Academic literature on the topic 'Toucher – Aspect social'
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Journal articles on the topic "Toucher – Aspect social"
Samek, Toni. "Finding Human Rights in Library and Information Work." Bilgi Dünyası 9, no. 2 (October 31, 2008): 527–40.
Full textDobrokhotova, E. N. "Legal and Psychological Aspects of Mediation." Psychology and Law 5, no. 4 (2015): 97–105.
Full textAndrieu, B. "Prendre le soin de toucher." Éthique & Santé 4, no. 4 (December 2007): 180–83.
Full textBagnoli, Franco, Ada Baldi, Ugo Bardi, Marina Clauser, Anna Lenzi, Simone Orlandini, and Giovanna Pacini. "Urban Gardening in Florence and Prato: How a Science Shop Project Proposed by Citizens Has Grown into a Multi-Disciplinary Research Subject." Journal of Sustainable Development 11, no. 6 (November 29, 2018): 111.
Full textLecomte, S., and G. Laval. "Le toucher au service de l’humanisme médical." Éthique & Santé 18, no. 2 (June 2021): 68–73.
Full textZhuravleva, Irina V., and Nina V. Lakomova. "Social Conditionality of Adolescent Health in a Temporary Aspect." Sociologicheskaja nauka i social naja praktika 7, no. 2 (2019): 132–52.
Full textDrulhe, Marcel, and Serge Clément. "Le mourir et le lien social." II. À la recherche de la signication sociale du mourir, no. 23 (November 10, 2015): 113–20.
Full textEt al., Nilufar Kh Komilova. "TOURIST DESTINATION AS AN OBJECT OF RESEARCH OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY." Psychology and Education Journal 58, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 2058–67.
Full textEfremov, Oleg. "The phoenix problem of social philosophy: to the question about the hypothesis of social progress." Digital Scholar Philosopher s Lab 4, no. 2 (2021): 25–29.
Full textOTHMAN, Suha Adel. "NOBUSUKE KISHI AND HIS ROLE IN JAPANESE POLITICS (1957- 1960)." Rimak International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 4, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 41–57.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Toucher – Aspect social"
Boucaud, Fabien. "Un agent touchant : modélisation du toucher social dans les interactions humain-agent en environnement immersif." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021.
Full textDespite the current abilities of our communication technologies, they remain unable to completely counterbalance feelings of isolation and loneliness. Social touch is essential to human well-being and allows us to develop and strenghten our relationships. It is also powerful channel of emotional communication. This thesis work is aimed at endowing artificial agents with social touch abilities. Whether they are robotic or virtual artificial agents represent new kinds of social entities and are already equipped with many interactional modalities (speech, gestures, facial expressions, etc.). Endowing them with touching abilities could further enhance their abilities to communicate emotions and to bond with humans. More specifically, our main research question is to determine when and how to touch a human is meaningful, autonomous and respectful way. To answer this question, we propose a theoretical structure and a functional implementation of a touching agent, able to dynamically interact with a human in real-time in an immersive environment. We describe a perception module to detect the human’s behaviour, a decision model able to take coherence and acceptability of touch into account, and a haptic interface (SOFTLY) that can be used in the immersive setup to generate haptic feedback. Evaluations of this framework are discussed and hightlight that its abilities are promising, althought there are still clear avenues of improvement for the model
McBride, Kathleen Sarah. "Mental health practitioners' perceptions of touch." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1993.
Full textStarkey, Alicia Rochelle. "Relational Thriving in Context: Examining the Roles of Gratitude, Affectionate Touch, and Positive Affective Variability in Health and Well-Being." PDXScholar, 2019.
Full textGollock, Aboubakry. "Les implications de l'Accord de l'OMC sur les Aspects de Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle qui touchent au Commerce (ADPIC) sur l'accès aux médicaments en Afrique subsaharienne." Phd thesis, Grenoble 2, 2007.
Full textJonsson, Sofia. "Äldresanvändning av smartphones ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för data- och systemvetenskap, 2018.
Full textCarvalho, Sandra Alves. "O Toque na Relação Terapêutica com a Pessoa Idosa." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2007.
Full textThis qualitative and bibliographic study conducted in São Paulo has two objectives: understand the emotional and the sentimental aspects that the Touch has in the elderly treatment and support education policy makers in the use of this approach in the health treatment. For the study, it was chosen to use the participative observation in the treatment of five elderly persons, to who one open question was asked. This observation allowed the author to have a better perception about the importance of the Touch in the relation physiotherapy X elderly patience. The bibliographic part of this study, based on Montagu, Leakey, Mauss, Elias, Condillac, Guyton and Gardner theories, enables the understanding of the human being as a psychosocial being and the social and cultural experiences that build this human. It can be noticed, in this study, that the elderly loneness in our society is a recurring fact that leads to emotional problems, degenerating his/hers social relations. Because of that, the actuation model of the health professional should consider the Touch as a humanized tool in his/her work. And this tool should be used not only to improve the health condition, but also to help the psychosocial patience dimension
O presente estudo, de caráter qualitativo e pesquisa bibliográfica, realizado na cidade de São Paulo, teve como objetivo compreender os aspectos emocionais e sentimentais que o toque desencadeia na relação terapêutica com o paciente idoso e contribuir para a formulação de políticas educacionais que enfatizem o toque no trato com o idoso.Optou-se por utilizar como procedimento metodológico a observação participativa no atendimento a cinco idosos, onde era anotado em um diário de campo, sendo feita também a entrevista contendo apenas uma pergunta aberta. Estes procedimentos possibilitaram à pesquisadora a ter maior e melhor percepção sobre a importância do toque na relação terapêutica com estes idosos. A pesquisa bibliográfica sustentou-se em teóricos como Montagu, Leakey, Mauss, Elias, Condillac, Guyton e Gardner, que nortearam as bases deste trabalho e possibilitaram a visão do homem como ser biopsicosocial e toda a gama de experiências externas, sociais e culturais, que giram em torno de si para a sua construção. Pode-se observar, nesta pesquisa, que o isolamento do idoso em nossa sociedade é um fato recorrente, o qual desencadeia, também, carências afetivas, prejudicando suas relações sociais. Desta forma, a atuação do profissional de saúde junto a este idoso requer um novo modelo de atendimento, em que as percepções para com o outro sejam colocadas em prática e a atenção ao ato do cuidar e, principalmente, ao ato do tocar, possam ser vistas como ferramenta mais humanizada no seu trabalho, que deve consistir em resgatar não apenas a saúde biológica, mas também o bem estar psicossocial, que contribuem para a construção do indivíduo idoso e o situam como Serno- Mundo
Marie-Vivien, Delphine. "Le droit des Indications Géographiques en Inde, un pays de l'Ancien monde face aux droits français, communautaire et international." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2010.
Full textNyström, Anton. "Gesture-level model : A modified Keystroke-level model for tasks on mobile touchscreen devices." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informatik och media, 2018.
Full textMålet med denna uppsats var att utveckla en pekskärmsanpassad version av den välkända modellen Keystroke-level model, vilket är en modell som kan användas för att snabbt och enkelt utvärdera gränssnitt utan att behöva utveckla fungerande prototyper. En kvantitativ forskningsmetod användes för att mäta hur lång tid det tar för användare generellt att utföra de vanligaste fingergesterna på mobila pekskärmar. Över 1000 datapunkter samlades in från ett experiment där deltagarna fick använda en prototyp som automatiskt mätte den tid det tog för användarna att utföra de olika fingergesterna. Resultaten av studien består av de mätvärden som räknats ut samt fyra aspekter som är viktiga att ha i beaktning när liknande experiment ska utformas. Dessa är: (1) Varje deltagares individuella hastighet; (2) Deltagarnas pekskärmsvana; (3) Sättet de olika deltagarna utför fingergesterna; (4) Utforma experimentet för att representera en medium svårighetsgrad.
Le but de ce projet fut de créer une version du Keystroke-level model adaptée aux écrans tactiles. Ce modèle de performance utilisateur est une méthode d’évaluation simple et rapide d’interfaces utilisateur avant la création de prototypes. Une étude quantitative fut choisie pour mesurer le temps d’exécution général de mouvements spécifiques effectués sur des écrans tactiles de téléphones. Plus de 1000 points de données furent collectés auprès de participants ayant pris part à une étude observationnelle utilisant un prototype spécialement programmé pour l’occasion. Les résultats de ce projet incluent l’analyse des mesures acquises lors de cette étude ainsi que quatre aspects importants à considérer lors de la réalisation d’études similaires, à savoir: (1) La vitesse individuelle des participants; (2) Le niveau d’habitude d’utilisation d’écrans tactiles des participants; (3) Les méthodes utilisées par les participants lors de la réalisation des mouvements; (4) La conception d’étude pour des mouvements de difficulté dite moyenne.
Obertan, Paméla. "Les stratégies de contestation des pays en voie de développement face à l'universalisation des brevets sur le vivant." Thesis, Antilles-Guyane, 2013.
Full textAccording to the classical theories of power, asymmetrical relations generally favor the most powerful actor in terms of resources. However, the most powerful in terms of strength and resources part does not always win in negotiations. This depends on several factors, including negotiation tactics of the weaker party. Our thesis aims to analyze different type of negotiation strategies that weaker parties can use to obtain some benefit. To illustrate this point, we chose the example set by a number of developing countries (DV) to challenge the patenting of life contained in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Our goal was to understand the key strategies they have used to question this norm and rebalance it. To make this work, we used the concept of hegemony conceptualized by Gramsci and the concept of framework borrowed from the literature of social movements. This tool has allowed us to make the assumption that TRIPS is a hegemonic norm that mainly benefit to few developed countries and international companies. However, this domination is hidden by the norms thanks to universal and positive discourse which help to generate strong adhesion. Thus, in such a case, developing countries can’t expect to challenge this norm without a change of perception. It is therefore necessary that the rules perceived as fair and immutable are framed as unjust and mutable, so that countries decide to challenge it. We then tested this hypothesis through a content analysis of the DC’s official discourse at the World Trade Organization. This work has allowed us to observe that the framing is an important tool in the fight against the norm’s hegemony. Indeed, it offers the possibility to show that the patenting of life, far from presenting just a source of benefits, is also a source of problems that need solutions. The frame is also a good way to develop alternative normative propositions. However, we found that this strategy is insufficient to translate DC’s proposals into binding norms. In order to obtain changes in the agreement, building coalitions is particularly relevant for DC. Furthermore, we noted that DC which require regulatory changes when the structure of political opportunities is opened are more likely to obtain what they want. This thesis offers us a general picture of negotiations strategies and reveal that under certain conditions the weaker parties can get some gains in an asymmetrical negotiation
Bagal, Monique. "La protection des indications géographiques dans un contexte global : essai sur un droit fondamental." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Full textSince two decades, the international protection of geographical indications is characterized by a “blockage” in the negotiations at the World Trade Organization opposing the countries favorable to the protection of geographical indications to countries more skeptical in this regard. Deriving from a compromise between the European conception of the protection of GIs and the American one, the minimum standards of TRIPS have revealed the different legal options in this field and have resulted in a passionate debate over the appropriate role of the State. History shows that the advocacy for, or indictment against one or the other way of protecting GIs focuses essentially on the philosophy of protection in one or the other territories. As a reminder, the European Union “culture” is to protect industries far too exposed to competition while the American “culture” is to preserve economic freedom of operators and to grant monopoly on a geographical name only where such name has been tested on the market and is recognized by the “public” as having a geographical anchorage. Equally compelling, neither of these philosophies has allowed reaching the most acceptable balance for GI regime. This work seeks to transcend them. It bets that everything has not been tried yet, at least from a legal perspective. In order to find a common solution and a way forward to multilateral protection of geographical indications, the paper relies on the culture of “human rights”, not really with a view to “moralize” the field of study but more to deduct practical answers deriving from the international human rights law. As a matter of fact, article 15.1 c) of the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights provides that “The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone […] to benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author”. The activation of this article could allow approaching geographical indications operators, not only as beneficiaries of certain rights but also as beneficiaries of public policies. By virtue of article 15.1 c), there shall be a right to benefit from the GI protection (“right-liberty”) but also, a right to claim certain public policies (“right-debt”) in this regard. Beyond this seemingly strict framework for GIs, the reference to international human rights law proves to beneficial to the necessary balance between the rights of GI operators and the rights of the public. Incidentally, this balance is inclusive of multiple issues which is essential to the legitimacy of the multilateral regime of protection of GIs
Books on the topic "Toucher – Aspect social"
Goyhman, Oskar, Lyubov' Goncharova, Alla Larionova, Nikolay Kargin, Igor' Klyukanov, Nur Ahmet Dosmuhamet, Irina Privalova, et al. Social and identification status of communication studies. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.
Full textUntouched: The need for genuine affection in an impersonal world. Prescott, Ariz: Hohm Press, 1998.
Find full text1969-, Caplan Mariana, ed. To touch is to live: The need for genuine affection in an impersonal world. Prescott, AZ: Hohm Press, 2002.
Find full textMoreira, Hilia. Caricias: Entre la violencia y la ternura. Montevideo, Uruguay: Ediciones Trilce, 2001.
Find full textSchmidt, Renate-Berenike, Michael Schetsche, and Traute Becker. Körperkontakt: Interdisziplinäre Erkundungen. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2012.
Find full textElgin, Suzette Haden. Try to feel it my way: New help for touch dominant people and those who care about them. New York: Wiley, 1997.
Find full textL'homme simplifié: Le syndrome de la touche étoile. Paris]: Fayard, 2012.
Find full textLes groupes d'entraide pour les personnes touchées par le cancer: Mode d'emploi. Laval, Qué: G. Saint-Jean, 2001.
Find full text1971-, Dodge Martin, ed. Touching space, placing touch. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Pub., 2012.
Find full textVoevodina, Ekaterina. Technologies of inclusion of the disabled and persons with disabilities. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Toucher – Aspect social"
Andreallo, Fiona. "Introduction." In Mapping selfies and memes as Touch, 1–13. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textAndreallo, Fiona. "Key Takeaways and Prospective Research." In Mapping selfies and memes as Touch, 103–11. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textTessarolo, Mariselda. "The Last ‘Touch’ Turns the Artist into a User: The Body, the Mind and the Social Aspect of Art." In Contributions To Phenomenology, 141–55. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.
Full textGallo-Silver, Les Paul, and Michael O. Weiner. "Sexual Expression and Physical Intimacy for Those Challenged with Serious Illness." In The Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work, edited by Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green, and John G. Cagle, 605–14. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full textJaaware, Aniket. "Touch in Its Social and Historical Aspects II." In Practicing Caste, 93–118. Fordham University Press, 2018.
Full textCicek, Berat, and Mehmet Ali Türkmenoğlu. "Women as Social Entrepreneurs in Turkey." In Social Entrepreneurship, 1075–90. IGI Global, 2019.
Full textJaaware, Aniket. "Touch in Its Social and Historical Aspects I." In Practicing Caste, 61–92. Fordham University Press, 2018.
Full textGallace, Alberto, and Charles Spence. "A caress on your skin: The social aspects of touch." In In Touch with the Future, 161–80. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Full text"3. TOUCH IN ITS SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL ASPECTS I." In Practicing Caste, 61–92. Fordham University Press, 2020.
Full textCicek, Berat, and Mehmet Ali Türkmenoğlu. "Women as Social Entrepreneurs in Turkey." In Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 53–74. IGI Global, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Toucher – Aspect social"
Ковалев, К. С. "Pedagogocal Potential of Researching the Social Function of the State on the Example of the Republic of Singapore." In Современное образование: векторы развития. Роль социально-гуманитарного знания в подготовке педагога: материалы V международной конференции (г. Москва, МПГУ, 27 апреля – 25 мая 2020 г.). Crossref, 2020.
Full textJuang, Jyh-Ching, Hung-Chi Wang, Chun-Lin Lu, Wen-Ming Chen, and Ching-Wen Hsu. "A Touch-Dim Network for the Dimming Control of Lighting System." In 2010 International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2010). IEEE, 2010.
Full textPecherskaya, Nadezhda. "MENTAL COHESION AS A FACTOR OF POLITICAL CULTURE." In Globalistics-2020: Global issues and the future of humankind. Interregional Social Organization for Assistance of Studying and Promotion the Scientific Heritage of N.D. Kondratieff / ISOASPSH of N.D. Kondratieff, 2020.
Full textShayakhmetova, L. A., A. I. Pevneva, and А. V. Chernov. "Socio-psychological aspects of self-regulation of cognitive states in educational activity." In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ONLINE CONFERENCE. Знание-М, 2020.
Full textLinke, Barbara S. "Review on Grinding Tool Wear in Terms of Sustainability." In ASME 2014 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the JSME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing and the 42nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.
Full textLavrinoviča, Beata. "School Gardening: What is Current Trend about?" In 79th International Scientific Conference of University of Latvia. University of Latvia, 2021.
Full textГазиева, Д. З. "АНАЛИЗ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ГАДЖЕТОВ СТУДЕНТАМИ В ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ." In Образование будущего: Материалы II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. Crossref, 2021.
Full textAnifowose, Titilayo. "Significance of cultural heritage assets in the definition of urban morphology. A case of Egba-Ake in South-West Nigeria." In Post-Oil City Planning for Urban Green Deals Virtual Congress. ISOCARP, 2020.
Full textBradford, Mark. "Stretch the possible: Embodied ideation during a global pandemic with BeWeDō." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
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