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Teyssier, Marc. "Anthropomorphic devices for affective touch communication." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020.

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La communication des émotions est importante pour le bien-être physique et psychologique des humains.Nous communiquons nos émotions par la voix, mais aussi par le langage corporel comme les expressions faciales, la posture ou le toucher. Parmi ces éléments de communication non verbal, la modalité tactile joue un rôle particulier. Le toucher se produit dans des situations de co-localisation et implique un contact physique entre deux individus. Un contact tactile peut transmettre des émotions comme le fait de réconforter une personne en lui caressant doucement le bras.Les technologies et les dispositifs actuels utilisés pour la communication médiée ne sont pas conçus pour prendre en charge la communication affective par le toucher.Il est donc nécessaire d'avoir de nouvelles interfaces pour la médiation du toucher, à la fois pour détecter le toucher (pour remplacer la peau du récepteur) ainsi que pour transmettre le toucher (pour remplacer la main de l'émetteur).Pour explorer ce sujet, je prends inspiration du corps humain pour éclairer la conception de nouvelles interfaces. Je mets en avant l'utilisation des affordances anthropomorphiques pour concevoir des interfaces qui bénéficient de notre connaissance de l'interaction physique avec d'autres humains.Les affordances anthropomorphiques utilisent notre projection du fonctionnement et du comportement humains dans les attributs d'un objet, afin de suggérer les façons de l'utiliser.L'anthropomorphisme a reçu peu d'attention jusqu'à présent dans le domaine de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) ; son espace de conception est encore largement inexploré. Dans cette thèse, j'explore cet espace de conception et je me concentre sur l'augmentation des dispositifs mobiles et robotiques avec des capacités tactiles pour améliorer la transmission des émotions afin d'enrichir la communication sociale.Ceci soulève deux principaux problèmes de recherche, qui sont abordés dans cette thèse.Un premier problème est de définir le type de dispositif nécessaire pour réaliser un toucher. Actuellement, les dispositifs robotiques ne produisent pas un toucher proche de celui de l'humain.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, je me concentre sur la conception et l'implémentation d'interfaces capables de produire un toucher proche de celui de l'humain.Je mets en évidence différent facteurs qui composent le toucher humain et qui peuvent être reproduits par un dispositif robotique. J'évalue ensuite expérimentalement l'impact du toucher reproduit par un robot sur la perception des émotions.Je me suis appuyé sur ces premières résultats pour proposer Mobilimb, un bras robotique de petite taille qui peut être connecté à des appareils mobiles et qui peut toucher l'utilisateur.Un deuxième problème consiste à développer des interfaces capables de détecter le toucher. Mon approche est d'intégrer une peau artificielle, ressemblante à la peau humaine, sur des appareils existants.Je propose les prérequis pour reproduire de la peau humaine, ainsi qu'une méthode de fabrication pour reproduire ses propriétés visuelles, tactiles et kinesthésiques. Je propose ensuite une implémentation de peau artificielle qui peut être intégrée sur des dispositifs existants et qui peut détecter des gestes expressifs de toucher. Cette interface est ensuite utilisée pour explorer diverses applications et scénarios.En résumé, cette thèse contribue à la conception et à la compréhension des dispositifs anthropomorphiques pour la communication tactile affective. Je propose d'utiliser les affordances anthropomorphiques pour concevoir des interfaces.Pour aborder les questions de recherche de cette thèse, je me suis appuyé sur les caractéristiques biologiques humaines et les outils et méthodes de fabrication numérique. Les dispositifs présentés dans cette thèse proposent de nouvelles contributions techniques et empiriques autour de la détection et de la génération du toucher
Communicating emotions is important for human attachment and bonding as well as for physical and psychological well-being.We communicate emotions through voice, but also through body language such as facial expressions, posture or touch. Among all these nonverbal cues, the tactile modality plays a particular role. Touch happens in co-located situations and involves physical contact between two individuals. A touch contact can convey emotions such as comforting someone by gently stroking her arm.Current technologies and devices used for mediated communication are not designed to support affective touch communication.There is a need to have new interfaces to mediate touch, both to detect touch (to replace the receiver's skin) and to convey touch (to replace the emitter's hand).My approach takes inspiration from the human body to inform the design of new interfaces. I promote the use of anthropomorphic affordances to design interfaces that benefit from our knowledge of physical interaction with other humans.Anthropomorphic affordances project human functioning and behaviour to the attributes of an object to suggest ways of using it. However, anthropomorphism has received little attention so far in the field of Human-Computer Interaction; its design space is still largely unexplored. In this thesis, I explore this design space and focus on augmenting mobile and robotic devices with tactile capabilities to enhance the conveying of emotions to enrich social communication.This raises two main research problems addressed in this thesis.A first problem is to define the type of device needed to perform touch. Current actuated devices do not produce human-like touch.In the first part of this thesis, I focus on the design and implementation of interfaces capable of producing humanlike touch output.I highlight human touch factors that can be reproduced by an actuated device. I then experimentally evaluate the impact of humanlike device-initiated touch on the perception of emotions.Finally, I built on top of these findings to propose Mobilimb, a small-scale robotic arm that can be connected onto mobile devices and can touch the user.A second problem is to develop interfaces capable of detecting touch input. My approach is to integrate humanlike artificial skin onto existing devices.I propose requirements to replicate the human skin, and a fabrication method for reproducing its visual, tactile and kinaesthetic properties. I then propose an implementation of artificial skin that can be integrated onto existing devices and can sense expressive touch gestures. This interface is then used to explore possible scenarios and applications for mediated touch input.In summary, this thesis contributes to the design and understanding of anthropomorphic devices for affective touch communication. I propose to use anthropomorphic affordances to design interfaces.To address the research questions of this thesis, I built upon human biological characteristics and digital fabrication tools and methods. The devices presented in this thesis propose new technical and empirical contributions around touch detection and touch generation
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Courjou, Évelyne. "Le toucher, premier et ultime dialogue." Marne-la-Vallée, 2004.

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Traiter du toucher, en première approche, peut sembler banal. Mais il n’en est rien ! C’est un vaste sujet qui dépasse notre dimension humaine pour nous faire «saisir » l’immatérialité des concepts métaphysiques et en particulier la mort. Le toucher, un sens vital, joue un rôle fondamental dans la préservation de l’espèce humaine, dans l’apprentissage de la personnalité, et dans bien d’autres domaines encore. Qu'il soit baiser, massage ou simple contact, le toucher véhicule un ensemble de messages infra-verbaux qui tisse un lien relationnel indispensable tout au long de la vie et qui prend une intensité particulière à l’approche de l’indicible. Sens éminemment humain, il s’oppose à une technologie sans cesse plus galopante. Il entre aussi en dualité avec un monde d’images impalpables qui tend à déréaliser l’environnement humain. Le mort et la mort passent fréquemment dans le domaine de l’imaginaire. Aussi le soignant fait-il partie de ce rare pourcentage de la population à être souvent confronté à l’indicible. Quels sont les ressentis de ceux qui touchent le mort et comment appréhendent-ils la mort ? Une sorte de relation magique s’établit entre le vivant et la mort par le toucher, symbole de vie par excellence. Comment, au fil des siècles et de nos jours, se positionne la perception tactile face à l’ensemble des représentations mortelles que s’en fait l’homme ? Nombre d’individus souhaitent connaître l’immortalité. Mais cette espérance varie selon les êtres humains : immortalité matérielle sensorielle palpable, immortalité virtuelle, immortalité immatérielle et spirituelle, réincarnation, etc. Selon ces différentes aspirations il y aura dévalorisation ou non de la qualité tactile et par voie de conséquence du corps humain
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Schwartz, Sandrine. "Stratégies de synchronisation interactionnelle - alternance conversationnelle et rétroaction en cours de discours - chez les locuteurs sourdaveugles pratiquant la langue des signes française tactile." Paris 8, 2009.

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Tunesi, Thérèse. "Le toucher : acte réparateur dans la construction du lien corps-psyché chez le soignant." Besançon, 2009.

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Une recherche exploratoire visant à cerner le rôle du toucher chez les soignants nous a permis de formuler les questions suivantes : quel est l’impact du toucher chez le soignant dans la construction du lien corps-psyché, est-il un moyen qui permet de joindre le corps à la parole ? Le toucher est-il un outil qui permet de combler un manque ou un vide psychique ? Le toucher est-il un médiateur qui permet d’introduire une différenciation entre les protagonistes? Comment le soignant articule-t-il dans son expérience intérieure, l’interdit de toucher et /ou la permission de toucher ? Les outils utilisés pour répondre à ces différentes interrogations ont été : les entretiens semi-directifs qui ont permis aux sujets d’exprimer leurs motivations en début de formation, leurs expériences en stage que ce soit avec les patients ou vis-à-vis de la hiérarchie hospitalière ; un test projectif : les phrases à compléter de Stein auxquelles j’ai ajouté des phrases ciblées portant sur les représentations du toucher, du corps et sur le lien existant entre eux ; un photo_langage qui a permis aux sujets de raconter une histoire en rapport avec le thème de la recherche. La population est constituée d’un échantillon de 3 étudiantes infirmières en dernière année de formation. Celle-ci a duré 4 ans. Sur le plan théorique, ce travail a été éclairé à partir de notions développées par D. Anzieu (Moi-Peau, d’interdit de toucher et d’enveloppes psychiques) ; D. W. Winnicott (holding et de handling), P. Aulagnier (le pictogramme) ainsi que sur les travaux sur le toucher de T. Field de l’université de Miami
An exploratory survey that aimed to identify the role of caregivers' touching enabled to mformulate following questions : What is the impact of caregiver's touching to the construction of their body-psyche link, does it represent a way likely to join body to language ? Is touching a valuable resource in filling a psychological lack or emptiness ? Can touching be a mediator in introducing a differentiation between protagonists ? How does the caregiver combine prohibition and / or permission on touching in his or her inner experience ? The tools used in answering these various questions were of three categories : semi-structured interviews which allowed the subjects to express both their motivations when starting their training and their internship experiences with either patients or hospital hierarchy and/or staff ; a projective test by mean of Stein’s sentences completion to which many other focused sentences, about representations of touching as well as of body and about the link between both items, were added ; a photo-language that enabled the subjects to narrate a story related to the topic of this research. The population consisted of a sample of three nurse students in their final year of training that lasts four years. On a theoretical level, this research is founded by concepts developed by D. Anzieu (Me-skin, prohibition on touching, psychic envelopes), D. W. Winnicott (holding and handling), P. Aulagnier (pictogram) and from works on touching by T. Field from Miami University
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Zhang, Zhuoming. "Improving mediated touch interaction with multimodality." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022.

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Comme l’un des plus importants canaux de communication non verbale, le toucher est largement utilisé à des fins différentes. Dans le développement physique et psychologique humain le toucher participe à la construction des liens sociaux et à la communication des émotions. Cependant, même si les technologies de l'information et de la communication actuels permettent l’utilisation de divers langages non verbaux, le soutien à la communication par le sens du toucher est encore insuffisant. Inspiré par les interactions intermodales dans la perception humaine, l’approche que j'adopte dans cette thèse est d’utiliser la multimodalité pour améliorer l’interaction tactile médiée. Suivant cette approche, je présente trois dispositifs qui fournissent des contributions empiriques à l’interaction tactile multimodaux : VisualTouch, SansTouch, et In-Flat. Afin de comprendre si les stimuli multimodaux peuvent améliorer la perception émotionnelle du toucher, je développe VisualTouch, et j'évalue quantitativement l’interaction entre la modalité visuelle et tactile. Pour étudier l’utilisation de différentes modalités dans la communication tactile, je présente SansTouch et fournis des aperçus empiriques sur l’interaction multimodale et la génération de contact cutané dans le contexte de la communication en face à face. Enfin, pour aller plus loin dans l’utilisation de stimuli multimodaux en interaction tactile, je présente In-Flat, une superposition tactile entrée/sortie pour smartphones. In-Flat fournit non seulement des informations supplémentaires sur la génération du toucher de la peau, mais aussi une meilleure compréhension du rôle que joue le toucher médié dans des contextes plus généraux. En résumé, cette thèse vise à combler le fossé entre la communication tactile et l’IHM, en contribuant à la conception et la compréhension des stimuli multimodaux dans l’interaction tactile médiée
As one of the most important non-verbal communication channels, touch is widely used for different purposes. It is a powerful force in human physical and psychological development, shaping social structures as well as communicating emotions. However, even though current information and communication technology (ICT) systems enable the use of various non-verbal languages, the support of communicating through the sense of touch is still insufficient. Inspired by the cross-modal interaction of human perception, the approach I present in this dissertation is to use multimodality to improve mediated touch interaction. Following this approach, I present three devices that provide empirical contributions to multimodal touch interaction: VisualTouch, SansTouch, and In-Flat. To understand if multimodal stimuli can improve the emotional perception of touch, I present the VisualTouch device, and quantitatively evaluate the cross-modal interaction between the visual and tactile modality. To investigate the use of different modalities in real touch communication, I present the SansTouch device, which provides empirical insights on multimodal interaction and skin-like touch generation in the context of face-to-face communication. Going one step forward in the use of multimodal stimuli in touch interaction, I present the In-Flat device, an input/output touch overlay for smartphones. In-Flat not only provides further insights on the skin-like touch generation, but also a better understanding of the role that mediated touch plays in more general contexts. In summary, this dissertation strives to bridge the gap between touch communication and HCI, by contributing to the design and understanding of multimodal stimuli in mediated touch interaction
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Khalili, Maryam. "Démarches sensorielles et objets tactiles." Paris 1, 2012.

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Agents discrets du monde, les objets tactiles sont devenus des matériaux impliquant toute une esthétique dans nos sociétés. Ces objets sont des médiums communicationnels permettant de réaliser des expériences corporelles inédites sur l'environnement, sur la réalité, sur ma matérialité. Ils renouvellent la perception spatio-temporelle. Notre enquête sur les objets tactiles dresse un état des lieux des théories et des pratiques liées à la « tactilité » et permet de jeter des passerelles entre les domaines du handicap, de l'informatique, et du design actuel. Elle vise à « décloisonner » ces domaines. Aujourd'hui les secteurs médicaux s'appuient sur le caractère thérapeutique des objets tactiles. Parallèlement les recherches au profit de l'industrie informatique remettent en question la conception de la réalité et mènent à une appréhension plus fine de l'environnement. Designers et architectes enfin exploitent de diverses manières la richesse – à la fois visible et invisible, matérielle et immatérielle – des objets tactiles. Toutes ces démarches, toutes ces conceptions traitent d'un même phénomène : « la tactilité ».
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Le, Bihan Gabrielle. "Design d'interaction pour un "contact" à distance : suppléance perceptive du toucher et médiatisation de l'attente conjointe." Thesis, Compiègne, 2014.

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Notre recherche se concentre sur la conception d’interfaces pour la communication émotionnelle à distance. Notre travail s’inscrit notamment dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’espaces numériques d’interactions tactiles, rendus possibles par la connexion en réseau de dispositifs de suppléance perceptive. Nous adoptons une approche énactive et interactionniste de la cognition sociale. Nous utilisons de plus la méthodologie minimaliste, qui offre une opportunité originale d’étudier la constitution des rencontres interpersonnelles au sein d’espaces mettant en place des couplages sensori-Moteurs inédits. Nous déroulons deux méthodologies, en articulant les domaines de la recherche fondamentale, de l’étude expérimentale et du design.Dans un premier temps, nous partons de la théorie autour du thème du toucher, avant de proposer une solution d’interface : l’application smartphone Touch Through. Elle permet une suppléance perceptive du toucher en se basant sur des propriétés fonctionnelles de ce sens. Touch Through sert ensuite à une expérimentation basée autour d’un test de Turing minimaliste, afin de tester la possibilité d’un sentiment de présence à distance avec notre application et de la mettre entre les mains d’utilisateurs.Dans un second temps, nous adressons la question de l’attention conjointe avant de mettre en place une étude expérimentale autour de ce thème (tâche de distinction entre des objets privés et des objets communs). Forts des résultats, nous proposons alors un prototype d’interface pour le réseau social facebook, en mettant en avant des possibilités d’attention conjointe au sein du site et en offrant une interaction inédite autour des posts
Our research is aimed at designing interfaces for the remote communication of emotions. In particular our work is part of the development of tactile interaction digital spaces. These are made possible by a network connection between perceptual supplementation devices. We consider an enactive and interactionist approach of social cognition. In addition, we use a minimalist methodology. This offers an original opportunity to study the very constitution of interpersonal encounters within spaces where unprecedented sensorimotor couplings happen. We work through two methodologies, each articulating the fields of fundamental research, experimental study and design.In a first phase, we start from theory around the theme of touch, before proposing an interface solution – the smartphone application ‘Touch Through’. This application allows a perceptual supplementation of touch using its functional properties. ‘Touch Through’ is then used in a experimental study based on a minimalist Turing test. This experiment is about testing the possibility of a presence in absence feeling through our application. It was also an opportunity to have users handling it.In the second phase we address the question of joint attention. After a study of this question, we design an experiment where we propose a task of discrimination between private and common objects. Based on the outcome of this experiment, we then propose an interface prototype for the social network ‘facebook’. With this prototype interface, the facebook website is enhanced with possibilities of joint attention. In addition, facebook users can take part in an original interaction around posts
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Gaffary, Yoren. "Communication kinesthésique des émotions dans un contexte d'interaction homme-machine." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015.

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La communication des émotions s'effectue naturellement par le biais de différentes modalités, comme par exemple les expressions faciales et le toucher. L'informatique affective cherche à intégrer la composante émotionnelle dans les interactions homme-machine. Cependant, le toucher, qui est un puissant vecteur d'émotions, reste peu exploité. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les paramètres qui influencent l'expression et la perception des émotions dans la modalité kinesthésique dans un contexte d'interaction homme-machine. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse considère l'expression kinesthésique liée à la perception physique de forces et de mouvements d'un ensemble d'émotions actées sémantiquement proches. Sur la base des résultats de cette première étude, un couplage des expressions kinesthésiques typiques de différentes émotions avec des expressions faciales exprimées par un avatar est proposé afin d'étudier l'influence de la modalité kinesthésique dans la perception d'une expression multimodale d’émotion. Enfin, cette thèse va au-delà de ces émotions actées en abordant dans une dernière étude le cas de l'expression et de la perception d'un état affectif de stress spontané. Ces différentes expérimentations ont considéré différents dispositifs matériels pour la communication kinesthésique : des dispositifs de type Geomagic Touch ainsi qu'un dispositif de rendu de pression développé spécifiquement dans le cadre de cette thèse. Les résultats de ces travaux ont de multiples applications pratiques. Premièrement, une meilleure intégration de la modalité kinesthésique en contexte virtuel, qu'il s'agisse de communication humain-humain à distance ou d'immersion dans les jeux vidéo. Cette thèse ouvre également la voie à la détection automatique d'états affectifs exprimés spontanément par la modalité kinesthésique
The communication of emotions use several modalities of expression, as facial expressions or touch. The affective computing field aims to integrate an emotional component in human-computer interactions. Even though touch is an effective vector of emotions, is remains little explored. This thesis aims to investigate the kinesthetic features of the expression and perception of emotions in a human-computer interaction setting. Firstly, this thesis considers the kinesthetic expression and perception of semantically close and acted emotions. Secondly, this thesis proposes a facial-kinesthetic combination of expressions of several close emotions. This aims to investigate the influence of the kinesthetic modality on the multimodal perception of emotions. Finally, this thesis goes beyond acted emotions by focusing on the expression and perception of a spontaneous state of stress. Those different experiments used various devices for kinesthetic interaction, as Geomagic Touch devices and a pressure rendering device developed for this thesis. Results have multiple applications. Firstly, a better integration of the kinesthetic modality in virtual settings, from human-human remote communications to immersion in video games. This thesis also paves the way for an automatic recognition of affective states expressed by the kinesthetic modality
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Bienvenu, Margaux. "L'expression verbale de la sensation douloureuse chez l'enfant à partir de 4 ans." Caen, 2009.

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Cette étude a pour objectif d'analyser les particularités de l'expression verbale de la sensation douloureuse chez l'enfant, à partir de 4 ans. Notre intérêt porte précisément sur la dimension qualitative de la sensation douloureuse, dont nous cherchons dans un premier temps à décrire les modalités d'expression, ainsi que les processus cognitifs qui les sous-tendent. Dans un second temps, nous tentons d’optimiser la construction du terrain commun d'entente entre l'enfant douloureux et l'adulte soignant évaluateur de sa douleur, en se basant sur les compétences multimodales de l’enfant et plus exactement en matière de comparaison intermodale. 120 patients douloureux (enfants et adultes) ont été rencontrés en milieu hospitalier (Hôpital Robert Debré, 75019). Quel que soit l'âge ou la pathologie du patient douloureux, les réponses qu'il produit pour décrire sa douleur, sont de même nature et il apparaît que l’ensemble des patients douloureux parvient à établir des liens analogiques entre les perceptions douloureuse et tactile. Ces résultats montrent que le niveau de développement opératoire n’est pas une variable a priori déterminante, en matière d'expression verbale de la douleur. De même, ils confirment le statut des descripteurs sensoriels de la douleur et le lien privilégié qu'ils entretiennent avec les expériences sensoriels et motrices passées de l'individu. Enfin, ils soulignent le rôle fondamental du raisonnement analogique dans l'expression verbale de la douleur
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Maillet, Barthélémy. "Design et appropriation d'un dispositif d'interactions haptiques pour l'expression et la perception d'attitudes communicationnelles." Compiègne, 2010.

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Notre travail vise le design de dispositifs haptiques pour des interactions perceptives entre personnes. L’enjeu est de proposer des solutions d’interfaces appropriables par leurs utilisateurs, facilitant leur intégration dans la sphère des usages. Pour cela, nous considérons le dispositif d’interactions selon deux points de vue : en tant qu’outil tenu, constituant d’une expérience perceptive lorsque l’utilisateur agit à travers lui dans l’espace perceptif distal ouvert par l’outil ; et en tant qu’outil déposé, perçu par l’utilisateur lorsque celui-ci agit sur lui dans son espace perceptif organique. Notre apport concerne principalement la conception de l’interface haptique en tant qu’outil tenu. Celle-ci est abordée par des expérimentations en situation d’interaction dans un environnement minimaliste. Elles nous conduisent à distinguer deux composantes des avatars utilisés pour interagir dans un espace distal : le corps-image (ce qui permet à l’utilisateur d’être perçu par les autres) du corps-percevant (ce qui permet à l’utilisateur de percevoir les autres). Nous montrons empiriquement qu’un ajustement indépendant des propriétés de ces deux corps permet de modifier la dynamique d’interaction entre deux personnes, rendant possible l’expression et la perception d’attitudes communicationnelles. Nous pouvons alors nous intéresser à l’interface déposée en nous attachant à proposer des actions organiques qui font sens pour l’utilisateur
Our work aims at designing haptic devices for perceptual interpersonal interactions. The issue is to propose interfaces facilitating the development of their usages. Therefore, we consider interfaces from two perspectives : as an in-hand tool, constitutive of a perceptual experience when the user acts through it in the distal world it opens ; and as a put-down tool, constituted by the user, when he acts on it, in his organic perceptual world. In this work we focus on the design of the haptic interface as an in-hand tool. We operate it with user experimentations conducted in a deliberately minimalist interaction environment. These experiments lead us to make a distinction between two components of avatars used to act in distal worlds : the image body (enabling the user to be perceived by others) ; and the perceived body (enabling the user to perceive others). We show that separately adjusting the properties of the image body and of the perceiving body modifies the interaction dynamics between two persons. We exploit this new possibility offered by technical mediation to specify the in-hand interface. Then we design the put-down interface, striving for proposing organic actions that make sense for the user
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Girard, Adrien. "Interactions visio-haptiques pour la coordination et la conscience situationnelle partagée en environnement virtuel collaboratif." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2014.

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La communication haptique interpersonnelle est communément utilisée pour se saluer, se féliciter, ou de manière indirecte pour manipuler des objets lourds. Pourtant, la modalité haptique est absente des systèmes de communication à distance usuels. Les progrès récents de l'informatique et des réseaux de communication ont permis l'émergence d'environnements virtuels collaboratifs offrant un retour haptique aux utilisateurs. Les environnements virtuels collaboratifs constituent une solution prometteuse pour faciliter le travail collaboratif à distance. Les contextes applicatifs sont nombreux : entrainement militaire, assemblage mécanique, manipulation moléculaire, conception assistée par ordinateur.Toutefois, les utilisateurs d'environnements virtuels collaboratifs sont confrontés à deux types de problématiques : celles liées aux environnements virtuels 3D et celles liées à la collaboration à distance. En effet, il est difficile pour un utilisateur peu expérimenté d'interagir avec un environnement virtuel 3D. Se déplacer et manipuler des objets dans ce type d'environnement nécessite une bonne représentation mentale de l'espace.De plus, la collaboration à distance limite les possibilités et la qualité de la communication. Les informations dont disposent les utilisateurs sur leurs partenaires sont donc réduites. Dans ce contexte, la coordination des actions entre les utilisateurs devient plus complexe.L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse est donc de proposer des méthodes d'interaction visio-haptique pour faciliter la coordination et augmenter l'attention mutuelle entre les utilisateurs. Via l'amélioration de la coordination et de l'attention inter-utilisateurs, une augmentation des performances et de l'efficacité du travail collaboratif est escomptée.Trois types d'interactions fondamentales sont abordées dans un contexte collaboratif : la coordination des sélections, le paramétrage des sélections et la manipulation collaborative d'objet. Pour chacune des tâches d'interactions précédemment citées, des méthodes d'interaction ainsi que des outils de coordination et de communication ont été proposé et évalué.Ces travaux de thèse présentent les points forts mais aussi les défauts des méthodes d'interaction collaboratives fortement couplées. Les résultats obtenus montrent également l'importance de la communication haptique dans la collaboration à distance.
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Simard, Jean. "Collaboration haptique étroitement couplée pour la manipulation moléculaire interactive." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012.

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Le docking moléculaire est une tâche complexe, difficile à appréhender pour une personne seule. C'est pourquoi, nous nous proposons d'étudier la distribution cognitive des charges de travail à travers la collaboration. Une plate-forme distribuée de déformation moléculaire interactive a été mise en place afin d'étudier les avantages mais aussi les limites et les contraintes du travail collaboratif étroitement couplé. Cette première étude, basée sur trois expérimentations, a permis de valider l'intérêt d'une approche collaborative pour des tâches complexes à fort couplage. Cependant, elle a mis en évidence des conflits de coordination ainsi que des problématiques liées à la dynamique d'un groupe. Suite à cette première étude, nous avons proposés une nouvelle configuration de travail associée à des métaphores de communication haptiques afin d'améliorer la communication et les interactions entre les différents collaborateurs. Une dernière expérimentation avec des biologistes a permis de montrer l'utilité de la communication haptique pour le travail collaboratif sur des tâches complexes à fort couplage.
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Cao, Huiyuan. "Design of a turn-taking control system based on tactile in multi-user, synchronous remote communication." Thesis, Compiègne, 2013.

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L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de concevoir un système impliquant un feedback tactile facilitant l’organisation du tour de parole dans le contexte de la communication verbale à distance et à plusieurs. Ces situations impliquant des technologies numériques sont actuellement décrites comme étant des "conferences call". Elles relèvent également du Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) lorsqu'elles impliquent une tâche collaborative. Curieusement, ces situations n'ont été l'objet que de très peu d'études en dépit des problèmes qu'elles suscitent et l'évolution de ces technologies s'est faite au profit d'un enrichissement par la vidéo. Cette thèse propose une autre forme d'enrichissement par un retour tactile permettant de dépasser l'une des principales difficultés de la communication verbale à distance à savoir le contrôle du tour de parole. Deux modalités de cet enrichissement ont été étudiés : la redondance et la substitution. Comme redondance avec le feedback visuel, nous avons fait l'hypothèse que la modalité tactile favorise l'alternance du tour de parole et augmente l'expression d'intentions non verbales à l'image des situations de face à face. Comme substitution au visuel, l'hypothèse a été de poser que le tactile produit un avantage en cela qu'il fluidifie le tour de parole. Le système conçu dans cette recherche montre, au moyen de trois expériences, que l'échange verbal à distance et sa distribution dans le cadre d'une tâche de prise de décision collective peut être efficient avec un enrichissement tactile et donner lieu à une auto-régulation du tour de parole
Our thesis aim was to design a system based on tactile modality to organize a synchronous, multi-user remote verbal communication to facilitate better turn-taking. The remote communication we studied is actually called the ‘conference call’, and relies on computer technology. A conference call is a form of CSCW, and it is thus a collaborative task. As conference calls have rarely been studied in previous research, a system designed to optimize this kind of work is of great value. Tactile modality is the basic element of the design and its impact is also studied in our thesis. As a modality of redundancy, tactile feedback accelerates the alternation of turn-taking. Moreover, it augments the intention of non-verbal exchanges, which accounts for most of the communication in face-to-face situations. As a modality of substitution, tactile modality shows a distinct advantage in making the turn-taking transfer smoother compared to visual modality. Finally, a conference call for a decision-making task under a simple turn-taking allocation system based on tactile modality provides evidence that this designed system’s controlled conference call has good efficiency and good distribution of the talking length of turn-taking
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McGovern, Patrick. "Communication, learning, and touch." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2016.

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This thesis is concerned with the challenge of creating a robot which is capable of natural, verbal communication with humans. More specifically, it considers the task of categorising objects according to sensory stimuli. We focus on tactile texture perception, a sensory feature which has received relatively little attention in artificial intelligence, in comparison with vision and audition. Through a multidisciplinary approach involving sensory feature extraction, computer simulations, and psychophysical experiments, we compare texture perception and categorisation between human and robot, and consider the problem of enabling communication between them. We begin by presenting TacTip, an artificial fingertip sensor which we apply to the task of texture recognition. We describe a feature extraction process used to specify a textural feature space for the sensor, which is then used for texture recognition and categorisation. Next, we present a framework for robotic communication and learning. This framework consists of two main parts, the first of which is the representational model used by the robot to categorise perceived stimuli. We present a model based on random set theory and prototype theory, and compare this with a similar model based on Bayesian statistics. The second part of the framework is the context in which the robots communicate and learn. In our case this consists of a multi-agent simulation in which robots communicate with each other through pairwise interactions called language games, and thereby develop a shared set of categories. Finally, we consider how our robot might communicate with and learn from humans. We describe two psychophysical experiments, the first of which studies how humans naturally classify textures, the second investigating whether humans can learn specific categorisations presented to them. Each experiment can be interpreted as one part of a language game interaction between human and robot. We discuss our results in the context of human-robot communication.
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Alvina, Jessalyn. "Increasing the expressive power of gesture-based interaction on mobile devices." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.

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Les interfaces mobiles actuelles permettent aux utilisateurs de manipuler directement les objets affichés à l’écran avec de simples gestes, par exemple cliquer sur des boutons ou des menus ou pincer pour zoomer. Pour accéder à un espace de commande plus large, les utilisateurs sont souvent forcés de passer par de nombreuses étapes, rendant l’interaction inefficace et laborieuse. Des gestes plus complexes sont un moyen puissant d’accéder rapidement à l’information ainsi que d’exécuter des commandes plus efficacement [5]. Ils sont en revanche plus difficiles à apprendre et à contrôler. Le “Gesture Typing” (saisie de texte par geste) est une alternative intéressante au texte tapé: il permet aux utilisateurs de dessiner un geste sur leur clavier virtuel pour entrer du texte, depuis la première jusqu’à la dernière lettre d’un mot. Dans cette thèse, j’augmente le pouvoir d’expression de l’interaction mobile en tirant profit de la forme et la dynamique du geste et de l’espace d'écran, pour invoquer des commandes ainsi que pour faciliter l’appropriation dans différents contextes d’usage. Je conçois "Expressive Keyboard", qui transforme la variation du geste en un résultat riche et je démontre plusieurs applications dans le contexte de la communication textuelle. Et plus, je propose "CommandBoard", un clavier gestuel qui permet aux utilisateurs de sélectionner efficacement des commandes parmi un vaste choix tout en supportant la transition entre les novices et les experts. Je démontre plusieurs applications de "CommandBoard", dont chacune offre aux utilisateurs un choix basé sur leurs compétences cognitives et moteur, ainsi que différentes tailles et organisations de l’ensemble des commandes. Ensemble, ces techniques donnent un plus grand pouvoir expressif aux utilisateurs en tirant profit de leur contrôle moteur et de leur capacité à apprendre, à contrôler et à s’approprier
Current mobile interfaces let users directly manipulate the objects displayed on the screen with simple stroke gestures, e.g. tap on soft buttons or menus or pinch to zoom. To access a larger command space, the users are often forced to go through long steps, making the interaction cumbersome and inefficient. More complex gestures offer a powerful way to access information quickly and to perform a command more efficiently [5]. However, they are more difficult to learn and control. Gesture typing [78] is an interesting alternative to input text: it lets users draw a gesture on soft keyboards to enter text, from the first until the final letter in a word. In this thesis, I increase the expressive power of mobile interaction by leveraging the gesture’s shape and dynamics and the screen space to produce rich output, to invoke commands, and to facilitate appropriation in different contexts of use. I design "Expressive Keyboard" that transforms the gesture variations into rich output, and demonstrate several applications in the context of textbased communication. As well, I propose "CommandBoard", a gesture keyboard that lets users efficiently select commands from a large command space while supporting the transition from novices to experts. I demonstrate different applications of "CommandBoard", each offers users a choice, based on their cognitive and motor skills, as well as the size and organization of the current command set. Altogether, these techniques give users more expressive power by leveraging human’s motor control and cognitive ability to learn, to control, and to appropriate
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Jamil, Izdihar Bt. "Communication patterns around multi-touch digital tabletops." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2014.

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With advances in digital tabletop technology and increased levels of affordability in recent years, there has been growing interest in exploring multi-touch digital tabletops within educational contexts. Multi-touch digital tabletops offer simultaneous touch input facilities and a face-to-face communication platform- beneficial and attractive features for collaboration. This thesis focuses on understanding the communication patterns when children interact around digital tabletops within a learning environment. This thesis proposes three main contributions: 1) an analysis of the talk patterns between children when they collaborate around digital tabletops 2) the behavioural patterns of how children in India collaborate around digital tabletops and 3) the behavioural patterns of how children in multiple countries interact around digital tabletops. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the conversation styles and the behavioural patterns of children collaborating around multi-touch digital tabletops within an educational context. Moreover, understanding the communication patterns and interaction styles that occur within a multiple country setting provide an access such that any technological deployment can have a positive impact on their local users.
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Kissel, Heather. "Physiological Linkage and Communication of Emotion via Touch." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2020.

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Previous research has demonstrated that communication of emotion via touch is possible and occurs well-above chance levels, though the potential mechanism whereby this occurs has yet to be determined. The current study aimed to determine if physiological linkage, or the synchrony between various physiological signals between two interaction partners, played a role in successful communication of emotion via touch. Dynamic linear times series analysis was used to determine the strength and length of synchrony between the inter-beat intervals of fifty-two stranger female-female dyads (n=104, mean age=19.88) during two rounds of an emotion communication task in which they communicated a randomized list emotions to each other via forearm touch alone without being able to see their interaction partner. Results showed the highest magnitude linkage coefficients and the greatest number of consecutive lagged linked seconds during the “touch alone” communication—demonstrating that touch increases physiological linkage. Stronger and longer physiological linkage across tasks predicted emotion word, valence, intensity, and quadrant (from the circumplex model) detection accuracy. Participants serving as the initial communicator in the first round of emotion communication tended to have a greater influence on the physiology of initial receivers. Overall, greater physiological linkage as the result of touch predicted successful communication of emotion via touch and is therefore likely a portion of the mechanism underlying this phenomenon.
People often communicate with their friends, family, and acquaintances using touch—when meeting a loved one after a long time, we might give them a particularly tight hug; to congratulate someone, we give a high five; and even in business settings, handshakes are used as a form of greeting or parting. Touch can also be used to communicate distinct emotions, just like a frown or a stern tone can communicate visually and aurally that someone is angry. However, although past research has demonstrated this communicative ability of touch, it is not yet known how touch is able to communicate emotion. The current study hypothesized that physiological linkage might play a role. Physiological linkage occurs when physiological signals, such as heart rate, between interaction partners starts to sync up—for example, when one person’s heart rate speeds up, so does the heart rate of the person with whom they are interacting. Results showed that greater levels of physiological linkage occurred in response to touch and that these increased levels of physiological linkage predicted people’s ability to successfully determine which emotion was communicated to them via touch to their forearm. All the emotions were communicated via touch alone; participants could not see or hear their interaction partner. This demonstrates how powerful communication via touch can be. Future research should examine how touch and physiological linkage can be incorporated into medical and psychological therapies.
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Al, Faraj Khaldoun. "Interaction gestuelle pour la saisie de texte en situation de handicaps." Toulouse 3, 2010.

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Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse concernent l'analyse, la conception, le développement et l'évaluation de systèmes de saisie de texte sur petit écran utilisables dans différentes situations d'interaction et pour différents profils d'utilisateurs. Nous avons premièrement proposé une nouvelle technique d'interaction gestuelle qui prend en compte la planification des gestes, la stratégie d'encodage du message et les codes linguistiques sous-jacents. Dans le cadre de conception pour tous, nous avons adapté cette solution pour les personnes handicapées motrices. Nous avons deuxièmement proposé deux techniques d'optimisation de saisie avec l'interface à base de touches afin d'améliorer la performance des utilisateurs dans la tâche de sélection des touches. La première correspond à un " zoom linguistique " proposant les touches susceptibles d'être sélectionnées. La deuxième technique constitue un " zoom sémantique " prenant en compte la position du curseur de dispositif de pointage, la couche spatiale et la couche de contenu de l'interface de saisie à base de touches. Nous avons enfin proposé une technique d'interaction, sortant du cadre classique des interfaces graphiques. Cette solution consiste à augmenter l'interface d'interaction par une troisième dimension permettant à la fois, de réduire la distance parcourue par le dispositif de pointage et d'augmenter la taille de la cible à atteindre
DThe research works presented in this thesis relate to analysis, design, development and evaluation of text input methods for small screen, usable in various interaction situations and for different user profiles. Firstly, we proposed a new gestural interaction based method taking into account gesture planning, message encoding strategy and underlying linguistic codes. As part of design for all, we adapted our proposal for people with motor disabilities. Secondly, we proposed two techniques for an optimized text entry with interface based keys in order to improve key selection. One corresponds to "linguistic zoom" offering the keys likely to be selected at the next entry. The second solution is a "semantic zoom" taking into account the cursor position of pointing device, the space layer and the content layer of entry interface based keys. We finally proposed an interaction technique, outside the scope of conventional GUIs. This solution is to augment the interaction interface by third dimension, allowing to reduce the distance travelled by pointing device and to increase target size at the same time
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Seeman, Smith Joann C. "The power of touch during communication within heterosexual married dyads." [Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University], 2007.

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Komaromi, Haque Judit. "Synchronized Dining Tangible mediated communication for remote commensality." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2016.

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This thesis discusses commensality as a significant social activity, that helps to maintain and strengthen social bonds. It also examines the sense of touch as a communication channel, and provides an insight to how it can be used to communicate affect. Touch as contextualized medium and its relevance to interaction design is investigated. Based on studies made in psychology, physiology, sociology and communication it aims to find an answer to the question: ”How may we create togetherness -with the help of an interactive device- between loved ones separated by distance during dining, through remote communication?” In order to meet the objectives of the above question this research followed the Research Through Design methodology, with series of workshops and prototyping sessions.
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Conohan, Colette D. "Relating through touch, a dynamical systems approach to mother/infant communication." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Maggiori, Jasmine. ""Touch yourself, touch me, you'll 'see':exploring contact and intersubjectivity in Leontine Sagan's 'Madchen in Uniform' (1931)"." Thesis, McGill University, 2014. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=121228.

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Through a series of close readings, this thesis examines the role played byintersubjectivity and contact in Leontine Sagan's 'Mädchen in Uniform' (1931).The goal of this discussion is to demonstrate this film's rejection of hierarchalrelationships in favour of dynamic affinities between desiring subjects. Usingtheories of haptic cinema, the first chapter conveys the possibility of ontologicaldynamism between otherwise separate entities via tactile corporeal encounters.The second chapter analyzes the cinematic facial superimposition, which codifiesthe face as a revelatory site upon which the interiority of a subject's mind (soul)can be observed. By demonstrating an affinity between mind (soul) and body, theface can be understood as anti-dualistic and, by extension, anti-hierarchal. Then,finally, the third chapter examines the breaking-down of the authoritarianismcentral to the film's narrative by exploring the power of expressing reciprocaldesire and affinity in providing a structural critique.
Ce mémoire examine le rôle que jouent l'intersubjectivité et le contact dans lefilm de Leontine Sagan 'Mädchen in Uniform' (1931). Le but de cette discussionest de démontrer que dans le film se révèle le rejet de relations hiérarchiques enfaveur d'affinités dynamiques. En s'appuyant sur les théories du cinéma haptique,le premier chapitre traite de la possibilité d'un dynamisme ontologique entre desentités, d'autre part séparées, au travers de rencontres corporelles. Le deuxièmechapitre se consacre à l'analyse de la superposition faciale cinématographique quicodifie le visage en tant que site révélateur à travers duquel on peutobserver « l'interiorité » de l'esprit (âme) d'un sujet. En démontrant une affinitéentre l'esprit (l'âme) et le corps, le visage peut être compris comme antidualiste etpar conséquent antihiérarchique. Enfin, le troisième chapitre examinel'effondrement de l'autoritarisme qui joue un rôle essentiel dans la tramenarratrice du film, en explorant la puissance de l'expression d'un désir ou d'uneaffinité réciproque en fournissant une critique structurale.
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Azimimusolo, Tahereh. "Touch Features in Advancing Children's Learning." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medieteknik (ME), 2018.

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When examining the boundaries and issues imposed by the traditional ways of learning, questions about the role that new technologies can play in eliminating these boundaries easily emerge. This thesis intends to shed light onto these issues and better understand the effectiveness of using new technologies to overcome pupils’ problems in learning mathematics. The empirical study conducted involves investigating how touch features available on tablets can enhance children’s learning. The aim is to study the significance of touch features existing on tablets in helping young pupils learn mathematical concepts like timetables. So, the general question underlying this research is “what functionalities of tablet technologies are effective to enhance children’s learning and what barriers are there to more effective use of them?” Although previous research has studied the role of tablets on pupils’ learning, less attention has been directed towards the study of the effect of touch-input functionality in tablets to facilitate children’s learning. This thesis wants to contribute to the topic by analyzing how a particular functionality available, the touch-input functionality, can be utilized to foster learning.
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Wang, Rongrong. "Contextualizing Remote Touch for Affect Conveyance." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2012.

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Touch is an expressive and powerful modality in affect conveyance. A simple touch like a hug can elicit strong feelings of affection both in the touch initiator and recipient. Therefore delivering touch over a distance to a long-distance family member or significant other has been an appealing concept for both researchers and designers. However compared to the development of audio, video channels which allow the transmission of voice, facial expression and gesture, digitally mediated touch (Remote Touch) has not received much attention. We believe that this is partially due to the lack of understanding of the capabilities and communication possibilities that remote touch brings. This dissertation presents a review of relevant psychological and sociological literature of touch and proposes a model of immediacy of the touch channel for affect conveyance. We advance three hypotheses regarding the possibility of remote touch in immediate affect conveyance: presence, fidelity and context. We posit that remote touch with relatively low touch fidelity can convey meaningful immediate affect when it is accompanied by a contextualizing channel. To test the hypothesis, two sets of remote touch devices are designed and prototyped which allow users to send/receive a squeeze on the upper arm to/from others effectively. Three in-lab user studies are conducted to investigate the role of remote touch in affect conveyance. These studies showed clearly that remote touch, when contextualized, can influence the affective component in communication. Our results demonstrated that remote touch can afford a rich spectrum of meanings and affects. Three major categories of the usage are identified as positive affect touch which serves to convey affects such as affection, sympathy and sharing, comfort etc., playful touch which serves to lighten the conversations, and conversational touch which serves to regulate the dynamics in the discourse. Our interview results also provide insights of how people use this new channel in their communication.
Ph. D.
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Pintarich, Mary Beth. "Liking and disliking to be touched by staff as reported by female nursing and retirement home residents." PDXScholar, 1987.

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Touch--both touching another and being touched--is a primary form of communication. By old age, both the need and the desire for specific amounts and kinds of touching are well established for the individual. The present study was designed to obtain information about what elderly women in nursing and retirement homes report to be liked and disliked types of touching. Participants who volunteered for this study were 32 ambulatory females 65 years of age or older who were living in nursing or retirement homes. Each participant was shown a set of 20 photos and sketches depicting a staff person touching an elderly woman in various ways, and asked to rate their liking for the particular type of touching on a one to five scale ranging from "like very much" to "dislike very much." The set of photos and sketches included ten comparable scenes with one-half showing a male staff member and the other half showing a female staff member touching an elderly woman. Scenes included: foot massage, helping to stand, back rub, brushing hair, arm around shoulder, holding hand, helping to dress, stroking cheek, helping with toileting, and helping with a shower.
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Sillén, Jenny. "Touch Interfaces from a Usability Perspective : Effective Information Presentation for User Interaction on a Touch Screen." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2015.

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Decerno is a software consultancy company who designs and builds large software information systems. They are interested in more knowledge and insight in the benefits and limitations of touch-enabled interfaces as a means of incorporating these into their own products. The aim of this study is to find advice on how to design touch-enabled functionality that would work in a company’s main computer system to be used by staff on a daily basis in order to fulfill their work tasks.Comparing a touch interface to a conventional mouse interface exposes differences in use that need to be kept in mind when designing for touch interaction usability. With a simple flick of the mouse you are able to dart your mouse-pointer across the screen on your conventional mouse interface, but a touch interface requires you to both lift and extend your arm in order to point your finger at the far corner of the touch screen. Extensive use of large or monotonous movements might cause muscle fatigue, which requires you to adapt your interface design to allow for effective touch-interaction use.The main research question in this study has been to derive guidelines and advice on how to present a set of dynamic information making it possible for the user to effectively find and select a specific target by touch interaction. For this purpose a set of sub questions were identified and a test interface was produced in order to evaluate the users touch interaction and their feedback. The results from these user tests have formed the foundation of the concluding guidelines.This has been evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively in a user study. Measurements was taken on how the users performed, such as number of errors and time to finish the user task. The users were also asked to perform a think-aloud evaluation which collected information on how they used the interface and their thoughts and reactions while doing it. The user tests were concluded with open-ended questions in which the users were asked to reflect on their actions, how user-effective the interface was and to compare different test setups.The results conclude that most users does not like horizontal scrolling. The horizontal movement make the text much harder to follow. Habit also seems to be an important factor as several users expressed the fact that they are much more used to scrolling vertically.Most users preferred the display with both images and text as it made the page more interesting and pleasant to look at, this is in contrast with the fact that most users stated that locating an item is faster and easier without images and only minimal text information, limited to only the search task answer. The aesthetical features of an interface seem to be equally important as the functionality.Another important conclusion is the difference in hand-position when the tablet is placed on the table compared to when it is hand-held. When designing a touch interface, some consideration should be taken to how the user might be working with the interface. The button placement might need to be different depending on if they are likely to be holding the tablet while using it (perhaps in a more informal setting, standing up or moving around) or will they be using it while it is placed on the table.
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Hardy, Robert. "Exploring touch-based phone interaction with tagged physical objects : exemplified using near-field communication." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2011.

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Today, mobile phones provide a versatile platform that is able to support a multitude of new applications. However, an inherent obstacle with mobile phones is their limited output capabilities. This poses constraints on the user's ability to find and interact with the software applications installed due to factors such as the limited screen size of the device. The goal of the herein work is to extend the phone's user interface to the physical environment. The user's interactions with the physical environment are through phone touches; thus, explicit and direct. Moreover, in addition to the environment providing spatial awareness visually, the phones also lend their capabilities (e.g. input modalities, display, storage, etc.) to the interaction. The approach taken in this thesis is to support touch-based object interaction through the use of tagging technologies. This involves augmenting the physical environment with devices that can be sensed by the phone. If the data stored on the device represents the physical object, the phone can effectively sense this object. Furthermore, the advantage of tagging technologies is the freedom provided to create a variety of different user interfaces. Currently, the majority of implemented solutions focus on single-tag interaction paradigms whereby the phone reads only one tag to accomplish a goal. In order to explore the potential of touch-based mobile interaction further, mUltiple touches (using multiple tags) could be concatenated to achieve expressive interactions. The contribution of this project is the fut1her analysis of touch-based object interactions and the creation of guidelines for the development of such systems, as well as to establish developer supp0l1 for the future development.
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Friesell, Laura B. "Predicting satisfaction and commitment in dating relationships from communication openness, reciprocity, trust, and touch." Laramie, Wyo. : University of Wyoming, 2008.

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Mulvihill, Daniel William. "A study of the self-reported patterns of physical self-efficacy and touch communication attitudes." Virtual Press, 1992.

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The purpose of this investigation was to describe patterns of physical self-efficacy and touch communication attitudes, by gender. The understanding of these two cognitive measures may contribute to the foundation for explaining the dynamics of physical, social, and emotional wellness or at least contribute to the current literature and serve as a guide for future research. Two undergraduate health science classes, consisting of 130 males and 158 females, were surveyed with a combined instrument that measured physical self-efficacy, using the Physical Self-Efficacy Inventory developed by Ryckman and colleagues (1982), and touch communication, using the TACTYPE instrument developed by Hines (1978). A secondary purpose of this study was to describe the subscale relationships between the two aforementioned instruments. Frequency tables and summary statistics were computed to describe physical self-efficacy and touch communication total scores. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to describe subscale relationships. A gender difference for total physical self-efficacy was noted. In addition, some significant, but relatively weak, correlations were described between the two instruments' subscales. This writing includes: (a) An introduction, (b) a literature review that introduces wellness, explains physical self-efficacy and touch communication, and describes their relationship to health, (c) a synopsis of the research method, (d) a descriptive report of the findings, and (e) a summary with discussion, conclusions and recommendations for future study.
Department of Physiology and Health Science
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Worner, Averil Ann. "Tactile communication across the first year of life - the complexity of naturalistic dyadic patterns and the effects of contextual, age and affectual factors." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Psychology, 2010.

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Early intimate interactions between mothers and their infants are characterised by mutuality and reciprocity. Although a great deal is known about the distal processes such as gaze and affect, by concentrating on touch this research addresses a key aspect of early life interactions that has received far less attention. this research comprises a single major quasi-experimental and observational longitudinal study, exploring the naturalistic interactions between mothers and their full-term infants (n=32). Dyads were videotaped in their own homes at five age points across the first year - 6 weeks, 3,6,9,12 months. A contextual variation was introduced at 6 months by providing a selection of novel toys for the dyads to play with. Each second of a selected 5 minute period of interaction of both free and toy play contexts were coded using a coding schedule for the type of touch, location of touch, intensity of touch, gaze direction and affectual displays. Repeated measures of analyses of variance revealed differences in the duration and locations of touch, and changes in maternal and infant affect and gaze across the first year. Patterns in these non-verbal communicative strategies were shaped by both age and context. Results revealed that overall maternal touch decreased over the first year of life and the mothers used more passive than active forms of touch when interacting with their infants. The duration of gaze at face decreased for mothers and infants over time, while gaze at body and object increased. Infant initiated touch was both low in frequency and duration but showed commonalities across dyads. The results are discussed drawing on insights from ethology, attachment theory, systems theory and the complexity of the multimodal features of interactive exchange. The results underscore the implications for tactile stimulation in early patterns of communication.
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Amoor, Pour Sepehr. "Designing finger touch gestures for affective and expressive interaction on mobile social networking sites." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2014.

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This thesis project is an interaction design study, which studies how finger touch gestures can be used as expressive alternatives to text comments on social networking sites. In the study qualitative research methods and a user-centred approach are used. The study collects literature on how emotion is modeled in Human-computer Interaction and how emotion can be expressed through touch. The popular social networking site Facebook is used as a case study of user behavior on social networking sites and as a starting point for the design of the interaction. A user study was conducted with two participants with much experience of the mobile Facebook application. The results of the study are five design ideas that are based on previous in the research area and from feedback from the participants of the user study. The interaction of two of the design ideas were developed into simple web prototypes to see if the functionality could be implemented. This thesis project is an exploratory beginning on the use of finger touch gestures for expression of emotions social networking sites. These design ideas will have to be developed into usable prototypes and tested with users in future research.
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Lilja, Richard. "Touch Gesture Visualizations in Screencasts – Designing a Pictorial Language Using an Autobiographical Design Method." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2014.

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A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output. The format is frequently used to demonstrate and teach the usage of software functions, and is then often accompanied by narrative audio. In order for a screencast to be considered effective in these cases, it is required that it clearly conveys the interaction between user and computer program. This is problematic in the case of gesture based user interfaces since input by touch gestures lack visual representation other than feedback from the user interface. Thus, from visual information only, it is hard for the audience to interpret which specific gesture, such as touch, long touch and double touch, is used for a specific program function. Instead they have to rely on the producer communicating the information in some other way. In this master’s thesis, a pictorial language with the purpose of visualizing touch gestures in screencasts is designed, since it could be a potential solution to the above dilemma. This is done by combining an autobiographical design method with external user evaluations. The research suggest that users interpret this type of visualizations as interface functions rather than physical touch gestures, and that some of the language’s design attributes are highly dependent on external factors. Thus, for the pictorial language to function as an effective tool in screencasts, it is needed for the producers using the tool to understand both its limitations as well as possibilities.
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Sednaoui, Thomas. "Tactile feedback integration on mobile communicating devices : analysis and specification." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016.

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L’usage des écrans tactiles est devenu omniprésent ces dernières années. Ces appareils prennent une place de plus en plus importante dans notre de vie de tous les jours, on les retrouve dans nos maisons, bureaux et même dans nos poches. L’abondance de ces nouvelles interfaces a soulevé l’intérêt pour les technologies permettant une stimulation tactile, et mis en perspective le manque de ce type d’interfaces dans les nouvelles générations d’appareils mobiles avec écrans tactiles. Aujourd’hui, les appareils possédant ce type d’écran se contentent de fournir un retour sensoriel sous la forme de simples vibrations, qui n’ont pas pour objectif de recréer les sensations du toucher de surfaces. La recherche de nouvelles interfaces tactiles, plus performantes, et assurant une restitution plus proche d’une sensation naturelle est donc en cours. Plusieurs solutions technologiques ont prouvé leur efficacité mais posent des problèmes d’industrialisation. Dans cette thèse, une de ces méthodes adaptées aux écrans tactiles, la lubrification ultrasonique, est présentée. Cette méthode de stimulation s’appuie sur la création d’une onde stationnaire ultrasonore au sein d’un résonateur en verre et est capable de faire varier en temps réel la sensation de frottement entre le doigt de l’utilisateur et la surface du résonateur. Grace à des mesures tribologiques, les paramètres influents tels l’amplitude vibratoire, la vitesse d’exploration du doigt, la fréquence de résonance du stimulateur sont mis en évidence. Cette analyse permet la proposition d’une première série de spécifications techniques pour la conception de dispositifs à retour tactile. L’étude est ensuite complétée par l’analyse des problèmes d’alimentation et de contrôle du système, avec en considération les questions d’intégration au sein de dispositifs portables et les problèmes d’industrialisation du processus de fabrication. Enfin, des études psychophysiques sont menées pour affiner du point de vue perceptuel le cahier des charges de conception d’un tel dispositif
The last few years have seen the emergence of ubiquitous mobile devices and tactile interfaces. These devices take an ever-important place in our daily life, they are present in our home, office, cars and even pockets. The abundance of these novel interfaces raised the interest in touch based human-machine interactions and highlighted the problem of the lack of natural touch feedback in the existing generation of tactile displays. Today’s smartphones all possess basic haptic feedback thanks to low frequency vibrations. However, these vibrations are far from the natural touch sensation of a surface. The search for a better tactile feedback, closer to the natural human perception, is ongoing. Multiple solutions are being explored to deliver improved haptic feedback on existing mobile platforms such as smartphones or tablets. In this thesis, we investigate the tactile feedback thanks to ultrasonic lubrication, well adapted to touch screen. This technology uses the creation of a resonating standing wave in a substrate to modulate in real time the friction perceived by user moving his finger on the resonator surface; the principle is effective even on a flat glass surface. By a series of experimental friction measures, the influence of the relevant parameters such as the vibration amplitude, the exploratory speed, the resonance frequency is highlighted. This analysis is used to build advanced tactile interfaces, based on ultrasonic friction modulation. The control and the supply of the tactile interfaces are also investigated, considering the issues of integration and industrialization of the process. Finally, these new interfaces are used to explore advanced control methods, improving further the quality and reliability of the generated sensation. Psychophysical analysis is performed to fulfil the specifications of these devices on a perceptual point of view
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Cang, Xi Laura. "Towards an emotionally communicative robot : feature analysis for multimodal support of affective touch recognition." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2016.

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Human affective state extracted from touch interaction takes advantage of natural communication of emotion through physical contact, enabling applications like robot therapy, intelligent tutoring systems, emotionally-reactive smart tech, and more. This work focused on the emotionally aware robot pet context and produced a custom, low-cost piezoresistive fabric touch sensor at 1-inch taxel resolution that accommodates the flex and stretch of the robot in motion. Using established machine learning techniques, we built classification models of social and emotional touch data. We present an iteration of the human-robot interaction loop for an emotionally aware robot through two distinct studies and demonstrate gesture recognition at roughly 85% accuracy (chance 14%). The first study collected social touch gesture data (N=26) to assess data quality of our custom sensor under noisy conditions: mounted on a robot skeleton simulating regular breathing, obscured under fur casings, placed over deformable surfaces. Our second study targeted affect with the same sensor, wherein participants (N=30) relived emotionally intense memories while interacting with a smaller stationary robot, generating touch data imbued with the following: Stressed, Excited, Relaxed, or Depressed. A feature space analysis triangulating touch, gaze, and physiological data highlighted the dimensions of touch that suggest affective state. To close the interactive loop, we had participants (N=20) evaluate researcherdesigned breathing behaviours on 1-DOF robots for emotional content. Results demonstrate that these behaviours can display human-recognizable emotion as perceptual affective qualities across the valence-arousal emotion model. Finally, we discuss the potential impact of a system capable of emotional “conversation” with human users, referencing specific applications.
Science, Faculty of
Computer Science, Department of
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Coduto, Kathryn D. "Tangibility and Immateriality: Understanding Consumers' Changing Sense of Touch in the Music Industry." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Tsalamlal, Mohamed Yacine. "Communication affective médiée via une interface tactile." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.

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La communication affective est au cœur de nos interactions interpersonnelles. Nous communiquons les émotions à travers de multiples canaux non verbaux. Plusieurs travaux de recherche sur l’interaction homme-machine ont exploité ces modalités de communication afin de concevoir des systèmes permettant de reconnaître et d’afficher automatiquement des signaux affectifs. Le toucher est la modalité la moins explorée dans ce domaine de recherche. L’aspect intrusif des interfaces haptiques actuelles est l’un des principaux obstacles à leur utilisation dans la communication affective médiée. En effet, l’utilisateur est physiquement connecté à des systèmes mécaniques pour recevoir la stimulation. Cette configuration altère la transparence de l’interaction médiée et empêche la perception de certaines dimensions affectives comme la valence. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer et d’étudier une technique de stimulation tactile sans contact avec des systèmes mécaniques pour médier des signaux d’affects. Sur la base de l’état de l’art des interfaces haptiques, nous avons proposé une stratégie de stimulation tactile basée sur l’utilisation d’un jet d’air mobile. Cette technique permet de fournir une stimulation tactile non-intrusive sur des zones différentes du corps. De plus, ce dispositif tactile permettrait une stimulation efficace de certains mécanorécepteurs qui jouent un rôle important dans les perceptions d’affects positifs. Nous avons conduit une étude expérimentale pour comprendre les relations entre les caractéristiques physiques de la stimulation tactile par jet d’air et la perception affective des utilisateurs. Les résultats mettent en évidence les effets principaux de l'intensité et de la vitesse du mouvement du jet d’air sur l’évaluation subjective mesurée dans l’espace affectif (à savoir, la valence, l'arousal et de la dominance).La communication des émotions est clairement multimodale. Nous utilisons le toucher conjointement avec d’autres modalités afin de communiquer les différents messages affectifs. C’est dans ce sens que nous avons conduit deux études expérimentales pour examiner la combinaison de la stimulation tactile par jet d’air avec les expressions faciales et vocales pour la perception de la valence. Ces expérimentations ont été conduites dans un cadre théorique et expérimental appelé théorie de l’intégration de l’information. Ce cadre permet de modéliser l’intégration de l’information issue de plusieurs sources en employant une algèbre cognitive. Les résultats de nos travaux suggèrent que la stimulation tactile par jet d’air peut être utilisée pour transmettre des signaux affectifs dans le cadre des interactions homme-machine. Les modèles perceptifs d’intégration bimodales peuvent être exploités pour construire des modèles computationnels permettant d’afficher des affects en combinant la stimulation tactile aux expressions faciales ou à la voix
Affective communication plays a major role in our interpersonal interactions. We communicate emotions through multiple non-verbal channels. Researches on human-computer interaction have exploited these communication channels in order to design systems that automatically recognize and display emotional signals. Touch has receivers less interest then other non-verbal modalities in this area of research. The intrusive aspect of current haptic interfaces is one of the main obstacles to their use in mediated emotional communication. In fact, the user is must physically connected to mechanical systems to receive the stimulation. This configuration affects the transparency of the mediated interaction and limits the perception of certain emotional dimensions as the Valence. The objective of this thesis is to propose and study a technique for tactile stimulation. This technique does not require contact with mechanical systems to transmit affective signals. On the basis of the state of the art of haptic interfaces, we proposed a strategy of tactile stimulation based on the use of a mobile air jet. This technique provides a non-intrusive tactile stimulation on different areas of the body. In addition, this tactile device would allow effective stimulation of some mechanoreceptors that play an important role in perceptions of positive affect. We conducted an experimental study to understand the relationships between the physical characteristics of tactile stimulation by air jet and the emotional perception of the users. The results highlight the main effects of the intensity and the velocity of movement of the air stream on the subjective evaluation measured in space affective (namely, Valence, Arousal and Dominance).The communication of emotions is clearly multi-modal. We use touch jointly with other modalities to communicate different emotional messages. We conducted two experimental studies to examine the combination of air jet tactile stimulation with facial and vocal expressions for perception of the valence. These experiments were conducted in a theoretical and experimental framework called integration of information theory. This framework allows modelling the integration of information from multiple sources using a cognitive algebra. Our work suggests that tactile stimulation by air jet can be used to transmit emotional signals in the context of the human-machine interactions. Perceptual bimodal integration models can be exploited to build computational models to display affects by combining tactile stimulation to facial expressions or the voice
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Forsling, Mona, and Lena Karlsson. "Beröring - Ett sätt att få vård. Ett sätt att ge vård. : En systematisk litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Omvårdnad, 2009.

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Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer som påverkar äldre, över 65 år, patienters upplevelse av beröring, dess effekter samt belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att ge beröring. Metoden är en systematisk litteraturstudie, baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar sökta via databaserna Cinahl, Cochrane och sökmotorn Elin@dalarna.Resultatet visade att genus, livserfarenhet, yrkeskompetens hos sjuksköterskan, relationer samt vilken del av kroppen som berördes var faktorer som styrde patientens upplevelse av beröring från sjuksköterskan.Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att ge beröring visades genom en helhetssyn av patienten, ge bekräftelse, vårda med respekt samt kunna beröra på ett naturligt sätt. Beröring visades ha goda effekter både hos den äldre patienten och sjuksköterskan genom att relationsbanden mellan dem styrktes, minskade sömnproblemen samt lindrade smärta, stress och oro hos den äldre patienten.
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Alcorn, Alyssa Marie. "Embedding novel and surprising elements in touch-screen games for children with autism : creating experiences 'worth communicating about'." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2016.

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Relative infrequency of communication initiation, particularly initiations that involve attention-sharing or other social purposes, appears to negatively impact the later-life outcomes of children with autism. Strategies to improve or encourage initiation skills in autism are hampered by the need for the behaviour to be spontaneous (i.e. unprompted by a partner). One potential approach that addresses the spontaneity issue is to extrinsically motivate initiations by changing aspects of the child’s environment such that they merit, or even demand, initiating a communication. Detecting subjectively inconsistent (i.e. discrepant) aspects in game-like virtual contexts appears to be something that inherently interests young children with autism, and can motivate them to initiate spontaneous, positive communications. Initial evidence for discrepancy as a communicative motivator came from a study which re-analysed video data from an existing autism and technology project (ECHOES), illustrating that a heterogeneous group of children all reacted frequently and socially to naturally occurring (i.e. unintentional, non-designed) discrepant aspects within ECHOES. A set of high-level design principles was developed in order to capture “lessons learned” from ECHOES that might facilitate re-creation of a similar pattern of spontaneous, positive initiation around discrepancy. A second, proof-of-concept study implemented these design principles in a set of three new touch-screen games (Andy’s Garden) that sought to establish, and then deliberately violate, child expectations (i.e. provide discrepancy-detection opportunities: DDOs). Children reacted socially and positively to the new games and DDOs. The results of this study allow us to answer its overall questions affirmatively: it is possible to motivate children’s communication–specifically, their initiation–by including deliberately-designed DDOs in a set of games. These findings are the first step towards determining whether discrepancy-detection opportunities may form a component of a future technology-based communication skills intervention, capable of changing children’s initiation behaviour outside of a game context.
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Bosson, Jonathan. "Multi-Touch Interfaces for Public Exploration and Navigation in Astronomical Visualizations." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Medie- och Informationsteknik, 2017.

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OpenSpace is an interactive data visualization software system that portrays the entire known universe in a 3D simulation. Current navigation interface requires explanations, which prohibits OpenSpace to be displayed effectively in public exhibitions. Research has been shown that using large tangible touch surfaces with a multi-touch navigation interface is more engaging to users than mouse and keyboard as well as enhances the understanding of navigation control, thus decreasing the required instructions to learn the systems user interface. This thesis shows that combining a velocity-based interaction model together with a screen-space direct-manipulation formulation produces a user-friendly interface. Giving the user precise control of objects and efficient travels in between in the vastness of space. This thesis presents the work of integrating a multi-touch navigation interface with a combined formulation of velocity-based interaction and screen-space direct-manipulation into the software framework OpenSpace.
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Bílková, Nikola. "Lidská krása v reklamní fotografii." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011.

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This thesis focuses on human beauty in advertising photography. The main objective is to chart selected advertisements in the media in which the models have been touched-up by way of the software program. Another objective is to analyze opinions by way of a questionnaire-like investigation of leading Czech photographers and Czech submitters of advertisements based on the topic of human beauty in advertising photography. This work is divided up into several parts. The first part introduces the basic theoretical viewpoint in terms of body image in connection with photography and in terms of marketing communication. The next part focuses on advertising photography in the press and on the Internet. A few examples of exaggerated or unsuccessful cases of touch-ups are included. The main objective of the last part is the assessment of the questionnaires as well as the conclusions that will follow.
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Gauci, Francesca. "Game Accessibility for Children with Cognitive Disabilities : Comparing Gesture-based and Touch Interaction." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik (DM), 2021.

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The interest in video games has grown substantially over the years, transforming from a means of recreation to one of the most dominating fields in entertainment. However, a significant number of individuals face several obstacles when playing games due to disabilities. While efforts towards more accessible game experiences have increased, cognitive disabilities have been often neglected, partly because games targeting cognitive disabilities are some of the most difficult to design, since cognitive accessibility barriers can be present at any part of the game. In recent years, research in human-computer interaction has explored gesture-based technologies and interaction, especially in the context of games and virtual reality. Research on gesture-based interaction has concentrated on providing a new form of interaction for people with cognitive disabilities. Several studies have shown that gesture interaction may provide several benefits to individuals with cognitive disabilities, including increased cognitive, motor and social aptitudes. This study aims to explore the impact of gesture-based interaction on the. accessibility of video games for children with cognitive disabilities. Accessibility of gesture interaction is evaluated against touch interaction as the baseline, a comparison founded on previous studies that have argued for the high level of accessibility and universal availability of touchscreen devices. As such, a game prototype was custom designed and developed to support both types of interaction, gestures and touch. The game was presented to several users during an interaction study, where every user played the game with both methods of interaction. The game and outcome of the user interaction study were further discussed with field experts. This study contributes towards a better understanding of how gesture interaction impacts the accessibility in games for children with cognitive disabilities. This study concludes that there are certain drawbacks with gesture-based games, especially with regards to precision, accuracy, and ergonomics. As a result, the majority of users preferred the touch interaction method. Nevertheless, some users also considered the gesture game to be a fun experience. Further, discussion with experts produces several points of improvement to make gesture interaction more accessible. The findings of the study are a departure point for a deeper analysis of gestures and how they can be integrated into the gaming world.
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Danneholm, Hedvig, and Hanna Elo. "Icke-verbal kommunikation i omvårdnadsrelationen : En litteraturöversikt om patienters upplevelser." Thesis, Röda Korsets Högskola, 2017.

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Bakgrund: Icke-verbal kommunikation definieras som all kommunikation utöver det talade ordet. Tidigare studier har visat att patienter värdesätter icke-verbala signaler såsom ögonkontakt, kroppsspråk och beröring, men att beröring sällan används som ett medvetet kommunikationsmedel. Det finns en underrepresentation av forskning kring icke-verbal kommunikation när det gäller sjuksköterskor, jämfört med andra yrkesgrupper. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av icke-verbal kommunikation inom omvårdnadsrelationen. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt över åtta kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet består av fem teman; varierande icke-verbal kommunikation i omvårdnadsrelationen, att göra patienten delaktig, beröringens påverkan på patienten, könets betydelse i upplevelsen av beröring och patientens utsatthet. Det var viktigt med en grundläggande relation innan beröring fick användas. Beröring hade positiva effekter på patienter såsom att få dem att känna sig sedda, accepterade och förankrade. Användandet av icke-verbal kommunikation kunde göra patienten delaktig eller stärka dess utsatthet. En problematik gällande sjuksköterskans eller patientens kön vid beröring framkom, då beröring exempelvis kunde väcka sexuell upphetsning. Slutsatser: Resultatet indikerar att sjuksköterskors kunskap om icke-verbal kommunikation och beröring behöver öka. Även i den kliniska praktiken behövs insatser för att sjuksköterskan ska ha tid att reflektera över och främja sin icke-verbala kommunikation.
Background: Nonverbal communication is defined as all means of communication beyond the spoken word. Previous studies show that patients value nonverbal signals such as eye contact, body language and touch, but also that touch is seldom used as a conscious means of communication. There is also an underrepresentation of research on nonverbal communication among nurses, compared to other professions. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients’ experiences of nonverbal communication in the nurse-patient relationship. Methods: A general literature review of eight scientific studies with a qualitative approach. Results: The results consist of five themes; variable nonverbal communication in the nurse-patient relationship, involving the patient, the impact of touch on the patient, the significance of gender on the experience of touch and the patient’s vulnerability. It was important to build a relationship with the patient before using touch. Touch had positive effects on patients, such as making them feel seen, accepted and anchored. The use of nonverbal communication could involve the patients or increase their vulnerability. An issue regarding the gender of the nurses or the patients arose while touching, which could cause sexual excitement for example. Conclusions: The results indicate that nurses’ knowledge concerning nonverbal communication and physical touch should be increased. In clinical practice, there is also a need for efforts to give nurses time to reflect on and increase their nonverbal communication.
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Murray, Joseph John. ""One touch of nature makes the whole world kin" the transnational lives of deaf Americans, 1870-1924 /." Diss., University of Iowa, 2007.

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Maštalíř, Roman. "Návrh obchodního modelu pro vývojové studio Touch Art." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012.

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The goal of the thesis is to develop a business model, which will lead to growth of Touch Art developer studio. The focus areas are: improving societal and customer education, creating value networks and leadership development. With these focuses in mind, thesis contains analysis of the environment in which the studio is present, introduction to development topic, clarifying goals and visions, as well as marketing, internal factors and field analyses. The output of this thesis is structured steps and their evaluation, which the development studio needs to undergo to ensure stronger market position.
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Pettersson, Anders. "Universell Design - en användbarhetsutvärdering av MyTobii C-series Control." Thesis, University of Kalmar, School of Communication and Design, 2008.

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Universal Design is a well established methodology with the fundamental purpose of designing products to be usable for as wide audience as possible, without the need of special adjustment to suit the individual. In this essay, Universal Design has had a clear influence in both the process and the result. The choice to use Universal Design as methodology in this usability evaluation, has essentiallv to do with the target audience.

As a part of the design process of MyTobii C8 has Tobii Technology ask for a usability evaluation. MyTobii C8 is an 8" touch screen computer with a windows based operating system which will initiate the software MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control is the control panel for MyTobii C8, whose interfaces constitute the platform for various modificarion of the unit. The interface of MyTobii C-Series Control is also the interface being evaluated. Because of the target audience being persons with different motoric and cognitive disabilities and theirs assistances, it is of great important that the interface is suitable for as many people as possible. With user tests, designed and analyzed with the help of Universal Design, different usability problems has been  identified and solved. Among the usability problems encountered the most vital has been the size and placement of the interactive parts and the physical interaction with the unit.

Universell Design är en genomarbetad metodologi, framtagen i syfte att göra produkter användbara och anpassade för så bred publik som möjligt, utan att produkten måste anpassas för individens egna förmågor. I detta arbete har Universell Design haft en tydlig och grundläggande roll i genomförandet och resultatet. Valet att använda sig av Universell Design i denna användbarhetsutvärdering har framför allt med fallstudiens målgrupp att göra.

Som en del av utvecklingsprocessen av MyTobii C8 har Tobii Technology efterfrågas en användbarhetsutvärdering. MyTobii C8 är en åtta tums touch screen dator med Windows-baserat operativsystem som vid start kommer att initiera mjukvaran MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control är kontrollpanelen för MyTobii C8 vars gränssnitt utgör plattformen för diverse inställningar av enheten det är också detta gränssnitt användbarhetsutvärdetingen har gjorts på. Då målgruppen för MyTobii C-Series Control är personer med motoriska och kognitiva handikapp samt deras assistenter och närstående personer, är det av stor vikt att gränssnittet är anpassat för så bred publik som möjligt. Genom användartester utformade och analyserade med hjälp av Universell Design har användbarhetsproblem samt förslag på lösningar presenterats. Bland de användbarhetsproblemen som påträffats har det framför allt varit storleken, placeringen av de interaktiava delarna samt själv interaktionen med touch screen skärmen  som har vant väsentliga.

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Mertlík, Daniel. "Inteligentní dvou-ramenný žonglovací stroj." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2012.

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This thesis describes the design and implementation of device called Intelligent two-arm juggling machine. The role of the demonstration project is to control rotational movement of the arm so that the concept of the machine there to swap the ball to the opposite side shoulder. The project is divided into two theses, which this proposal addresses the above mentioned tasks, the machine and place the second level ofcooperative governance through visualization.
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Ble, Hammar Pierrette. "Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av icke-verbal kommunikation : En litteraturstudie." Thesis, Ersta Sköndal högskola, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2016.

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Bakgrund: Icke –verbal kommunikation är en gemensam benämning för ordlöst informationsutbyte mellan två eller flera personer. I stället för att samtala med ord användskroppsspråk i form av gester, ansiktsuttryck, ögonkontakt, beröring, tonfall och att i tystnad lyssna. Forskningsresultat finns som visar, att icke –verbal kommunikation är bästa möjligheten att nå kommunikativt resultat medpatienter som av skilda skäl inte till fullo kan uttrycka sig verbalt, t.ex. vid afasi som komplikation till stroke och vid demenssjukdom. En annan grupp där icke –verbal kommunikation har stor användbarhet är till patienter från andra kulturer, då ingetgemensamt språkfinns. Icke –verbal kommunikation fordrar empati, ömsesidigt förtroende mellan sjuksköterska och patient och tid för att fungera optimalt, sjuksköterskan måste vara uppmärksam, delta aktivt och med intresse. Sjuksköterskor uttrycker, att icke –verbal kommunikation ärett problem och att de behöver mer erfarenhet av att använda icke –verbal kommunikation. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av icke – verbal kommunikation. Metod: Uppsatsen baseras på litteraturstudie omfattande tio vetenskapliga artiklar varifrån två huvudkategorier och fyra subkategorier kunde identifieras vara särskilt viktiga för studiens syfte. Resultat:Två huvudkategorier och fyra subkategorier identifierades. Den första huvudkategorin visar vad som underlättar sjuksköterskors icke – verbala kommunikation och har subkategorin; Sjuksköterskors positiva känslor påverkar den icke – verbala kommunikationen. Den andra huvudkategorin visar vad som försvårar sjuksköterskors icke – verbala kommunikation och har subkategorierna; Sjuksköterskors negativa känslor påverkar den icke – verbala kommunikationen, tidsbrist ett hinder för sjuksköterskors icke – verbala kommunikation och sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av icke – verbal kommunikation vid tekniskt avancerad vård. Resultatet av studien visar att icke – verbal kommunikation upplevs som en resurs, även i så svåra och medicintekniskt komplicerade vårdsituationer som respiratorvård. Diskussion: Relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient, en människa till människa relation, är på många sätt komplicerad enligt omvårdnadsforskaren Joyce Travelbee. Att lära känna och förstå varandras identiteter, nå ett tillstånd med konsensus, är en process som tar tid. I varierande omfattning saknar sjuksköterskor förmåga och erfarenhet av att kommunicera icke – verbalt. Fungerande icke – verbal kommunikation ger sjuksköterskorna känslor av både tillfredsställelse och lycka i arbetet.
Background: Non -verbal communication is a common term for wordless exchange between two or more people. Instead of gathering with the words you use body language in the form of gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, touch, tone and in silence listen. Research shows that non – verbal communication is the best opportunity to achieve communicative performance with patients who for various reasons cannot fully express themselves verbally, for example by aphasia as a complication of stroke and in dementia. Another group where non – verbal communication are useful is to patient from other cultures, then you do not have a common language. Non – verbal communication requires empathy, mutual trust between the nurse and patient as well as time to function optimally. Nurses expresses that nonverbal communication is a problem and that they need more experience in using non - verbal communication. Aim: Aim of the study was to describe the nurses experience of non – verbal communication. Method: The essay based on literature study involving then scientific articles from which the two main categories and three subcategories were identified to be particularly important for the aim of the study to describe the nurses experience of non – verbal communication. Results: Two main categories and four subcategories were identified. The first main categorie shows what facilitates nurses non – verbal communication and has the subcategory; Nurses positive emotions affect the non – verbal communication. The other main category shows what hinders nurses non – verbal communication and have subcategories; Nurses negative emotions affect the non – verbal communication, lack of time a barrier to nurses non – verbal communication and nurses experience of non – verbal communication in technologically advanced care. The results of the study show that non – verbal communication is perceived as a resource even in such difficult and technically complex medical care situations as respiratory care. Discussion: The relationship between nurse and patient is in many ways complicated and over time it undergoes several stages of development according to the nursing researcher Joyce Travelbee. Therefore, it may take time to get to know the patient and understand each other. In varying degrees lacks nurses both ability and experience to communicate non – verbally. Effective non – verbal communication allows nurses feelings of both satisfaction and happiness at work.
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Johansson, Peter. "Collaborative statistics collection during live sportsevents." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medieteknik (ME), 2013.

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Gathering statistics in sports is a tool to provide useful information to different parties such as trainers, club executives and spectators. They have in some instances also become mandatoryas a part of a national association. In order to provide a digital tool to improve the gathering for one such club, a web-based prototype was developed. This prototype was based on specifications outlined by an ice hockey club in the Swedish Allsvenskan division and on previous research on mobile devices. It was tested in two iterations. The result of the tests indicates that a digital, platform independent software not only helps greatly reduce the workload but also provides new abilities and benefits for the clubs.
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Forsling, Parborg Emma. "Towards replacing the remote control with commodity smart-phones through evaluation of interaction techniques enabling television service navigation." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Medie- och Informationsteknik, 2017.

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The aim for this project was to develop an application that would be compatible with set-top boxes, or other browser based applications, and re-search what interaction techniques that could be considered a viable substitute for a the traditional remote controller without requiring the visual attention of the viewer User test was also performed in the interest of broadly evaluating the different interaction techniques used in the application, and how the UI itself, including non visual feedback from both the sender and receiver side is perceived.
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Norberg, Henrik, and Katarina Elvås. "Närvaro i den vårdande relationen." Thesis, Röda Korsets Högskola, 2011.

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Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad som krävs för närvaro i den vårdande relationen, utifrån vårdares och vårdtagares erfarenheter. Att se på vad som ger en närvaro som berör, ger ett samspel samt verkar lindrande i vårdmötet. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativa metodansatser analyserades med avsikt att utifrån denna uppsats syfte beskriva innehållet. Innehållsanalysen resulterade i fyra kategorier; Att se hela människan, Själslig och kroppsligberöring, Vägen till att knyta an samt Vårdarens tillgångar. Resultatet visar att bekräftelse, vårdarens bemötande, fysisk och mental närvaro samt kommunikationen är väsentligt för hur närvaro upplevs av människor. Närvaro kan skapa en beröring som sker mellan vårdare och vårdtagare i den vårdande relationen. För att kunna mötas behövs avsatt tid samt kroppslig och mental närvaro. Beröring påverkar människan och därmed vårdandet. Att se på det osynliga som sker i närvarons sken kan ge kunskap till vårdare, som kan användas i det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet, i mötet med vårdtagare.
The aim of this study was to describe what is required for presence in the caring relationship, based on caregivers and care receivers experience. To look at what gives a presence that touch, gives an interaction and soothes suffering. Twelve scientific articles with qualitative methodology approaches were analyzed, with the aim to describe the content from this paper´s point of view. The content analysis resulted in four categories: Seeing the whole person, Spiritual and physical touch, The path to connection and The assets of the caregiver. The result shows that confirmation of the care receiver, caregivers attitude, physical and mental presence and communication is essential for how people experienced presence. Presence can create an interface that takes place between caregivers and care receivers in the caring relationship. In order to meet, time, physical and mental presence is required. Touch affects humans and thus caring. To look at the invisible that is happening in the light of presence, can provide insight to caregivers, which can be used in daily nursing care, in meetings with the care receivers.
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