Academic literature on the topic 'Traçages viraux'
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Journal articles on the topic "Traçages viraux"
Vimieiro, Ana Carolina, and Janine De Kássia Rocha Bargas. "O uso de dados e métodos digitais nas pesquisas em comunicação." Revista FAMECOS 26, no. 2 (December 17, 2019): 32473.
Full textParaíso, Marlucy Alves. "Pesquisas pós-críticas em educação no Brasil: esboço de um mapa." Cadernos de Pesquisa 34, no. 122 (August 2004): 283–303.
Full textBarboza, Luis. "A onto-política do cuidado multiespécies." CSOnline - REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS, no. 34 (June 14, 2022): 116–50.
Full textPuh, Milan. "Lições do expresso do oriente: metodologias de ensino de línguas não-hegemônicas no Brasil." Iniciação & Formação Docente 7, no. 4 (January 25, 2021): 822.
Full textGirão, Luis Carlos, and Elizabeth Cardoso. "O livro-imagem na literatura para crianças e jovens: trajetórias e perspectivas." Em Aberto 32, no. 105 (September 25, 2019).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Traçages viraux"
Baba, Aïssa Hind. "Anatomie et physiologie des voies de sortie du cervelet chez le rongeur." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2021.
Full textAccurate sensory acquisition and perception are key features to survival. Though many parameters underlying the processing of sensory information is known, several aspects are still poorly understood, such as the exact contribution of each cerebral structure. Here, we analyze the cerebellar contribution to sensory processing in the mouse whisker system. We identify an anatomical and physiological disynaptic projection from the cerebellar nuclei to the primary sensory cortex, involving notably by the posterior medial thalamus (POm). The modulation of this strong driver-like cerebello-thalamic projection induces an impairment in a fine sensory discrimination task, and its co-activation along with peripheral inputs induces the increased recruitment of POm projections to layer I of sensory cortex. Taken together, our results show that the cerebellum targets non-motor cortical areas and can directly modulate sensory processing through a higher order thalamic nucleus, the POm
Haberl, Matthias. "Studying Neuronal Connectivity in the Mouse Brain in Normal Condition and Fragile X Syndrome." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.
Full textThe goal of this work was the investigation of the anatomical and functionalconnectivity of neuronal networks and the development of novel tools for thispurpose. Since the latter aspect is a major focus of current neuroscience, we firstsought a novel viral tracer enabling sparse neuronal reconstruction and neuronclassification. We then applied this and other techniques to probe neuronalconnectivity defects in Fragile X Syndrome.In the first part we discussed the merits and drawbacks of a emergingtechnique using a new type of viral vector that allows in a unique manner mapping ofthe input of a given brain area.In the second part we developed, departing from this viral vector, a newvariant to facilitate the tracing and reconstructing of morphologic features of neurons.We showed the strength of this anterograde variant of the recombinant glycoproteindeletedrabies virus for computational reconstruction of all key morphologicalfeatures of neurons: dendrites, spines, long-ranging axons throughout the brain andbouton terminals.In the third part we examined alterations in the wiring of brain structures inthe Fragile X Syndrome (FXS). FXS is the most common inherited mental retardationand most frequent genetic form of autism, leading to learning and memory deficits,repetitive behavior, seizures and hypersensitivity to sensory (e.g. visual) stimuli. Oneof the eminent hypotheses in the autism field assumes a local hyper- connectivityphenotype but hypo-connectivity for long-ranging connections. To test this hypothesisin a FXS mouse model we used magnetic resonance imaging, to scan the entire brainand measure the anatomical and functional connectivity. This allowed us to identifyconnectivity alterations in several areas that we further explored using viral tracers.Using retrograde rabies virus to count the number of neurons projecting to such areaswe confirmed an altered input connectivity to the primary visual cortex, which couldcontribute to the altered visual information processing. We discovered an overallreduced anatomical and functional long-range connectivity between several brainareas, identifying FXS as pathology of neuronal connectivity, which might explain thedifficulties several rescue strategies aiming at molecular targets are currently facing
Prevosto, Vincent. "Sensorimotor encoding in the primate posterior parietal cortex : electrophysiological and retrograde transneuronal tracing studies." Paris 6, 2008.
Full textHerent, Coralie. "Respiratory Adaption to Running Exercise : A Behavioral and Neuronal Circuits Study in Mice Absent Phasing of Respiratory and Locomotor Rhythms in Running Mice Control of Orienting Movements and Locomotion by Projection-Defined Subsets of Brainstem V2a Neurons Afadin Signaling at the Spinal Neuroepithelium Regulates Central Canal Formation and Gait Selection." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2021.
Full textDuring running, ventilation increases to match the augmented energetic demand. Yet the presumed neuronal substrates for this running hyperpnea have remained elusive. To fill this gap, we have, in mice, examined the interactions between i) limb movements and respiratory cycles, and ii) locomotor and respiratory neural networks. First, by combining electromyographic recordings (EMG) of the diaphragm with limb video-tracking in running mice, we show that, for a wide range of trotting speeds on a treadmill, breathing rate increases to a fixed value, irrespective of running speeds. Importantly, breaths are never temporally synchronized to strides, highlighting that exercise hyperpnea can operate without phasic signals from limb sensory feedbacks. We next sought to identify candidate trigger neurons in the locomotor central network, and their partners in respiratory centers. Combining EMG recordings, viral tracing, and activity interference tools, we first show that the prime supraspinal center for locomotor initiation (the mesencephalic locomotor region, MLR) can upregulate breathing during, and even before, running. Indeed, the MLR contacts directly and modulates the main inspiratory generator, the preBötzinger complex. We show that the lumbar locomotor circuits also have an excitatory action onto respiratory activity, but that this ascending drive targets another essential respiratory group, the retrotrapezoid nucleus. This work highlights the multifunctional nature of locomotor command and executive centers, and points to multiple neuronal pathways capable of upregulating breathing during, or possibly even prior to, running
Gonzalez, i. Llinares Bernat. "Presynaptic mechanisms of short-term plasticity at hippocampal mossy fibersynapses." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.
Full textThe hippocampal mossy fiber is characterized by its particular morphology, distinctsynaptic transmission and presynaptic plasticity. Moreover, this synapse has beencalled ―teacher‖ or ―detonator‖ for its proposed functional role in episodic memoryencoding. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms underlying its specific functionalproperties remain elusive. This work is composed of two main parts:1) Phenotyping Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses in VAMP7 KO MiceVAMP7 is a vesicle SNARE of the longin family important in neurite growth duringdevelopment. In the adult brain, VAMP7 is enriched in a subset of nerve terminals,particularly at the hippocampal mossy fiber. We analyzed VAMP7 function inneurotransmitter release by characterizing basal and evoked transmission at thissynapse in KO mice and fully tested hypotheses relevant to short-term plasticity.Loss of VAMP7 has been previously reported not to cause major developmental orneurological deficits (Sato et al., 2011; Danglot et al., 2012). Presynapticmechanisms of short-term plasticity at the hippocampal mossy fiber also seemunaffected for potential reasons that will be discussed.2) CA3 Circuits Probed with RABV-Tracing and Paired RecordingsWe developed a technique to establish paired recordings between connected dentategyrus granule cells and CA3 pyramidal cells (GC-CA3) in mouse hippocampalorganotypic slice cultures. To identify direct presynaptic partners to a defined targetCA3 pyramidal cell, we combined single-cell electroporation (SCE) and mono-transsynaptictracing based on a pseudotyped, recombinant rabies virus (EnvApseudotyped RABV ΔG). Using SCE we transfected a single CA3 pyramidal cell perslice with the plasmids encoding: the RABV envelope glycoprotein (RG), afluorescent reporter, and TVA (the EnvA cognate surface receptor, which has nohomologue in mammalian cells). The slices were subsequently infected with EnvApseudotyped RABV ΔG. After 3-4 days, the RABV mono-trans-synaptic tracingrevealed the presynaptic inputs of that single neuron. Then, we were able toestablish paired recordings between connected GC-CA3 cells, as well as to quantifythe presynaptic partners of the starter CA3 pyramidal cell
De mosvezel van de hippocampus kenmerkt zich door een bijzondere morfologie,uitzonderlijke synaptische transmissie en presynaptische plasticiteit. De synapswordt ook wel "leraar" of "detonator" genoemd vanwege zijn waarschijnlijke rol in decodering van het episodisch geheugen. Toch blijven de specifieke moleculairemechanismen van dit synaps onbekend. Dit werk bestaat uit twee delen:1) Fenotypering van mosvezel synapsen van de hippocampus in VAMP7 KO muizenVAMP7 is een vesicle-SNARE van de longin familie van belang bij de groei vanneurieten tijdens de ontwikkeling. In de volwassen hersenen, wordt VAMP7 verrijkt ineen subset van zenuwuiteinden, vooral in de mosvezel van de hippocampus. Weanalyseerden VAMP7 functie in neurotransmitter afgifte door het karakteriseren vanbasale en opgeroepen transmissie bij deze synaps in KO muizen. Eerder is algesteld dat gebrek aan VAMP7 niet leidt tot grote ontwikkelings- of neurologischeafwijkingen (Sato et al., 2011; Danglot et al., 2012). Presynaptische mechanismenvan korte termijn plasticiteit in de mosvezel van de hippocampus lijken ookonaangetast te zijn, de mogelijke redenen hiervoor zullen worden besproken.2) CA3 circuits onderzocht met behulp van RABV-tracing en gekoppelde opnamesWe ontwikkelden een techniek om gekoppelde opnames tussen korelcellen van degyrus dentatus en aangesloten CA3 piramidale cellen (KC-CA3) op zogenaamde‗mouse hippocampal organotypic slice cultures‘ te meten. Om rechtstreeksepresynaptische partners te identificeren van een specifieke CA3 piramidale cel,combineerden we single-cell electroporation (SCE) en mono-trans-synaptic tracingop basis van een pseudo-typed, recombinant rabiësvirus (EnvA pseudogetypedRABV ΔG). Met behulp van SCE transfecteerde we één CA3 piramidale cel per slicemet plasmiden die coderen voor: het RABV glycoproteïne-envelop (RG), eenfluorescerende reporter, en TVA (de aan EnvA verwante oppervlakte receptor diegeen homoloog in zoogdiercellen heeft). De slices werden vervolgens geïnfecteerdmet ENVA pseudogetyped RABV ΔG. Na 3-4 dagen bracht de RABV mono-transsynaptischetracing de presynaptische ingangen van die ene neuron aan het licht.Hierna konden we gekoppelde opnames doen tussen verbonden KC-CA3 cellen.Daarnaast konden we de presynaptische partners van de starter CA3 pyramidale celkwantificeren