Academic literature on the topic 'Tolérance aux pannes byzantine'
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Journal articles on the topic "Tolérance aux pannes byzantine"
Baude, Françoise, Denis Caromel, Christian Delbé, and Ludovic Henrio. "Un protocole de tolérance aux pannes pour objets actifs non préemptifs." Techniques et sciences informatiques 24, no. 10 (December 1, 2005): 1199–226.
Full textDiané, Ibrahima, and Ibrahima Niang. "Schéma DHT hiérarchique pour la tolérance aux pannes dans les réseaux P2P-SIP." Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées Volume 14 - 2011 - Special... (October 28, 2011).
Full textKengne Tchendji, Vianney, and Blaise Paho Nana. "Management of Low-density Sensor-Actuator Network in a Virtual Architecture." Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées Volume 27 - 2017 - Special... (March 12, 2018).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Tolérance aux pannes byzantine"
Shoker, Ali. "Byzantine fault tolerance from static selection to dynamic switching." Toulouse 3, 2012.
Full textByzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is becoming crucial with the revolution of online applications and due to the increasing number of innovations in computer technologies. Although dozens of BFT protocols have been introduced in the previous decade, their adoption by practitioners sounds disappointing. To some extant, this indicates that existing protocols are, perhaps, not yet too convincing or satisfactory. The problem is that researchers are still trying to establish 'the best protocol' using traditional methods, e. G. , through designing new protocols. However, theoretical and experimental analyses demonstrate that it is hard to achieve one-size-fits-all BFT protocols. Indeed, we believe that looking for smarter tac-tics like 'fasten fragile sticks with a rope to achieve a solid stick' is necessary to circumvent the issue. In this thesis, we introduce the first BFT selection model and algorithm that automate and simplify the election process of the 'preferred' BFT protocol among a set of candidate ones. The selection mechanism operates in three modes: Static, Dynamic, and Heuristic. For the two latter modes, we present a novel BFT system, called Adapt, that reacts to any potential changes in the system conditions and switches dynamically between existing BFT protocols, i. E. , seeking adaptation. The Static mode allows BFT users to choose a single BFT protocol only once. This is quite useful in Web Services and Clouds where BFT can be sold as a service (and signed in the SLA contract). This mode is basically designed for systems that do not have too fuctuating states. In this mode, an evaluation process is in charge of matching the user preferences against the profiles of the nominated BFT protocols considering both: reliability, and performance. The elected protocol is the one that achieves the highest evaluation score. The mechanism is well automated via mathematical matrices, and produces selections that are reasonable and close to reality. Some systems, however, may experience fluttering conditions, like variable contention or message payloads. In this case, the static mode will not be e?cient since a chosen protocol might not fit the new conditions. The Dynamic mode solves this issue. Adapt combines a collection of BFT protocols and switches between them, thus, adapting to the changes of the underlying system state. Consequently, the 'preferred' protocol is always polled for each system state. This yields an optimal quality of service, i. E. , reliability and performance. Adapt monitors the system state through its Event System, and uses a Support Vector Regression method to conduct run time predictions for the performance of the protocols (e. G. , throughput, latency, etc). Adapt also operates in a Heuristic mode. Using predefined heuristics, this mode optimizes user preferences to improve the selection process. The evaluation of our approach shows that selecting the 'preferred' protocol is automated and close to reality in the static mode. In the Dynamic mode, Adapt always achieves the optimal performance among available protocols. The evaluation demonstrates that the overall system performance can be improved significantly too. Other cases explore that it is not always worthy to switch between protocols. This is made possible through conducting predictions with high accuracy, that can reach more than 98% in many cases. Finally, the thesis shows that Adapt can be smarter through using heursitics
Leduc, Guilain. "Performance et sécurité d'une Blockchain auto-adaptative et innovante." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2022.
Full textResearch on blockchain application frameworks rarely offers performance evaluation. This thesis proposes a comprehensive methodology to help software integrators better understand and measure the influence of configuration parameters on the overall quality of long-term service performance. In order to improve performance, the new adaptive consensus protocol Sabine (Self-Adaptive BlockchaIn coNsEnsus) is proposed to dynamically modify one of these parameters in the PBFT consensus. The configuration parameter of this consensus is the number of validators involved and result of a trade-off between security and performance. The Sabine protocol maximises this number provided that the output rate matches the input rate. Sabine is evaluated and validated in real-world settings, the results of which show that Sabine has an acceptable relative error between the requested and committed transaction rates. Two new validator selection algorithms are proposed that reverse the random paradigm of current protocols to select the nodes leading to better performance. The first is based on a reputation system that rewards the fastest nodes. The second selects the closest nodes by imposing a continuous rotation of the selection. These two algorithms have been simulated and their impact on decentralisation discussed. This selection, associated with Sabine, improves security by giving the system more margin to increase the number of validators. This work opens the way to more reactive chains, with less latency and more throughput
Farina, Giovanni. "Tractable Reliable Communication in Compromised Networks." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2020.
Full textReliable communication is a fundamental primitive in distributed systems prone to Byzantine (i.e. arbitrary, and possibly malicious) failures to guarantee the integrity, delivery, and authorship of the messages exchanged between processes. Its practical adoption strongly depends on the system assumptions. Several solutions have been proposed so far in the literature implementing such a primitive, but some lack in scalability and/or demand topological network conditions computationally hard to be verified. This thesis aims to investigate and address some of the open problems and challenges implementing such a communication primitive. Specifically, we analyze how a reliable communication primitive can be implemented in 1) a static distributed system where a subset of processes is compromised, 2) a dynamic distributed system where part of the processes is Byzantine faulty, and 3) a static distributed system where every process can be compromised and recover. We define several more efficient protocols and we characterize alternative network conditions guaranteeing their correctness
Solat, Siamak. "Novel fault-tolerant, self-configurable, scalable, secure, decentralized, and high-performance distributed database replication architecture using innovative sharding to enable the use of BFT consensus mechanisms in very large-scale networks." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.
Full textThis PhD thesis consists of 6 Chapters. In the first Chapter, as an introduction, we provide an overview of the general goals and motives of decentralized and permissionless networks, as well as the obstacles they face. In the introduction, we also refer to the irrational and illogical solution, known as "permissioned blockchain" that has been proposed to improve the performance of networks similar to Bitcoin. This matter has been detailed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 2, we make clear and intelligible the systems that the proposed idea, Parallel Committees, is based on such networks. We detail the indispensable features and essential challenges in replication systems. Then in Chapter 3, we discuss in detail the low performance and scalability limitations of replication systems that use consensus mechanisms to process transactions, and how these issues can be improved using the sharding technique. We describe the most important challenges in the sharding of distributed replication systems, an approach that has already been implemented in several blockchain-based replication systems and although it has shown remarkable potential to improve performance and scalability, yet current sharding techniques have several significant scalability and security issues. We explain why most current sharding protocols use a random assignment approach for allocating and distributing nodes between shards due to security reasons. We also detail how a transaction is processed in a sharded replication system, based on current sharding protocols. We describe how a shared-ledger across shards imposes additional scalability limitations and security issues on the network and explain why cross-shard or inter-shard transactions are undesirable and more costly, due to the problems they cause, including atomicity failure and state transition challenges, along with a review of proposed solutions. We also review some of the most considerable recent works that utilize sharding techniques for replication systems. This part of the work has been published as a peer-reviewed book chapter in "Building Cybersecurity Applications with Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts" (Springer, 2023). In Chapter 4, we propose a novel sharding technique, Parallel Committees, supporting both processing and storage/state sharding, to improve the scalability and performance of distributed replication systems that use a consensus to process clients' requests. We introduce an innovative and novel approach of distributing nodes between shards, using a public key generation process that simultaneously mitigates Sybil attack and serves as a proof-of-work mechanism. Our approach effectively reduces undesirable cross-shard transactions that are more complex and costly to process than intra-shard transactions. The proposed idea has been published as peer-reviewed conference proceedings in the IEEE BCCA 2023. We then explain why we do not make use of a blockchain structure in the proposed idea, an issue that is discussed in great detail in Chapter 5. This clarification has been published in the Journal of Software (JSW), Volume 16, Number 3, May 2021. And, in the final Chapter of this thesis, Chapter 6, we summarize the important points and conclusions of this research
Drid, Hamza. "Tolérance aux pannes dans les réseaux optiques de type WDM." Rennes 1, 2010.
Full textSurvivability in optical network is an important issue due to the huge bandwidth offered by optical technology. Survivability means that the network has the ability to maintain an acceptable service level even after an occurrence of failures within the network. In this thesis, we study the survivability in optical networks. Indeed, our work focuses on two main parts. The first part addresses the survivability in networks composed of one single domain. Firstly, we study and classify the various mechanisms of survivability proposed in the literature. Then we focus on p-cycles design. The major challenge of p-cycle design resides in finding an optimal set of p-cycles protecting the network for a given working capacity. In our thesis we propose a novel heuristic approach, which computes an efficient set of p-cycles protecting the network in one step. Our heuristic approach takes into consideration two main criteria: the redundancy and the number of p-cycles involved in the solution. The mechanisms studied in the first part are typically destined to single-domain protection, because they assume that each node in the network may have a complete vision of the physical topology of the network. Such an assumption is not realistic in the case of large networks, such as a multi-domain networks. Few works have focused on survivability in multi-domain optical networks. The second part of this thesis describes and evaluates existing solutions and compares their performances. We propose also a solution based on p-cycles and topology aggregation which overcomes the different problems of the existing solutions
Christian, Delbé. "Tolérance aux pannes pour objets actifs asynchrones : modèle, protocole et expérimentations." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2007.
Full textJafar, Samir. "Programmation des systèmes parallèles distribués : tolérance aux pannes, résilience et adaptabilité." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2006.
Full textDans ce travail, la représentation de l'état de l'exécution d'un programme parallèle est un graphe, dynamique, de flot de données construit à l'exécution. Cette description du parallélisme est indépendante du nombre de ressources et donc exploitée pour résoudre les problèmes liés à la dynamicité des plateformes considérées. La définition de formats portables pour la représentation des noeuds du graphe résout les problèmes d'hétérogénéité. La sauvegarde du graphe de flot de données d'une application durant son exécution sur une plateforme, constitue des points de reprise pour cette application. Par la suite, une reprise est possible sur un autre type ou nombre de processus. Deux méthodes de sauvegarde / reprise, avec une analyse formelle de leurs complexités, sont présentées : SEL (Systematic Event Logging) et TIC (Theft-Induced Checkpointing). Des mesures expérimentales d'un prototype sur des applications caractéristiques montrent que le surcoût à l'exécution peut être amorti, permettant d'envisager des exécutions tolérantes aux pannes qui passent à l'échelle.
Lahrach, Farid. "Tolérance aux pannes des circuits FPGAs à base de mémoire SRAM." Thesis, Troyes, 2016.
Full textNowadays, SRAM-based FPGAs are omnipresent for embedded electronic applications. Consequently, these circuits became the key player of the overall System-On-Chip (SoC) yield enhancement. However, faults are increasingly pronounced in these emergent technologies, from permanent faults arising from circuit processing at nanometer scales to transient soft errors arising from high-energy particle hits. So fault-tolerance of SRAM-based FPGA is an important system metric to ensure the dependability of embedded applications. The first part of this thesis exposes a comprehensive technique to cope with multiple faults in applications implemented in SRAM-based FPGA without incurring substantial area, power, or performance penalties. This approach has three main benefits compared to redundancy-based fault-tolerance: it’s very low overhead, the option for runtime management, and its complete flexibility. Run-time management can be a very valuable feature of a system, particularly for mission-critical applications. This fault-tolerance approach handles runtime problems on-line, minimizing the amount of system downtime and eliminating the need for outside intervention. The last part of this thesis is oriented toward configuration memory array of SRAM-based FPGA test and diagnostic. New fault models in configuration frames and March algorithms are proposed. These tests have the advantage to benefit from a fast implementation and achieving high fault coverage
Delbé, Christian. "Tolérance aux pannes pour objets actifs asynchrones : protocole, modèle et expérimentations." Nice, 2007.
Full textL'objectif premier de cette thèse est de proposer un protocole de tolérance aux pannes par recouvrement arrière pour le modèle à objets actifs asynchrones communicants ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes) et son implémentation en Java ProActive. Cette thèse généralise la problématique soulevée par le développement de ce protocole : nous étudions le recouvrement d'une application répartie depuis un état global non cohérent. Nous proposons donc dans un premier temps un protocole par points de reprise et son implémentation ne supposant pas que les états globaux soient cohérents. Nous montrons à travers des expérimentations réalistes utilisant des applications réparties communicantes que notre solution et son implémentation présentent de bonnes performances. Nous contribuons aussi de manière plus générale à l'étude du recouvrement depuis un état global non cohérent en définissant formellement une nouvelle condition de recouvrabilité, la P-cohérence, basée sur la notion de promesse d'évènement. Cette définition s'intègre dans un formalisme événementiel capable de prendre en compte la sémantique de n'importe quel système ; elle est donc applicable dans un cadre général. En particulier, en appliquant ce formalisme au modèle ASP, nous prouvons la correction de notre protocole en montrant que les états globaux formés durant l'exécution sont toujours recouvrables. Enfin, nous contribuons plus spécifiquement au domaine des grilles de calcul en proposant une extension de notre protocole et son implémentation adaptée à ce contexte. Cette extension se base sur la constitution automatique de groupes de recouvrement au déploiement de l'application. Elle permet une répartition indépendante des mémoires stables et un confinement des effets d'une panne au seul groupe concerné
Abdallah, Maha. "Gestion transactionnelle dictatoriale : de la haute performance à la tolérance aux pannes." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2001.
Full textBooks on the topic "Tolérance aux pannes byzantine"
1949-, Patton Ron, Clark Robert 1925-, and Frank Paul M, eds. Issues of fault diagnosis for dynamic systems. London: Springer, 2000.
Find full textFrank, Paul M., Robert N. Clark, and Ron J. Patton. Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems. Springer London, 2010.
Find full text(Editor), Ron J. Patton, Paul M. Frank (Editor), and Robert N. Clark (Editor), eds. Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems. Springer, 2000.
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