Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Textile surfaces'
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Min, Hyerim Choi. "Encountered surfaces /." Online version of thesis, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/1850/11971.
Full textBobeck, Malin. "Binary surfaces - ljusemitterande textiler för inredningssammanhang." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-841.
Full textThe thesis Binary surfaces - light-emitting textiles for an interior design context is an investigative work on how optical fibres can be used in woven structures. The work explores the different parameters that affect the interaction between optical fibres and weaving, and the possibilities they create together. The result is two examples of fabrics woven with optical fibres in combination with more traditional textile materials. The examples are designed for an interior context and are shown as a room divider and as outer fabric on seating furnishing.
Praëne, Jean Maurice. "Modélisation phénoménologique du comportement tribologique des surfaces textiles." Mulhouse, 2007. https://www.learning-center.uha.fr/opac/resource/modelisation-phenomenologique-du-comportement-tribologique-des-surfaces-textiles/BUS4032052.
Full textThe objective of this work is to improve the mechanical characterization of the touch of textile surfaces by determining the forces of interaction located at the interface between the probe and the fabric. The study is restricted to the touch flat, without the thermal aspect. The experimental part specially displayed the existence of the hairiness of surface. This parameter neglected in many studies is highlighted by a method allowing to calculate the bending of the hairiness of fabric surface which having a surface whose hairiness is directed and long. This method makes it possible to confront the bending force of hairiness with the force of friction. A second method consists in taking into account the depression of the finger in hairiness shows that the touch is a complex parameter, which cannot be only characterized by one simple friction. To finish a third method consists in to measure acoustic energy allows to classify the fabrics. This method is validated because it follows the results obtained by the human being during the microneurography characterization of the similar fabric touch
Labay, Cédric. "Treatment of textile surfaces by plasma technology for biomedical applications." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/277564.
Full textLas aplicaciones médicas de los textiles técnicos son un campo de investigación en expansión. Uno de los valores añadidos de estos nuevos materiales puede ser su capacidad para contener y liberar principios activos farmacéuticos y cosméticos de una forma controlada y sostenida. La incorporación de fármacos y su liberación a partir de fibras sintéticas está relacionada con la interacción del fármaco con el polímero y puede depender en gran medida de la química de superficie de la fibra. La tecnología de plasma es una herramienta que permite modificar las propiedades físicas y químicas de los primero nanómetros de la superficie de las fibras sin afectar el interior del material. Aplicado al campo de los textiles médicos, el tratamiento con plasma de fibras poliméricas podría conducir al diseño de nuevos sistemas de liberación de fármacos basados en soportes textiles. La novedad de esta Tesis Doctoral se basa en la modificación de las interacciones fármaco / fibra por tratamiento de plasma para permitir la modulación de la incorporación y la liberación de los principios activos (farmacéuticos y cosméticos) a partir de sistemas de administración de fármacos basados en material textil, sin requerir el uso de productos químicos adicionales. Esta Tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de dos familias de sistemas de liberación de fármacos basados en soportes textiles, por funcionalización de la superficie mediante tratamiento de plasma, con características adecuadas bien para uso tópico como dispositivos médicos, bien para aplicación clínica en la reparación de tejidos blandos. Por tanto, esta Tesis se organiza en dos partes bien diferenciadas. En ambas partes de esta Tesis se ha seguido el siguiente esquema general: en primer lugar se ha investigado primero la modificación superficial de los materiales textiles con diferentes tipos de plasmas (plasma corona y plasma de presión atmosférica), caracterizando las modificaciones de la superficie obtenidas mediante diferentes técnicas instrumentales. Los efectos del tratamiento con plasma se han evaluado entonces sobre la incorporación de principios activos farmacéuticos o cosméticos. En el último paso, se ha estudiado la liberación del fármaco mediante ensayos de disolución "in vitro". La primera parte de la Tesis Doctoral se centra en los textiles médicos para aplicación tópica. Para ello, se ha estudiado la modificación de la superficie de tejidos de punto elástico-compresivos de poliamida 66 con plasma corona y plasma de baja presión. En este trabajo experimental se han estudiado en paralelo tejidos preparados en laboratorio y tejidos industrialmente acabados, con vistas a la posible implementación del proceso propuesto en la cadena de producción industrial textil. Se ha observado que el tratamiento con plasma mejora la cinética de liberación de un fármaco anti-inflamatorio (ketoprofeno) y de un principio activo cosmético lipolítico (cafeína), incorporados en los tejidos de poliamida 66 tratados con plasma. Se ha desarrollado un estudio fundamental comparando tres moléculas diferentes de la misma familia química (cafeína, teobromina y pentoxifilina) con respecto a la incorporación al material textil y a la liberación del principio activo. La segunda parte se centra en los textiles utilizados como implantes para la reparación de tejidos blandos (por ejemplo, hernias abdominales). La superficie de la fibra de una malla de polipropileno approvada para su uso clínico ha sido modificada por el plasma corona y plasma de baja presión. Los tratamientos estudiados tuvieron un efecto importante sobre la carga de un antibiótico (ampicilina) mostrando un importante incremento del porcentaje de impregnación. La cinética de liberación in vitro del antibiótico de la malla de polipropileno a un medio líquido isotonico fue rápida. También se investigó la posibilidad de realizar un recubrimiento de la malla de polipropileno cargada con ampicilina mediante polimerización por plasma.
Leroux, Frédéric. "Etude des traitements par plasma à pression atmosphérique : applications à l'industrie textile." Valenciennes, 2007. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/edbbecfc-18d6-4b32-9d6c-b123269222ab.
Full textSurface properties of textile are important factors for the end-use materials properties. These surface properties determine the hydrophilic and hydrophobic behaviour of the materials and also theirs padding and coating adhesion as well as their dyeing behaviours. Atmospheric plasma treatments seem to be a good way to treat quickly, cheaply and ecologically polymeric surfaces. First, the impact of atmospheric air Dielectric Barrier Discharge (D. B. D. ) plasma treatments were studied on a poly(propylene) film. A surface oxidation and a roughness modification were observed. The ageing of these modifications was follow. Then, according with the previews results, plasma treatments were used to treat various poly(ethylene terephthalate)textiles (Film, nonwovens, fabrics). The plasma treatment influences on the surface energy, capillarity and adhesion properties were checked for each textile. This work shows that the polymer chemistry, the porosity and the air permeability have an influence on the final properties and on the plasma treatment power needed to reach them. Plasma treatments were also used as a pre-treatment before dyeing or fluoro-polymer padding processes
Anomasiri, Namkhang. "The Final Cut : Transformations of laser-cut textile surfaces for placemaking." Thesis, Konstfack, Inredningsarkitektur & Möbeldesign, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-7844.
Full textBocquet, Romain. "Etude des mécanismes d’adhésion et de déformation à l’origine du frottement de surfaces textiles." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MULH4391/document.
Full textThis work is to study the mechanisms occurring during friction of hairy textile surfaces, especially in terms of human touch. The final aim is to offer a method for designing textile surfaces with the required touch. The first step was to establish a model of friction, and then to validate it by means of a tribometer developed in the laboratory and then apply it to industrial textile surfaces. We have shown that the tangential force in front of the slider is proportional to the width of this one and has essentially a mechanical origin, while the friction under the slider is proportional to the contact area between the slider and the textile surface and is of a mechanical nature (surface deformation) and adhesive. We could then determine and define the friction stress in front and under the slider, characteristic of the textile fabric used for a fixed normal load. The dependence of the frictional force to the sliding velocity was highlighted. A study on the friction of model hairy macro-surfaces was performed to explain this viscosity. Similar tests to those of the friction study on real surfaces were performed. By varying the kinematic parameters of the test and the physico-chemical properties of the fibers, we were able to determine that the origin of the viscosity observed on real textile surfaces mainly comes from inter-fiber friction with physicochemical origin
Ryall, Helen. "An exploration of digital technology over a number of manipulated textile surfaces." Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2010. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/8798/.
Full textDontsova, Dariya. "Titania based photocatalytically active layer-by-layer coatings on model surfaces and textile materials." Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA6203.
Full textThe photocatalytic properties of commercially available and synthesized catalysts were studied for on-stream decomposition of a model odorous compound hydrogen sulphide (H2S) under UV-A and visible light irradiation. A simplified qualitative model for visualization of the catalyst deactivation is proposed. Further, catalysts were incorporated into multilayer films using different polyelectrolytes. Such films were characterized by ellipsometry, AFM, UV-visible spectroscopy and SEM on model surfaces. These films are homogeneous and transparent, and their porosity allow for almost free mass transport of the volatile compounds within the film. In order to test the photocatalytic activity of LbL films containing catalysts, such films were assembled on tubular glass reactors (with the diameter of 2. 7 cm and the length of 40 cm) and subjected to H2S flow under UV-A irradiation. The activity of films was found to be proportional to the number of film constituent layers of catalyst and dependent on the chemical nature of the film constituent polyelectrolyte. After the film structure was optimized with respect to catalytic component and polyelectrolyte component, the most efficient films were deposited on cotton textiles, and their photocatalytic activity was measured for on-stream decomposition of H2S under visible light irradiation. Further, the potential applications of such LbL-coated textiles for the removal of other common indoor pollutants were exemplified by decomposition of acetaldehyde, methyl ethyl ketone and ammonia gas under visible light irradiation
Kaewprasit, Chongrak. "Contribution a l'estimation de la surface specifique des fibres de coton : relations entre surface et proprietes physiques." Montpellier 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON20099.
Full textAbd, Jelil Radhia. "Modélisation de la relation entre les paramètres du procédé plasma et les caractéristiques de la qualité du matériau textile par apprentissage de données physiques." Thesis, Lille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LIL10017/document.
Full textAtmospheric plasma treatment seems to be a good way to treat quickly, cheaply and ecologically textile material surfaces. Despite these advantages, it is extremely difficult to understand the complex non-linear relationship between the plasma processing parameters and the final properties of materials. Therefore, the study and optimization of such process must be based on an exploitation of intelligent techniques such as fuzzy logic and neural networks. In a first part, the impact of atmospheric air Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma treatment is studied on different types of polyester and viscose woven fabrics. In order to get a better understanding on how the structure of woven fabrics influence on the results of the plasma treatment, a selection of the most relevant parameters was carried out by using a fuzzy logic based sensitivity variation criterion. This work shows that that the electric power, the treatment speed, the composition, the fibers fineness, the air permeability, the weave construction and the summit density have an influence on the wettability and the capillarity of fabrics. Lastly, a neural network approach was developed to predict the relationship between the selected input parameters and the fabric hydrophilic properties. Very satisfactory results were obtained and show a good capacity of generalization. Moreover, a quantitative analysis based on the weights of connections was conducted to analyze the relative importance of the input parameters. The results of this analysis are coherent with those obtained by using the fuzzy logic based sensitivity variation criterion. Thus, this finding confirms, on the one hand, the influence of the selected parameters and, on the other hand, it shows the efficiency of neural networks
Agarwal, Gaurav. "Interaction of textile parameters, wash-ageing and use of fabric softener during the laundry with mechanical properties of the knitted fabrics and correlation with textile hand." Thesis, Lille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LIL10001/document.
Full textIn this thesis, the simultaneous influence of repeated machine laundry and use of the fabric softener on sensory, mechanical and physico-chemical properties of the knitted textiles was investigated. The deposition of softener was characterised by amount of deposition in different load conditions (mixed fibre load and individual fibre load) and level of uniformity of the deposition. The softener deposition was explained by zeta-potential of the fibres and liquid-absorption capability of the knitted fabrics. The non-uniformity of the softener deposition was quantified by image processing method. The sensory evaluation of the fabrics was carried out by a trained panel using pair-comparison method. Furthermore, an intelligent system based on Fuzzy logic for correlating the physical and sensory parameters was developed in order to predict the performance of a knitted fabric which has gone through number of laundry cycles
Valantin, Chloé. "Compréhension des mécanismes d'endommagement de l'interface textile-caoutchouc." Thesis, Tours, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOUR4027.
Full textStudied belts undergo complex mechanical stress and thermal variations up to 160°C. To enhance their service life, the interfacial properties between the PA 4, 6 cord, coated with RFL, and the EPDM matrix must be improved. In this study, fatigue tests on belts were stopped after various numbers of cycles in order to characterize the interface between cord and rubber. Electron Microscopy revealed three different mechanisms for mechanical damage: Degradation of the inner cord structure Propagation of fibrillar microcracks at the RFL/rubber interface Appearance of RFL/polyamide microfiber debondings This damage was associated with interfacial hardenings (nanoindentation), viscoelastic properties variations of the structure (DMA) and a decrease in adhesive values (peeling or pulling out). Physicochemical analyses, mainly by Tof-SIMS, enabled to determine interfacial composition and to link its evolution with observed mechanical damage
Ripoll, Lionel. "Formulation par émulsion-diffusion de particules cationiques en vue de leur adsorption sur un support textile : application aux cosmétotextiles." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO10282.
Full textThe aims of this work is to study textiles functionalization with particles containing an cosmetics active ingredient. The approach selected is based on textiles functionalization by opposite charged particles. At first, we studied synthetic and natural textiles surface and results showed that textiles exhibit negative charged surface. In a second step, adsorption of cationic PMMA particles onto synthetic polyamide textile was studied. The results showed proper particles adsorption on textile and a good resistance to desorption during washing steps. Then, cationic particles formulated by emulsion-diffusion from different polymer were made. This screening polymers was used to select a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer able to functionalized textiles. The last part of this work consisted in studying the encapsulation efficiency and release profile of two active ingredient : refreshing and whitening
Moussa, Ali. "Influence de l'état de surface d'un textile et de l'environnement sur le rendu coloristique." Lille 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005LIL10113.
Full textKATSAROU, STELLA. "Exploring static electricity as design material for woven and hand-tufted textiles." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-18015.
Full textProgram: Master Programme in Fashion and Textile Design
Thompson, Kimberlee Fay. "Modification of polymeric substrates using surface grafted nanoscaffolds." Diss., Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005, 2005. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-05162005-165302/.
Full textCarter, W. Brent, Committee Member ; Cook, Fred, Committee Member ; Griffin, Anselm, Committee Member ; Michielsen, Stephen, Committee Chair ; Beckham, Haskell, Committee Member ; Bottomley, Lawrence, Committee Member.
Wolff, Metternich Maria Antonia. "Comfort Zones : The delicate relationship between knitted surfaces and filling materials experienced through human comfort/discomfort." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-22044.
Full textAbreu, Ana Cláudia de. "Design de superfícies : a costura industrial como recurso criativo em produtos do vestuário /." Bauru, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/192755.
Full textResumo: Na produção de produtos de vestuário, a costura industrial é empregada nas superfícies têxteis como elemento de materialização, ou seja, a união de duas ou mais camadas de tecidos por meio de pontos de costura que resultam em um produto tridimensional. Neste âmbito, a pesquisa buscou explorar seu aspecto criativo em superfícies de vestuário, ancorados nos fundamentos e procedimentos do Design de Superfícies, para gerar superfícies inovadoras com aspectos representacionais, projetuais e relacionais. Para tanto, foram elaboradas etapas, as quais caracterizam como uma investigação exploratória, com aplicações de experimentos por meio de quatro técnicas de costura industrial em materiais têxteis. Como resultado, foram elencadas diretrizes que possam orientar o Designer de Moda a desenvolver superfícies de vestuários baseadas nos Fundamentos do Design de Superfícies, nos aspectos técnicos da costura industrial e nas características dos materiais têxteis
Abstract: In the production of clothing products, the industrial sewing is used on textiles surfaces as an element of materialization, that is, the joining two or more layers of fabric using sewing stitches that result in a three-dimensional product. In this contexto, the research sought to explore its creative aspecto n clothes surfaces, bases on the fundamentalsand procedures of Surfaces Design to generate innovative surfaces with representational, projectual and relation aspects. Therefore, steps were elaborated, characterized as na exploratory investigation, with applications of experiments by means of four industrial sewing techniques in textile materials. As a result, guidelines were elaborated that can guide the Fashion Designer to develop clothing surfaces based on the Fundamentals of Surfaces Design, the technical aspects of industrial sewing and the characteristic of textile materials
Salaün, Fabien. "Conception-élaboration de textiles réactifs : application à la thermorégulation." Lille 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LIL10066.
Full textMelki, Safi. "Etude du mouillage de structures fibreuses multi échelles : robustesse de l’hydrophobicité." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014MULH8863/document.
Full textThis work aims to study the spontaneous (static and dynamic) and the forced (under the effect of compression) wetting behaviour of different water-repellent textile structures. Forced wetting allowed to evaluate the robustness of the hydrophobicity of textile structures. In parallel, a new automated and more suitable device was developed for the study of forced wetting. The main results showed that a good hydrophobicity does not necessarily lead to a good robustness: spontaneously, the flocked structure is the only one to foster the Cassie-Baxter state, however, its hydrophobicity’s robustness is lower than that of the tissue. The different tests have highlighted the important and major influence of some parameters, adapted to each textile structure, on its hydrophobicity and its robustness such as the density and fineness of bristles for flocked fabrics. They also showed that some factors can improve the hydrophobicity but not its robustness or vice versa. Thus, the robustness of the hydrophobicity is not predictable from the measures of spontaneous wetting
Nilsson, Rickard. "Optimization of pneumatic activity sensor : Development of a low friction seal." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-74540.
Full textDetta arbete behandlar utvecklingen av en ny sorts tätning samt arbetet som utförts för att nå en slutlig design. Resultaten presenteras i form av en CAD-modell tillsammans med materialval och förslag till fortsatta studier. Projektet utfördes efter förfrågan av konsultconcernen Projektengagemang AB i Karlstad, Sverige och utfördes som ett examensarbete för civilingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik vid Karlstads universitet. Detta gjordes eftersom det finns en efterfrågan på lågfriktionstätningar inom mikropneumatik där friktion är ett rådande problem. Arbetet består av en studie över att antal lågfriktionsmaterial där en komposit med 30/70 PTFE/PEEK valdes på grund av dess lovande nötnings- och friktionsegenskaper. Materialet implementerades sedan i design som togs fram genom en produktutvecklingsprocess. Resultatet är en prototyp för en ny sorts lågfriktionstätning som utnyttjar fluidtryck för att uppnå en tätande effekt mellan tätning och kolv vilket även var målsättningen för projektet. Flerfaktorförsök har under processen utnyttjats för att hitta vilka geometriska parametrar som påverkar kontaktkraften mellan tätning och motliggande yta. För att ta konceptet till en färdig produkt krävs fortsatt arbete innehållande experimentella materialtester, framtagning av en läckagemodell att optimera kontaktkraften mot, studier kring temperatur- och krypberoende samt fälttester för att verifiera funktionen över tid. Slutligen behöver ett verktyg för formsprutning tas fram tillsammans med eventuell ytterligare bearbetning för slutlig tillverkning av produkten.
Dias, Mariana Morgado Alves. "A superfície têxtil como elemento estético - Maison Margiela, um caso de estudo." Master's thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/17773.
Full textA procura pelo conhecimento sobre o papel da superfície têxtil como veículo de expressão estética e conceptual na Moda leva à abordagem do tema proposto. A investigação tem como objetivo explorar as tecnologias como ferramentas de materialização do conceito e a estética da marca Maison Margiela, na qual se pode considerar que a expressão artística é central. Este projeto foca-se no entendimento mais profundo do processo criativo da Maison Margiela, com destaque para as propriedades das superfícies têxteis. Analisa todo o universo de materialização da expressão da marca (processos, tecnologias, materiais, características, entre outros), abordando, de uma forma geral, sob a forma de metodologia não intervencionista qualitativa. A problematização envolve o aprofundar do entendimento das possibilidades de materialização das superfícies têxteis, sendo expectável que estas sejam uma forma relevante de desencadear experiências estéticas e até mesmo sociais. A mão e a máquina aplicadas em convergência, com noções morfológicas de design, representam uma solução quer para a expressão artística de uma marca, quer para a comunicação simbólica com o observador (recetor). Espera-se ter obtido um contributo válido para o alargamento do conhecimento na área do Design de Superfície e da Estética, incitando à interpretação dos objetos de moda feminina e das suas superfícies.
ABSTRACT: The need for knowledge on the role of the surface as a vehicle of aesthetics and conceptual expression in Fashion leads to the approach of the studied theme. This research aims at exploring technologies as tools to materialize the concept as well as the aesthetics of Maison Margiela - where the feature of artistic expression is fundamental. Therefore, this project focuses on the deeper understanding of Maison Margiela's creative process, with an emphasis given to the properties of textile surfaces. It scrutinizes the entire universe of materialization of the brand’s expression (processes, technologies, materials, characteristics, among others), detaining mainly on a non-interventionist qualitative methodology. As a hypothesis, we studied the fact that the mere evolution of technologies, along with the possibilities of materialization of textile surfaces constitute a relevant way of triggering both aesthetics and even social experiences. The hand and the machine applied together with morphological notions of design, represent nowadays a solution for the artistic expression of a brand and the symbolic communication with the observer (receptor). It is expected to largely contribute to knowledge in the area of Surface Design and Aesthetics, encouraging both the interpretation of the concept in fashion objects and their surfaces.
Benchenaa, Imane. "Contribution des caractérisations photocatalytiques et de l’analyse de surface pour l’application de propriétés photocatalytiques en surface de substrats organiques (textiles et papiers)." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO10068/document.
Full textThis thesis work is part of a collaborative project with an industrial purpose aiming at the development of composite materials with photocatalytic properties (composed of TiO2 nanoparticles) obtained by sol-gel process for application on organic substrates (textiles and paper): integration of TiO2 nanoparticles into a sol-gel hybrid (organic-inorganic) matrix and dispersion of TiO2 nanoparticles in mesoporous silica microparticles. The original contribution of this work was to develop characterization by surface analysis techniques (SEM, XPS and ToF-SIMS) and correlate these results to those from the photocatalytic tests (following the degradation of a model pollutant (formic acid) in aqueous solution under UV irradiation). Complementarily to the issue of matrices porosity, surface analysis techniques (SEM, XPS and ToF –SIMS) allowed to define criteria such as availability of photocatalyst (TiO2) at the outermost surface but also the modification of the matrix around the TiO2. These criteria were used to better understand the differences in photocatalytic properties of various composite materials deposited on the surface of organic substrates
Rosa, Daiana Ruschel. "Processo para a seleção de materiais têxteis aplicada ao projeto de calçados com ênfase em atributos visuais e táteis de superfícies." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/172259.
Full textAspects related to the cognitive perception of man have been increasingly considered in product designs and materials selection processes. The selection of textile materials constitutes a task of high complexity both due to technical aspects and to aspects perceived through the senses. From this, this research aims to contribute with the selection of textile materials for use in footwear, through the proposition of a systematized process. For this, the present study integrates visually and tactile perceived attributes from material surfaces and perceived qualities of products, found in specialized bibliography, on a semantic differential scale. In a later stage, through a pilot test with designers and specialists and using data collected through direct observation and questionnaires, this content was evaluated in a qualitative way, generating the said process, which uses the list of attributes for the classification of textile materials for use in the PDP. As a result, a patented industrial process is proposed, supported by a tool that enables the classification of textile materials for specific use in shoe design.
Desbrosses, Mickaël. "Contribution de la Spectrométrie de Masse d’Ions Secondaires à Temps de Vol au développement de textiles industriels fonctionnels impliquant des agents actifs cosmétiques." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE1117.
Full textTime-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) allows the characterization of the outermost surface with high sensitivity by mass detection of atomic and molecular secondary ions. The objective of this work was to study its application in the context of the analysis of industrial textiles on which dermatological properties are given (cosmetotextiles). Three analytical approaches based on the specific properties of the active agents and technologies are presented. They required peculiar developments of methods (preliminary study, calibration, data processing and interpretation ...) and to consider the possibilities and limitations of the technique or the equipment in the particular context of these textile fibers analysis (topography, localized charge effect, contamination, complex formulations, segregation and concentration of some components from the treatments at the outermost surface ...).In the first approach, ToF-SIMS chemical mapping was used to successfully illustrate an active agent concentration gradient close to the outermost surface of polyamide matrices. The ability to identify the characteristic signatures of active agents and to validate their presence at the surface of textile samples was confirmed in most cases. However, signatures different from those from the active agent were needed to validate the treatment in the case of textiles treated by co-precipitation. Finally, a gentle sputtering protocol was tested to address the particular issue of industrial textiles covered with silicone based textile finishing
Uddin, Md Abbas. "Investigation of alternative colouration processing medium for textiles and novel filtration media for recycling of textile effluent." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2014. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/investigation-of-alternative-colouration-processing-medium-for-textiles-and-novel-filtration-media-for-recycling-of-textile-effluent(b1072010-66cc-4de3-9188-d3213aa9915a).html.
Full textPopescu, Andrei. "Laser deposition and characterization of transparent conductive, bioactive, hydrophobic and antiseptic nanostructures." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM4016.
Full textThe applications presented in this thesis exploit in different modes the principle of laser ablation, i.e. the material removal from a solid surface following irradiation with a pulsed laser beam. The plasma generated by laser ablation was used for thin films or nanoparticles deposition and for the compositional analysis of nanometric thin films. We synthesized by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition, thin film libraries of a complex oxide of In and Zn. Using the ablation plasma for compositional diagnostic, we determined the In and Zn concentrations in films by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy using a procedure based on the spectral luminance calculation of a plasma in local thermodynamic equilibrium. Thin films of bioactive glass were synthesized by pulsed laser deposition, magnetron sputtering and MAPLE on Ti substrates and tested the transfer accuracy by physico-chemical tests and their functionality in vitro. In contact with human osteoblast cells, the bioactive glasses stimulated their proliferation and enhanced their viability. The proliferation of osteoblasts cultivated on bioactive films was 30% superior to the control sample. ZnO thin films or nanoparticles were deposited on hydrophilic textile substrates in oxygen flux or in vacuum in order to obtain structures with different wetting behavior. Increasing the number of laser pulses from 10 to 100, we observed a coating transition from isolated nanoparticles to thin films fully coating the textile fibers. Function of the ambient atmosphere during experiments, the structures changed their wetting behavior, passing from hydrophilic in oxygen flux to superhydrophobic (157°) in case of deposition in vacuum
Groos, Karine. "Poudres et mélanges de poudres pour la fonctionnalisation et l’imprégnation de textiles à sec : formulation de poudres bifonctionnelles." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0166.
Full textThis original work deals with the functionalization of textile fire retardant used in transport and the building focused on the development of fire retardant powders while studying the interactions of three criteria: the formulation, process and product. The main line of this study is the understanding and quantification of the flame retardant properties of the textile, which can be influenced by the choice of formulation or mixing process. The identification of needs, i.e. the realization of a finished fire retardant, the design of defined particle size mixtures, which flow easily and possess low sensitivity to inflammation, allowed to propose and consider various formulations. This project methodology is a good example of the combination between two approaches: the product engineering and a safety approach. The final selection of mixtures will be based on the results of a comprehensive technical analysis. The experimental work allows us to select the polymer and the flame retardant at a concentration of 40% in order to obtain in an internal mixer of bifunctional particles meet the specifications set out in this study. Unlike conventional mixtures by inversion or high speed, the grains prepared by Hot-Melt granulation have enhanced mechanical linkages. This result seems to be due to the good affinity and good particle size ratio between the components and a good morphology to the formation of such structures. This manufacturing method also overcomes two obstacles; the preparation of a bifunctional powder with high content of flame retardant and the realization of a mixture which does not demix under the action of the electric field of the DPreg impregnation process
Nordblad, Amanda. "Wall-Couture." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-692.
Full textIamamura, Patricia do Nascimento. "Corantes naturais do Cerrado para a produção do design de superfícies têxteis desenvolvidos com teares manuais: região de Carmo do Rio Claro-Furnas/MG." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/100/100133/tde-22032015-150213/.
Full textThis is a case study from the design approach of textile surfaces on handloom weaving, natural dyes based in the Cerrado region of Carmo Rio Claro-FURNAS. It is observed that context a major application of traditional handloom technology coupled with the use of fibers.This know-how, transmitted orally, represents significant fraction of the regional economy and to a large extent, cultural identity in this context. However, there is the loss of specific knowledge related to the use of natural dyes based on the Cerrado vegetables, although extant species in this context. As general objective, we intend to study and analyze the natural dyes natives of this region and their applications with a view to developing this production based on manual weaving, a process critical to the region\'s population as a reference and important experience in local and regional public policies
Redortier, Bernard. "Contribution de l'analyse de Fourier à la segmentation et la quantification des surfaces multi-texturées : application à l'analyse d'aspect des surfaces textiles." Saint-Etienne, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992STET4018.
Full textPotier, Victor. "Contrôle de l'adhésion d'acide polylactique imprimé sur différents substrats textiles." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSEI137.
Full textThe Aim of this thesis is to characterize adhesion between PLA FDM-3D printed pattern and several type of textile (different chemical nature and different weave or knit pattern). The characterization has been performed thanks to physical and chemical analysis of both PLA and textiles material (DSC, TGA, rheology, contact angle measurement) and study of the interface (peeling test and SEM analysis). In the first part of this thesis, influence of the chemical, structural nature of textiles and influence of the processing parameters has been detailed. Second part focus on way of enhancing adhesion between PLA and viscose textile via acetylation and aminosilane grafting. Last part is dedicated to functionalization of PLA via grafting of anhydride maleic and blending with a ionic liquid. Use of the grafted PLA has proven to be an efficient way of enhancing the adhesion between PLA and viscose and silk-based textiles
Porcher, Mathieu. "CAMOLUTION : Contemporary surface pattern expressions in textile design." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-13028.
Full textBal, Kheireddine. "Etude du comportement hydraulique de textiles techniques de type fourrure ou aquafourrure : caractérisation des propriétés de perméabilité et de rétention." Mulhouse, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991MULH0195.
Full textKristensen, Johnstone Tonje. "Surface patterns, spatiality and pattern relations in textile design." Licentiate thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-12987.
Full textMorgan, Laura. "Laser textile design : the development of laser dyeing and laser moulding processes to support sustainable design and manufacture." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2016. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/23176.
Full textLi, Tukun. "Softgauges for surface texture." Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2011. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/11357/.
Full textShet, Rupesh N. "Transform domain texture synthesis on surfaces." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2008. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/14466.
Full textReid, Carol Anne. "Texture analysis of bone mineralisation surfaces." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.287800.
Full textAddae-Badu, S. "Large colour differences between surface colours." Thesis, University of Bradford, 1986. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.373215.
Full textDavis, Robin Michelle. "Comparison of Surface Characteristics of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement Surfaces at the Virginia Smart Road." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/34177.
Full textMaster of Science
Dumitrescu, Delia. "Relational textiles : surface expressions in space design." Doctoral thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-3670.
Full textTourlonias, Michel. "Caractérisation optique de surfaces textiles : aspects dynamiques et polarimétriques." Mulhouse, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MULH0815.
Full textThis work consists in characterizing the state of surface of fibrous materials (woven fabrics and nonwovens) and particularly their roughness (texture) and their surface hairiness. To this end, several optical methods were developed. The principle consists in studying the surface of the material, which have to be periodical, through a Fourier analysis of the reflection of a laser light line describing a ring. This method is used in several forms: a roughnessmeter and/or extensometer and a roughnessmeter which also takes into account the polarization parameters of the reflected beam. An increase of the depolarization of the reflected light corresponds to a larger hairiness of the surface. Taking into account the polarimetric phenomena allows to highlight surface differences according to their capacity to depolarize. Moreover, a polarimetric imaging device permitted to differentiate the different zones of a spunbonded nonwoven through their degree of polarization
Arnbert, Camilla. "Surfaced Print." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-524.
Full textBueno, Marie-Ange. "Caractérisation tribologique des surfaces textiles : application au contrôle de traitements spécifiques d'ennoblissement." Mulhouse, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MULH0461.
Full textMaurin, Bernard. "Morphogénèse des membranes textiles architecturales." Montpellier 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998MON20028.
Full textDong, Junyu. "Three-dimensional surface texture synthesis." Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10399/427.
Full textChen, Guangyu. "Texture Based Road Surface Detection." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1213805526.
Full textTigges, Mark. "Two-dimensional texture mapping of implicit surfaces." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape7/PQDD_0020/MQ48051.pdf.
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