Academic literature on the topic 'Théorie des jeux psychologique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Théorie des jeux psychologique"
Parlebas, Pierre. "Psychologie sociale et théorie des jeux : Étude de certains jeux sportifs." Bulletin de psychologie 38, no. 372 (1985): 956–58.
Full textYamada, Naoko, and Jinmoo Heo. "Determinants of Engagement in Leisure-time Physical Activity – Dialogue with Senior Athletes." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 35, no. 4 (October 3, 2016): 513–25.
Full textWoods, Ken, and José Grégoire. "Théorie des jeux psychologiques et niveaux de défense : une présentation de cas." Actualités en analyse transactionnelle 126, no. 2 (2008): 8.
Full textGyeman, Maria. "Qu’est-ce qu’un signe linguistique? Le revers psychologique de la théorie husserlienne des actes de signification à l’époque des "Recherches logiques"." Investigaciones Fenomenológicas, no. 4-I (January 15, 2014): 219.
Full textHudelot, Alexis. "Les jeux vidéo de tir à la première personne (FPS) et le Pentagone : les limites du récit pour la science politique." Articles 34, no. 2 (July 30, 2015): 17–38.
Full textGadbois, Jocelyn. "Rationaliser les comportements de jeu." Drogues, santé et société 13, no. 1 (October 31, 2014): 91–111.
Full textLivet, Pierre. "Jeux évolutionnaires et paradoxe de l’induction rétrograde (backward induction)." Philosophiques 25, no. 2 (August 8, 2007): 181–201.
Full textDrouhin, Nicolas. "Choix intertemporel et loi psychologique fondamentale." Recherches économiques de Louvain 73, no. 3 (2007): 273–92.
Full textSévigny, Robert. "Théorie psychologique et sociologie implicite*." Santé mentale au Québec 8, no. 1 (June 12, 2006): 7–20.
Full textWalliser, Bernard. "Théorie des jeux et institutions." Cahiers d Économie Politique 44, no. 1 (2003): 165.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Théorie des jeux psychologique"
Kobiyh, Miloudi. "Contribution à la théorie des jeux psychologique : modélisation des comportements et problèmes de coopération." Caen, 2009.
Full textRichardot, Sophie. "Escalade d'engagement et normes sociales : études expérimentales en situation de jeu de hasard." Paris 8, 2000.
Full textChagny, Sabine. "Ecrits inspirés : de la psychose schizophrénique dans ses rapports avec la paranoïa." Aix-Marseille 1, 2009.
Full textEl, Moussaoui Hicham. "De la coopération dans un dilemme social : vers une théorie du choix rationnel des préférences : cas du jeu de bien public." Aix-Marseille 3, 2008.
Full textIn the standard theory of cooperation, only the interpersonal conflict of preferences was studied. In our thesis we integrate the intrapersonal conflict of preferences the resolution of which involved the choice of the order of preferences to be satisfied. Thanks to the concept of choice of the preferences we formulate three propositions allowing to bring a new lighting on experimental evidence dealing with the voluntary contribution to public good. Firstly, in the prospect of the choice of preferences, the internal solution in public good games corresponds to a compromise of the preferences, while the heterogeneousness of contributions can be explained by the subjectivity of the allocation by the agents of the relative weights. Secondly, the framing effect and crowding out of voluntary contribution to the public good can be explained as the impact of framing over the choice of preferences, where from the interaction between incentives and preferences. Finally, the endogenous formation of groups and communities appear as social mechanism of insurance because they prevent the switching behavior of cooperative agents by reducing the probability of interaction with free riders
Fantoni, Corinne. "Attentes, prises de décisions motrices et performances : impact des prophéties autoréalisatrices sur les choix d'étudiants STAPS soumis à un dilemme en action motrice." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
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Khazrai͏̈e, Kamran. "Analyse expérimentale du comportement agonistique des mâles du grillon Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer)." Toulouse 3, 1995.
Full textPin, Anne-Claire. "Prévention de la pratique problématique des jeux de hasard et d’argent : conceptualisation et mesure du risque perçu à adopter un comportement de responsable." Thesis, Lorient, 2016.
Full textThis research aims at better understanding the role of the perceived risk in decision-making process to adopt recommended health behavior. Particularly, built on (i) existing gambling studies, the concept of perceived risk both in consumer psychology and in health research, (iii) Rothman and colleagues’ works on health framed-messages and (iv) models of health behavior change, this study contributes to address a specific issue: In what extent does the perceived risk of adopting responsible gambling behavior influence the evaluation and the adoption of such a health behavior? Whereas, to the best of our knowledge, there is no measurement instrument of the perceived risks of adopting responsible gambling behavior, this research aims at developing a measurement index measuring the perceived risks of adopting such a health behavior. Following Churchill’s, Rossiter's, Jarvis and colleagues’ and Mackenzie and colleagues’ recommendations regarding the development of measurement instruments, we conducted a quantitative study (n = 22 gamblers) in order to thoroughly conceptualize the concept of perceived risks of adopting a responsible gambling behavior. Three quantitative studies (n = 605 gamblers) allowed assessing the stability, the predictive and discriminant validity of the measure. Results show that the perceived risks of adopting responsible gambling behavior index is a valid and reliable measure formed of five dimensions: perceived risk of (i) living less excitement, (ii) having less socialization, earning less money, (iv) winning less money and, finally, (v) having less distraction from daily life. Results suggest that gamblers perceive responsible gambling as a risky alternative to gambling because they would not be able to fully satisfy their gambling motivations. Moreover, the perceived risk of adopting responsible gambling behavior play a key role in gamblers' decision to adopt such recommended health behavior
Barthélémy-Musso, Audrey. "Développement des détournements d'usages d'objets dans les jeux entre enfants de 3 à 7 ans." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2012.
Full textMouminoux, Claire. "Biais comportementaux et stratégies des acteurs du marché de l'assurance." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textThis thesis aims at explaining interactions among economic agents operating in the retail insurance market. On the one hand, the policyholder is willing to be covered against a risk. To do so, they have to explore the insurance market to purchase a contract in line with their risk perception. On the other hand, insurers compete in a regulated market which imposes capital constraints for shock loss absorption purposes. In between, intermediaries may provide services in order to facilitate interaction between risk-adverse consumers and risk-taker firms. In this context, we analyze economic behaviors of insurance actors through different perspectives. Chapter 1 and 2 both result from original laboratory experiments, conducted through a web-interface especially designed for these studies. Results in Chapter 3 rely on a theoretical model and numerical simulations. Chapter 1 emphasizes on the relationship between honesty and beliefs about honesty of economic agents. According to laboratory results, we show how the uncertainty and the perception of advantageous conditions impact the level of honesty and beliefs about honesty. In general, consumers estimate that intermediaries are more honest than they really are, hence supporting their physical presence in the insurance market. However, intermediary financial incentives are a source of distortion of honesty beliefs: the weaker the level of the incentive, the stronger the deviation anticipations. In Chapter 2, we shed light on the dilemma faced by insurance purchasers under a multichannel distribution. Should the consumer, themselves, choose from a large set of insurance policies, or rather delegate a part of their decision to a more or less honest intermediary? Using experimental approaches, including exogenous search costs, we show that obfuscation and beliefs about intermediary honesty are the main determinants of individual choices. We also find that obfuscation and intermediaries’ deviation are the main sources of inefficiency in decision-making, especially regarding the features of the insurance contracts chosen by consumers. Our identification of the focal point effect supports the importance of the price level on purchasing decisions rather than the risk environment or the coverage level. The introduction of search costs in the exploration process, as well as the heterogeneity of beliefs about honesty, justify multichannel distribution strategies adopted by insurers. An analysis of insurer price competition with a repeated one-period non-cooperative game is conducted in Chapter 3, where both insurer losses and consumer behaviors are stochastic. Because of regulatory obligations, we consider a solvency constraint when computing Nash-Equilibrium. We determine the sensitivity of the premium equilibrium with respect to the parameters, especially when firms do not benefit from same competitive advantages (i.e. reputation effect leading to differences in consumers inertia or market seniority leading to differences in capital stock). We also study insurers’ market share in response to the entry of new insurer undercutting prices but dealing with binding solvency constraints
Picant, Sébastien. "Définition d'un modèle opérationnel de gestion dynamique des exceptions dans le cadre d'échanges B2B sans accord mutuel préalable." Caen, 2011.
Full textB2b exchanges are electronic exchanges between businesses, and especially the exchange ofelectronic business documents between enterprise information systems. In order to be able toexchange business documents automatically, these information systems must be compatible. There are three levels of compatibility requirements: the technical level, the data level and theprocess level. This thesis focuses on the process compatibility. Each enterprise has its own business process describing its business logic. This process iscomposed of a private part, representing the enterprise's internal processes, and a public partdefining the choreography, that is the sequencing of exchanged documents. Currently, in orderto engage into a b2b exchange, business partners need to agree beforehand on a common cho-reography and to adapt their information systems to it. The goal of our work is to get rid of thisdesign time by allowing enterprises to interact even when their choreographies are different. Our approach consists in designing a mediation multiagent system, relying on a social com-mitment model, that is able to detect dynamically exceptions (due to incompatibilities bertweenpartners' choreographies) and to adapt its behavior to compensate for them. This system in-terprets the semantics of the exchanged documents in order to determine their effects on thecurrent interactions and to anticipate the possible exceptions that may occur
Books on the topic "Théorie des jeux psychologique"
The survival game: How game theory explains the biology of human cooperation and competition. New York: Times Books, 2003.
Find full textWebster, Thomas J. Introduction to game theory in business and economics. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2009.
Find full textIntroduction to game theory in business and economics. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2009.
Find full textVygotskiĭ, L. S. Théorie des émotions: Étude historico-psychologique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1998.
Find full textJaques, Karin. Jeux de miroirs: Conte psychologique pour adultes. Berne: P. Lang, 1988.
Find full textGenvo, Sébastien. Introduction aux enjeux artistiques et culturels des jeux vidéo. Paris: Harmattan, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Théorie des jeux psychologique"
"Bibliographie." In Théorie des jeux, 121–26. Dunod, 2018.
Full text"Les jeux séquentiels." In La théorie des jeux en images, 118–19. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Les jeux séquentiels." In La théorie des jeux en images, 118–19. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"La théorie des jeux évolutionnaires." In La théorie des jeux en images, 100. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"La théorie des jeux évolutionnaires." In La théorie des jeux en images, 100. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Jeux à coups simultanés." In La théorie des jeux en images, 24–25. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Jeux à coups simultanés." In La théorie des jeux en images, 24–25. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textNavarro, Oscar. "27. Distance psychologique (théorie de la)." In Psychologie environnementale : 100 notions clés, 83–85. Dunod, 2022.
Full text"La perfection en sous-jeux." In La théorie des jeux en images, 123–25. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"La perfection en sous-jeux." In La théorie des jeux en images, 123–25. EDP Sciences, 2020.
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