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Griffin, Abbie J. Measuring product development time to improve the development process. Cambridge, Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1993.

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Griffin, Abbie. Measuring product development time to improve the development process. Cambridge, Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1993.

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Jiang, Jingyue. Development of real-time process control systems using formal techniques. Birmingham: Aston University. Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 1995.

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Douglass, Bruce Powel. Real-time agility: The harmony/embedded process for real-time and embedded systems development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley, 2009.

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Bennett, Gerard. Managing the process of development planning for a full-time education centre. [S.l: The author], 1998.

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Dunmore, A. Development of algebraic reconstruction algorithms for a real time optical process tomography system. Manchester: UMIST, 1993.

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Porter, Alex. Accelerated testing and validation: Testing, engineering, and management tools for lean development. Amsterdam: Newnes, 2004.

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Chapman, Chris. Development of process to manufacture glass/glass-ceramic products from phosphogypsum: Final report. Bartow, Fla: The Institute, 2006.

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A, Leenaars Antoon, ed. Life span perspectives of suicide: Time-lines in the suicide process. New York: Plenum Press, 1991.

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Pogonin, Anatoliy, Ivan Shrubchenko, and Aleksandr Afanas'ev. Development of technological processes in mechanical engineering. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The textbook provides the main stages, sequence and general methodology for the development of technological processes of mechanical processing of parts and assembly of mechanical engineering products. In the main sections, after the presentation of the elements of the theory, students are assigned project tasks. Many sections are accompanied by examples of their specific implementation. It is compiled to help students of engineering specialties of full - time and part-time education, mastering the methodology of technological design and performing course and diploma projects and works.
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Cevelev, Aleksandr. Strategic development of railway transport logistics. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The monograph is devoted to the methodology of material and technical support of railway transport. According to the types of activities, the nature of the material and technical resources used, technologies, means and management systems, Russian railways belong to the category of high-tech industries that must have high quality and technical level, reliability and technological efficiency in operation. For this reason, the logistics system itself, both in structure and in the algorithm of the functions performed as a whole, needs a serious improvement in the quality of its work. The economic situation in Russia requires a revision of the principles and mechanisms of management based on the corporate model of supply chain management, focused on logistics knowledge. In the difficult economic conditions of the current decade, it is necessary to improve the quality of the supply organization of enterprises and structural divisions of railway transport, directly related to the implementation of the process approach, the advantage of which is a more detailed regulation of management actions and their mutual coordination. In order to increase the efficiency of its activities and develop the management system, Russian Railways is developing a lean production system aimed at further expanding the implementation of the principles of customer orientation, ideology and corporate culture. At the present time, the solution of many issues is impossible without a cybernetic approach to the formulation of problems of material and technical support and logistics analysis of information technologies, to the implementation of the developed algorithms and models of development strategies and concepts for improving the business processes of the production system. The management strategy, or the general plan for the implementation of activities for the management of material resources, is based on a fundamental assessment of the alignment and correlation of forces and factors operating in the economic and political field, taking into account the impact on the specific form of the management strategy. The materials will be useful to the heads and specialists of the directorates of the MTO, CDZs and can be used in the scientific research of bachelors, masters and postgraduates interested in the economics of railway transport and supply logistics.
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Sil'vestrov, Sergey, Vladimir Starovoytov, Vladimir Bauer, Aleksandr Selivanov, Vladimir Lepskiy, Aleksandr Raykov, Svetlana Lipina, et al. Strategic planning in the public sector of the economy. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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This collective monograph continues a series of scientific studies and publications on the problems of strategic planning, which have been carried out for several years at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation with the involvement of specialists from other scientific and educational organizations. A series of research papers in 2017-2019 was devoted to the analysis of strategic development risks and the analysis of global strategic planning practice, the general methodology of strategic planning and forecasting (including in the context of ensuring Russia's economic security), the approach to the formation of life cycles of preparation and revision of strategic planning documents and their comparative analysis, the experience of coordinating budget, project and process types of management and financing, monitoring risks and threats, the use of new information tools in the strategic planning complex, including blockchain, and also naturally develops such aspects of previous research as analysis of world practice, coordination of budget, project and process types of management and financing, the use of information technologies. However, at the same time, a special task was set — to approach a comprehensive analysis of the strategic planning process as a whole, especially to study its documentary support as the core of the organization of this process and the implementation of its results in the practice of public administration, as well as to analyze the scientific support of strategic planning as an essential aspect of all strategic planning and strategic management activities in the entirety of its aspects (goal setting, forecast, design, programming, planning, control and audit). It is intended for specialists from the humanities, natural sciences and technical fields of knowledge focused on management and development problems, for undergraduates and postgraduates, as well as for a wide audience of management practitioners, including those related to strategic planning processes in the public sector.
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Cevelev, Aleksandr. The economy and material management on a railway transport. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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In the textbook in an accessible form presented and discussed the development of the economy and the inventory management of railway transport in the new economic environment. For the first time in Russian literature, made a theoretical attempt at a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of, and satisfaction of needs in material resources structural divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC "RZD". According to the results of theoretical research, innovative and production potential of the supply system of railway transport the main directions and methods of transformation of the restructuring process under the corporate changes of JSC "RZD", positioned value system of logistics of rail transport, a comprehensive approach to the development of systems of balanced indicators of supply and prompt handling of material resources. Recommendations for the implementation of the developed algorithms and models are long term in nature and are based on the concept of logistics management improve business processes, system logistics. For students and teachers, workers of enterprises of railway transport, and others interested in questions of transport Economics.
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Mkomwa, Saidi, and Amir Kassam, eds. Conservation agriculture in Africa: climate smart agricultural development. Wallingford: CABI, 2022.

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Abstract This book is about Conservation Agriculture (the use of no tillage systems) to preserve soil structure and integrity. It has become an increasingly important step towards sustainable farming. This publication brings together conservation agriculture and climate smart decision making processes for the first time, focusing on Africa. This book brings to the fore scientific and empirical evidence about Conservation Agriculture in Africa, articulated by the Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture (2ACCA) held in Johannesburg in 2018. It describes how farmers in Africa are successfully adopting Conservation Agriculture as an alternative to the unsustainable conventional farming practices and as a solution to loss of agricultural productivity, soil erosion and land degradation, climate change challenges and ever-increasing food insecurity. This work discusses how Conservation Agriculture can support the implementation of the African Union's Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063 which calls for climate smart agricultural development. It provides development-oriented case studies and scientific evidence relevant to all stakeholders in the public, private and civil sectors who are engaged in building policy, institutional and human capacity to accelerate the mainstreaming of Conservation Agriculture across Africa.
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Mazo, Aleksandr, and Konstantin Potashev. The superelements. Modeling of oil fields development. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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This monograph presents the basics of super-element modeling method of two-phase fluid flows occurring during the development of oil reservoir. The simulation is performed in two stages to reduce the spatial and temporal scales of the studied processes. In the first stage of modeling of development of oil deposits built long-term (for decades) the model of the global dynamics of the flooding on the super-element computational grid with a step equal to the average distance between wells (200-500 m). Local filtration flow, caused by the action of geological and technical methods of stimulation, are modeled in the second stage using a special mathematical models using computational grids with high resolution detail for the space of from 0.1 to 10 m and time — from 102 to 105 C. The results of application of the presented models to the solution of practical tasks of development of oil reservoir. Special attention is paid to the issue of value transfer in filtration-capacitive properties of the reservoir, with a detailed grid of the geological model on the larger grid reservoir models. Designed for professionals in the field of mathematical and numerical modeling of fluid flows occurring during the development of oil fields and using traditional commercial software packages, as well as developing their own software. May be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students studying in areas such as "Mechanics and mathematical modeling", "Applied mathematics", "Oil and gas".
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Agency, Canadian International Development. Guidelines for Tier 1 : program development, selection process and preparation of submissions =: Les lignes directrices concernant le volet 1 : l'élaboration des programmes, le processus de sélection et l'élaboration des propositions. Hull, Qué: Canadian International Development Agency = Agence canadienne de développement international, 1993.

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Reducing DoD Product Development Time: The Role of the Schedule Development Process. Storming Media, 1999.

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S, Adler Paul, ed. From project to process management in engineering: Strategies for improving development cycle time. Cambridge, Mass: Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.

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Adler, Paul S. From Project to Process Management in Engineering: Strategies for Improving Development Cycle Time. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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S, Adler Paul, ed. From project to process management in engineering: Strategies for improving development cycle time. Cambridge, Mass: Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.

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Agency, Canadian International Development, ed. University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development: Guidelines for tier 1 : program development, selection process and preparation of submissions. Hull, Quebec: Canadian International Development Agency, 2000.

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Davies, Rebecca. Diasporas and Development. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Global restructuring across the developing world can have profound, if uneven, political, economic, and social consequences. As such, the relationship between diasporas and development is necessarily complex. The diaspora spans all of the local, national, regional, and global levels, its networks and communities set apart from other migration flows in terms both of geography and time. It is contended that these groupings are constituted by three main elements: dispersion across or within state borders; orientation to a “homeland” as a source of value, identity and loyalty; and boundary maintenance, involving the preservation of a distinctive identity vis-à-vis a host society over an extended time period. Yet each of these core elements has been contested, most especially that of continued loyalty to a homeland and an enduring transnationalism that evokes a regularized range of interactions between the host country and homeland. Moreover, there is no one paradigmatic concept of diaspora. While none of the interpretations in the mainstream scholarship is necessarily wrong, they tend to be grounded in a very basic categorization of diasporic identifications and groupings, thus leading to new questions about how to tackle the issue of diaspora in the development process. And although many of the central traits of diasporas are apparently well understood, new interpretations of the shifting politics of the diaspora in the context of broader liberal processes of globalization are needed.
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Chappell, Dave. Waterflooding: Design and Development. Society of Petroleum EngineersRichardson, Texas, USA, 2020.

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Used successfully for more than a century, waterflooding remains the most widely performed process relying on an external energy source to maximize reservoir recovery. Multiple factors across a wide range of disciplines contribute to the delivery of a fully optimized project, but not all of these critical success factors have been well-documented. A focus on further optimizing all the varying parts of the process has emerged over time to deliver project success. Waterflooding: Design and Development reviews the factors that can contribute to poor waterflood performance and considers how they can be properly managed.
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Seibt, Johanna. Ontological Tools for the Process Turn in Biology. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The purpose of this chapter is to introduce an outline of general process theory (GPT), a non-Whiteheadian systematic process ontology, and to provide some pointers on how this framework could be applied in philosophy of biology to clarify questions of individuality, composition, and emergence. GPT is a mono-categorial framework based on the new category of more or less generic (non-particular) dynamic individuals called ‘general processes’ or ‘dynamics’. According to GPT, the world is the interaction of (more or less generic) dynamics. The chapter sets out some elements of a non-standard mereology (with non-transitive part relations) on processes and introduces the five-dimensional classification system of GPT. It is shown how the theoretical predicates of homeomereity and automereity can be used to distinguish between developments and ‘non-developmental’ or ‘dynamically stable’ temporally unbounded activities that persist in time by literal recurrence.
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Attolico, Luciano. Lean Development and Innovation: Hitting the Market with the Right Products at the Right Time. Productivity Press, 2018.

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Attolico, Luciano. Lean Development and Innovation: Hitting the Market with the Right Products at the Right Time. Productivity Press, 2018.

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Attolico, Luciano. Lean Development and Innovation: Hitting the Market with the Right Products at the Right Time. Productivity Press, 2018.

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Lean Development and Innovation: Hitting the Market with the Right Products at the Right Time. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

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Sugden, David, and Helen Soucie. Motor development. Edited by Neil Armstrong and Willem van Mechelen. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The development of motor skills in the first two years of life are dramatic, and then become more subtle with time. Chapter 4 describes these changes, and explains how these changes take place. Analysis is done via neuro-maturational theories, information processing, and cognitive terms as well as more recent ecological and dynamical systems viewpoints. The bidirectional influence of other faculties like embodied cognition and movement show that motor development does not occur in isolation. Movement skills are essential to daily life and influence our social, emotional, and cognitive being. This process of evolution and refinement is a complex, dynamic, self-organizing system. Theoretical explanations of motor development involve the transaction of children’s resources, the environmental context, and the task at hand. Not all children develop typically, although the influencing parameters are the same for all; rather, it is the metrics within the parameters that differ.
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Lewis, Marc D. The Development of Emotion Regulation. Edited by Philip David Zelazo. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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This chapter examines the relation between normative advances and emerging individual differences in emotion regulation (ER), using principles from developmental cognitive neuroscience to integrate these seemingly disparate processes. Like several other theorists, I view corticolimbic development as a self-organizing stream of synaptic alterations, driven by experience rather than biologically prespecified. This conceptualization helps resolve ambiguities that appear when we try, but consistently fail, to neatly parse individual differences and developmental differences. At the neural level, increasingly specific patterns of synaptic activation converge in response to (or in anticipation of) recurrent emotions, creating synaptic networks that link multiple regions. These networks regulate emotions (in real time). But they also stabilize and consolidate with repetition, thus giving rise tohabitsthat are the hallmark of individual development. These configurations are progressively sculpted through individual learning experiences, but they also become increasingly effective with use, thereby expressing both individual trajectories and normative advances as they develop. In sum, experience-driven synaptic changes create a repertoire of individual solutions to universal challenges, shared among members of a culture or society. This description casts individual differences and age-related advances as dual facets of a unitary developmental process.
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Tyler, Tom R., and Rick Trinkner. Developing Values and Attitudes about the Law. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The chapters in Part II focus on different theoretical models of the legal socialization process. The development of legitimacy is only one facet of a general process of socialization through which children and adolescents develop. Their legal development involves value acquisition, attitude formation, and the growth of reasoning skills. All of these processes occur over time amid a general biological and neurological growth process that enables more advanced reasoning skills, emotional maturity, and capacities to think about the meaning and purpose of rules and systems of authority. We review of each of these theoretical frameworks to provide an overview of whether the field stands at a conceptual level.
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Netcentric System of Systems Engineering with Devs Unified Process. CRC Press, 2012.

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Donin, Nicolas, ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Creative Process in Music. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the site FAQs.
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Rosa, Laura Nuño de la. Capturing Processes. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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While a processual view of biological entities might be said to be congenial to embryologists, the intractability and speed of developmental processes traditionally led to an epistemological abandon of processes in favour of the advantages of discretizing ontogenies in arrays of patterns. It is not until the turn of the twenty-first century that the digital embryos obtained from in vivo microscopy have started to replace developmental series as the reference representations of development. This chapter looks at how new microscopy, molecular, and computer technologies for reconstructing biological processes are contributing to a processual understanding of development. First it investigates how time-lapse imaging has brought with it a radical dynamization, not only of the images, but also of the theories of development themselves. Next it explores the role that imaging technologies have played in the return of organicism in developmental biology. Finally, it focuses on how quantitative imaging contributes to the explanatory modelling of developmental processes.
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Robertson, Peter J., Tristram Hooley, and Phil McCash, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Career Development. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Scerif, Gaia, and Rachel Wu. Developmental Disorders. Edited by Anna C. (Kia) Nobre and Sabine Kastner. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Tracing the development of attentional deficits and their cascading effects in genetically and functionally defined disorders allows an understanding of intertwined developing systems on three levels. At the cognitive level, attention influences perception, learning, and memory. Attention and other cognitive processes interact to produce cascading effects across developmental time. At a systems neuroscience level, developmental disorders can reveal the systems and mechanisms necessary to attain adults’ efficient attentional processes. At the level of cellular neuroscience and functional genomics, disorders of known genetic aetiology provide inroads into cellular pathways and protein networks leading to attentional deficits across development. This chapter draws from both genetically defined and functionally defined disorders to delineate the complexities and necessity of studying attentional deficits and their neural correlates. Studying developmental disorders highlights the need to study attentional processes and other cognitive processes (e.g. memory and learning) in tandem, given their inseparable nature.
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Romanowski, Robert, ed. Sustainable development: Innovations in business. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, 2021.

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Innovation and sustainable development have become buzzwords in the 21st century with the idea of creative destruction launched by Joseph Alois Schumpeter being the base for evolutionary economics. However, new institutional economics helps to understand the necessity of support provided to entrepreneurs and innovators by science and administration to reduce the risk of launching the said innovations. This e-book is devoted to selected types of innovation. Every type of innovation is described with the use of theoretical background and is enriched by adequate case study. Traditional division into four types of innovation, proposed by J.A. Schumpeter (1934), containing product, process, organizational and marketing innovations, was widely accepted, including European Union institutions (OECD/Eurostat, 2008). The concept of innovation has long been dominated by a technical approach to the innovation process, despite the economic arguments exposed by one of the precursors of the theory of innovation and, at the same time, the school of evolutionary economics—Joseph Alois Schumpeter. Frequently, in the context of innovation, it is indicated that organizational and marketing aspects play a part in the successful introduction of innovation onto the market. The structure of the book is based on the typology proposed by Keeley, Walters, Pikkel and Quinn (2013), which focuses on the economic character of innovations. Ten types of innovation are directly related to Schumpeter’s and Oslo Manual classification. A new set of innovations emphasize the economic side of innovation process. The technical novelties are to support new configuration, offering or customers’ experience. This new approach is based on presumptions coming from design thinking idea, leading to user—driven innovation and on cooperation with institutions and entities supporting innovation process. The chapters are devoted to every type of innovation, grouped into three major parts: innovations based on configuration, offering and experience. In the book, configuration includes types of innovations focused on innermost workings of an enterprise and its business system. Offering part contains the types of innovations, that are focused on an enterprise’s core product (good or service), or a collection of its products. The last part, dedicated to innovations based on experience, is focused on more customer-facing elements of an enterprise and its business system.
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Haq, Khadija, ed. Formulating a Development Strategy in Pakistan. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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In this chapter, Haq writes as an insider to the economic planning process in Pakistan while the country’s Third Five Year Plan (1965-70) was being formulated. Since this piece was written before the separation of East Pakistan and West Pakistan, Haq here greatly emphasizes the need for creating heavy industry and infrastructure in East Pakistan to accelerate the growth rate in the region and to bridge the divide between the two wings of the newly independent country. Haq also lays out various strategies for mobilization of domestic resources to which economic planners of the time were giving serious thought.
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Martin, Jeffrey J. Identity Development. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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As athletes invest their time and energy into sport and it becomes a meaningful part of their self-concept they simultaneously develop an athletic identity. This chapter discusses psychological and sociological research on athletic identity development. One robust finding throughout the literature is that often athletes see themselves as athletes more strongly than the public does. The public’s reluctance to acknowledge that athletes with disabilities are real athletes reflects how disability sport is often marginalized. Research shows that sometimes former able-bodied athletes decline to participate in disability sport or seek out a sport different from the one they engaged in when able-bodied. Some athletes claim to be elite disability sport athletes in order to have an “elite” athletic identity. Other athletes with disabilities do not acknowledge disability sport and embrace an elite athlete identity. Within this context, the chapter incorporates relevant theory and psychological processes to identify plausible mechanisms underlying athletes’ decisions about whether to participate in sport and what to call themselves when they do.
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Friedman, William. About Time. The MIT Press, 1990.

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In About Time, William Friedman provides a new integrated look at research on the psychological processes that underlie the human experience of time. Few intellectual problems are as intriguing or as difficult as understanding the nature of time. In About Time, William Friedman provides a new integrated look at research on the psychological processes that underlie the human experience of time. He explains what psychologists have discovered about temporal perception and cognition since the publication of Paul Fraisse's The Psychology of Time in 1963 and offers fresh interpretations of their findings. In particular he shows that the experience of time depends on many different psychological processes and that it is essential to divide temporal experience into component categories in order to understand these processes. In chapters on perception and memory, Friedman discusses our impressions about the rate of time's passage and our ability to localize memories in time. He takes up representation and orientation, our ability to build mental representations of the time structures that surround us and to view these patterns from the unique perspective of the present moment. Moreover he shows that we can learn a great deal about the psychological basis of temporal experience by studying the development of this knowledge in children and the way in which views of time vary by culture, personality type, and kind of psychopathology. Bradford Books imprint
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Nosofsky, Robert M., and Thomas J. Palmeri. An Exemplar-Based Random-Walk Model of Categorization and Recognition. Edited by Jerome R. Busemeyer, Zheng Wang, James T. Townsend, and Ami Eidels. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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In this chapter, we provide a review of a process-oriented mathematical model of categorization known as the exemplar-based random-walk (EBRW) model (Nosofsky & Palmeri, 1997a). The EBRW model is a member of the class of exemplar models. According to such models, people represent categories by storing individual exemplars of the categories in memory, and classify objects on the basis of their similarity to the stored exemplars. The EBRW model combines ideas ranging from the fields of choice and similarity, to the development of automaticity, to response-time models of evidence accumulation and decision-making. This integrated model explains relations between categorization and other fundamental cognitive processes, including individual-object identification, the development of expertise in tasks of skilled performance, and old-new recognition memory. Furthermore, it provides an account of how categorization and recognition decision-making unfold through time. We also provide comparisons with some other process models of categorization.
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Burack, Jacob A., Jamie O. Edgin, Leonard Abbeduto, and Jorge Busciglio, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Down Syndrome and Development. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Hart, Daniel, and James Youniss. Civic Development in the 21st Century. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Communities and political governance can be improved by promoting civic development. Unfortunately, contemporary ideological, ethnic, and economic segregation are corrosive to civic development, and the decline of community institutions and civic engagement opportunities within them weaken the traditional structures of democratic socialization. The transformations in social life wrought by computer-mediated communication and social interaction have not as yet been found to be powerful factors for youth participation in their communities or in the political process. We ought not hope that the challenges to youth engagement we have described throughout the book will resolve as a result of the passage of time. Instead, by committing to providing youth with real community civic opportunities, we can create capable citizens who will invigorate American society.
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Goetz, Klaus H., ed. The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Winyard, Paul. Human kidney development. Edited by Adrian Woolf. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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The kidneys perform diverse functions including excretion of nitrogenous waste products, homeostasis of water, electrolytes and acid–base balance, and hormone secretion. The simplest functional unit within the kidneys is the nephron, which consists of specialized segments from glomerulus, through proximal tubule, loop of Henle, and distal tubule. Human nephrogenesis starts with two stages of transient kidneys, termed the pronephros and mesonephros, and ends with development of a permanent organ from the metanephros on each side. The latter consists of just a few hundred cells when it is formed in the fifth week of pregnancy but progresses to a nephron endowment of between 0.6 to 1.3 million by the time nephrogenesis is completed at 32–36 weeks of gestation. Key events during this process include outgrowth of the epithelial ureteric bud from the mesonephric duct, interactions between the bud and the metanephric blastema (a specific region of mesenchyme) that cause the bud to branch and mesenchyme to condense, epithelialization of the mesenchyme to form proximal parts of the nephron, and differentiation of segment specific cells. Molecular control of these events is being unpicked with data from human genetic syndromes and animal models, and this chapter highlights several of the most important factors/systems involved. Increased understanding of development is not just relevant to congenital kidney malformations, but may also be important in designing rational therapies for diseases of the mature kidney where recapitulation of developmental pathways is common.
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Lattman, Eaton E., Thomas D. Grant, and Edward H. Snell. Developments on the Horizon. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The field of application for solution scattering is broader than we can cover in detail and with new instrumentation, that field is only growing. XFEL sources offer the potential for time resolved studies exquisitely sensitive to rapid structural biological processes while at the same time potentially extending the information beyond that provided by current solution scattering methods. Cryogenic approaches offer the potential to increase signal and/or improve sample demands opening up the technique to a wider array of studies. Finally, use of the atomic scattering properties reveals biological information in the case of nucleic acids and has the potential to provide molecular rulers able to resolve dynamic structural changes as they occur. This chapter provides a glimpse of what is possible and a starting point for further exploration.
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Shea, C. Michael. Early Reactions to the Essay on Development. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter explores the social dimensions of the Essay on Development’s initial reception in England among Roman Catholics after Newman’s conversion to Roman Catholicism on October 9, 1845 through the time of his Roman seminary studies in November of the following year. The chapter traces Nicholas Wiseman’s leadership and solicitude in the process of the Essay’s early reception, and key factors in the theological atmosphere in Rome during the middle decades of the nineteenth century. This chapter also examines what has become known as the “Orestes Brownson controversy,” which followed the publication of Newman’s Essay, and provides a reassessment of the dispute in its relation to the Essay on Development’s early readership in Rome.
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Whittaker, D. Hugh, Timothy Sturgeon, Toshie Okita, and Tianbiao Zhu. Compressed Development. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This book highlights the importance of time and timing in economic and social development. ‘Compressed development’ consists of two key features and their interaction: the tendency for development processes to unfold more rapidly (compression) and the institution-shaping influences of major periods of change and growth, especially when countries become integrated into the global economy (era). Using an interdisciplinary conceptual framework of state–market and organization–technology co-evolution, the authors contrast the experiences of ‘early’ and ‘late’ developers such as the United Kingdom and Japan, with countries–most notably China–which have become more deeply integrated with the global economy since the 1990s. Compressed developers experience ‘thin industrialization’, layered types of employment, and ‘double burdens’ or challenges in social development. National development strategies must accommodate global value chains and powerful international actors on the one hand, and decentralization on the other. To cope, and thrive, states must remain developmental, whilst being increasingly engaged and adaptive in multiple levels of governance. Compressed Development explores the historical and contemporary features of economic and social development at the intersection of development studies and studies of globalization. By bringing a new perspective on the ‘middle-income trap’, as well as the emerging digital economy, and the state–market and geopolitical tensions that are currently upending conventional wisdoms, the book offers timely insights that will be useful, not only for students of development, but for policymakers, business, and labour organization seeking to navigate the rushing currents of contemporary capitalism.
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Pearl, Phillip L., Jules Beal, Monika Eisermann, Sunita Misra, Perrine Plouin, Solomon L. Moshe, James J. Riviello, Douglas R. Nordli, and Eli M. Mizrahi. Normal EEG in Wakefulness and Sleep. Edited by Donald L. Schomer and Fernando H. Lopes da Silva. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Electroencephalogram (EEG) interpretation depends on accurate pattern recognition. One of the first lessons the novice electroencephalographer learns is that EEG pattern interpretation must take into account the patient’s age and the level of vigilance, or state. EEG patterns vary according to central nervous system development and maturation. This process evolves over time, starting with the early development and maturation of the nervous system (an evolution) to a peak of maturity, followed by an involution. Basic differences exist between the ascending (developmental) and descending (involutional) portions of this curve. This chapter discusses pediatric EEG, from the dramatic ontogenic transitioning of the neonate, premature and term, to infants, children, and adolescents.
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Datta, K. L. Growth and Development Planning in India. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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The central theme of this book is to appraise the role of planning to maximize the rate of economic growth, and improve the standards of living and quality of life of the people in India since Independence. The book addresses four core areas. First, it delves into the circumstances which led to the adoption of planning and presents a comprehensive analysis of the economic scenario that unfolded in the six decades between 1951 and 2011, documenting shifts in growth and development strategy. Second, it explores the rate and pattern of economic growth, and traces reasons behind the shortfall in growth rate from the target. Third, the book contextualizes the backdrop against which economic reform measures were introduced to understand how different areas and sectors of the economy were integrated with the reform process. Fourth, it analyses the transition from growth measures pursued until the 1970s, to a mix of growth and redistribution from the 1980s, and then to inclusive growth in the 2000s, and finds out how income, especially of the poor and marginalized sections of the population increased. It makes an assessment of the level and change in poverty over time, and the impact of economic growth on poverty reduction. These four thematic areas of the book are essential to understand the process of economic growth and its impact on the lives of the people in India's rapidly changing socio-economic environment. Finally, it assesses the economic scenario in the 2010s, when planning was abandoned, and pinpoints the reasons behind dipping growth rate, and suggests measures for its revival.
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