Academic literature on the topic 'Thermal NDT methods'
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Journal articles on the topic "Thermal NDT methods"
Marinetti, S., L. Finesso, and E. Marsilio. "Matrix factorization methods: Application to thermal NDT/E." NDT & E International 39, no. 8 (December 2006): 611–16.
Full textDattoma, Vito, Francesco Panella, Alessandra Pirinu, and Andrea Saponaro. "Advanced NDT Methods and Data Processing on Industrial CFRP Components." Applied Sciences 9, no. 3 (January 24, 2019): 393.
Full textNowacki, J., and N. Sieczkiewicz. "Prospective NDT methods for assessing the quality of polymer composites under production conditions." Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2, no. 87 (October 1, 2017): 66–74.
Full textPlšková, Iveta, Michal Matysík, and Zdeněk Chobola. "Monitoring of Thermal Damage Evolution in Concrete Parts by Acoustic NDT Methods." Key Engineering Materials 808 (June 2019): 159–64.
Full textLand, Patrick, Petros Stavroulakis, Richard Crossley, Patrick Bointon, Harvey Brookes, Jon Wright, Svetan Ratchev, and David Branson. "Evaluation of Thermal Roll Formed Thick Composite Panels Using Surface NDT Methods." SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 11, no. 1 (September 19, 2017): 37–42.
Full textKostyleva, Liliya Yu, Oleg V. Loginovskiy, Evgeniya A. Retc, and Igor M. Yachikov. "Possibilities of using mathematical models for thermal nondestructive testing of defects in multilayer bimetallic plates." Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Computer Technologies, Automatic Control & Radioelectronics 22, no. 1 (January 2022): 53–64.
Full textQu, Zhi, Peng Jiang, and Weixu Zhang. "Development and Application of Infrared Thermography Non-Destructive Testing Techniques." Sensors 20, no. 14 (July 10, 2020): 3851.
Full textSchmid, Maximilian, Sri Krishna Bhogaraju, E. Liu, and Gordon Elger. "Comparison of Nondestructive Testing Methods for Solder, Sinter, and Adhesive Interconnects in Power and Opto-Electronics." Applied Sciences 10, no. 23 (November 28, 2020): 8516.
Full textBa, Abdoulaye, Huu Kien Bui, Gérard Berthiau, Didier Trichet, and Guillaume Wasselynck. "Simulation of induction thermography NDT technique using SIBC." COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 39, no. 5 (July 3, 2020): 1071–83.
Full textBalasubramaniam, Kaleeswaran, Dominika Ziaja, Michał Jurek, Piotr Fiborek, and Paweł Malinowski. "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Multiple Low-Velocity Impact Damages in a Glass Fibered Composite Structure." Materials 14, no. 23 (November 28, 2021): 7268.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Thermal NDT methods"
Славков, Віктор Миколайович. "Розробка цифрового фотографічного методу теплового контролю металів при високих температурах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 - devices and methods of testing and materials composition determination. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to development of a thermal control metals method at temperatures above 600 °C using as thermal radiation detector, digital camera. On the basis of the established method of theoretical positions were developed software algorithms for digital image processing that allowed: to carry a digital camera calibration brightness temperature in the range of 500...1800 °C and set the calibration curve in the form of mathematical equations; perform thermal control of metal plates, bulk metallic samples and established the presence of defects; to solve additional tasks of thermal metals control, namely to establish the value of the specific heat capacity of the metal mass; simulate uniform temperature field on the surface of the metal plates; determine the distribution coefficient of thermal radiation from the metal plates surface.
Славков, Віктор Миколайович. "Розробка цифрового фотографічного методу теплового контролю металів при високих температурах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 - devices and methods of testing and materials composition determination. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to development of a thermal control metals method at temperatures above 600 °C using as thermal radiation detector, digital camera. On the basis of the established method of theoretical positions were developed software algorithms for digital image processing that allowed: to carry a digital camera calibration brightness temperature in the range of 500...1800 °C and set the calibration curve in the form of mathematical equations; perform thermal control of metal plates, bulk metallic samples and established the presence of defects; to solve additional tasks of thermal metals control, namely to establish the value of the specific heat capacity of the metal mass; simulate uniform temperature field on the surface of the metal plates; determine the distribution coefficient of thermal radiation from the metal plates surface.
Luz, Andre Miguel Godinho da. "Predictive modelling and multiscale NDE methods in failure assessment of thermal barrier coatings." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2011.
Full textEiras, Fernández Jesús Nuño. "Studies on nonlinear mechanical wave behavior to characterize cement based materials and its durability." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016.
Full text[ES] El ensayo de determinación de las frecuencias de resonancia ha sido tradicionalmente empleado para determinar la integridad mecánica de testigos de hormigón, en la evaluación de la conformidad de mezclas de hormigón en diversos ensayos de durabilidad, y en la terminación de propiedades constitutivas como son el módulo elástico y el factor de amortiguamiento. Esta técnica no destructiva ha sido ampliamente apelada para la evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas en todo tipo de ensayos de durabilidad. La evolución del daño es comúnmente evaluada a partir de la reducción del módulo dinámico, producido como resultado de cualquier proceso de fisuración. Sin embargo, el comportamiento mecánico del hormigón es intrínsecamente no lineal y presenta histéresis. Como resultado de un comportamiento tensión-deformación con histéresis, el módulo elástico depende de la deformación. En ensayos dinámicos, la no linealidad del material se manifiesta por una disminución de las frecuencias de resonancia, la cual es inversamente proporcional a la amplitud de excitación. Este fenómeno es normalmente denominado como dinámica rápida. Una vez la excitación cesa, el material experimenta un proceso de relajación por el cual, el módulo elástico es restaurado a aquel en situación de reposo. Este fenómeno es denominado como dinámica lenta. Estos fenómenos ¿dinámicas rápida y lenta¿ encuentran su origen en la fricción interna del material. Por tanto, en materiales basados en cemento, la presencia de microfisuras y las interfaces entre sus constituyentes juegan un rol importante en la no linealidad mecánica del material. En el contexto de evaluación de la durabilidad del hormigón, la evolución del daño está basada en el incremento de histéresis, como resultado de cualquier proceso de fisuración. En esta tesis se investigan tres técnicas diferentes las cuales utilizan el impacto como medio de excitación de las frecuencias de resonancia. La primera técnica consiste en determinar las frecuencias de resonancia a diferentes energías de impacto. La técnica es denominada en inglés: Nonlinear Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NIRAS). Ésta consiste en relacionar el detrimento que el material experimenta en sus frecuencias de resonancia, con el aumento de la amplitud de la excitación. La segunda técnica consiste en investigar el comportamiento no lineal mediante el análisis de la señal correspondiente a un solo impacto. Ésta consiste en determinar las propiedades instantáneas de frecuencia, atenuación y amplitud. Esta técnica se denomina, en inglés, Nonlinear Single Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NSIRAS). Se proponen dos técnicas de extracción del comportamiento no lineal mediante el análisis de las variaciones instantáneas de frecuencia y atenuación. La primera técnica consiste en la discretización de la variación de la frecuencia con el tiempo, mediante un análisis basado en Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). La segunda técnica consiste en un ajuste por mínimos cuadrados de las señales de vibración a un modelo que considera las variaciones de frecuencia y atenuación con el tiempo. La tercera técnica empleada en esta tesis puede ser empleada para la evaluación de estructuras in situ. La técnica se trata de un ensayo acusto-elástico en régimen dinámico. En inglés Dynamic Acousto-Elastic Test (DAET). Las variaciones del módulo elástico obtenidas mediante los métodos NIRAS y NSIRAS proporcionan un comportamiento promedio y no permiten derivar las variaciones del módulo elástico en un solo ciclo de vibración. Actualmente, la técnica DAET es la única que permite investigar todo el rango de fenómenos no lineales en el material. Por otra parte, a diferencia de otras técnicas DAET, en este estudio se emplea como contraste una onda continua. El uso de una onda continua permite investigar las variaciones relativas del módulo elástico, para una señal transito
[CAT] L'assaig de determinació de les freqüències de ressonància ha sigut tradicionalment empleat per a determinar la integritat mecànica de testimonis de formigó, en l'avaluació de la conformitat de mescles de formigó en diversos assajos de durabilitat, i en la terminació de propietats constitutives com són el mòdul elàstic i el factor d'amortiment. Esta tècnica no destructiva ha sigut àmpliament apel·lada per a l'avaluació de les propietats mecàniques en tot tipus d'assajos de durabilitat. L'evolució del dany és comunament avaluada a partir de la reducció del mòdul dinàmic, produït com resultat de qualsevol procés de fisuración. No obstant això, el comportament mecànic del formigó és intrínsecament no lineal i presenta histèresi. Com resultat d'un comportament tensió-deformació amb histèresi, el mòdul elàstic depén de la deformació. En assajos dinàmics, la no linealitat del material es manifesta per una disminució de les freqüències de ressonància, la qual és inversament proporcional a l'amplitud d'excitació. Este fenomen és normalment denominat com a dinàmica ràpida. Una vegada l'excitació cessa, el material experimenta un procés de relaxació pel qual, el mòdul elàstic és restaurat a aquell en situació de repòs. Este fenomen és denominat com a dinàmica lenta. Estos fenòmens --dinámicas ràpida i lenta troben el seu origen en la fricció interna del material. Per tant, en materials basats en ciment, la presència de microfissures i les interfícies entre els seus constituents juguen un rol important en la no linealitat mecànica del material. En el context d'avaluació de la durabilitat del formigó, l'evolució del dany està basada en l'increment d'histèresi, com resultat de qualsevol procés de fisuración. En esta tesi s'investiguen tres tècniques diferents les quals utilitzen l'impacte com a mitjà d'excitació de les freqüències de ressonància. La primera tècnica consistix a determinar les freqüències de ressonància a diferents energies d'impacte. La tècnica és denominada en anglés: Nonlinear Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NIRAS). Esta consistix a relacionar el detriment que el material experimenta en les seues freqüències de ressonància, amb l'augment de l'amplitud de l'excitació. La segona tècnica consistix a investigar el comportament no lineal per mitjà de l'anàlisi del senyal corresponent a un sol impacte. Esta consistix a determinar les propietats instantànies de freqüència, atenuació i amplitud. Esta tècnica es denomina, en anglés, Nonlinear Single Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NSIRAS). Es proposen dos tècniques d'extracció del comportament no lineal per mitjà de l'anàlisi de les variacions instantànies de freqüència i atenuació. La primera tècnica consistix en la discretización de la variació de la freqüència amb el temps, per mitjà d'una anàlisi basat en Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). La segona tècnica consistix en un ajust per mínims quadrats dels senyals de vibració a un model que considera les variacions de freqüència i atenuació amb el temps. La tercera tècnica empleada en esta tesi pot ser empleada per a l'avaluació d'estructures in situ. La tècnica es tracta d'un assaig acusto-elástico en règim dinàmic. En anglés Dynamic Acousto-Elastic Test (DAET). Les variacions del mòdul elàstic obtingudes per mitjà dels mètodes NIRAS i NSIRAS proporcionen un comportament mitjà i no permeten derivar les variacions del mòdul elàstic en un sol cicle de vibració. Actualment, la tècnica DAET és l'única que permet investigar tot el rang de fenòmens no lineals en el material. D'altra banda, a diferència d'altres tècniques DAET, en este estudi s'empra com contrast una ona contínua. L'ús d'una ona contínua permet investigar les variacions relatives del mòdul elàstic, per a un senyal transitori. A més, permet la inspecció d'elements per mitjà de l'accés per una sola cara.
Eiras Fernández, JN. (2016). Studies on nonlinear mechanical wave behavior to characterize cement based materials and its durability [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Ayvazyan, Vigen. "Etude de champs de température séparables avec une double décomposition en valeurs singulières : quelques applications à la caractérisation des propriétés thermophysiques des matérieux et au contrôle non destructif." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Full textInfrared thermography is a widely used method for characterization of thermophysical properties of materials. The advent of the laser diodes, which are handy, inexpensive, with a broad spectrum of characteristics, extend metrological possibilities of infrared cameras and provide a combination of new powerful tools for thermal characterization and non destructive evaluation. However, this new dynamic has also brought numerous difficulties that must be overcome, such as high volume noisy data processing and low sensitivity to estimated parameters of such data. This requires revisiting the existing methods of signal processing, adopting new sophisticated mathematical tools for data compression and processing of relevant information.New strategies consist in using orthogonal transforms of the signal as a prior data compression tools, which allow noise reduction and control over it. Correlation analysis, based on the local cerrelation study between partial derivatives of the experimental signal, completes these new strategies. A theoretical analogy in Fourier space has been performed in order to better understand the «physical» meaning of modal approaches.The response to the instantaneous point source of heat, has been revisited both numerically and experimentally. By using separable temperature fields, a new inversion technique based on a double singular value decomposition of experimental signal has been introduced. In comparison with previous methods, it takes into account two or three-dimensional heat diffusion and therefore offers a better exploitation of the spatial content of infrared images. Numerical and experimental examples have allowed us to validate in the first approach our new estimation method of longitudinal thermal diffusivities. Non destructive testing applications based on the new technique have also been introduced.An old issue, which consists in determining the initial temperature field from noisy data, has been approached in a new light. The necessity to know the thermal diffusivities of an orthotropic medium and the need to take into account often three-dimensional heat transfer, are complicated issues. The implementation of the double singular value decomposition allowed us to achieve interesting results according to its ease of use. Indeed, modal approaches are statistical methods based on high volume data processing, supposedly robust as to the measurement noise
Chvatík, Štěpán. "Asynchronní motor s vnějším rotorem." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018.
Full textBooks on the topic "Thermal NDT methods"
Dolgov, I., Mihail Volovik, and Andrey Mahnovskiy. Thermographic signs of certain diseases of the respiratory system (acute sinusitis, pneumonia) Thermography Atlas. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.
Full textSchroeder, Daniel V. An Introduction to Thermal Physics. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textCoppola, Silvia, and Franco Valenza. Inhalation injury in the ICU. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textDurakov, I. A., and L. N. Mylnikova. At the Dawn of Metallurgy: Bronze Casting Production of the Ob-Irtysh Forest-Steppe Population in the Early Bronze Age. IAET SB RAS Publishing, 2021.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Thermal NDT methods"
Tserpes, Konstantinos, Elli Moutsompegka, Mareike Schlag, Kai Brune, Christian Tornow, Ana Reguero Simón, and Romain Ecault. "Characterization of Pre-bond Contamination and Aging Effects for CFRP Bonded Joints Using Reference Laboratory Methods, Mechanical Tests, and Numerical Simulation." In Adhesive Bonding of Aircraft Composite Structures, 51–117. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textKumarapu, Kumar, M. Shashi, and K. Venkata Reddy. "Development of Thermal Remote Sensing NDT Method for Early Age Strength Estimation of Concrete." In Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials, 211–22. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textBracci, D. J., P. Garikepati, D. C. Jiles, and O. Buck. "NDE Methods for Determination of Thermal History and Mechanical Properties of Al-Li Alloys." In Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 1395–402. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1987.
Full textBracci, D. J., P. Garikepati, D. C. Jiles, and O. Buck. "Search for NDE Methods to Characterize Thermal History and Mechanical Properties of Al-Li Alloys." In Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 1255–62. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988.
Full textSamuelsson, Anders, Falko Schröter, Gerhard Sedlacek, Christian Müller, Alain Nussbaumer, Bernt Johansson, Torsten Höglund, Peter Collin, and Alberto Miazzon. "High-Performance Steels in Europe." In Use and Application of High-Performance Steels for Steel Structures, 99–146. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2005.
Full text"Thermal methods." In Emerging Technologies in NDT, 189–226. CRC Press, 2008.
Full textMatysík, M., I. Plšková, and Z. Chobola. "Detection of concrete thermal load time by acoustic NDT methods." In Advances and Trends in Engineering Sciences and Technologies III, 191–96. CRC Press, 2019.
Full textLee, P. J. "Other Assessment Methods—An Overview." In Statistical Methods for Estimating Petroleum Resources, edited by Jo Anne DeGraffenreid. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Full textSatapathy, Suchismita, and Jitendra Narayan Biswal. "Thermal Power Sector Sustainability." In Handbook of Research on Ergonomics and Product Design, 381–401. IGI Global, 2018.
Full textBakalos, Nikolaos, Iason Katsamenis, Eleni Eirini Karolou, and Nikolaos Doulamis. "Unsupervised Man Overboard Detection Using Thermal Imagery and Spatiotemporal Autoencoders." In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Thermal NDT methods"
Florin, Christian. "Thermal Testing Methods As New Tool In NDT." In Technical Symposium Southeast, edited by Robert P. Madding. SPIE, 1987.
Full textPelletier, J. F., E. Grinzato, R. Dessi, and X. Maldague. "Shape and uneven heating correction for NDT on cylinders by thermal methods." In 1996 Quantitative InfraRed Thermography. QIRT Council, 1996.
Full textIvashov, Sergey I., Vladimir V. Razevig, Andrey V. Zhuravlev, Timothy Bechtel, and Margarita A. Chizh. "Comparison of Different NDT Methods in Diagnostics of Rocket Cryogenic Tanks Thermal Protection Coating." In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS). IEEE, 2019.
Full textLuz, A. M. G., D. Balint, and K. Nikbin. "A Multiscale NDT System for Damage Detection in Thermal Barrier Coatings." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009.
Full textLugscheider, E., P. Remer, C. Herbst, and G. Barbezat. "A Potential NDT Method for Rapid Quality Control of Thermal Sprayed Coatings." In ITSC 1996, edited by C. C. Berndt. ASM International, 1996.
Full textWalaszek, Henri. "Impact of New Imaging Non Destructive Methods in Testing and Monitoring of Composite and Metallic Components." In ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textTian, Gui Yun, Liang Cheng, Yuhua Cheng, and Fan Yang. "Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation for Safety Critical Components and Material." In 2013 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textFurlong, Cosme, and Ryszard J. Pryputniewicz. "Novel Experimental-Computational Method for Quantitative Applications in Electronic Packaging." In ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
Full textHossain, Md Shahjahan, Russell Krenek, Hossein Taheri, and Fadwa Dababneh. "Ultrasonic Phased Array Technique for Defect Detection and Sizing in Heavy-Walled Cast Components." In ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textMeyendorf, Norbert G., Jochen Hoffmann, Liming Shen, and Henrik Rösner. "Trends in NDE Using Thermal Inspection Methods." In ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
Full textReports on the topic "Thermal NDT methods"
Clausen, Jay, Christopher Felt, Michael Musty, Vuong Truong, Susan Frankenstein, Anna Wagner, Rosa Affleck, Steven Peckham, and Christopher Williams. Modernizing environmental signature physics for target detection—Phase 3. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), March 2022.
Full textScobie, Linda, Liam O'Connor, Martin D’Agostino, Nigel Cook, Jonathan Wells, Sarah Berry, Louise Kelly, Anne Wood, and Sue Keenan. Thermal Inactivation Model for Hepatitis E Virus (HEV). Food Standards Agency, February 2022.
Full textRouseff, Russell L., and Michael Naim. Characterization of Unidentified Potent Flavor Changes during Processing and Storage of Orange and Grapefruit Juices. United States Department of Agriculture, September 2002.
Full textWeinschenk, Craig, Keith Stakes, and Robin Zevotek. Impact of Fire Attack Utilizing Interior and Exterior Streams on Firefighter Safety and Occupant Survival: Air Entrainment. UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute, December 2017.
Full textFriedman, Shmuel, Jon Wraith, and Dani Or. Geometrical Considerations and Interfacial Processes Affecting Electromagnetic Measurement of Soil Water Content by TDR and Remote Sensing Methods. United States Department of Agriculture, 2002.
Full textWeinschenk, Craig, Keith Stakes, and Robin Zevotek. Impact of Fire Attack Utilizing Interior and Exterior Streams on Firefighter Safety and Occupant Survival: Water Mapping. UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute, December 2017.
Full textHutchinson, M. L., J. E. L. Corry, and R. H. Madden. A review of the impact of food processing on antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in secondary processed meats and meat products. Food Standards Agency, October 2020.
Full textJones, Scott B., Shmuel P. Friedman, and Gregory Communar. Novel streaming potential and thermal sensor techniques for monitoring water and nutrient fluxes in the vadose zone. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2011.
Full textWei, Fulu, Ce Wang, Xiangxi Tian, Shuo Li, and Jie Shan. Investigation of Durability and Performance of High Friction Surface Treatment. Purdue University, 2021.
Full textBrosh, Arieh, David Robertshaw, Yoav Aharoni, Zvi Holzer, Mario Gutman, and Amichai Arieli. Estimation of Energy Expenditure of Free Living and Growing Domesticated Ruminants by Heart Rate Measurement. United States Department of Agriculture, April 2002.
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