Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Tests d'apprentissage et de mémoire'
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Dobrigna, Manon. "Étude multi-échelle de modèles murins de déficience intellectuelle associée à PAK3." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASL106.
Full textP21-Activated Kinases (PAKs) are serine/threonine kinases essential for brain development, acting downstream of the small GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 to regulate cytoskeletal dynamics through cofilin phosphorylation. This regulation is crucial for key neuronal processes, including migration, neurite outgrowth, axon guidance, synapse formation, and plasticity.In this thesis, I reviewed current knowledge on Group I PAKs (PAK1, PAK2, and PAK3) and their roles in neurodevelopmental disorders. Mutations in Group I PAK genes have distinct effects, partly due to differences in their specific functions, regulatory mechanisms, spatio-temporal expression patterns, and chromosomal locations. PAK1 mutations are associated with intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), epilepsy, and macrocephaly, while PAK2 mutations are primarily linked to ASD and Knobloch syndrome type 2. PAK3 pathogenic mutations cause ID, often accompanied by ASD, epilepsy, variations in brain size (microcephaly or macrocephaly), and other psychiatric traits. The broad spectrum of symptoms linked to PAK3 mutations, ranging from mild ID to severe neurological disorders, suggests that multiple pathogenic mechanisms may be involved in these clinical conditions. The wide clinical spectrum and lack of mutation hotspots complicate the full characterization of PAK3-related disorders (Dobrigna et al., 2023). Among Group I PAKs, the PAK3 gene is the only one located on the X chromosome, meaning that its mutations predominantly affect males. Some PAK3 mutations lead to complete protein loss, while missense mutations may alter kinase activity or protein interactions. Notably, nonsense PAK3 mutations are associated with less severe ID compared to mutations resulting in a stable PAK3 protein devoid of kinase activity.To better understand the pathogenicity of PAK3 missense mutations, we focused on two variants: PAK3-R67C, which alters Rac1 and Cdc42 interactions and leads to moderate-to-severe ID, and PAK3-G424R, which causes a loss of kinase activity and is associated with more severe cognitive impairments, ASD, epilepsy, and microcephaly.Our multi-scale analysis of mouse models carrying these mutations revealed significant differences. Pak3-R67C mice showed minor neuroanatomical changes, moderate microcephaly, reduced synaptic transmission, and mild cognitive impairments, closely aligning with clinical observations. In vitro studies suggest defects in PAK3/PIX signaling and indicate Paxillin dysregulation. These changes may contribute to the observed microcephaly in vivo. In contrast, Pak3-G424R mice displayed more profound neurodevelopmental defects, including severe cognitive and behavioral deficits. Interestingly, the results in the Pak3-G424R model did not mirror those found in Pak3-KO mice, which only exhibited aversive memory deficits and late long-term potentiation deficits. Instead, the Pak3-G424R model more closely resembled the Pak1/Pak3-KO. Therefore, we propose that the presence of a kinase-dead PAK3 variant is more detrimental than the complete absence of PAK3, as the PAK3-G424R protein may interfere with signaling, particularly affecting PAK1 activity. These findings underscore the need for further research to clarify genotype-phenotype relationships in PAK3-related ID and to develop targeted therapeutic interventions
Leblanc, Adeline. "Environnement de collaboration et mémoire organisationnelle de formation dans un contexte d'apprentissage." Compiègne, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009COMP1816.
Full textThe MEMORAe approach aim is to see in how it is possible to put into practice organizational learning in a learning organization. To that end, i focus on two dimensions: facilitate organization of resources and knowledge and competences within the organization and favour the collaborative work (resources sharing, knowledge and competences transfer, communication and coordination in a community). Within the context of my thesis, I chose to : a) model a learning organizational memory in order to organize and capitalize resources, knowledge and competences of the organization, b) structure this memory thanks to domain and application ontologies, c) model several memory in order to favour collaboration within a community, d) use Web2. 0 technologies to facilitate exchange and coordination. In order to validate our modelling, I develop a web platform : E-MEMORAe2. 0
Rodet, Luc. "La représentation des objets en mémoire : role de l'historique d'apprentissage." Grenoble INPG, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996INPG0123.
Full textEhrlich, Marie-France. "Mémoire et compréhension : étude du traitement cognitif des phrases et des textes." Paris 8, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA080417.
Full textThis thesis aims to study the relationships between memory and comprehension. Ten experiments guided by a cognitive and semantic perspective were carried out with young adult subjects. Part one deals with sentence memory. In chapter one, some elements of linguistic analysis and propositional models of meaning representation are presented. In chapter two, four experiments are reported and a model of cognitive processes in sentence memorization is proposed. Part two deals with text memory and comprehension. In chapter three, the linguistic approach to textual structures is described as well as models of the cognitive representation of text content (propositional and mental models). Text comprehension requires the construction of a coherent mental representation. In each of the chapters four, five and six, two experiments are reported. The processes responsible for the elaboration of cognitive representations are investigated, taking both local and global levels of text organizations into account. Memory performances were found to be dependent on the cognitive representations. In the conclusion, some suggestions for future research on text comprehension are put forward
Montanez, Patricia. "Mémoire sémantique et maladie d'Alzheimer." Paris, EHESS, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002EHES0110.
Full textThe aim of this study was to establish the level of semantic processing in 39 patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in a protocol of semantic tasks, including a semantic association task, a naming task using black and white drawings, testing the “living” – “non-living” category and the visual complexity of the pictures, a naming task using color pictures and controlling category and word frequency, a word to picture association task and a semantic classification task, at the subordinate and at the attribute level, with pictures and with words of both categories. The heterogeneity of AD was taken into account and sub-groups of patients with comparative levels of impairment were identified according to their profiles of deficits in verbal and visuo-constructional tasks. In these sub-groups, the effect of the variables evaluated in the semantic memory protocol was established. This study demonstrated the effects of variables which are controversial in the literature, such as category, frequency, visual complexity, modality and level of semantic processing. The results obtained have contributed to the descriptions of semantic deficits in AD and to the analysis of hypothesis derived from models of cognitive neuropsychology. A longitudinal study of 20 patients with AD also allowed the study of the profile of evolution of the semantic disorders and the evaluation of models proposed to explain the functional architecture of semantic memory
Vergnal-Meunier, Martine. "Le cortex cingulaire : connexions neuroanatomiques et implication dans le processus d'apprentissage et de mémoire chez la Souris." Bordeaux 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988BOR10578.
Full textRémon, Danaé. "Stratégies d'apprentissage et mémoire à long terme d'associations mot-objet chez le jeune enfant et le chien." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30208.
Full textAll of us occasionally remember information or personal events that occurred a long time ago. But what about young children and distantly related animal species? Do young children and animals also form memories that can last in time? And if so, does memory formation rely on the same principles than those established in human adults? This thesis intended to examine these questions in the context of an associative learning concept involving complex bimodal stimuli: the word-object concept; both in young children and domestic dogs. For these two models, we explored some parameters susceptible to facilitate the encoding and storage of this type of information in memory. In particular, we attempted to determine if the number of presentations of novel word-object associations during learning influenced the retention of the name of these objects after a delay. We also aimed to establish the minimal number of presentations of the pairs required to induce a memory trace. Finally, we examined the efficacy of two learning strategies on the ability to remember the names of novel objects and demonstrated that the efficacy of the strategies implemented in humans evolves during development and seems not to apply to dogs. In brief, our results enlightened some principles underlying the formation of sensory memories in an early-developing brain system as well as in a non-primate species, and allow us to make assumptions about the underlying brain mechanisms
Cara, Michel. "Stratégies d'apprentissage de la lecture musicale à court-terme : mémoire de travail et oculométrie cognitive." Thesis, Dijon, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013DIJOL013.
Full textThroughout this thesis, evaluation of music performance is viewed as a latent object of study in order to provide tools for learning to read music. We have defined some variables from eye movements and music performance accounting for expert performance and interactions between skill groups when learning a new piece of music. In more details, we have observed the use of different strategies for music information intake, processes and information retrieval depending on musicians’ expertise and we have stressed the importance of learning through interaction. In the process of skill acquisition, when self-confidence is gained strategies are simultaneously adjusted (Bandura, 1997; McPherson and McCormick, 2006). In reference to the current debate about the nature of music reading, we have compared musical and verbal processing during comprehensive reading of texts and scores. On the whole, considering the model of Baddeley (1990), musicians’ cognitive resources during music reading would be mobilized depending on the expertise and the music style
Moi͏̈se, Anne-Marie. "Sclérose en plaques et troubles de mémoire." Bordeaux 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR2M125.
Full textVandenberghe, Muriel. "Les processus d'apprentissage préservés dans l'amnésie: étude neuropsychologique et cognitive." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210585.
Full textMonso, Sandra. "Fabrication et tests de points mémoire non-volatiles à base de jonctions tunnel magnétiques." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE10208.
Full textVerreault, Julie. "L'effet de la lexicalité sur le rappel des items et de leur ordre en rappel sériel immédiat." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0002/MQ33775.pdf.
Full textValenchon, Mathilde. "Influence du tempérament sur les performances d'apprentissage et de mémoire chez le cheval equus caballus : étude de sa modulation par le stress." Thesis, Tours, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013TOUR4036/document.
Full textThe aim of the current thesis was to characterize the relationships between temperament and cognitive performances in horses and their modulation when influenced by stress. The temperament was evaluated considering five dimensions: fearfulness, reactivity to humans, gregariousness, tactile sensitivity and locomotor activity. The relationships between these dimensions and performances during instrumental learning tasks as well as working memory tests have been investigated. The dimension of fearfulness seems particularly important and its influence depends on the presence or absence of stressor. Fearfulness has a positive effect on performances in case of intrinsic stress, i.e. the cognitive task is the source of stress; and a negative effect in case of extrinsic stress. Without any stressor, these relationships are more contrasted. To a lesser extent, relationships between cognitive performances and the other dimensions of temperament have been found. Especially, the dimension of locomotor activity has a positive effect on performances that stands out only in presence of stressors, whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic. This thesis contributes to the characterization of links between temperament and cognition, which is a field of study in a wide expansion, and shows the importance of stress in order to understand these relations
Thériault, Mélanie. "Effet de la fréquence sur les erreurs d'ordre en rappel sériel immédiat et en rappel sériel différé." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/MQ38197.pdf.
Full textFresquet, Nadine. "Analyse expérimentale des effets du vieillissement sur les capacités d'apprentissage et de mémoire à court terme chez la drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster)." Toulouse 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOU30131.
Full textVie, Jill-Jênn. "Modèles de tests adaptatifs pour le diagnostic de connaissances dans un cadre d'apprentissage à grande échelle." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLC090/document.
Full textThis thesis studies adaptive tests within learning environments. It falls within educational data mining and learning analytics, where student educational data is processed so as to optimize their learning.Computerized assessments allow us to store and analyze student data easily, in order to provide better tests for future learners. In this thesis, we focus on computerized adaptive testing. Such adaptive tests which can ask a question to the learner, analyze their answer on the fly, and choose the next question to ask accordingly. This process reduces the number of questions to ask to a learner while keeping an accurate measurement of their level. Adaptive tests are today massively used in practice, for example in the GMAT and GRE standardized tests, that are administered to hundreds of thousands of students. Traditionally, models used for adaptive assessment have been mostly summative : they measure or rank effectively examinees, but do not provide any other feedback. Recent advances have focused on formative assessments, that provide more useful feedback for both the learner and the teacher ; hence, they are more useful for improving student learning.In this thesis, we have reviewed adaptive testing models from various research communities. We have compared them qualitatively and quantitatively. Thus, we have proposed an experimental protocol that we have implemented in order to compare the most popular adaptive testing models, on real data. This led us to provide a hybrid model for adaptive cognitive diagnosis, better than existing models for formative assessment on all tried datasets. Finally, we have developed a strategy for asking several questions at the beginning of a test in order to measure the learner more accurately. This system can be applied to the automatic generation of worksheets, for example on a massive online open course (MOOC)
Peteers, Florence. "Un trouble à l’interface entre différents champs disciplinaires (handicap, santé et formation) : la dyscalculie, une approche didactique." Thesis, Reims, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REIML005/document.
Full textThere are different approaches used to study dyscalculia. The dominant approach is centred on the cognitive functioning and individual characteristics. However, research in numerical cognition still must be lightened: there is no consensus about the definition, diagnostic criteria are unclear, and so on. We seek to know the place of mathematics education in these researches and how to reconcile approaches to better understand and support children with this disorder. In this PhD thesis, we are particularly interested in the didactic and cognitive points of view of numbers construction in the elementary school. To identify the points of convergence and divergence, we conduct a double bibliographic study (in mathematics education and cognition). Then we develop a methodology based on these theoretical elements and on existing tests analysis in order to design a mathematical difficulties detection tool (experimentally validated). This device, designed initially for teachers, aims to establish a profile of student’s skills to guide him in the implementation of remediation. Moreover, thanks to its particular conception (taking into account the specificities of numerical cognition and mathematics education), it makes it possible to establish a common inventory of the child’s difficulties that can be used by each of the professionals in charge of the student (teacher and paramedical and medical professionals), facilitating their exchanges. The thesis also opens new perspectives for the definition of an interface between education and cognition
Kermarrec, Gilles. "Stratégies d'apprentisage et autorégulation en EPS [education physique et sportive] : une recherche descriptive en contexte scolaire." Rennes 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REN20028.
Full text@This study concerns components used to self-regulate in a learning context in physical education. Twenty-three students from third and fourth grades in french college were asked to describe their self-regulation process during a learning task. Datas (comportments and verbalisations) extracted from clarification interviews were classified with a content analysis method. A factorial analysis is used to confirm thematic categorization. Self-regulation in physical education can be described with six learning strategies, seven support strategies and four types of knowledgess about learning. Reciprocal relations between components of self-regulation were identified. Knowledges bring about using learning strategies and using learning strategies brings about using support strategies. High achieving in physical education can be significantly predicted with support strategies. Self-regulated students'models were identified : their using of self-regulation components depends on their academic school achievement. Discussing why students chose these components to take charge their own activity, an explorative study suggest that motivational (goals, perception of control) and cognitive (informations processing) factors could affect this process
Colonna, Christelle. "Mémoire et dépression : effet des antidépresseurs et de l'électroconvulsivothérapie sur les performances mnésiques de sujets déprimés." Bordeaux 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996BOR23059.
Full textGuinard, Jean-Yves. "De la mémoire épisodique à la construction des connaissances scolaires : mise en relation des conditions d'accessibilité des ouvenirs et de quelques styles d'apprentissage." Rennes 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995REN20022.
Full textThis work aims to research into those methods of teaching which activate, in a systematic way, the processes involved in the acquisition and mobilisation of what is learnt at school. A critical review of cognitivist and connexionist literature leads to the idea that the form in which a memory is stored and the likelihood of its recall vary according to the way the context is perceived by the subject. An analysis of the organisation of the semantic memory and the study of its construction show that it is the result of four vicarious processes. Working from the knowledge that academic results depend on the performance of the semantic memory, we have carried out an analysis of the links between school profiles, cognitives styles (which are prototypes of the processes working together in combination) and performance of the working memory. One can compare two stable profiles, the literary and the scientific, and two ways of organising language, one involving "substitution" and the other "combination" in the first and second year of secondary school the substitution approach is associated with the literary profile and corresponds to a relative superiority in the functioning of the visuo-spatial pad and a dominant role for lexical and figurative coding. It seems to be linked to an approach one could call "field independence" in the learning of new material and is characterized by a relative weakness in episodic recall. The combination approach is linked with the scientific profile, with a relative superiority in the span of the working memory and with the dominant role played by functional coding. It is characterized by a weakness of the semantic memory. Since it is the case that the coding which plays the dominant role in the semantic memory leads to loss from the episodic memory, it is necessary to find teaching methods which allow the learner to formulate correct notions from the outset and which make it easy for him her to make associations between knowledge and contexts which are
Demers, Marie-Eve. "Étude de la mémoire de travail chez les enfants de trois à sept ans et de ses liens potentiels avec la vitesse de traitement de l'information et les habiletés cognitives." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/44572.
Full textMéric-Chevillot, Julie. "Influence du temps de présentation et de la concordance des traitements sur la production de Faux Souvenirs." Montpellier 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003MON30028.
Full textThis thesis fits in with false memories thanks to the use of the Roediger and McDermott's DRM paradigm which leads to numerous false recalls and false recognitions. This paradigm was often been used recently to determine which factors affected false memories. Nevertheless the question of material presentation's duration has not been explored thoroughly. Our work was then focussed on this question with the following duration factors : study material presentation, retention interval, test material presentation and similarity of the conditions of presentation between study and test. Our main results suggest that false memories increase both with the reduction of presentation duration of study material and the rise of retention interval. Furthermore the use of the TAP paradigm proved to be relevant. Our results are interpreted with the help of the different theories that explain false memories. Moreover, the importance of the nature of the material and of the individual susceptibility is stressed
Champagne, Julie. "Traitement d'ordre en mémoire à court terme et estimation du temps : effet d'interférence spécifique au traitement d'ordre temporel." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/51881.
Full textGagné, Nancy. "Aisance à l'oral en langue première, mémoire de travail et mémoire phonologique dans le développement de l'aisance à l'oral en langue seconde chez de jeunes francophones en contexte d'apprentissage intensif de la langue seconde." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27803.
Full textUsing monologic and dialogic oral tasks, this study tracked the relative contributions that English learners’ (n = 47) L1 and initial L2 fluency skill, as well as WM and PM made to L2 fluency development over a nine-month study period. Results showed that L1 speech rate in the dialogic task and L2 fluency at T1 predicted improvement in L2 fluency, but contributions varied as a function of task type and speech measure. Keywords : L1 fluency, L2 fluency, oral fluency, second language acquisition, working memory, phonological memory, dialogic task, monologic task, intensive learning settings, formal instruction, intensive English
Cellard, Caroline. "Examen de la mémoire à court terme et de l'attention sélective chez des individus en début d'évolution d'une psychose." Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26682/26682.pdf.
Full textBlanc, François. "Développement du raisonnement analogique et cortex cérébral : approche connexionniste : contribution à une naturalisation du raisonnement analogique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994AIX11042.
Full textDamas, Luc. "Étude théorique et pratique de la production d'effets d'amorçage de la mémoire : application à l'assistance à la remémoration chez l'utilisateur d'un système informatique pour une tâche d'apprentissage." Lyon 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003LYO10226.
Full textMinier-Munding, Laure. "Extraction de régularités en situation d'apprentissage de séquences : étude chez l'humain et le primate non-humain." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM3068.
Full textIn humans and animals, the repeated exposure to a sequence of stimulus creates mental representations which have the same statistical regularities as that sequence. This thesis investigates the dynamics, influence and organization of units and sub-units during sequence learning, in humans and non-human primates (Guinea baboons, Papio papio).Our results show an advantage of the final sub- unit BC over the initial sub-unit AB during learning of sequences with the form ABC in both humans and baboons. We interpret this effect as resulting from the richer contextual information AB predicting C compared to the single term A predicting B. This effect is limited to the 2 previous terms before the one term to be predicted, across 2000 learning trials. A second finding shows that in learning sequences of 3 units (i.e. ABC, DEF, HGI), humans are able to use the predictability of elements at both local (within units) and global (within sequence) levels, whereas monkeys are limited to local dependencies. A third section investigates the extraction of regularities in homogeneous (i.e., units of the same length) and heterogeneous contexts (units of different lengths). Results in humans and monkeys showed no advantage for either of these contexts.Considered together, our studies show continuities and discontinuities between human and non-human primates in the extraction, influence and organization of units of different levels. This fine-grained level of information is necessary to constrain the computational models proposed to describe the mechanisms underlying regularity extraction
Pross, Nathalie. "Développement de la mémoire de travail : rôle de ses différentes composantes dans l'apprentissage de la lecture et ses difficultés." Poitiers, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005POIT5019.
Full textThe author did not agree on the nature of individual working memory differences in reading difficulties. For some, this deficit is specific for verbal information, for others, it is more general. The assumption that we defend in this work suggests that the deficit is specific and general. We examine this hypothesis by studying working memory processes involved in complex memory span tasks and in reading activities by second and fifth grade children. According to this developmental approach, we could at the same time take into account children's linguistic treatments expertise and working memory tests adapted for young children. Interesting results relating to the working memory development and to the nature individual memory differences could released. The importance of concepts libe "task contraints" or " individual expertise" is underlined there
Aubry, Alexandre. "Le fonctionnement cognitif des enfants et adolescents à haut potentiel intellectuel : investigation de la mémoire de travail et des réseaux attentionnels." Thesis, Amiens, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AMIE0063/document.
Full textThe aim of this research was to explore the cognitive specificities of intellectually gifted children (IGC). These children usually have a high Intellectual Quotient (IQ), estimated from standardized tests such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC). This type of evaluation is often time-consuming. Firstly, we focused on the elaboration and selection of short forms of WISC with the best psychometric qualities and the best probabilities of identifying IGC. These short forms offer the opportunity of practitioners and researchers to conduct in-depth assessments to identifying the socio-emotional and cognitive characteristics of these children with special needs, in order to offer them special educational programs. Among the various cognitive aptitudes, attention and working memory capacities (WMC) have been investigated in IGC. These cognitive aptitudes are closely linked with intellectual capacities, learning capacities or even academic performance. Secondly, we have shown that the gradient of attentional networks development in IGC was not different from that of their peers. However, IGC had a higher executive control than that of their peers. Thirdly, a study has shown the utility of a WMC task with an adaptive procedure in developmental studies. Based on this original WMC task, another study has confirmed that IGC perform better in WMC than their peers. Their speed to process the interfering phase seems to involve in their high WMC. This doctoral thesis has confirmed and broaden our knowledge about the cognitive characteristics of IGC. In developmental and educational perspective, the strengths and limitations of cognitive characteristics have strong impact on the identification of their particular educational needs
Fatihi, Mohamed. "Les effets du feedback sur la correction et la prise de conscience par les étudiants de leurs difficultés d'apprentissage, dans une approche autocorrective." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/29393.
Full textVanderaspoilden, Valérie. "Effets du vieillissement sur la mémoire épisodique: rôle des facteurs cognitifs liés aux tâches et aux individus." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/211515.
Full textGilbert, Elsa. "La mémoire épisodique et le fonctionnement social dans les troubles du spectre autistique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28214/28214.pdf.
Full textOrgéas, Laurent. "Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement thermomécanique d'un alliage à mémoire de forme industriel NiTi." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE10256.
Full textFleurion, Delphine. "Etude des mécanismes d'encodage, de mémorisation et d'apprentissage lexical chez les enfants présentant des troubles développementaux du langage oral via le paradigme du monde visuel." Thesis, Lille 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL30026/document.
Full textIn children suffering from specific language impairment (SLI), verbal short term memory disorders and lexical learning inability are frequently described. These skills are assessed through repetition tasks and more generally, with verbal output modality which variety of components can be impaired in SLI. In this context, the general aim of this research work was the examination of verbal memorization processes through visual world paradigm. This eye-tracking tasks consist in analyzing eye movements of participants on pictures, consecutively to verbal stimulations. Recognition and short term retention of familiar spoken words were investigated through four studies, in which participants aged 5 and 6, with and without SLI, shown similar patterns of result. Only age differences were revealed, suggesting developmental changing of lexical processing. In a second phase, the fast mapping word learning paradigm requiring few occurences of new words, was proposed to three groups of children. Their lexical learning abilities were again assessed within the visual world paradigm and a spoken word recognition task. SLI groups with poor performances in verbal repetition tasks, have nevertheless associated the new lexical label with referent picture, as their peers with typical development. These studies suggest that verbal information retention in short term memory and encoding of new information are efficient in SLI children, when the tasks do not require any verbal output
Campisi, Laura. "Rôle des cellules dendritiques et des signaux bactériens dans l'induction de LT CD8+ mémoires protecteurs au cours d'une infection par Listeria monocytogènes chez la souris." Nice, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NICE4060.
Full textCD8+ T lymphocytes (TL) differentiate into memory cells that mediate long-term immunity against recall infections by the same pathogen in immune hosts. CD8+ TL activation requires their interaction with professional antigen presenting cells such as conventional dendritic cells (cDCs). CDCs activation and maturation are induced by the recognition of pathogen-derived danger signals. CDCs activation impacts CD8+ TL differentiation into effector and memory cells. We have investigated the early events involved in the activation of CD8+ TL in vivo by using mice immunized with a mutant of the intracellular bacteria L. Monocytogenes, the secA2- mutant, that induces or not protective immunity depending of the immunizing dose. Our results show that splenic CD8alpha+ cDCs integrate bacterial cytosolic signals that allow them to acquire all functional features to induce protective memory CD8+ TL very early after infection. Moreover, by comparing CD8alpha+ cDCs from mice immunized with the protective or the non-protective dose of the secA2- mutant, we correlated their functional characteristics with expression of distinct transcriptional programs and maturation levels. In parallel to this study, we also demonstrated that the secretion of one or more SecA2-secreted proteins inside the cytosol of infected host cells is required for the induction of protective memory CD8+ TL
Lavoie, Philippe. "Effets du délai inter-essais et d'une tâche de calcul durant ce délai sur la discrimination d'intervalles temporels." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/44282.
Full textGapillout, Damien. "Développement de bancs de tests dédiés à la modélisation comportementale d’amplificateurs de puissance RF et micro-ondes." Thesis, Limoges, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIMO0071/document.
Full textThe work presented in this manuscript is devoted to the study and development of a general characterization bench applied to the extraction of the TPM-NIM (Two-Path Memory Nonlinear Integral) amplifier behavioral model. This model, has one of the most advanced architectures at the XLIM laboratory. It requires a high-end microwave instrumentation, overpriced and beyond reach for most of the designers for its experimental implementation. The aim is to propose some original measurements principles allowing the TPM-NIM model’s identification with a standard instrumentation. Two benches are presented in these works : firstly, a characterization bench, developed using a high performance instrumentation with the best properties to extract the model. Then, a bench, built with a standard instrumentation but through innovative processing and measurement methods. These two benches have been used with several test vehicles and it appears that the second one decreases the noise of phase measurements while reducing the equipment’s total cost. Finally, a last part is dedicated to the comparison of the TPM-NIM model with two classic behavioral models by emphasizing its versatility
Dab, Saskia. "La confabulation ou la vérité insolite: étude des mécanismes cognitifs impliqués dans la confabulation des patients neurologiques et psychiatriques." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/211982.
Full textWisniewski, Ilona. "Neuropsychological aspects of right temporal lobe epilepsy : visual memory and perception." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00865637.
Full textEsstafa, Youssef. "Modèles de séries temporelles à mémoire longue avec innovations dépendantes." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UBFCD021.
Full textWe first consider, in this thesis, the problem of statistical analysis of FARIMA (Fractionally AutoRegressive Integrated Moving-Average) models endowed with uncorrelated but non-independent error terms. These models are called weak FARIMA and can be used to fit long-memory processes with general nonlinear dynamics. Relaxing the independence assumption on the noise, which is a standard assumption usually imposed in the literature, allows weak FARIMA models to cover a large class of nonlinear long-memory processes. The weak FARIMA models are dense in the set of purely non-deterministic stationary processes, the class of these models encompasses that of FARIMA processes with an independent and identically distributed noise (iid). We call thereafter strong FARIMA models the models in which the error term is assumed to be an iid innovations.We establish procedures for estimating and validating weak FARIMA models. We show, under weak assumptions on the noise, that the least squares estimator of the parameters of weak FARIMA(p,d,q) models is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. The asymptotic variance matrix of the least squares estimator of weak FARIMA(p,d,q) models has the "sandwich" form. This matrix can be very different from the asymptotic variance obtained in the strong case (i.e. in the case where the noise is assumed to be iid). We propose, by two different methods, a convergent estimator of this matrix. An alternative method based on a self-normalization approach is also proposed to construct confidence intervals for the parameters of weak FARIMA(p,d,q) models.We then pay particular attention to the problem of validation of weak FARIMA(p,d,q) models. We show that the residual autocorrelations have a normal asymptotic distribution with a covariance matrix different from that one obtained in the strong FARIMA case. This allows us to deduce the exact asymptotic distribution of portmanteau statistics and thus to propose modified versions of portmanteau tests. It is well known that the asymptotic distribution of portmanteau tests is correctly approximated by a chi-squared distribution when the error term is assumed to be iid. In the general case, we show that this asymptotic distribution is a mixture of chi-squared distributions. It can be very different from the usual chi-squared approximation of the strong case. We adopt the same self-normalization approach used for constructing the confidence intervals of weak FARIMA model parameters to test the adequacy of weak FARIMA(p,d,q) models. This method has the advantage of avoiding the problem of estimating the asymptotic variance matrix of the joint vector of the least squares estimator and the empirical autocovariances of the noise.Secondly, we deal in this thesis with the problem of estimating autoregressive models of order 1 endowed with fractional Gaussian noise when the Hurst parameter H is assumed to be known. We study, more precisely, the convergence and the asymptotic normality of the generalized least squares estimator of the autoregressive parameter of these models
Cruz, de Menezes Ruth. "University music students' use of cognitive strategies in transcribing figured bass dictation and the possible influence of memory span on their performance." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/69239.
Full textMusic aural skills, partly developed during ear training (ET) courses, are fundamental to musicians' training in order to develop inner audition (Rogers, 1984). Authors agree about the importance of a good ear development as the basis for all musical progress and activities, such as listening and performing (Elliot 1993; Hallam & Bautista, 2012; Karpinski, 2000; King & Brook, 2016; Lake, 1993; Langer; 1953; McPherson, Bailey & Sinclair, 1997; Rogers, 1984; Rogers 2013; Upitis, Abrami, Varela, 2016). Musical dictation transcription, being one of the most used ways to develop inner audition is a challenge to be faced by many students in difficulty (Cruz de Menezes, 2010; Hedges, 1999; Hoppe, 1991). Despite the importance of this task, the underlying processes are not yet fully understood, especially those related to figured bass dictation. This poses an abiding challenge for teachers. A better understanding of students' mental processes engaged during dictation tasks, and how students deploy such processes, could provide teachers with solutions. Results might suggest which pedagogical approaches to privilege, and which strategies might be effective to help students overcome their difficulties. To fill the gap in this field, this research was elaborated with six main objectives: a) list and count the strategies used by students at the beginning of their university education; b) categorize strategies; c) identify the most used and the most effective strategies; d) analyze other cognitive factors that may influence the use of strategies, such as musical and non-musical auditory memory span; e) analyze the impact of strategy usage and other variables on dictation performance levels; f) evaluate whether the dictation strategies and dictation results change after one ET course session. To reach these objectives, 66 students starting first year university music courses participated in this study. They described their strategies used during figured bass dictations, took two memory tests (musical and non-musical) and answered a questionnaire to indicate their gender, instrument, musical genre, and details about the duration of their musical studies. Firstly, this research allowed us to list and categorize the strategies used to solve figured bass dictations in a thorough way; Secondly, using correlations, analyses of variance and covariance, regressions, and T-tests, this study enabled us to understand the relationship of strategies to performance in harmonic dictation; and to verify if the use of strategies and performance in dictation changed over time, after taking university ear training courses. Moreover, we verified the relation between the performance in dictation and auditory capacities, as well as other variables such as instrument and age at start of musical studies. This thesis is organized into four chapters: Chapter 1 presents a literature review; Chapter 2, the methodology; Chapter 3, all qualitative and quantitative analyses done in response to the research questions; and at last, the discussion of results and conclusion.
Muller, Christophe. "Régénération et restauration fonctionnelle après atteinte cérébrale chez le rat adulte : une approche préclinique combinant plusieurs stratégies thérapeutiques." Strasbourg, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009STRA6128.
Full textDamage to the adult mammal brain has been considered to be irreversible for a long time. We know now that regeneration can occur in the CNS, provided a permissive environment is furnished to neural cells to stimulate their inherent growth capacity. This introduces new regrading brain damage therapeutic opportunities. Based on an aspirative lesion of the Rat dorsal septo-hippocampal pathways, the current thesis tried to promote CNS regeneration processes by testing individually or in combination several new treatments. The results highlight the functional and structural beneficial effects of a wide-range treatment consisting of a polyamine, the putrescine, combined with an anti-inflammatory agent, the aminoguanidine, which also reduces the polyamine degradation in to toxic metabolites. In association with a biomaterial implanted as a recovery bridge in the lesion cavity, and reinforced by others treatments targeting the bioavailability of endogenous neurotrophic factors (enriched housing and/or administration of synthetic regenerating agents), this treatment reduced some of the lesion induced behavioral deficits by improving neuronal plasticity. However, these encouraging results have been limited by the too rapid degradation of the biomaterial, preventing the neural fibers from reaching and reconnecting the target structure. Given the complex intricate mechanisms involved in brain regenerative processes, the optimization of complementary and synergistic treatments appears to be essential to overcome the various obstacles opposed to the reconstruction of lesioned neural pathways
Zourou, Filio. "Caractérisation de profils d’enfants avec troubles spécifiques du langage et apprentissage de la lecture-écriture." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LYO20052/document.
Full textSpecific Language Impairment (SLI) is a complex developmental condition characterized by significant heterogeneity (Leonard, 2009). The past three decades a great deal has been learned about children with SLI, yet numerous questions still need to be answered regarding its nature, its causes and its repercussions. The theoretical background of our studies is formed by the theory of a phonological deficit and the psycholinguistic approach, illustrating the reciprocal causality between phonological deficits and literacy acquisition. The present work tried to capture the heterogeneity of children with SLI. Using different methodological approaches, the aim of our studies was to investigate the linguistic and cognitive profiles of children with SLI, the learning potential during an implicit task and the specificity of working memory deficits in children with Nonspecific Language Impairments (NLI) and the bidirectional effects between literacy development and language impairments (SLI, NLI and resolved-SLI). The results showed marked deficits in phonological working memory (MdT) in the children with SLI independently of their specific linguistic profile and a developmental delay in learning potential and in Visuospatial WM in children with NLI. Lastly, we showed that the severity and the persistence of the language impairment, the nonverbal skills and the phonological WM skills are reflected in the literacy outcomes of children with language impairments, allowing their differentiation in this aspect. Our results contribute to a better understanding of SLI in French-speaking children
Fitzback, Michelle. "L'utilisation de la mini-entrevue par les orthopédagogues : trois études de cas." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/37346.
Full textQuébec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2019
Besson, Gabriel. "Approche temporelle de la mémoire de reconnaissance visuelle et atteinte au stade prodromal de la maladie d'Alzheimer." Phd thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00858502.
Full textCouture, Germain. "Adaptation dans un contexte scolaire : évaluation et évolution du risque au cours de l'enfance." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0005/NQ43056.pdf.
Full textFizet, Jonas. "Développement et validation d'un nouveau dispositif expérimental mobile, automatisé et autonome, permettant d'analyser les capacités cognitives de primates non humains vivant en groupes sociaux." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016STRAJ085.
Full textScientific advances are increasingly dependent on the evolution of both technologies and experimental approaches. Following on from Fagot's research, we developed a new experimental device to study cognitive abilities in nonhuman primates living in social groups. This tool is automated, portable, equipped with an autonomous self-learning system, and it allows the subjects to perform several complex cognitive tasks concurrently. This experimental design allowed us, for the first time, to study the co-evolution of different cognitive functions on a small time scale. Our results reveal the subjects learned the tasks rules rapidly and additionally they archieved high and stable performances over time. This developmental work thus opens up new investigation prospects in cognition for studies interested in i) the underlying bases of cerebral complex processes, ii) the links between several cognitive functions, or iii) testing the effects of drugs on one or more cognitive functions concurrently
Lacot, Émilie. "L'évaluation psychotechnique des performances mnésiques : problèmes épistémologiques et méthodologiques." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOU20099.
Full textThe use of psycho-technical scores by neuropsychology researchers to test research hypotheses and neuropsychologists to perform memory assessments lacks scientific legitimacy if these scores are not measurements. A neuropsychology researcher who wants to decide between two competing theoretical approaches, by means of a case study, rather should consider whether the theories predict the probability of success in test items belonging to disjoint ranges. This implies that the notion of probability of success of an item by the patient is empirically based (absence of any learning). If learning takes place, especially in a patient with brain-injury, the scientific problem is different since it is to discover what make learning possible. The clinician, the practitioner of neuropsychological tests, participates in his turn to a diagnostic institution obliges to make a selection of patients who will benefit from further examination of their brains. In this perspective, the psycho-technical scores feed a socio-technical system whose legitimacy not expected to be merely scientific but also political. Scientism determining the current conditions of test validation not only masks the political aspect of this system, but also prevents researchers to think about what measuring means (the scoring of a performance is not equivalent to measuring a theoretical quantity). The methodology for this reflection is based on (i) a series of standard studies (validation testing, case study) and (ii) a thorough analysis of the notion of testability of research hypotheses used by neuropsychology researchers, and assumptions underlying measurability of a theoretical quantity
Deline, Stéphane. "Différences individuelles dans les processus de contrôle attentionnel chez des personnes jeunes et âgées : approches expérimentale et computationnelle." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00960549.
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