Academic literature on the topic 'Togo'
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Journal articles on the topic "Togo"
Human Rights Law in Africa, Editors. "TOGO." Human Rights Law in Africa Online 2, no. 1 (2004): 1620–31.
Full textHuman Rights Law in Africa, Editors. "TOGO." Human Rights Law in Africa Online 3, no. 1 (1998): 414–15.
Full textGores, Laura. "Togo." High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports 2024, no. 054 (December 2024): 1.
Full textFousséni, Folega. "Un système pilote de suivi régional de la biodiversité au Togo dénommé BioReMa-Togo (Système de suivi de la biodiversité region Maritime)." Revue Ecosystèmes et Paysages 4, no. 2 (December 30, 2024): 1–13.
Full textInternational Monetary Fund. "Togo: Statistical Annex." IMF Staff Country Reports 96, no. 12 (1996): 1.
Full textInternational Monetary Fund. "Togo: Selected Issues." IMF Staff Country Reports 98, no. 21 (1998): 1.
Full textInternational Monetary Fund. "Togo: Selected Issues." IMF Staff Country Reports 99, no. 54 (1999): 1.
Full textInternational Monetary Fund. "Togo: Statistical Appendix." IMF Staff Country Reports 07, no. 218 (2007): i.
Full textInternational Monetary Fund. "Togo: Selected Issues." IMF Staff Country Reports 09, no. 165 (2009): 1.
Full textAvornyo, Raphael Quarshie. "Deutschland und Togo." Verfassung in Recht und Übersee 26, no. 2 (1993): 219–20.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Togo"
Kramer, Tina. "Geschichtskultur in Südost-Togo." Universität Leipzig, 2008.
Full textDugast, Stéphan. "Rites et organisation sociale : l'agglomération de Bassar, au Nord-Togo." Paris, EHESS, 1993.
Full textThe case of the agglomeration of bassar (northern togo) is food for thought concerning relations between two types of phenomena, having to do with the social or symbolic spheres. Opposed to the traditional analyses who reduce these relations to a mere legitimation of the social positions by the religious structures, the present analysis seeks to show how the symbolic sphere acts on the social relations through the medium of the constraints of thought. For this thesis, informations of a wide variety of sources are used : historical data, political system, rituals, etc
Johnson, Ampah Kodjo. "Le bassin côtier à phosphates du Togo : Maastrichtien - Eocène moyen." Dijon, 1987.
Full textEtou, Semenya Amévi Dzidzogbé. "La pauvreté à Lomé (Togo), étude de son impact sur la pollution urbaine." Aix-Marseille 1, 2003.
Full textPagniou, Tchah Bruschi Christian. "Le Togo sous le mandat et la tutelle de la France." Villeneuve d'Ascq : A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 2006.
Full textDjassoa, Gnansa. "Esquisse théorique des pratiques thérapeutiques chez les Nawdeba du nord Togo : contribution à l'étude psychologique de la médecine traditionnelle en Afrique noire." Rennes 2, 1988.
Full textThe cosmos (including mankind) is represented (described) as a two-dimensional (physical and spiritual) dynamic reality. This representation is expressed, shown, in the social institution and practices. - the therapeutic practices, based on this representation fight against disease described as an external aggression coming from spiritual world, disorganizing ego taken as a bio- psychological whole. These therapeutic practices aim at reorganizing, recreating the whole of ego. - from that point of view, the nawda cure differs from the American and European curative procedures which have a dualistic way of looking at man and universe, and contend against disease described as a dichotomous reality : organic disease and mental disease. - the public health organization in Togo has to rehabilitate, to assume the local native traditional therapies and establish a collaboration between traditional native practitioners and the practitioners of introduced therapies, in order to improve the health of the population
Zougbédé, Jean. "La fonction thérapeutique d'un enfant ancêtre chez les Ewés du sud du Togo." Paris 8, 2003.
Full textOur research project entitled "The therapeutic function of an ancestral Ewe child in southern Togo" was motivated by our participation in the therapeutic interventions of psychologists and mediators working at the Georges Devereux Centre. The Georges Devereux Centre facilitates the meeting of various world cultures within a geopolitical context. The research, as yet in early stages, has enabled those of us working at the Georges Devereux Centre to be the privileged witnesses of the practices surrounding and pertaining to the ancestral child born immigrant parents and considered as one of the more delicate questions as stake a rapidly developing modern society and the survival of the traditional society. The rupture resulting from emigration and the mobility of population in an increasingly unstable and conflicting world makes one wonder how the ancestral child can integrate the modern society without rejecting his ancestral origins. New techniques have been developed in ethnopsychiatry which explore the ancestral origins of the child, his heritage and the difficulties encountered. Research suggests that the ancestral child possesses an inherent therapeutic capacity which often reveals interior conflicts and problems within the community which in turn inspire a fundamental reflection on the remedies necessary if he is to be welcomed into a new evolutionary society. These new reflections are the result of an obligatory alliance pact and a symmetrical relationship with the therapist : a perpetual movement of negotiation, readjustments and rearrangement goes on between the therapist and the patient. This research, the subject of my thesis has slowly unfurled, allowing me to survey and question the position of the therapist in the Occident
Kpodzo, Yawo Cyprien. "Théologie pratique et communication : le paradigme de Radio Maria Togo : de l'expérience à une esquisse de praxéologie." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005.
Full textThe universal Church and several local ecclesial entities develop in a massive use of radio media for the achievement of their evangelisation mission. That dedication of entire radio stations, or even broadcasting network, to life and to the mission of the “Church” gives, progressively birth to the conception of a “Church of waves'. It occurs from that radio apostolate any kind of stakes and theological, ecclesiological, legal, pastoral, pedagogic and praxéological challenges. That phenomenon finds a live illustration in the event of the dynamic meeting between the local Church of Lomé (Togo) perceived in its first synodal walk on one hand, and the Association Radio Maria Togo, member of the World Family of Radio Maria on the other hand. A rediscovery of concept of pratical theology, of its problematic and its methodology, offers a propitious disciplinary framework to such a reflection. This study starts with the presentation of a lived experience at various levels, lights up in an hermeneutical approach, and ends up in an outline of praxeology
Segniagbeto, Hoinsoudé. "Herpétofaune du Togo : taxinomie, biogéographie." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2009.
Full textDuring the ten last years, research on the herpetofauna of Africa in general and of West Africa in particular increased significantly. However, very few work was devoted to Reptiles and Amphibians of Togo, but also to an analysis of taxinomic confusion of the various groups. In total, 157 species of Reptiles (including 124 based on specimens examined) and 60 species of Amphibians (including 44 based on specimens examined) were listed in Togo. We present in this work a synthesis of morphological characters of the species whose specimens were examined and the taxinomic remarks on the groups with unclear taxonomic statut that need to be revised. For that purpose, two groups were studied in great detail, one of Amphibians and the other of Reptiles, showing the concepts and basic methods of taxonomy based on morphology. The first relates to an analysis of morphologic and morphometric characters of the species of the genus Phrynobatrachus Günther, 1862 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) recorded in Togo. The genus Phrynobatrachus constitutes one of the Amphibians groups of Africa whose systematic present much difficulties and the revision of the whole species of this genus become necessary. The second analysis was devoted to the complex morphologically similar species Lamprophis fuliginosus (Drinks, 1827) and Lamprophis lineatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854) (Reptilia, Ophidia, Lamprophiidae). The taxinomic analyses of these genera contribute in important manner to systematic of these groups and constitute one of the steps of research necessary for the clarification of taxinomic confusions of these groups. The first part of this thesis is devoted to an analysis of herpetofauna of Togo and presents composition, diversity, habitat and biogeography of this fauna. Togo is situated in Gulf of Guinea and its extension coincides with the corridor of Dahomey. The anthropic pressures on natural resources in Togo were currently noted. The impacts of the corridor of Dahomey and the current degradation of forest ecosystems on the distribution of the species were presented. Data on international trade of the herpetofauna of Togo are given and discussed. The urgency of the implementation of a management organization settling this trade was underlined. It is also advisable to specify that in this work, we evoked the current crisis of biodiversity and current handicap of taxonomy
Sitti, Elliot Anani-Elana. "La zone franche du Togo et les transports routiers Togo-Etats du Sahel enclavés." Toulouse 1, 1993.
Full textFree trade zone and export processing zone contribuate to the economic development of togo, and mali, niger, burkina-faso, sahel land-locked countries. The transport of the goods is achieved by road. The international development association - world bank -, the european development fund, the africa development bank participate to the financing of the building of togo-sahel road. How not to try to reconcile the different interests of this partnership ?
Books on the topic "Togo"
J, Blake Robert. Togo. New York: Philomel Books, 2002.
Find full textGreat Britain. Department of Trade and Industry., ed. Togo. [London]: Department of Trade & Industry, 1999.
Find full textDecalo, Samuel. Togo. Oxford, England: Clio Press, 1995.
Find full textMcCarthy, Maxine. Togo. Washington, DC: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, 1996.
Find full textWinslow, Zachery. Togo. New York: Chelsea House, 1988.
Find full textCyrot, Catherine. Togo, bibliographie. 2nd ed. Paris: IBISCUS, Système d'information sur les pays en développement, 1990.
Find full textSimard, François. Le Togo. Québec: Ministère des relations internationales, Direction Afrique et Moyen-Orient, 1987.
Find full textFrançois, Yvonne. Le Togo. Paris: Karthala, 1993.
Find full textPetsch, Kurt. Nachtjagdleitschiff Togo. Reutlingen: Preussischer Militär-Verlag, 1988.
Find full textMativat, Marie-Andrée. Togo: Roman. Montréal: Éditions P. Tisseyre, 1993.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Togo"
Kohnert, Dirk. "Togo." In Afrika Jahrbuch 1999, 171–76. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2000.
Full textKohnert, Dirk. "Togo." In Afrika Jahrbuch 2001, 167–72. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2002.
Full textMorrison, Donald George, Robert Cameron Mitchell, and John Naber Paden. "Togo." In Black Africa, 659–66. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.
Full textTaylor, Ann C. M. "Togo." In International Handbook of Universities, 878. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1993.
Full textEberhard, F. "Togo." In International Handbook of Universities, 1096. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.
Full textTurner, Barry. "Togo." In The Stateman’s Yearbook, 1213–16. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.
Full textTurner, Barry. "Togo." In The Statesman’s Yearbook, 1219–22. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2008.
Full textTurner, Barry. "Togo." In The Statesman’s Yearbook, 1210–13. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
Full textHeath-Brown, Nick. "Togo." In The Stateman’s Yearbook, 1187–90. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
Full textTurner, Barry. "Togo." In The Statesman’s Yearbook 2010, 1218–21. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Togo"
Lee, Seungju, Kyumin Cho, Eunji Kwon, Sejin Park, Seojeong Kim, and Seokhyeong Kang. "ViT- ToGo: Vision Transformer Accelerator with Grouped Token Pruning." In 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.
Full textNagai, Tomoko. "Togo murano - lost interiors." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Computer Animation Fesitval. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2009.
Full textSelfe, G. R. "The Pagala Zinc Prospect, Togo." In 7th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2001.
Full textDjadou, K. E., T. Guedehoussou, M. Fiawoo, and Y. D. Atakouma. "Prematurity causes the CHR Tsevie (Togo) in 2016." In 2017 International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference (IREHI). IEEE, 2017.
Full textDjadou, K. E., E. O. Takassi, J. K. Guedenon, and Y. D. Atakouma. "Severe malaria in children at Tsevie hospital (Togo)." In 2017 International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference (IREHI). IEEE, 2017.
Full textBoubakar, Zourkalaini, Nathan Williams, Belko Abdoul Aziz Diallo, and Yendoube Lare. "Geo-temporal analysis of electricity consumption growth in Togo." In 2022 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica. IEEE, 2022.
Full textTchewafei, Abide, SongLing YANG, Seybou SAKHO, and Agoura Badja TCHEWAFEI. "Relationship between Financial Institutions and Smallholder Farmers in Togo." In ICEBI 2020: 2020 The 4th International Conference on E-Business and Internet. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.
Full textHinson, Antoine Vikkey, Gbéhomilo Edhorh, Koffi Atsu Aziagbe, Badirou Aguemon, Fabien Gounongbe, Menonli Adjobimey, and Benjamin Fayomi. "573 Occupational respiratory disorders in a chemical’ industry in togo." In 32nd Triennial Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), Dublin, Ireland, 29th April to 4th May 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2018.
Full textKalnin, Daniel. "Comparative Analysis of Cocoa Beans from Different Climatic Regions in Togo." In 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), 2022.
Full textHaak, Daniel, Johan Gehlen, Stephan Jonas, and Thomas M. Deserno. "OC ToGo: bed site image integration into OpenClinica with mobile devices." In SPIE Medical Imaging, edited by Maria Y. Law and Tessa S. Cook. SPIE, 2014.
Full textReports on the topic "Togo"
RanaDiatta, Ampa Dogui, Laura Casu, Mariame Dramé, Irina Uzhova, Judith Kaboré, Fanta Touré, and Roosmarijn Verstraeten. Nutrition policy in Togo. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textWest Africa, Transform Nutrition. Togo: Availability of data on nutrition intervention coverage. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textAgouda, Affèyitom, and Kodjovi Orénykuwua Tawo. Revue Biennale du PDDAA, 2021 : Brève du Togo. AKADEMIYA2063, May 2024.
Full textLarsen, Niels, Frans Ørsted Andersen, and Esben Klange. Training of trainers in Togo: Forskningsrapport om implement og børnefondens camp i togo for lærere ved erhvervs- og tekniske skoler i Kara september 2017. Aarhus University Library, 2018.
Full textWest Africa, Transform Nutrition. Togo: Disponibilité des données de couverture des interventions sur la nutrition. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textWest Africa, Transform Nutrition. Togo: Disponibilité des données de couverture des interventions sur la nutrition. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textKang’oro, Dorothy, Fidele Ngerero, and Ignatius Odongo. Using Digital Technologies to Improve Tax Collection – the Case of Togo. Institute of Development Studies, October 2023.
Full textKang’oro, Dorothy, Fidele Ngerero, and Ignatius Odongo. Using Digital Technologies to Improve Tax Collection – the Case of Togo. Institute of Development Studies, March 2024.
Full textAiken, Emily, Suzanne Bellue, Joshua Blumenstock, Dean Karlan, and Christopher Udry. Estimating Impact with Surveys versus Digital Traces: Evidence from Randomized Cash Transfers in Togo. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2023.
Full textKang’oro, Dorothy, Fidele Ngerero, and Ignatius Odongo. Utiliser les technologies numériques pour améliorer le recouvrement des impôts – le cas du Togo. Institute of Development Studies, May 2024.
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