Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Texture description'
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Siqueira, Fernando Roberti de 1989. "Multi-scale approaches to texture description = Abordagens multiescala para descrição de textura." [s.n.], 2013. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/275604.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T04:06:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Siqueira_FernandoRobertide_M.pdf: 20841189 bytes, checksum: 62053b7b36d54bbdccc8b5aa3650fe6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Resumo: Visão computacional e processamento de imagens desempenham um papel importante em diversas áreas, incluindo detecção de objetos e classificação de imagens, tarefas muito importantes para aplicações em imagens médicas, sensoriamento remoto, análise forense, detecção de pele, entre outras. Estas tarefas dependem fortemente de informação visual extraída de imagens que possa ser utilizada para descrevê-las eficientemente. Textura é uma das principais propriedades usadas para descrever informação tal como distribuição espacial, brilho e arranjos estruturais de superfícies. Para reconhecimento e classificação de imagens, um grande grupo de descritores de textura foi investigado neste trabalho, sendo que apenas parte deles é realmente multiescala. Matrizes de coocorrência em níveis de cinza (GLCM) são amplamente utilizadas na literatura e bem conhecidas como um descritor de textura efetivo. No entanto, este descritor apenas discrimina informação em uma única escala, isto é, a imagem original. Escalas podem oferecer informações importantes em análise de imagens, pois textura pode ser percebida por meio de diferentes padrões em diferentes escalas. Dessa forma, duas estratégias diferentes para estender a matriz de coocorrência para múltiplas escalas são apresentadas: (i) uma representação de escala-espaço Gaussiana, construída pela suavização da imagem por um filtro passa-baixa e (ii) uma pirâmide de imagens, que é definida pelo amostragem de imagens em espaço e escala. Este descritor de textura é comparado com outros descritores em diferentes bases de dados. O descritor de textura proposto e então aplicado em um contexto de detecção de pele, como forma de melhorar a acurácia do processo de detecção. Resultados experimentais demonstram que a extensão multiescala da matriz de coocorrência exibe melhora considerável nas bases de dados testadas, exibindo resultados superiores em relação a diversos outros descritores, incluindo a versão original da matriz de coocorrência em escala única
Abstract: Computer vision and image processing techniques play an important role in several fields, including object detection and image classification, which are very important tasks with applications in medical imagery, remote sensing, forensic analysis, skin detection, among others. These tasks strongly depend on visual information extracted from images that can be used to describe them efficiently. Texture is one of the main used characteristics that describes information such as spatial distribution, brightness and surface structural arrangements. For image recognition and classification, a large set of texture descriptors was investigated in this work, such that only a small fraction is actually multi-scale. Gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) have been widely used in the literature and are known to be an effective texture descriptor. However, such descriptor only discriminates information on a unique scale, that is, the original image. Scales can offer important information in image analysis, since texture can be perceived as different patterns at distinct scales. For that matter, two different strategies for extending the GLCM to multiple scales are presented: (i) a Gaussian scale-space representation, constructed by smoothing the image with a low-pass filter and (ii) an image pyramid, which is defined by sampling the image both in space and scale. This texture descriptor is evaluated against others in different data sets. Then, the proposed texture descriptor is applied in skin detection context, as a mean of improving the accuracy of the detection process. Experimental results demonstrated that the GLCM multi-scale extension has remarkable improvements on tested data sets, outperforming many other feature descriptors, including the original GLCM
Ciência da Computação
Mestre em Ciência da Computação
Brady, Karen. "A probabilistic framework for adaptive texture description." Nice, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NICE4048.
Full textThis thesis deals with the issue of texture description. We start from the fact that in order to model texture accurately one needs a probability distributions on the space of infinite images. From this we generate a distribution on finite regions by marginalization. For a Gaussian distribution, the computational requirement of diagonalisation and the modelling requirement of adaptivity together lead naturally to adaptive wavelet packet models which capture the principal periodicities present in the textures and allow long-range correlations while preserving the independence of the wavelet packet coefficients. The resulting models are used within two different segmentation schemes for the purposes of analysing mosaics of natural textures from the Brodatz album and high resolution remote sensing images
Spann, Michael. "Texture description and segmentation in image processing." Thesis, Aston University, 1985. http://publications.aston.ac.uk/8057/.
Full textYlioinas, J. (Juha). "Towards optimal local binary patterns in texture and face description." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2016. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526214498.
Full textTiivistelmä Paikalliset binäärikuviot kuuluvat suosituimpiin menetelmiin kuville suoritettavassa piirteenirrotuksessa. Menetelmää on sovellettu moniin konenäön ongelmiin, kuten tekstuurien luokittelu, materiaalien luokittelu, kasvojen tunnistus ja kuvien segmentointi. Menetelmän suosiota kuvastaa hyvin siitä kehitettyjen erilaisten johdannaisten suuri lukumäärä ja se, että nykyään kyseinen menetelmien perhe on tunnustettu yhdeksi virstanpylvääksi kasvojentunnistuksen tutkimusalueella. Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on ymmärtää periaatteita, joihin tehokkaimpien paikallisten binäärikuvioiden suorituskyky perustuu. Tämän jälkeen tavoitteena on kehittää parannuksia menetelmän eri askelille, joita ovat kuvan esikäsittely, binäärikuvioiden näytteistys ja enkoodaus, sekä histogrammin koostaminen ja jälkikäsittely. Esiteltävien uusien menetelmien lähtökohtana on hyödyntää mahdollisimman paljon kohdesovelluksesta saatavaa tietoa automaattisesti. Ensimmäisenä menetelmänä esitellään kuvan ylösnäytteistykseen perustuva paikallisten binäärikuvioiden johdannainen. Ylösnäytteistyksen luonnollisena seurauksena saadaan näytteistettyä enemmän binäärikuvioita, jotka histogrammiin koottuna tekevät piirrevektorista alkuperäistä erottelevamman. Seuraavaksi esitellään kolme oppimiseen perustuvaa menetelmää paikallisten binäärikuvioiden laskemiseksi ja niiden enkoodaukseen. Lopuksi esitellään paikallisten binäärikuvioiden histogrammin jälkikäsittelyn yleistävä malli. Tähän malliin liittyen esitellään histogrammin silottamiseen tarkoitettu operaatio, jonka eräs tärkeimmistä motivaatioista on sama kuin kuvan ylösnäytteistämiseen perustuvalla johdannaisella. Erilaisten piirteenirrotusmenetelmien kehittäminen kasvojentunnistuksen osa-alueille on erittäin suosittu paikallisten binäärikuvioiden sovellusalue. Myös tässä työssä tutkittiin miten kehitetyt johdannaiset suoriutuvat näissä osa-ongelmissa. Tutkimuksen kokeellinen osuus ja siihen liittyvät numeeriset tulokset osoittavat, että esitellyt menetelmät ovat vertailukelpoisia kirjallisuudesta löytyvien parhaimpien paikallisten binäärikuvioiden johdannaisten kanssa
Sitepu, Husinsyah. "March-type models for the description of texture in granular materials." Thesis, Curtin University, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/2314.
Full textSitepu, Husinsyah. "March-type models for the description of texture in granular materials." Curtin University of Technology, School of Physical Sciences, 1998. http://espace.library.curtin.edu.au:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=10543.
Full textpromising in terms of deducing the powder bulk modulus from the March r-parameter.An additional test of the March model was made with NPD data for specimens mounted, first, parallel to the instrument rotation axis and, then, normal to the axis. The results have provided some further indication that the March model is deficient for the materials considered in the study.During the course of the study, it was found that there are distinct differences between the direction of the near-surface texture in calcite, as measured by XRPD, and bulk texture characterised by NPD. The NPD-derived textures appear to be correct descriptions for the bulk material in uniaxially-pressed powders, whereas the XRPD textures are heavily influenced by the pressing procedure.An additional outcome of the NPD work has been the discovery, made jointly with Dr Brett Hunter of ANSTO, that the popular LHPM Rietveld code did not allow for inclusion of PO contributions from symmetry-equivalent reflections. Revision of the code by Dr Hunter showed that there is substantial bias in Rietveld-March r-parameters if these reflections are not factored correctly into the calculations.Finally, examination of pole-figure data has underlined the extent to which the March model oversimplifies the true distributions. It is concluded that spherical harmonics modelling should be used rather than the March model as a general PO modelling tool.
Esling, Claude Baro R. "Description de la texture des solides polycristallins et de leur déformation plastique." Metz : Université de Metz, 2008. ftp://ftp.scd.univ-metz.fr/pub/Theses/1972/Esling.Claude.SMZ7202.pdf.
Full textWu, Jimin. "Description quantitative et modélisation de la texture d'un granite : granite de Guéret (France)." Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR10600.
Full textFavier, Eric. "Contribution de l'analyse multi-résolution à la description des contours et des textures." Saint-Etienne, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994STET4020.
Full textKellokumpu, V. P. (Vili-Petteri). "Vision-based human motion description and recognition." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2011. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789514296758.
Full textTiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan ihmisen liikkeen kuvaamista ja tunnistamista konenäkömenetelmillä. Ihmisen liikkeen automaattinen analyysi on keskeinen teknologia luotaessa videopohjaisia järjestelmiä ihmisen ja koneen vuorovaikutukseen. Laajojen sovellusmahdollisuuksiensa myötä aiheesta on tullut aktiivinen tutkimusalue konenäön tutkimuksen piirissä. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan matalan tason piirteiden käyttöä ihmisen liikkeen dynaamiikan kuvaamiseen ja tunnistamiseen. Työssä esitetään kaksi tekstuuripohjaista mentelmää ihmisen liikkeen kuvaamiseen ja viitekehys ballististen liikkeiden segmentointiin ja tunnistamiseen. Työssä esitetään kaksi tekstuuripohjaista menetelmää ihmisen liikkeen analysointiin. Ensimmäinen menetelmä käyttää esikäsittelynä ajallisia kuvamalleja ja kuvaa mallit paikallisilla binäärikuvioilla. Menetelmä laajennetaan myös tila-aika-avaruuteen. Dynaamiseen tekstuuriin perustuva menetelmä irroittaa paikalliset binäärikuviot tila-aika-avaruuden kolmelta ortogonaaliselta tasolta. Menetelmä ei vaadi ihmisen siluetin tarkkaa segmentointia kuvista, koska se on suunniteltu toimimaan suoraan kuvatiedon perusteella. Dynaamiseen tekstuuriin pohjautuvaa menetelmää sovelletaan myös henkilön tunnistamiseen kävelytyylin perusteella. Esitetyt menetelmät on kokeellisesti vahvistettu yleisesti käytetyillä ja julkisesti saatavilla olevilla tietokannoilla. Psykologiset tutkimukset ihmisen liikkumisesta osoittavat, että yleiset liikkeet, kuten kurkoittaminen ja iskeminen, ovat luonteeltaan ballistisia. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan ihmisen liikkeen ajallista segmentointia ja tunnistamista matalan tason liikepiirteistä hyödyntäen psykologisia havaintoja. Kokeelliset tulokset liikkeenkaappaus ja video aineistolla osoittavat menetelmän toimivan hyvin
Heurtier, Philippe. "Contribution de l'analyse d'images à l'exploitation des banques d'images de tissus par description automatique." Saint-Etienne, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996STET4012.
Full textJouini, Mohamed Soufiane. "Caractérisation des réservoirs basée sur des textures des images scanners de carottes." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR13769/document.
Full textCores extracted, during wells drilling, are essential data for reservoirs characterization. A medical scanner is used for their acquisition. This feature provide high resolution images improving the capacity of interpretation. The main goal of the thesis is to establish links between these images and petrophysical data. Then parametric texture modelling can be used to achieve this goal and should provide reliable set of descriptors. A possible solution is to focus on parametric methods allowing synthesis. Even though, this method is not a proven mathematically, it provides high confidence on set of descriptors and allows interpretation into synthetic textures. In this thesis methods and algorithms were developed to achieve the following goals : 1. Segment main representative texture zones on cores. This is achieved automatically through learning and classifying textures based on parametric model. 2. Find links between scanner images and petrophysical parameters. This is achieved though calibrating and predicting petrophysical data with images (Supervised Learning Process)
Garnier, Mickaël. "Modèles descriptifs de relations spatiales pour l'aide au diagnostic d'images biomédicales." Thesis, Paris 5, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA05S015/document.
Full textDuring the last decade, digital pathology has been improved thanks to the advance of image analysis algorithms and calculus power. Particularly, it is more and more based on histology images. This modality of images presents the advantage of showing only the biological objects targeted by the pathologists using specific stains while preserving as unharmed as possible the tissue structure. Numerous computer-aided diagnosis methods using these images have been developed this past few years in order to assist the medical experts with quantitative measurements. The studies presented in this thesis aim at adressing the challenges related to histology image analysis, as well as at developing an assisted diagnosis model mainly based on spatial relations, an information that currently used methods rarely use. A multiscale texture analysis is first proposed and applied to detect the presence of diseased tissue. A descriptor named Force Histogram Decomposition (FHD) is then introduced in order to extract the shapes and spatial organisation of regions within an object. Finally, histology images are described by the FHD measured on their different types of tissue and also on the stained biological objects inside every types of tissue. Preliminary studies showed that the FHD are able to accurately recognise objects on uniform backgrounds, including when spatial relations are supposed to hold no relevant information. Besides, the texture analysis method proved to be satisfactory in two different medical applications, namely histology images and fundus photographies. The performance of these methods are highlighted by a comparison with the usual approaches in their respectives fields. Finally, the complete method has been applied to assess the severity of cancers on two sets of histology images. The first one is given as part of the ANR project SPIRIT and presents metastatic mice livers. The other one comes from the challenge ICPR 2014 : Nuclear Atypia and contains human breast tissues. The analysis of spatial relations and shapes at two different scales achieves a correct recognition of metastatic cancer grades of 87.0 % and gives insight about the nuclear atypia grade. This proves the efficiency of the method as well as the relevance of measuring the spatial organisation in this particular type of images
Chierici, Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira. "Classificação de texturas com diferentes orientações baseada em descritores locais." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18152/tde-27102015-103555/.
Full textSeveral approaches have been employed for describing textures, including the fuzzy sets theory and fuzzy logic. The Local Fuzzy Pattern is a texture descriptor different from other methods based on fuzzy systems, which use linguistic rules to codify a texture. Instead, fuzzy numbers are applied in order to encode a local grayscale pattern. Previous results indicated the LFP as an effective descriptor employed to characterize statically oriented and rotated textures samples. This paper proposes a more comprehensive analysis of its feasibility for use in each of these problems, besides proposing a modification to this descriptor, adapting it to capture patterns in multiresolution, the Sampled LFP. The LFP and Sampled LFP performance evaluation when applied to the problem of texture classification was conducted by applying a series of tests involving images samples, rotated or not, from image databases such as Outex, the Brodatz album and Vistex, where the sensitivity obtained by these descriptors were compared with a reference descriptor, the variant Local Binary Pattern (LBP) best suited to running the test. The results indicated the LFP as a descriptor not suitable for applications who work exclusively with non-rotated samples, since the LBP showed greater efficacy for this problem kind. As for rotated samples analysis, the Sampled LFP proved the best descriptor among those compared. However, it was determined that the Sampled LFP only overcomes the LBP when the analysis resolutions are greater or equal to 32x32 pixels, besides that, the first descriptor is more sensitive to the number of training samples than the latter, therefore, this descriptor is indicated for the problem of rotated samples classification, where it is possible to work with resolution from 32x32 pixels while maximizing the number of samples used for training.
Langoni, Virgílio de Melo. "Novos descritores de texturas dinâmicas utilizando padrões locais e fusão de dados." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18152/tde-07112017-112730/.
Full textIn the last decades, the dynamic textures or temporal textures, which are textures with movement, have become objects of intense interest on the part of researchers of the areas of digital image processing and computer vision. Several techniques have been developed, or perfected, for feature extraction based on dynamic textures. These techniques, in several cases, are the combination of two or more pre-existing methodologies that aim only the feature extraction and not the improvement of the quality of the extracted features. Moreover, in cases that the features are \"poor\" in quality, the final result of processing may present low performance. Thus, this work proposes descriptors that extract dynamic features of video sequences and perform the fusion of information seeking to increase the overall performance in the segmentation and/or recognition of textures or moving scenes. The results obtained using two video bases show that the proposed descriptors called D-LMP and D-SLMP were superior to the descriptor of the literature compared and denominated of LBP-TOP. In addition to presenting higher overall accuracy, precision and sensitivity rates, the proposed descriptors extract features at a shorter time than the LBP-TOP descriptor, which makes them more practical for most applications. The fusion of data from regions with different dynamic characteristics increased the performance of the descriptors, thus demonstrating that the technique can be applied not only to the classification of dynamic textures, but also to the classification of general scenes in videos.
Tania, Sheikh. "Efficient texture descriptors for image segmentation." Thesis, Federation University Australia, 2022. http://researchonline.federation.edu.au/vital/access/HandleResolver/1959.17/184087.
Full textDoctor of Philosophy
Carkacioglu, Abdurrahman. "Texture Descriptors For Content-based Image Retrieval." Phd thesis, METU, 2003. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/4/1035534/index.pdf.
Full textgurable one without changing the underlying feature extraction mechanism and the similarity function. SASI is based on statistics of clique autocorrelation coe±
cients, calculated over structuring windows. SASI de¯
nes a set of clique windows to extract and measure various structural properties of texture by using a spatial multi- resolution method. Experimental results, performed on various image databases, indicate that SASI is more successful then the Gabor Filter descriptors in cap- turing small granularities and discontinuities such as sharp corners and abrupt changes. Due to the °
exibility in designing the clique windows, SASI reaches higher average retrieval rates compared to Gabor Filter descriptors. However, the price of this performance is increased computational complexity. Since, retrieving of similar images of a given query image is a subjective task, it is desirable that retrieval mechanism should be con¯
gurable by the user. In the proposed method, basically, original feature space of a content-based retrieval system is nonlinearly transformed into a new space, where the distance between the feature vectors is adjusted by learning. The transformation is realized by Arti¯
cial Neural Network architecture. A cost function is de¯
ned for learning and optimized by simulated annealing method. Experiments are done on the texture image retrieval system, which use SASI and Gabor Filter features. The results indicate that con¯
gured image retrieval system is signi¯
cantly better than the original system.
Vieira, Raissa Tavares. "Descritores robustos à rotação de texturas baseados na abordagem LMP com acréscimo da informação de Magnitude e Sinal." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18152/tde-04102017-110333/.
Full textTexture image classification, especially those with significant changes of rotation, illumination, scale and point of view, is a fundamental and challenging problem in the field of computer vision. This thesis proposes two simple, but efficient, image descriptors called Sampled Local Mapped Pattern Magnitude (SLMP_M) and Completed Local Mapped Pattern (CLMP) applied in texture classification. The proposed descriptors are part of an enhancement to the Local Mapped Pattern (LMP) descriptor to work efficiently with rotated texture images. The descriptors proposed requires a parameter preset by the particle swarm optimization method, they are discriminating and robust for the description of rotated textures at arbitrary angles. For the validation of the proposed descriptors two image datasets are used: Kylberg Sintorn Rotation Dataset and Brodatz Texture Rotation Dataset, a new texture dataset introduced, which contains rotated texture images from Brodatzs Album. Both databases contain images of natural textures that have been rotated by Hardware and computational procedures. An evaluation of the influence of interpolation methods on the image rotation process is also presented and compared with different descriptors in the literature. Five interpolation methods are investigated: Lanczos, B-spline, Cubic, Linear and Nearest Neighbor. The experimental results show that the descriptors proposed in this thesis outperform the performance of the Completed Local Binary Pattern (CLBP) descriptors, and the descriptors that combine the generalized version of the Fourier characteristics with variations of the descriptor Local Binary Pattern (LBP), LBPDFT, ILBDFT, LTPDFT e ILTPDFT compared. The results also prove that the selection of the interpolation method in the image rotation process influences the recognition capability.
FRACZAK, LIDIA. "Description d'itineraires : de la reference au texte." Paris 11, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA112240.
Full textSchumacher, Pol [Verfasser]. "Workflow Extraction from Textual Process Descriptions / Pol Schumacher." München : Verlag Dr. Hut, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1100967893/34.
Full textLi, Jie. "Description of Jersey knitted fabrics using image processing." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/8595.
Full textHernandez, Nicolas. "Description et détection automatique de structures de texte." Paris 11, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA112329.
Full textInformation Retrieval Systems are not well adapted for text browsing and visualization (dynamic summarization). But this one is always necessary for the user to evaluate the Information Retrieval (IR) systems are not well adapted for text browsing and visualization (dynamic summarization). But this is always necessary for users to evaluate the relevance of a document. Our work follows a Web Semantic perspective. We aim at annotating documents with abstract information about content description and discourse organization in order to create more abilities for IR systems. Descriptive information concerns both topic identification and semantic and rhetorical classification of text extracts (With information such as "Our aim is. . . ", "This paper deals with. . . "). We implement a system to identify topical linguistic expressions based on a robust anaphora system and lexical chains building. We also propose a method in order to automatically acquire meta-discursive material. We perform the detection of the text structure thanks to two complementary approaches. The first one offers a top-down analysis based on the segmentation provided by lexical cohesion and by linguistic markers such as frame introducers. The second one is concerned by local text organization by the detection of informational relations (coordination and subordination) between subsequent sentences
Blanchard, Coralie. "Etude des facteurs influençant la structure et la texture de produits céréaliers alvéolés de cuisson semi-humide : une approche instrumentale et sensorielle de caractérisation de la texture." Thesis, Dijon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014DIJOS001/document.
Full textSince texture is the manifestation of structural, mechanical and surface properties of a material, it represents a key characteristic for food materials. It reflects food quality, freshness perception influencing consumer acceptance.Studies encountered in the scientific literature that are devoted to cereal based foods texture are foremost based on bread also biscuits scarcely on cakes. This study entitled ‘study of the different factors influencing the structure and the texture of semi-humid baked aerated cereal products: sensory and instrumental dimensions of texture’ focus on cake softness characterization, set up and evolution. First, the investigation of the influence of soft wheat flour origin, making process and aeration properties on cake texture is proposed. Instrumental characterization of cake texture properties was performed through high deformation using TPA and relaxation tests. Several approaches were attempted to determine cake crumb structure including rheology, microscopy; image analysis and X Ray-Tomography. Sensory characterization of cake texture was achieved through descriptive texture profile involving establishment of our trained panel. Second, we peer into the functional properties of wheat flour also of its gluten and starch components, physico-chemical methods among which fluid rheology, differential scanning calorimetry, optic microscopy and X-Ray powder diffraction are employed. The results are discussed in terms of physical and chemical changes that cake dough ingredients undergo upon making process. This investigation highlights that several parameters are substantially involved in cake structure set up and final texture perception. Suitable flour choice (composition, components quality) and aeration management are critical factors for the elaboration of a product to be perceived the softest as possible. Also, regarding evolution of texture, it is possible to state on the selection of a product whether than another at early development stages allowing anticipate on consumer acceptance
Homlong, Siri. "The Language of Textiles : Description and Judgement on Textile Pattern Composition." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis (AUU), 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-7216.
Full textYoussef, Wael Farid. "Instanciation d'un schéma de description textuel de scènes de vidéo surveillance." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30249.
Full textSurveillance systems are important tools for law enforcement agencies for fighting crimes. Surveillance control rooms have two main duties: live monitoring the surveillance areas, and crime solving by investigating the archives. To support these difficult tasks, several significant solutions from the research and market fields have been proposed. However, the lack of generic and precise models for video content representation make the building of fully automated intelligent video analysis and description system a challenging task. Furthermore, the application domain still shows a big gap between the research field and the real practical needs, it also shows a lack between these real needs and the on-market video analytics tools. Consequently, in conventional surveillance systems, live monitoring and investigating the archives still rely mostly on human operators. This thesis proposes a novel approach for textual describing important contents in videos surveillance scenes, based on new generic context-free "VSSD ontology", with focus on two objects interactions. The proposed ontology presents a new generic flexible and extensible ontology dedicated for video surveillance scenes description. While analysing and understanding variety of video scenes, our approach introduces many new concepts and methods concerning mediation and action at a distant, abstraction in the description, and a new manner of categorizing the scenes. It introduces a new heuristic way to discriminate between deformable and non-deformable objects in the scenes. It also highlights and exports important features for better video objects interactions learning classifications and for better description. These features, if used as key parameters in video analytics tools, are much suitable for supporting surveillance systems operators through generating alerts, and intelligent search. Moreover, our system outputs can support police incidents reports, according to investigators needs, with many types of automatic textual description based on new well-structured rule-based schemas or templates. [...]
Wang, Josiah Kwok-Siang. "Learning visual recognition of fine-grained object categories from textual descriptions." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2013. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.597096.
Full textCosta, Marcela de Rezende. "Processamento acelerado de presunto cru com uso de transglutaminase em carne desossada : perfis sensorial, colorimetrico e de textura em comparação com produtos tradicionais." [s.n.], 2005. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/255373.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos
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Resumo: O presunto cru é um produto fermentado tradicional e com longo período de maturação, apreciado particularmente nos países da Península Ibérica e Itália. No Brasil seu consumo é pequeno, devido ao preço relativamente elevado. Assim, foi realizado um trabalho visando o desenvolvimento de um produto com características similares aos presuntos crus tradicionais, mas com um tempo de processo menor e com provável redução de custos de produção. Através de avaliações sensoriais e instrumentais foram analisados 4 produtos tradicionais e 2 produtos elaborados no presente trabalho de pesquisa com 3,5% ou 5,0% de sal, denominados CTC 3,5% e CTC 5,0%. Foram realizadas medidas de cor do sistema Hunter Lab. As amostras se dividiram em dois grupos com relação à luminosidade e teor de vermelho: luminosidade - produtos mais claros (presuntos CTC) e produtos mais escuros (Serrano, Tipo Serrano, Italiano e Tipo Parma), e cor vermelha - presuntos com maior teor de vermelho (Italiano e Tipo Serrano) e presuntos com menor teor (CTC 3,5%, CTC 5,0%, Serrano e Tipo Parma). Na avaliação instrumental de textura através de TPA - Análise de Perfil de Textura, os produtos que mostraram perfis texturais mais distintos foram os presuntos do CTC em relação ao Italiano. Os presuntos CTC obtiveram os maiores valores de dureza, elasticidade, coesividade e mastigabilidade, enquanto o presunto Italiano apresentou os menores valores. Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) foi aplicada para definição de atributos sensoriais de presuntos crus. Os dados foram analisados utilizando análise de variância, teste de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP). Na ADQ, 18 descritores foram utilizados para caracterizar as amostras. Os produtos se diferenciaram pelos seguintes atributos: CTC 3,5% - sabor mais ácido e menor intensidade de aroma e sabor de ranço, vermelho e suculência; CTC 5,0% - maior fibrosidade e menores notas de intensidade e persistência de sabor, e maciez; Serrano - maiores intensidades de aroma de ranço, vermelho, intensidade e persistência de sabor e menor sabor salgado; Tipo Serrano - maior intensidade de sabor de ranço e menor intensidade de sabor doce; Italiano - maiores intensidades de sabor salgado e maciez; Tipo Parma - sabor de carne, marmoreado e amarelo da gordura mais intensos. A ACP separou as amostras em dois grupos: (1) um formado pelos presuntos CTC 3,5%, Serrano e Italiano, caracterizado principalmente pelos atributos aroma e sabor de carne, aroma e sabor ácido, aroma e sabor doce e fibrosidade, e (2) outro formado pelos presuntos CTC 5,0%, Tipo Serrano e Tipo Parma, que se diferenciou do primeiro principalmente pelos descritores sabor salgado, marmoreado e maciez. As mesmas amostras foram avaliadas com relação a sua aceitação, utilizando escalas hedônicas de 9 pontos, e preferência pelos consumidores. Foram realizados dois testes afetivos: (1) um teste de aceitação onde as 6 amostras foram avaliadas e (2) um teste de aceitação e de preferência onde apenas os dois produtos elaborados no CTC foram avaliados. Os dados dos dois testes foram analisados utilizando análise de variância e teste de Tukey. Além disso, os dados de aceitação global do primeiro teste foram analisados através do Mapa de Preferência Interno (MDPREF). Os resultados dos testes afetivos mostraram que todos os tipos de presunto cru analisados obtiveram a maioria de suas notas da avaliação pelos consumidores entre gostei ligeiramente e gostei muitíssimo. De maneira geral, o presunto Tipo Serrano foi o produto que obteve o maior percentual de notas na faixa de aceitação da escala e o Serrano foi o que obteve o menor percentual. O MDPREF evidenciou quatro segmentações das amostras, em ordem decrescente de aceitação pelos consumidores: (1) um composto pelas amostras de presunto cru Italiano e Tipo Serrano, (2) um referente às duas amostras do CTC, (3) um formado pelo presunto Tipo Parma e (4) o último representado pelo presunto Serrano. Os dois produtos CTC (3,5 e 5,0%) apresentaram níveis similares de aceitação pelo consumidor e não diferiram (p>0,05) no teste de preferência pelos consumidores
Abstract: The dry cured ham is a traditional fermented product with a long period of maturation, appreciated particularly in countries of the Iberian peninsula and Italy. In Brazil its consumption is small, because of the price relatively raised. Thus, the development of a product with similar characteristics was carried aiming at the traditional dry cured hams, but with a reduced process time and probable reduction of production costs. Through sensorial and instrumental evaluations 4 traditional products and 2 products elaborated in this present work of research with 3.5 or 5.0% of salt, named CTC 3,5% and CTC 5,0%, had been analyzed. Color was measured by Hunter Lab Color System. The samples were divided in two groups with regard to luminosity and red content: luminosity - clearer products (CTC hams) and darker products (Serrano, Type Italian and Parma Type), and red color - (Italian and Parma Type) and hams with less content (CTC 3,5%, CTC 5,0%, Serrano and Parma Type). In the instrumental evaluation of texture through TPA ¿ Texture Profile Analysis, the products that have shown more distinct texture profiles were the hams of the CTC in relation to the Italian. The CTC dry cured hams had the biggest values of hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness, while the Italian ham presented the smaller values. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (DQA) was applied for definition of sensorial attributes of dry cured ham. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, Tukey Test and Principal Components Analysis (PCA). In the ADQ, 18 descriptors had been used to characterize the samples. The products were differentiated for the following attributes: CTC 3,5% - more acid flavor and less intensity of rancid odour and flavor, redness and juiciness; CTC 5,0% - higher fibrousness and lower scores of flavor intensity and persistence, and softness; Serrano - bigger intensities rancid flavor, redness, flavor intensity and persistence and minor salty flavor; Serrano Type - highest intensities rancid flavor and less sweet intensity flavor; Italian - highest salty flavor and softness; Parma Type - highest meaty flavor, marbling and fat yellowness. PCA separated the samples in two groups: (1) one formed for CTC 3,5%, Serrano and Italian dry cured hams, mainly characterized for the attributes meaty odour and flavor, acid odour and flavor, sweet odour and flavor and fibrousness, and (2) other formed by the CTC 5,0%, Serrano Type and Parma Type hams, that was differentiated mainly of first group for the descritors the salty flavor, marbling and softness. The same samples were evaluated with regard to its acceptance, using hedonic scales of 9 points, and preference of the consumers. Two affective tests were carried through: (1) one was tested of acceptance where the 6 samples were evaluated and (2) one was tested of acceptance and preference where only the two products elaborated in the CTC were evaluated. The data of the two tests were analyzed using variance analysis and Tukey Test. Moreover, the data of global acceptance of the first test was analyzed through the Internal Preference Map (MDPREF). The results of the affective tests had shown that all the types of dry cured ham analyzed had the majority of its notes of the evaluation for the consumers between I liked slightly and I liked very much. In general way, the ham Serrano Type was the product that got the percentile greater of notes in the region of acceptance of the scale and Serrano was what it got the percentile minor. The MDPREF evidenced four segmentation of the samples, orderly decreasing of acceptance for the consumers: (1) a composition for the samples of Italian and Serrano Type dry cured hams, (2) a referring one to two samples CTC, (3) one formed for Parma Type ham and (4) the last one represented for the Serrano ham. The two products elaborated in the CTC had presented similar levels of acceptance for the consumer. They don¿t differ (p>0.05) in the preference test with consumers
Tecnologia de Alimentos
Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos
Esta dissertação apresenta uma solução que permite a geração automática de exemplos de uso a partir da descrição textual de casos de uso. Os casos de uso descrevem especificações em um nível de formalização suficiente para a geração dos exemplos. Um exemplo gerado é um texto em linguagem natural que é o resultado da paráfrase de um possível comportamento do software, extraído de um caso de uso e aplicado a um contexto real, em que atores são convertidos em personagens fictícios e os atributos são valorados de acordo com as regras de negócios especificadas no caso de uso. O formato proposto para a construção de exemplos tem como objetivo permitir que clientes possam ler, entender e julgar se o comportamento que está sendo proposto é o desejado. Com isso é esperado que o próprio cliente possa validar as especificações e que, quando defeitos forem encontrados, a especificação possa logo ser corrigida e refletida de volta nos exemplos. Ao mesmo tempo a especificação formalizada na forma de um caso de uso auxiliará desenvolvedores a criar soluções mais próximas do correto por construção, quando comparado com especificações textuais convencionais.
This master s dissertation presents a solution for the automatic generation of examples of use from the textual description of use cases. Use cases describe specifications in a sufficiently formal way that is enough to automatically generate usage examples. A generated example is a text in a natural language which is the paraphrase of one possible manner to use the software, extracted from the use case and applied to a real context where actors are converted into fictitious personas and attributes are valued according to the business rules specified in the use case. The proposed format to present the example aims to allow clients to read, to understand and to judge whether the expressed behavior is in fact what he wants. With this approach, it is expected that the customer himself can approve the specifications and when defects are found, so the specification can quickly be corrected and reflected in the examples. At the same time, the formalized specification in the form of a use case will help developers create solutions that are by construction closer to the correct one when compared to conventional textual specifications.
Nguyen, Vu Lam. "Approches complémentaires pour une classification efficace des textures." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018CERG0974/document.
Full textThis thesis investigates the complementary approaches for classifying texture images.The thesis begins by proposing a Local Binary Pattern (LBP) variant for efficient texture classification.In this proposed method, a statistical approach to static texture representation is developed. It incorporates the complementary quantity information of image intensity into the LBP-based operators. We name our LBP variant `the completed local entropy binary patterns (CLEBP)'. CLEBP captures the distribution of the relationships between statistical measures of image data randomness, calculated over all pixels within a local structure. Without any pre-learning process and any additional parameters to be learned, the CLEBP descriptors convey both global and local information about texture while being robust to external variations. Furthermore, we use biologically-inspired filtering (BF) which simulates the performance of human retina as preprocessing technique. It is shown that our approach and the conventional LBP have the complementary strength and that by combining these algorithms, one obtains better results than either of them considered separately. Experimental results on four large texture databases show that our approach is more efficient than contemporary ones.We then introduce a framework which is a feature combination approach to the problem of texture classification. In this framework, we combine Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features with low dimensional, rotation and scale invariant counterparts, the handcrafted scattering network (ScatNet). The experimental results show that the proposed approach is capable of extracting rich features at multiple orientations and scales. Textures are modeled by concatenating histogram of LBP codes and the mean values of ScatNet coefficients. Then, we propose using Biological Inspired Filtering (BF) preprocessing technique to enhance the robustness of LBP features. We have demonstrated by experiment that the novel features extracted from the proposed framework achieve superior performance as compared to their traditional counterparts when benchmarked on real-world databases containing many classes with significant imaging variations.In addition, we propose a novel handcrafted network called normalized convolution network. It is inspired by the model of ScatNet with two important modification. Firstly, normalized convolution substitute for standard convolution in ScatNet model to extract richer texture features. Secondly, Instead of using mean values of the network coefficients, Fisher vector is exploited as an aggregation method. Experiments show that our proposed network gains competitive classification results on many difficult texture benchmarks.Finally, throughout the thesis, we have proved by experiments that the proposed approaches gain good classification results with low resource required
Romero, Mier y. Teran Andrés. "Real-time multi-target tracking : a study on color-texture covariance matrices and descriptor/operator switching." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01002065.
Full textTremblay, Steeve. "Le vocabulaire de l'environnement aquatique : élaboration d'un corpus textuel et amorce de description lexicale." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ61841.pdf.
Full textTremblay, Steeve. "Le vocabulaire de l'environnement aquatique : élaboration d'un corpus textuel et amorce de description lexicale." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2000.
Find full textLoescher, Eleonore. "Evaluations instrumentales et sensorielles de la texture de produits alimentaires de type semi-liquide : application aux cas de fromages blancs et de compotes." Massy, ENSIA, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EIAA0128.
Full textLeopold, Henrik, der Aa Han van, Fabian Pittke, Manuel Raffel, Jan Mendling, and Hajo A. Reijers. "Searching textual and model-based process descriptions based on a unified data format." Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10270-017-0649-y.
Full textFigl, Kathrin, and Jan Recker. "Process Innovation as Creative Problem-Solving: An Experimental Study of Textual Descriptions and Diagrams." Elsevier, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2016.02.008.
Full textOttensooser, Avner, Alan Fekete, Hajo A. Reijers, Jan Mendling, and Con Menictas. "Making Sense of Business Process Descriptions: An Experimental Comparison of Graphical and Textual Notations." Elsevier, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2011.09.023.
Full textBrown, Marissa. "Sensory characteristics and classification of commercial and experimental plain yogurts." Thesis, Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/4114.
Full textZEN, Ja Hu, and Kanenori SUWA. "Autoclastic subvolcanic rocks in the Tonglu basin, Zhejiang Province, China : a description of "pearlitic border" textures in an adamellite porphyry." Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/2855.
Full textGautier-Dalché, Patrick. "La "Description mappe mundi" de Hugues de Saint-Victor texte inédit avec introduction et commentaire." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb375978797.
Esta dissertação apresenta uma solução para a geração e execução automática de testes funcionais a partir da descrição textual de casos de uso, visando verificar se determinada aplicação atende aos requisitos funcionais definidos por esta documentação. A ferramenta construída é capaz de gerar casos de teste semânticos valorados, transformá-los em código-fonte (para Java Swing e os frameworks de teste TestNG e FEST, na versão atual), executá-los, coletar os resultados e analisar se os casos de uso da aplicação atendem ou não a estes requisitos. Dentre os principais diferenciais da solução construída estão a cobertura de cenários de teste que envolvem múltiplos casos de uso, a cobertura de cenários envolvendo recursão, a possibilidade da definição de regras de negócio sobre dados existentes em bancos de dados de teste, a geração automática dos valores fornecidos nos testes e a geração de testes funcionais semânticos, num formato independente de linguagem de programação e frameworks de teste.
This master s dissertation presents a solution for the automatic generation and execution of functional tests based on the textual use case description and aims to verify whether certain application matches its functional requirements defined by this documentation. The constructed tool is capable of generating valued semantic test cases, of transforming them into source code (for Java Swing and the TestNG and FEST frameworks, in the current version), of executing them, of collecting the results and of analyzing whether the application s use cases matches (or not) its requirements. The solution main differentials includes the coverage of test scenarios that involves more than one use case, the coverage of scenarios containing recursive flows, the possibility of defining business rules using data existing in test databases, as well as the automatic generation of test values, and the generation of semantic functional tests in a format independent of programming languages and frameworks.
Cândido, Gilberto Gomes. "O ato narrativo e a ética na descrição do documento de arquivo /." Marília, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/192628.
Full textResumo: A Descrição do Documento de Arquivo, como uma das funções de procedimento Arquivístico, é elaborada de modo a permitir a difusão e o acesso aos usuários; tal método procura proporcionar elementos/caracteres do conteúdo formal do documento de forma a se elaborar instrumentos de pesquisa. Assim sendo, a Descrição é um processo de representação dos elementos intrínsecos e extrínsecos ao Documento de Arquivo e deve ser fidedigna. Com isto, objetivou-se conhecer e como ocorrem o Ato Narrativo e a Ética na representação do documento de arquivo, demonstrando que tal ato representativo não é objetivo, mas sim subjetivo advindo de interpretações, de modo a contribuir para discussões e aprofundamento na área de Representação, bem como apresentar subsídios para compreensão da subjetividade sobre o processo de representação por meio da descrição do documento de arquivo, com intuito de descrever os procedimentos metodológicos; reproduzir interlocuções metodológicas e ilustrar a aplicação do processo de descrição sobre os dossiês da Comissão Pastoral da Terra, da CNBB - Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil - Norte 2 com reflexões dos procedimentos metodológicos e filosóficos apresentados. Assim, identificou-se como resultados que os processos descritivos são interpretativos e podem vir a atribuir juízos críticos valorativos e categóricos por meio da visão de mundo do profissional arquivista durante a representação. Dado que o procedimento de descrição aplicado pelo arquivista em sua a... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The Archive Document description, as one of the Archival Procedure Functions, is elaborated to allow the diffusion and user’s access; this method seeks to provide elements/characters of documents formal contents in order to elaborate research tools. Therefore, description is a representation process of intrinsic and extrinsic of Archive Docmument elements should be trustworthy. With this, it was aimed to know about and how Narrative Act and Ethic occurs in archive document representation, demonstrating that such representative act is not objetive, but subjetive from intepretations, in order to contribute to discussions and deepening of representation area, well with presenting subsidies to subjetive comprehention about de representation process by the archive document descripition, in order to describe methodological procedures; reproduce metodological interlocutions and ilustrate this process application to description about the Comissão Pastoral da Terra dossiers, CNBB – Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil – Norte 2, with reflections about methodological and filosophical procedures presented. Thus, was identified as results that descriptive process are interpretative and may atribute valuable and categorical critical judgments, through archivist professional worldview during the representation. The description procedure applied by the in his professional performance uses cognitive aspects, based on his interpretations, which seeks to identify and extract the elements/... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Resumen: La representación descriptiva en archivología pasa por algunos procesos de creación de archivos correlacionados con sus funciones, tales como la evaluación y la clasificación, entre otros. En esta investigación, la función explorada fue la descripción del documento de archivo, conciliando teóricamente la práctica del “hacer” y del “cómo hacer”, desde el proceso de descripción hasta la representación del documento de archivo, siguiendo los estándares internacionales de descripción desde la concepción posmoderna. La investigación buscó comprender los aspectos del acto narrativo y la ética sobre el proceso de descripción, con el fin de contribuir a la comprensión de estos aspectos en el proceso. Con esto se enfatizó que los procesos descriptivos son interpretativos y atribuyen juicios críticos, valorativos y categorías fundamentados en la cosmovisión del archivista durante el acto de representación. El procedimiento de descripción aplicado por el archivero en su práctica profesional se apoya en aspectos cognitivos interpretativos, que buscan identificar y extraer los elementos y actores del contenido y el contexto del documento de archivo, de forma confiable. Por lo tanto, la representación surgida del proceso de descripción no es neutral ni objetiva, ya que usa percepciones cognitivas, es decir, es subjetiva. Por lo tanto, el acto narrativo en la descripción puede considerarse como el acto de contar o (re)contar una historia. La ética busca guiar la actuación profesional del ar... (Resumen completo clicar acceso eletrônico abajo)
Chappuy, Sylviane Vauquois Bernard. "Formalisation de la description des niveaux d'interprétation des langues naturelles étude menée en vue de l'analyse et de la génération au moyen de transducteurs /." S.l. : Université Grenoble 1, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00306957.
Full textColeman, Graham Keith. "Descriptor control of sound transformations and mosaicing synthesis." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/392138.
Full textEl mostreig, com a tècnica musical o de síntesi, és una manera de reutilitzar expressions musicals enregistrades. En aquesta dissertació s’exploren estratègies d’ampliar la síntesi de mostreig, sobretot la síntesi de “mosaicing”. Aquesta última tracta d’imitar un senyal objectiu a partir d’un conjunt de senyals font, transformant i ordenant aquests senyals en el temps, de la mateixa manera que es faria un mosaic amb rajoles trencades. Una d’aquestes ampliacions de síntesi consisteix en el control automàtic de transformacions de so cap a objectius definits a l’espai perceptiu. L’estratègia elegida utilitza models que prediuen com es transformarà el so d’entrada en funció d’uns paràmetres seleccionats. En un cas, els models són coneguts, i cerques númeriques es poden fer servir per trobar paràmetres suficients; en l’altre, els models són desconeguts i s’han d’aprendre a partir de les dades. Una altra ampliació es centra en el mostreig en si. Mesclant múltiples sons a la vegada, potser és possible fer millors imitacions, més específicament millorar l’harmonia del resultat, entre d’altres. Tot i així, utilitzar múltiples mescles crea nous problemes computacionals, especialment si propietats com la continuïtat, important per a la síntesis de mostreig d’alta qualitat, han de ser preservades. En aquesta tesi es presenta un nou sintetitzador mosaicing que incorpora tots aquests elements: control automàtic de transformacions de so fent servir models, mescles a partir de descriptors d’harmonia i timbre perceptuals, i preservació de la continuïtat del context de mostreig i dels paràmetres de transformació. Fent servir proves d’escolta, l’algorisme híbrid proposat va ser comparat amb algorismes clàssics i contemporanis: l’algorisme híbrid va donar resultats positius a una varietat de mesures de qualitat.
Gautier, Dalché Patrick. "La "Descriptio mappe mundi" de Hugues de Saint-Victor : texte établi avec introduction et commentaire." Paris 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA010613.
Full textMamadou, Diarra. "Extraction et fusion de points d'intérêt et textures spectraux pour l'identification, le contrôle et la sécurité." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018UBFCK031/document.
Full textBiometrics is an emerging technology that proposes new methods of control, identification and security. Biometric systems are often subject to risks. Face recognition is popular and several existing approaches use images in the visible spectrum. These traditional systems operating in the visible spectrum suffer from several limitations due to changes in lighting, poses and facial expressions. The methodology presented in this thesis is based on multispectral facial recognition using infrared and visible imaging, to improve the performance of facial recognition and to overcome the deficiencies of the visible spectrum. The multispectral images used in this study are obtained by fusion of visible and infrared images. The different recognition techniques are based on features extraction such as texture and points of interest by the following techniques: a hybrid feature extraction, a binary feature extraction, a similarity measure taking into account the extracted characteristics
Rogerson, Michelle. "The utility of applying textual analysis to descriptions of offender modus operandi for the prevention of high volume crime." Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2016. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/28709/.
Full textDoualan, Gaëlle. "Étude historique, épistémologique et descriptive de la synonymie." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA040149.
Full textThis thesis studies theoretical and epistemological aporia of synonymy. These problems are concentrated in the theoretical weakness of synonymy in comparison with its empirical success both in usage and dictionaries. This theoretical weakness originates in the history of the notion: at first, synonymy had been defined by Aristoteles and was afterwards subjected to transformations during the following centuries. With the beginning of modern linguistics, scientific definition of synonymy had been built from the distinctive synonymy of French synonymists. The fundamental notions of modern linguistics, such as the opposition between language and discourse, had been applied to synonymy whereas it had been elaborated before their conception. Synonymy can hardly be submitted to modern linguistics theoretical frameworks without generating theoretical difficulties. The distinctive approach centers the study of synonymy on semantic differences whereas synonymy is based on approximate semantic equivalence. History of synonymy sheds light on aporia and helps to distance from it and to center the notion on the semantic equivalence because they make synonymy possible and on discourse because that is where sense emerges. This breaks off with the synonymy which is solely based on semantic differences between synonymic lexical items. An onomasiological and textual approach is set up to propose a new scientific framework to synonymy: this approach consists in the detection of lexical networks showing semantic relations appearing in context. To test this approach, lexical networks of vice and virtue vocabulary are studied in seventeenth century French texts treating moral themes
Joar, Hedvall, and Claesson Charlie. "Character description by the use of level design and game mechanics : A study on how to convey a character based narrative within a game." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för speldesign, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-260644.
Full textDenna studie är en utredning av möjligheterna att skapa spelnivåer som förmedlar en karaktär och dess personliga berättelse med användning av tre level design metoder. De använda metoderna är: användning av mindre objekt och detaljer, användning av spelarens personliga referenser och minnen samt att ha ett tydligt mål för spelaren. Resultaten samlas in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med deltagarna i studien och analysera hur deltagarna tolkar berättelsen i spelets nivåer som var designade med hjälp av dessa tre level design metoder. Denna studie använder spelet Project Rewind för testerna, detta spel var delvis utvecklat för denna studiens ändamål. Test resultaten visar att spelaren tog upp mer information genom kluster av mindre visuella föremål, och memorerade interaktiva objekt mycket bättre än de stillastående objekten. De använde också sina egna personliga och kulturella referenser, minnen och stereotyper när de analyserade objekten i nivåerna för att skapa en bild av karaktären presenteras för dem. Baserat på de resultat som vi fått från undersökningen fann vi att det är viktigt att ha ett tydligt demografiskt mål, vilket är viktigt när man utformar en berättelse i en spel nivå som ska vara lätt att förstå. Detta är på grund av varje spelare har sina egna personliga referenser, vissa saker kan uppfattas på olika sätt beroende på vad för referenser man har. Test resultaten visar också att de tre level design metoderna som nämndes tidigare kan till en viss grad bli använda för att förmedla ett narrativ när man använder dem för att designa en nivå.
Marinič, Michal. "Rozpoznávání textu z obrazových dat." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2014. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-220584.
Full textBordry, Guillaume. ""La musique est un texte" : histoire, typologie, et fonctions de la description littéraire de la musique, en particulier dans l'oeuvre d'Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)." Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030068.
Full textStarting from a phrase by Honoré de Balzac, " music is a text ", this work attempts to define a specific kind of textual practice : the literary description of music, which consists in recreating musical art by other means than technical ones. This kind of description focuses on the emotions and the imagination of the listener, who transcribes his impressions thanks to literary processes. Musical experience thus takes the shape of a literary practice : reading. Composers, Berlioz first, use the evocative power of these texts in their own musical creation. The first part of this work outlines a history and a typology of the literary description of music. The second part illustrates the first, focusing on a specific case, Hector Berlioz's, and enlightens both his manipulations of text and music. Berlioz is at the same time a composer, a writer, a listener and a reader, which allows his musical descriptions to play a specific role in his writings as well as in his music. This work attempts to define the forms and the sense of it