Academic literature on the topic 'Théorème des nombres premiers'
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Journal articles on the topic "Théorème des nombres premiers"
Kraus, Alain. "Équation de Fermat et nombres premiers inertes." International Journal of Number Theory 11, no. 08 (November 5, 2015): 2341–51.
Full textMartin, Bruno, Christian Mauduit, and Joël Rivat. "Théorème des nombres premiers pour les fonctions digitales." Acta Arithmetica 165, no. 1 (2014): 11–45.
Full textKahane, Jean-Pierre. "Un Théorème De Littlewood Pour Les Nombres Premiers De Beurling." Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 31, no. 4 (July 1999): 424–30.
Full textMaire, Christian. "Un raffinement du théorème de Golod-Safarevic." Nagoya Mathematical Journal 150 (June 1998): 1–11.
Full textWaldschmidt, Michel. "Les Huit Premiers Travaux de Pierre Liardet." Uniform distribution theory 11, no. 2 (December 1, 2016): 169–77.
Full textKraus, Alain. "Remarques sur le premier cas du théorème de Fermat sur les corps de nombres." Acta Arithmetica 167, no. 2 (2015): 133–41.
Full textLI, XIAN-JIN. "ON THE EXPLICIT FORMULA IN THE THEORY OF PRIME NUMBERS." International Journal of Number Theory 08, no. 03 (April 7, 2012): 589–97.
Full textTOULMONDE, VINCENT. "COMPORTEMENT AU VOISINAGE DE 1 DE LA FONCTION DE RÉPARTITION DE φ(n)/n." International Journal of Number Theory 05, no. 08 (December 2009): 1347–84.
Full textKahane, Jean-Pierre. "Le rôle de l'algèbre H1 de Sobolev dans la théorie des nombres premiers généralisés de Beurling." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics 324, no. 10 (May 1997): 1117–20.
Full textMamaev, Alexandre. "Через Рембо к Хлебникову." Modernités Russes 8, no. 1 (2009): 179–96.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Théorème des nombres premiers"
Gozé, Vincent. "Une version effective du théorème des nombres premiers de Wen Chao Lu." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Littoral, 2024.
Full textThe prime number theorem, first proved in 1896 using complex analysis, gives the main term for the asymptotic distribution of prime numbers. It was not until 1949 that the first so-called "elementary" proof was published: it rests strictly on real analysis.In 1999, Wen Chao Lu obtained by an elementary method an error term in the prime number theorem very close to the one provided by the zero-free region of the Riemann zeta function given by La Vallée Poussin at the end of the 19th century. In this thesis, we make Lu's result explicit in order, firstly, to give the best error term obtained by elementary methods so far, and secondly, to explore the limits of his method
Hanna, Gautier. "Blocs des chiffres des nombres premiers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2016.
Full textThroughout this thesis, we are interested in asymptotic orthogonality (in the sense that the scale product of the discrete torus of length N tends to zero as N tend to infinity) between some functions related to the blocks of digits of integers and the Möbius function (and also the von Mangoldt function). Our work extends previous results of Mauduit and Rivat, and gives a partial answer to a question posed by Kalai in 2012. Chapter 1 provides estimates in the case of the function is the exponential of a function taking values on the blocks (with and without wildcards) of length k (k fixed) in the digital expansion of n in base q. We also give a large class of polynomials acting on the digital blocks that allow to get a prime number theorem and asymptotic orthogonality with the Möbius function. In Chapter 2, we get an asymptotic formula in the case of our function is the exponential of the function which counts blocks of consecutive ‘1’s in the expansion of n in base 2, where the length of the block is an increasing function that tends (slowly) to infinity. In the extremal case, which we cannot handle, this problem is connected to estimating the number of primes in the sequences of Mersenne numbers. In Chapter 3, we provides estimates on the case of the function is the exponential of a function which count the blocks of k ‘1’s in the expansion of n in base 2 where k is large with respect to log N. A consequence of Chapter 3 is that the results of Chapter 1 are quasi-optimal
Hanna, Gautier. "Blocs des chiffres des nombres premiers." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016.
Full textThroughout this thesis, we are interested in asymptotic orthogonality (in the sense that the scale product of the discrete torus of length N tends to zero as N tend to infinity) between some functions related to the blocks of digits of integers and the Möbius function (and also the von Mangoldt function). Our work extends previous results of Mauduit and Rivat, and gives a partial answer to a question posed by Kalai in 2012. Chapter 1 provides estimates in the case of the function is the exponential of a function taking values on the blocks (with and without wildcards) of length k (k fixed) in the digital expansion of n in base q. We also give a large class of polynomials acting on the digital blocks that allow to get a prime number theorem and asymptotic orthogonality with the Möbius function. In Chapter 2, we get an asymptotic formula in the case of our function is the exponential of the function which counts blocks of consecutive ‘1’s in the expansion of n in base 2, where the length of the block is an increasing function that tends (slowly) to infinity. In the extremal case, which we cannot handle, this problem is connected to estimating the number of primes in the sequences of Mersenne numbers. In Chapter 3, we provides estimates on the case of the function is the exponential of a function which count the blocks of k ‘1’s in the expansion of n in base 2 where k is large with respect to log N. A consequence of Chapter 3 is that the results of Chapter 1 are quasi-optimal
Morain, François. "Courbes elliptiques et tests de primalité." Lyon 1, 1990.
Full textDevin, Lucile. "Propriétés algébriques et analytiques de certaines suites indexées par les nombres premiers." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Full textIn the first part of this Thesis, we study the sequence NX (p) [mod p] where X is a reduced separated scheme of finite type over Z,and NX (p) is the number of Fp-points of the reduction modulo p of X, for every prime p. Under some hypotheses on the geometry of X, we give a simple condition to ensure that this sequence is distinctat a positive proportion of indices from the zero sequence,or generalizations obtained by reduction modulo p of finitely many integers.We give a bound on average over a family of hyperelliptic curves for the least prime p such that NX (p) [mod p] avoids the reductionmodulo p of finitely many fixed integers.The second part deals with generalizations of Chebyshev’s bias.We consider an L-function satisfying some analytic properties that generalize those satisfied by Dirichlet L-functions.We study the sequence of coefficients a_p as p runs through the set of prime numbers.Precisely, we study the sign of the summatory function of the Fourier coefficients of the L-function.Under some classical conditions, we show that this function admits a limiting logarithmic distribution.Under stronger hypotheses, we prove regularity, symmetry and get information about the support of this distribution
Plet, Sébastien. "Mesures et densités des nombres premiers dans les suites récurrentes linéaires." Caen, 2006.
Full textWe give a general construction of probability measures on [0, 1] linked with representations of real numbers in a variable basis and with some so-called density function. This general constructions is shown to naturally associate a probability space to a profinite group and, in particular, to define a probability measure on the Galois group of an infinite Galois extension of a number field. Our probabilistic formalism is then applied on two distinct problems. First, we solve conjectures of Paul Bruckman and Peter Anderson on the rank of an integer in the Fibonacci sequence. Secondly, we compute the density of maximal prime divisors for an infinite family of third order integral linear recurring sequences
Juin, Gérard. "Autour de la fonction [omega]/." Limoges, 1996.
Full textMarie-Jeanne, Frédéric. "Propriétés arithmétiques de la fonction d’Euler et généralisations." Nancy 1, 1998.
Full textHong, Haojie. "Grands diviseurs premiers de suites récurrentes linéaires." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textThis thesis is about lower bounds for the biggest prime divisors of linear recurrent sequences. First, we obtain a uniform and explicit version of Stewart’s seminal result about prime divisors of Lucas sequences. We show that constants in Stewart’s theorem depend only on the quadratic field corresponding to a Lucas sequence. Then we study the prime divisors of orders of elliptic curves over finite fields. Fixing an elliptic curve over Fq with q power of a prime number, the sequence #E(Fqn) happens to be a linear recurrent sequence of order 4. Let P(x) be the biggest prime dividing x. A lower bound of P(#E(Fqn)) is given by using Stewart’s argument and some more delicate discussions. Next, motivated by our previous two projects, we can show that when γ is an algebraic number of degree 2 and not a root of unity, there exists a prime ideal p of Q(γ) satisfying νp(γn − 1) ≥ 1, such that the rational prime p underlying p grows quicker than n. Finally, we consider a numerical application of Stewart’s method to Fibonacci numbers Fn. Relatively sharp bounds for P(Fn) are obtained. All of the above work relies heavily on Yu’s estimate for p-adic logarithmic forms
Kerner, Sébastien. "Répartition d'entiers avec contraintes sur les diviseurs." Nancy 1, 2002.
Full textThis thesis deals with the distribution of three sets of integers characterized by some properties on their divisors
Books on the topic "Théorème des nombres premiers"
L, Montgomery Hugh, ed. Multiplicative number theory. 3rd ed. New York: Springer, 2000.
Find full textTenenbaum, Gerald. Les nombres premiers. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1997.
Find full textSautoy, Marcus Du. La symphonie des nombres premiers. [Paris]: H. d'Ormesson, 2011.
Find full textMendès France, Michel (1936-....). Auteur, ed. Les nombres premiers: Entre l'ordre et le chaos. Paris: Dunod, 2011.
Find full textPoincaré), Poincaré Seminar (9th 2006 Institut Henri. Gravitation and experiment: Poincare Seminar 2006. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 2007.
Find full textOrme, Tall David, ed. Algebraic number theory. 2nd ed. London: Chapman and Hall, 1987.
Find full textOrme, Tall David, and Stewart Ian 1945-, eds. Algebraic number theory and Fermat's last theorem. 3rd ed. Natick, Mass: AK Peters, 2002.
Find full textThibault, Damour, Duplantier Bertrand, and Rivasseau Vincent 1955-, eds. Gravitation and experiment: Poincaré Seminar 2006. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 2007.
Find full textSautoy, Marcus Du. The music of the primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters. London: Fourth Estate, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Théorème des nombres premiers"
Cramér, Harald. "Nombres Premiers et Equations Indeterminees." In Springer Collected Works in Mathematics, 124–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.
Full textMartin-Löf, Anders. "Nombres premiers et équations indéterminées." In Harald Cramér Collected Works, 124–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.
Full textHenniart, Guy. "Correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands explicite I: le cas modéré de degré premier." In Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris, 1990–91, 85–114. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1993.
Full textFouvry, Etienne. "Nombres presque premiers dans les petits intervalles." In Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 65–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
Full textAigner, Martin, and Günter M. Ziegler. "Six preuves de l’infinité de l’ensemble des nombres premiers." In Raisonnements divins, 3–6. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textLaurent, Michel. "Une nouvelle démonstration du théorème d’isogénie, d’après D.V. et G.V. Choodnovsky." In Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1985–86, 119–31. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1987.
Full textStancati, Claudia. "Les grammaires italiennes dans la deuxième moitié du xixe siècle : entre théorie(s), histoire et société." In La linguistique et ses formes historiques d’organisation et de production, 69–90. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2022.
Full text"Grandes valeurs de fonctions liées aux diviseurs premiers consécutifs d'un entier." In Théorie des nombres / Number Theory, 169–200. De Gruyter, 1989.
Full text"NOTES SUR LA VERSION ARABE DES TROIS PREMIERS LIVRES DES ARITHMÉTIQUES DE DIOPHANTE, ET SUR LE PROBLÈME 1.39." In Arithmétique, Algèbre et Théorie des Nombres, 513–22. De Gruyter, 2023.
Full text"LES NOMBRES PREMIERS." In Initiation mathématique suivie de L'éducation de demain, 67–70. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.
Full textReports on the topic "Théorème des nombres premiers"
Jauvin, Nathalie, François Aubry, Francis Ethridge, Isabelle Feillou, Éric Gagnon, Andrew Freeman, Nancy Côté, et al. Recherche-action visant le développement d’un modèle d’intervention préventive en SST par et pour les préposés aux bénéficiaires en CHSLD. IRSST, September 2024.
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