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Bois, Yve-Alain. "Le Toucher Juste." Grey Room 20 (July 2005): 90–94.

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Brelot, Virginie, and Dominique Conrath. "Le toucher, outil privilégié de la communication non verbale." La Revue de l'Infirmière 66, no. 233 (August 2017): 51–52.

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Aranguren, Martin. "Nonverbal interaction patterns in the Delhi Metro." Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation 16, no. 3 (December 30, 2015): 526–52.

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The aim of the article is to describe the nonverbal communication patterns that passengers of the Delhi Metro use to manage density-induced territorial intrusions, and to identify some of the contextual variables that affect their deployment. After introducing the notion of “interrogative look” and the dataset, the following section depicts the techniques that passengers were observed to employ in order to solve the problem of territorial intrusion without breaking anonymity. The bulk of the analysis deals with the structure and function of “interrogative looks”, an objectively defined pattern of nonverbal behavior that the touched uses to signal her discontent to the toucher. The rest of the section describes a less frequent pattern whereby passengers contagiously signal the playful character of their mischiefs. Next is examined if and how density, i.e., the number of individuals per surface unit, influences as a contextual variable the occurrence of interrogative looks. The closing discussion considers the main findings from the standpoint of their local specificity.
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Shiomi, Masahiro, Takahiro Hirano, Mitsuhiko Kimoto, Takamasa Iio, and Katsunori Shimohara. "Gaze-Height and Speech-Timing Effects on Feeling Robot-Initiated Touches." Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 32, no. 1 (February 20, 2020): 68–75.

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This paper reports the effects of communication cues on robot-initiated touch interactions at close distance by focusing on two factors: gaze-height for making eye contact and speech timing before and after touches. Although both factors are essential to achieve acceptable touches in human-human touch interaction, their effectiveness remains unknown in human-robot touch interaction contexts. To investigate the effects of these factors, we conducted an experiment whose results showed that being touched with before-touch timing is preferred to being touched with after-touch timing, although gaze-height did not significantly improve the feelings of robot-initiated touch.
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Alric, J. "Quand les mots résonnent pour le patient…" Douleur et Analgésie 32, no. 3 (September 2019): 171–75.

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L’annonce des soins palliatifs fait entrer le malade dans un bain de langage nouveau, entièrement organisé autour de la menace de mort et de son anticipation. Cette bascule crée les conditions d’un traumatisme psychique. Dans la communication médecin–malade, dire la vérité, être honnête et transparent sont des avancées importantes au niveau des droits du citoyen. Mais au niveau psychique, au niveau de la part sensible et intime de l’être, les paroles, bien souvent, résonnent autrement. Elles viennent toucher un point d’irreprésentable, un impossible à penser, quelque chose qui, pour tout un chacun, doit rester insu, énigmatique. Lorsque la certitude de sa mort tient trop de place dans la vie psychique, cela ferme toute temporalité, et le sujet-malade souffre alors d’une absence d’incertitude quant à l’heure et au comment de la mort. Dans cette contribution, nous proposons quelques pistes de réflexion pour tenter de dire vrai tout en conservant du jeu, une zone d’opacité, du nonsavoir…
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Dorais, Louis-Jacques. "Mémoires migrantes, mémoires vivantes." Ethnologies 27, no. 1 (February 5, 2007): 165–93.

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Résumé Cet article décrit et analyse quelques souvenirs d’enfance et de jeunesse de sept aînés d’origine vietnamienne, trois femmes et quatre hommes, habitant maintenant à Montréal et à Québec. Ces souvenirs font partie de récits de vie recueillis auprès de ces aînés en 2003, lors de la préparation d’un outil de sensibilisation au pluralisme culturel. En mettant en lumière les points forts de ces récits (propos tenus par les aînés sur leur enfance, leur jeunesse et la pertinence de leurs traditions en contexte migratoire), nous tentons de dégager les traits culturels distinctifs que chacun d’eux met en exergue. Cette mise en exergue permet de toucher aux fondements mêmes du processus identitaire, en faisant appel à la mémoire profonde des aînés et en mettant les souvenirs d’enfance et de jeunesse qui ont marqué leur enculturation première en contraste avec leur vie actuelle au Québec. En permettant l’expression et la communication de cette mémoire, le récit de vie d’immigrés ouvre donc une fenêtre sur la manière dont l’identité culturelle se construit et est remémorée.
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Vandal-Sirois, Hugo. "Le traducteur et ses cibles : lectures analytique et empathique en adaptation publicitaire." Meta 60, no. 1 (July 22, 2015): 3–17.

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Pour toucher un public et parvenir à modifier son comportement, le traducteur publicitaire doit démontrer une excellente connaissance de la rédaction publicitaire, d’autant plus que le public cible et le contexte communicationnel de la traduction peuvent différer de façon significative de ceux de la publicité source. En tant qu’agent culturel de l’annonceur, le traducteur publicitaire repère les éléments textuels et paratextuels qui nuiront à l’efficacité du message et apporte les ajustements nécessaires. Dans ce but, il effectuera une double lecture de la publicité originale pour saisir l’ensemble des enjeux communicationnels et orienter sa démarche traductive. D’abord, la lecture analytique correspond à un premier travail de décodage rationnel, influencé par les connaissances et les aptitudes du traducteur en rédaction publicitaire, ainsi que par son environnement de travail, les ressources à sa portée et le contexte communicationnel. Ensuite, la lecture empathique permet de comprendre comment fonctionne le message à traduire du point de vue émotionnel pour ensuite recréer l’effet voulu, en considérant l’identité du public cible ainsi que les aspects culturels et l’objectif de la communication. Cet article montre que ces deux lectures, respectivement raisonnée et émotive, s’avèrent essentielles pour l’opération à la fois rationnelle et créative qu’est l’adaptation publicitaire.
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Kakaraparthi, Vimal, Qijia Shao, Charles J. Carver, Tien Pham, Nam Bui, Phuc Nguyen, Xia Zhou, and Tam Vu. "FaceSense." Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 5, no. 3 (September 9, 2021): 1–27.

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Face touch is an unconscious human habit. Frequent touching of sensitive/mucosal facial zones (eyes, nose, and mouth) increases health risks by passing pathogens into the body and spreading diseases. Furthermore, accurate monitoring of face touch is critical for behavioral intervention. Existing monitoring systems only capture objects approaching the face, rather than detecting actual touches. As such, these systems are prone to false positives upon hand or object movement in proximity to one's face (e.g., picking up a phone). We present FaceSense, an ear-worn system capable of identifying actual touches and differentiating them between sensitive/mucosal areas from other facial areas. Following a multimodal approach, FaceSense integrates low-resolution thermal images and physiological signals. Thermal sensors sense the thermal infrared signal emitted by an approaching hand, while physiological sensors monitor impedance changes caused by skin deformation during a touch. Processed thermal and physiological signals are fed into a deep learning model (TouchNet) to detect touches and identify the facial zone of the touch. We fabricated prototypes using off-the-shelf hardware and conducted experiments with 14 participants while they perform various daily activities (e.g., drinking, talking). Results show a macro-F1-score of 83.4% for touch detection with leave-one-user-out cross-validation and a macro-F1-score of 90.1% for touch zone identification with a personalized model.
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Price, Sara, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Carey Jewitt, Nikoleta Yiannoutsou, Katerina Fotopoulou, Svetlana Dajic, Juspreet Virdee, Yixin Zhao, Douglas Atkinson, and Frederik Brudy. "The Making of Meaning through Dyadic Haptic Affective Touch." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 29, no. 3 (June 30, 2022): 1–42.

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Despite the importance of touch in human–human relations, research in affective tactile practices is in its infancy, lacking in-depth understanding needed to inform the design of remote digital touch communication. This article reports two qualitative studies that explore tactile affective communication in specific social contexts, and the bi-directional creation, sending and interpretation of digital touch messages using a purpose-built research tool, the Tactile Emoticon. The system comprises a pair of remotely connected mitts, which enable users in different locations to communicate through tactile messages, by orchestrating duration and level of three haptic sensations: vibration, pressure and temperature. Qualitative analysis shows the nuanced ways in which 68 participants configured these elements to make meaning from touch messages they sent and received. It points to the affect and emotion of touch, its sensoriality and ambiguity, the significance of context, social norms and expectations of touch participants. Findings suggest key design considerations for digital touch communication, where the emphasis shifts from generating ‘recognizable touches’ to tools that allow people to shape their touches and establish common understanding about their meaning.
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ABU-ZHAYA, RANA, AMANDA SEIDL, and ALEJANDRINA CRISTIA. "Multimodal infant-directed communication: how caregivers combine tactile and linguistic cues." Journal of Child Language 44, no. 5 (August 30, 2016): 1088–116.

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AbstractBoth touch and speech independently have been shown to play an important role in infant development. However, little is known about how they may be combined in the input to the child. We examined the use of touch and speech together by having mothers read their 5-month-olds books about body parts and animals. Results suggest that speech+touch multimodal events are characterized by more exaggerated touch and speech cues. Further, our results suggest that maternal touches are aligned with speech and that mothers tend to touch their infants in locations that are congruent with names of body parts. Thus, our results suggest that tactile cues could potentially aid both infant word segmentation and word learning.
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Trarieux-Signol, S., D. Bordessoule, J. Ceccaldi, S. Malak, A. Polomeni, J. B. Fargeas, N. Signol, H. Pauliat, and S. Moreau. "Qu’écrivent les personnes atteintes d’hémopathies malignes dans leurs directives anticipées ? Analyse qualitative de 35 écrits." Psycho-Oncologie 12, no. 4 (December 2018): 303–10.

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En France, les directives anticipées (DA) se sont vues reconnaître un statut légal en 2005, renforcé en 2016, toutefois une minorité de personnes fait le choix d’en rédiger. Dans le contexte de la maladie grave, quel est leur contenu ? Quelles informations relatives à leur prise en charge ou leur fin de vie y déposent-elles ? L’objectif de cette recherche qualitative est d’analyser le contenu des DA rédigées par des patients atteints d’hémopathies malignes afin de mieux comprendre leur appropriation. L’étude s’est déroulée en deux étapes sur une durée totale de huit ans et deux mois : un travail préliminaire, rétrospectif et monocentrique et une seconde étape prospective et multicentrique dans six sites français. L’analyse qualitative des DA a été accomplie par un binôme composé d’un hématologue sénior et d’un chercheur en sciences humaines et sociales. Une analyse thématique a été réalisée avec identification des principaux messages et mots clés. Les 35 DA collectées sont investies de trois façons différentes : l’appropriation est 1) purement juridique avec une citation de la loi in extenso sans personnalisation de l’écrit ; 2) centrée sur les actes et traitements médicaux souhaités ou refusés ; 3) un moyen de transmettre des messages personnels à l’attention de leurs proches comme leur confiance, l’amour qu’il leur porte ou les modalités d’obsèques souhaitées. En conclusion, nos résultats objectivent que la rédaction de DA ne se limite pas aux patients en fin de vie et qu’au-delà de la transmission d’informations relatives aux actes ou traitements médicaux, les patients les utilisent pour y déposer des messages personnels à leurs proches. Ce nouveau rôle des DA pourrait favoriser la communication intrafamiliale même si ce n’est pas leur finalité première. Faire évoluer les DA vers un concept plus large, comme une planification anticipée des soins, pourrait être un moyen de repenser l’outil et de toucher un plus grand nombre de personnes.
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Zeaiter, Nancy, Maher A. Ghandour, Maryse Hayek, Imadeddine Farfour, Ali Dabbous, Mhamad Ali Hajj Hassan, Houssain Haidar Ahmad, Hussein Al Hussein, and Fadi Abou-Mrad. "Physician and Patient Perceptions of Physical Touch in Primary Care Consultations in Lebanon: A Qualitative Study." International Journal of Clinical Research 1, no. 1 (September 21, 2020): 45–57.

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Background: Verbal and non-verbal communications are an inherent component of physician-patient interactions. The psychological and physiological benefits of non-verbal communication such as gestures, expressions, eye contact, and particularly physical touch in healthcare have been previously explored by the scientific community, albeit insufficiently in the primary care context. Objective: This study aims to address this gap by investigating physician and patient perceptions of expressive touch and its effect on patient satisfaction in primary care consultations in Lebanon. Methods: We recruited 12 physicians and 13 patients and subjected them to audiotaped semi-structured interviews. We selected the patients from three hospitals, while physician responders were from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Lebanese University. We translated the survey instrument into Arabic and validated it using back translation sustained by a pilot study. We performed constant comparative qualitative analysis for obtained relevant data. Results: Patient satisfaction and trust were associated with good verbal and non-verbal communication. Patient and physician responders recognized the benefit of empathy in building long-term relationships. Social and non-intimate expressive touches were positively perceived by patients, although within ethical and religious boundaries. Male physicians expressed clear apprehension for the use of touch, especially towards female patients, due to religious considerations. On the other hand, touch from female physicians was reportedly accepted by patients of both genders, while touch from their male counterparts was associated with more uneasiness. Discussion and Conclusions: Religious concerns are prevalent among Lebanese physicians and patients alike. However, the use of reassuring physical touch is still a cornerstone of the patient-physician relationship in Lebanon, albeit with some limitations. The potential therapeutic effect of verbal and non-verbal communication is evident and warrants further investigation. Communication training efforts should emphasize the importance of religiously and ethically appropriate expressive touch in healthcare. This would serve to promote positive physician and patient perceptions of this practice and improve clinical communication and expressiveness.
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Knight, Julia. "'Honey, don't touch, it's not meant to be touched!'." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 2, no. 2 (September 1996): 19–22.

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Miller, Michael J., Peter A. Andersen, Dana L. Rogers, and Kate S. Kurtin. "Exploring the Influence of Geographic Region and Cultural Indulgence on Tactile Behaviors." International Journal of Psychological Studies 14, no. 1 (January 24, 2022): 37.

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In this study, touch behavior was monitored via live-feed webcams in 18 bars, spread across 5 continents (North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia) for 213 hours. Our findings offer support for a link between equatorial proximity (measured by latitude) and cultural indulgence with more tactile communication. In cultures where indulgence versus restraint was more normative, those perceived as females initiated more touch in both opposite- and same- sex dyads. Moreover, in cultures closer to the equator, there was an increase in touch frequency and the number of body locations touched. Housed within these findings is the idea that geographical location may play a predictable role in motivating the development of cultural communication norms and behaviors. We consider the influence of sunlight, topography, history, and other culture-specific forces on the development of touch norms.   
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Williams, Stella, Michelle Harricharan, and Bidyadhar Sa. "Nonverbal Communication in a Caribbean Medical School: “Touch Is a Touchy Issue”." Teaching and Learning in Medicine 25, no. 1 (January 2013): 39–46.

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Nakagawa, Yuki, and Noriaki Nakagawa. "Relationship Between Human and Robot in Nonverbal Communication." Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 21, no. 1 (January 20, 2017): 20–24.

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The function of the robot living together converges on the problem of communication. We focus on nonverbal communication and relationship between service robots and human. We show nonverbal communication experiments of robot to build relationship between human. We described some ideal fiction robots to live with. We got experience such as; Relationship based on touch communication is managed three elements, appearance, motion and predictable behavior. As the result, these elements are based on embodiment. Human touches robot after feeling safe and natural motion. Motivation to build relationship with robots is decided above three elements in physically but appearance and motion are important. Evaluation of relationship is complicated because relationship grows up depending on spending time and motivation to relate. These experiences were shown by life sized humanoid robot and robot arm in exhibition. Based on these results, evaluation method to understand relationship between robot and human are considered in near future robot development.
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Marx, Marcia S., Perla Werner, and Jiska Cohen-Mansfield. "Agitation and Touch in the Nursing Home." Psychological Reports 64, no. 3_suppl (June 1989): 1019–26.

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The relationship between manifestations of agitated behaviors and interpersonal distance was examined in 24 nursing home residents with high agitation and severe cognitive impairment. Analysis indicated that agitated residents displayed divergent responses to touch: touch was related to an increase in aggressive behaviors and to a decrease in physically nonaggressive behaviors (e.g., strange movements). The positive relationship between aggressiveness and touching suggests that residents may interpret touching as a violation of their personal space. The finding that residents exhibited fewer strange movements when touched suggests that touching can act as a quieting and comforting form of communication. The implications of these findings for caregivers are discussed.
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Naquin, Charles E., Terri R. Kurtzberg, and Lisa Lewin. "High Tech Versus High Touch." Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 58, no. 1 (July 10, 2016): 108–13.

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Previous research in the area of how individuals respond to hard-copy versus electronic communications indicates inconsistent results. Although media richness theory suggests that there is no theoretical distinction between physical, hard-copy and electronic, text-based communications, other research has shown that an individual’s response varies depending on the type of communication. The present research explores the reaction to unexpected opportunities as a function of how the communications are received—either via email or as a hard-copy. Results indicate that participants were equally satisfied to receive either an electronic or a physical gift certificate; however, they redeemed them in unequal amounts. Participants who received a physical gift card were more likely to redeem their gifts and were more likely to spend a greater amount of the total gift card than those who received an electronic one.
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Malovana, Nina, and Andrii Yusiuk. "Face saving aspects in intercultural communication." Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Fìlologìâ 13, no. 22 (2020): 189–96.

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The paper touches upon the aspects of saving face in intercultural communication. Eight basic strategies for conflict behaviour have been identified that depend on the nature and psychotype of the person. In addition, the main patterns for human behaviour in intercultural communication are established, the peculiarities of politeness are described on the examples of South Korea, Germany and Ukraine. Moreover, the main non-verbal signs are described and how they are perceived by the contextuality of the countries of the world. As a result, general rules are established that will help save face in case of arguing, fractions rows or conflicts.
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Heckel, Robert V., Sheila S. Allen, and David C. Blackmon. "Tactile Communication of Winners in Flag Football." Perceptual and Motor Skills 63, no. 2 (October 1986): 553–54.

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This study examined the touching behaviors of winning team members in flag football. 800 players in 100 games were observed and the number and location of interpersonal touches given and received were recorded. Winners initiated significantly more touches to losers than they received from losers. Handshakes were most frequent, then hands, back or shoulders.
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Butchart, Garnet. "Touch, communication, community." Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3.1, no. 1 (2015): 221–44.

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Rørth, Pernille. "Communication by Touch." Cell 112, no. 5 (March 2003): 595–98.

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Jewitt, Carey, and Kerstin Leder Mackley. "Methodological dialogues across multimodality and sensory ethnography: digital touch communication." Qualitative Research 19, no. 1 (September 12, 2018): 90–110.

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There is a significant gap between technological advancements of digital touch communication devices and social science methodologies for understanding digital touch communication. In response to that gap this article makes a case for bringing the communicational focus of multimodality into dialogue with the experiential focus of sensory ethnography to explore digital touch communication. To do this, we draw on debates within the literature, and reflect on our experiences in the IN-TOUCH project (2016–2021). While acknowledging the complexities of methodological dialogues across paradigm boundaries, we map and reflect on the methodological synergies and tensions involved in actively working across these two approaches, notably the conceptualization, categorization and representation of touch. We conclude by homing in on aspects of research that have served as useful reflective route markers on our dialogic journey to illustrate how these tensions are productive towards generating a multimodal and multisensorial agenda for qualitative research on touch.
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Yuzhanin, M. A. "The impact of technological progress on everyday social communications in modern society." Entrepreneur’s Guide 14, no. 1 (February 21, 2021): 240–51.

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In the presented article, the author examines the problems of the impact of technological progress on everyday social communications in society of the XXI century. The author analyzes the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the latest technologies on communication processes in modern society, and also touches on the topic of human interaction with artificial intelligence in the digital era. Particular attention is paid to the characteristic features of variable interactions and communications carried out through the Internet, social networks and instant messengers. As a result, it is concluded that it is necessary to form in modern generations of people a balanced, rational and critical approach to using the achievements of scientific and technological progress, not to the detriment of their intellect, independence, moral merit and the quality of communication with others, but for the good.
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KOWALCZYK, Ryszard. "Samorząd terytorialny jako uczestnik komunikacji społecznej." Przegląd Politologiczny, no. 4 (November 2, 2018): 21–36.

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The author considers local government as a participant of social communication, mainly by means of its public communications. He emphasizes two fundamental forms of public communication, formal and informal. He touches upon the political foundations of local government information policies, which implement a specific political vision of the authorities. The author concludes by saying that in the field of information policy a unit of local government cannot be treated as a passive executor of statutory tasks (in their formal and legal aspects) but should rather be perceived as an active creator that runs its information policies on the basis of its own local policy (the political and legal aspects).
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Saryglar, Artysh, Oleg Gonchar, and Sergey Chirun. "Social and political processes in the context of contemporary communication technologies." SHS Web of Conferences 101 (2021): 03031.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of social and political processes in the aspect of modern technologies of political communication. In particular, the issue of stability of institutional development is touched upon in the context of innovative socio-political processes associated with the introduction of information digital technologies into public policy. The authors investigate current examples of the impact of these technologies on Russian political practices and suggest current areas of work with Internet communication technologies. The authors consider the information society as a global space for political communications, drawing their attention to new potential and real challenges and threats associated with the use of digital information arrays.
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Roberts, Lisa, and Sally J. Bucksey. "Communicating With Patients: What Happens in Practice?" Physical Therapy 87, no. 5 (May 1, 2007): 586–94.

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Background and Purpose Communication is the most important aspect of practice that health care professionals have to master. The purpose of this study was to measure the content and prevalence of verbal and nonverbal communications between physical therapists and patients with back pain. Subjects Seven physical therapists and 21 patients with back pain participated in this study. Methods The first interaction following the initial assessment was recorded with a video camera. The outcome measures were the Medical Communications Behavior System (verbal communication) and frequencies of nonverbal behaviors (affirmative head nodding, smiling, eye gaze, forward leaning, and touch). Semistructured interviews were undertaken with the physical therapists to determine the perceived influence of the video camera. Results A total of 2,055 verbal statements were made. Physical therapists spent approximately twice as much time talking as patients, with content behaviors (such as taking history and giving advice) comprising 52% of verbal communications. The most prevalent nonverbal behaviors were touch by physical therapists (54%) and eye gaze by patients (84%). Discussion and Conclusion The prevalence and content of communication can be measured with video analysis and validated tools. Communication is an extremely important but underexplored dimension of the patient-therapist relationship, and the methods described here could provide a useful model for further research and reflective practice.
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Ballard, Robert L. "I Heard the Call, but He Wasn't Actually There." International Review of Qualitative Research 4, no. 3 (November 2011): 175–91.

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Beginning with the moment when he heard the call of the son he hopes to adopt without ever having actually seen, met, or heard him, the author traces the journey of the adoption process. This autoethnographic work explores ways of communicating “otherwise than being” (Levinas, 1998) in “metaphysical,” sacred, phenomenological encounters (Levinas, 1969) suggesting there is more to human relationships and communication than language or non-verbals and that the “more” is, for lack of a better term, a “spiritual” and sacred experience. This essay touches on communication ethics, interruption, spirit, infinity, the trace, and conscience in the realm of human interaction opening up the possibility for communication to connect us in unseen ways.
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Beg, Martina. "The Effects of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication on Relationship Satisfaction in Thaigerman Couples." MANUSYA 21, no. 1 (2018): 20–38.

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This study aims to explore the ways in which Thai-German couples perceive their mutual verbal and nonverbal communication as causing them dissatisfaction in their daily lives. Furthermore, it investigates the extent to which the partners’ mutual communication satisfaction is correlated to the general satisfaction with their relationship. A mixed-methods approach was used for data collection. The data were collected from 544 questionnaire respondents and 11 interviewees. Data analysis employed statistical analyses for quantitative data (2 sets of questionnaires), and text analysis for the individual indepth interview. The survey results indicated a strong positive correlation between communication satisfaction and relationship satisfaction: r (531) = +.62, p < .001, while the interviews narrowed down the specific communicational problems for the Thai-German couples. These included linguistic skills, accent, pronunciation, grammar, different styles of communicating (direct vs. indirect communication), and differences in emotional expressiveness. Meaningful contrasts were found in the use of humor, eye contact, smiling, intimate touch and personal space. Patterns of conflict management were described, as well as the phenomena of double cultural identity and third language building, which were present in successful relationships.
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Parisi, David, and Jason Edward Archer. "Making touch analog: The prospects and perils of a haptic media studies." New Media & Society 19, no. 10 (August 2, 2017): 1523–40.

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In this article, we argue for the urgency of establishing a coherent tradition of haptic media studies, suggesting that the fields of visual culture studies and sound studies provide analogs, however imperfect, for modeling a new touch-oriented approach to media. This call to make touch like the senses of seeing and hearing echoes previous movements in touch’s discursive and institutional history, as investigators in prior generations similarly aspired to transform tactility through the development of new institutionally grounded research programs. Furthermore, we outline one possible genealogy of haptic media that attends specifically to the power relations expressed through the technoscientific harnessing of touch by haptics. We close with a programmatic set of suggestions for operationalizing haptic media studies.
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du Plooy, Daniel Rupert, Anthony Lyons, and Emiko S. Kashima. "Links between well-being and communication with friends and family in one’s country of origin amongst migrants in Australia." International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 16, no. 4 (October 21, 2020): 429–42.

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Purpose This paper aims to examine the relationship between migrants’ psychological well-being and the extent to which they keep in touch with people in their country of origin. Design/methodology/approach An online survey completed by 1,328 Australian migrants from 4 cultural groups (Anglo, Southern Asian, Confucian Asian and other European) assessed 2 facets of well-being, namely, flourishing and psychological distress and the use of 3 modes of online communication, namely, social media, messaging services and phone/video services. Findings Overall, keeping in touch with family and friends in their country of origin was associated with more flourishing and less distress amongst migrants. Nonetheless, the preferred modes of communication and how those usages relate with well-being varied considerably across cultural groups. In the Anglo group, communicating through messaging and phone/video services was associated with lower distress and communicating in all modes was associated with higher flourishing. Furthermore, the latter link was accounted for by having a meaningful conversation. Originality/value These findings suggest that the psychological well-being of migrant populations may be supported by an understanding of the distinct roles played by specific communication modes that are used to stay in touch with family and friends back home.
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Damnjanovic, Vesna. "Touché solutions – response to “Y” generation." Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2011): 1–10.

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Subject area Marketing. Study level/applicability This case study can be taught in a marketing course MBAs students: (communication trends analysis, sales models analysis, strategic marketing decision). It can also be taught in a sales management course with focus on sales process analysis and financial risk analysis. Students should use quantitative criteria for the analysis: potential sales revenue, market potential and qualitative criteria: risk analysis, customer satisfaction. Case overview Vision of the owner of the company was to improve modern marketing communications using high end technologies – mainly touch sensitive technologies, by which the company was named. The case study “touché solutions” describes the example of new start up business as a small enterprise involved in high tech marketing interactive communication solutions in Serbia. Set in 2007, the company is having problems with profitability, sales negotiation and choosing priority business clients in 2009. Lazar Stojkovic, CEO has recently identified influences on the Internet, “Y” generation needs and new communication challenges, that led to conclusion that interactive technology provides the possibility of dialog with consumers and response to company's offer. Expected learning outcomes Understanding the differences between habits and customer behavior of X and Y generation; being able to understand the influence of media mix investments on marketing and sales effects globally, in EU and Serbia; understanding the obstacles and benefits of small enterprise and partners for financial sales agreement – new financial model; recognizing the differences between traditional sales model and innovative sales partnership model; being able to analyze and identify sales and market potential for business clients; understanding the model of accepting the innovation on the market. Supplementary materials Teaching note.
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Hadit Prasetyo, Sandika, and Oktaviana Purnamasari. "Empathy-based marketing communication as a strategy to win the hearts of consumers during the covid-19 pandemic." COMMICAST 3, no. 1 (November 23, 2021): 75–82.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many sectors including the economy. This situation forces companies to make significant changes in interacting with consumers through marketing communication activities. One of the marketing communication strategies used in pandemic situations is empathy-based marketing communication that promotes common interests and cares for others. This method aims to create a relationship, please help from all parties so that we can get through the difficult times of the pandemic together. Companies that have done this kind of thing include Burger King Indonesia, which carries out empathy-based marketing communications through the official Instagram account This study aims to determine the response of the Burger King Indonesia target audience, both user and non-user, regarding their empathy-based marketing communication efforts. This research approach is qualitative with the interview method. The data collection technique was carried out by interviewing 8 BurgerKing target audiences consisting of 4 users and 4 non-users. The results of the study show that the Burger King target audience positively welcomes Burger King's efforts in empathy-based marketing communications. The majority of informants admitted that they were touched by the message conveyed by Burger King. Not only that, they also admitted that Burger King's image was getting better, furthermore there were sources who even had the desire to make purchases and spread the message on their social media.
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Kim, M. N. "Messengers in the Creative Work of Journalists." Administrative Consulting, no. 11 (December 16, 2021): 114–21.

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In the article the author dwells on the problems of the influence of messengers on the nature of internal communication in the editorial team. There introduce the interviews with the journalists of urban and regional media about the use of messengers in the organization of the editorial work; about new technical possibilities of this type of contact; about use of messengers in the creative work of journalists and more. Also, in the article touches upon the main methods of use messengers in solving editorial tasks: in coordination the actions of journalists; in organizing various group chats; in establishing effective working communications.
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LIN, QIANG, and KANKANAHALLI SRINIVAS. "INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT FOR MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION: A SURVEY." International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 03, no. 02 (June 1994): 189–202.

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This survey provides a brief review of the existing and future infrastructure support needed to facilitate multimedia communication utilizing graphics, audio and video data. It touches upon properties of multimedia, switching and compression standards, network support and operating systems support.
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V. Gabdullin, Lenar, Rinat A. Bikulov, Ilnaz M. Khamitov, and Yuliya S. Stepanova. "E-integrator of LBP-Provider of Logistics Barter." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 4.7 (September 27, 2018): 197.

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Logistic barter is a normal commodity exchange among producers where one thing is exchanged to another without monetary pay on the basis of globally integrated trade procedure. The approach of barter logistics is not abandon money, however ignores it among producers. Logistics has touched and touches such heights, while the requirement for a "universal equivalent of goods" among producers could simply cease to exist [1]. A powerful combination of logistics and e-commerce is expected to lead to significant changes in the overall business landscape. E-commerce will provide an opportunity for many companies to make the necessary communications and conclude transactions with each other, and logistics will provide an opportunity to more effectively use this information to manage activities in their business. Instead of a two-way relationship between the supplier and the customer, the business will increasingly be based on networks of supply chains, made up of groups of suppliers and customer groups [2]. E-commerce, e-sourcing, e-markets are better to be united under the auspices of logistics barter into an e-integrator, which will be the serving element of the LBP-provider. An e-integrator is an integrator of information and communication technologies for supply chains of logistics barter, in the form of electronic means, taking into account a closing link, e-commerce, and the reverse distribution of added value. The paper describes the new LBP-providers which are not a servicing element of the economy, but become operators of an alternative economy themselves. We have also considered the basics for the mathematical concept of a future LBP (logistic barter) operator.
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Hwang, Jungsik, and Kun Chang Lee. "Exploring the effect of a user’s personality traits on tactile communication with a robot using Bayesian networks." Interaction Studies 16, no. 1 (August 17, 2015): 29–53.

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Because robots are physically embodied agents, touch is one of the important modalities through which robots communicate with humans. Among the several factors that affect human-robot interaction, this research focuses on the effect of a user’s personality traits on tactile interactions with a robot. Participants interacted freely with a robot and their tactile interaction patterns were analyzed. Several classifiers were used to examine the effect of a participant’s degree of extroversion on tactile communication patterns with the robot and our results showed that a user’s personality traits affected the way in which they interacted with the robot. Specifically, important features of Bayesian networks, such as the Markov blanket and what-if/goal-seeking power were tested and showed the effect of personality on tactile interaction with respect to where and how participants touched the robot. We also found that, by using Bayesian network classifiers, a user’s personality traits can be inferred based on tactile communication patterns.
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Sadi, Saidash, Yaroslav Nekrasov, Matvey Pyatkov, and Sergey Chirun. "Power and regional communities in the context of digitalization: institutions, processes, technologies." SHS Web of Conferences 94 (2021): 03005.

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The article is devoted to the possibility of applying the technological approach to political institutions. In particular, the issue of stability of state power institutions and regional communities in the postmodernization processes of social and political development associated with the introduction of information digital technologies into public policy is touched upon. The authors investigate current examples of the impact of these technologies on Russian political practices and propose relevant areas of work with Internet communication technologies. The authors consider the information society as a global space for political communications, drawing their attention to new potential and real challenges and threats associated with the use of digital information arrays.
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Lecat, Paul, Naveen Dhawan, Paul J. Hartung, Holly Gerzina, Robert Larson, and Cassandra Konen-Butler. "Improving Patient Experience by Teaching Empathic Touch and Eye Gaze: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Medical Students." Journal of Patient Experience 7, no. 6 (April 8, 2020): 1260–70.

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Background: Empathy is critical for optimal patient experience with health-care providers. Verbal empathy is routinely taught to medical students, but nonverbal empathy, including touch, less so. Our objective was to determine whether instruction encouraging empathic touch and eye gaze at exit can impact behaviors and change patient-perceived empathy. Materials: A randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial of 34 first-year medical students was conducted during standardized patient (SP) interviews. A video either encouraging empathic touch and eye gaze at exit or demonstrating proper hand hygiene (control) was shown. Encounter videos were analyzed for touch and eye gaze at exit. The Jefferson Scale of Patient Perceptions of Physician Empathy was used to measure correlations. Intervention students were surveyed regarding patient touch. Results: Of this, 23.5% of intervention students touched the SP versus zero controls; 88.2% of intervention students demonstrated eye gaze at exit. Eye gaze at exit positively impacted patient-perceived empathy (correlation = 0.48, P > .001). Survey responses revealed specific barriers to touch. Conclusion: Medical students may increase perceived empathy using eye gaze at exit. Instruction on empathic touch and sustained eye gaze at exit at the medical school level may be useful in promoting empathic nonverbal communication. Medical educators should consider providing specific instructions on how to appropriately touch patients during history-taking. This is one of the few studies to explore touch with patients and the first ever to report the positive correlation of a health provider’s sustained eye gaze at exit with the patient’s perceived empathy. Further studies are needed to explore barriers to empathic touch.
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Shabalina, Svetlana D. "Communication training as a form of interactive learning." Yugra State University Bulletin 12, no. 1 (April 15, 2016): 158–61.

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The article touches upon the advantages of communication training as an interactive form of learning in increasing students competencies and modern approaches to trainings, its components, which provides effectiveness in forming communication skills of students.
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Vortherms, Ruth C. "Clinically Improving COMMUNICATION Through Touch." Journal of Gerontological Nursing 17, no. 5 (May 1, 1991): 6–9.

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Jones, Stanley E. "Sex differences in touch communication." Western Journal of Speech Communication 50, no. 3 (December 1986): 227–41.

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Fechner, Sylvia, and Miriam B. Goodman. "Synaptic Communication upon Gentle Touch." Neuron 100, no. 6 (December 2018): 1272–74.

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Cuif, Anne-Gaëlle. "“Per tatto di vertù”: il tatto dell’anima e il tocco della Grazia nella Divina Commedia." Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies 55, no. 2 (June 20, 2021): 353–71.

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This contribution aims to identify the notions of “tatto” and “tocco” as main agents for soul health and as vectors of spiritual transcendence in Dante’s thought and in particular in the Divine Comedy. In his path from Hell to Paradise, the pilgrim transforms his physical ability “to touch” and “to be touched” in a form of spiritual sensoriality. In this way, the sensitive phenomenons participate to the intellectual processes, pleasure becomes salvation, and the perception of sweetness allows access to the intangible and ineffable realities of Paradise. We will analyze the functions of tactile feeling and experience in their pathological, pharmacological and finally spiritual aspects. First we show how touch feeling, for Christian thought, corresponds to a general modality through which Grace enters into the intellect and through which the intellect perceives the divine phenomena. In this case, pleasure is synonymous with communication with God and is no more related to a condemnable voluptuousness. From the symptomatic touch of physical suffering of Hell to the ineffable sweetness of Paradise, passing through the acquisition of a new spiritual touch in Purgatory, Dante develops this idea through many similarities. Poetic writing becomes itself the instrument through which the soul could taste the divine “stille” in order to turn back to the “stelle”.
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Foo, Esther W., Lucy E. Dunne, and Brad Holschuh. "User Expectations and Mental Models for Communicating Emotions through Compressive & Warm Affective Garment Actuation." Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 5, no. 1 (March 19, 2021): 1–25.

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Wearable haptic garments for communicating emotions have great potential in various applications, including supporting social interactions, improving immersive experiences in entertainment, or simply as a research tool. Shape-memory alloys (SMAs) are an emerging and interesting actuation scheme for affective haptic garments since they provide coupled warmth and compressive sensations in a single actuation---potentially acting as a proxy for human touch. However, SMAs are underutilized in current research and there are many unknowns regarding their design/use. The goal of this work is to map the design space for SMA-based garment-mediated emotional communication through warm, compressive actuation (termed 'warm touch'). Two online surveys were deployed to gather user expectations in using varying 'warm touch' parameters (body location, intensity, pattern) to communicate 7 distinct emotions. Further, we also investigated mental models used by participants during the haptic strategy selection process. The findings show 5 major categories of mental models, including representation of body sensations, replication of typical social touch strategies, metaphorical representation of emotions, symbolic representation of physical actions, and mimicry of objects or tasks; the frequency of use of each of these mental frameworks in relation to the selected 'warm touch' parameters in the communication of emotions are presented. These gathered insights can inform more intuitive and consistent haptic garment design approaches for emotional communication.
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Cooney, Martin D., Shuichi Nishio, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. "Importance of Touch for Conveying Affection in a Multimodal Interaction with a Small Humanoid Robot." International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 12, no. 01 (March 2015): 1550002.

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To be accepted as a part of our everyday lives, companion robots will require the capability to communicate socially, recognizing people's behavior and responding appropriately. In particular, we hypothesized that a humanoid robot should be able to recognize affectionate touches conveying liking or dislike because (a) a humanoid form elicits expectations of a high degree of social intelligence, (b) touch behavior plays a fundamental and crucial role in human bonding, and (c) robotic responses providing affection could contribute to people's quality of life. The hypothesis that people will seek to affectionately touch a robot needed to be verified because robots are typically not soft or warm like humans, and people can communicate through various other modalities such as vision and sound. The main challenge faced was that people's social norms are highly complex, involving behavior in multiple channels. To deal with this challenge, we adopted an approach in which we analyzed free interactions and also asked participants to rate short video-clips depicting human–robot interaction. As a result, we verified that touch plays an important part in the communication of affection from a person to a humanoid robot considered capable of recognizing cues in touch, vision, and sound. Our results suggest that designers of affectionate interactions with a humanoid robot should not ignore the fundamental modality of touch.
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Meng, Weizhi, Yu Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Sheng Wen, and Yang Xiang. "TouchWB : Touch behavioral user authentication based on web browsing on smartphones." Journal of Network and Computer Applications 117 (September 2018): 1–9.

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Veyrat-Masson, Isabelle. "Pascal Manry, créatif « touche-à-tout »." Le Temps des médias 2, no. 1 (2004): 223.

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Personal sales are seen in the context of the integrated communications of which they are a part. The author reveals the essence and features of personal sales in comparison with other elements of communication, such as: advertising, public relations, direct marketing. The article attempts to 1 Эволюция email-маркетинга: от QWERTYUIOP до GDPR. URL: company/mailru/blog/447730 2 Профессии будущего: новые и перспективные. URL: 33 МАРКЕТИНГ И ИННОВАЦИИ consider the traditions that have developed in the scientific literature on this type of communication. The author considers the specifics of personal sales strategies in the communication system of B2C and B2B market sectors. The problems of the use of telephone marketing, the development of electronic marketing, in particular, the importance and prospects of the development of e-mail as a form of personal communication are touched upon. A special place is given to the characteristic of the activities of specialists in the field of personal sales using Internet technologies. The role of the site, content strategy, methodology for assessing the site of Professor D. Shevchenko, social networks. Modern trends and tendencies in the development of the profession of personal sales specialists are considered.
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Plotnick, Rachel. "Force, flatness and touch without feeling: Thinking historically about haptics and buttons." New Media & Society 19, no. 10 (August 17, 2017): 1632–52.

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In recent years, concerns have cropped up about the disappearance of analog buttons in favor of flat, slick touchscreens that ask little from their users’ fingers beyond swipes, touches, and taps. This form of interfacing has generated concerns both about usability and about how users relate tactilely and affectively with digital media. This article suggests that worries about these discursive and material shifts related to finger force and flat design continue a conversation begun >100 years ago when the very concept of a “button” was new. Stitching together past and present, this study identifies a persistent struggle to make sense of how humans touch and feel machines, with questions about user agency, labor, individuality, and authentic engagement coming to the fore. Additionally, it makes a case for encouraging scholars to work at the intersection of history and haptic media systems.
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