Academic literature on the topic 'Traitements de Fond'
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Journal articles on the topic "Traitements de Fond"
Ouallet, J. C. "Sclérose en plaques : traitements de fond." EMC - Neurologie 47, no. 2 (April 2024): 1–15.
Full textLévy-Chavagnat, Diane. "Traitements de fond de la maladie migraineuse." Actualités Pharmaceutiques 50, no. 502 (January 2011): 23–27.
Full textDucros, A. "Nouvelle approche pharmacologique des traitements de fond." Revue Neurologique 169 (April 2013): A246—A247.
Full textValade, Dominique. "Les avancées dans les traitements de crise et de fond de la maladie migraineuse." Biologie Aujourd'hui 213, no. 1-2 (2019): 59–64.
Full textGuemara, Romain, and Ilias Lazarou. "Suivi biologique des traitements de fond en rhumatologie." Revue Médicale Suisse 18, no. 773 (2022): 467–70.
Full textGoupille, Philippe. "Quels traitements de fond pour le rhumatisme psoriasique ?" Revue du Rhumatisme 69, no. 5 (May 2002): 464–69.
Full textGieré, C., S. Dutertre, and P. Poisbeau. "Les cônes marins, une ressource naturelle d’antalgiques venue du fond des mers : au-delà du ziconotide ?" Douleur et Analgésie 32, no. 4 (December 2019): 196–204.
Full textOuallet, Jean-Christophe. "Perspectives dans les traitements de fond de la SEP." Revue Neurologique 178 (April 2022): S177.
Full textMarguerie, Laurent, René-Marc Flipo, Bruno Grardel, Didier Beaurain, Bernard Duquesnoy, and Bernard Delcambre. "Utilisation des traitements de fond au cours du rhumatisme psoriasique." Revue du Rhumatisme 69, no. 5 (May 2002): 498–505.
Full textMichel, L. "Conduite des traitements de fond au cours de la grossesse." Revue Neurologique 170 (April 2014): A194.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Traitements de Fond"
Maze, Florence. "Données actuelles sur les traitements de fond de la polyarthrite rhumatoi͏̈de." Bordeaux 2, 1992.
Full textShrivastava, Rémi. "Association de l'écorce de Saule et de la Grande Camomille : une alternative thérapeutique aux traitements de fond de la migraine." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2020.
Full textThe anti-migraine properties of Tanacetum parthenium are mainly attributed to its main active compound: the parthenolide. Its mechanism of action is not completely understood, but growing evidences are demonstrating a possible desensitization of the transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel by parthenolide action. The TRPA1, due its expression in the nerve endings of meningeal nociceptors and other neuroanatomical sites implicated in migraine modulation, play itself a role in the pathophysiology of migraine. Our hypothesis is that partenolide increases the migraine triggering threshold by desensitizing TRPA1 receptors. To test our hypothesis, we first evaluated the efficacy and mode of action of parthenolide in a rat model of migraine. By combining different in vivo approaches (behaviour assessment and electrophysiology) we have shown that parthenolide, administered intraperitoneally, prevents cutaneous cephalic hypersensitivity induced by repeated injections of inflammatory substances (or inflammatory soup: IS) on the surface of the meninges. More specifically, we demonstrate parthenolide can act at the peripheral level where the TRPA1 receptors are located. Indeed, when the application of parthenolide directly on the surface of the meninges preceded the application of IS, second order wide-dynamic range neurons at the caudal trigeminal spinal nucleus displayed a decreased spontaneous and evoked activity, contrasting with the increased activity observed in non-treated rats. Finally, we were able to observe that, in vitro, parthenolide binds to TRPA1 receptors via a Michael addition reaction on cysteine, as shown by nuclear magnetic resonance and thermophoresis studies. Additionally, since a previous open clinical trial had shown the effectiveness of Tanacetum parthenium combined with the plant Salix alba in preventing migraines we used the same model of migraine as described above to test the effectiveness of salicin (active compound in Salix alba) or the combination of the 2 active compounds in reducing cutaneous cephalic hypersensitivity. We observed that salicin alone was ineffective but, when used in combination with parthenolide, it produced a synergetic effect. Finally, we tested the effectiveness of the combination of the two plants in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study on 129 patients with episodic migraine. After 28 days of observation and 12 weeks of treatment, the herbal combination was shown to be significantly superior in preventing migraines compared to the placebo group. Overall, these results confirm that Tanacetum parthenium, particularly when used in combination with Salix alba, is a successful and safe therapy in humans to prevent and decrease the frequency of migraine attacks, an effect probably related the ability to target and desensitize TRPA1 channels
Richard, Joël. "Application de méthodes de traitements numériques de signaux de détection, compression et reconnaissance d'événements d'origines sismiques dans une station autonome de type sismographe fond de mer." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textRICHARD, JOEL. "Application de methodes de traitements numeriques de signaux a la detection, compression et reconnaissance d'evenements d'origines sismiques dans une station autonome de type sismographe fond de mer." Rennes 1, 1988.
Full textDelachartre, Philippe. "Identification d'un système sonar large bande pour la reconnaissance des fonds sous-marins et la détection de cibles à proximité du fond." Lyon, INSA, 1994.
Full textFor active sonar systems, the echo backscattered from the seabed is either the signal containing the relevant information of the sea-bottom or the reverberating noise limiting the performances of target detection. This study is concerned with the interest of performing experiments in natural environment using a wideband sonar system (20-140 kHz) with a constant directivity for sea-bottom recognition and target detection purposes. The use of wide frequency range allows to characterize sea-bottom by its impulse response and the transmission of a high time bandwidth product signal improves the detection performances. An experimental procedure has been implemented to identify the system function of the wideband sonar. This identification procedure yields an estimate of the target impulse response by inverse filtering. Validation is made using a reference sphere target and the results are applied to estimate the sea-bottom impulse response. Relevant information is then extracted from the sea-bottom impulse response and leads to a rather well recognition rate of five different types of seabed. The characteristics of the bottom backscattered signals are taken into account for the detection of a target lying on the seabed. The receiver is based on an ARMA prewhitening filter and a matched filter. The receiver performances are evaluated as a function of the signal to noise ratio and show that the receiver is tolerant to the variability of bottom backscattered signals. Finally, the simulations and the experimental results show the interest of widening the frequency band in order to limit the fluctuations of the signal to noise ratio at the receiver input and to improve the resolution at the receiver output
Gaubert, Eric. "Séparation radioéléments-sels de fond par nanofiltration assistée par complexation en milieu fortement salin." Lyon 1, 1997.
Full textRosenberg, Nicole. "La suppression du fond en spectrométrie Auger : étude générale et applications." Lyon 1, 1990.
Full textNajar, Dorra. "La rémunération dans les fonds d’investissement : évaluation et traitement fiscal." Thesis, Paris 9, 2012.
Full textPrivate equity funds are a very important actor of the financial market. Their performance often exceeds the market performance. To establish a private equity fund, there are some agreements between the capital providers (limited partners) and the fund managers (the general partners). This thesis particularly treats the fund managers’ compensation granted to them for their management skills. This compensation consists of a fixed part (management fees) and a variable part indexed on the performance fund (carried interest). First, this thesis examines the various economic, cultural, specific managers’ factors ... that affect the choice of fund partners concerning compensation and profit sharing terms. Then, it studies the tax treatment problem of carried interest. The difference of taxing treatment between the United States and some European countries is explained by a difficulty in defining this financial instrument. The approximation of the carried interest to a financial option allows a better identification of the most appropriate tax treatment. Finally, this thesis proposes an estimating method of the GPs compensation fair value using Monte Carlo simulations. Varying contract clauses and optional characteristics allows a sensitivity analysis of this remuneration
Zhou, Liangzhu. "Contribution à l'analyse harmonique du bruit de fond par méthode numérique." Montpellier 2, 1986.
Full textAbellaoui, Lahcen. "Conception d'un analyseur numérique de densité spectrale de bruit de fond électronique." Montpellier 2, 1989.
Full textBooks on the topic "Traitements de Fond"
Anglade, Pierre-H. L' asthme cet inconnu: Bilan critique, traitement de fond /Pierre-H. Anglade. Paris: Arnette, 1990.
Find full textChampagne, Michel. Le traitement d'un fonds d'archives: Ses documents historiques. La Pocatière, Québec: Documentor, 1987.
Find full textJorge, Welti-Chanes, Barbosa-Cánovas Gustavo V, and Aguilera José Miguel, eds. Engineering and food for the 21st century. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002.
Find full textJorge, Welti-Chanes, Barbosa-Cánovas Gustavo V, and Aguilera José Miguel, eds. Engineering and food for the 21st century. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002.
Find full textWest, Donald A. Développement et acquisition de nouvelles technologies dans l'industrie de la transformation alimentaire. Ottawa, Ont: Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada, 2000.
Find full textCrête, Michel. Evaluation des deux traitements sylvicoles les plus utilisés dans le cadre du programme d'aide à l'aménagement des ravages de cerfs de Virginie (PAAR). Québec: Société de la faune et des parcs du Québec, 2003.
Find full textS, Sablani Shyam, ed. Handbook of food and bioprocess modeling techniques. Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2007.
Find full textClark, J. P. Practical design, construction and operation of food facilities. Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2009.
Find full textMarcia, Pimentel, ed. Food, energy, and society. Niwot, Co: University Press of Colorado, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Traitements de Fond"
Cifuentes, Natalia Soler, Aude Grezka, and Jorge García Flores. "Phraséologie et noms de marque." In IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 1–19. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.
Full textPiquart-Vesperini, Magaly. "6. Étudier les wauxhalls parisiens (1766–1798)." In St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture, 83–94. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024.
Full textDefer, Gilles. "Effets cognitifs des traitements de fond et des traitements symptomatiques." In Neuropsychologie de la sclérose en plaques, 181–88. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textWendling, Daniel, Frank Verhoeven, and Clément Prati. "Les traitements de fond des spondyloarthrites axiales ont-ils un effet structural ?" In L'actualité Rhumatologique 2022, 27–33. Elsevier, 2022.
Full textMackenzie, L. "Remplacement des dents absentes fondé sur la mutilation minimale : première partie." In Dentisterie Esthétique : Traitements Mini-Invasifs, 193–255. Elsevier, 2017.
Full textMackenzie, L. "Remplacement des dents absentes fondé sur la mutilation minimale : deuxième partie – Les matériaux esthétiques." In Dentisterie Esthétique : Traitements Mini-Invasifs, 257–321. Elsevier, 2017.
Full textCHARPENTIER, Philippe. "Algorithmes en physique des particules." In Algorithmes et Société, 111–18. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textFLORENCE, Carré, Jean-Yves CHATELIER, and David GRANDGIRARD. "La surveillance de risques émergents à partir d’algorithmes." In Algorithmes et Société, 15–24. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full text"Fonds de traitement des déchets électroniques en République populaire de Chine." In La responsabilité élargie du producteur, 267–72. OECD, 2017.
Full textCaillaud, Aurélien, and Sébastien Chauffour. "Un fonds peut en cacher un autre… et un autre… et un autre… : traitement et inventaire des archives Poinssot." In Autour du fonds Poinssot. Publications de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Traitements de Fond"
Ceddaha Zibi, A. "Migraine faciale à expression dentaire, à propos de trois cas." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textFerre, F. "Des greffes autologues aux cellules souches, quel avenir pour la chirurgie pré-implantaire ?" In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textAlande, C., and C. Landric. "Autotransplantation de germes dentaires au centre hospitalier de Pau : une série de cas." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textBen Amor, Syrine. "Pour une lecture croisée des représentations de l'onde dans Bruges-la-Morte de Georges Rodenbach." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Traitements de Fond"
Ruedin, Didier, Dina Bader, and Chloé Salathé. Panorama de la diversité au sein du personnel de l’administration de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds. Université de Neuchâtel – Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), September 2023.
Full textDudoit, Alain. Les espaces européens communs de données : une initiative structurante nécessaire et adaptable au Canada. CIRANO, October 2023.
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