Academic literature on the topic 'Théorie a priori d’objet'
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Journal articles on the topic "Théorie a priori d’objet"
Pradelle, Dominique. "La structure d’horizon au sein des axiomatiques : la phénoménologie entre réalisme et idéalisme." L'objectivité en mathématiques / Objectivity in mathematics 38 (2022): 99–121.
Full textGolse, Bernard. "Le bébé, entre affects et émotions." Spirale N° 107, no. 3 (January 16, 2024): 86–92.
Full textBrusset, Bernard. "Relation d’objet et théorie des groupes." Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 20, no. 1 (1993): 7–16.
Full textGagean, Nicolas. "Corpus et Classes d’objet." Scolia 16, no. 1 (2003): 97–115.
Full textGolse, Bernard. "Tendresse et contre-transfert en psychanalyse d’enfant." Le Coq-héron N° 257, no. 2 (June 25, 2024): 90–97.
Full textPortilho, Juliana Labatut. "La théorie lacanienne pourrait-elle avoir restreint les discussions sur l’art?" Revista de Psicanálise Stylus, no. 40 (March 8, 2023): 39–61.
Full textKibel, Howard D. "Un modèle conceptuel pour la psychothérapie de groupe à court terme de patients hospitalisés." Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 5, no. 1 (1986): 137–51.
Full textGolse, Bernard. "La pulsion d’attachement, un concept stimulant dans le débat entre théorie des pulsions et théorie de la relation d’objet." Perspectives Psy 43, no. 4 (October 2004): 261–68.
Full textPoracchia, Kelly, and Mohammed Ham. "L’insaisissable objet de la nostalgie." Psychothérapies Vol. 44, no. 1 (July 4, 2023): 18–31.
Full textYeomans, Frank, Diana Diamond, and Louis Diguer. "Le trouble de personnalité narcissique : une perspective basée sur la théorie des relations d’objet." L'Information Psychiatrique 100, no. 2 (February 1, 2024): 91–98.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Théorie a priori d’objet"
Erten, Nur. "De l'οntοlοgie fοrmelle à la phénοménοlοgie. Une lecture husserlienne de la mathématisatiοn de la cοnnaissance." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textThe aim of this work is to situate formal ontology within Husserlian phenomenology. To this end, we propose a reading of formal ontology as distinct from a purely theoretical or mathematical approach, by placing it in the history of philosophy as conceived by Edmund Husserl. We begin with an analysis of the mathematization of logic, which leads us, under the dominance of mathematics, to the genesis of the idea of the theory of theories, to a theory of object without object. Next, we broaden our perspective to examine the mathematization of the sciences, especially the mathematization of physics. By analyzing the crisis of the sciences, we highlight the relationship between the sciences and their obligatory relationship with philosophy, according to Husserl. Through a historical reading from Plato to Galileo, centered on formal ontology, we show the essential criticisms addressed to modern sciences by Husserl, and why, despite their development and mathematical rigor, empirical sciences, particularly physics, cannot found a theory of everything. Finally, our study investigates the relationship between formal ontology and material ontologies. Our analyses in this study justify the necessity of phenomenology as the rigorous science
Moussa, Ali Abdouramane. "Diagnostic sans modèle a priori." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nancy 1, 2011.
Full textThe fault diagnosis in automatic systems is to trace perceived symptoms to causes. Most of model-based methods are based on the concept of analytical redundancy. The analytical redundancy relations are equations derived from an analytical model, which admits as input only the measured variables. Other classes of model-based methods are based directly on the parameter estimate. The modern syntheses of residuals generation require very detailed knowledge of system to control or to diagnose. Writing the most accurate models require a deep understanding of mechanisms and uses law of physics. The models obtained this way are called knowledge-based models. They involve physical parameters which, by definition, are measurable by experiments which are not necessarily related to how to use the system. However, in some practical cases, these parameters can be evaluated a priori. Moreover, the reliability provided by the knowledge-based models is usually accompanied by the disadvantage of excessive complexity. These models may not be used in practice and we must often reduce the complexity. This work contributes to develop a new algebraic and deterministic approach of fault diagnosis, which is not based on an a priori explicit model of the process and presents a new perspective based on the theory of distributions and the pseudospectra analysis of matrix pencils. Our approach is based on certain tools and developments in the theory of algebraic estimation usual in automatic community but very unconventional in signal processing
Moussa, Ali Abdouramane. "Diagnostic sans modèle a priori." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2011.
Full textDeroy, Xavier. "A priori des modèles d'innovation et contingence massive de l'innovation en sciences de gestion." Paris, CNAM, 2003.
Full textThis research first aims to clarify literature about innovation by combining sociological and economic approaches. One of the main questions which is disclosed is the potential conflict between innovation and organization. It is often thought that it is possible to organize innovation. Management models of innovations rely on this assumption. Three types of models can be distinguished: integrative, statistical and monographic model. But the core argument of this thesis is to show that models of innovation are rooted in three implicit questionable a priori: mimetism, modelization of innovating action and scientific neutrality of these models. Hence, we argue that innovation is the place of massive contingency, despite some common but unsufficient organizing principles of explanation. Innovation implies specific knowledge and ability to create new relationships. To better understand it, we recommend that researches about innovation aim to elaborate local theories adapted to specific contexts described by monographies
Jacob, Laurent. "A priori structurés pour l'apprentissage supervisé en biologie computationnelle." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2009.
Full textCucu, Graindorge Tatiana. "Contribution à une méthodologie d'évaluation à priori des projets de transport urbain durable." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Full textThe objective of this research is to provide to the local authorities a decision aid tool in order to formalize a participatory approach during the conception of a sustainable urban transport project, in a multi-criteria and multi-actors context. The methodology is based on the a priori evaluation of the impacts of a local project, involving stakeholders as soon as the diagnosis phase. This phase aims at identifying groups of actors according to their perception of urban phenomena, their interactions and their stated preferences of evolution. The diagnosis phase leads to the setting-up of a list of common indicators to be evaluated. The choice of alternatives to be studied is the result of the transferability techniques - based on the projects developed in other cities - and the stated preferences of local users. The probability of using the service is evaluated using an aggregated behavioral model that takes into account the fuzzy perception and the indecision of users in a new situation. Changes in the behaviour of the users are taken into account thanks to an indicator of robustness that tests the impact of exogenous parameters on the evolution of the probability of using a service. A traffic micro--simulator aims at assessing the impacts of the various scenarios on traffic, environment and the welfare of citizens– which is monetized. It illustrates the costs and indirect benefits expected with the implementation of project. A compromise solution is proposed: it aims at identifying an alternative that would best satisfy the representatives of the stakeholder groups – and not necessarily the optimal solution in terms of impacts
Grosgeorge, Damien. "Segmentation par coupes de graphe avec a priori de forme Application à l'IRM cardiaque." Phd thesis, Université de Rouen, 2014.
Full textZhou, Hao. "La chute du "triangle d'or" : apriorité, analyticité, nécessité : de l'équivalence à l'indépendance." Thesis, Paris 1, 2020.
Full textThe three concepts of apriority, analyticity and necessity, which have long been considered equivalent, constitute whatcould be called the “golden triangle” or “triangle of equivalence”. Yet, the Kantian conception of the synthetic a priori and the Kripkean conceptions of the contingent a priori and the necessary a posteriori represent decisive criticismsagainst this triangle of equivalence. Inheriting critically these revolutionary thoughts from Kant and Kripke, a newepistemological schema entitled “subject-knowledge-world” is here systematically constructed. This schema renders thegolden triangle totally obsolete. The concepts of apriority, analyticity and necessity become independent of each other.This leads to a new space of knowledge categories, resulting from the free intersecting of the three distinctions a priori-aposteriori, analytic-synthetic and necessary-contingent. These knowledge categories, some of which are new, apply to science exclusively and exhaustively
Righi, Ali. "Sur l'estimation de densités prédictives et l'estimation d'un coût." Rouen, 2011.
Full textThis thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part, we investigate predictive density estimation for a multivariate Gaussian model under the Kullback-Leibler loss. We focus on the link with the problem of estimation of the mean under quadratic loss. We obtain several parallel results. We prove minimaxity and improved estimation results under restriction for the unknown mean. In particular, we show, via two different paths, that the Bayesian predictive density associated to the uniform prior on a convex C dominates the best invariant predictive density when μ 2 C. This is a parallel result to Hartigan’s result in 2004, for the estimation of the mean under quadratic loss. At the end of this part, we give numerical simulations to visualize the gain obtained by some of our new proposed estimators. In the second part, for the Gaussian model of dimension p, we treat the problem of estimating the loss of the standard estimator of the mean (that is, #0(X) = X). We give generalized Bayes estimators which dominate the unbiased estimator of loss (that is, #0(X) = p), through sufficient conditions for p # 5. Examples illustrate the theory. Then we carry on a technical study and numerical simulations on the gain reached by one of our proposed minimax generalized Bayes estimators of loss
Garrido, Myriam. "Modélisation des évènements rares et estimation des quantiles extrêmes , méthodes de sélection de modèles pour les queues de distribution." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2002.
Full textBooks on the topic "Théorie a priori d’objet"
Kant, Immanuel. Réponse à Eberhard. Paris: J. Vrin, 1999.
Find full textSerceau, Daniel. La théorie de l'art au risque des a priori: De la lecture de films à la symbolique des images. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004.
Find full textA priori. Durham, [England]: Acumen, 2011.
Find full textBoghossian, Paul, and Timothy Williamson. Debating the a Priori. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Find full textDebating the a Priori. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Find full textC. I. Lewis's Conceptual Pragmatism: The a Priori and the Given. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textLonergan and Kant: Five essays on human knowledge. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.
Find full textSala, Giovanni B. Lonergan and Kant. University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Find full textLonergan and Kant: Five Essays on Human Knowledge. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Find full textRaven, Michael J. Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Théorie a priori d’objet"
Cassullo, Gabriele. "Chapitre 5. L’influence de Janet sur la théorie des relations d’objet." In Pierre Janet : trauma et dissociation, 89–98. De Boeck Supérieur, 2021.
Full textSaison, Maryvonne. "La théorie de l’a priori et les limites du pensable." In La nature artiste, 147–67. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018.
Full textLaurent, Pierrette. "Nouvelles perspectives en psychanalyse à partir de l'œuvre de Piera Aulagnier." In Nouvelles perspectives en psychanalyse à partir de l'œuvre de Piera Aulagnier, 129–44. In Press, 2018.
Full textGolse, B. "A propos de quelques figures de la destructivité dans le développement et dans la pathologie de l’enfant: Du clivage entre théorie des pulsions et théorie des relations d’objet dans le champ des pulsions de mort." In Psychanalyse de la destructivité, 27–38. EDP Sciences, 2006.
Full textReports on the topic "Théorie a priori d’objet"
Jauvin, Nathalie, François Aubry, Francis Ethridge, Isabelle Feillou, Éric Gagnon, Andrew Freeman, Nancy Côté, et al. Recherche-action visant le développement d’un modèle d’intervention préventive en SST par et pour les préposés aux bénéficiaires en CHSLD. IRSST, September 2024.
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