Academic literature on the topic 'Théorie de la culture de consommation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Théorie de la culture de consommation"
Maille, Virginie, Elodie Gentina, and Li Zhen. "L’influence de l’appartenance sociale et de la créativité sur les comportements de consommation immoraux des nouveaux adolescents: une étude cross-culturelle auprès des 16–24 ans." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 36, no. 3 (April 8, 2021): 78–108.
Full textPadilla, Martine. "Le concept de modèle de consommation alimentaire et la théorie de la consommation." Économies et Sociétés. Série Développement agroalimentaire 26, no. 621 (1992): 13–27.
Full textSchmitt, Céline. "La scénographie, de l’espace au regard." Figures de l'Art. Revue d'études esthétiques 18, no. 1 (2010): 199–208.
Full textFerrarese, Estelle. "Esquisse d’une Théorie critique de la consommation éthique." Rue Descartes N° 103, no. 1 (November 16, 2023): 11–26.
Full textMaigret, Éric. "« Médiacultures » et coming out des cultural studies en France." Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no. 47 (June 27, 2011): 11–21.
Full textOUGUENOUNE, Boussad. "L’impact du droit de la consommation sur la théorie du contrat The impact of consumer law on the general theory of the contract." مجلة المعيار 26, no. 6 (September 15, 2022): 926–37.
Full textDrouhin, Nicolas. "Choix intertemporel et loi psychologique fondamentale." Recherches économiques de Louvain 73, no. 3 (2007): 273–92.
Full textRobert-Demontrond, Philippe, Amélie Bellion, and Théophile Beausset. "Principes, enjeux et limites de la théorie des pratiques pour le marketing." Management & Sciences Sociales N° 28, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 93–105.
Full textJolivet, Patrick, and Audrey Aknin. "Consommation et développement durable : définition d’une problématique." Économie appliquée 53, no. 3 (2000): 117–33.
Full textDiebolt, Claude. "La théorie de la sous-consommation du cycle des affaires de Emil Lederer." Économie appliquée 50, no. 1 (1997): 27–50.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Théorie de la culture de consommation"
Abouhazim, Kawtar. "Mariage et consommation : approche ethnologique et recommandations marketing." Thesis, Normandie, 2020.
Full textBased on a phenomenological approach and an ethnomarketing protocol, this doctoral dissertation explores to what extent the culture of consumption around weddings in France interferes with the observed subcultures (religious, areligious, of gender, of passions and lifestyles, etc.). Through the study of the social and market structures that guide the customer journey of fourteen observation units, it emerges that weddings are largely predetermined by rituals inherited from the subcultures of origin. Nonetheless, personalisation and cultural hybridisation are present in varying degrees, creating more meaningful experiences and shaping a unique identity to each celebration. This produces customer journeys with diverse and heterogeneous trajectories, oriented by a thematic referent framework and the leitmotiv to “throw a successful wedding"
Ourahmoune, Nacima. "Comprendre le comportement du consommateur masculin : une approche socioculturelle : du discours des marques sur l'apparence masculine aux représentations des consommateurs de lingerie d'homme." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 3, 2011.
Full textThis doctoral dissertation aims participating in building knowledge on the masculine consumption, a topic that was neglected in consumer research until very recently. Through the Consumer Culture Theory lens, it proposes an investigation of this phenomenon both from brand (producer) and male (consumer) perspectives. The essays progress from public to private discourses on masculinity, combining macro and micro levels of analysis to unpack evolving gender ideologies and consumption.Through a socio-historic perspective, the first essay shows how the masculine identity is evolving from monolith masculinity to contemporary masculinities. The research aims to understand if and how these new cultural values are transferred to brands communication. Using a semiotic approach, masculine archetypes, their values and relationships are underlined by using a Utilitarian vs. Aesthetic semantic axis. A corpus of twenty brands communication of masculine and feminine sectors is analyzed with a past/present perspective. The study reveals an evolution of men’s representations in brands communication. The theoretical implications of the findings are discussed, theorizing especially the metrosexual managerial phenomenon.The second essay investigates male consumers representations and rituals as regard a new and highly feminine inspired product category: men’s lingerie. The process of discovery, entrance and involvement in this consumption is deciphered, the influencers’ roles highlighted and the interactions within the heterosexual couples emphasized. Doing so, the paper participates in building knowledge on the masculine consumption by describing male engagement in “anomic” consumption. It also introduces the concept of intimacy as a marker in the shift in9the masculine identity and proposes four dimensions of this concept as they emerged from consumers’ discourses.Finally the third essay attempts to explore how a new masculine consumption – men’s lingerie- that had clear divisions between men and women, may shape and reinforce men’s socially defined gender roles/identity construction. The author focuses on new identity landmarks, which move the social frontier between the sexes. First, the interactions in- between the male peers are emphasized as a window for the masculine identity construction through consumption. Secondly, the deep contradictions and the negotiations of acceptable masculine norms as expressed by the respondents are interpreted. Finally, the results are located in a macro-level of analysis allowing accounting for the role of the social forces in shaping masculine norms and French masculine schemes compared to the American masculinities described by Holt and Thompson (2004)
Billon, Dominique. "La marque Apple comme ressource dans la construction de l'identité familiale : une approche auto-ethnographique." Thesis, Normandie, 2017.
Full textThis thesis is situated in the research stream called Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), in line with recent research trying to understand the collective relationships to a brand. The brand is no more understood as a “thing” created by a company (brand as a name), but as a process (branding as a verb) in which many participants play different roles, frequently outside the control of the company. The thesis investigates how the brand becomes embedded in the networks of relationships, practices and discourses within a family through three generations. The methodology is based on an autoethnography, a method rarely used in consumer and branding research. This approach enables a deep understanding of the interactions and strategies of people, taking a long-term perspective (thirty years) and considering the multivocality. This thesis is an extension of cultural branding at the family level, by introducing the concept of « brand family network », which reports how families and brands are embedded in our society. The thesis describes a reality different from the traditional principles of brand management, based on the idea that the company is supposed to influence a single consumer. By doing so, it extends the understanding of consumer-brand relationships, and complement the approach of the brand communities
Patat, Dubouis Pascale. "Alliances accidentelles de marques : définition et approche managériale, processus de traitement et effets sur le consommateur." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2023.
Full textSometimes the consumer incidentally perceives a link between an advertisement and an element of the context of the latter, for example a second advertisement. This may result in sometimes strong positive and negative reactions on social networks, raising the question of the impact of these accidents.The objective of our research is to define this phenomenon, its formation conditions and its consequences. We propose an integrative theoretical framework based on context effects, brand alliances, Gestalt theory and congruence.We are implementing a mixed approach via interviews with consumers and professionals, a case study and an experiment.We can thus establish the fact that an accidental brand alliance is a process of awareness by the consumer of the congruence between the characteristics of the advertisements and between the brands, influenced by the perceived relevance, the relationship of the consumer to the brand and the emotions.We identify cognitive, affective and conative effects on the consumer. They have repercussions on attention and attitude towards the accident, as well as on the brand and the company
Silveira, Cardoso Flavia. "A multi-sited ethnographic marketing inquiry into the experiences produced and undergone at shopping malls : the case of malls in Buenos Aires, London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014.
Full textThis research focuses on shopping centers and on the shopping and consuming experiences produced and undergone within these retail spaces in different cities and in different regions of the world. Although significant work has been done on this topic in developed economies, significantly less has been devoted to emerging economies and even less has been done in comparative terms. This work builds on the existing Consumer Culture Theory related literature and it attempts to address current gaps in this body of work, as well as to provide managerial recommendations based on research findings. It differentiates itself from previous research on shopping centers on four main aspects: (1) By studying the phenomenon of shopping centers in Latin America, a largely unexplored domain; (2) By adding a multicultural perspective to the body of research on consumer and shopping experiences at shopping centers through the study of cases in five different cities; (3) By establishing a process of case selection to provide a priori variability of cases; (4) By comparing on ¨continuum¨ (Carù & Cova, 2007; Roederer, 2008) the full array of shopping experiences: produced, undergone and co-driven (Csaba and Askegaard, 1999; Tsai, 2010) and assessing whether these experiences vary across locations as well as the possible causes of variation
Rzepecki, Nathalie. "Droit de la consommation et théorie générale du contrat." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1998.
Full textThis thesis deals with relationships between consumer law and general contract theory. With this end, we first ask ourselves the question regarding the existence of consumer law in face of general contract theory in order to exist, consumer law should present itself as a true branch of law, in others words, a true law, an + ensemble ;, instead of a simple grouping of specific rules, a + compilation ;. While a simple grouping of specific rules is the result of common aim, an + ensemble ; is caracterised by a union of this rules into a superior averall law. There is an + ensemble ; when the regroupment is endowed with applied objective criteria and a clear common law. Applied to consumer theory, this distinction only allows us to conclude the existence of a + compilation ;. This conclusion determines the relationships that the special law holds with general contract theory. As there is no + ensemble ;, judges are obliged to turn to general contract theory when special law is incomplete or unclear
Charpin, Françoise. "Théorie du cycle de vie, croissance et endettement." Paris 10, 1990.
Full textStien, Emilie. "L'impact de la culture sur le comportement de consommation : modélisation d'un comportement de consommation éthique ethnique." Thesis, Artois, 2012.
Full textResearch recognizes the influence of culture on consumer behaviour. Anthropology has developed the culture approach thanks to in situ studies and has allowed to grasp her moving nature. Moreover, it has measured the impact of situational variables on the strength of ethnic identity’s consumers. Studies on ethics are more recent and model the ethical decision making including the influence of individual and environmental characteristics. Facing an environment more and more multicultural and a growth of ethics concerns, the present thesis has conceptualized a model of ethic-ethnic consumer behaviour in order to answer the research question: cultural environment and individual characteristics influence the individual moral philosophy, the choice criterias, the behaviour and the ethic-ethnic consumption. The study, managed by a survey on 969 respondents, associates ethics and ethnic behaviour for the first time. Findings show that persons strongly attached to their cultural group and their cultural values are also more sensitive to ethics and ethnics criterias in their purchase intentions, which confirms the importance of the group in the personality construction. The strength of ethnic identity influence behaviours (which is a contribution of this study) and ethic and ethnic consumptions. Nevertheless, the ethical decision making has an indirect influence on the ethic and ethnic behaviours: this relation is mediatised by choice criterias. Management implications are numerous: first, firms have interest to communicate on the ethical dimensions of their ethnic products and secondly, this study shows the interest to develop offers based on “consumption experiences”
Al, Oqeili Marwan. "Utilisation du calcul différentiel extérieur en théorie du consommateur." Paris 9, 2000.
Full textJansson, André. "Image culture : media, consumption and everyday life in reflexiv modernity /." Göteborg : JMG, 2003.
Full textBooks on the topic "Théorie de la culture de consommation"
Sirven, Hélène, and Nicolas Thély. La culture distribuée: Oeuvre d'art et consommation culturelle. Futuroscope: SCEREN-CNDP, 2010.
Find full textThéorie des organisations. 3rd ed. Colombelles: Éditions EMS Management & société, 2015.
Find full textChasle, Raymond. Qui a peur de la culture?: Une théorie scientifique de la culture. Paris: Editions Publisud, 2003.
Find full textSperber, Dan. La contagion des idées: Théorie naturaliste de la culture. Paris: O. Jacob, 1996.
Find full textDenis, Saint-Jacques, La Garde Roger de, and Université Laval. Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression française en Amérique du Nord., eds. Les Pratiques culturelles de grande consommation: Le marché francophone. Québec: Nuit blanche, 1992.
Find full textDimitra, Gefou-Madianou, ed. Alcohol, gender, and culture. London: Routledge, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Théorie de la culture de consommation"
El Alami, Yasmine, and Véronique Cova. "Chapitre 11. L’expérience de consommation avec un objet connecté : une lecture par le transhumanisme." In Théories et pratiques du marketing de la culture et du tourisme dans un contexte d'innovation, 238–55. EMS Editions, 2022.
Full textCollet, Boris. "Chapitre 10. L’intermédiation culturelle en régime numérique : un regard par la consommation et la production musicales et leurs enjeux éthiques." In Théories et pratiques du marketing de la culture et du tourisme dans un contexte d'innovation, 220–37. EMS Editions, 2022.
Full textNguyen, Stéphanie. "Chapitre 12. La littérature en tourisme consacrée à l’économie du partage et la consommation collaborative : une revue systématique basée sur les méthodes bibliométriques." In Théories et pratiques du marketing de la culture et du tourisme dans un contexte d'innovation, 256–84. EMS Editions, 2022.
Full textBrunel, Olivier. "XI. Edgar Morin et la théorie de la complexité." In Regards croisés sur la consommation, 263. EMS Editions, 2015.
Full textIbrahim, Amr. "Consommation et décalages culturels en Egypte." In Mass Culture, Popular Culture, and Social Life in the Middle East, 85–133. Routledge, 2019.
Full textPasseron, Jean-Claude. "Consommation et réception de la culture." In Le(s) public(s) de la culture, 361–90. Presses de Sciences Po, 2003.
Full textBenabdelali, Abdeslam, and Fayza Boumdine. "Les illusions de la société de consommation." In De la culture marocaine moderne, 333–35. En toutes lettres, 2022.
Full textBourgeon-Renault, Dominique. "Chapitre 3. Le comportement de consommation culturelle." In Marketing de l'Art et de la Culture, 77–119. Dunod, 2014.
Full textMenger, Pierre-Michel. "3. Travail, structure sociale et consommation culturelle." In Le(s) public(s) de la culture, 61–86. Presses de Sciences Po, 2003.
Full textRodriguez, Adolfo Agundez, and France Jutras. "Un lieu pour l’éducation à la consommation éthique:." In L'Éthique et culture religieuse en question, 105–28. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2012.
Full textReports on the topic "Théorie de la culture de consommation"
Laroche, Hervé, and Véronique Steyer. L’apport des théories du sensemaking à la compréhension des risques et des crises. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, October 2012.
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