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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Training technical personnel'

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Wheeler, John J. "A Consultative Model for Providing Technical Assistance to School Personnel in Service to Children with Autism." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Тугай, Наталія Олександрівна, Наталия Александровна Тугай, Nataliia Oleksandrivna Tuhai, and А. Д. Ющенко. "Гуманізація вищої технічної освіти в форматі філософсько-методологічних аспектів підготовки інженерних кадрів для виробництва." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2016.

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Третє тисячоліття “подарувало” цивілізації поєднання стрімкого технічного розвитку та надзвичайних досягнень людського розуму із глибокою духовною кризою, що характеризується загальною світоглядною розгубленістю особистості, руйнацією її духовного світу та нівелюванням духовних засад життєдіяльності людини. Прагматизація всіх сфер буття людини стимулювала виникнення так званого “суспільства споживання”, в якому особистість, що потрапила у залежність від світу речей і технічних засобів, отримала розширення матеріальних можливостей за рахунок девальвації власної моралі та духовності.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Wheeler, John J. "Designing Effective School-Based Interventions for Children with Autism in Underserved Regions." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Nsi, Be Rolie. "Organisation de la formation et perception de l’identité professionnelle : le cas des formations des métiers du bois au Gabon." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.

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Le Gabon, depuis 2010, a interdit l'exportation des grumes. À travers cette décision, les autorités prônent la valorisation du bois sur le territoire national avant son exportation. Ceci à poser la problématique des disponibilités de la main-d'œuvre formé dans les institutions de formation pour transformer ce bois sur le plan local. Les structures existent en nombre suffisant pour la deuxième transformation où les entreprises sont plus artisanales qu’industrielles et le nombre d’entreprises dans la fabrication industrielle est inexistant. Cela ouvre un grand champ pour questionner les possibilités d’adéquation : des formations, de l’efficacité de leur action de formation ou de l’engagement des acteurs(élèves, enseignants, formateurs en entreprises…) engagés dans ces formations. De fait nous sommes allées questionner les élèves pour identifier les réalités de satisfaction, d’apprentissage et d'adaptation afin de cerner les éléments qui leur permettent de se construire une identité professionnelle utile à leur adaptation à leur profession pour une meilleure adéquation. Les résultats de ce travail permettront d’avoir un regard critique sur les réelles attentes des jeunes qui s’orientent vers l’enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle au Gabon. Pour l’administration et l’industrie du bois, ce regard doit encourager des analyses concrètes sur les besoins en terme de réforme pour l’industrie et la formation afin d’identifier les facteurs d'efficacité à prendre en compte pour l'évaluation, l’optimisation des formations et des facteurs d'adaptation de la main-d’œuvre destinée au travail dans ce secteur actuellement
Gabon, since 2010, has banned the export of logs. Through this decision, the government encourages the processing of wood in the country before it is exported. This to raise the issue of availability of trained manpower in training institutions to transform the wood locally. Structures exist in sufficient numbers for the second transformation where companies are more artisanal than industrial and the number of companies in the industrial manufacturing is non-existent. This opens a large field of possibilities to question the adequacy: training, the effectiveness of their training action or commitment of the actors (students, teachers, trainers companies) engaged in such training. In fact we went to ask the students to identify the realities of satisfaction, learning and adaptation in order to identify the elements that allow them to build useful professional identity in their adaptation to their profession for a better fit. The results of this thesis will take a critical look at the real expectations of young people are moving towards technical education and vocational training at Gabon. For the administration and the wood industry, this look must encourage practical analysis of the needs in term of reform for the industry and training to identify efficiency factors to be taken into account for the evaluation optimization training and adaptation of the workforce for work in this sector currently factors
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Van, Der Linde Christopher Jae. "Technical and further education diploma graduates : personal capital investments and returns." Queensland University of Technology, 2007.

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This research has examined the personal capital investments and returns of a group of TAFE Diploma of Community Work graduates through the use of qualitative research methodology. Recognising that the concept of personal capital is distinct from human capital in that it considers the intrinsic reasons, impetus and values that individuals ascribe to their motivation to undertake and complete a course of study. Personal capital is not quantifiable within the present human capital outcomes paradigm, however the personal capital paradigm allows for a deeper exploration of a range of further tangible and valid outcomes not addressed in the human capital approach. There is a gap in the current research literature regarding evaluation of TAFE outcomes and it stems from a predominant human capital focus. The existing paradigm of human capital, which values the acquisition of knowledge and skills for their economic value, has been of primary interest and significance, particularly in terms of government policy in relation to vocational education and training By using an interpretivist approach comprising in-depth interviews, the researcher was able to explore the intrinsic drives, motivations and aspirations and impetus that brought the TAFE graduates to initially undertake their studies in the diploma program. This approach also allowed for an examination as to whether the graduates perceived that they had obtained a return on this personal capital investment in the study program. Through the conceptual framework, the research established a set of predetermined personal capital investments and returns, although the research was not constrained by these pre-determined themes. The use of grounded theory data analysis procedures in the study allowed for the evolution and analysis of emergent categories or themes relating to personal capital investments and returns. Consequently, the qualitative analysis of the in-depth interviews has revealed a broader range of themes relating to personal capital investments and returns than otherwise might have been discovered if the research had been limited to the pre-determined themes arising from the conceptual framework. It is the author's contention that this qualitative study of TAFE diploma graduate's personal capital investments and returns gives insights about the notion of personal capital and its importance to decision-making as to why individuals undertake the Diploma of Community Work. This study also reveals what they personally and professionally expect from study in such a program. Neither of which the current quantitative data about TAFE graduates, namely the Student Outcomes Surveys; by design and intent are as yet capable of acknowledging or exploring.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Ушенко, Поліна Анатоліївна. "Становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування (початок 30-х рр. – початок 90-х рр. ХХ ст.)." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.07 – історія науки і техніки. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут" – Харків, 2015. У роботі проведено дослідження становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування з поч. 30-х рр. – до поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст., сформованого завдяки співпраці двох провідних установ галузі – ХЗ "Кондиціонер" та ВНДІКондиціонер. Здійснено широкий історіографічний та джерелознавчий аналіз, а також запропоновано класифікацію наукової літератури та історичних джерел. Доведено значущість науково-технічних витоків галузі як історичної передумови становлення кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено доробок окремих учених зі всього світу. Обґрунтовано авторську періодизацію розвитку галузі, що складається з чотирьох періодів: перший (поч. 1930 рр. – 1957 р.), другий (1957–1967 рр.), найбільш результативний третій (1967 р. – поч. 1990-х рр.), четвертий період охоплював події після 1991 р. Розкрито особливість підготовки інженерних кадрів у Харкові для галузі кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено досвід підвищення кваліфікації працівників безпосередньо в межах ХЗ "Кондиціонер". Висвітлено непослідовність державного управління кондиціонеробудуванням, що призвела до згортання виробництва кондиціонерів у Харкові на поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст. Проте, незважаючи на серйозні ускладнення того часу, промислове виробництво кондиціонерів повітря в Харкові збереглося, і прямим спадкоємцем виробничого центру кондиціонеробудування сьогодні є ТОВ "Укркондиціонер".
Thesis for the Candidate of Historical Sciences degree, speciality 07.00.07 – History of Science and Technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" – Kharkiv, 2015. The formation and effective functioning of the Kharkiv scientific-industrial conditioner building complex, formed through the cooperation of two leading sectoral institutions – Kharkiv plant "Conditioner" and All-Union Scientific Research Institute "Conditioner", in the early 1930's – in the beginning of the 1990's, were studied in the paper. Wide historiographical and sources study analysis are done. The importance of science and technology beginnings as a historical background of the industry formation, is proved. Achievements of individual scientists from around the world are generalized. The author periodization of industry development, which consisted of four periods, is grounded. In particular, the first (early 1930 – 1957 year), the second (1957 – 1967 years), the third (1967 – the beginning of the 1990's). The fourth period covered the events after 1991. The feature of engineers training in Kharkiv for conditioner building branch is disclosed. Inconsistency of conditioner building industry state administration, which led to the curtailment of air conditioners production in Kharkiv at the beginning of the 1990's of the XX century, is highlighted. However, despite the serious complications of that time, manufacturing of air conditioners in Kharkiv survived, and the direct heir of the production center of conditioner building industry today is LLC "UkrConditioner".
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Ушенко, Поліна Анатоліївна. "Становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування (початок 30-х рр. – початок 90-х рр. ХХ ст.)." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.07 – історія науки і техніки. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут" – Харків, 2015. У роботі проведено дослідження становлення та функціонування Харківського науково-виробничого комплексу кондиціонеробудування з поч. 30-х рр. – до поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст., сформованого завдяки співпраці двох провідних установ галузі – ХЗ "Кондиціонер" та ВНДІКондиціонер. Здійснено широкий історіографічний та джерелознавчий аналіз, а також запропоновано класифікацію наукової літератури та історичних джерел. Доведено значущість науково-технічних витоків галузі як історичної передумови становлення кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено доробок окремих учених зі всього світу. Обґрунтовано авторську періодизацію розвитку галузі, що складається з чотирьох періодів: перший (поч. 1930 рр. – 1957 р.), другий (1957–1967 рр.), найбільш результативний третій (1967 р. – поч. 1990-х рр.), четвертий період охоплював події після 1991 р. Розкрито особливість підготовки інженерних кадрів у Харкові для галузі кондиціонеробудування. Узагальнено досвід підвищення кваліфікації працівників безпосередньо в межах ХЗ "Кондиціонер". Висвітлено непослідовність державного управління кондиціонеробудуванням, що призвела до згортання виробництва кондиціонерів у Харкові на поч. 90-х рр. ХХ ст. Проте, незважаючи на серйозні ускладнення того часу, промислове виробництво кондиціонерів повітря в Харкові збереглося, і прямим спадкоємцем виробничого центру кондиціонеробудування сьогодні є ТОВ "Укркондиціонер".
Thesis for the Candidate of Historical Sciences degree, speciality 07.00.07 – History of Science and Technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" – Kharkiv, 2015. The formation and effective functioning of the Kharkiv scientific-industrial conditioner building complex, formed through the cooperation of two leading sectoral institutions – Kharkiv plant "Conditioner" and All-Union Scientific Research Institute "Conditioner", in the early 1930's – in the beginning of the 1990's, were studied in the paper. Wide historiographical and sources study analysis are done. The importance of science and technology beginnings as a historical background of the industry formation, is proved. Achievements of individual scientists from around the world are generalized. The author periodization of industry development, which consisted of four periods, is grounded. In particular, the first (early 1930 – 1957 year), the second (1957 – 1967 years), the third (1967 – the beginning of the 1990's). The fourth period covered the events after 1991. The feature of engineers training in Kharkiv for conditioner building branch is disclosed. Inconsistency of conditioner building industry state administration, which led to the curtailment of air conditioners production in Kharkiv at the beginning of the 1990's of the XX century, is highlighted. However, despite the serious complications of that time, manufacturing of air conditioners in Kharkiv survived, and the direct heir of the production center of conditioner building industry today is LLC "UkrConditioner".
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Wei, Cheng, and 魏正. "Applied Flipped Classroom to Technical Personnel Training of Case Study on Reinforced Construction Drawings." Thesis, 2016.

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The background of the thesis is the poor quality of learning outcomes of vocational technical education and traditional training system of industry in Taiwan. The motivation of the thesis is to enhance learning outcomes by integrating the digital teaching and flipped classroom method with traditional training system. The method of the thesis is, first, to transfer the training course into digital materials by the help of the teaching assistant who have well trained in digital learning. As instructional design, curriculum is divided into two stages, one is named the traditional apprenticeship education (digital teaching materials are used as a supplementary learning) with another is flipped teaching (students use digital teaching materials for self-learning). At the same time, this paper had observed the interaction between teacher and student by classroom analysis tools, and had explored the learning outcomes by through qualitative interviews. Finally, the author evaluated learning outcomes of students by summative assessment. The result of this research could provide new age thinking of technical personnel training mode in technical and vocational education system and business.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Koch, Gerhardus Izak Jacobus. "'n Bestuursopleidingsmodel gerig op die indiensopleiding van lektore aan tegniese kolleges." Thesis, 2015.

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Leeuwner, Jacob Barend. "Opleiding van beginnerlektore aan tegniese kolleges." Thesis, 2014.

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Mwale, Daniel Noah. "Employees perceptions of performance appraisal in public technical vocational and entrepreneurship training institutions in Zambia." Diss., 2016.

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The purpose of this study was to explore employee perceptions of performance appraisal in two public Technical Education Vocational Entrepreneurship and Training (TEVET) institutions located in the Southern Province of Zambia. This study followed a quantitative research approach using the census method to obtain data. Seventy-three (73) participants out of a total population of 129 at varying employment levels consented and participated in the study. A 59 item self-administered questionnaire was administered to obtain responses. The main conclusion from this study was that employees held positive attitudes about performance appraisal. The study found that the performance appraisal system was integrated into institutions’ culture and that the respondents were satisfied with the performance appraisal process and that 68% of the respondents agreed that the performance system in their institution was fair. However, concerns about the low frequency of appraisal meetings were noted. The frequency of performance evaluation on how well the employees were meeting their targets was mostly once in a year. This called for urgent attention by the management of the institutions to ensure that at least two appraisals were conducted in a year. The study also found evidence of rating standards varying from supervisor to supervisor. The study recommended that supervisor training in rating formed part a continuous process. These findings and the recommendations in this study are expected to be of benefit to the principals and supervisors in the institutions. The findings of the study contributed to the knowledge in the field of education management and leadership by providing empirical evidence about employee’s perceptions about performance appraisal in the two public TEVET institutions in Zambia.
Educational Leadership and Management
M. Ed. (Educational Management)
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Ndlovu, Nhlanhla. "Managing the continuing professional development of lecturers in a Mpumalanga technical and vocational education and training college." Diss., 2018.

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The aim of this research is to find out if a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in Mpumalanga, South Africa has any CPD programme for its lecturers and how it is managed. Through personal experience, interaction with fellow lecturers and literature review, I noted the evident lack of college-driven continuous professional development (CPD) of lecturers. I discovered that most TVET college lecturers are holders of teaching qualifications suitable for schools and not the TVET college sector. The research was qualitative. I conducted in-depth interviews with the senior management of the college, a focus group interview with lecturers and finally document analysis. Data analysis was inductive and verbatim quotations from participants were used. I found that although the college did have a CPD programme, there were many shortcomings. Strengths of the programme include funding and a planned CPD committee. Deficiencies relate to non-communication between staff members and management and a laissez-faire attitude of management in the handling of CPD. Based on the findings numerous recommendations are made concerning the way CPD is managed at this college and by the Department of Higher Education. These recommendations may relate to other colleges to make their CPD programme more effective for their academic staff.
Educational Management and Leadership
M. Ed. (Education Management)
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Smit, Gert Jacobus. "Riglyne vir die induksie van beginnerlektore aan 'n tegniese kollege vir beroepsonderwys." Thesis, 2014.

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M.Ed. (Education)
Lecturers at technical colleges mostly come from industry and consequently they seldom have experience of teaching or the necessary qualifications to teach. As the educational profession has no formal and compulsory induction into the profession, beginner lecturers are put directly into class and are expected to teach. Although these lecturers have the required subject knowledge, they definitely lack the necessary didactical skills or methodology of education. Due to "swim-or-sink" attitude, beginner lecturers experience unique problems that place them under tremendous pressure and stress. The aim of this study was focused on the grounding of guidelines that could be used in designing an induction programme for beginner lecturers at a technical college. The methods used in grounding these guidelines for induction at a technical college were: * a relevant study of literature that was conducted into three induction programmes used in various sectors of the industry, to enquire more knowledge with regard to the design and function of these programmes; a literature and empirical study of the experienced needs and problems of beginner lectures when entering the teaching profession. A qualitative research approach was used to conduct a study in which the needs and problems of beginner lecturers in a specific technical college were identified by means of structured interviews. The lecturers that participated in this inquiry were asked to describe their experiences related to their needs and problems when they entered the teaching profession. From the analysed data the following needs and problems were identified:...
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Rampersadh, Satish Harilal. "Enhancing lecturing staff morale at a technical and vocational education and training college in Newcastle, KwaZulu- Natal." Diss., 2017.

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The study was conducted to determine strategies that could be used by relevant managers and authorities in promoting the morale of lecturers at a TVET College, in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. A qualitative research design and methodology was used to gather data from semi-structured interviews with the participants by means of two focus groups of six lecturers each and face to face interviews with the three programme managers. Purposive sampling was used to select the lecturers from the two engineering campuses of the sampled college. Data were constantly compared and analysed using the constant comparative analysis of data. The study found that aspects that contribute to low morale exceed those for high morale in the sampled college. Therefore, by studying the results obtained from the data, it can be deduced that lecturers at the College are not content with the current working conditions and the senior management style of the college. It is the duty of managers to consider the holistic welfare of employees. This is necessary for the creation of a suitable workplace for all staff of the college. To achieve this, supervisors and lecturers need to know what aspects influence staff morale. Henceforth, this study focused on effective strategies and recommendations that could be implemented to promote the morale of lecturers at the college.
Educational Management and Leadership
M. Ed. (Education Management)
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Neethling, Siebert Ernst Jacob. "Die rol van die adjunk-prinsipaal in die verhoging van onderrigeffektiwiteit aan 'n tegniese kollege." Thesis, 2014.

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M.Ed. (Education Management)
Lecturers at Technical Colleges mostly come from the industrial sector and consequently they seldom have experience in teaching or the necessary qualifications to teach. The lecturer who has no formal teacher's training is confronted with the realities of the teaching profession and has now become part of this profession. Lecturers very seldom receive training prior to actually practising the profession. Methods have to be found to provide in-service training for lecturers at technical colleges with the view of preparing them for their task as lecturers. with this study an attempt has been made to establish a workable program to assist the deputy principal in the in-service training of lecturers at a technical college. The rapid technological development of the past few decades has caused a breath-taking expansion of knowledge and therefore the lecturer must become a lifelong student. The constant change and renewal of teaching methods, skills and techniques can only be addressed by effective in-service training. In-service training is therefore indispensable. The task of in-service training at the technical college is assigned to the deputy principal. He must first determine the type of staff required, then he has to recruit and select staff and finally see to it that new staff members are orientated. This is, however, merely the beginning of in-service training. The deputy principal must now design a well-planned programme of in-service training. He can in this case make use of a mentor and a Subject-head. The mentor must be an experienced and successful lecturer, seeing that he has to convey his knowledge and teaching experience to the beginner lecturer. The subject-head can also play an important and valuable role in the initial in-service training programme by conveying knowledge and expertise concerning teaching practice to the beginner-lecturer.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chetram, Ravinand. "The management of continuous professional development at a TVET college in Kwazulu Natal." Diss., 2017.

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This exploration investigates lecturers’ experiences of the role of professional development on TVET lecturers. Lecturers’ professional development is often viewed as the source to effective learning developments. Lecturer effectiveness at TVET Colleges depends on the constant professional development to avoid encounters that they face due to endless differences taking place in technology and national curriculum. The result of proper professional development of lecturers is that both students and the organisation benefit from it. Hence, lecturers are likely to be subjected to continuous professional development to be well informed with the constant adjustments taking place in the education system. This occurs as the lecturers are pressurised to participate in a variety of regular professional development programmes that are not designed to suit their specific requirements. This leads to, professional development becoming ineffective in assisting the lecturer developing their training in their specific areas of knowledge. A literature review was used to determine what other writers say about the concept of professional development. A qualitative study was employed and two research instruments were used: semi-structured interview sessions and document analysis.Information was collected through the interviews, centred on pre-planned interview questions. Purposive sampling was used and nine experienced participants were selected for this study. Lecturers’ were questioned about their experiences of professional development at a TVET College in the Kwazulu Natal district. The conversations were recorded, translated and scrutinised to discover lecturers’ opinions about professional development in their college. This investigation was guided by three important questions: How effective are staff development programmes managed for lecturers in their areas of specialisation? Secondly, How effective are the policies regarding staff development in TVET Colleges? Finally, what role does senior management play in CPD in Majuba TVET College? Findings indicate that the principals of the colleges are not managing the continuous professional development of lectures. It is left upon the lecturers themselves to manage their professional development. It is expected that this investigation and the literature review will influence the management of professional development for the advantage of lecturers and the college.
Educational Leadership and Management
M. Ed. (Education Management)
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lambert, Keith Richard. "The development of a framework for an integrated logistics support system within a high technology industry in a developing country." Thesis, 2008.

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Competitive and high-risk environments require complex high technology systems, which need to be supported and maintained over their respective life cycles. These systems often have a significant consequence of failure, and require complex management systems to achieve their operational objectives. Significant leadership and management challenges exist, not only in South Africa, but also in other developing countries, where systems may be utilised beyond the lifespan they were designed for and are susceptible to obsolescence. This study was conducted by following a structured process; the research consisted of three stages. The first stage dealt with the research problem, including the delimitations of the study. The second stage was further divided into three phases. The first phase deconstructed the appropriate literature, which included the interpretation of numerous definitions of logistics, integrated logistics support, and the integrated logistics support elements. In addition, the research was grounded in the fields of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support. The second phase focused on the deconstruction of six case studies from four different high technology complex systems. From the analysis of the first two phases followed the third phase of research, which focused on the identification of areas requiring further research. Further research was conducted by means of a questionnaire, the results of which were analysed for variable dependency and variable association. The third stage of the research included the collation and analysis of the findings of the first two stages of research. The analysis utilised the principles of Mode 2 research and design science research, whereby an ILS framework and associated grounded technological rules have been recommended. These recommendations are robust in nature, as they can be applied in the most challenging environment and circumstances as identified. Furthermore, by grounding the theory in the disciplines of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support, the reliability, validity, relevance, and applicability of the study could be substantiated. This implied that the generated theoretical knowledge could be transferred to and applied in practice, and as such, an organisation can reap substantial value added benefits, and gain considerable competitive advantage in the market place by applying this developed ILS framework and associated ILS grounded technological rules.
Business Leadership
D. BL.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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