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Souza, Eliziane Mara de. "A taxa Tobin." Florianópolis, SC, 2007.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito.
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O objetivo principal desta dissertação é investigar a possibilidade da implementação da Taxa Tobin como um mecanismo de controle da especulação financeira internacional, bem como de mitigação da exclusão social relacionada ao processo de globalização. Para tanto, parte-se de um estudo teórico sobre as principais mudanças no Estado, processadas no contexto do neoliberalismo, conduzidas por um projeto político (globalização neoliberal), que ocasionaram o agravamento da exclusão social, além da intensificação da especulação financeira internacional, apontando-se a Taxa Tobin como uma medida auxiliar no combate à exclusão, bem como uma alternativa de controle da mobilidade dos fluxos de capitais especulativos, confirmando-se a hipótese de trabalho. Assim, concluiu-se que a tributação das transações financeiras mundiais, por meio da Taxa Tobin, consiste numa medida que poderia proporcionar o controle da especulação, além de gerar uma receita anual considerável, que poderia ser revertida em programas que favorecessem a inclusão de pessoas e países frágeis sócio-economicamente (campanhas de combate à exclusão, promovendo-se a saúde, o emprego, a educação etc., bem como em programas de reestruturação das economias periféricas). The main of this dissertation is to investigate the possibility of tobin tax implementation as an international finance control mechanism, as well as a tool for globalization related social exclusion mitigation. To reach this objective there is a theoretical study approach on the main changes in the State, occurred in the context of the neoliberalism, led by a political project, that caused the worsening of the social exclusion, besides the intensification of the international financial speculation. For such, it is pointed the tobin tax as an auxiliary measure in the combat to the exclusion, as well as an alternative for capitals mobility [flows] control, confirming the proposed hypothesis. So, it is ended that world financial transactions taxation, through the tobin tax, may consist in a measure that would be able to provide a speculation control, besides generating a considerable annual revenue, that could be reverted in programs to support the people's and fragile countries economically partners inclusion (combat campaigns to the exclusion, being promoted the health, the employment, the education etc.), as well as programs of outlying savings restructuring.
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Rabenau, Merten. "Studien zum Buch Tobit /." Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1994.

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Texte remanié de: Promotionsschrift--Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie--Marburg--Philipps-Universität, 1992.
Contient en annexe la trad. allemande du Livre de Tobie. Bibliogr. p. [201]-225. Index.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Hallermayer, Michaela. "Text und Überlieferung des Buches Tobit /." Berlin [u.a.] : de Gruyter, 2008.̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Jäger, Therese. "Utveckling av en produktionsprognosprocess för Tobii Technology." Thesis, KTH, Industriell produktion, 2010.

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I produktionen på Tobii Technologys strävan att nå sina interna mål med leveranssäkerhet och minimalt med bundet kapital i lager, har det visat sig nödvändigt att undersöka företagets produktionsprognoser. Syftet med ex-jobbet är därför att utreda hur väl produktionsprognoserna stämmer överens med den faktiska efterfrågan samt att fastställa hur Tobii bör arbeta i produktionsprognosprocessen för att säkerställa att komponentlagret baseras på bästa möjliga underlag. Som första steg genomfördes en nulägesanalys för att skapa en uppfattning av den nuvarande situationen och dess svårigheter. En kombination av en kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod bedömdes vara av störst intresse för att säkerställa att alla synpunkter beaktades i undersökningen, vilken baserades på personliga intervjuer med samtliga berörda chefer involverade i prognosarbetet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes inom de områden som hade relevanta bidrag till problemformuleringen; främst prognostisering och processhantering, och en iterering av metodstudier och förslag till lösning genomfördes. Undersökningsprocessen var en iterativ process där den erhållna teoretiska och företagsspecifika informationen reducerades med fokus på problemformuleringen och med hjälp av avgränsningarna. Dragna slutsatser genererade återkoppling som gjorde ytterligare datainsamling nödvändig. Undersökningen visar att den faktiska efterfrågan inom affärsområdet Analysis Solutions kan anses överensstämma väl med de prognostiserade behoven. Varken komponentbrist eller för stora lager borde således existera inom affärsområdet. Så är dock inte fallet. Såväl brist på komponenter som ett delvis överdimensionerat lager föreligger stundtals. Grunden till detta problem måste därför ligga på annat håll i produktionen. Granskningen av Assistive Technologys prognoser kan inte med säkerhet svara på huruvida eventuella komponentbrister kan härstamma från för låga prognoser. Detta beror på den historiskt sett undermåliga dokumenthanteringen. Det verkar dock som att prognoserna har varit för låga på vissa produkter. Det är därför viktigt att en fortsatt bevakning sker av dessa prognoser så att prognosens roll i problematiken kan uteslutas. För ett antal produkter kan det med stor säkerhet konstateras att prognoserna genomgående har legat för högt. Det har även gått att koppla lagerinköpen till dessa prognoser vilket betyder att ökade lagerkostnader inom detta affärsområde delvis kan härledas tillbaka till prognosfelen. Affärsområdet Future Markets har troligtvis något höga prognoser i jämförelse med efterfrågan. Komponentbrist borde därmed inte existera i produktionen vilket dock är fallet. Detta kan antingen bero på att samma komponenter till stor del ingår i produkter ur Assistive Technologys sortiment; om deras prognoser har legat för lågt kan de ha absorberat detta behov, eller så kan det bero på andra felkällor inom produktion. Det handlar dock inte om någon större kapitalbindning eftersom de höga prognoserna inte ger något större utslag då de avser så pass små kvantiteter. En prognosprocess med ansvarig processägare har utformats och införts. Ett flödesschema som tydliggör de ingående aktiviteterna, ansvarsområdena samt tidsramen, har upprättats. I denna process har informationsflödet och terminologin säkrats. Bland annat har ett nytt produktionsprognosdokument samt ett återkopplingsdokument, där mer detaljerad information kan återfinnas, skapats. Samtliga dokument återfinns i det dokumenthanteringssystem som har införts.
In the efforts of Tobii Technology’s production to achieve its internal goal of on time delivery and minimal net assets in stocks, it has proved necessary to examine the production prognosis. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to examine how well the production prognoses match the actual demand and to define the Tobii should work in the production prognosis process to ensure that the component layer is based on the best information available. As a first step a situation analysis was performed to create a perception of the current situation and its difficulties. A combination of quantitative and qualitative method was judged to be of greatest interest to ensure that all aspects were considered in the survey. The survey was based on personal interviews with all the managers involved in prognosis. A literature review was conducted in the areas that contained relevant contribution to the problem statement, mainly forecasting and process management, and iterations of method study and proposed solutions was implemented. The investigation process was an iterative process in which the obtained theoretical and company-specific information was reduced by focusing on the problem using the boundaries. Drawn conclusions generated feedback that made additional data collection necessary. The result shows that the actual demand within the Business Area Analysis Solutions can be considered to agree well with the projected needs. Neither component shortage nor a large stock should therefore exist in the business area. This is not the case. Lack of components as well as over-stocking sometimes exists. The basis of this problem must therefore lie elsewhere in production. The audit of the Assistive Technology forecasting cannot reliably answer whether any component failures may stem from the low projections as a result of substandard records management. However, it appears that the forecasts have been too low on some products. It is therefore important to continue monitoring the effectiveness of these forecasts so that the forecast's role in the problem can be ruled out. For a number of products it can with great certainty be claimed that the projections have consistently been too high. It also agreed that the stock purchases are linked to these projections, which means increased storage costs in this sector can be partly traced back to the forecast errors. The business area Futures Markets probably has a little high forecast in comparison with the demand. Component deficiency should therefore not exist in production but this is sometimes the case. This may be due to the fact that the same components are largely contained in the products from the Assistive Technology product range. If their forecasts have been too low they may have absorbed this need, but it may also be due to other sources of error in production. Since the quantities in this business unit are relatively small these prognosis errors will not lead to any significant amounts of capital being tied up. A prognosis process with a responsible process owner has been designed and introduced. A flow chart has been prepared which clarifies the operations, responsibilities and the time frame. In this process, the flow of information and terminology has been secured. Among other things, a new production prognosis document and a discussion paper, where additional information can be found, was created. All documents are contained in the document management system which has been introduced.
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Davenport, Kelly (Kelly Ann) 1971. "The Tobin Bridge : its history and politics." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.

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Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1999.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [42]-[43]).
The Tobin Bridge was a significant transportation improvement which gave automobile travelers from Chelsea and the North Shore unprecedented high-speed access to Boston. Through the first 50 years of the 20th century, Chelsea wanted a high-speed bridge but could not afford to build one, and also could not convince the state of Massachusetts or the city of Boston to finance a new bridge. In 1946, the state legislature created the Mystic River Bridge Authority, a public authority which built a high-level bridge by issuing bonds whose repayment was based upon expected toll revenues. The construction process was briefly delayed by protests from community members and their elected representatives, who objected to the residential displacements the bridge caused. The Mystic River Bridge opened in February, 1950, and was renamed the Maurice J. Tobin Bridge in 1967.
by Kelly Davenport.
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Stocco, Leandro. "Q de Tobin e fundamentos no Brasil." Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.

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O crescimento econômico brasileiro se manteve a baixos níveis nas duas últimas décadas quando comparado ao seu desempenho histórico e ao crescimento internacional. Um dos principais fatores responsáveis por esta situação é o pouco significativo nível de Q de Tobin da economia. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar se os fundamentos macroeconômicos explicam o comportamento do Q de Tobin, que estimula as decisões de Q de Tobin das empresas. Empiricamente, será utilizado um modelo de seleção automática: Autometrics.
Brazilian economic growth has been low for the last two decades, when compared to its historical performance and international growth. One of the main factors responsible for this situation is the small level of investment in the economy. This work aims to verify whether macroeconomic fundamentals can explain the behavior of Tobin\'s Q, which is supposed to be an indicator of investment decisions of the firms. Empirically, it will be employed an automatic selection model: Autometrics.
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Chen, Chunxia. "Semi-parametric estimation in Tobit regression models." Kansas State University, 2013.

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Master of Science
Department of Statistics
Weixing Song
In the classical Tobit regression model, the regression error term is often assumed to have a zero mean normal distribution with unknown variance, and the regression function is assumed to be linear. If the normality assumption is violated, then the commonly used maximum likelihood estimate becomes inconsistent. Moreover, the likelihood function will be very complicated if the regression function is nonlinear even the error density is normal, which makes the maximum likelihood estimation procedure hard to implement. In the full nonparametric setup when both the regression function and the distribution of the error term [epsilon] are unknown, some nonparametric estimators for the regression function has been proposed. Although the assumption of knowing the distribution is strict, it is a widely adopted assumption in Tobit regression literature, and is also confirmed by many empirical studies conducted in the econometric research. In fact, a majority of the relevant research assumes that [epsilon] possesses a normal distribution with mean 0 and unknown standard deviation. In this report, we will try to develop a semi-parametric estimation procedure for the regression function by assuming that the error term follows a distribution from a class of 0-mean symmetric location and scale family. A minimum distance estimation procedure for estimating the parameters in the regression function when it has a specified parametric form is also constructed. Compare with the existing semiparametric and nonparametric methods in the literature, our method would be more efficient in that more information, in particular the knowledge of the distribution of [epsilon], is used. Moreover, the computation is relative inexpensive. Given lots of application does assume that [epsilon] has normal or other known distribution, the current work no doubt provides some more practical tools for statistical inference in Tobit regression model.
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Licata, David. "Time-Varying Preferences, Risk Premia, and Tobin Constraints." Thesis, University of California, Irvine, 2015.

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The first chapter of my thesis explores monetary policy in a New Keynesian model with Markov-switching risk aversion. The second considers the implications for the macroeconomic and financial properties of an RBC model of the presence of habit formation. The third examines the result of adding the ``Tobin constraint" that shares equal the capital stock to a benchmark RBC mdoel. The underlying theme of these endeavors is rendering macroeconomic models more realistic via the introduction of time-varying preferences, non-linear modelling, and financial frictions.

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Rocha, Gustavo Henrique Mitraud Assis. "Modelos de regressão t-Tobit com erros nas covariáveis." Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2014.

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In this work, we develop a non-standard linear regression analysis by considering that the dependent variable is censored and also that some of the explanatory variables are measured with additive errors. In addition, our censored measurement error regression model is speci ed by assuming heavy-tailed distributions for the underlying probabilistic process. Speci cally, our analysis focuses on assuming a multivariate Student-t joint distribution for the error terms and the unobserved true covariates. In this sense, the proposed model will be robust enough to protect our inferences of atypical or in uential observations. For the model estimation, we consider the maximum likelihood methodology, in which we include the estimation of the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimators and we also develop an EM type algorithm to obtain the estimates, and also the Bayesian paradigm, in which we use a data augmentation approach and develop a MCMC algorithm to sample from the posterior distributions. The proposed methodology is exible enough to be adapted for heavy-tailed distributions coming from the class of scale mixture of the normal distribution. The performance of the newly developed methodology is evaluated throughout a Monte Carlo study as well as a case sudy analysis.
Neste trabalho é desenvolvida uma análise de regressão linear considerando que a variável dependente é censurada e também que algumas das variáveis explicativas são medidas com erros aditivos. Esse modelo de regressão censurado com erros de medidas é especificado assumindo distribuições com cauda pesada para o processo probabilístico. Especificamente, assume-se uma distribuição t-Student multivariada para modelar o comportamento conjunto dos erros e das verdadeiras covariáveis não observadas. Nesse sentido, o modelo será robusto o suficiente para proteger as inferências de observações atípicas e influentes. Para a estimação do modelo considera-se a metodologia de máxima verossimilhança, em que inclui-se a estimação da variância assintótica dos estimadores de máxima verossimilhança e também desenvolve-se um algoritmo do tipo EM para obter as estimativas, e também o paradigma bayesiano, onde considera-se o procedimento de aumento de dados e desenvolve-se um algoritmo MCMC para amostrar das distribuições a posteriori. A metodologia proposta flexível o bastante para ser adaptada para distribuições com caudas pesadas vindas da classe de misturas de escala da distribuição normal. A performance da nova metodologia desenvolvida é avaliada através de um estudo Monte Carlo e também de uma análise de um estudo de caso.
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Liu, Shan. "Model checking in Tobit regression model via nonparametric smoothing." Kansas State University, 2012.

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Master of Science
Department of Statistics
Weixing Song
A nonparametric lack-of-fit test is proposed to check the adequacy of the presumed parametric form for the regression function in Tobit regression models by applying Zheng's device with weighted residuals. It is shown that testing the null hypothesis for the standard Tobit regression models is equivalent to test a new null hypothesis of the classic regression models. An optimal weight function is identified to maximize the local power of the test. The test statistic proposed is shown to be asymptotically normal under null hypothesis, consistent against some fixed alternatives, and has nontrivial power for some local nonparametric power for some local nonparametric alternatives. The finite sample performance of the proposed test is assessed by Monte-Carlo simulations. An empirical study is conducted based on the data of University of Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the year 1975.
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Goins, Samantha. "Corporate governance and firm valuation in Brazil." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2018.

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Submitted by Samantha Goins ( on 2018-02-22T13:32:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Samantha Goins FGV Thesis.pdf: 686394 bytes, checksum: b49c6e62f9e0148e72636c40c16c0249 (MD5)
Rejected by Josineide da Silva Santos Locatelli (, reason: Dear Samantha, Please, see below the corrections you need to do in your thesis: Page 1: give spaces for FGV name goes to the next page; Page 2: Give 5 spaces before city and year; Page 3: Put the “Ficha Catalográfica” on the end the page; Page 4: Put the title in CAPITAL letters, withdraw the words: adviser and discussant in yellow; Page 5, 6 and 7: Put the titles in each page: “RESUMO”, “ABSTRACT” and “TABLE OF CONTENTS” Withdraw all the page numbers before the introduction, but they need to be considered. Justify your text, it is untidy on 2018-02-22T14:50:41Z (GMT)
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Rejected by Josineide da Silva Santos Locatelli (, reason: Dear Samantha, There are somethings to correct yet: Page 1: The city and year are missing on the end the page, Page 2: Withdraw the city and year of the start the of page, separate FGV name of your name, put the city and year on the end the page according the example; Page 3: Put the “Ficha Catalográfica” on the end the page; Page 7: Put the title “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on the middle of the page. Withdraw all the page numbers before the introduction, however, they must to be considered. Example: if there are 9 pages before, the introduction must to starts with the page 10 on 2018-02-23T13:32:34Z (GMT)
Submitted by Samantha Goins ( on 2018-02-23T14:32:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Samantha Goins FGV Thesis.pdf: 672050 bytes, checksum: 7eb015e0f412a310ccdadbcf30e9dc1b (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Josineide da Silva Santos Locatelli ( on 2018-02-23T15:10:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Samantha Goins FGV Thesis.pdf: 672050 bytes, checksum: 7eb015e0f412a310ccdadbcf30e9dc1b (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-23T15:49:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Samantha Goins FGV Thesis.pdf: 672050 bytes, checksum: 7eb015e0f412a310ccdadbcf30e9dc1b (MD5)
This paper investigates the relationship between the quality of a firm’s corporate governance and firm valuation, as measured by Tobin’s Q, for Brazilian firms listed on the BM&FBovespa from 2010 to 2014. A corporate governance index is constructed from a set of five sub-indices which were compiled from publicly available information. The indices have been used to determine how corporate governance practises have evolved over the period. The results of the study show a positive and significant relationship between firm value and greater overall corporate governance in Brazilian listed firms, as well as the component sub-indices.
Esta tese investiga a relação entre a qualidade da governança corporativa das empresas e o seu valor de mercado, como é medido pelo Q de Tobin, para empresas brasileiras listadas no BM&FBovespa entre 2010 e 2014. O índice de governança corporativa utilizado foi construído a partir de um conjunto de cinco sub-índices que foram compilados a partir de informação disponível publicamente. Estes índices foram utilizados com o intuito de determinar como as práticas de governança corporativa evoluíram durante o período em estudo. O resultado desta tese mostra uma relação positiva expressiva entre o valor de mercado das empresas e a manutenção de uma melhor governança corporativa nas empresas brasileiras listadas, assim como com os sub-índices referidos.
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Le, Bas Timothy P. "Processing techniques for TOBI side-scan sonar data." Thesis, University of Reading, 1996.

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Česnavičienė, Eglė. "UAB "Tobis" darbuotojų motyvavimo modeliai ir jų pasirinkimą įtakojantys veiksniai." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.

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Šiomis dienomis, kada konkurencija, tarp rinkoje egzistuojančių įmonių didelė ir negailestinga UAB „Tobis“ tampa labai svarbus klausimas, kaip rasti būdą norint išlaikyti ir pagerinti konkurencinį pranašumą prieš įmones, konkurentes. Dėl šios priežasties viena iš įmonės vadovo darbo užduoties dalių – pasiekti kad pavaldiniai tinkamai, laiku ir panaudodami visą savo potencialą atliktų jiems pavestas užduotis. Tai gali padėti pasiekti tik tinkamas vadovo požiūris į darbuotojų motyvaciją. Nors motyvacija, darbuotojo atžvilgiu kintantis procesas, tačiau tinkamai jį panaudojus galima priversti įmonės darbuotojus „tiksėti“. Būtent dėl šios priežasties gerokai į priekį pažengusiose įmonėse, darbuotojų motyvacijos klausimas, tampa pagrindinės įmonės strategijos dalimi. Suprantama tai, kad gerai motyvuotas darbuotojas - įmonės pagrindinis resursas ir kapitalas, nes gerai motyvuotoje darbuotojų komandoje, jie teikia vieni kitiems energijos siekti geresnių rodiklių. Todėl iškyla klausimas, kokie veiksniai įtakoja motyvavimo modelių pasirinkimą UAB „Tobis“? Pagrindinis tikslas, į kurį atsižvelgiama siekiant, kad darbuotojams parinkti motyvavimo modeliai duotų teigiamų rezultatų įmonės veiklos rodikliams – tai, kad stengiamasi atsižvelgti į kiekvieno UAB „Tobis“ dirbančiojo poreikius individualiai. Kiekvienas darbuotojas yra asmenybė, skirtingomis aplinkybėmis reaguojanti ir veikianti skirtingai. Todėl įmonės vadovas siekdamas tinkamai įvertinti darbuotojo poreikius, neturi galvoti, kad... [to full text]
Nowadays, there is a lot of severe competition among companies working in the market. In this case, a joint-stock company „Tobis“ has to deal with the ways of keeping and improving its advantage over its competitors in the same business area. Because of this competition, the leader of the company has to cope with a particular task, making sure that his/her employees will complete all the given tasks properly and on time. This could be obtained only by a positive attitude towards the employees’ motivation. Although motivation is changeable, it can be used to make employees go ahead. That is why, in some profitable companies, gaining employees' motivation is one of the most important parts of the company strategy. A highly motivated employee is a resource and a capital of a company, as a highly motivated team can achieve more results. Thus, while motivating employees, a leader has to think over the factors which influence the choice of motivation models. The major aim is trying to take into account each employee‘s needs individually. That has to be taken into consideration while applying motivation models to get positive results in the company‘s business. An employee is a personality who reacts and acts differently under different circumstances. Bearing in mind these reasons, the leader mustn‘t apply the same motivation model to all his/her workers. There are a lot of ways to make an employee work for a company in a favourable way. The ways are divided into the following two... [to full text]
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Aukrust, Avemo Jonas. "Data gathering and analysis in gaming using Tobii Eye Tracking." Thesis, KTH, Optimeringslära och systemteori, 2015.

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E-sports is growing and the price pools in e-sports tournaments are increasing, Valves video game DotA 2 is one of the bigger e-sports. As professional gamers train to increase their skill, new tools to help the training might become very important. Eye tracking can give an extra training dimension for the gamer. The aim of this master thesis is to develop a Visual Attention Index for DotA 2, that is, a number that reflects the player’s visual attention during a game. Interviews with gamers combined with data collection from gamers with eye trackers and statistical methods were used to find relevant metrics to use in the work. The results show that linear regression did not work very well on the data set, however, since there were a low number of test persons, further data collection and testing needs to be done before any statistically significant conclusions can be drawn. Support Vector Machines (SVM) was also used and turned out to be an effective way of separating better players from less good players. A new SVM method, based on linear programming, was also tested and found to be efficient and easy to apply on the given data set.
E-sport växer och med det växer prispengar i turneringar. Valves speltitel DotA 2 är en av de största e-sportstitlarna. När professionella spelare tränar för att bli allt duktigare så kan nya verktyg för att hjälpa träningen bli väldigt viktiga. Eye tracking (att mäta var spelaren tittar under spelets gång) kan ge en extra dimension i träningen för spelaren. målet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett ”Visual Attention Index” för DotA 2, det vill säga, ett index som reflekterar en spelares visuella uppmärksamhet under en match. Intervjuer med spelare kombinerat med datainsamling från spelare med eye trackers och statistiska metoder användes för att ta fram relevanta metriker att använda i arbetet. Resultaten visade att linjär regression inte lämpade sig att använda på det insamlade datat, men då antalet testpersoner var så lågt så måste mer data samlas ihop från fler personer för att kunna dra några statistisk signifikanta slutsatser. Support Vector Ma-chines (SVM) användes också, och visade sig vara en effektiv metod att separera bättre spelare från säamre. En ny SVM-metod, baserad på linjärprogrammering, testades också. Den visade sig vara både enkel och effektiv att tillämpa på det insamlade datat.
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Leiker, Antoinette. "A comparison study on the estimation in Tobit regression models." Kansas State University, 2012.

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Master of Science
Department of Statistics
Weixing Song
The goal of this report is to compare various estimation procedures on regression models in which the dependent variable has a restricted range. These models, called Tobit models, are seeing an increase in use among economists and market researchers, specifically. Only the standard Tobit regression model is discussed in the report. First we will examine the five estimation methods discussed in Amemiya (1984) for standard Tobit model. These methods include Probit maximum likelihood, least squares, Heckman’s two-step, Tobit maximum likelihood, and the EM algorithm. We will examine the algorithm utilized in each method’s estimation process. We will then conduct simulation studies using these estimation procedures. Twelve scenarios have been considered consisting of three different truncation threshold on the response variable, two distributions of covariates, and the error variance known and unknown. The results are reported and a discussion of the goodness of each method follows. The study shows that the best method for estimating Tobit regression models is indeed the Tobit maximum likelihood estimation. Heckman’s two-step method and the EM algorithm also estimate these models well when the truncation rate is low and the sample size is large. The simulation results show that the Least squares estimation procedure is far less efficient than other estimation procedures.
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Lowry, Orla Mary. "Belfast intonation : testing the ToBI framework of intonational analysis." Thesis, University of Ulster, 2001.

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Zhang, Yi. "Empirical minimum distance lack-of-fit tests for Tobit regression models." Kansas State University, 2011.

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Master of Science
Department of Statistics
Weixing Song
The purpose of this report is to propose and evaluate two lack-of-fit test procedures to check the adequacy of the regression functional forms in the standard Tobit regression models. It is shown that testing the null hypothesis for the standard Tobit regression models amounts testing a new equivalent null hypothesis of the classic regression models. Both procedures are constructed based on the empirical variants of a minimum distance, which measures the squared difference between a nonparametric estimator and a parametric estimator of the regression functions fitted under the null hypothesis for the new regression models. The asymptotic null distributions of the test statistics are investigated, as well as the power for some fixed alternatives and some local hypotheses. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the finite sample power performance and the robustness of the tests. Comparisons between these two test procedures are also made.
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Charland, Pierre. "Le roman de Tobit : filiation, fiction et vérité : une lecture théologique." Thèse, Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004.

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Granados, Pedro. "Pacto poético e Internet: el caso de Cristóbal "Tobi" Kanashiro." En Blanco y Negro, 2012.

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Pacto poético alude, obviamente, al concepto de “pacto autobiográfico” acuñado por Philippe Lejeune. Internet, al medio por el cual se ha difundido esta experiencia poético-autobiográfica centrada en poemas y entrevistas concedidos por un tal Cristóbal “Tobi” Kanashiro. Y, por último, propiamente el caso de este sujeto o agente inventado, entre alumnos y profesor, en el marco de un curso denominado “Literatura”, para la Facultad de Arte de la PUC del Perú (semestre académico I, marzo-julio, 2010). El presente ensayo, más que ahondar o debatir los problemas teóricos inherentes a la autobiografía -al que este tipo de experiencia invita, sobre todo, en cuanto aquello de la identidad real del autor-, trata más bien de establecer o poner en paralelo los requisitos del pacto autobiográfico con -y esta es la hipótesis que intentaremos demostrar- las exigencias propias, asimismo, a una recepción productiva o eficaz en el campo de la poesía. Relación entre productor y lector, esta última, a la que vamos denominando “acto poético”. Productores de Kanashiro que dialécticamente fuimos, además, lectores de primera mano. El presente trabajo, por lo tanto, utilizará como fuente fundamental de análisis los testimonios de los alumnos involucrados en dicha experiencia.
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Kasole, Ka-Mungu Benjamin. "Des ténèbres à la lumière : la guérison dans le livre de Tobit /." Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008.

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Ka-Mungu, Benjamin Kasole. "Des ténèbres à la lumière la guérison dans le livre de Tobit." Frankfurt, M. Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York, NY Oxford Wien Lang, 2006.

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Explicit parameterizations of labor supply are specified and estimated on a sample of single unattached individuals using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and a generalized Tobit maximum likelihood method which is consistent under the assumption that employed hours are exogenous. Results of these estimations are then used to compute triangle approximation and direct closed form solutions for labor market constraint compensation. Underemployment compensation estimates are generated and compared to actual and hypothetical payments which would accrue under the UI systems of representative states. Certain compensation results for overemployment are also offered. Where they are directly comparable, results from Tobit estimation of the basic labor supply relations are found to strictly dominate ordinary least squares (OLS) results in terms of efficiency. While the OLS and Tobit parameter estimates differ dramatically in most cases, the latter are consistent with the bulk of recent empirical labor supply research. A corollary purpose of estimating the several labor supply specifications is the search for an appropriate structure of preferences to be used in modeling the labor-leisure choice problem. Direct likelihood ratio tests yielded no best form, but suggested that more flexible parameterizations are to be desired. Results on compensation amounts tend to support accepted standards of UI benefit adequacy. For all levels of unemployment the direct compensation results suggested that "one-half gross wage replacement" would slightly overcompensate individuals from a utility based perspective.
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Brassett, James. "Cosmopolitan ethics in global finance? : a pragmatic approach to the Tobin Tax." Thesis, University of Warwick, 2006.

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The thesis provides a critical analysis of the problems and possibilities for developing cosmopolitan ethics in global finance. With reference to Ideas and debates within the campaign for a Tobin Tax, it is argued that cosmopolitanism is a promising, but limited, agenda for global reform. Extending principles of justice to support the re-distribution of wealth from financial markets towards an expanded program of global welfare provision is laudable. Likewise, the possibility of improving accountability mechanisms and fostering democratic inclusion in the global financial system should be supported. However, the thesis identifies and reflects upon some important ethical ambiguities relating to financial, institutional and democratic universalism. A requirement for capital account convertibility, a cash-based approach to global justice and proposals for state-centric world authority to administer the Tobin Tax infers that the proposal would entrench many of the logics its supporters might oppose. The thesis develops a pragmatic approach to these questions based on the philosophical pragmatism of Richard Rorty. A pragmatic approach acknowledges the historical and cultural contingency of cosmopolitanism, but questions how the ambiguities and tensions that pervade global ethics can be engaged. In this sense, and developing Rorty's concept of sentimental education, it is argued that the Tobin Tax campaign has generated a broad-based public conversation about global finance, increasing sensitivity to the suffering caused by global finance and the ways in which it might be changed. While such conversation may not solve all the dilemmas identified, it does allow for increased awareness of the ambiguity of ethics. The thesis points to a number of instances in the campaign where the constitutive ambiguities of the Tobin Tax have been questioned and alternative practices suggested. A pragmatic approach to the Tobin Tax campaign therefore situates cosmopolitan ideas in the extant dilemmas and indeterminacies of global ethics, looking to suggest alternatives where possible.
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HO, JESSICA, and GROHP LINNÉA. "Identifiering av kundupplevelser och behov på Tobii Pro med Service Design Thinking." Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.), 2016.

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Detta examensarbete ckService Design Thinking är ett framväxande användarcentrerat förhållningssätt som traditionellt används för att utveckla tjänster, men som även kan användas för andra syften. Syftet med detta arbete var att identifiera Tobii Pros akademiska kunders behov, upplevelser och trösklar genom att använda Service Design Thinking. Vidare var syftet även att utvärdera om förhållningssättet Service Design Thinking för den sortens utredningar var passande på högteknologiska produktföretag liksom Tobii Pro. Utredningarna utfördes genom att utforska sex övergripande metoder som ingår i förhållningssättet för Service Design Thinking: semi-strukturerade intervjuer, customer experience mapping, kontextuella intervjuer, co-creation genom en pilotstudie, workshop och fokusgrupp. Metoderna genomfördes, analyserades och evaluerades iterativt och parallellt. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet av metoderna på följande resultat: explicita behov, upplevelser och trösklar för att börja använda eye-tracking i sin forskning. De akademiska kundernas upplevelser, vilka indikerades vara mestadels positiva, visualiserades i form av customer experience maps. De upptäckta kundbehoven visade sig vara exempelvis att ta sig tid för att lära sig att använda utrustningen och behov av att diskutera med andra forskare innan implementering av eye-tracking i egen forskning. Trösklar för att börja använda eyetrackingutrustning visade sig vara problem relaterade till tid - vid planerandet av ny forskning, pengar - vid finansiering av nya studier och kunskap - att tillgodogöra sig den kunskap som krävs för att kunna tolka eye-trackingdata. Därefter diskuterades och föreslogs koncept för att lösa dessa frågor; exempelvis ett forskarforum för kunskapsutbyte, en instruktionsposter och korta instruktionsguider i videoformat. Slutsatsen av detta arbete indikerar att förhållningssättet Service Design Thinking är passande för att extrahera användarinsikter på högteknologiska företag liksom Tobii Pro. Samtliga utvärderade metoder indikerade på önskvärda resultat, även om mer forskning bör utföras för att säkerställa det. Slutligen rekommenderas Tobii Pro att implementera och fortsätta testa metoder från Service Design Thinking för att erhålla fler insikter om deras kunder som kan användas i alla delar av deras utvecklingsarbete.
This master thesis project tests a Service Design Thinking approach for learning more about Tobii Pro’s customers’ needs and experiences. Service Design Thinking is an emerging usercentered interdisciplinary approach that is traditionally used for service development, but can also be implemented for other purposes. This thesis is performed at Tobii Pro, a division of  TobiiAB, a company that develops and sells products within the field of eye-tracking. The aim of this thesis was to investigate which needs, experiences and thresholds Tobii Pro’s academic customers could be discovered by using a Service Design Thinking approach, and what could be done in order to meet them. Further, the aim was to evaluate if the tested Service Design approach is suitable for identifying the customer needs and experiences, and which methods are appropriate for this kind of investigation at high-technology companies such as Tobii Pro. The investigations were performed by designing a framework of six main methods included in Service Design Thinking approach: semi-structured interviews, customer experience mapping, contextual interviews, co-creation in a pilot study, workshop and focus group. The methods were executed, analysed and evaluated iteratively and parallelly. In summary, the methods implemented provided the desired outcome: needs, experiences and thresholds of the academic users.The experiences of the academic customers, which were indicated to be mostly positive, were visualized in customer experience maps. The needs that were discovered included acquisition of theoretical knowledge about eye-tracking, time to learn how to use the equipment and possibilities to talk to other researchers, before implementing eye-tracking in research. Thresholds for starting to use the eye-tracking equipment were amongst other discovered to be, issues related to time - when planning new research, money - application for funding, or knowledge - acquisition of technical knowledge for interpreting eye-tracking data. Solutions for solving these matters were discussed and an online forum for knowledge exchange, a quick start instructions poster and video tutorials were proposed. To conclude, the results of this thesis indicate that the Service Design Thinking approach is suitable in the purpose of gaining more insights about the users for high-technology product companies such as Tobii Pro. All of the methods tested indicated to provide desired results, even though more research needs to be conducted for evidencing. Finally, Tobii Pro was recommended to incorporate and further test methods from the Service Design Thinking approach to achieving more insights about their users.
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Saraiva, Paulo José. "Teorias Keynesianas sobre bancos e crédito: Tobin, Stiglitz e os pós-keynesianos." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2008.

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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os modelos da firma bancária e crédito a partir de uma visão keynesiana. Inicialmente são apresentadas as proposições teóricas de Keynes e as derivações dessa a partir dos velhos e novos keynesianos. Na 2 parte os modelos representativos da firma bancária dessas escolas são descritos através de Tobin e Stiglitz, sendo neste último caso introduzido o conceito de assimetria de informação. No 3 capítulo é desenvolvida a abordagem pós-keynesiana de endogeneidade da oferta de moeda, sendo apresentados os modelos horizontalista de Moore, bem como as críticas da visão estruturalista, além do modelo de estratégia bancária de Alves, Dymski e Paula, desenvolvido a partir da hipótese de fragilidade financeira de Minsky. No capítulo 4 efetua-se uma discussão, feita por autores pós-keynesianos, sobre a possibilidade de compatibilizar em alguma medida o modelo de Tobin e o modelo de racionamento de crédito com a concepção pós-keynesiana de banco e crédito.
The present work aims at analyzing the models of the banking firm and credit from a Keynesian approach. Initially the theoretical proposals of Keynes and the Old and New Keynesian view of banking and credit are presented. In chapter 2 the representative models of the banking firm of these schools are described through Tobin and Stiglitzs model. In chapter 3 is developed the Post-Keynesian approach of money endogeneity - Moores banking firm model and the criticism made by the Post-Keynesian structuralist view. We also consider other Post Keynesian banking firm model, such as Dymskis model and Alves, Dymski and Paula banking strategy model. In chapter 4 we discuss if compatible the Post Keynesian approach is compatible or not with the conventional Keynesian theory of banking. In chapter 4 we consider the hypothesis of financial fragility of Minsky.
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Barbosa, Rodrigo dos Santos. "Flexible information acquisition and optimal Tobin tax in tractable dynamic global games." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2016.

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Submitted by Rodrigo dos Santos Barbosa ( on 2016-06-13T19:54:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese.pdf: 895418 bytes, checksum: 64d50c7a9b78e9d3f89b6737e052eb58 (MD5)
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My dissertation focuses on dynamic aspects of coordination processes such as reversibility of early actions, option to delay decisions, and learning of the environment from the observation of other people’s actions. This study proposes the use of tractable dynamic global games where players privately and passively learn about their actions’ true payoffs and are able to adjust early investment decisions to the arrival of new information to investigate the consequences of the presence of liquidity shocks to the performance of a Tobin tax as a policy intended to foster coordination success (chapter 1), and the adequacy of the use of a Tobin tax in order to reduce an economy’s vulnerability to sudden stops (chapter 2). Then, it analyzes players’ incentive to acquire costly information in a sequential decision setting (chapter 3). In chapter 1, a continuum of foreign agents decide whether to enter or not in an investment project. A fraction λ of them are hit by liquidity restrictions in a second period and are forced to withdraw early investment or precluded from investing in the interim period, depending on the actions they chose in the first period. Players not affected by the liquidity shock are able to revise early decisions. Coordination success is increasing in the aggregate investment and decreasing in the aggregate volume of capital exit. Without liquidity shocks, aggregate investment is (in a pivotal contingency) invariant to frictions like a tax on short term capitals. In this case, a Tobin tax always increases success incidence. In the presence of liquidity shocks, this invariance result no longer holds in equilibrium. A Tobin tax becomes harmful to aggregate investment, which may reduces success incidence if the economy does not benefit enough from avoiding capital reversals. It is shown that the Tobin tax that maximizes the ex-ante probability of successfully coordinated investment is decreasing in the liquidity shock. Chapter 2 studies the effects of a Tobin tax in the same setting of the global game model proposed in chapter 1, with the exception that the liquidity shock is considered stochastic, i.e, there is also aggregate uncertainty about the extension of the liquidity restrictions. It identifies conditions under which, in the unique equilibrium of the model with low probability of liquidity shocks but large dry-ups, a Tobin tax is welfare improving, helping agents to coordinate on the good outcome. The model provides a rationale for a Tobin tax on economies that are prone to sudden stops. The optimal Tobin tax tends to be larger when capital reversals are more harmful and when the fraction of agents hit by liquidity shocks is smaller. Chapter 3 focuses on information acquisition in a sequential decision game with payoff complementar- ity and information externality. When information is cheap relatively to players’ incentive to coordinate actions, only the first player chooses to process information; the second player learns about the true payoff distribution from the observation of the first player’s decision and follows her action. Miscoordination requires that both players privately precess information, which tends to happen when it is expensive and the prior knowledge about the distribution of the payoffs has a large variance.
A presente tese concentra-se em aspectos dinâmicos de processos que envolvem coordenação entre agentes em ambientes com interação estratégica. Propomos utilizar os chamados global games para estudar a capacidade de uma Tobin tax elevar a probabilidade de sucesso em um ambiente em que investidores internacionais sujeitos a choques de liquidez precisam coordenar suas decisões de investimento (capítulo 1), e reduzir a vulnerabilidade de uma economia aberta a fluxos internacionais de capitais a sudden stops (capítulo 2). Também, investigamos o problema da aquisição de informação em jogos sequenciais com informação incompleta e complementaridade em ações (capítulo 3). No capítulo 1, agentes estrangeiros decidem se entram ou não em um projeto, cujo sucesso depende em parte da capacidade dos mesmos em coordenarem suas escolhas. Uma fração λ desses investidores é afetada por restrições de liquidez no segundo período do modelo e é forçada a se retirar do projeto ou impedida de entrar, dependendo de suas respectivas escolhas no primeiro período. Agentes não afetados pelo choque de liquidez possuem a opção de reavaliar decisões tomadas no primeiro estágio do jogo. É assumido que a probabilidade de sucesso do projeto de investimento é crescente no volume total de capital que a economia recebe, mas decrescente no volume de capitais que deixa a economia no segundo período. Na ausência de choques de liquidez (λ = 0), o volume de capital que é recebido em um estado pivotal para o sucesso do projeto de investimento independe da existência de um imposto sobre capitais de curto prazo. Como tal imposto sempre desestimula saídas de capitais, uma Tobin tax sempre favorece as chances de sucesso em uma economia em que λ = 0. Contudo, na presença de choques de liquidez, o volume total de investimento que a economia recebe torna-se decrescente em um imposto incidente sobre capitais de curto prazo. Neste caso, uma Tobin tax pode prejudicar as chances do processo de coordenação ser bem sucedido, caso o benefício de reduzir o volume de saída de capitais não seja suficientemente grande. O capítulo 2 estuda os efeitos de uma Tobin tax no mesmo cenário do capítulo 1, porém considera que a extensão da restrição de liquidez a que os agentes podem estar sujeitos é aleatória. Neste modelo, identificamos condições sob as quais uma Tobin tax reduz a probabilidade de se observar um sudden stop e eleva o bem estar no único equilíbrio de uma economia onde a probabilidade de ocorrência de um choque de liquidez é pequena, mas a magnitude de tal choque pode ser significativa. O capítulo final investiga o problema de aquisição de informação em um jogo sequencial com 2 agentes, externalidade informacional e complementaridade em ações. Demonstramos que, quando o custo de aquisição de informação é pequeno relativamente ao incentivo que os agentes possuem para coordenarem suas ações, apenas o primeiro jogador escolhe adquirir novas informações a respeito da distribuição dos payoffs, e o jogador 2 sempre segue a ação escolhida pelo jogador 1. Probabilidade positiva de se observar divergência em ações requer que ambos os jogadores processem informação privadamente, o que tende a ocorrer quando o custo de aquisição de informação é baixo e a distribuição a priori dos payoffs possui variância elevada.
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Agrest, Inna. "Skatt på finansiella transaktioner - En studie över hur Sverige kan komma att påverkas av skatt." Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2013.

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Idén att beskatta marknader har funnits i decennier och målen är desamma i dag som de var för 80 år sedan. Nämligen att:  Harmonisera existerande regleringar genom minska antalet nationella beskattningsmetoder,  Stabilisera marknader genom att minska volatiliten och  Få in intäkter Skatte intäkterna ska sedan användas till att finansiera något annat som man önskar att finansiera i samhället. Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur skatten kan komma att påverka Sverige och presenterar bland annat att skatten som elva länder i EU kommer att införa från och med januari 2014 kommer inte bara att påverka de elva länder, utan även övriga länder inom EU som också kommer att få ökade kostnader, trots att de inte tänker implementera skatten. För Sveriges del riskerar skatten att påverkar våra pensioner, hur vi investerar, var vi investerar med mera.
The idea of taxing markets have been around for decades and the goals today are the same as they were 80 years ago, to  Harmonize existing legislation by reducing the amount of different national taxation methods,  Stabilize markets thru decreased volatility  Collect tax revenue The tax revenue will later be used to finance something that the society wants to finance. This thesis examines the possible effects that the financial transaction tax might have on Sweden and will present the effects that the tax might have not only inside the 11 countries in the European Union that will implement the tax from January 2014 but also on those outside, who will face higher costs even though they are not planning on implementing the tax. Sweden faces a risk with decreased pension’s funds a change in how we invest and where we invest.
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Brandner, Alexandra. "Tobins q : eine theoretische und empirische Analyse unter dem besonderen Aspekt von Finanzierungsentscheidungen." Freiburg i. Br. Rombach, 2006.̲ar=1&doke̲xt=htm.

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Brandner, Alexandra. "Tobins q eine theoretische und empirische Analyse unter dem besonderen Aspekt von Finanzierungsentscheidungen." Freiburg i. Br. Rombach, 2005.

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Rapp, Kristin F. "Tobit a notated translation of the major Greek recensions and the Qumran texts /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2006.

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Pech, Lisa [Verfasser], Tobia [Gutachter] Lakes, and Bettina [Gutachter] Engels. "Armed Conflict and Urban Growth Patterns / Lisa Pech ; Gutachter: Tobia Lakes, Bettina Engels." Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2020.

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Oates, Rosamund Brigid Mary. "Tobie Matthew and the establishment of the Godly Commonwealth in England, 1560-1606." Thesis, University of York, 2003.

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Jégourel, Yves. "Les effets de la taxe Tobin sur le marché des changes : une évaluation." Bordeaux 4, 2000.

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Proposee pour la premiere fois en 1972 par james tobin, prix nobel d'economie neuf ans plus tard, la taxe tobin alimente, depuis, nombre de querelles entre economistes, associations et hommes politiques. Il fallait, pour sortir de cette controverse, evaluer non seulement la faisabilite de cette taxe mais aussi son incidence sur l'autonomie de la politique monetaire et sur la volatilite du marche des changes. Dans cette optique, apres avoir detaille les ambitions et les mecanismes d'une telle proposition, nous avons suggere que le risque d'evasion fiscale qu'elle ne manquerait pas de subir, n'a pas le caractere redhibitoire qu'on lui accorde traditionnellement. La question de sa faisabilite est, en effet, davantage politique que technique. Concernant l'efficacite stricto sensu de la taxe tobin, nous avons pu montrer qu'elle permettrait certes de decoupler les taux d'interet domestique et etranger dans un environnement de forte mobilite des capitaux mais que son impact ne devait pas etre surevalue. Elle ne semble notamment pas en mesure d'attenuer le phenomene de surreaction des monnaies lorsque son taux ne varie pas. Elle ne semble pas, de plus, en parfaite adequation avec les objectifs macro-economiques poursuivis actuellement par les autorites monetaires des pays industrialises. Son incidence sur la volatilite du marche des changes apparait, quant a elle, plus difficile a evaluer, compte tenu des hypotheses fortes caracterisant les modeles de determination des taux de change. Nous avons neanmoins pu mettre en evidence, grace a un modele de microstructure, que son taux devrait etre relativement faible (0. 1%) pour qu'elle ne reduise significativement la liquidite du marche des changes. Si la taxe tobin peut, sous certaines conditions augmenter la capacite des gouvernements a lutter contre les crises de change, des controles plus en amont sur les entrees de capitaux semblent mieux a meme de repondre aux dysfonctionnements actuels du systeme monetaire international. Le systeme chilien de l'encaje mis en place entre 1991 et 1998 est, a cet egard, riche d'enseignements.
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Dube, Rebecca. "Measuring technical efficiency in Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector: a two-stage DEA Tobit approach." Master's thesis, Faculty of Commerce, 2021.

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This paper measures and explains efficiency of firms in Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector. The paper uses a panel of 166 firms from 6 subsectors of the manufacturing sector in the financial year 2014. The Data envelopment analysis program is used to measure efficiency and identify its determinants. Exporting, labour quality, size and firm age were found to enhance productivity. Efficiency was found to significantly vary with location with firms in Bulawayo being more efficient. This paper found no evidence of a relationship between foreign ownership and manufacturing productivity in Zimbabwe. By identifying factors that affect efficiency as well as measuring their impact on manufacturing efficiency this paper answers the bigger policy question: how to reindustrialise Zimbabwe following two decades of economic recession. Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector exhibits strong backward and forward linkages with other sectors of the economy. These interlinkages make manufacturing sector productivity growth relevant to the resuscitation and growth of the economy.
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Wallin, Pontus. "Estimation of cross-border flow in electricity markets using a Markovian-Tobit approach." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik (EES), 2016.

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In an electricity price forecast model the influence from connected external electricity markets affects the supply. In order to predict electricity prices in a supply and demand model one can increase the accuracy by predicting the import or export from the connected markets if the connected market models are not price optimized towards each other. There is a limit for the maximum transfer capacity of electricity between the markets and the capacity is changing in time. This thesis investigates methods of predicting the influence from connected markets by using cross validation. A multiple linear regression model is compared with varieties of the Tobit model, a model that accounts for limited or censored variables. An extension is made using Markov regime shifting models in order to evaluate if this can capture more dynamics and increase the predictive power. The result shows that a special case of the Tobit model that accounts for a time varying limit increases the accuracy of the prediction compared to the other models. The Markov regime shifting models add a greater level of complexity to the prediction, but can increase the predictive power in some cases.
Elpriset kan estimeras i en modell som tar hänsyn till tillgång och efterfrågan på elmarknaden. I en sådan prognosmodell för elpriser på elmarknaden påverkar sammankopplade elmarknader tillgången på elektricitet i modellen. Om en angränsande marknad inte har prisoptimerats mot den gällande marknadsmodellen kan en prognos för import och export av el förbättra prisprognosen. ¨Överföringskapaciteten, den maximala mängden el som kan importeras eller exporteras mellan marknaderna är begränsad och kapaciteten skiftar i tiden. Detta arbete ¨ämnar att genom korsvalidering undersöka metoder för att estimera ett sådant begränsat flöde av elektricitet mellan två marknader. En multipel linjär regression är jämförd med varianter av Tobit modellen, en modell som hanterar avgränsat data. Denna modell är utökad med gömda Markovprocesser för att undersöka om detta kan minska felet i prediktionen. Resultatet visar att ett specialfall av Tobitmodellen som kan hantera en skiftande kapacitet i tiden minskar felet på prediktionen. Markov processerna ökar komplexiteten för prediktionen, men kan minska felet i prognosen i vissa fall.
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Verheij, Thomas Joel. "Responses of inflation and output to monetary shocks in a Baumol-Tobin model." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2012.

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Mestrado em Economia Monetária e Financeira
The question of how monetary policy a¤ects the main economic variables remains one of the most important questions of the economic literature. With this dissertation I will try to contribute to the literature to answer this question. I will create a general equilibrium model with market segmentation based on the model of Alvarez et al (2009). The agents of the model will make transactions between money and bonds every N periods. The money is needed to buy goods but does not receive interest. The novelty of my model is that production will be endogenous. I will introduce a shock to the nominal interest rate and obtain the responses of in ation and output. The main conclusions are twofold. In the rst place, I obtain that the shock to the nominal interest rate has real e¤ects because in ation responds sluggishly. In the second place, I obtain that the response of in ation changes signi cantly when production is endogenous instead of exogenous.
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Klasson, Sofia. "Utveckling av ögonstyrt kommunikationshjälpmedel för intensivvårdspatienter." Thesis, Linköpings Universitet, IDA, 2010.

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Thousands of people all over the world suffer from injuries that temporary affects their ability to speak or inother ways communicate. A very common procedure for persons that suffer from some kind of breathingproblem in the higher parts of the neck is called tracheotomy. This prevents the patient from speaking whenno air passes the vocal cords. There have been many studies done to understand how these patientsexperience this period. The results are consistent, the patients often feel fear, frustration and worries aboutthe future.Tobii Technology develops a technique called eyetracking wich enables persons to control a computer with theeyes. In this thesis eyetracking products for persons with permanent communication disabilities are used todevelop a communication aid for people with temporary communication disabilities. This is accomplishedthrough interviews, user interface development techniques and finally an evaluation of the product using afocus groupThousands of people all over the world suffer from injuries that temporary affects their ability to speak or inother ways communicate. A very common procedure for persons that suffer from some kind of breathingproblem in the higher parts of the neck is called tracheotomy. This prevents the patient from speaking whenno air passes the vocal cords. There have been many studies done to understand how these patientsexperience this period. The results are consistent, the patients often feel fear, frustration and worries aboutthe future.Tobii Technology develops a technique called eyetracking wich enables persons to control a computer with theeyes. In this thesis eyetracking products for persons with permanent communication disabilities are used todevelop a communication aid for people with temporary communication disabilities. This is accomplishedthrough interviews, user interface development techniques and finally an evaluation of the product using afocus group

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Sigmund, Mathias. "Entwicklung der Globalisierung die Weltbank und der Internationale Währungsfonds sowie die globale Finanzarchitektur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tobin Steuer /." [S.l. : s.n.], 2005.

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Krüger, Carsten [Verfasser], Tobia [Gutachter] Lakes, Daniel [Gutachter] Müller, and Rüdiger [Gutachter] Schaldach. "Uncertainties in land change modeling / Carsten Krüger. Gutachter: Tobia Lakes ; Daniel Müller ; Rüdiger Schaldach." Berlin : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2016.

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Esch, Tobit Raphael [Verfasser]. "Quantenchemische Untersuchungen von Photokatalysatoren auf der Basis binärer und ternärer Übergangsmetallverbindungen / Tobit Raphael Esch." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2016.

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Kam, Avrum Eric. "Three essays on endogenous time preference, monetary non-superneutrality and the Mundell-Tobin effect." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Ghosh, Rao Asha 1973. "Political rush hour on the Tobin Bridge : receivership and the redevelopment of Chelsea, Massachusetts." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.

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Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2002.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 113-118).
In September 1991, the Massachusetts State Legislature passed an Act that placed the city of Chelsea, Massachusetts under state receivership. Though the State justified receivership as a response to the City's bankruptcy, they acknowledged that the fiscal problems could not be solved without overcoming a corrupt local political structure. A staff of state-appointed receivers took control of the City for an ensuing five-year period with the charge of regaining fiscal solvency and writing a new city charter. During this time, the receivers initiated a consensus process with the residents to engage them in rewriting their city charter. The receivers were offering a unique opportunity for a state intervention to facilitate a local bottom up process to consider new possibilities for a local government structure. This held the potential to institutionalize greater public participation in local governance and redevelopment. However, I argue that the receivership primarily facilitated metropolitan planning agendas at the expense of public participation in local planning. Chelsea, less than two miles from both downtown Boston and the Logan International Airport, is geographically critical to metropolitan growth and transportation planning. In Chelsea, the tensions between local and metropolitan planning are critical. Given the City's value in the Boston metropolitan area, a significant portion of Chelsea's land is allocated to uses that serve metropolitan needs. The formulation of planning processes that allow the local community to reconcile their demands with the metropolitan authorities remains critical. In this thesis I explore the receivership and redevelopment of Chelsea, Massachusetts, during the early 1990's. I consider the similarities between the "reform" of Chelsea and the reforms advocated during the Progressive Era (1890-1920). I turn to the literature regarding the Progressive movement to understand the implications of the reform initiatives on planning outcomes. Though academic analyses of the Progressive movement do not offer insight into the planning outcomes of the Progressive Era reforms, an analysis of the reform of Chelsea lends insight into rethinking the Progressive Era. Throughout the chapters, I have placed photographs of Chelsea taken in spring 2002. The titles are not listed with the photographs to allow the reader to reflect freely upon the photographs in relation to the text. The themes and the intention of the photo essay are provided after the conclusion of the thesis.
by Asha Ghosh Rao.
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Herlitz, Mattias. "Analyzing the Tobii Real-world-mapping tool and improving its workflow using Random Forests." Thesis, KTH, Matematisk statistik, 2018.

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The Tobii Pro Glasses 2 are used to record gaze data that is used for market research or scientific experiments. To make extraction of relevant statistics more efficient, the gaze points in the recorded video are mapped to a static snapshot with areas of interests (AOIs). The most important statistics revolve around fixations. A fixation is when a person is keeping his or her vision still for a short period of time. The method most used today is to manually map the gaze points. However, a faster method is automated mapping using the Real World Mapping (RWM) tool. In order to examine the reliability of RWM, the fixations from different recordings and projects were analyzed using Decision Trees. Further, a Random Forest (RF) model was constructed in order to predict if a gaze point was correctly or incorrectly mapped. It was shown that fixation classification on data from RWM performed significantly worse than when the same fixation classification on manually mapped data was run. It was shown that RWM works better when head movement is low and AOIs are set appropriately. This can guide researchers in set- ting up experiments, although major improvements of RWM is needed. The RF classifier showed promising results on several test sets for mapped gaze points. It also showed promising results for gaze points that were not mapped and were close in time to being mapped. In conclusion, the RF should replace current methods of estimating the quality of RWM gaze points. Gaze points that are classified as badly mapped can be manually remapped. If RWM fails to map large segments of gaze points to a snapshot, visually classifying these to be remapped is the preferred method.
Tobii Pro Glasses 2 används för att spela in tittdata vid marknadsundersökningar och vetenskapliga experiment. Tittpunkterna mappas från den inspelade filmen till en bild med intresseareor (AOI). De flesta viktiga mätvärdena handlar om fixationer, som uppkommer när en person betraktar samma ställe under en kort period. Metoden som främst används idag är att mappa tittpunkter manuellt, men ett snabbare sätt är att genom automatisk mappning använda Real World Mapping-verktyget (RWM). RWM:s tillförlitlighet undersöktes genom att analysera fixationer från flera inspelningar med hjälp av beslutsträd. En metod för att klassificera gazepunkter som korrekt eller icke-korrekt mappade skapades med hjälp av Random Forests (RF). Resultaten visar att RWM inte är särskilt bra på att mappa fixationer, varken att finna dem eller mappa dem till korrekt AOI. Det visade sig att RWM fungerar bättre vid begränsade rörelser och då AOI:erna är korrekt utformade, vilket kan agera som riktlinjer för den som utför ett experiment. RWM borde dock förbättras. RF-klassificeringen gav bra resultat på flera test set där tittpunkterna är mappade på en bild av RWM, och på tittpunkter som inte var mappade av RWM men som var i avseende av tid nära tittpunkter som är mappade. Tittpunkter som är långt ifrån mappade tittpunkter hade dåliga testresultat. Slutsatsen var att relevanta tittpunkter borde klassificeras med RF för att mappa om felaktigt mappade tittpunkter. Om RWM inte mappar stora segment tittpunkter så borde visuell klassificering användas.
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Baconnet, de Saint-Aubert Hélène. "L'Histoire de Tobie et de Sara (Paul Claudel) : pour une dramaturgie de la gloire." Paris 4, 2002.

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Cette thèse (cinq parties, 1273 pp. ) propose une lecture de la dernière grande pièce de Claudel, L'Histoire de Tobie et de Sara (1938), à la lumière du concept de "gloire" - notion qui autorise en retour un parcours transversal des conceptions tant dramaturgiques, esthétiques, anthropologiques que théologiques de l'auteur. Ce drame transpose en structures dramatiques une théologie spirituelle de l'Histoire. Saturé de citations bibliques, il met en place un théâtre exégétique et une poétique analogique qui voient l'union accomplie du Verbe et du mot. Il édifie enfin une dramaturgie totale usant de tous les arts pour mettre en scène le totum simul de la gloire. Le corps glorieux, parfaite expression sensible de l'esprit, informe le traitement du corps ainsi que la conception du langage : il est l'attracteur secret de cette dramaturgie. Une étude des différentes mises en scène complète la réflexion en annexe.
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Nova, Tobia F. [Verfasser], and Andrea [Akademischer Betreuer] Cavalleri. "Nonequilibrium control of broken-symmetry phases in quantum materials / Tobia F. Nova ; Betreuer: Andrea Cavalleri." Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2020.

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Este trabalho apresenta os conceitos e a aplicação do método TODIM (Tomada de Decisão Interativa Multicritério) no apoio à tomada de decisões multicritério para classificação de projetos em Distribuidoras de Energia Elétrica no Brasil. O método foi aplicado em um caso numérico hipotético de uma carteira de 4 projetos, que foram avaliados um comitê fictício composto por 5 membros especialistas, sob a perspectiva de 7 critérios para 3 tipologias de empresas diferentes que possuem como objetivo estratégico a rentabilidade, qualidade ou o equilíbrio entre ambos. Além de contribuir com o estudo e aplicação do método TODIM como um modelo de suporte à tomada de decisão num contexto de seleção de priorização de carteira de projetos, este trabalho busca também apresentar a aplicação detalhada do método em si e a comparação com os resultados da aplicação do método AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) para o mesmo caso hipotético.
This paper introduces the concepts and application of the method TODIM (Interactive Multicriteria Decision Making) in supporting decision making for classification projects in Electricity Distributors in Brazil. The method was applied to a numerical hypothetical case of a portfolio of four projects, which were assessed by a committee composed of 5 experts, from the perspective of 7 criteria for 3 different types of companies that have strategic objective of profitability, quality or the balance between both. Besides contributing to the study and application of the TODIM method as a model to support decision making in the context of project portfolio selection and prioritization, this work also seeks to present the detailed application of the method itself and the comparison with the results of applying the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) for the same hypothetical case.
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Silva, Paulo Henrique Ferreira da. "Multivariate Copula-based SUR Tobit Models : a modified inference function for margins and interval estimation." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2015.

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Submitted by Daniele Amaral ( on 2016-09-14T18:49:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TesePHFS.pdf: 1284969 bytes, checksum: 4ebcbf7e8a84023d87dab3c54c19f103 (MD5)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this thesis, we extend the analysis of multivariate Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) Tobit models by modeling their nonlinear dependence structures through copulas. The capability in coupling together the diferent - and possibly non-normal - marginal distributions allows the exible modeling for the SUR Tobit models. In addition, the ability to capture the tail dependence of the SUR Tobit models where some data are censored (e.g., in econometric analysis, clinical essays, wide range of political and social phenomena, among others, data are commonly left-censored at zero point, or right-censored at a point d > 0) is another useful feature of copulas. Our study proposes a modified version of the (classical) Inference Function for Margins (IFM) method by Joe & Xu (1996), which we refer to as MIFM method, to obtain the (point) estimates of the marginal and copula association parameters. More specifically, we use a (frequentist) data augmentation technique at the second stage of the IFM method (the first stage of the MIFM method is equivalent to the first stage of the IFM method) to generate the censored observations and then estimate the copula parameter. This procedure (data augmentation and copula parameter estimation) is repeated until convergence. Such modification at the second stage of the usual method is justified in order to obtain continuous marginal distributions, which ensures the uniqueness of the resulting copula, as stated by Sklar (1959)'s theorem; and also to provide an unbiased estimate of the copula association parameter (the IFM method provides a biased estimate of the copula parameter in the presence of censored observations in the margins). Since the usual asymptotic approach, that is the computation of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the parameter estimates, is troublesome in this case, we also propose the use of resampling procedures (bootstrap methods, like standard normal and percentile by Efron & Tibshirani (1993), and basic bootstrap by Davison & Hinkley (1997)) to obtain con_dence intervals for the copula-based SUR Tobit model parameters.
Nesta tese de doutorado, consideramos os chamados modelos SUR (da expressão Seemingly Unrelated Regression) Tobit multivariados e estendemos a análise de tais modelos ao empregar funções de cópula para modelar estruturas com dependência não linear. As cópulas, dentre outras características, possuem a importante habilidade (vantagem) de capturar/modelar a dependência na(s) cauda(s) do modelo SUR Tobit em que alguns dados são censurados (por exemplo, em análise econométrica, ensaios clínicos e em ampla gama de fenômenos políticos e sociais, dentre outros, os dados são geralmente censurados à esquerda no ponto zero, ou à direita em um ponto d > 0 qualquer). Neste trabalho, propomos uma versão modificada do método clássico da Inferência para as Marginais (IFM, da expressão Inference Function for Margins), originalmente proposto por Joe & Xu (1996), a qual chamamos de MIFM, para estimação (pontual) dos parâmetros do modelo SUR Tobit multivariado baseado em cópula. Mais especificamente, empregamos uma técnica (frequentista) de ampliação de dados no segundo estágio do método IFM (o primeiro estágio do método MIFM é igual ao primeiro estágio do método IFM) para gerar as observações censuradas e, então, estimamos o parâmetro de dependência da cópula. Repetimos tal procedimento (ampliação de dados e estimação do parâmetro da cópula) até obter convergência. As razões para esta modificação no segundo estágio do método usual, são as seguintes: primeiro, construir/obter distribuições marginais contínuas, atendendo, então, ao teorema de unicidade da cópula resultante de Sklar (Sklar, 1959); e segundo, fornecer uma estimativa não viesada para o parâmetro da cópula (uma vez que o método IFM produz estimativas viesadas do parâmetro da cópula na presença de observações censuradas nas marginais). Tendo em vista a dificuldade adicional em calcular/obter a matriz de covariâncias assintótica das estimativas dos parâmetros, também propomos o uso de procedimentos de reamostragem (métodos bootstrap, tais como normal padrão e percentil, propostos por Efron & Tibshirani (1993), e básico, proposto por Davison & Hinkley (1997)) para a construção de intervalos de confiança para os parâmetros do modelo SUR Tobit baseado em cópula.
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Bolognesi, Caio Vinicius Mayoli. "O impacto de diferentes tipos de investidores em ações de empresas small caps no Brasil." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2018.

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Submitted by Caio Vinicius Mayoli Bolognesi ( on 2018-02-20T13:46:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bolognesi, C - O impacto de diferentes tipos de investidores_vfinal.pdf: 905987 bytes, checksum: 029664bc291989f71a5e58d57734662a (MD5)
Rejected by Thais Oliveira (, reason: Prezado Caio, boa tarde! Para que possamos aprovar sua Dissertação, é necessário que faça somente uma alteração: - Na página 4, a Data de Aprovação e Banca Examinadora devem se manter ao lado direito da página, abaixo do texto e do Campo de Conhecimento. No aguardo. Obrigada. on 2018-02-20T19:02:05Z (GMT)
Submitted by Caio Vinicius Mayoli Bolognesi ( on 2018-02-20T19:09:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bolognesi, C - O impacto de diferentes tipos de investidores_vfinal_.pdf: 909719 bytes, checksum: 1349f1f071349a8fba01951fbd00916d (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira ( on 2018-02-20T19:29:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Bolognesi, C - O impacto de diferentes tipos de investidores_vfinal_.pdf: 909719 bytes, checksum: 1349f1f071349a8fba01951fbd00916d (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-21T13:16:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bolognesi, C - O impacto de diferentes tipos de investidores_vfinal_.pdf: 909719 bytes, checksum: 1349f1f071349a8fba01951fbd00916d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-24
A governança corporativa e seus impactos em diferentes indicadores de performance é um tema amplamente discutido na literatura econômico-financeira. No entanto, mesmo com diversos estudos realizados na área, a relação direta entre uma governança corporativa adequada e desempenho superior ainda é dúbia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o impacto da presença de diferentes tipos de investidores em empresas small caps na Bolsa brasileira. Para isso, utiliza-se o Q de Tobin como indicador de performance financeira e variáveis que indicam a presença ou não de investidores financeiros e não financeiros nessas companhias durante o período selecionado. O trabalho realiza o teste para dois tipos de período: o primeiro considera a presença de investidores de uma determinada natureza em qualquer momento do período testado; e o segundo considera o período específico de presença desses investidores. Os resultados obtidos não são conclusivos para estabelecer uma relação direta nos casos testados, mesmo que tenham sido encontrados alguns resultados significativos para alguns tipos de investidores em testes específicos.
The relationship between corporate governance and a firm's performance has been a widely studied theme among scholars. However, despite all the drawn to this question, the connection of appropriate corporate governance and superior performance is still dubious. This work aims to analyze the impact of the presence of different corporate and financial investors in small caps companies in the Brazilian stock market. For this purpose, Tobin's Q was selected as the key indicator of financial performance to be tested with variables indicating the presence or not of such investors. Two different types of tests were performed for this work: the first considering the existence of this kind of investor at any given period during the analyzed time frame, and the second considering the presence or not of these investors only during the specific quarters. Results were not conclusive to establish a direct relationship between these factors, despite the fact that some tests showed significant results.
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Heuschele, Fabian. "Der Zusammenhang zwischen Managerial Shareholdings und Firmenwert in der Schweiz Eine empirische Untersuchung /." St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/04608188001.pdf.

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Lukic, Boris. "The Use of Operational and Financial Hedging and its Effects on Firm Value." St. Gallen, 2008.$FILE/02603801002.pdf.

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