Academic literature on the topic 'Théâtre – Tunisie – 20e siècle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Théâtre – Tunisie – 20e siècle"
Rousseau Rivard, Joëlle. "L’otage, vecteur de guerre ou de paix ?" Cahiers d'histoire 35, no. 2 (June 12, 2018): 93–116.
Full textDunoyer, Christiane. "Alpes." Anthropen, 2020.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Théâtre – Tunisie – 20e siècle"
Salmaoui, Saada Houda. "La présence et l'image de la femme tunisienne dans le théâtre et les arts (1956-1986)." Paris 10, 2001.
Full textCovering nearly a century of the feminine presence on the tunisian stage and mainly the three decades following the independance of tunisian woman with arts in general and theatre in particular. This could not be achieved without having at hand, from a historical and sociological point of view, the literary review on one hand and the contibution of women who were distinguished in their fields and levels in the artistic and cultural tunisian life on the other hand. This thesis attemps to trace justly and objectively, the outline of the status of the tunisian actress and establishes a parallel between her social and legal status in the independent tunisia and her image that springs out from the core of the tunisian dramatic production during the same period (1956-1986)
Rached, Fathi. "Un siècle de scénographie dans le théâtre tunisien, de l’amateurisme à la professionnalisation (1912-2012)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2020.
Full textThis PhD thesis is a study of theatrical scenography in Tunisia considered accroding to the artistic and educational dimensions. If we want, as we hope for it, to foster the development of the theatrical scenography, we should first know its history and its challenges, and more particularly get interested in its mode of apparition in Tunisia. This work is based on theory and practice at the same time, within the perspective of transmitting knowledge to the future generations of artists. Indeed, what does scenography cover? What framework should we give it? We answer these questions through analysing shows that seem to be determining as far as scenography is considered and also through studying the different steps of establishing the needed information for this artistic discipline in the Tunisian institutions, starting from the primer purely Tunisian theatrical act of the early XXth century and up to 2012. A pedagogical approach is then proposed at the end of thesis with the idea of ameliorating the modes of transmitting this art. We don’t estimate to provide a definitive or an ideal solution for developing the learning of scenography, but we try to put forth new perspectives for researchers based on observations, experiments, and a study of the pedagogies used and experienced in the field
Peker, Pinar. "Le lecteur agressé ou la violence dans le théâtre de Bernard-Marie Koltès." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2013.
Full textBernard-Marie Koltès is one of the most performed French playwrights of the late twentieth century in the world. His theatre is defined by a violence omnipresent. In fact, this violence is applied on characters on stage and also on the audiences and takes various forms: language, time and space. Since we consider Koltès’ theater as a ‘total art’, we will base this study on a corpus with multiple forms. As well as we will use additional documents from plastic arts, painting, music, dance and photography. In order to study the subject in depth, we will also base our research on the interviews with Koltès’ brother and rights holder, François Koltès;also with stage directors such as Bruno Boëglin, Philip Boulay and actors Clément Bresson, Ismail ibn Conner. Turkish in origin, I am interested in his influence on Turkish theater, especially on Bu!ra Gülsoy’s work, Pragma. In his work, Bu!ra Gülsoy, as we come across extremely in Koltès’ work, Roberto Zucco, tries to reveal the personality of serial killers and their perception of violence
Taamallah, Khemaies. "Population et emploi en Tunisie." Paris 5, 1985.
Full textRoux, Richard. "Le théâtre Arena de São Paulo : Naissance d'un théâtre brésilien (1953-1975), du théâtre en rond au "théâtre populaire"." Aix-Marseille 1, 1989.
Full textThe development of the theatre in brazil in the years 1953 to 1975, influenced by the social conditions and political life of the period and by the work of amateur companies, gave birth to the teatro de arena in sao paulo. This started out merely as an experiment with theatre-in-the-round and then became politicized, claiming the title of "teatro popular". This concept is examined in the light of the french tradition of "theatre populaire" and of other brazilian experiments and theoretical writings on the subject. The teatro de arena experiment ended in 1975 despite the struggle by luiz carlos arutim to keep it alive from 1970 onwards
Gastineau, Bénédicte. "La transition de la fécondité en Tunisie : la question de la baisse de la fécondité dans le cadre des relations population-développement-environement." Paris 10, 2001.
Full textBefore colonial times (1860-1881), Tunisia's demographic profile was "pre-transitional" in nature. Fertility was "natural," and mortality, while high, varied in response to crises. French colonialism (1881-1956) prompted important changes in Tunisian society. Significant investments permitted a reduction in mortality. While we can note in this period, the beginning of the demographic transition and the limitation of births among some social groups, the decline in fertility becomes noticeable on a national level only in the mid-1960s. The fertility transition took place in two phases. Up until the middle of the 1980s, changes in fertility resulted from a rise in the age at marriage, especially among the most educated and well-off couples. After the mid-1980s, the poorest, most "rural," least educated women also modified their reproductive goals, due to prior economic development and to the diffusion of ideas concerning a limited fertility. These women also adapted to the economic crisis experienced in Tunisia in the mid-1980s. The research currently underway hopes to demonstrate, by way of the Tunisian example, that if modernization is an impetus to new behaviours in social classes that may profit the most, economic development may also foster the generalization of these behaviours among the entire population. A second important part of this research consists of analyzing the relations between demographic strategies and household economic strategies in rural areas. Using primary data, we show that a decline in rural fertility rates may be seen as an adaptation to new and not all that favourable economic conditions. Household members, who can no longer live on agricultural activity alone, take on multiple activities. They thereby implement distribution choices in family labour (in farming, in migration, in the local job market. . . ) based on the gender, age and qualifications of each individual. Only an analysis of the organization and the division of family labour will allow us to understand why fertility declined in certain rural areas and why it remains high in others
Jany-Catrice, Florence. "Le rôle des services aux entreprises dans le processus d'industrialisation des pays en voie de développement." Lille 1, 1991.
Full textBednarz, Anita. "Les mystères de la passion en Europe au 20e siècle." Paris 3, 1996.
Full textDifferent periods have chosen the utopia of the stage where the ordinary place and time are no longer current to tell anything whatever in this quasi-sacred rectangle where the imaginary, the death and the resurrection of the christ only penetrate. What about the mystery passion plays in europe in the twentieth century ? the murky periods that stake out these ages and our century disrupt the cultural symbolic system and give rise to spiritual crises. The easter event our mysteries celebrate allows not only to resort to the model that jesus-christ proposes, but it ensures the possibility of another story, the genesis of a new world. It's this escatological future, the utopia as a symbol of another life the christian celebrations have to make live symbolically. In our mysteries, this outlook is shown directly on the stage which tries through the theatral language, its signs and its symbols to reveal the secret of the world, of the life and of man. The eighty-eight mysteries of our corpus counted through thirteen european countries allow a spatial and textual analysis as well as a query on the sacred representation in the twentieth century
Cheniki, Ahmed. "Théâtre en Algérie : itinéraires et tendances." Paris 4, 1993.
Full textThe theatrical representation adopted nearly in 1910-1920,as the other modern structures o representation,it appears in a concise socio-political context. .
Silva, Alexandra Moreira da. "La question du poème dramatique dans le théâtre contemporain." Paris 3, 2007.
Full textApplying the concept of “dramatic poem” to contemporary theatre may be considered irrelevant and even anachronistic. However, there is a growing number of authors who call themselves “dramatic poets” or simply “poets”. The fact that these authors regard their texts as dramatic poems does not mean that they are seeking to categorize their works within a specific genre, but rather that they are questioning and permanently reinventing forms and languages which are at the very basis of the scenic transformations and changes in the relation between author and audience. Our proposal for an analysis of the dramatic poem presupposes a reflection on the many changes introduced, especially since the 1980s, in the relation between author, theatre director and audience, as well as on the experimental character of theatrical texts, which show an increasing tendency to “overflow”, i. E. , to transcend the canon of drama. Thus, contemporary dramatic poem is the ideal form of a new genre, which Jean-Pierre Sarrazac terms “infradramatic”. We can therefore say that contemporary dramatic poem constitutes a positive reaction against the announced death of drama, showing the power of drama to reinvent and revive itself
Books on the topic "Théâtre – Tunisie – 20e siècle"
dramatiques, Centre d'essai des auteurs. Répertoire du Centre d'essai des auteurs dramatiques : des auteurs, des pièces: Portraits de la dramaturgie québécoise. Montréal: Centre d'essai des auteurs dramatiques, 1985.
Find full textMicheline, Chevrier, Playwrights' Workshop Montreal, Boisvert Nathalie 1965-, and Centre des auteurs dramatiques, eds. Dialogues : pratiques d'écriture contemporaines du Québec et du Canada: Langue et traduction théâtrale = Contemporary writing practices from Quebec and Canada : language and theatre translation. Montréal: Centre des auteurs dramatiques, 2002.
Find full textDe Godot à Zucco: Anthologie des auteurs dramatiques de langue française, 1950-2000. Paris: Editions théâtrales, 2003.
Find full textéd, Azama Michel 1947, ed. De Godot à Zucco. 3, Le bruit du monde: Anthologie des auteurs dramatiques de langue française, 1950-2000. Paris: Éditions théâtrales, 2004.
Find full textBeyond the boundaries: American alternative theatre. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2002.
Find full textShank, Theodore. Beyond the boundaries: American alternative theatre. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press, 2003.
Find full textdramatiques, Centre des auteurs. Répertoire des membres du Centre des auteurs dramatiques: Dramaturgie québécoise et franco-ontarienne. Montréal: Le Centre, 1999.
Find full textLa filiation Copeau, Lecoq, Mnouchkine: Une lignée du jeu de l'acteur. Lavérune: L'Entretemps éd., 2014.
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