Academic literature on the topic 'Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude'
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Journal articles on the topic "Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude"
Dab, William, Nathalie Beltzer, and Jean-Paul Moatti. "Les modèles d'analyse des comportements à risque face à l'infection à VIH : une conception trop étroite de la rationalité." Population Vol. 48, no. 5 (May 1, 1993): 1505–34.
Full textde Clercy, Cristine. "Leadership and Uncertainty in Fiscal Restructuring: Ralph Klein and Roy Romanow." Canadian Journal of Political Science 38, no. 1 (March 2005): 175–202.
Full textBibard, Laurent. "Accepter le risque et l'incertitude." Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels XVIII, no. 45 (2012): 101.
Full textTallon. "Risque microéconomique, aversion à l'incertitude et indétermination de l'équilibre." Annales d'Économie et de Statistique, no. 48 (1997): 211.
Full textChallier, Marie-Christine. "Travail atypique et théorie du risque." Revue économique 37, no. 5 (1986): 805–32.
Full textChallier, Marie-Christine. "Travail atypique et théorie du risque." Revue économique 37, no. 5 (September 1986): 805.
Full textColson, Gérard. "Prenons-nous assez de risque dans les théories du risque?" L'Actualité économique 69, no. 1 (March 23, 2009): 111–41.
Full textKeller, R. "Le développement durable dans la société du risque : le cas allemand." Geographica Helvetica 54, no. 2 (June 30, 1999): 81–89.
Full textGalanti, Sébastien. "Cryptoactifs et portefeuille optimal." Revue française d'économie Vol XXXVIII, no. 4 (May 2, 2024): 47–63.
Full textPittaway, Elizabeth Dow, Anne Westhues, and Tracy Peressini. "Risk Factors for Abuse and Neglect among Older Adults." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 14, S2 (1995): 20–44.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude"
Tacnet, Jean-Marc. "Prise en compte de l'incertitude dans l'expertise des risques naturels en montagne par analyse multicritères et fusion d'information." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2009.
Full textSarrouy-Watkins, Nathalie. "La théorie de l'effectuation et l'incertitude du couple produit-marché dans le processus de création d'entreprise." Thesis, Reims, 2014.
Full textEffectuation is the first original theory of entrepreneurship, but the problems surrounding its very nature have compromised the development of its hypotheses of usage. Based on the initial uncertainty of the product-market couple, it has not be the subject of sufficient empirical testing. The objective of this research is to improve the normative capacity of effectuation, by furthering the exploration of its link with the uncertainty of the product-market couple. The scientific goal is twofold:- To test the hypotheses of the usage of the product-market couples against the variable initial uncertainty.- To propose and test the new hypotheses of usage, founded on the uncertainty of the product–market couples in creation.Theoretical choices have been made, translating our wish to surpass the successive philosophical approaches and to anchor the research in three new models: those of Hogarth, Davidson and Bhaskar. The quasi-qualitative methodology retained, enables the conciliation of the double finality of the research, with the necessity to use the case study method to seize the whole concept. The research strategy relies on the recommendations stated by Yin and the techniques of Miles and Huberman, guaranteeing a high level of validity and reliability of the results. The theory relies on the analysis and the comparison of six cases of enterprise creation, presenting at the start a varied uncertainty of their product-market couple. The results obtained hinge on two points:- The enrichment of the effectual theory with new theoretical foundations.- The reinforcement of its normative capacity with two new series of usage hypotheses founded on 1) the initial uncertainty of the product-market couple and 2) the uncertainty of the product-market couple measured during the process.More generally we have shown the importance of the use of effectuation in the creation of enterprises by novice entrepreneurs
Schinckus, Christophe. "La diversification théorique en finance de marché : vers de nouvelles perspectives de l'incertitude : étude de la contribution de la finance comportementale et l'éconophysique en matière de modélisation de l'évaluation des actifs financiers." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textFayard, Nicolas. "Capability approach inspired tools for aiding policy design." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.
Full textThis research explores the application of the Capability Approach (CA) within decision-aiding frameworks, focusing on public policy design.The CA is presented as an alternative to traditional welfare measures, offering a multidimensional framework that accounts for diversity and subjectivity.We propose an improved approach by incorporating systemic factors through mixed-integer linear programming, obtaining capability sets as Pareto frontiers.A proof of concept was developed by applying the CA to assess mental health capabilities of older adults in the urban context of Paris.Rather than comparing and aggregating, possibly multidimensional, solutions, new methodologies are required to compare and aggregate sets of Pareto-efficient solutions.The second part of this manuscript is dedicated to adapting classical aggregation methods to the CA, specifically focusing on aggregating capability sets in the presence of a utility function and dealing with uncertainty, both with and without subjective probabilities
Alidor, Bastien. "L'incertitude et le contrat en droit privé." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2019.
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Foucher, Karine. "Principe de précaution et risque sanitaire : recherche sur l'encadrement juridique de l'incertitude scientifique." Nantes, 2000.
Full textThe emergence of the precautionary principle is the outcome, due to the advancement of scientific knowledge, of an awareness of the limitations of the preventionary principle. µAfter it has been acknowledged in the field of environnemental protection, the precautionary principle is moreover liable to apply in the field of public health. Its aims is to prevent risks of typically uncertain, grevious and irreversible damage. Operating it does not require any new legal instruments, it only requires making use of the existing provisions about the prevention of technological risks (preliminary assessment and licence, compulsory follow up, limitations, measures of conservation) taking into account scientific uncertainty. Such steps taken to manage risks happen to be ample dimensions compared with wathever action could be taken according to preventionary principle. The juridical implications of the precautionary principle fall into two categories, wether the risk is managd in a permissive or in a conservatoryway. The point of this approach is so show that the precautionary principle is a principle for action intented to apply of the various stages of decision making. When one considers that distinction to check off the existing or potential means of the taking uncertainty into account in law, substantial presence of that principole can no doubt be traced in law. Its formal consecration does not lead the to a break with existing law. On the contrary, it allows strengthening the precautionary principle widely developed in law, together with is acknowledgement as a juridical principle
Siani, Carole. "Le traitement du risque et de l'incertitude dans les évaluations économiques de stratégies médicales." Aix-Marseille 2, 2003.
Full textYafil, Fabrice. "Aversion au risque et demande d'assurance maladie : théorie et expérimentation." Montpellier 1, 2004.
Full textDitzler, Cédric. "Attitude face au risque et choix d'assurance : théorie et expériences." Strasbourg 1, 2005.
Full textThe work of the thesis consists in testing several theories of decision under risk starting from the predictions of two simplified insurance models: a model of choice of insurance contract for a given coverage and a model of choice of insurance coverage for a given insurance scheme. Our framework makes it possible to discuss the empirical validity of two central theorems of the economy of insurance: the theorem of Arrow and the theorem of Mossin. The confrontation of the theories of decision is carried out 1) by the study of the correspondence between attitudes to risk which are determined by the Tradeoff elicitation method (Deneffe and Wakker (1996)) and the insurance choices and 2) according to the insurance choices using a deterministic approach and a stochastic one which takes into account the errors made by the subjects. We show that it is difficult to infer insurance choices from the elicitation results because of a great instability of the attitude to risk between two successive elicitation phases of preferences. In addition, our experimental data do not support the predictions of the Arrow and Mossin theorems. These results show the low descriptive validity of the expected utility theory compared to other alternative theories like the dual theory of Yaari (1987) or the cumulative prospect theory of Tversky and Kahneman (1992). However, even if the alternative models manage to explain more insurance behaviours in our experiments, the stochastic analysis shows all the same that the expected utility theory is less sensitive to the modifications carried out on the variables of treatment like the format of presentation of the questions or the monetary incentives which influence considerably the subjects' attitudes to risk
Mo, Xiu. "Compilation de bases de connaissances avec prise en compte de l'imprécision et de l'incertitude." Toulouse 3, 1990.
Full textBooks on the topic "Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude"
Yatchinovsky, Arlette. L' approche systémique: Pour gérer l'incertitude et la complexité. Paris: ESF éditeur, 1999.
Find full textFoucher, Karine. Principe de précaution et risque sanitaire: Recherche sur l'encadrement juridique de l'incertitude scientifique. Paris: Harmattan, 2002.
Find full textBouchaud, Jean-Philippe. Théorie des risques financiers: Portefeuilles, options et risques majeurs. Paris: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, 1997.
Find full textMbengue, Makane Moïse. Essai sur une théorie du risque en droit international public: L'anticipation du risque environnemental et sanitaire. Paris: Éditions A. Pedone, 2009.
Find full textMbengue, Makane Moïse. Essai sur une théorie du risque en droit international public: L'anticipation du risque environnemental et sanitaire. Paris: Éditions A. Pedone, 2009.
Find full textBuron, Catherine. Utilité et préférences en univers certain et en univers risque: Une application de la théorie multiattribut en économie de la santé. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 1999.
Find full textLesley, Doyal, Naidoo Jennie, and Wilton Tamsin, eds. AIDS: Setting a feminist agenda. London: Taylor & Francis, 1994.
Find full textL' information sur le risque et l'incertitude. Toronto, Ont: Institut canadien des comptables agréés, 1990.
Find full textViricel, Arnaud, and Mathieu Le Bellac. Mathématiques des Marchés Financiers: Modélisation du Risque et de L'incertitude. EDP Sciences, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude"
Drymbetas, Evangelos. "L'incertitude dans les phénomènes non linéaires." In Risque, nature et société, 83–88. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 1996.
Full textPapachristou, Georges. "Théorie économique du risque." In Risque, nature et société, 89–95. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 1996.
Full text"Théorie culturelle, risque, rationalité et implications éthiques." In Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, 119–26. Philosophy Documentation Center, 2008.
Full textWALLIAN, Nathalie, Céline CARNUS, and Marie-France CARNUS. "Aiguiller le ciel en ingénierie de résilience." In Les savoirs de l'extrême, 203–32. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2024.
Full textMETZGER, Pascale, and Julien REBOTIER. "L’accouchement difficile de la société du risque et la relégation des sciences sociales." In Les risques et l’anthropocène, 151–73. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full text"Les technologies d’augmentation permanentes et le risque transhumaniste." In Théorie du super soldat. La moralité des technologies d’augmentation dans l’armée, 121–50. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2018.
Full text"Les technologies d’augmentation permanentes et le risque transhumaniste." In Théorie du super soldat. La moralité des technologies d’augmentation dans l’armée, 121–50. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2018.
Full textFauvin, Jean-Claude. "Être lacanien et enseigné par la théorie du corps et de la psyché de Geneviève Haag." In Le corps sensori-moteur du bébé à risque, 65–87. Érès, 2022.
Full textAglietta, Michel. "2.1. Le risque de système et la régulation des économies de marché." In La Théorie de la Régulation au fil du temps, 63–65. Éditions des maisons des sciences de l’homme associées, 2018.
Full textLansdown, Gerison. "L’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant – Un dialogue entre théorie et pratique." In Hors collection, 33–37. Conseil de l'Europe, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude"
Andersson, Fred. "Groupe µ and “the system of plastic form” -for an evaluation-." In Le Groupe μ : quarante ans de rhétorique – trente-trois ans de sémiotique visuelle. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2010.
Full textReports on the topic "Théorie du risque et de l'incertitude"
Concina, Laura. Attitude face au risque & Sciences économiques. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, May 2014.
Full textJauvin, Nathalie, François Aubry, Francis Ethridge, Isabelle Feillou, Éric Gagnon, Andrew Freeman, Nancy Côté, et al. Recherche-action visant le développement d’un modèle d’intervention préventive en SST par et pour les préposés aux bénéficiaires en CHSLD. IRSST, September 2024.
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