Academic literature on the topic 'The League of Polish Families'
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Journal articles on the topic "The League of Polish Families"
de Lange, Sarah L., and Simona Guerra. "The League of Polish Families between East and West, past and present." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 42, no. 4 (October 27, 2009): 527–49.
Full textPłoski, Marcin. "Państwo narodowe czy zjednoczona Europa w dyskursie parlamentarzystów Ligi Polskich Rodzin." Przegląd Sejmowy 26, no. 1(144) (2018): 89–111.
Full textKoziełło, Tomasz. "Koncepcje ustrojowe polskiego obozu narodowego w XXI wieku na przykładzie Ligi Polskich Rodzin i Ruchu Narodowego." Polityka i Społeczeństwo 20, no. 1 (2022): 57–73.
Full textSanecka-Tyczyńska, Joanna. "Między mocarstwowością a peryferyjnością. Międzynarodowa pozycja Polski w XXI wieku w narodowej i konserwatywnej refleksji politycznej." Polityka i Społeczeństwo 19, no. 3 (2021): 110–28.
Full textKoziełło, Tomasz. "The Question of Local Self-Government in The Political Concepts of the Contemporary Polish National Camp." Reality of Politics 18, no. 4 (December 31, 2021): 92–100.
Full textMoroska, Aleksandra, and Krysztof Zuba. "Two Faces of Polish Populism. The Causes of the Success and Fall of Self Defence and the League of Polish Families." Totalitarianism and Democracy 7, no. 1 (July 1, 2010): 123–47.
Full textShibata, Yasuko. "Discursive Politics against Ethnic “Others”: The Racist and Xenophobic Discourse of the League of Polish Families, 2001-2007." Japanese Slavic and East European Studies 31 (2010): 35–80.
Full textKoziełlo, Tomasz. "Changes in political relevance of The League of Polish Families in result of parliamentary, municipal and European elections." Studia Politologiczne 52 (May 15, 2019): 239–50.
Full textKeinz, Anika. "European Desires and National Bedrooms? Negotiating “Normalcy” in Postsocialist Poland." Central European History 44, no. 1 (March 2011): 92–117.
Full textZuba, Krzysztof. "From fringe to fringe: the shift from the clericalist League of Polish Families to the anticlericalist Palikot Movement 2001–2015." Religion, State and Society 45, no. 2 (March 16, 2017): 87–105.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "The League of Polish Families"
Kochan, Thomas A. "An Employment Policy Agenda for Working Families." MIT Workplace Center, 2002.
Full textKwast-Welfeld, Joanna. "Intergenerational value similarity in Polish immigrant families in Canada in comparison to intergenerational value similarity in Polish and Canadian non-immigrant families." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2004.
Full textRamasawmy, Lucy Jane. "Lives and plans of Polish migrant families in Edinburgh." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2014.
Full textBrown, Jennifer Rose. "Feeling at home in time : Polish migrant families in Manchester." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2013.
Full textWillis-Walton, Susan M. "Nutrition for Some: A Comprehensive Study of Why Eligible Families Leave the WIC Program." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2009.
Full textPh. D.
Makay, Zsuzsanna. "Politiques familiales, activité professionnelle et fécondité en Hongrie et en France : différences de mentalités et de comportements." Phd thesis, Université de Nanterre - Paris X, 2012.
Full textMullerova, Alzbeta. "Maternal employment in the Czech transition : effects of family policy and gender norms." Thesis, Paris 10, 2016.
Full textCzech work-life conciliation policies and practices have gone through dramatic changes since the 1989 transition from centrally planned to market economy. The objective of this thesis is to describe the recent evolutions of family policies, and to assess their effects on maternal employment. Surprisingly, despite the country’s EU accession in 2004 and an increasing data availability, the economic literature on the Czech welfare state regime, its social and family policy and its effects on labour market outcomes is extremely scarce. I show that post-transitional policies differed from the former interventionist and paternalist orientation, and resulted in a sharp decrease in public childcare supply and the widest parenthood-related employment gaps among OECD countries (41 pp in 2011). I focus on two reforms of the parental leave system: the 1995 Parental Benefit reform which extended the payment of universal parental benefit to 4 years instead of 3 without an equivalent extension of the job protected parental leave; then the 2008 Multi-Speed Parental Benefit reform, which encouraged yet again a faster return to employment. I use the Labour Force Survey and rely on a difference-in-differences strategy to assess the net effect of these reforms on mother’s labour market participation, in both short and medium run. Last but not least, I investigate long-run cultural determinants of the observed work-life conciliation preferences and show that a significant evolution towards conservative gender roles has been taking place in the post-transitional decades. This opposes the general European trend, and is likely to influence family policy orientations as well as the reforms’ outcomes
Aliyeva, Vusala. "Impact de la politique familiale de l'Union Européenne pour les pays membres : France, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.
Full textThe policy of the European Union has packed academic debate on its potential impact on the political process at national level. Recent reforms of german and english family policies can be attributed to the European Union influence through its participation in the learning process initiated by this organisation. This examines the potential shifts in the objectives of national families to European Union objectives
Almqvist, Anna-Lena. "The care of children : A cross-national comparison of parents’ expectations and experiences." Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Department of Sociology, Umeå University, 2005.
Full textGarrett, Dave L. "The Power of One: Bonnie Singleton and American Prisoners of War in Vietnam." Thesis, University of North Texas, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "The League of Polish Families"
Discrimination for the sake of the nation: The discourse of the League of Polish Families against "others" 2001-2007. Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research, 2013.
Find full textPłoski, Marcin. Liga Polskich Rodzin jako aktor społeczny. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2016.
Full textFamilies in Polish. London: Raintree, 2013.
Find full textFamilies in Polish: Rodziny. London: Raintree, 2014.
Find full textNunn, Daniel. Families in Polish: Rodzin. Chicago, Ill: Capstone Heinemann Library, 2013.
Find full textHeldring, Thatcher. The league. New York: Delacorte Press, 2013.
Find full textLike Father, Like Son: Baseball's Major League Families. New York: Scholastic, 1993.
Find full textKojder, Apolonja Maria. Marynia, don't cry: Memoirs of two Polish-Canadian families. [Toronto]: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1995.
Find full textPears on a willow tree. New York: Bard, 1998.
Find full textThe cabin by the creek. Plymouth, Vt: Five Corners Publications, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "The League of Polish Families"
Maldonado, Laurie C., and Rense Nieuwenhuis. "Dual-Earner Family Policies at Work for Single-Parent Families." In The Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy, 303–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textPaszenda, Joanna. "Chapter 8. Motivation behind the extended senses of the Polish ditransitive construction." In Constructing Families of Constructions, 241–75. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017.
Full textBueno, Xiana, and Eunsil Oh. "How Do Men Talk about Taking Parental Leave? Evidence from South Korea, Spain, and the U.S." In Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality, 165–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textKoslowski, Alison, and Margaret O’Brien. "Fathers and Family Leave Policies: What Public Policy Can Do to Support Families." In Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality, 141–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textLauritzen, Steffen L. "General Repetitive Structures of Polish Spaces. Projective Statistical Fields." In Extremal Families and Systems of Sufficient Statistics, 187–259. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1988.
Full textSokolowska, Beata. "‘Not Fit for Migration with Teenage Children’: Polish Transnational Immigrant Families in Ireland." In Making Multicultural Families in Europe, 215–31. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textAdema, Willem, Chris Clarke, and Olivier Thévenon. "Family Policies and Family Outcomes in OECD Countries." In The Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy, 193–217. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textPotkański-Pałka, Monika. "Intergenerational Value Transmission in Polish Immigrant Families in Austria and Germany." In Migration und Integration – wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich, 211–32. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2018.
Full textBöger, Tobias, Keonhi Son, and Simone Tonelli. "Origins of Family Policy: Prerequisites or Diffusion." In Networks and Geographies of Global Social Policy Diffusion, 169–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textOsewska, Elżbieta. "Value education in the Polish family." In Strengthening families, 303–16. The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow Press, 2016.
Full textConference papers on the topic "The League of Polish Families"
Roffler, M., and V. Krafft. "PARE0007 Family day by the swiss league against rheumatism: a networking event for children affected by jia and their families." In Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, 13–16 June 2018. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism, 2018.
Full textKolomiiciuk, Oleksandr. "A break of tradition: the case of deported ukrainians from Western Boykivshchyna in 1947." In Ethnology Symposium "Ethnic traditions and processes", Edition II. Institute of Cultural Heritage, Republic of Moldova, 2021.
Full textRudnicka-Bogusz, Marta. "Standardization and innovation in military housing, leisure homes and public buildings in the interwar period Poland." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.
Full textSchneider-Skalska, Grażyna, and Paweł Tor. "Residential areas in the structure of the city: case studies from west europe and Krakow." In Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "The League of Polish Families"
Tadros, Mariz. Violence and Discrimination against Women of Religious Minority Backgrounds in Pakistan. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), November 2020.
Full textOssoff, Will, Naz Modirzadeh, and Dustin Lewis. Preparing for a Twenty-Four-Month Sprint: A Primer for Prospective and New Elected Members of the United Nations Security Council. Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict, December 2020.
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