Academic literature on the topic 'Texte court'
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Journal articles on the topic "Texte court"
Nouette-Gaulain, K., F. Lenfant, D. Jacquet Francillon, A. Belbachir, A. Bournigault-Nuquet, O. Choquet, A. Claisse, et al. "Bris dentaires périanesthésiques : texte court." Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation 31, no. 3 (March 2012): 272–75.
Full textKaler, Michael. "Contextualizing the Apocalypse of Paul." Dossier 61, no. 2 (December 2, 2005): 233–46.
Full textPortugais, Jean. "Description." Circuit 11, no. 2 (October 2, 2002): 55–57.
Full textBessot, Annie. "Un court texte en hommage à Guy Brousseau." Éducation et didactique 18, no. 1 (2024): 161–62.
Full textDupont, C., M. Carayol, C. Le Ray, C. Barasinski, R. Beranger, A. Burguet, A. Chantry, et al. "Recommandations pour l’administration d’oxytocine au cours du travail spontané. Texte court des recommandations." La Revue Sage-Femme 16, no. 1 (February 2017): 111–18.
Full textDupont, Corinne, Marion Carayol, Camille Le Ray, Chloé Barasinski, Rémi Beranger, Antoine Burguet, Anne Chantry, et al. "Recommandations pour l’administration d’oxytocine au cours du travail spontané. Texte court des recommandations." Vocation Sage-femme 16, no. 126 (May 2017): 10–16.
Full textDupont, C., M. Carayol, C. Le Ray, C. Barasinski, R. Beranger, A. Burguet, A. Chantry, et al. "Recommandations pour l’administration d’oxytocine au cours du travail spontané. Texte court des recommandations." Revue de médecine périnatale 9, no. 2 (April 5, 2017): 107–13.
Full textDupont, C., M. Carayol, C. Le Ray, C. Barasinski, R. Beranger, A. Burguet, A. Chantry, et al. "Recommandations pour l’administration d’oxytocine au cours du travail spontané. Texte court des recommandations." Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie 45, no. 1 (January 2017): 56–61.
Full textSentilhes, L., C. Vayssière, F. Mercier, A. G. Aya, F. Bayoumeu, M. P. Bonnet, C. Deneux-Taraux, et al. "Hémorragie du post-partum : recommandations pour la pratique clinique — Texte des recommandations (texte court)." La Revue Sage-Femme 14, no. 4 (September 2015): 157–67.
Full textSentilhes, L., C. Vayssière, F. J. Mercier, A. G. Aya, F. Bayoumeu, M. P. Bonnet, C. Deneux-Taraux, et al. "Hémorragie du post-partum : recommandations pour la pratique clinique — Texte des recommandations (texte court)." Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction 43, no. 10 (December 2014): 1170–79.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Texte court"
Mangin, Dominique. "Le texte court de la version grecque du livre de Job et la double interprétation du personnage jusqu'au IIe siècle." Aix-Marseille 1, 2005.
Full textHammoud, Khodor. "Trust in online data : privacy in text, and semantic-based author verification in micro-messages." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2021.
Full textMany Problems surround the spread and use of data on social media. There is a need to promote trust on social platforms, regarding the sharing and consumption of data. Data online is mostly in textual form which poses challenges for automation solutions because of the richness of natural language. In addition, the use of micro-messages as the main means of communication on social media makes the problem much more challenging because of the scarceness of features to analyze per body of text. Our experiments show that data anonymity solutions cannot preserve user anonymity without sacrificing data quality. In addition, in the field of author verification, which is the problem of determining if a body of text was written by a specific person or not, given a set of documents known to be authored by them, we found a lack of research working with micro-messages. We also noticed that the state-of-the-art does not take text semantics into consideration, making them vulnerable to impersonation attacks. Motivated by these findings, we devote this thesis to tackle the tasks of (1) identifying the current problems with user data anonymity in text, and provide an initial novel semantic-based approach to tackle this problem, (2) study author verification in micro-messages and identify the challenges in this field, and develop a novel semantics-based approach to solve these challenges, and (3) study the effect of including semantics in handling manipulation attacks, and the temporal effect of data, where the authors might have changing opinions over time. The first part of the thesis focuses on user anonymity in textual data, with the aim to anonymize personal information from online user data for safe data analysis without compromising users’ privacy. We present an initial novel semantic-based approach, which can be customized to balance between preserving data quality and maximizing user anonymity depending on the application at hand. In the second part, we study author verification in micro-messages on social media. We confirm the lack of research in author verification on micro-messages, and we show that the state-of-the-art, which primarily handles long and medium-sized texts, does not perform well when applied on micro-messages. Then we present a semantics-based novel approach which uses word embeddings and sentiment analysis to collect the author’s opinion history to determine the correctness of the claim of authorship, and show its competitive performance on micro-messages. We use these results in the third part of the thesis to further improve upon our approach. We construct a dataset consisting of the tweets of the 88 most followed twitter influencers. We use it to show that the state-of-the-art is not able to handle impersonation attacks, where the content of a tweet is altered, changing the message behind the tweet, while the writing pattern is preserved. On the other hand, since our approach is aware of the text’s semantics, it is able to detect text manipulations with an accuracy above 90%. And in the fourth part of the thesis, we analyze the temporal effect of data on our approach for author verification. We study the change of authors’ opinions over time, and how to accommodate for that in our approach. We study trends of sentiments of an author per a specific topic over a period of time, and predict false authorship claims depending on what timeframe does the claim of authorship fall in
Feinerer, Ingo, and Kurt Hornik. "Text Mining of Supreme Administrative Court Jurisdictions." Department of Statistics and Mathematics, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2007.
Full textSeries: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics
Demers, Jennifer, and Jennifer Demers. "La lecture dramaturgique : approche didactique du texte dramatique en cours de littérature au collégial : entre texte et représentation." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2019.
Full textLa lecture des textes dramatiques nécessite l’apport d’un sujet lecteur particulier, à la fois lecteur, acteur, spectateur et metteur en scène. Or, l’approche « textocentrique » des oeuvres dramatiques domine dans les cours de littérature au collégial québécois, empêchant les étudiants d’explorer tous les rôles interprétatifs propres au théâtre. Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, nous proposons de transposer la notion de lecture dramaturgique, telle que définie par Ailloud-Nicolas dans le domaine de la didactique du français. Cette notion, variante de la lecture littéraire plus spécifique à la lecture des oeuvres théâtrales, pourrait constituer une approche féconde du genre, notamment puisqu’elle favorise la diversité interprétative et l’actualisation des oeuvres par l’analyse textuelle et le jeu dramatique. En collaboration avec une enseignante, nous avons conçu une séquence d’enseignement portant sur Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme de Molière, intégrant des activités inspirées de la lecture dramaturgique et visant à outiller les enseignants dans son enseignement. Cette séquence a été testée dans une classe de littérature au collégial, a été analysée selon les gestes professionnels posés lors de l’expérimentation et a été évaluée par l’enseignante. Cette recherche développement nous a permis de constater que peu de gestes professionnels sont spécifiques à la lecture dramaturgique; c’est plutôt le choix des activités qui permet de favoriser l’implication du sujet lecteur acteur spectateur metteur en scène. Cette approche constitue donc une option intéressante pour les enseignants qui désirent ajouter une pièce de théâtre à leur programme. Dans cette perspective, nous avons amélioré la séquence d’enseignement initiale afin qu’elle soit plus cohérente avec la théorie de la lecture dramaturgique et avec les considérations des milieux scolaires.
Llored, Yannick. "Etude herméneutique du texte goytisolien : au cours de la période 1980-1993." Lyon 2, 2002.
Full textThe purpose of this study is an analysis of the writing of Juan Goytisolo (Barcelona, 1931). It centres on the critical aspect of the writer's intellectual and literary project, and therefore on the way in which the sense of his texts is constructed in close relation to the Spanish literary tradition. It also presents a reconsideration of previous approaches to this writer's work, in order to examine, from a hermeneutic perspective, the work on language and the signification procedures developed by the author in accordance with precise objectives. The concepts of interpretation, reflexivity and reworking are thus at the centre of the demonstration, the purpose of which is to propose a new reading of this literary creation based on the renewal of aesthetic forms and on poetic expression which is open to the dialogue between cultures and traditions. The signification of the continuous movement of the repetitions which articulate Juan Goytisolo's writing technique, is compared to the thinking of the author and his view of the implications of the return to collective history and to cultural heritage, in order to question ideological discourses and the representations
Llored, Yannick Poulet Jacques Bussière-Perrin Annie. "Etude herméneutique du texte goytisolien au cours de la période 1980-1993 /." Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2002.
Full textKim, Hui-Teak. "La circulation du texte : valeur énonciative et communication." Paris 10, 2007.
Full textWe have objective to establish the model of the textual communication distinct from the model of the oral communication. With this intention, it is initially advisable to illustrate the value of the text as a statement in linguistics, through the comparison with the term "speech". Because the interlocutors cannot be located in space-time simultaneity, it is necessary to examine the factors relating to the textual communication, for example, the relations existing between the text and the subjects (author and readers), the question of time, etc. To establish the model of the textual communication, on the one hand, we count on triple mimèsis of Paul Ricœur. In addition, we underline the plurality of interpretation. Various interpretations of a text do not exist separately but they maintain the interactive relations. Furthermore, through these relations, the interpretations shape synchronically a topographic plan. This one is not fixed but transformed diachronically. We can define these textual interactions as textual circulation. By this circulation, a text can maintain its vitality, namely its presence
Sorel, Françoise. "Les nouvelles de Peter Stamm : le cours des textes." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2019.
Full textThe work of the Swiss writer Peter Stamm is characterized by its diversity. It relies on several literary genres, including novels, plays, youth books, poetological essays and an important set of short stories. The essential themes are classical : the human relationships, love, death. The brief prose of the German-speaking writer, born in 1963, strikes the reader by its powerful effects. The stories of Peter Stamm take place in the contemporary world, in the everyday life. They are told in the terms of a mimetic aesthetic. The specular image of reality is challenged from within by a haunting network of imaginary elements. Hence, the way of things offered to see is subjected to contrary forces. They coexist. The topography in the work also testifies that opposites do coexist. The notions of here and elsewhere meet continuously. In the temporal field also, opposite conceptions or categories are put in tension: linearity and circularity of time, present moment and eternity. The category of the characters is also marked by the coexistence of very varied profiles and brings another testimony of the degree of openness of the work. The logical scheme of the paradox, associating opposites, is the major structuring element of Stamm's short stories production. The genre models of Kurzgeschichte and Novelle, theoretically incompatible, coexist in Stamm’s world. His texts contain, more generally, tangible traces of a double heritage, referring to both Romanticism and Modernity. The poetic orientation of Stamm's short stories, the way the texts go, can be grasped by exploring all these areas in friction
Doquet, Claire. "Etude génétique de l'écriture sur traitement de texte d'élèves de Cours Moyen 2." Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2003.
Full textAugry, Muriel. "Le cosmopolitisme dans les textes courts de stendhal et merimee." Paris 4, 1987.
Full textCosmopolitism is a turn of mind which allows one to feel at home abroad as well as in one's own country. Cosmopolitans are people who travel from one country to another and are in touch with people of any nationality. Can such a definition be attributed to stendhal and his younger friend merimee? what kind of cosmopolitism is theirs ? both of them prove to be cosmopolitans, owing to their professions as well as their vocations. Yet though they crave for an opening to "elsewhere", they however reason in a tipically french way of reflexion; observing manners, inquiring about the anecdotic history of every country, here is their endless occupation. Now to achieve such a study, they choose writing short stories, which being concise, can seem "a priori" contrary to printing out space dissemination. Whether they travel in france or abroad, only peculiar places, insolite situations or exceptional people attract them. But this quest for particularism constitutes only a step to universalism. Merimee and stendhal universes are first of all a world full of passions which have no real limits. Nothing but a mythical south can satisfy a few privileged people's deep aspirations. Cosmopolitism gets unexpectedly overreached when, as they don't find in reality anything fulfilling their curiosity and their wishes, each of them evades in his own way to an imaginary world where all limits are abolished
Books on the topic "Texte court"
(Province), Québec. Règles de pratique des tribunaux judiciaires du Québec: Texte annoté. Cowansville, Québec: Éditions Y. Blais, 2008.
Find full textFurtună, Constantin. Grefierul: Culegere de texte : lucrarea are în vedere legislația în vigoare la 1 octombrie 2002. București: Editura All Beck, 2002.
Find full textLaude, Patrick D. Approches du quiétisme: Deux études suivies du Moyen court et très-facile pour l'oraison de Madame Guyon (texte de l'édition de 1685). Paris: Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 1991.
Find full textInternational Tribunal for the Law of the Sea., ed. Basic texts 1998 = textes de base 1998. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999.
Find full textInternational Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Basic texts 2015: Textes de base 2015. Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2015.
Find full textGodin, Christian. Court traité de philosophie: Cours, dissertations, textes : classes de terminales technologiques. Paris: Ellipses, 1996.
Find full textRomania. Romanian legislation: Collection of texts = Legislation roumaine : recueil de textes. Romania: Ministry of Justice, 1995.
Find full textBenin. Cour constitutionnelle: Recueil des textes fondamentaux. [Benin]: République du Bénin, 2014.
Find full textBucheron, Didier. MOLESKINE - TEXTES COURTS. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2011.
Find full textJalloh, Charles. Consolidated legal texts for the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Leiden, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Texte court"
Włodek, Zofia. "Stanislas de Skalbimierz, un court traité contre les hussites sur la vision spirituelle. Introduction et texte." In Chemins de la pensée médiévale, 493–512. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2002.
Full textEtzioni, Ruth, Micha Mandel, and Roman Gulati. "Count Outcomes." In Springer Texts in Statistics, 93–112. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textMcCourt, Frank. "Mc Court, Frank: Die Asche meiner Mutter. (Ausschnitt)." In Gesellschaft in literarischen Texten, 345–46. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005.
Full textMatoušek, Jiří. "Attempts to Count k-Sets." In Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 265–88. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2002.
Full textSimonoff, Jeffrey S. "Regression Models for Count Data." In Springer Texts in Statistics, 125–96. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2003.
Full textFeinerer, Ingo, and Kurt Hornik. "Text Mining of Supreme Administrative Court Jurisdictions." In Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications, 569–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textVidakovic, Brani. "Regression for Binary and Count Data." In Springer Texts in Statistics, 657–700. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.
Full textIsaac, Richard. "How to Count: Birthdays and Lotteries." In Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, 13–20. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1995.
Full textPryds, Darleen N. "Court as Studium: Royal Venues for Academic Preaching." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 343–56. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1998.
Full textCarvalho, Helena Avelar de. "Prophecy and Divination in the Portuguese Royal Court." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 127–38. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Texte court"
Biczó, András. "In the Service of the State – Analysis of the Josephinist Policy and Reforms Regarding the Hungarian Court Organization. Analyzing some Oath Formulas Used at the Erection of Iudicia Subalterna." In Mezinárodní konference doktorských studentů oboru právní historie a římského práva. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2022.
Full textKačer, Hrvoje. "CHF CASE – 2019. god." In XV Majsko savetovanje: Sloboda pružanja usluga i pravna sigurnost. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2019.
Full textShamardina, Tatiana, Vladislav Mikhailov, Daniil Chernianskii, Alena Fenogenova, Marat Saidov, Anastasiya Valeeva, Tatiana Shavrina, Ivan Smurov, Elena Tutubalina, and Ekaterina Artemova. "Findings of the The RuATD Shared Task 2022 on Artificial Text Detection in Russian." In Dialogue. RSUH, 2022.
Full textCortes, Daniela, Shiu Ivan, Huiyun Zhang, and Henry Han. "Evaluating the impact of incorporating 'legalese' definitions and abstractive summarization on the categorization of legal cases by their holdings." In LatinX in AI at International Conference on Machine Learning 2023. Journal of LatinX in AI Research, 2023.
Full textDoyon, Noémi. "Trajectoire au long cours sur Le Fil de Camille (2005) : présence du charnel dans la chanson francophone actuelle1." In Figure(s) du musicien. Corps, gestes, instruments en texte. Fabula, 2016.
Full textJ. Levine, Kenneth. "Panel on: The Creation and Distortion of Communication through Information Technology Misinformation published on the Internet: It's time to update the Sullivan Rule." In 2003 Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2003.
Full textPour, Mohammad Mahdi Abdollah, Parsa Farinneya, Manasa Bharadwaj, Nikhil Verma, Ali Pesaranghader, and Scott Sanner. "COUNT: COntrastive UNlikelihood Text Style Transfer for Text Detoxification." In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.
Full textCesário, Honoré Vicente, Gustavo Girão, André Riker, Bruno L. Dalmazo, and Roger Immich. "Arquitetura para gerenciamento de dispositivos através de assistentes virtuais comandados por voz." In Workshop de Computação Urbana. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2022.
Full textDa Silva, Marcus Vasconcelos, Gabriel Galdino Silva, and Rafael Lopes Gomes. "Minimização do Consumo de Energia de Dispositivos Sem Fio em Ambientes Industriais." In Workshop de Computação Urbana. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.
Full textOliveira, Renato, and Carlos A. Kamienski. "IoT Redirector: um redirecionador para gerenciamento da heterogeneidade de dados em aplicações IoT." In Workshop de Computação Urbana. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Texte court"
Poussart, Denis. Le métavers : autopsie d’un fantasme Réflexion sur les limites techniques d’une réalité synthétisée, virtualisée et socialisée. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, February 2024.
Full textHitchcock, Tim, and William Turkel. he Old Bailey Proceedings, 1674-1913: Text Mining for Evidence of Court Behavior (annotated version). Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 2021.
Full textWinkler-Portmann, Simon. Umsetzung einer wirksamen Compliance in globalen Lieferketten am Beispiel der Anforderungen aus der europäischen Chemikalien-Regulierung an die Automobilindustrie. Sonderforschungsgruppe Institutionenanalyse, August 2020.
Full textRousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
Full textDufour, Quentin, David Pontille, and Didier Torny. Contracter à l’heure de la publication en accès ouvert. Une analyse systématique des accords transformants. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, April 2021.
Full textRecherche de projet d'arpentage - Outil de recherche à base de texte pour les projets d'arpentage en cours. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2020.
Full textInitiation au logiciel Nvivo. Instats Inc., 2023.
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