Academic literature on the topic 'Traitement radar'
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Journal articles on the topic "Traitement radar"
Clément, Pierre, Ferdinand Bonn, and Jean-Marie M. Dubois. "Télédétection et caractéristiques physiques des dépôts meubles dans un milieu anciennement englacé du sud du Québec." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 37, no. 1 (November 29, 2007): 107–17.
Full textMarais-Sicre, Claire, Rémy Fieuzal, and Frédéric Baup. "Apport des images satellites multi-spectrales (optique et radar) pour la classification des surfaces en herbe." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 215 (August 16, 2017): 25–41.
Full textBoutaleb, Said, Fatima El Hammichi, Hassan Tabyaoui, Lhoussaine Bouchaou, and Khalid Dindane. "Détermination des écoulements préférentiels en zone karstique (Tafrata, Maroc), Apport des données satellitaires SAR ERS-1 et Landsat ETM+ et de la prospection géophysique." Revue des sciences de l'eau 22, no. 3 (August 3, 2009): 407–19.
Full textBorbach, Christoph. "Operations rooms. Infrastructures et pratiques des visualisations aériennes durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale." Transbordeur 6 (2022): 112–21.
Full textDeysine, Anne. "Ruth Bader Ginsburg ou la résistance par opinion dissidente." Tocqueville Review 42, no. 2 (December 1, 2021): 5–25.
Full textRudant, Jean-Paul, and Pierre-Louis Frison. "Télédétection radar : de l'image d'intensité initiale au choix du mode de calibration des coefficients de diffusion beta 0, sigma 0, gamma 0." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 219-220 (December 10, 2019): 19–28.
Full text-Saulais, P. "Améliorations des traitements radar." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 03 (2004): 37.
Full textDejoux, Jean-François, Gérard Dedieu, Olivier Hagolle, Danièle Ducrot, Jean-Claude Menaut, Eric Ceschia, Frédéric Baup, et al. "Kalideos OSR MiPy : un observatoire pour la recherche et la démonstration des applications de la télédétection à la gestion des territoires." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 197 (April 22, 2014): 17–30.
Full textNicolas, Jean-Marie, and Florence Tupin. "Quarante années d'imagerie satellitaire radar." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 219-220 (December 10, 2019): 7–17.
Full textSenatore, Alfonso, Luca Furnari, and Giuseppe Mendicino. "Impact of high-resolution sea surface temperature representation on the forecast of small Mediterranean catchments' hydrological responses to heavy precipitation." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, no. 1 (January 20, 2020): 269–91.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Traitement radar"
Lançon, Fabienne. "Extraction de signaux radar." Rennes 1, 1996.
Full textFoucher, Samuel. "Analyse multiéchelle d'images radar : application au filtrage, à la classfication et à la fusion d'images radar en optique." Rennes 1, 2001.
Full textChatelain, Florent. "Lois Gamma multivariées pour le traitement d'images radar." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2007.
Full textChatelain, Florent Tourneret Jean-Yves. "Lois Gamma multivariées pour le traitement d'images radar." Toulouse : INP Toulouse, 2008.
Full textNoyer, Jean-Charles. "Traitement non-linéaire du signal radar par filtrage particulaire." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1996.
Full textCiuc, Mihai. "Traitement d'images multicomposantes : application à l'imagerie couleur et radar." Chambéry, 2002.
Full textThis thesis deals with multicomponent image processing. A multicomponent image pixel is characterized by a few components, which may be of different nature. More precisely, this thesis extends the adaptive-neighborhood principle to multicomponent images. This principle, so far investigated for the case of gray-level images, consists in determining, for each pixel, a variable-sized, variable-shaped neighborhood, which ) serves as spatial support for the computation of the final value at that current pixel. We exemplify the application of the principle to multicomponent images in the context of various applications covering the field of color (filtering, enhancement) and radar (multitemporal SAR image filtering, coherence filtering in complex interferograms) imagery. Moreover, we show that, for each of the studied applications, the adaptive-neighborhood-based operators lead to better results than those obtained by standard operators, by both subjective and objective criteria
Foucher, Samuel. "Analyse multiéchelle d'images radar: Application au filtrage, à la classification et à la fusion d'images radar et optiques." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.
Find full textQuelle, Hans-Christoph. "Segmentation bayesienne non supervisee en imagerie radar." Rennes 1, 1993.
Full textBoismenu, Yann. "Etude d'une carte de tracking radar : réalisation sous forme d'une architecture hétérogène FPGA/DSP." Dijon, 2000.
Full textBesic, Nikola. "Séparation aveugle des sources polarimétriques en télédétection RSO satellitaire à très haute résolution spatiale." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Full textThis thesis comprises two research axes. The first, being rather methodological, consists of our efforts to answer some of the open questions in the POLSAR community, while the latter is sooner related to the specific application - the remote sensing of snow.Following the alternative statistical modelling of highly textured multivariate SAR datasets by means of SIRV model, we propose the appropriate assessment of, otherwise assumed, cir- cularity and sphericity parameters. The last is coupled with the spherical symmetry test, forming a method for the evaluation of SIRV statistical model suitability in the context of POLSAR data. Given the rejection rate, challenging circularity and sphericity appears to be justified, while SIRV model pertinence must be doubted in the regions characterized by strong deterministic scattering. Further on, as the highlight of this thesis, we propose a po- larimetric incoherent target decomposition, based on ICA and founded on the hypothesis of non-Gaussianity of POLSAR clutter. By exploiting the information contained in the higher statistical orders, this decomposition provides at the output a set of mutually independent (rather than only decorrelated), non-orthogonal target vectors. Unlike the first dominant com- ponent, which is nearly identical to the one estimated by the conventional ICTD counterpart, the second dominant component differs significantly, which, as we anticipate, represents an additional potential for the POLSAR datasets interpretation.In the applied context, the first presented contribution would be a stochastic approach in snow mapping by means of multitemporal SAR datasets. The most notable supplements of the presented method to the ensemble of change detection techniques in snow mapping are the plausibly modified assumption of the wet/dry snow backscattering ratio and implicitly introduced spatial correlation between wet snow areas, achieved by directly implicating local speckle statistics in the decision process. Finally, we present the non-autonomous method for SWE spatial estimation, based on optical datasets. By successfully involving the remote sensing datasets in the calibration of the external SWE model, we seek to demonstrate the utility and the necessity of the former in the snow pack monitoring
Ova teza podrazumijeva dva pravca istraživanja. Prvi, metodološki, predstavlja naše naporeda odgovorimo na neka od otvorenih pitanja u POLSAR zajednici, dok je drugi vezan zaspecifičnu aplikaciju - teledetekciju sniježnog pokrivača.Uzevši u obzir alternativno statističko modelovanje multivarijantnih SAR slika visoke rezolucijekoristeći SIRV model, mi predlažemo odgovarajuću estimaciju, uostalom pretpostavljenihparametara cirkularnosti i sfernosti. Integrišući posljednju u test sferne simetrije, formiranje metod za evaluaciju prikladnosti statističkog modela SIRV u kontekstu POLSAR slikavisoke rezolucije. Posmatrajući stopu odbacivanja, sumnja u opravdanost pretpostavke cirkularnostii sfernosti se čini opravdanom, dok pogodnost SIRV modela mora biti preispitana uregionima koje karakteriše jako determinističko elektromagnetno rasijanje. U nastavku, kaoprimarni doprinos ove teze, predlažemo polarimetrijsku nekoherentnu dekompoziciju mete,koja je bazirana na ICA metodu i zasnovana na hipotezi o otklonu od Gausove prirode POLSARclutter -a. Eksploatišući informaciju sadržanu u višim statističkim redovima, predloženadekompozicija daje na izlazu set međusobno nezavisnih (prije nego samo nekorelisanih), neortogonalnihvektora mete. Za razliku od prve dominante komponente, koja je skoro identičnakomponenti estimiranoj koristeći konvencionalnu ICTD metodu, druga dominanta komponentase značajno razlikuje, što predstavlja dodatan potencijal u interpretaciji POLSAR slika.Prvi prezentovani doprinos u primijenjenom kontekstu bio bi stohastički metod za mapiranjesniježnog pokrivača baziran na multitemporalnom setu SAR slika. Najznačajniji priloziprezentovane metode grupi tehnika "detekcije promjene" u mapiranju sniježnog pokrivača suopravdano promijenjena pretpostavka o količniku povratnog rasijanja djelimično otopljenog isuvog snijega, kao i implicitno uvedeno prostorna korelacija između regiona djelimično otopljenogsnijega, postignuta direktnim uvođenjem lokalne statistike speckle šuma u proces odlučivanja.Konačno, predlažemo neautonomni metod za prostornu estimaciju SWE parametra,zasnovan na optičkim slikama. Uspješno inflitrirajući teledetekciju u kalibraciju eksternogSWE modela, imamo za cilj demonstrirati njenu korisnost i neophodnost u monitoringu sniježnogpokrivača
Books on the topic "Traitement radar"
Yuhai, Mao, and Institution of Electrical Engineers, eds. Weibull radar clutter. London, UK: P. Peregrinus Ltd. on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1990.
Find full textMahafza, Bassem R. Radar signal analysis and processing using MATLAB. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2008.
Find full textEngineers, Institution of Electrical. IEE proceedings: Radar, sonar, and navigation. Stevenage, England: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994.
Find full textEngineers, Institution of Electrical. IEE proceedings: Radar and signal processing. Stevenage, Eng: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1989.
Find full textEngineers, Institution of Electrical, ed. Radar techniques using array antennas. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2001.
Find full textEngineers, Institution of Electrical, and Knovel (Firm), eds. Radar techniques using array antennas. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2001.
Find full textRichard, Klemm, ed. Applications of space-time adaptive processing. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2004.
Find full textEngineers, Institution of Electrical, ed. Principles of space-time adaptive processing. 3rd ed. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2006.
Find full textStergios, Stergiopoulos, ed. Advanced signal processing: Theory and implementation for sonar, radar, and non-invasive medical diagnostic systems. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Traitement radar"
DURAND, Philippe, Nadine POURTHIÉ, Céline TISON, and Giorgio GOMBA. "Interférométrie SAR : principes et traitement." In Mesure du déplacement de surface à partir d’images de télédétection, 105–44. ISTE Group, 2024.
Full textPINEL-PUYSSÉGUR, Béatrice, Francesco DE ZAN, and Johann CHAMPENOIS. "La phase interférométrique : déroulement de phase et fermeture temporelle." In Mesure du déplacement de surface à partir d’images de télédétection, 179–218. ISTE Group, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Traitement radar"
Dudley, J. P., and S. V. Samsonov. Système de traitement automatisé du gouvernement canadien pour la détection des variations et l'analyse des déformations du sol à partir des données de radar à synthèse d'ouverture de RADARSAT-2 et de la mission de la Constellation RADARSAT : description et guide de l'utilisateur. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2021.
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