Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Thermal object'
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Mozok, E. M. "Monitoring condition of thermal object." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2014. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34870.
Full textKaba, Utku. "Moving Hot Object Detection In Airborne Thermal Videos." Master's thesis, METU, 2012. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12614532/index.pdf.
Full textBergenroth, Hannah. "Use of Thermal Imagery for Robust Moving Object Detection." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Medie- och Informationsteknik, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-177888.
Full textExamensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet
Yigit, Ahmet. "Thermal And Visible Band Image Fusion For Abandoned Object Detection." Master's thesis, METU, 2010. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12611720/index.pdf.
Full textLópez, Mas Joan. "Parallel object-oriented algorithms for simulation of multiphysics : application to thermal systems." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/387441.
Full textLas expectativas puestas en el uso de la computación en paralelo plantean un cambio generacional en simulación y computación. Las más modernas instalaciones computacionales de alto nivel -High Performance Computing (HPC)- alcanzan ya la capacidad de realizar gran cantidad de operaciones por segundo -hoy del orden de peta-FLOPS (1e15 FLOPS) y dirigiéndose hacia exaFlops (1e18 FLOPS)-. Esto abre la posibilidad de usar la simulación por ordenador en un amplio espectro de nuevas aplicaciones en ciencia e ingeniería. Por ejemplo, los códigos de CFD&HT van a poder usarse de una forma más efectiva en la fase de diseño de dispositivos industriales ya que se obtendrán resultados muy valiosos en tiempos de ejecución razonables. Por el momento, hay muchos códigos disponibles para el estudio individual de fenómenos de transferencia de calor i de masa con distintos niveles de modelización. Sin embargo, estos códigos no se pueden combinar entre sí para abordar problemas más complejos, en los cuales varios fenómenos físicos interactúan simultáneamente. Bajo este contexto, en esta tesis doctoral se presenta el desarrollo de una metodología de estrategia paralela, y su implementación en una plataforma informática, para la simulación de sistemas multi-físicos. De éste modo, ahora los distintos códigos pueden ser integrados para la creación de nuevas herramientas de simulación destinadas a aplicaciones específicas de interés tanto social como industrial. Esto se hace de una manera intuitiva y simple de manera que los investigadores no tienen que preocuparse ni por la coexistencia de varios códigos simultáneamente ni en cómo hacer que interactúen entre ellos. El acoplamiento entre los diferentes componentes involucrados en una simulación se realiza mediante un código más básico con el cual el usuario solamente interacciona a través de una interfase. Esto aporta interesantes beneficios tanto en la gestión de los proyectos de programario como en la flexibilidad y las características de las simulaciones. En resumen, la estrategia que se propone plantea un nuevo paradigma en la producción de programas de simulación de fenómenos físicos. Aunque la tesis persigue aplicaciones de propósito general se ha puesto especial atención en la simulación de sistemas térmicos, en particular en la evaluación energética de edificios y en compresores herméticos alternativos.
Viau, Claude. "Multispectral Image Analysis for Object Recognition and Classification." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/34532.
Full textBeyan, Cigdem. "Object Tracking For Surveillance Applications Using Thermal And Visible Band Video Data Fusion." Master's thesis, METU, 2010. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12612743/index.pdf.
Full texts size, shape and to handle occlusion, split and to detect newly emerging objects as well as objects that leave the scene. By using the trajectories of objects, owners of the objects are found and abandoned objects are detected to generate an alarm. Better tracking performance is also achieved compared a single modality as the thermal reflection and halo effect which adversely affect tracking are eliminated by the complementing visible band data.
Yevseienko, Oleg, Anatoliy Gapon, and Dmytro Salnikov. "Searching for Optimal Control Parameters of Thermal Object Using Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Control with Predictive Filter." Thesis, Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/41116.
Full textStigson, Magnus. "Object Tracking Using Tracking-Learning-Detection inThermal Infrared Video." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Datorseende, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-93936.
Full textSamaei, Amiryousef. "Evaluating the effect of different distances on the pixels per object and image classification." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Avdelningen för elektronikkonstruktion, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-25880.
Full textSharma, Vinay. "Simultaneous object detection and segmentation using top-down and bottom-up processing." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1196372113.
Full textMajsniar, Michal. "Tepelně technické posouzení skladby vegetační střechy s vlivem vlhkosti." Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-355608.
Full textDenman, Simon Paul. "Improved detection and tracking of objects in surveillance video." Queensland University of Technology, 2009. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/29328/.
Full textЕвсеенко, Олег Николаевич, and Сергей Михайлович Савицкий. "Описание метода управления тепловым объектом с распределёнными параметрами с помощью широтно-импульсной модуляции и предсказывающего фильтра." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2013. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/48405.
Full textProposed a method of control thermal objects, obtained the acceleration curves of an object, calculated the maximum allowable sampling period of transition with the theorem of Kotelnikov, chosen the sampling frequency, conducted experiments for control the temperature of inertial object.
Mikula, Martin. "Termodiagnostika - dotykové a bezdotykové měření teploty." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-231525.
Full textМозок, Є. М., and І. В. Сердюк. "Апаратно-програмний стенд керування тепловим об’єктом." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2018. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/67549.
Full textFleury, Rob. "Evaluation of Thermal Radiation Models for Fire Spread Between Objects." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/4959.
Full textBraun, Marco. "Optically Controlled Manipulation of Single Nano-Objects by Thermal Fields." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-206342.
Full textToullier, Thibaud. "Simultaneous characterization of objects temperature and radiative properties through multispectral infrared thermography." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1S038/document.
Full textThe latest technological improvements in low-cost infrared cameras have brought new opportunities for long-term infrastructures monitoring. The accurate measurement of surfaces' temperatures is facing the lack of knowledge of radiatives properties of the scene. By using multi-sensors instrumentation, the measurement model can be refined to get a better estimate of the temperature. To overcome a lack of sensors instrumentation, it is shown that online and free available climatic data can be used. Then, Bayesian methods to estimate simultaneously the emissivity and temperature have been developed and compared to literature's methods. A radiative exchange simulator of 3D scenes have been developed to compare those different methods on numerical data. This software uses the hardware acceleration as well as a GPGPU approach to reduce the computation time. As a consequence, obtained numerical results emphasized an advanced use of multi-spectral infrared thermography for the monitoring of structures. This simultaneous estimation enables to have an estimate of the temperature by infrared thermography with a known uncertainty
Santos, Sérgio Botassi dos. "Uma contribuição ao estudo do comportamento termomecânico de estruturas maciças de concreto. modelagem viscoelástica linear e aplicações." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2004. http://repositorio.ufes.br/handle/10/6188.
Full textO estudo realizado nesta dissertação é motivado principalmente pelo interesse em se avaliar a resposta térmica e tensional em estruturas de concreto massa nas primeiras idades considerando a viscoeleasticidade linear do material. Neste trabalho desenvolvem-se modelos numérico-computacionais e implementam-se os softwares PFEM_2DT e PFEM_2DAT, de análise térmica e de tensões no domínio bidimensional, respectivamente. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica do problema termomecânico considerando os mecanismos e modelos físicos para a representação do mesmo, utilizando-se de ferramentas matemáticas e artifícios numéricos para a resolução do problema. Foram pesquisados ainda os parâmetros influentes na análise de temperaturas e de tensões no concreto massa, destacando-se as propriedades viscoelásticas de fluência e retração onde de forma resumida, porém esclarecedora, foram descritos seus principais conceitos, causas e efeitos bem como alguns dos principais modelos de representação dessas deformações diferidas. Por meio desses estudos teóricos e das conseqüentes implementações computacionais, foram analisadas diferentes estruturas de concreto através dos programas computacionais desenvolvidos e, posteriormente, realizadas comparações com resultados experimentais e numéricos obtidos por outros pesquisadores objetivando validar os aplicativos. Na elaboração deste software fez-se uso do novo paradigma de programação Programação Orientada a Objetos, associado à resolução de sistemas de equações lineares pelo Método dos Gradientes Conjugados. Analisou-se o comportamento das temperaturas de diferentes estruturas sujeitas ao calor interno gerado no concreto sob a influência das condições ambientais, que permitem que esse calor seja dissipado, gerando como conseqüência, distribuições de temperatura não-lineares no interior da estrutura. Nos estudos tensionais das estruturas de concreto massa analisadas nesta dissertação pôde-se avaliar a evolução das tensões de origem térmica considerando o material viscoelástico linear, comparando-as com a resistência à tração do material. Por fim, efetuaram-se estudos comparativos de tensões em um bloco de concreto massa utilizando os modelos elástico e viscoelástico linear, avaliando o nível de importância e o grau de magnitude da consideração dos efeitos diferidos associados quando da análise do comportamento termomecânico de estruturas maciças de concreto em fase de construção.
The study accomplished in this dissertation is motivated mainly by the interest in evaluating the temperature and stress field in mass concrete structures at first ages considering material s linear viscoeleasticity. The development and implementation of numeric-computational models are also scope of this work by means the softwares PFEM_2DT and PFEM_2DAT, of thermal stress analysis in the two-dimensional domain. Initially at first step, the bibliographic revision of the thermomechanical problem was accomplished considering physical mechanisms and models for its representation, using mathematical tools and numeric artifices for the resolution of the problem. The influential parameters in the analysis of temperatures and stresses in the mass concrete were also researched, standing out to the creep and shrinkage rheological properties, where in a summarized and elucidated way, its main concepts, causes and effects were described, as well as some of the main representation models of those differed deformations. Considering theoretical studies and the consequent computer implementations, different concrete structures were analyzed through the developed softwares, and compared with experimental and numeric results obtained by other researchers with the objective of validating the applications. In the elaboration of this software was made use of the new programming paradigm Object-Oriented Programming, associated to the resolution of linear systems equations for the Method of the Conjugated Gradients. The temperature field s behavior of different structures subject to the internal heat into the concrete was analyzed, under the influence of the environmental conditions, that allows the heat to be dissipated, generating as consequence, non- linear temperature distributions inside the structure. The termomechanic problems studied in mass concrete structures were analyzed in this dissertation, where the thermal stresses behaviour could be evaluated considering the linear viscoelasticity properties of the material, comparing them with the tensile strength of the material. Finally, comparative studies of the stresses in a mass concrete block were executed using elastic models and linear viscoelasticity, evaluating the importance and magnitude levels of the associated differed effects in the termomechanic behavior analysis of solid concrete structures in a construction stage.
Hager, Philipp B. [Verfasser]. "Dynamic thermal modeling for moving objects on the Moon / Philipp B. Hager." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1043892575/34.
Full textNguyen, van Thien an. "Sur la modélisation et la simulation du couplage thermo-chimio-mécanique au sein des élastomères chargés." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM4787/document.
Full textIn this prospective study, we propose a new thermo-chemo-mechanical coupled model for dissipative filled rubber. This work is based on experimental observations and results from the literature. In this context, we have developed three phenomenological constitutive laws within a generic thermodynamical framework. The models enters the category of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Intermediate states are taken into account in the model which is build within the generalized standard materials framework. The degree of cure is introduced as an internal variable. The evolution of this variable takes into account the thermal influence and the mechanical influence via the hydrostatic pressure. This is one of the features making this model original. A finite strains approach is considered. A finite element model is applied to the global problem. A monolithic solution scheme is built based on an implicit Euler scheme associated to a of Newton-Raphson linearization technique. This scheme takes into account the weak compressibility of the material condition through, first, a judicious choice of weak relations between unknowns, and second, an adequate choice of approximations for the unknowns of problem to enforce the stability of the numerical scheme. An object-oriented model for the constitutive equations of the thermo-chemo-mechanical model is proposed and is implemented in Java into the FEMJava code. Some simulations illustrate the high potential of these models in qualitatively reproducing these experimental observations
Tyagi, Sidhanth. "Objects interacting with a solidification front." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPSLS025.
Full textThe interaction of solidification fronts with objects (droplets, bubbles, particles, or biological cells) is a common phenomenon encountered in a plethora of situations, ranging from industrial to natural occurrences, such as the formation ofsea ice, growth of single crystals, metallurgy, cryobiology, food science, and filtration or water purification. The process,though well-known, is complex and an unambiguous quantification of the mechanisms in situ is yet to be developed. Theobjects (soft or hard) can have diverse outcomes owing to their confrontation with an advancing solid-liquid interface. Thefront can engulf the object, trapping it into the growing crystal, or the front can repel the object, pushing it ahead of itself.The consequences of this interaction impacts the final microstructure and hence, determines the structural as well asfunctional properties of the solidified material. Furthermore, many of these phenomena occur in the presence of solutes(or impurities), which can segregate at the interface during the growth of a solid. In this study, we analyse the interactionof spherical soft objects (droplets and bubbles) and rigid particles with an approaching ice-water interface. Our customcryo-confocal microscopy setup enables a rapid imaging of the growth of ice crystals, the liquid phase, and the dynamicsof objects encountering the solidification front. We depict the impact of solute (or impurity) concentration and their influence on the interface geometry, object dynamics, and the solidified microstructure. We explore several important aspectsof multiple particle interactions in realistic systems and discuss the consequences of particle redistribution in comparisonto the ideal systems considered by the past physical models. Our results demonstrate how an increasing concentration ofsolute in the bulk liquid and their subsequent segregation can dramatically alter the predicted nature of object-front interactions and the solidification microstructures. We suggest that the freezing of suspensions using cryo-confocal microscopymay serve as an analogue for studying the in situ interaction of foreign objects with a moving solid-liquid interface
Fehlman, William L. "Classification of non-heat generating outdoor objects in thermal scenes for autonomous robots." W&M ScholarWorks, 2008. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd/1539623338.
Full textShanmugam, Kumar. "Multiscale modelling of sintering in thermal barrier coatings." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:a8075c89-8417-4e3e-8af5-d07cc786f509.
Full textPothecary, N. M. "The interaction of high frequency fields with physical objects and the resultant thermal response." Thesis, University of Bristol, 1993. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.385685.
Full textPustějovský, Jakub. "Administrativní objekt ve Fulneku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-372325.
Full textJones, Graham. "Thermal analysis and testing of a spaceborne passive cooler." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1994. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:cef5bd18-c80d-442c-bb70-6414fdf29b61.
Full textO'Dowd, Devin Owen. "Aero-thermal performance of transonic high-pressure turbine blade tips." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:e7b8e7d0-4973-4757-b4df-415723e7562f.
Full textGuan, Juan. "Investigations on natural silks using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA)." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:c16d816c-84e3-4186-8d6d-45071b9a7067.
Full textvan, Paridon Andrew. "Thermal modelling and control of high pressure turbine subsystems." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:2475deb2-208f-4d1d-83b0-1ff5bd90a79e.
Full textPe, Juan-Diego. "On the thermal behaviour of gas turbine filament seals." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2017. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:1de17ef5-2f1c-4ac2-aae8-90a2efd53e8f.
Full textStejskalová, Michaela. "Objekt pro požární sport." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-410096.
Full textVeleba, Jakub. "Objekt věznice v Moravských Budějovicích." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240437.
Full textChoi, Myeonggeun. "Thermal control of gas turbine casings for improved tip clearance." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:14a9ce6a-2af6-4187-afe7-8c6f8e113855.
Full textLambourne, Alexis. "Spray forming of Si-Al alloys for thermal management applications." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2007. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:719651c0-9e12-41c7-ae7b-2abaa1320ea1.
Full textWarren, Tristram. "Exploring the moon in the thermal infrared : the space environment goniometer." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:6c4f5fac-6d82-43f7-9987-d2e57ce18992.
Full textSui, Tan. "Thermal-mechanical behaviour of the hierarchical structure of human dental tissue." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:2c8e9604-ec4b-4cfa-b6df-fff3e6579492.
Full textHillson, William Rawstron. "The role of thermal processing and protein oxidation in peanut allergy." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:88d64b79-a7e6-4e41-acee-47c215d39f6b.
Full textAlkandri, Ahmad. "Design and performance assessment of correlation filters for the detection of objects in high clutter thermal imagery." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2014. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/49954/.
Full textBraun, Marco [Verfasser], Dieter [Gutachter] Braun, and Frank [Gutachter] Cichos. "Optically Controlled Manipulation of Single Nano-Objects by Thermal Fields / Marco Braun ; Gutachter: Dieter Braun, Frank Cichos." Leipzig : Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1240482795/34.
Full textVirdi, Amandeep Singh. "Aero-thermal performance and enhanced internal cooling of unshrouded turbine blade tips." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:62c3e94a-a1ff-47a8-bb81-e870b0013f11.
Full textKleinerová, Jana. "Optimalizace nákladů provozní fáze stavebních objektů." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2016. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-240394.
Full textŠusták, Jakub. "Vzduchotechnika hotelového objektu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-226002.
Full textSharer, Sahir Zalilah. "Investigation of protective mechanisms of organic coatings by thermal testing and electrochemical techniques." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8fb242d3-4836-4082-ae95-b7990b593f8a.
Full textTrojanowski, Albin S. "Thermomechanical properties of polymers at high rates of strain." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1997. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:a2c20a83-094d-4293-8c5f-665640c1ce5a.
Full textO'Neill, David Patrick. "Mathematical modelling of the effects of hepatic radiofrequency ablation." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2012. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:b9ff47fd-0e1a-4ca6-a937-a7e4d49841ba.
Full textPladas, Karolis. "Kvartalo/objekto aprūpinimo šilumine energija variantų analizė." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2014~D_20140611_130205-57334.
Full textIn this master thesis, Lithuanian and European Union’s countries energy sector was discussed. An overview was made on EU directives, Lithuanian strategies, development plans and legalizations. Investigation object was Trakų Vokė boiler house with its district heating system. In the boiler house heat produced by combusting natural gas. During the research five alternatives were analysed: cogeneration and heat only boilers, cogeneration with thermal storage and heat only boilers, cogeneration with thermal storage and biomass heat only boilers, cogeneration with thermal storage and high temperature heat pump, biomass gasification reactor with cogeneration and heat only boilers. Alternatives are analysed based on two scenarios, first on when cogeneration is working by fixed electricity tariffs and second when cogeneration is working by liberalized electricity market conditions. Thesis carried out using “energyPRO” modelling software. All modelled systems are assessed by techno-economic and ecological approach. A sensitivity analysis was made by changing economical values and assessing systems without cogeneration. Based on the results conclusion was formed. Thesis includes 10 chapters. Size of work – 79 pages excluding appendixes, 47 pictures, 10 tables, 74 reference sources.
Palin, Richard Mark. "Using metamorphic modelling techniques to investigate the thermal and structural evolution of the Himalayan-Karakoram-Tibetan orogen." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:f86580ad-c183-4ecd-bcbd-17f3a1b74548.
Full textKolesa, Jiří. "Polyfunkční dům ve Strakonicích." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-265574.
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