Academic literature on the topic 'Trajectory deformation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Trajectory deformation"
Fraichard, Thierry, and Vivien Delsart. "Navigating Dynamic Environments with Trajectory Deformation." Journal of Computing and Information Technology 17, no. 1 (2009): 27.
Full textGubanova, Alexandra A. "Investigation of stationary trajectories with associated milling by spur gears." MATEC Web of Conferences 226 (2018): 02004.
Full textMei, Jiangping, Fan Zhang, Jiawei Zang, Yanqin Zhao, and Han Yan. "Trajectory optimization of the 6-degrees-of-freedom high-speed parallel robot based on B-spline curve." Science Progress 103, no. 1 (October 10, 2019): 003685041988011.
Full textArio, Takahiro, and Ikuo Mizuuchi. "Planning the Shortest Carrying Trajectory Including Path and Attitude Change Considering Gripping Constraints." Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 34, no. 3 (June 20, 2022): 607–14.
Full textYoung Sung Ghim and John H. Seinfeld. "Trajectory models and the deformation of air parcels." Atmospheric Environment (1967) 22, no. 1 (January 1988): 25–29.
Full textPiras, Paolo, Valerio Varano, Maxime Louis, Antonio Profico, Stanley Durrleman, Benjamin Charlier, Franco Milicchio, and Luciano Teresi. "Transporting Deformations of Face Emotions in the Shape Spaces: A Comparison of Different Approaches." Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 63, no. 7 (May 18, 2021): 875–93.
Full textLi, Huifang, and Dariusz Ceglarek. "Optimal Trajectory Planning For Material Handling of Compliant Sheet Metal Parts." Journal of Mechanical Design 124, no. 2 (May 16, 2002): 213–22.
Full textPham, Quang-Cuong, and Yoshihiko Nakamura. "A New Trajectory Deformation Algorithm Based on Affine Transformations." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31, no. 4 (August 2015): 1054–63.
Full textGrozav, Sorin Dumitru, Vasile Adrian Ceclan, Antoniu Turcu, and Ovidiu Vasile Oprea. "Kinematic Process Plastic Cold Orbital Forming." Applied Mechanics and Materials 808 (November 2015): 98–103.
Full textShin, J., T. W. Cornelius, S. Labat, F. Lauraux, M. I. Richard, G. Richter, N. P. Blanchard, D. S. Gianola, and O. Thomas. "In situ Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction during tensile testing of an individual Au nanowire." Journal of Applied Crystallography 51, no. 3 (May 18, 2018): 781–88.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Trajectory deformation"
Sobrero, Franco Sebastian. "Logarithmic and Exponential Transients in GNSS Trajectory Models as Indicators of Dominant Processes in Post-Seismic Deformation." The Ohio State University, 2018.
Full textDelsart, Vivien. "Navigation autonome en environnement dynamique : Une approche par déformation de trajectoire." Grenoble, 2010.
Full textThis thesis presents a navigation method in uncertain and dynamic en- vironment. More precisely, it consists in determining the motion of a robot from an initial position to a goal one, while preventing the robot to collide with the other agents evolving in its environment. Between deliberative approaches - consisting in determining a priori a complete motion to the goal - and reactive approaches - computing a new motion to execute at each time step during the robot navigation - have arisen the motion deformation approaches, combining a motion planning method with a reactive obstacle avoidance process. Their principle is simple : A priori complete motion is planned up to the goal and provided to the robotic system. During the course of the execution, the remaining part of the motion to execute is continually deformed in response to information provided by the sensors. The robot is consequently able to adapt its motion to the behaviour of the moving obstacles or to the incompleteness of its environment knowledge. Most of the existing motion deformation methods only deform the geometric path followed by the robot. We propose thus to extend the previous approaches to a trajectory deformation approach that modify the followed motion either in space or time. To do it, trajectory deformation reason on an estimation of the future motion of the obstacles. By preventing the trajectory followed by the robot to collide with a forecast model of the future motion of the obstacles, the robotic system may anticipate their motion. As the deformed trajectory is arbitrarily modified in time and space, one of the major difficulties of the approach is to keep the motion constraints of the robot satisfied along the trajectory. In that aim, a trajectory generation approach with a final time constraint has thus been developed. By discretizing the deformed trajectory in a sequence of state-times, the trajectory generation process allows to check if a feasible motion exists between each triplet of successive state-times, and should the opposite case occur they are modified to restore the connectivity of the deformed trajectory. The trajectory deformation and trajectory generation with final time constraints have been illustrated by simulation results, and a few experiments have been proceeded on an automated wheelchair
Mikaelian, David. "Etude de la dynamique et de la morphologie de bulles confinées et non confinées, et de leur transfert de matière vers le liquide environnant." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014.
Full textUn dispositif expérimental d'imagerie et une méthode de posttraitement des images brutes ont été développés afin d'analyser la dynamique et la morphologie de bulles non confinées ayant une trajectoire non rectiligne de leur centre de masse en évitant les effets de perspectives et en déterminant un seuil pour la binarisation des images brutes sur base d'un critère bien défini. Ce dispositif expérimental et cette méthode de posttraitement des images brutes ont permis de générer des données relatives à la dynamique et la morphologie de bulles ellipsoïdales isolées et non confinées, pour des nombres d'Eötvös (Eo) et de Morton (Mo) de ces bulles tels que 0.8 < Eo < 8 et 10 -11 < Mo < 10 -7. L'analyse de ces données a permis de cartographier la nature de la trajectoire d'une bulle et la présence d'une éventuelle oscillation de son interface en fonction de ses nombres d'Eötvös et de Morton. Les bulles ayant une trajectoire hélicoïdale sans oscillation de leur interface ont été sélectionnées afin de proposer des corrélations pour calculer l'amplitude et la fréquence de leur trajectoire en fonction de leurs nombres d'Eötvös et de Morton. Concernant les bulles ayant une trajectoire en zigzag ou hélicoïdale sans oscillation de leur interface, l'analyse des données a permis de montrer l'alignement entre le vecteur vitesse de leur centre de masse et leur petit axe. Les rayons de courbure de l'avant et l'arrière de l'interface de ces bulles ont été évalués. Pour les bulles ayant une trajectoire en zigzag, une corrélation a été établie pour calculer le rapport des rayons de courbure à l'avant et à l'arrière de leur interface en fonction de leurs nombres d'Eötvös et de Morton. Une pulsation dans la composante verticale du mouvement du centre de masse d'une bulle a été observée dans le cas d'une trajectoire en zigzag de la bulle et ce à une fréquence égale au double de celle de sa trajectoire. Une telle pulsation n'a pas pu être identifiée dans le cas d'une trajectoire hélicoïdale d'une bulle.
Concernant l'analyse de la dynamique de bulles sphériques confinées dans des microcanaux de sections carrée et circulaire, ainsi que du transfert de matière entre ces bulles et le liquide environnant, une méthode numérique a été développée dans laquelle deux conditons aux limites sont considérées sur l'interface liquide-gaz: une condition de contrainte tangentielle nulle et une condition de non glissement. Les résultats obtenus avec cette méthode ont permis de caractériser les champs de vitesse et de concentration autour des bulles considérées, et de montrer leurs interactions. Grâce à ces résultats, des corrélations ont été établies, dans ces microcanaux et pour ces deux conditions aux limites, pour calculer la vitesse des bulles et pour caractériser le transfert de matière entre ces bulles et le liquide en fonction des paramètres définissant le système. Sur base de ces corrélations et de bilans de matière et de quantité de mouvement, un modèle pour la dissolution de bulles le long de microcanaux de sections carrée et circulaire a été proposé, pour le régime bubbly flow, et comparé avec des données expérimentales disponibles dans la littérature. Ce modèle permet de prédire, pour une bulle se mouvant le long d'un microcanal de section carrée ou circulaire, les évolutions des pressions dans le liquide et le gaz, de son diamètre, de sa vitesse, de la concentration du gaz dissous dans le liquide, de la distance de séparation entre cette bulle et la bulle qui la suit et du coefficient de transfert de matière entre cette bulle et le liquide environnant.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
SEO, TAE-IL. "Integration des effets de deformation d'outil en generation de trajectoire d'usinage." Nantes, 1998.
Full textBonnefis, Paul. "Etude des instabilités de sillage, de forme et de trajectoire de bulles par une approche de stabilité linéaire globale." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019.
Full textThis works deals with the coupling between time-dependent deformation, wake dynamics and path characteristics of a gas bubble in different configurations. An Eulerian-Lagrangian formalism is sought to formulate this problem in a moving domain having a small deformation compared to the reference configuration. This approach allows us to study the linear coupling between bubble deformations and hydrodynamic effects. This formalism makes it possible to first compute the base flow around a bubble and the corresponding steady shape, then to develop a global stability approach aimed at predicting the threshold of path instability and the properties of bubble oscillation modes. To develop this method, we first compute the linear oscillations of bubbles and drops in a quiescent fluid without gravity and compare them to existing theory. Then, the premise of the Eulerian-Lagrangian formalism is illustrated using a model equation, namely the heat equation written in an arbitrarily deformed domain. The same formalism is applied to the NavierStokes equations, yielding a linearized version of these equations in the neighbourhood of a reference domain, including the two-way coupling between shape deformations and perturbations of the base flow. With this system of equations at hand, we implement a Newton method that provides the steady state, i.e. the base flow around the bubble and its geometry. The same system allows us to carry out a global stability analysis of the flow past a deformable bubble. We first consider the situation where the bubble is trapped in a straining flow, for which we compute stable and unstable equilibrium shapes. We finally tackle the case of a buoyancy-driven bubble rising in a pure liquid. A parametric study is carried out over a wide range of liquids, from pure water to high-viscosity silicon oils. Steady states computed with the Newton method and instability thresholds are found to be in good agreement with experimental observations. For low-viscosity fluids, our approach captures the viscous effects that take place in the boundary layer better than existing computational approaches, yielding predictions for the onset of path instability in better agreemnt with observations. Furthermore, it confirms that time-dependent bubble deformations play a minor part for such liquids. In contrast, a stronger coupling between shape and path instabilities is observed in high-viscosity fluids
Wang, Sheng-Yi, and 王盛儀. "Digital Image Correlation of Two-Dimensional Trajectory and Deformation Measurement and Applied to Construct 3D Surface." Thesis, 2018.
Full text國立臺灣大學
This thesis start from verifying 2D Digital Image Correlation (DIC) ability then expand the topic to 3D measuring errors, and finally build a 3D surface constructing system by using single camera and automatic devices. 2D DIC trajectory measurement ability can be proven by comparing to 1D LASER displacement meter result, and have successfully matched by measuring XXY precision stage origin motion trajectory and displacement. The stage operating system had defect of overshooting, and have been fixed by applying a protecting logic circuit which will block the motor input for state of limit. Also, the system is changed into MATLAB environment for compatibility and has improved the degree of freedoms for angle displacement, direction and speed. The stage is found having better trajectory result compared with the shape of input command while operating with lower speed. Measurement of a three-point-forced acrylic circular plate is used to verify the full-field displacement and deformation ability of 2D DIC. The result of displacement and deformation measured by 2D DIC system are similar to the displacement and deformation simulations computed by COMSOL. This thesis presents a relationship between 2D and 3D measurement error derived by geometry, and gives a procedure to make sub-pixel standard image which verifies the 2D DIC method with an accuracy of 0.02 pixel. 3D measurement error can be predict by applying coordinate values of point in 3D space and error on 2D plane and verified by a test measuring feature point in different positions. At last, the thesis build a 3D surface measuring system by single camera, a single axis robot and precision stage, which have the possibility to capture photos for different view angle. The system ability is verified from measuring checker board plane, and successfully built 3D surface of an unequal diameter PVC pipe and a Beethoven plaster statue.
Book chapters on the topic "Trajectory deformation"
Ghafouri, M., and F. Lestienne. "Gesture Orientation and Trajectory Deformation in Three Dimensional Space." In Progress in Gestural Interaction, 227–34. London: Springer London, 1997.
Full textLamiraux, Florent, and Olivier Lefebvre. "Sensor-based Trajectory Deformation: Application to Reactive Navigation of Nonholonomic Robots." In Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods, 315–34. London: Springer London, 2010.
Full textChen, Huiqun, and Fenpin Jin. "A Novel Approach for Surface Topography Simulation Considering the Elastic-Plastic Deformation of a Material During a High-precision Grinding Process." In Proceeding of 2021 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications, 1176–93. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full text"deformation trajectory." In Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wörterbuch GeoTechnik, 349. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full text"Affine Trajectory Deformation for Redundant Manipulators." In Robotics. The MIT Press, 2013.
Full textDouglas, Kenneth. "What’s in the Offing?" In Bioprinting, 202–18. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textGracheva, Lyudmila I. "Thermal Deformation and Strength of Materials for Heat-shielding Coatings of a Spacecraft on the Trajectory of Descent from Orbit." In Techniques and Innovation in Engineering Research Vol. 2, 109–31. Book Publisher International (a part of SCIENCEDOMAIN International), 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Trajectory deformation"
Kurniawati, Hanna, and Thierry Fraichard. "From path to trajectory deformation." In 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE, 2007.
Full textPham, Quang-Cuong, and Yoshihiko Nakamura. "Affine trajectory deformation for redundant manipulators." In Robotics: Science and Systems 2012. Robotics: Science and Systems Foundation, 2012.
Full textDelsart, V., and T. Fraichard. "Navigating dynamic environments using trajectory deformation." In 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE, 2008.
Full textSingh, Arun Kumar, and Reza Ghabcheloo. "Trajectory Deformation Through Generalized Time Scaling." In 2018 17th European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE, 2018.
Full textSun, Shih-Yu, Brian W. Anthony, and Matthew W. Gilbertson. "Trajectory-based deformation correction in ultrasound images." In SPIE Medical Imaging, edited by Jan D'hooge and Stephen A. McAleavey. SPIE, 2010.
Full textWei, Wu, Xiang Zha, Qiuda Yu, and Jiankun Pang. "Trajectory Deformation Based on Energy Optimization and Obstacle Avoidance." In 2019 IEEE 9th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER). IEEE, 2019.
Full text"REAL-TIME TRAJECTORY MODIFICATION BASED ON BÉZIER SHAPE DEFORMATION." In International Conference on Evolutionary Computation. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2010.
Full textKutsuzawa, Kyo, Sho Sakaino, and Toshiaki Tsuji. "Sequence-to-sequence models for trajectory deformation of dynamic manipulation." In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2017.
Full textYuan, Ye, and Hehua Ju. "An Improved Trajectory Deformation Approach for Wheel-based Mobile Robots." In 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Workshop (KAM 2008 Workshop). IEEE, 2008.
Full textOikawa, Masahide, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Sho Sakaino, and Toshiaki Tsuji. "Admittance Control Based on a Stiffness Ellipse for Rapid Trajectory Deformation." In 2020 IEEE 16th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC). IEEE, 2020.
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