Journal articles on the topic 'To 634'
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Eleftheriotis, Dimitris. "Greek Weird Wave: A Cinema of Biopolitics, Dimitris Papanikolaou (2021)." New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 20, no. 1 (March 1, 2022): 103–6.
Full textFinkelberg, Margalit. "Sophocles Tr 634-639 and Herodotus." Mnemosyne 48, no. 4 (1995): 146–52.
Full textFinkelberg, Margalit. "Sophocles Tr 634-639 and Herodotus." Mnemosyne 48, no. 4 (1995): 146–52.
Full textHaribhakti, Nirav, Kun Pan, Aakash Patel, Carlos Osorio, Ibrahim El Husseini, and Aesha Jobanputra. "634." Critical Care Medicine 48 (January 2020): 297.
Full textWilliams, D. S. Blaise. "634." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49, no. 5S (May 2017): 177.
Full textAinsworth, Barbara E. "634." Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 40, Supplement (May 2008): S28.
Full textKram, Bridgette, Shawn Kram, and Kelli Brooks. "634." Critical Care Medicine 42 (December 2014): A1512—A1513.
Full textStollings, Joanna, Elizabeth Huggins, Sarah Bloom, Todd Rice, James Jackson, and Carla Sevin. "634." Critical Care Medicine 43 (December 2015): 160.
Full textJin, H., and T. Brennan. "(634)." Journal of Pain 7, no. 4 (April 2006): S15.
Full textSpuz, C. "(634)." Journal of Pain 8, no. 4 (April 2007): S9.
Full textMcCarthy, Shannon, Laveta Stewart, Faraz Shaikh, Leigh Carson, Teresa Merritt, Timothy Whitman, Joseph Petfield, Clinton Murray, David Tribble, and Dana Blyth. "634." Critical Care Medicine 47 (January 2019): 297.
Full textGalante, D., and D. Pedrotti. "ABSTRACT 634." Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 15 (May 2014): 143.
Full textBartels, Richard H., and John J. Jezioranski. "Algorithm 634." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 11, no. 3 (September 1985): 218–28.
Full textDetti, L., F. D. Yelian, E. E. Puscheck, T. Paine, K. Ginsburg, and M. P. Diamond. "P-634." Fertility and Sterility 86, no. 3 (September 2006): S368.
Full textKenicer, Gregory, and Sylvia Norton. "634. LATHYRUS VESTITUS." Curtis's Botanical Magazine 25, no. 4 (November 2008): 333–41.
Full textHopper, Kenneth D., David B. Haseman, Richard P. Moser, Donald E. Sweet, and John E. Madewell. "Case report 634." Skeletal Radiology 19, no. 7 (October 1990): 535–37.
Full textGonzález, Luis Armando. "Memoria de mis putas tristes (El último libro de Gabriel García Márquez)." Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, no. 101 (July 1, 2004): 632–34.
Full textEditor, El. "Dolarización: crónica de una medida dictatorial anunciada." Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, no. 78 (December 26, 2000): 631–34.
Full textSoriano, Héctor Salvador. "Tercer trimestre de 1999. Segunda parte." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 739–46.
Full textMagaña, Álvaro. "La política económica de la década de los noventa." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 671–85.
Full textIbisate, F. Javier. "Génova G-7." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 715–23.
Full textSalazar Candell, Roberto. "El dólar el fin del colón ... ¿y del país?" ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 686–98.
Full textEditor, El. "Crisis en el sector vivienda." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 595–99.
Full textIbisate, F. Javier. "El ALCA." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 699–714.
Full textEditor, El. "Julio-Agosto." ECA: Estudios Centroamericanos 56, no. 633-634 (August 31, 2001): 725–38.
Full text. "634 Nivel: Slank Kwaliteitssystemen Af." Zorg en Financiering 6, no. 5 (May 2007): 76.
Full textHumphreys, R. Stephen, Moshe Gil, and Ethel Broido. "A History of Palestine, 634-1099." American Historical Review 98, no. 4 (October 1993): 1301.
Full textMouton, Jean-Michel, and Moshe Gil. "A History of Palestine, 634-1099." Studia Islamica, no. 87 (1998): 159.
Full textTelatar, Milhan, Patric K. Concannon, and Richard A. Gatti. "Genetic testing for ataxia-telangiectasia. • 634." Pediatric Research 41 (April 1997): 108.
Full textSutter, C., C. Lemaire, and T. David. "634 Tuberculose disséminée et granulome choroïdien." Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 31 (April 2008): 193.
Full text. "634 Rapport Jeugdcommissaris:Wachttijden Jeugdzorg Moeten Korter." Zorg en Financiering 4, no. 4 (April 2005): 108.
Full textCohen, Mark R., and Moshe Gil. "A History of Palestine, 634-1099." Jewish Quarterly Review 86, no. 1/2 (July 1995): 190.
Full textBen-Artzi, Yosi. "Mapping the yishuv demographically, 634–1881." Jewish History 2, no. 2 (September 1987): 51–60.
Full textLin, Xiushan, Changli Wang, Mingyao Qiu, Mingxia Lin, and Haiqin Wu. "Long-chain non-coding RNA LINC00473 antagonist with liposomal nanoparticles as carrier targets for Keap1/Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway to promote lung cancer cell apoptosis." Materials Express 12, no. 7 (July 1, 2022): 988–96.
Full textRuiz, Agustín, Guillermo Antiñolo, Irene Marcos, and Salud Borrego. "Novel Technique for Scanning of Codon 634 of the RET Protooncogene with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Real-Time PCR in Patients with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma." Clinical Chemistry 47, no. 11 (November 1, 2001): 1939–44.
Full textLindsay, Ronald L., Terry Tomazic, Melvin D. Levine, and Pasquale J. Accardo. "STRUCTURED MATHEMATICS INTERVIEW: 1. NORMATIVE DATA 634." Pediatric Research 39 (April 1996): 108.
Full textSCHNEIDER, MARY ELLEN. "Budget Tags $634 Billion for Health Reform." Skin & Allergy News 40, no. 4 (April 2009): 56.
Full textTiller, Robert W. "P3-634: FORGOTTEN FACES: FAMILY CAREGIVER VOICES." Alzheimer's & Dementia 14, no. 7S_Part_26 (July 1, 2006): P1375—P1377.
Full textSHOJI, Keitaro, Kazuhiko ADACHI, Youhei AZUMA, Atushi FUJITA, and Eiji KOHMURA. "634 Cerebellum retraction simulation for neurosurgery support." Proceedings of the Dynamics & Design Conference 2010 (2010): _634–1_—_634–6_.
Full textMarty, M., J. M. Extra, C. Cuvier, and M. Espie. "634 Taxotere: From preclinical to clinical pharmacology." European Journal of Cancer 31 (November 1995): S133.
Full textTomko, D., and L. Neslušan. "Meteoroid-stream complex originating from comet 2P/Encke." Astronomy & Astrophysics 623 (February 25, 2019): A13.
Full textBiggins, Felicity. "Not Exactly Lying: Fake News and Fake Journalism in American History, Andie Tucher (2022)." Australian Journalism Review 44, no. 2 (November 1, 2022): 263–64.
Full textVasconcelos, Vivian Castro Antunes, Gustavo Jacob Lourenço, Angelo Borsarelli Carvalho Brito, Victor Leal Vasconcelos, Marcos Vinicius Calfat Maldaun, Helder Tedeschi, Suely Kaue Nagashi Marie, Sueli Mieko Oba Shinjo, and Carmen Silvia Passos Lima. "Associations of VEGFA and KDR single-nucleotide polymorphisms and increased risk and aggressiveness of high-grade gliomas." Tumor Biology 41, no. 9 (September 2019): 101042831987209.
Full textFidaleo, Francesco. "Corrigendum to “Harmonic analysis on perturbed Cayley Trees” [J. Funct. Anal. 261 (3) (2011) 604–634]." Journal of Functional Analysis 262, no. 10 (May 2012): 4634–37.
Full textSchubert, András. "Almát a körtével? Tudománymetriai összehasonlítások szakterületek között." Orvosi Hetilap 157, no. 16 (April 2016): 631–34.
Full textChen, Xiao-Ping. "Hepatectomy for huge hepatocellular carcinoma in 634 cases." World Journal of Gastroenterology 12, no. 29 (2006): 4652.
Full textStillman, Norman A., and Moshe Gil. "Palestine during the First Muslim Period (634-1099)." Journal of the American Oriental Society 109, no. 1 (January 1989): 138.
Full textAhmed, Lama Faik. "حكم امارة بني قرمان ( 634- 677هـ/ 1236- 1278م)." Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities 29, no. 5 (May 30, 2022): 231–41.
Full textİnce, Dilek, Bengü Demirağ, Eda Ataseven, Yeşim Oymak, Hale Tuhan, Osman Zeki Karakuş, Filiz Hazan, et al. "Child with ret proto-oncogene codon 634 mutation." Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 59, no. 5 (2017): 590.
Full textBurleson, G. R., J. A. Faucett, C. A. Fontenla, R. W. Garnett, M. W. Rawool, W. R. Ditzler, D. Hill, et al. "Measurement ofCLLandCSLinnpelastic scattering at 484 and 634 MeV." Physical Review Letters 59, no. 15 (October 12, 1987): 1645–48.
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