Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Togo'
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Kramer, Tina. "Geschichtskultur in Südost-Togo." Universität Leipzig, 2008. https://ul.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A33575.
Full textDugast, Stéphan. "Rites et organisation sociale : l'agglomération de Bassar, au Nord-Togo." Paris, EHESS, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993EHES0053.
Full textThe case of the agglomeration of bassar (northern togo) is food for thought concerning relations between two types of phenomena, having to do with the social or symbolic spheres. Opposed to the traditional analyses who reduce these relations to a mere legitimation of the social positions by the religious structures, the present analysis seeks to show how the symbolic sphere acts on the social relations through the medium of the constraints of thought. For this thesis, informations of a wide variety of sources are used : historical data, political system, rituals, etc
Johnson, Ampah Kodjo. "Le bassin côtier à phosphates du Togo : Maastrichtien - Eocène moyen." Dijon, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987DIJOS010.
Full textEtou, Semenya Amévi Dzidzogbé. "La pauvreté à Lomé (Togo), étude de son impact sur la pollution urbaine." Aix-Marseille 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX10056.
Full textPagniou, Tchah Bruschi Christian. "Le Togo sous le mandat et la tutelle de la France." Villeneuve d'Ascq : A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 2006. http://thesesbrain.univ-lyon3.fr/sdx/theses/lyon3/2005/pagniou_t.
Full textDjassoa, Gnansa. "Esquisse théorique des pratiques thérapeutiques chez les Nawdeba du nord Togo : contribution à l'étude psychologique de la médecine traditionnelle en Afrique noire." Rennes 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988REN20017.
Full textThe cosmos (including mankind) is represented (described) as a two-dimensional (physical and spiritual) dynamic reality. This representation is expressed, shown, in the social institution and practices. - the therapeutic practices, based on this representation fight against disease described as an external aggression coming from spiritual world, disorganizing ego taken as a bio- psychological whole. These therapeutic practices aim at reorganizing, recreating the whole of ego. - from that point of view, the nawda cure differs from the American and European curative procedures which have a dualistic way of looking at man and universe, and contend against disease described as a dichotomous reality : organic disease and mental disease. - the public health organization in Togo has to rehabilitate, to assume the local native traditional therapies and establish a collaboration between traditional native practitioners and the practitioners of introduced therapies, in order to improve the health of the population
Zougbédé, Jean. "La fonction thérapeutique d'un enfant ancêtre chez les Ewés du sud du Togo." Paris 8, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA082263.
Full textOur research project entitled "The therapeutic function of an ancestral Ewe child in southern Togo" was motivated by our participation in the therapeutic interventions of psychologists and mediators working at the Georges Devereux Centre. The Georges Devereux Centre facilitates the meeting of various world cultures within a geopolitical context. The research, as yet in early stages, has enabled those of us working at the Georges Devereux Centre to be the privileged witnesses of the practices surrounding and pertaining to the ancestral child born immigrant parents and considered as one of the more delicate questions as stake a rapidly developing modern society and the survival of the traditional society. The rupture resulting from emigration and the mobility of population in an increasingly unstable and conflicting world makes one wonder how the ancestral child can integrate the modern society without rejecting his ancestral origins. New techniques have been developed in ethnopsychiatry which explore the ancestral origins of the child, his heritage and the difficulties encountered. Research suggests that the ancestral child possesses an inherent therapeutic capacity which often reveals interior conflicts and problems within the community which in turn inspire a fundamental reflection on the remedies necessary if he is to be welcomed into a new evolutionary society. These new reflections are the result of an obligatory alliance pact and a symmetrical relationship with the therapist : a perpetual movement of negotiation, readjustments and rearrangement goes on between the therapist and the patient. This research, the subject of my thesis has slowly unfurled, allowing me to survey and question the position of the therapist in the Occident
Kpodzo, Yawo Cyprien. "Théologie pratique et communication : le paradigme de Radio Maria Togo : de l'expérience à une esquisse de praxéologie." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005STR20020.
Full textThe universal Church and several local ecclesial entities develop in a massive use of radio media for the achievement of their evangelisation mission. That dedication of entire radio stations, or even broadcasting network, to life and to the mission of the “Church” gives, progressively birth to the conception of a “Church of waves'. It occurs from that radio apostolate any kind of stakes and theological, ecclesiological, legal, pastoral, pedagogic and praxéological challenges. That phenomenon finds a live illustration in the event of the dynamic meeting between the local Church of Lomé (Togo) perceived in its first synodal walk on one hand, and the Association Radio Maria Togo, member of the World Family of Radio Maria on the other hand. A rediscovery of concept of pratical theology, of its problematic and its methodology, offers a propitious disciplinary framework to such a reflection. This study starts with the presentation of a lived experience at various levels, lights up in an hermeneutical approach, and ends up in an outline of praxeology
Segniagbeto, Hoinsoudé. "Herpétofaune du Togo : taxinomie, biogéographie." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MNHN0038.
Full textDuring the ten last years, research on the herpetofauna of Africa in general and of West Africa in particular increased significantly. However, very few work was devoted to Reptiles and Amphibians of Togo, but also to an analysis of taxinomic confusion of the various groups. In total, 157 species of Reptiles (including 124 based on specimens examined) and 60 species of Amphibians (including 44 based on specimens examined) were listed in Togo. We present in this work a synthesis of morphological characters of the species whose specimens were examined and the taxinomic remarks on the groups with unclear taxonomic statut that need to be revised. For that purpose, two groups were studied in great detail, one of Amphibians and the other of Reptiles, showing the concepts and basic methods of taxonomy based on morphology. The first relates to an analysis of morphologic and morphometric characters of the species of the genus Phrynobatrachus Günther, 1862 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) recorded in Togo. The genus Phrynobatrachus constitutes one of the Amphibians groups of Africa whose systematic present much difficulties and the revision of the whole species of this genus become necessary. The second analysis was devoted to the complex morphologically similar species Lamprophis fuliginosus (Drinks, 1827) and Lamprophis lineatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) (Reptilia, Ophidia, Lamprophiidae). The taxinomic analyses of these genera contribute in important manner to systematic of these groups and constitute one of the steps of research necessary for the clarification of taxinomic confusions of these groups. The first part of this thesis is devoted to an analysis of herpetofauna of Togo and presents composition, diversity, habitat and biogeography of this fauna. Togo is situated in Gulf of Guinea and its extension coincides with the corridor of Dahomey. The anthropic pressures on natural resources in Togo were currently noted. The impacts of the corridor of Dahomey and the current degradation of forest ecosystems on the distribution of the species were presented. Data on international trade of the herpetofauna of Togo are given and discussed. The urgency of the implementation of a management organization settling this trade was underlined. It is also advisable to specify that in this work, we evoked the current crisis of biodiversity and current handicap of taxonomy
Sitti, Elliot Anani-Elana. "La zone franche du Togo et les transports routiers Togo-Etats du Sahel enclavés." Toulouse 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993TOU10016.
Full textFree trade zone and export processing zone contribuate to the economic development of togo, and mali, niger, burkina-faso, sahel land-locked countries. The transport of the goods is achieved by road. The international development association - world bank -, the european development fund, the africa development bank participate to the financing of the building of togo-sahel road. How not to try to reconcile the different interests of this partnership ?
SIDZA, KWAMI SEETI. "L'islam au togo. Tolerance et cohabitation de l'islam avec les autres religions au togo." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987STR20007.
Full textTogo, like other west african countries, does not in fact escape from the advance of islam. In the first part of our thesis, we talk of the introduction of islam into togo by immigrant ethnic groups. This part of our work spells out the methods of expansion, adaptation and the strategy of infiltration of islam into the indigenous ethnic groups. It equally emphasesis the complex relationships of western colonial powers with islam throughout west africa. These relationships, contrary to what one might imagine ; have, to a great extent, encouraged its expansion and its evolution in this part of the black continent. In togo, after independance, islam adopted a method of organisation similar to that of christianism church, for one inherited the western structures dating back to the missionary era. We conclude this first part of our work by a discussion of the attitudes of the christian missions towards the traditional religions and islam. The second chapter throws light on the fundamental elements of traditional religions, the symbiosis resulting from its meeting with islam, and the reasons for this symbiosis. In the third and last chapter, we seek to inderlin the efforts made by both moslems and christians in order to facilitate a peaceful coexistance with one another. To conclude this thesis we appeal to christian churches in black africa to put an end to their internal rivalries. "it is time to put a stop, in togo as well as in the whole of africa, to denominational sermons". Churches must unite under the cross of the one and only lord and saviour jesus christ with a view to "evangelizing", not "christianizing". The churches must move from the stage of more verbal testimony to that of diaconal services. Finally we call upon christian churches ans moslem communities to continue the islamo-christian dialogue which is absolutely necessary in africa today for peace, justice and the well being of its peoples, men, women and children alike
Thiriat, Marie-Paule. "Transition de la nuptialité et mutations socio-économiques au Togo." Paris 10, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA100142.
Full textAmong all French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Togo stands out by a relatively high differential between fertility levels in urban and rural areas which has been documented since the 60s and can be explained by long-term nuptiality changes. During the 80s, age at first union has still increased as a result of schooling, urban way of living and or economic crisis. This lengthening of premarital period is linked with extension of premarital sexual experience while contraceptive use and age at first birth remained stable. Increased premarital fertility and changes in matrimonial behaviour attest a weakening of familial control on marital practices. There are a few indicators of an extension of western nuptiality patterns in urban areas. However, two factors are caracteristic of an obvious aspiration of women to reach autonomy and a weak cohesion of couples : a high proportion of spouses living in separate places of residence, as a practice favoured by polygamy, and an increasing marital instability
Lançon, Frederic. "Circuits commerciaux, marchés et politique d'approvisionnement des villes en Afrique de l'ouest : l'exemple des produits vivriers au Togo." Paris 10, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA100061.
Full textSince the beginning of the eigties, the falling down of the food resources is one of the major economic problems in West Africa. For supply side economists, governments' interventions had largely contribute to increase this deficit; for them, the reduction of the supply-demand gap could only rely on the market economy. The Togo’s case shows effectivly that, since the beginning of the century, a private trading system was able to feed urban areas. But the efficicy of this structure is limited. It's not able to manage completly the uncertainty which is inherent in any imperfect market system. So, the improvment of the market efficiency depends on the ablity of the state to rule the market economy of staple foodstuff. But, the improvment of market efficiency of the trading system and incentives in terms of prices may be not sufficient to encourage the transformation of the structure of production, since this rural society is still and mainly a subsistence oriented economy
Bayor, Baba Bodjoguetty. "Fiscalité et développement au Togo." Nice, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990NICE0001.
Full textKama, Manondoh Kokou. "La politique étrangère du Togo." Bordeaux 4, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BOR40017.
Full textA state's foreign policy as any other policy requires resources which differ from one time or place to another and on the international scene. In a small country like togo ,the lack of internal resources is a serious constraint which deeply affects its foreign policy. With such a handicap, togo has had to adopt a very particular diplomatic attitude. The main features of which are, on the one hand, a constant quest for peace, security and, above all, socio-economic growth and, on the other hand, overtures for help and assistance from the international community for all possible solutions to overcome these problems. Togo's foreign policy constitutes one of its most valuable resources as it is felt to be the only way that togo can make its voice heard and its presence felt on the international stage. By re-inforcing co-operation and getting closer to like -minded belief-systems in matters of human rights etc. The country hopes that international community will help it elaborate carefully prepared strategies to overcome its weakness which would be in conformity with international rules and requirements
Hamelin, Émilie. "L'enseignant, passeur culturel au Togo." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2014. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/7393/1/030768950.pdf.
Full textBorbon-Martinez, Olger. "Bioécologie d'un ravageur des baies de caféier, Hypothenemus hampei Ferr. (Coleoptera ; Scolytidae) et de ses parasitoides au Togo." Toulouse 3, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989TOU30179.
Full textAttiogbé, Michel. "L'originalité du dessin urbain de Lomé. Acteurs, Enjeux et Stratégies." Toulouse 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997TOU20054.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to show the dialogue that can prevail between social representatives and the urban soil in lome. The approach to urban planning oflome implies the analysis, the interpretation and the understanding of social and economic factors and conditions based on the occupation and the administration of the urban area within the framework of the initial and the developed physical environment. We therefore perceveive how the environment shows a situation laying emphasis on the economic and social trend and also underling a dynamic space by which the urban region can perhaps be a feature. We treat successively the geographic element, the socio-historic dimension, the composition and the dynamics of the urban population, not excluding the value of the soil and the landed property practices in order to account for the originality of the urban design of lome. We also hinge on an extensive field investigation thanks to series of inquiries based on the reality, on the practice and the experience of neighborhoods and the towns of heads of families of neighborhoods examined and, in addition, the professional executants of the landed property of the town. They reveal the attitude of interviewees in relation to their neighborhoodsand the town as well as their opinion on state's urban and property administration, which is the unique public property executant. Following the illustration of the results of our field investigation and the analysis of their implications, we put forward a number of suggestions useful for town planners
Kileou, Badayode. "Le processus de privatisation des entreprises publiques en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas du Togo." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010317.
Full textLike most developing countries, Togo, just after her independence in 1960, put into works an economic development strategie based on agricultural and mineral income. In the 1970s, the favorable evolution of world prices of her major export products, phosphate (price multiplied by 4 between 1974 and 1975), coffee and cocoa, greatly increased the budgetary income of the Togolese government. With this strong and unexpected increase of financial resources of the public sector, the Togolese authorities embarked on a development effort with a vaste expansion program of public investments augmenting the number of government-owned firms and para-statals, exclusively financed by foreign loans. In doing this, the state, without the participation of the private sector, played the major parts for it took not only the charge of the infrastructures but also that of the economy by establishing state and para-statal monopoly the administration of which turned out to be desastrous, selectif and sectorial policies far disconnected to macro-economic conditions. Rapidly, the period of economic well-beign came to an end in 1978 with the brutal fall in the world prices of raw materials. As from 1980, Togo has been experiencing grave economic and financial difficultues bringing her to change the life-style of the state, the number go government-owned firms, all these at the demand of (or in colaboration with) the international monetary fund (imf), guardian of international finance hence internal finance of each country, that does no tolerate financial misbehavior of state-owned firms. From then on, no one can deny this evidence : the privatization policy of state-owned firms is imposed on the Togolese authorities from outside the country. This explains the factofs and technical modalities retained for the privatization. Therefore, in general what to privatize ? How to privatize ? Here are the fondamental questions to which we have tried to respond much in strict judicial as in political terms by studying the Togolese case which is a common case in Africa
Awesso, Atiyihwe. "Fait coopératif, réactions paysannes et changement social au Togo : étude de cas dans la région de la Kara et analyse comparative." Paris, EHESS, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EHESA003.
Full textSylvanus, Nina. "Des fils enchevêtrés : Les commerçantes togolaises dans les réseaux mondiaux du textile." Paris, EHESS, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EHES0241.
Full textThis thesis seeks to analyse the changing nature of trade in Togo by addressing three variables : a trade network, a commodity and a group of female entrepreneurs. To address the economical and political deterioration of contemporary Togo - a period notably characterized by the reorganization of those three elements - it is necessary to consider the seemingly resulting "disorder" in terms of a set of entangled continuities and discontinuities. The dissertation seeks to provide a critical geography of the spatial connections at work, which women traders have established from the central market in Lomé on a local, regional and international level so as to move beyond the oscillations of the economic situation. By reassessing the formation and evolution of textiles networks, the supply chain, and female entrepreneurial culture, this study attempts to explore the global interconnectivity and processes through the lens of global filters. Rather than to consider the reorganization of the global economy and its consequences on Togolese trading spaces as resulting from the process of "late modernity", this thesis seeks to explore the multiples shifts that are at work in the process of recomposition
Spire, Amandine. "Les étrangers d'Afrique de l'Ouest à Lomé (Togo) : identification, (in)visibilité et citadinité. : réflexions au regard de la ville d'Accra (Ghana)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100112.
Full textThis thesis opens avenues of reflection on the interactions between cities and foreigners, in the West African context. It begins with a report: there are many international migrants in Lome and Accra who originate from within the ECOWAS zone of “free movement”, but they are not very visible in these cities – particularly since there are no ethnic enclaves. In spite of their lack of visibility, some West African foreign groups are paradoxically stigmatized by the host populations in times of crisis. The study of the urban societies of Lome and Accra questions the paradigm of assimilation of migrants into the city as conceived by the Chicago sociological tradition. By applying the theories of the School of Manchester and by deconstructing the model of the “rural exodus”, we shall propose a dialectical and multiscalar approach to the links between foreigners and cities. The city influences the identities of foreign migrants who, themselves, transform the spaces of the city and the “citadinité”, defined as the modes of life specific to a city (in terms of practices and representations). One of the main stakes of this thesis consists in underlining the complexity of the notion of foreigner in West African cities. The variety of international mobility, in terms of places and temporalities, has the result of mixing up the faces of foreigners in Lome and Accra. The foreigners do not belong to a single social group, any more than to a single territory. So, this research considers the visibility of foreigners’ identities in the city, both in the eyes of the city-dwellers and in those of the researcher. The foreigners’ identities to a city can be the object of a demand and a process of recognition which is conveyed by territorialities on the scale of a district, as is the case in zongos. But the marginality of certain foreign groups also contributes to the formation of foreigners’ territorialities, even if not easily visible. The presence of foreigners expresses itself not only in terms of identity, but also in terms of territory. The taking possession and the control of certain spaces by foreigners are at the heart of syncretic dynamics, characterized by the redefining of belonging to “somewhere else” in local interactions. In other words, the preservation of foreigners’ identities in the city is not based on the reproduction of identities which appear somewhere else or in other times, but seems to be the product of a differentiation and an identity creation in and of the city. It is from then on possible to exceed the territorial dimension of the changes in the city due to the presence of the foreigners: on the micro scale, places of sociability created by the foreigners entirely participate to invent the links which make the city in everyday life
Gaba, Ishola Dédé Louisette. "La réparation du préjudice causé à la victime d'une infraction pénale : étude de droit togolais." Poitiers, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002POIT3003.
Full textMadjri, E. F. Loïc Ohini. "La décentralisation au Togo : le droit et ses pratiques." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010279.
Full textAmouzou, Vinyi Ayawo. "Nouvelle approche de développement rural en Afrique noire : la gestion des terroirs par les communautés rurales au Togo." Paris 8, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA082704.
Full textSince the great drynesses which disrupted the traditional systems of production, the projects of rural development traditional showed their limits in sub-Saharan Africa. It was necessary to find other solutions, of which approach "management of the soil “ The approach management of the soil as proposed privileges the measurements, actions, initiatives, decided by the villagers with the councils of experts, in order to improve the agricultural potential and to diversify the activities. The decisions do not seek only an intensification of the production, but more especially the durability of the resources. It would help the local organizations to create a good base of conscience and initiative, thanks to which they will be able to really take part in planning and the implementation of the projects of local development. The actions to be carried out must take into account not only the agricultural activities, but also the nonagricultural activities whose importance in term of added value and employment is far from being negligible. All the actions must be integrated in a global solution of assumption of responsibility by the villager communities
Katou-Kouami, Ako. "Étude critique du droit togolais des conditions de travail." Bordeaux 4, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BOR40019.
Full textOur study demonstrates that conditions of work to the togo are bad. This situation explains first by a regular and legislative default. Then, one observes a reticence of some workers and especially of the majority of employers to apply collective and individual protection norm. Finally, one notes a political will absence in social matter. One observes it easily through the inexistence of social laws. To that are added the thim budget of functioning allocated to loaded institutions to control the application of measures destined for reduce professional risks, and the quasi permanent concern of public authorities to prevent union organizations to express on the question of work conditions
Guyot, David. "Destins metis au togo : contribution a une sociologie du metissage en afrique." Paris, EHESS, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997EHESA008.
Full textThe "metis" category and the togolese society are deeply linked, because of the "brazilian" past of lome, the capital of togo. Today, the togolese metis belongs to a social world including categories as changing as that of the latino-american "mestizo". For instance, the difference between the mestizo (considered hispanic because of his mixed ascendance) and the ladino (because of his hold on the spanish culture) should be brought close to the distinction between the "yovobevi" (a white man's child) and the "portugais" or "bresiliens" - coming down from black slaves back from brazil, and for a few of them, coming down from white portuguese or brazilian tradesmen - also called "metis". In a first chapter. I try to describe the historical context in which the category metis appeard in togo. This historical part allous me to answer the preliminary question how the metis identity has built itself in history as a social identity appreciated rather than denigrated : which is not obvious. My inquiries in lome, from october 1989 to december 1991, show that this permanent metissage comes from a new combination of races and sexes : first, white man/black woman, then, since 1960, black man/white woman. This historical change has completely modified the sociological profile of the togolese metis, and consequently, the common perceptions of his racial appearance. So, the social position of a metis depends on the sex of the white parent. But still more generally it's the colour of both parents which should be taken into consideration : metis, black or white. The results of a survey among 265 metis enables us to study the differents aspects of their social position : social origin, name, life-style, school-life, language skills, tastes. The study of a metis population gives us the opportunity to describe the relation between the "metis" category and the other categories which are at the roots of common sense in lome and togo in general : africain/european, country people/city people, people from the north/people from the south. This research should induce us into more theoretical study of the links between body characteristics and the social trajectories
Samlaba, Yaovi. "La mutation des systèmes productifs agricoles dans la région des plateaux au Togo." Montpellier 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992MON10032.
Full textSince colonial period, the plateaux region agriculture is developing the changes concerning crooping systems are the addition of rent croops to the traditional food croops in the exploitations and the expansion of the various croops. The passing from the lineage production unit to the one based on the conjugal family, the individualization and the privatization of land ownership, the resort to the foreign labour as well as several rural development organisms in the agricultural activity show that the managing systems are developing like those practised in developed contries. But, as the farming systems are not really changed, this agriculture stay extensive and not very productive
Aletcheredji, Tchibara. "L'enseignement technique et ses relations avec les milieux professionnels au Togo : formation et insertion professionnelle des élèves des lycées et collèges d'enseignement techniques." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994AIX10018.
Full textKoledzi, Komi Edem. "Valorisation des déchets solides urbains dans les quartiers de Lomé (Togo) : approche méthodologique pour une production durable de compost." Limoges, 2011. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/94ccd76c-1e63-4a7d-8512-0789b0d2fd61/blobholder:0/2011LIMO4002.pdf.
Full textThis research led to the establishment of the recovery of solid waste generated in the districts of Lome by composting ; the production of compost adapted to conditions in the city of Lome was evaluated from the production of waste in households up the agricultural use of produced compost. This study provides a guide for developing a sustainable production of compost in Lomé, it consists of five chapters : -study of the waste generation, - evaluation of primary collection, -optimization of composting parameters, -agricultural development and conceiving a sustainable composting process chain. Data obtained on the field for two years and two seasons (wet and dry), constitute not only the first database on the nature of the waste produced in Lome, but also a real tool for decision support for local deciders. Analysis of the pre-collection carried out by NGOs, identified the most relevant performance indicators. The composting process was optimized in terms of mass balance and quality of compost. Experiments in open fields with the produced compost were very interesting in terms of improved soil and crop. A platform model for informal sorting-composting plant (<5T/day), decentralized in the districts, was finally given on the basis of the obtained results
Blavet, Didier. "Hydro-pédologie d'un versant représentatif d'un paysage sur socle granito-gneissique d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Togo) : Relations avec le comportement d'une plante cultivée." Montpellier 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON20281.
Full textKakou, Courier Noël. "Conquêtes coloniales et intégration des peuples : cas des Kabiyè au Togo, 1898-1940 /." Paris : l'Harmattan, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41044503t.
Full textEn appendice, choix de documents. Bibliogr. p. 329-341. Notes bibliogr.
Tonyeme, Bilakani. "Autorité éducative et socialisation démocratique : repères pour la formation des enseignants au Togo." Rouen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ROUEL019.
Full textAmouzou, Essè. "Impacts socio-économiques et causes d'échec des projets de développement en milieu rural : étude de cas : le projet d'installation des jeunes agriculteurs au Togo." Paris 8, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA08A001.
Full textMaganawe, Yao Badjam. "Analyse psychosociologique de l'échec et de la déperdition scolaire au Togo." Bordeaux 2, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR21017.
Full textSchool-failure in Togo is a problem which concerns an educational system that is said to be democratic. In practice this is obvious since pupils repeat or give up school and it shows us many contradictions in the aims which have been fixed and in the means used to achieve them. Economic and sociocultural contradictions and contraints are according to us, the major factors for the failure phenomenon. The following analysis proposes on the one hand a detailed study of the different factors which are the results of an investigation and on the other hand is centered on the theme of the relations between the school, the family and school children
Abotchi, Tchégnon. "Dynamisme économique et évolution du milieu rural dans l'est de la région des plateaux au Togo." Bordeaux 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR30045.
Full textThe eastern part of the plateaux region of togo has been experiencing a remarkable economic dynamism for some decades. This economic dynamism is characterized by a vitality of agricultural and exchange activities. Based fondamentaly on the culture of cotton, it leads to a noticeable monetarization of the region and deep transformations of the rural environment at divers levels. This economic development, its factors and the changes involved are described, analysed and commented on
Akotia, Benjamin Kokou. "La Gestion des conflits chez les Akebu du Togo." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007STR20004.
Full textFor most of the theories, there is ethnicity when a group conserves its differenciation within another group, but with the Akebu, there is ethnicity because they have lost that differenciation. It is from the specific paradigm of care of the stranger that every society manages its anxieties and its system of self-conservation. The stranger with whom you are at peace has the matrimonial covenant as paradigm, whereas the stranger with whom you are in conflict has for paradigm witchcraft. Finally, the management of the conflicts consists of exorcizing the witchcraft paradigm. Human groups interaction was not our only interest, this work analysed in concert all akebu conflicts discourses and put into evidence, thanks to the two operators of containing and inclusing, borrowed from the Set Theory in Mathematics, a common structure of relationship articulation between a given group and its different surrounding groups : the other people, nature and the deadland
Heilbrunn, John R. "Authority, property, and politics in Benin and Togo." Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=741368551&sid=24&Fmt=2&clientId=1564&RQT=309&VName=PQD.
Full textKoffi, Kouami Sédo. "Aspects épidémiologiques du paludisme au Togo." Bordeaux 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989BOR25310.
Full textTopanou, Victor K. "Les modes populaires d'action internationale au Togo." Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA010269.
Full textOur thesis tries to prouve that aside the states (realistic school) and the actors revealed by the transnational school, there are also structured transnational forces whom actions affect states's sovereign attributes ; those structured forces are the popular mode of international action (p. M. I. A. : the notion is invented by professor francois constantin) and any states's actions on them involve immediately outcomes on external and internal policies ; the P. M. I. A. Are a synthesis of transnational school and methodologic individualism. Aside francois constantin's horizontal classification which makes out crisis transnationalities and historical transnationalities (of relationship, of proximity, of conscience), we suggest to add a vertical classification according to the actors involved; so we suggest to talk about mass transnationalities and elite transnationalities. To illustrate our thesis, we have chosen to study boude (crisis transnationalities), zongo (historical transnationalities of relationship), Kalabule (historical transnationalities of proximity) and Akofala group as historical transnationalities of conscience. Their organisational aspects allow us to assert that the p. M. I. A. Are really inserted in the international system while the actors involved allow to distinguish mass transnationalities from elite transnationalities and the study of the states's action on them allow to demonstrate the continuity existing between Togo's external and internal policies. At all, international relations theories should take benefit in taking care of popular mode of international action, for they will cease to exist if they are not prepared to do so
Amégée, Kojopatapa. "Le recours à l'avortement provoqué au Togo : mesure et facteurs du phénomène." Bordeaux 4, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999BOR40021.
Full textThis research in ends to define the importance of abortion in togo's methods of births' prevention. It has permitted to give a volume's measure of provoked abortions in that country. Valuing with accuracy this prevalence is a fastidious task, because of the subject's nature and in consideration of environment's specifics in which the phenomenon takes place. To succeed, and for the studies to be the most original as possible, we relied on three inquiries, including two which took place in three family planing centres, and the third one in a middle schoolgirl population. We have made the statement of family planing in togo and then studied the recourse of abortion. The context in which unfolds the phenomenon is distinguished by deep changes which shake the family and by evolution of family's structures towards several shapes of unpublished (new) organisations. Provoked abortion remains in togo a criminal act punished by the law of 1920 and by the one of may 16th 1984, relative to protection of girls and boys who are validly registered in school. Diffusion of contraception is done by two ways in togo, an informal one through the sale, on open markets and other places, of a large range of products supposed to be contraceptives and/or abortives, and a formal one owing to the distribution's modem circuit. Offer of planing is very insufficient compare to demand, especially for the one coming from young people. The most recommended methods and the most prescribed ones are injection, infra-uterine apparatus and norplant. Finally, we estimate, comparing all results, to one abortion in average per woman, the number of abortions submitted by women of 35 years old and more in togo. This number could increase to two if the contraceptive use don't get any better. We have also noticed an increase trend to abortion's recourse this last few years. However, we have to stress that the use of provoked abortion is huge for pregnant schoolgirls because of their fear to be compelled to leave school. This schoolgirls' frequency recourse can be considered as a maximum
Soussou, Tatongueba. "Dynamique forestière dans la plaine du Litimé sous pression anthropique au Togo." Aix-Marseille 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX30049.
Full textThe present study falls under the general dynamics of the tropical forests. It integrates the results of the space, phytoecological and socio-economic analyses of the forest regression of the plain of Litime. The space study based on the acquisition of the satellite images Spot made it possible to establish a diachronic cartography of the vegetation of the zone of study in order to appreciate the evolution of the changes of occupation of the ground which have occurred between 1986 and 2001 in this zone. In this study, "urbanized" spaces just as those assigned to the cultures move with the detriment of the covered surfaces. The analysis of the biological and phytogeographical spectra on the whole of Litime highlighted not only the Guinean character of the vegetation, but also showed the progression of the savannas taxa in particular in the mediums open under the human action. Lastly, the socio-economic study based on the ethnobotanic investigations highlighted the importance of the forest for the local populations through the socio-economic, cultural and ecological uses that it gets for these populations
Tsuneishi, Norihiko. "The work of vitalism : Murano Togo." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/59204.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 107-111).
Murano Togo (1891-1984) was a Japanese architect who based his practice in the city of Osaka. Throughout his long career, Murano won numerous awards, most notably the Order of Culture in 1967 presented by the Royal family. Despite his cultural contribution, his work was never considered within the Japanese architectural mainstream, in which technology and structure were embraced as design languages. Mainstream architects, including the modernist Tange Kenzo (1913-2005), worked mostly on public funded projects. Murano's buildings, often being ornate and commercially used, did not accord with this predominant current. Thus, he has been characterized as a "peripheral" figure or "late-expressionist" by various historians. While existing scholarship largely focuses on the stylistic and formal aspect of Murano's architecture, this thesis offers a different perspective to Murano's work. Reinterpretation of Murano's architecture is needed and this research posits "bio-anthropocentricism" as a new approach to examine his work. This thesis argues that this particular intellectual tendency, which derived from Vitalism, informed his architectural praxis that began in the late 1910s. Bio-anthropocentrism is the discourse that conceives a society as a constantly transforming site, and positions the human subject as a central entity, represented through biological descriptions, including "Life (seime)," corporeal matters and human bodies in particular. Deeming Vitalism as an epistemological current evident in various forms of art at the dawn of the twentieth century in Japan, this thesis situates Murano's work - both his writings and buildings - within this current. This research further demonstrates how Murano's bio-anthropocentricism gained a particular anthropomorphic aesthetic. By this, Murano aimed to create architectural surfaces that appear as if they were human skin (body), described by Murano as, "tactility." Consisting of curves and shades (colors), this anthropomorphic aesthetic was conceived by Murano to prolong "Life" of his architecture under the force of capitalism because in his mind the human subject cannot be consumed. It turned architecture into an "unquantifiable" object that thus cannot be commodified. This thesis argues that, amidst the commercially oriented culture of Osaka, Murano's growing concern gave him this particular architectural language. Through this exploration, I draw a different cultural and intellectual implication from Murano's works that ultimately recasts the history of the Japanese Modern Architecture.
by Norihiko Tsuneishi.
Folly, Ameganvi Marc. "La pêche dans la Bas-Togo." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040007.
Full textPolo, Nakpa. "Administration et sous-développement au Togo." Lille 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989LIL20005.
Full textWhen togo attained juridical independence, political and administrative institutions have followed the general tendency of african governments : prevalence of the president of the republic and concentration of the political power, centralization of political and administrative power, overlapping of the party structres and the administration structures. This confusion of structures supports the badadministrations and the underdevelopment. Indeed, centralized and excessive in towns, this administration is yet absent in the rural lands where it is more needed. So, unadapted and ineffective, the administration in togo is unable to satisfy the needs of the society. Moreover, by its bad running and its high cost, it prevents the develpment
GABA, ENYO AYITE. "Le togo apres l'independance (1960-1985)." Paris 11, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA111003.
Full textGARDINI, MARCO. "Land and conflicts in south Togo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/44889.
Full textMalm, William Obbey. "Analyse du système éducatif au Togo." Paris 8, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA080219.
Full textThis research has opted for an "approach of the crisis" based on the expectation of important imbalance in all aspects of humain live. Instead of on approach of "future without surprise" it's a critical approach one reckoning on the change of fondamental value systems as well as ecnomic, political and social strutures. This will involue heavy constraint on the future of education. Of course, it's not a question of forecasting only one possible evolution, but possible future, each of them, posing a problem for appropriate solutions one should already search for. 2- demographic constraints will differently count in developed and developing countries ( or areas ). White the demographic advance of the latter grows between 2,5% and 2,9% a year, that of the first ones will be between 0,4 and 0,9% and get down to a station- ary position. 3- amore constructive solution would cousist in soften- ing politico-administrative strutures and in giving a real chance of active and responsible participation in decision taking level to people concerned. According to the growing complexity of those situations, mastering and administrating matters of peripheral areas from only one decision centre have become almost impossible. This disagreg with people who thing that : "if mankind, or least a majority of countries get into an are of spread - (generalized) instability and insecurity - with seems to be the case - important (deep) changes in human relationships are to be provided when seeking greater stability, social systems would be liable to grow rigid. That would mean, for education, going back to more authoritative. . . .
Kossi, Ankou. "Association de ressortissants au Togo : enjeux de développement, enjeux socio-culturels et politiques : étude de cas dans le groupe ethnique Akposso." Paris, EHESS, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EHESA016.
Full textIn this thesis, we are propose a study of ethnic associations, especially those of village with an endo-ethnologie or anthropologist working in his own social background approach; that is to say a point of view of an actor, member of many akposso ethnic associations, and of a professional in development. A study of the dynamic of ethnic associations implies an historic approach of the social, economic, cultural and political organization of their own communities. The akposso form a people in middle western center in togo. Their societies are characterized with many small villages, any town, any central politic organization. Each village form a sociopolitical, autonomic and independent entity. Villagers and members of associations try to construct their villager identity. In togo, ethnic associations are used as political means to mobilize people in each ethnic or regional group. In 1996, 62 akposso ethnic association whose 48 were operator in lome. The importance of the last reflect the organization of the akposso country. We are attempted to show with kpete-bena case, how member card and brother of village, and how individual dynamic for example big man and collective dynamic are all important in associative logic. The creation of an ethnic association is not automatical nor definitive. In akposso ethnic association, it takes place in competition to get to local power and commandment. Associative activities in development, cultural and sociopolitical activities carry out inter-villager logic alliance and confrontation. Associations try to be come a sociopolitical force and so their villages gain new legitimacy
Pagnou, Dadama Sasso. "La gestion des finances publiques au Togo : un système à rénover." Lyon 3, 2010. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/in/theses/2010_in_pagnou_d.pdf.
Full textThe interpretation of different social and economic indicators suggests a failure of public policy. This failure and recent developments in international aid of development is necessary for a review of public expenditure management. This reflects the fact that public spending are the means by which public policies are implemented and that substantial public funds come from the aid. In this context, this study is directed towards finding measures to make fiscal management, therefore the implementation of public policies, a mean for development. To achieve this goal, the study is conducted on two principles universally known as those of a good system of public finance management: the principle of transparency and the principle of proper use of public funds. However, the transversal nature of public finances necessarily leads to deal with the management domain which implies the respect of these two principles. Thus, this study goes beyond real financial matters to deal with the operation of institutions and public administration, and ultimately proposes the modernization of the State of Togo