Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Train signals'
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Wright, Paul. "The cognitive responses to UK railway signals during train driving." Thesis, University of Reading, 2017. http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/75682/.
Full textWahlqvist, Emanuel. "Pre-study of new electrical coupling between train cars." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Signaler och System, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-167452.
Full textMarcoux, Curtis. "Encoding of Sensory Signals Through Balanced Ionotropic Receptor Dynamics and Voltage Dependent Membrane Noise." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/34440.
Full textMcCamey, Morgan R. "Deep Learning for Compressive SAR Imaging with Train-Test Discrepancy." Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=wright1624266549100904.
Full textVeillard, Damien. "Etude et analyse des signaux d une centrale inertielle MEMS : application à la reconstruction du mouvement d un convoi ferroviaire." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016MONTT311.
Full textThe precise location of a train on the rail network is vital information for traffic management and passenger safety. The European Train Control System (ETCS) features a single-axis accelerometer which measures the longitudinal acceleration of the train. This sensor is one of many sensors onboard providing a precise odometry. However, its measurement is corrupted by the projection of the gravity on the sensitive axis as a function of the inclination of the track. The purpose of this work is to increase the value of this sensor by developing a solution based on a complete inertial system in order to provide a reliable longitudinal acceleration. For this, a state estimator was developed based on an extended Kalman filter and the consideration of constraints on the state vector. The use of updating equation of the Kalman gain forces the state estimation to evolve in a constrained space. In addition, the observation vector has been increased with the information provided by a velocity estimator and a train attitude estimator. The velocity estimator uses a frequency analysis of the accelerometer measurements and the attitude estimator operates the frequency complementarity of gyro and accelerometer measurements, to estimate the roll and pitch angles. This information is then merged with the measurements of the IMU. Finally, experiments were carried out in Turkey on a train and the estimator's performance was validated by comparing the results with data from a high-performance inertial navigation system
Larson, P. T., and D. A. Sheaffer. "TRANSIENT REDUCTION ANALYSIS using NEURAL NETWORKS (TRANN)." International Foundation for Telemetering, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/608892.
Full textOur telemetry department has an application for a data categorization/compression of a high speed transient signal in a short period of time. Categorization of the signal reveals important system performance and compression is required because of the terminal nature of our telemetry testing. Until recently, the hardware for the system of this type did not exist. A new exploratory device from Intel has the capability to meet these extreme requirements. This integrated circuit is an analog neural network capable of performing 2 billion connections per second. The two main advantages of this chip over traditional hardware are the obvious computation speed of the device and the ability to compute a three layer feed-forward neural network classifier. The initial investigative development work using the Intel chip has been completed. The results from this proof of concept will show data categorization/compression performed on the neural network integrated circuit in real time. We will propose a preliminary design for a transient measurement system employing the Intel integrated circuit.
Hedberg, Erik, and Mikael Hammar. "Train Localization and Speed Estimation Using On-Board Inertial and Magnetic Sensors." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Reglerteknik, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-121620.
Full textTallfors, Mats. "Parameter estimation and model based control design of drive train systems." Licentiate thesis, Stockholm, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-285.
Full textPulugurtha, Satya Venkata Sidhi Vinayak, and Kishore Kumar Atragadda. "A Multi-layered Routing Technique for Sensing Train Integrity and Composition." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för tillämpad signalbehandling, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-19489.
Full textSundberg, Simon. "Localization of eNodeBs with a Large Set of Measurements from Train Routers." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för matematik och datavetenskap (from 2013), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-75456.
Full textKhoshniyat, Fahimeh. "Optimization-Based Methods for Revising Train Timetables with Focus on Robustness." Licentiate thesis, Linköpings universitet, Kommunikations- och transportsystem, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-132920.
Full textChaine, Alexis Serge. "The evolution of multiple sexual signals in a passerine : trait structure and selection in a dynamic world /." Diss., Digital Dissertations Database. Restricted to UC campuses, 2006. http://uclibs.org/PID/11984.
Full textTran, Florian [Verfasser]. "Autophagy and endoplasmic reticulum stress coordinate protective interleukin-22 signals in the intestinal epithelium. / Florian Tran." Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1186706635/34.
Full textLe, Bouar Philippe. "Surveillance automatique des trains en marche pesage dynamique des circulations /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37615098b.
Full textSilva, José Vicente da. "Padrões de organização e atributos funcionais de plantas em comunidades em estágio inicial e avançado de sucessão em floresta com araucária." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/54436.
Full textIn community ecology reproducible patterns are sought, among which stands out the search for assembly rules or assembly patterns. Considering this we propose to evaluate these patterns, based on convergence and divergence of attributes (TCAP – trait convergence assembly patterns and TDAP – trait divergence assembly patterns, respectively) and the phylogenetic influence in the organization of assemblages of woody species in forests. The communities were described from functional traits of plant species, considering a successional gradient of Araucaria Forest, among areas subjected to total removal of vegetation (called initial communities) and areas that haven’t suffered significant interventions (advanced communities). To this end, the species sampled for both the upper stratum (individuals with DBH ≥ 10 cm), and for the lower stratum (individuals with height > 0.10 m and until 1 cm DBH), which had a frequency exceeding 10%, considering the total sampling, were described from 17 functional attributes and phylogenetic relationships. Data were analyzed using algorithms based on multiplication and partial correlations between different matrixes, which permit to discriminate the relevance of TCAP, TDAP and phylogenetic signal to the patterns. The results indicated that is occurring organization of plant communities from the patterns assessed, either convergence or divergence, related also with the phylogeny. Given this, we conclude that abiotic (environmental filters) and biotic (biotic filters) factors exert distinct effects on communities along a successional gradient, and it was possible to observe also the phylogenetic signal in these.
Marek, Michal. "Tester vlakového zabezpečovače." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-318161.
Full textRiedel, Philipp, Mark J. Jacob, Dirk K. Müller, Nora C. Vetter, Michael N. Smolka, and Michael Marxen. "Amygdala fMRI Signal as a Predictor of Reaction Time." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2017. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-214196.
Full textTeare, Carolyn J. "Spatial and temporal patterns of chemical solute signals in sixteen small tundra streams of the Trail Valley Creek Watershed in the western Canadian arctic." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ37644.pdf.
Full textZniyed, Yassine. "Breaking the curse of dimensionality based on tensor train : models and algorithms." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLS330.
Full textMassive and heterogeneous data processing and analysis have been clearly identified by the scientific community as key problems in several application areas. It was popularized under the generic terms of "data science" or "big data". Processing large volumes of data, extracting their hidden patterns, while preforming prediction and inference tasks has become crucial in economy, industry and science.Treating independently each set of measured data is clearly a reductiveapproach. By doing that, "hidden relationships" or inter-correlations between thedatasets may be totally missed. Tensor decompositions have received a particular attention recently due to their capability to handle a variety of mining tasks applied to massive datasets, being a pertinent framework taking into account the heterogeneity and multi-modality of the data. In this case, data can be arranged as a D-dimensional array, also referred to as a D-order tensor.In this context, the purpose of this work is that the following properties are present: (i) having a stable factorization algorithms (not suffering from convergence problems), (ii) having a low storage cost (i.e., the number of free parameters must be linear in D), and (iii) having a formalism in the form of a graph allowing a simple but rigorous mental visualization of tensor decompositions of tensors of high order, i.e., for D> 3.Therefore, we rely on the tensor train decomposition (TT) to develop new TT factorization algorithms, and new equivalences in terms of tensor modeling, allowing a new strategy of dimensionality reduction and criterion optimization of coupled least squares for the estimation of parameters named JIRAFE.This methodological work has had applications in the context of multidimensional spectral analysis and relay telecommunications systems
Riedel, Philipp, Mark J. Jacob, Dirk K. Müller, Nora C. Vetter, Michael N. Smolka, and Michael Marxen. "Amygdala fMRI Signal as a Predictor of Reaction Time." Frontiers Research Foundation, 2016. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A29972.
Full textMonsifrot, Jonathan. "Modélisation de signaux électromyographiques par des processus de renouvellement - Filtre bayésien pour l'estimation séquentielle de paramètres à destination de la commande d'une prothèse d'avant-bras." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00921011.
Full textHenry, Mathilde. "Rôle de la signalisation des enképhalines par les récepteurs opioïdergiques delta dans la résilience au stress chronique." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/35776.
Full textThe survival of an individual is essentially based on his ability to adapt to ever-changing living conditions. There is a great variability among individuals regarding their response to chronic stress, defining the concept of resilience. Resilience is an active coping mechanism corresponding to an individual's ability to avoid the negative social, psychological and biological consequences of extreme stress that would compromise their psychological or physical well-being. The phenomenon is complex and recruits many brain structures and several neurotransmitters. Among the neuropeptidergic systems, endogenous opioids, such as enkephalins (ENKs), could be potential targets involved in the occurrence of these natural variations and could thus be a crucial determinant of an individual’s capacity to adapt to chronic stress. In a previous study by Dr Guy Drolet's team, ENK mRNA expression levels were shown to be decreased in the nucleus of basolateral amygdala (BLA) in vulnerable rats after chronic social defeat stress (CSDS). In addition, the inhibition of ENKs in the BLA reproduced this vulnerability phenotype in rats, thus demonstrating the preponderant role of the ENK circuitry in the development of resilience. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the contribution of the ENKs circuit via the Delta opioid receptors (DOPr) in the chronic stress resilience, both at the neuroanatomical and functional levels. We first examined, by in situ hybridization, the expression levels of ENKs in BLA in mice after CSDS: as in rats, susceptible mice showed a decrease in ENK mRNA in BLA compared to resilient and controls animals. This result confirmed the implication of the ENKs in resilience in rodents. Subsequently, we evaluated the expression levels of DOPr in the target structures of the BLA. We specifically targeted the hippocampus, which maintains a privileged dialogue with the amygdala in the response to stress and in which DOPr is strongly expressed. DOPr mRNA expression was reduced in the ventral hippocampal CA1 region (CA1-vHPC) in vulnerable mice while the level was preserved in both resilient and control animals. In order to dissect the importance of DOPr signaling in the development of resilience, pharmacological activation was performed: the administration of a DOPr agonist, SNC80, into the systemic circulation, increased the proportion of resilient mice after the CSDS. In a second step, we hypothesized that the maintenance of DOPr mRNA expression in CA1-vHPC allowed the preservation of a controlled oxidative status in neurons, leading to the phenotype of resilience. Indeed, the neuroprotective role of DOPr activation against cellular oxidative damages (i.e. oxidative stress, OS) was demonstrated in different contexts, particularly in ischemic rats. Thus, we observed markers of OS - such as dark neurons and endoplasmic reticulum dilation - by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after CSDS, with or without SNC80 treatment. We specifically targeted excitatory and inhibitory neurons of CA1-vHPC. We were able to demonstrate that the SNC80 decreased the proportion of some OS markers in both resilient and vulnerable animals, while for other markers, it restored CSDS-induced oxidative damages only in vulnerable mice. Finally, an ultrastructural study of mitochondria by TEM, confirmed these results where the SNC80 restored the deleterious effects of stress only in vulnerable mice. These results demonstrated that activation of DOPr signaling is responsible for resilience by the preservation of a controlled oxidative status in excitatory and inhibitory neurons of CA1- vHPC. Finally, a molecular study was performed by western blot, in the total hippocampus, to determine the molecular target of DOPr involved in OS, allowing stress resilience. Complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and antioxidant enzymes were measured. The activation of DOPr showed a decrease in the expression of certain complexes without revealing the exact molecular target of DOPr allowing resilience to chronic stress. Overall, these studies propose a novel mechanism by which ENK-DOPr signaling promotes resilience to chronic stress by enhancing a controlled oxidative status in hippocampal neurons.
Full textOrtiz-Rosario, Alexis. "Improved Methodologies for the Simultanoeus Study of Two Motor Systems: Reticulospinal and Corticospinal Cooperation and Competition for Motor Control." The Ohio State University, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1468886309.
Full textLabat, Christian. "Algorithmes d'optimisation de critères pénalisés pour la restauration d'images : application à la déconvolution de trains d'impulsions en imagerie ultrasonore." Phd thesis, Ecole centrale de nantes - ECN, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00132861.
Full text- Démontrer la convergence des algorithmes SQ approchés et GCNL+SQ1D.
- Etablir des liens forts entre les algorithmes SQ approchés et GCNL+SQ1D.
- Illustrer expérimentalement en déconvolution d'images le fait que les algorithmes SQ approchés et GCNL+SQ1D sont préférables aux algorithmes SQ exacts.
- Appliquer l'approche pénalisée à un problème de déconvolution d'images en contrôle non destructif par ultrasons.
Russon, Ryan K. "Computerized Measurement of Psychological Vital Signs in a Clinical Setting." [Tampa, Fla. : s.n.], 2003. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/SFE0000097.
Full textAubagnac, Stéphanie. "Identification et caractérisation fonctionnelle de gènes de prédisposition à la persistance virale et aux signes cliniques de la maladie démyélinisante induite par le virus de Theiler." Paris 7, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA077250.
Full textSaideh, Michel. "Contributions on radio access techniques for future railway communications system." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL1I092.
Full textNowadays, a huge amount of data exchanges is needed in the railway system. This is particularly to support autonomous train, reduce operation and maintenance costs, increase safety and security. In the same time, many new services are offered to passengers. There is no unique technology that can satisfy all these needs. Consequently, different industrial and academical research projects are on-going at European and International levels to develop the Future Railway Mobile Communications System (FRMCS). FRMCS will be IP-based, adaptable, agnostic to radio technology and resilient to technological evolutions. In addition, it should support high data rate, low latency, large bandwidth, and efficient spectrum utilization. The FRMCS is expected to be able to choose in real time between different available radio access technologies in function of applications needs and the surrounding railway environment. Among these technologies, we can mention the Wi-Fi, LTE, satellites and the 5G NR standard in development. Thus, the contributions of this PhD thesis are part of the development of an Adaptable Communication System (ACS) for the railway by considering cutting-edge technologies of the future 5G NR system and beyond. Different key enabling technologies have been proposed recently under the umbrella of 5G and Beyond communication systems. Among which, radio access techniques play major role over key metrics, such as the efficient utilization of the available spectrum, the high data rates, and the computational complexity of the transceiver system. One of the major technological evolution in that domain concerns the introduction of different Multi-Carrier Modulation (MCM) and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques. In this Ph.D thesis, we start by considering the MCM technology in the context of high speed railway. A performance evaluation study is conducted where different MCM schemes are highlighted in different scenarios. The Filtered Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) waveform presents high robustness to high mobility scenarios while exploiting the available spectrum efficiently. However, FBMC advantages come with additional built-in interference that challenges traditional transceiver design techniques. Thereby, we propose different contributions that handle the channel estimation and equalization aspects of the FBMC waveform. The contributions aims to assure better performance at the cost of negligible additional complexity compared with the literature
Bataillon, Jean-Luc. "La métrologie des circuits intégrés par microscopie électronique." Grenoble INPG, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990INPG0001.
Full textEskiizmirliler, Tevfik Selim. "Modélisation de la fusion des informations sensori-motrices dans les voies cérébelleuses : application à la prédiction des cinétoses dans les trains pendulaires et au contrôle d'un actionneur mû par des muscles pneumatiques." Paris, ENST, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ENST0047.
Full textTahri, Tarik. "Systèmes radars coopératifs multimodes pour la détection, l'identification des obstacles sur les voies, la localisation et la transmission de données trains-infrastructures." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014VALE0024/document.
Full textTelecommunication in railway land is in perpetual evolution, its investigation axes are mainly motivated by a growing need in term of data rates, quality of transmission, accuracy and reliability of the localization, but it remains slowed by a frequentiel environment, which is increasingly crowded. In this context, the design of a system that ensure in same time, localization, obstacles recognition and communication, seems a very critical. In this thesis, to design such a sensor, we propose the use of so-called spectral diversity techniques also found under the name of Ultra Wideband radio (UWB). To separate localization signal and communication signal and to increase communication data rate, several multiplexing techniques based on the principle of multiple modulation techniques and multiple access such as PPM, the OAM, the 2πM, and DS-CDMA have been developed. Theoretical studies combined with simulations were performed to evaluate and compare these techniques in term of binary error rate and data rate communication. Theoretical results and simulations of the proposed system have been validated by experiments conducted in a real environment
Hawari, Haitham M. "Minimising track degradation through managing vehicle/track interaction." Queensland University of Technology, 2007. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/16366/.
Full textKakuschke, Chris. "Entwicklung alternativer Auswerteverfahren für Mikrowellendopplersignale bei der Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung im Bahnverkehr." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2004. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:swb:ch1-200400877.
Full textDie Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeitsmessung über die Drehzahl eines Rades weist in Schlupf- und Schleuderzuständen erhebliche systematische Abweichungen auf. Deshalb erfordern Zugbeeinflussungs- und Antriebssysteme neue gleichzeitig robuste und präzise Geschwindigkeitsmessmethoden. Die Mikrowellensensorik unter Nutzung des Dopplereffekts zwischen Fahrzeug und Gleisbett wird wegen ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften für dieses Einsatzgebiet favorisiert. Bisherige Sensorapplikationen erfüllen aber die hohen Ansprüche nicht in allen Betriebszuständen. Hier setzt die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Sensorentwicklung auf. Zwei getrennt hergeleitete und nach Zuverlässigkeit und Genauigkeit optimierte neue Verfahren können bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung die gestellten Anforderungen erfüllen. Dabei müssen auch die beschränkten Ressourcen des eingebetteten digitalen Signalverarbeitungssystems unter Echtzeitbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Entsprechend dieser Randbedingungen findet einleitend eine kritische Betrachtung bestehender Frequenzanalysemethoden statt und Ansätze für die Weiterentwicklung werden herausgearbeitet. Einerseits führt dies zur Konstruktion einer neuen störunempfindlichen Weitbereichsspektralzerlegung, welche Ansätze der dyadischen Wavelettransformation mit der Diskreten Fourier-Transformation verbindet. Andererseits wird ein neues Rahmenverfahren für die verzögerungsarme Schätzung der Bewegungsparameter des Fahrzeuges aufgrund seines physikalischen Bewegungsmodells hergeleitet und mit einem hochgenauen Frequenzauswerteverfahren kombiniert. Beide Verfahren basieren auf blockweisen diskreten Spektralzerlegungen, deren prinzipielle Nachteile gegenüber kontinuierlichen Ansätzen weitgehend kompensiert werden können. Durch die Blockorganisation lassen sich neuartige wissensbasierte Spektralfilter selektiv zur Unterdrückung starker bahnanwendungstypischer Störeinflüsse einsetzen
Svoboda, Lukáš. "Monitorování dynamických soustav s využitím piezoelektrických senzorů vibrací." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-432742.
Full textSnuffer, Moira Calligan. "A Study of the Watershed Management in the Headwaters of the Hocking River: Environmental Communication in the City." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1597266102553851.
Full textPai, Hong Jin. "Efeitos da acupuntura sobre os pacientes com asma leve e moderada persistentes: um estudo randomizado, controlado e cruzado." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/5/5144/tde-05052014-121907/.
Full textIntroduction: This survey has been conducted in order to evaluate the effects of acupuncture in patients with persistent mild and moderate asthma (according to GINA criteria 2003), using beta agonist and/or inhaled glucocorticoid. Methods and patients: This is a prospective, double blinded, randomized and cross-over study with two branches: 74 patients diagnosed with mild and moderate asthma were divided into two groups: Group I with 31, initiating with real acupuncture and Group II, starting with sham acupuncture. Medical interview and laboratory tests including spirometry, induced sputum citology, exhaled NO measurement, quality of life questionnaire (SF-36 and QQL), besides, daily symptom scores and measurement of peak-flow were performed, in the beginning of the study, and in the end of each phase of treatment. Phase I: laboratory tests and other qualitative measurements. There were 10 real acupuncture weekly sessions to Group I and 10 sham acupuncture sessions to Group II in Phase II. On the other hand, in the Phase IV, there was an exchange between Group I and Group II, which was receiving real acupuncture started to receive sham, and vice-versa, the number of sessions remained the same (10 weekly sessions). Phase III, during the interval between Phase II and Phase IV, there was an interval of 4 weeks of washout. Phase V: laboratory tests and other qualitative measurements. Results: There was no difference beween both the groups in all criteria of evaluation pré treatment, with only na exception: in the Group II there was large inflammatory cell counts. However, there was a significant reduction in eosinophils (p = 0.035) and neutrophils (p = 0.047), and increase of macrophages (p = 0.001), improved peak-flow measurement in the morning (p = 0.01) in Group II (started with sham) in Phase IV. In Daily Symptons Score, there was a significant reduction in use of rescue medication (p = 0.043) in Group I (real acupuncture) in Phase II and after received sham acupuncture (Phase IV), there were less cough (p = 0.007), less wheezing (p = 0.037), less dyspnea (p < 0.001) e less use of rescue medication (p < 0.001). In Group II, after received sham (Phase II), there were less cough (p = 0.037), less wheezing (p = 0.013) and less dyspnea (p = 0.014). In Phase IV, less cough (p = 0.040), wheezing (p = 0.012), dyspnea (p < 0.001) and less nocturnal awakening (p = 0.009). In the questionnaires of quality of life SF-36 and QQL, several domains were found to be improved after received sham acupuncture in both groups, comparing phase II against phase I, but the results found after received real acupuncture were better than sham in both groups. Although there was no statistic difference between both groups. However, there was no difference in exhaled NO and spirometry measurement. Conclusion: This survey demonstrated that the use of real acupuncture in a group of patients with large inflammatory cells counts could have contributed to reduce symptoms, improve quality of life, improved peak-flow measurement in the morning and reduced inflammatory cells count in induced sputum, therefore, acupuncture is a safe healing techniques, presented no adverse effects observed in this study, and could of great help in treatment of patients with mild and moderate asthma
Pham, The Anh. "Détection robuste de jonctions et points d'intérêt dans les images et indexation rapide de caractéristiques dans un espace de grande dimension." Thesis, Tours, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TOUR4023/document.
Full textLocal features are of central importance to deal with many different problems in image analysis and understanding including image registration, object detection and recognition, image retrieval, etc. Over the years, many local detectors have been presented to detect such features. Such a local detector usually works well for some particular applications but not all. Taking an application of image retrieval in large database as an example, an efficient method for detecting binary features should be preferred to other real-valued feature detection methods. The reason is easily seen: it is expected to have a reasonable precision of retrieval results but the time response must be as fast as possible. Generally, local features are used in combination with an indexing scheme. This is highly needed for the case where the dataset is composed of billions of data points, each of which is in a high-dimensional feature vector space
Van, Der Merwe Johannes Hendrik. "Train driver automation strategies to mitigate signals passed at danger on South African railways." Thesis, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10539/25972.
Full textTrain derailments or collisions have the potential to result in catastrophic loss of life and/or destruction of property. Ever higher demands for train density (i.e. trains per hour for a given section of track) as well as the catastrophic results when accidents do occur have given rise to the development of railway signalling systems as mitigation measures (Rolt, 2009; Theeg & Vlasenko (2009b). Signals Passed At Danger (SPADs) refers to when a train driver passes a stop signal without authority and is one of the typical causes of such accidents resulting in significant damages reported within Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) in recent years. Studies have shown human train driver error and violation of signals to be a significant cause of SPAD events. This study investigated the application of train driver automation as a mitigation measure against SPADs within the South African railway environment in general and TFR in particular. The study was qualitative in nature, following a model development methodology and used in-depth, semi-structured interviews with railway signalling engineers for data collection. The primary goal was defined to be the development of a train driver function automation method that could be considered the most appropriate within the TFR operational environment. The study determined the most appropriate method to be that of having a human driver with technical supervision. In this arrangement, the human driver could remain in his conventional role of driving the train but with a technical supervision system superimposed that automatically intervenes if a train driver exceeds his movement authority (e.g. Automatic Train Protection or ATP). This approach mitigates many of the costs imposed by human failure associated with SPAD events, yet retains the value of human flexibility which is especially useful under abnormal circumstances.
MT 2018
Huang, Kuo-lung, and 黃國隆. "A Study & Design on the Simulation and Control of High Speed Railway Signals and Train Movement." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/27701530166451201564.
Full text大葉大學
This thesis describes the application of signals in the traffic system for executing automatic control to provide a safe, comfortable and convenient system through the theory and coordination of signal system and block device. In aspects of blocking theory and automatic train control, two fixed train-passing points will be emphasized in this article to demonstrate the application of moveable automatic block system of which the safe brake distance section is used to controls the traffic of train. Regarding the incoming line control process, including choice of incoming lines, switch shift, inspection of incoming lines, locking, signal release and de-locking of incoming line, the concept of digital logic is used to carry out the analysis and installation. In addition, the railway circuit is also analyzed in this article by using rails as part of the circuit so as to control, directly or indirectly, the circuit system of signals, turnouts or other security devices by the short circuit effect of axle shaft. Finally, PID control system is also employed in this article to simulate the train on the one hand and on the other, the adaptive control system is also applied to simulate the follow-up characteristics of train and its automatic brake reaction under the effect of automatic protection.
Mao, Chia-Wei, and 茅家瑋. "Novel Pulse Train Generation Method and Signal analysis." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/05173154496851168093.
Full text國立中山大學
In this thesis we use pulse shaping system to generate pulse train. Using empirical mode decomposition(EMD) and short-time Fourier transform(STFT) to analyze the signal of terahertz radiation. we use pulse shaping system to modulate the amplitude and phase of light which provide for pulse train generation. Compare with other method, first, our method will improve the stability of time delay control. Second this method is easier to control the time delay and number of pulse in the pulse train. In the past, people find the occur time of high frequency by observed the time domain of terahertz radiation directly, but if the occur time near the time of the peak power of terahertz radiation, we can’t find out the occur time of high frequency. Using STFT can find out the relationship between intensity and time, but if the modes in signal have different width of frequency STFT have to use different time window to get the best frequency resolution and time resolution. However the time window with different width will have different frequency resolution, and the relationship between intensity and time will change with different frequency resolution, therefore using different frequency resolution will get different result, so we need a new signal analysis method. To solve this problem we use EMD to decompose different mode in the signal of terahertz radiation into different intrinsic mode function(IMF), and analyze the signal of terahertz by STFT to find the occur time of high frequency of terahertz radiation. Because the modes are separated in to different IMF, we can use STFT with the same time window. We expect this method applied to narrow-band frequency-tunable THz wave generation will be better.
Parsaei, Hossein. "EMG Signal Decomposition Using Motor Unit Potential Train Validity." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10012/6299.
Full textWANG, TING-FANG, and 王廷芳. "TRAIL transduced reverse signals in T cell activation." Thesis, 2002. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/99666307916030568207.
Full text國立臺灣大學
TRAIL is a novel member of TNF superfamily molecules, selective induces apoptosis in transformed cell lines, but only with little cytotoxic effect on normal cells. Five TRAIL receptors has been identified and it will transduce signal when engaged with its ligand, TRAIL. Recently studies have found that many TNF superfamily members have ability to transduce reverse signals through ligand itself. Previous studies in our laboratory had proved that TRAIL also can transduce reverse signals after engaging its receptor. According to previous studies in this libratory, it has demonstrated that TRAIL could enhance mouse T cell proliferation after TCR engagement and signal the augmentation of IFNg secretion. To investigate what T cell subsets are involved in TRAIL reverse signals and whether this phenomena also occurs in human PBMC, we isolated both mouse and human CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells, stimulated with immobilize DR4-Fc and suboptimal anti-CD3 in vitro. Our results demonstrate that it is CD4+ T cell but not CD8+ T cell responding to TRAIL co-stimulation. Increased production of IFNg is also observed in CD4+ T cells activated with anti-CD3 and DR4. When CD4+ T cells were co-stimulated with TRAIL, there is also increased phosphorylation level of p38 MAP kinase in CD4+ T cells. For further explore the molecules involved in TRAIL reverse signals pathway, we use DR4-Fc to co-immunoprecipitate the possible molecules associated with TRAIL. We were able to detect some possible candidate proteins in Jurkat cells in immunoprecipitation. It still need further characterization to identify the proteins involved in TRAIL reverse signaling. On the other hand, we compared the TRAIL reverse signals with CD28 co-stimulation signals. Our results indicated that CD28 co-stimulation were stronger than TRAIL induced T cell activation at the same level of TCR stimulation in induction of T cell proliferation. To investigate the differences in signal transduction mechanisms between CD28 and TRAIL co-stimulation, we study the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation pattern between T cells activated by CD28 and TRAIL, and we found that there were tyrosine phosphoryaltion induced after TRAIL and CD28 co-stimulation and the phosphorylated tyrosine kinase level were higher in CD28 co-stimulation signals than TRAIL reverse signals. Our results suggest that typrosine kinase may play a role in TRAIL reverse signaling.
Chen, Chiuan-De, and 陳全德. "TRAIL / TRAIL-R2 as a Potential Termination Signal of Mouse Liver Regeneration." Thesis, 2001. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/76526738233695802997.
Full text國立陽明大學
The adult hepatocyte is normally a quiescent and highly differentiated cell. In rodents, experimental partial hepatectomy (PHx) elicits a rapid and precisely controlled series of gene activation, which occurs prior to cellular proliferation. It offers a highly reproducible and precise in vivo system to study the cell cycle regulation of the liver. Transcription activation of various genes including 70 immediate-early genes, growth factors, cytokines, their corresponding receptors and transcription factors has been characterized during liver regeneration. Nonetheless, a comprehensive understanding of the signals for cell cycle regulation during liver regeneration is still lacking. In order to obtain insight into the early regulatory events, our laboratory took a microarray approach in an attempt to obtain a global view of the regulatory network and to identify the early G1 signaling events that were not recognized previously with the conventional methods. At least 10 members of the TNF superfamily were identified from the microarray analysis. Among them, TNF-a, TNF-R1, FasL and Fas have been implicated as important priming and proliferating factors for liver regeneration, while TRAIL, TRAIL-R2, CD40L, BCMA and HVEM were not reported to be involved in the process. Combining RT-PCR, Northern blot and Western blot analyses, we verified the results of microarray hybridization. Both transcription activity and protein profile of TRAIL and TRAIL-R2 were uniquely associated with the late stage (G2-M) of the regenerating liver, suggesting that TRAIL and TRAIL-R2 may serve as a terminating signal. In order to understand how TRAIL and TRAIL-R2 are regulated, we also analyzed the transcription activity and protein profile of IFN-γ, p53 and FLIP. Interestingly, we found that the expressions of IFN-γ,p53 and FLIP and TRAIL-R2 are coordinately regulated. Therefore, it is highly likely in the regenerating liver that TRAIL and TRAIL-R2 are also regulated by IFN-γand p53, respectively as reported in other systems. FLIP was known to suppress the apoptotic signaling downstream of TRAIL /TRAIL-R. Based on the preliminary results, it is difficult to ascertain the biological significance of FLIP in the process of liver regeneration. According to the literature and my preliminary findings, a working hypothesis for TRAIL and TRAIL-R2 as terminating signal was formed. To support the hypothesis, we intended to show a delayed time course of liver regeneration by blocking the signaling pathway of TRAIL and TRAIL-R2. Expression of recombinant soluble TRAIL-ECD and TRAIL-R2/Fc was attempted by using E.coli and Baculovirus systems. Souble TRAIL-R2/Fc was successfully expressed and recovered from the culture supernatant of Sf21 cells. The soluble TRAIL-R2/Fc was also demonstrated its blocking activity in TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat cells. With this recombinant protein in hand, one can then demonstrate that TRAIL can elicit apoptosis of hepatocytes taken from late stages of regenerating liver and that soluble TRAIL-R2 can partially suppress the apoptosis observed in the late-stage of regenerating liver by blocking the TRAIL-mediated signaling pathway.
Lin, Ling-Li, and 林伶俐. "Study of TRAIL Mediated Apoptosis and Reverse Signal." Thesis, 2000. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/48357172095567637494.
Full text國立臺灣大學
TRAIL (also called Apo2L), a novel member of the TNF family, induces apoptosis in transformed cell lines of diverse origin. TRAIL mRNA was found in a variety of tissues and cells, but little is known about the expression of TRAIL at the protein level or its physiological function. Recent studies revealed that TRAIL could interact with at least four receptors, TRAIL-R1/DR4, TRAIL-R2/DR5, TRAIL-3/DcR1 and TRAIL-R4/DcR2. Both DR4 and DR5 contain cytoplasmic death domain and mediate apoptosis. In contrast, DcR1 completely lacks a cytoplasmic death domain and exists as a GPI- anchored protein. DcR2 contains a truncated death domain. Neither DcR1 nor DcR2 mediates apoptosis. In this study, we made functional soluble human TRAIL and DR4 recombinant protein from E. coli and Baculovirus expression system. Murine splenic T cells were activated by sub-optimal concentration of anti-CD3 and were incubated with DR4-IgG1Fc recombinant protein to cross-link TRAIL on T cells. We found that cross-linking of TRAIL by sDR4-IgG1Fc recombinant protein induces maximal T cell proliferation and IFN-g production with sub-optimal anti-CD3 stimulation. The increase of T cell proliferation by DR4-IgG1Fc was dose-dependent and can be blocked by soluble TRAIL recombinant protein. In conclusion, our data suggest that TRAIL can itself transduce a reverse signal and which may provide an insight into the biological function for TRAIL.
Huang, Shih-Chia, and 黃世嘉. "Signal transduction pathways in TRAIL-mediated T cell costimulation." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58564581570796467595.
Full text國立臺灣大學
Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), a member of the TNF superfamily, has been demonstrated to mediate costimulation effect in T cell activation. However, the intra-cellular signaling transduced by TRAIL and the TRAIL costimulatory signaling complementing to TCR stimulation-induced T cell activation remain largely unknown. Aims of this study were to investigate the signaling pathway transduced by TRAIL and the mechanism of TRAIL costimulation to TCR stimulation-induced T cell activation. Our results demonstrated that TRAIL costimulation-induced NF-kappaB activation depended on the PKCtheta-IKK-IkappaB signaling pathway. The PLCgamma1-calcium-NFAT signaling pathway and PI3K-Akt pathway were also activated in TRAIL costimulation. We also demonstrated that TRAIL costimulation amplified TCR proximal kinases signaling. Furthermore, we demonstrated that TRAIL associated with Lck during TRAIL costimulation and the association was required for downstream signaling. DR4-Fc alone stimulation without anti-CD3 mAb also induced the phosphorylation of TCR proximal tyrosine kinases and activated the downstream PI3K-Akt, NFAT and NF-kappaB signaling pathways, but these effects were insufficient for T cell proliferation. Finally, we demonstrated that the TRAIL costimulation induced Lck and PKCtheta recruitment and resulted in lipid rafts reorganization, while these events did not occur in TCR or DR4-Fc alone stimulation. Blocked TRAIL costimulation-induced T cell activation by disruption of lipid rafts indicated the kinases-enriched lipid rafts provided the platform for TRAIL costimulatory signaling integrating into TCR signaling. These results demonstrate that TRAIL costimulation regulates the reorganization of signaling molecules of lipid rafts and then Lck recruitment into lipid rafts integrates the multiple signals from TRAIL and TCR resulting in T cell activation.
"The Effectiveness of Trail Mitigation and Theory-Grounded Signage in an Economical Approach to Reducing Social Trail Behaviors." Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.51687.
Full textDissertation/Thesis
Masters Thesis Community Resources and Development 2018
Chen, Ting-Wen. "Assembly processes in soil animal communities: Integrating phylogeny and trait-based approaches." Doctoral thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1735-0000-002E-E372-9.
Full textCheng, Yao-Chung, and 鄭燿忠. "Theory and Practice Research on Interpretive Signage Planning and Design: A Case Study on Fencihu-Rueili Historic Trail in Chai-Yi County." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/41695291389259003633.
Full text中國文化大學
Interpretive signage is the most used interpretive media; it’s also the important agency between human and environment of environmental education system. It could guide tourism to look and observe the environmental phenomenon, to admonish tourist the softy and manage information betimes and to inspire the behavior of environmental protection. It’s an important approach to carry out the environmental sustainable management and eco-tourism. In Taiwan, the resource of the mountain and forest is richness. People could walk into the forest through the trail system. Besides recreation, the trail’s valuations also include environmental experience, landscape and interpretation. So, the trail system needs completely software and hardware facility. At present, interpretive signage only operated by basic theory, that absence distinct process of planning and design. What the interpretive resource is almost subject the designer’s cognizance. Therefore, the research reviewed the theory and method of interpretive signage first and to build the practical process that used on Fencihu-Rueili historic trail in Chai-Yi county. The research join aged person and interpreter of community, administrator and mountain patrol of trail system in the field survey, that conduced to dominate the feature of the trails’ resource and management demand. In the planning phase, the research applied GPS to set the position of interpretive site, and decided the theme, panel’s size, support’s form of interpretive signage. In the design phase, the process included writing content, editing pictures and writing, choosing the material of panels and supports that performed the feature and background of trails. The study is being the critical reference for the scheming and designing steps whereas it is also presents the designing process of the diversified interpreting subjects and outlines the decision flow chart of the design planning for interpretive signage. Furthermore, it is suggested that the study shall be more involved in the aspects of the volume of interpreting words, preferences of reader, color analysis, construction costs, the user’s evaluation and the material development as the future direction.
DOBNEROVÁ, Karla. "Návrh cyklostezky v okolí obce Kamenný Újezd." Master's thesis, 2009. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-54757.
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