Academic literature on the topic 'TESTING FRAMEWORKS'
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Journal articles on the topic "TESTING FRAMEWORKS"
He, Zhong Hai, Xiang Zhang, and Xiang Yin Zhu. "Design and Implementation of Automation Testing Framework Based on Keyword Driven." Applied Mechanics and Materials 602-605 (August 2014): 2142–46.
Full textNoonan, Robert E., and Richard H. Prosl. "Unit testing frameworks." ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 34, no. 1 (March 2002): 232–36.
Full textBerihun, Natnael Gonfa, Cyrille Dongmo, and John Andrew Van der Van der Poll. "The Applicability of Automated Testing Frameworks for Mobile Application Testing: A Systematic Literature Review." Computers 12, no. 5 (May 3, 2023): 97.
Full textHanna, Milad, Amal Elsayed, and Mostafa-Sami M. "Automated Software Testing Frameworks: A Review." International Journal of Computer Applications 179, no. 46 (June 15, 2018): 22–28.
Full textZhou, Hang, Weiren Sun, Yu Jiang, and Yi Zhu. "Polymorphism Testing Frameworks of Sequence Diagrams." Advanced Science Letters 6, no. 1 (March 15, 2012): 851–54.
Full textTaylor, Greg. "Credibility, Hypothesis Testing and Regression Software." ASTIN Bulletin 37, no. 2 (November 2007): 517–35.
Full textShtokal, Alla, and Jakub Smołka. "Comparative analysis of frameworks used in automated testing on example of TestNG and WebdriverIO." Journal of Computer Sciences Institute 19 (June 30, 2021): 100–106.
Full textTaylor, Greg. "Credibility, Hypothesis Testing and Regression Software." ASTIN Bulletin 37, no. 02 (November 2007): 517–35.
Full textBAHRІI, Ruslan, and Serhii PETROVSKYI. "FEATURES OF MODERN WEB APPLICATION TESTING." Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Technical sciences 309, no. 3 (May 26, 2022): 70–74.
Full textMadeja, Matej, Jaroslav Porubän, Sergej Chodarev, Matúš Sulír, and Filip Gurbáľ. "Empirical Study of Test Case and Test Framework Presence in Public Projects on GitHub." Applied Sciences 11, no. 16 (August 6, 2021): 7250.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "TESTING FRAMEWORKS"
Torkar, Richard. "Towards automated software testing : techniques, classifications and frameworks /." Karlskrona : Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2006.
Full textEsbjörnsson, Linus. "Android GUI Testing : A comparative study of open source Android GUI testing frameworks." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2015.
Full textMunjal, Surender. "Foreign acquisitions by Indian multinational enterprises : testing and extending internationalisation frameworks." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2013.
Full textMcLaggan, Martyn Scott. "Novel fire testing frameworks for Phase Change Materials and hemp-lime insulation." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2016.
Full textSöderlund, Sverker. "Performance of REST applications : Performance of REST applications in four different frameworks." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för datavetenskap (DV), 2017.
Full textBocken, Nancy Maria Petronella. "Reducing CO₂ emissions associated with fast moving consumer goods : development and testing of tools and frameworks." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2012.
Full textBaktha, Kishore. "Evaluating the Performance and Capabilities of Popular Android Mobile Application Testing Automation Frameworks in Agile/ DevOps Environment." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.
Full textAntalet mobilapplikationer har ökat enormt under det senaste decenniet och därmed har även vikten av mobilapplikationstest ökat. Testning är en mycket viktig process i utvecklingen av en mobilapplikation för att säkerställa tillförlitlighet och korrekt funktionalitet. I en Agile/DevOps miljö är testautomation en viktig del för att stödja principen av kontinuerlig integration och kontinuerlig leverans/driftsättning. Det finns en mängd ramverk för automatiserad testning av mobilapplikationer på marknaden idag. Testramverk för Android valdes för denna studie på grund av utbredningen av Android-applikationer på marknaden idag. Fokus för denna studie är jämförelsen av de mest populära automatiserade testramverk för mobilapplikationer med avseende på prestanda och lämplighet i en Agile/DevOps miljö. För att uppnå detta, identifierades först de tre mest populära automatiserade testramverk för mobilapplikationer som skulle användas för studien. Sedan identifierades de viktigaste resultatindikatorerna och kapaciteterna som skulle användas för att jämföra ramverken. Därefter designades testfall i en komplex mobilapplikation för att analysera ramverken baserat på de bestämda kriterierna. Slutligen integrerades testfallen i en pipeline för kontinuerlig integration /kontinuerlig leverans för att samla resultat och utföra en mer detaljerad jämförelse i en Agile/DevOps miljö. Från denna studie visade sig Espresso vara det bästa ramverket när det gäller KPI-analys, som slog de andra ramarna i alla KPI: er, medan Robotium var näst bäst följt av Appium. Men å andra sidan var Appium det bästa ramverket med avseende på kapacitet. Den hade förmågan att utföra det maximala antalet kapacitet som analyserades, följt av Robotium medan Espresso var det sämsta ramverket i dessa kriterier.
VERTUCCI, VINCENZO. "Frameworks and veneering materials in posterior dental arches rehabilitation, a bio-faithful mechanical simulation: a post-testing analysis." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2016.
Full textFayyaz, Ali Raza, and Madiha Munir. "Performance Evaluation of PHP Frameworks (CakePHP and CodeIgniter) in relation to the Object-Relational Mapping, with respect to Load Testing." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för datalogi och datorsystemteknik, 2014.
Full textCagnin, Maria Istela. ""PARFAIT: uma contribuição para a reengenharia de software baseada em linguagens de padrões e frameworks"." Universidade de São Paulo, 2005.
Full textThe need to evolve legacy systems has increased significantly with the advent of new technologies. To support this tendency, several reengineering methods have been proposed. However, few have effective computing support, some use design patterns or reengineering specific patterns and none use pattern language-based frameworks. This thesis's theme belongs to the Information Systems domain. An agile framework based reengineering infrastructure is proposed for the legacy system reverse engineering with the support of an analysis pattern language; also provided the understanding and documentation necessary for framework instantiation. The legacy system understanding is also supported by its execution with test cases. These are also subsequently used to validate the target system. The framework, whose construction is based on the analysis pattern language, is used to obtain the target system design and implementation. To allow the reengineering with the infrastructure support, an agile reengineering process has been created. As in software development, a large portion of the reengineering time is spent with VV&T activities. To minimize this problem, a testing reuse approach is proposed in this thesis. This approach aggregates test resources to the patterns of the analysis pattern language allowing reuse, not only of the analysis solutions, but also of the associated test resources. The framework used in software reengineering contributes to its evolution, as the domain to which they belong may evolve, and some of the framework domain requirements might not have been elicited during its development. Thus, in this thesis, a process for application framework evolution is also proposed. The processes and the approach are associated to the infrastructure defined to support its effectiveness. Furthermore, to evaluate the agile reengineering process that provides reuse at several abstraction levels, an experimentation package is also partially defined. Case studies and examples of use have been conducted with the products defined. We stress that other studies have to be done to enable the determination of results with statistical significance.
Books on the topic "TESTING FRAMEWORKS"
St. Pierre, James A. 1960- and National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.), eds. Conformance testing object-oriented frameworks using JAVA. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998.
Find full textJames, St Pierre, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.), eds. Conformance testing object-oriented frameworks using JAVA. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998.
Find full textJames, St Pierre, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.), eds. Conformance testing object-oriented frameworks using JAVA. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998.
Find full textMullis, Ina V. S. TIMSS assessment frameworks and specifications 2003. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, 2001.
Find full textS, Mullis Ina V., ed. TIMSS assessment frameworks and specifications 2003. 2nd ed. Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, 2003.
Find full textAlsmadi, Izzat. Advanced automated software testing: Frameworks for refined practice. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2012.
Find full textHoward, Gardner, Feldman David Henry, Krechevsky Mara, Chen Jie-Qi, and Harvard Project Zero, eds. Project Zero frameworks for early childhood education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1998.
Find full textBerninger, Virginia Wise. Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Schools: Best Professional Practices for Serving the Needs of All Students. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association, 2015.
Find full textGreat Britain. Scottish Education Department. The framework for national testing in 1991. [Edinburgh]: The Department, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "TESTING FRAMEWORKS"
Jain, Jagdeep. "Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries." In Learn API Testing, 41–73. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2022.
Full textHagar, Jon Duncan. "IoT Test Design: Frameworks, Techniques, Attacks, Patterns, and Tours." In IoT System Testing, 153–64. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2022.
Full textHerdzik, Arkadiusz, and Carl James-Reynolds. "Developing Testing Frameworks for AI Cameras." In Artificial Intelligence XXXIX, 340–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textEslami Abyane, Amin, and Hadi Hemmati. "Robustness Analysis of Deep Learning Frameworks on Mobile Platforms." In Testing Software and Systems, 160–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textHarsch, Claudia, and Margaret E. Malone. "Language Proficiency Frameworks and Scales." In The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing, 33–44. New York: Routledge, 2020. | Series: The Routledge handbooks in second language acquisition: Routledge, 2020.
Full textKim, Haeng-Kon, and Roger Y. Lee. "A Testing Frameworks for Mobile Embedded Systems Using MDA." In Software Engineering Research,Management and Applications 2011, 77–94. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textWills, Thomas A., and Sean D. Cleary. "Testing Theoretical Models and Frameworks in Child Health Research." In Issues in Clinical Child Psychology, 21–49. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Full textMawlood-Yunis, Abdul-Rahman. "Debugging and Testing Using Junit, Espresso, and Mockito Frameworks." In Android for Java Programmers, 135–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textLi, Zhe, and Fei Xie. "Concolic Testing of Front-end JavaScript." In Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 67–87. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textWilby, Robert L. "Stress-Testing Adaptation Options." In Springer Climate, 41–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "TESTING FRAMEWORKS"
Noonan, Robert E., and Richard H. Prosl. "Unit testing frameworks." In the 33rd SIGCSE technical symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2002.
Full textSingh, Mohpreet, and Rishav Singh. "Load Testing of web frameworks." In 2012 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC). IEEE, 2012.
Full text"TEST FRAMEWORKS FOR ELUSIVE BUG TESTING." In 2nd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2007.
Full textLuo, Linghui, Goran Piskachev, Ranjith Krishnamurthy, Julian Dolby, Eric Bodden, and Martin Schäf. "Model Generation For Java Frameworks." In 2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). IEEE, 2023.
Full textHsaini, Sara, Salma Azzouzi, and My El Hassan Charaf. "A Secure Testing Based Approach for Mapreduce Frameworks." In 2018 International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization and Computer Science (ICECOCS). IEEE, 2018.
Full textBoushehrinejadmoradi, Nader, Vinod Ganapathy, Santosh Nagarakatte, and Liviu Iftode. "Testing Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Frameworks (T)." In 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). IEEE, 2015.
Full textCruz, Luis, and Rui Abreu. "Measuring the energy footprint of mobile testing frameworks." In ICSE '18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.
Full textHargassner, Walter, Thomas Hofer, Claus Klammer, Josef Pichler, and Gernot Reisinger. "A Script-Based Testbed for Mobile Software Frameworks." In 2008 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation. IEEE, 2008.
Full textWild, Nils, Horst Lichter, and Peter Kehren. "Test Automation Challenges for Application Landscape Frameworks." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). IEEE, 2020.
Full textJahnke, Marko, Jens Toelle, Alexander Finkenbrink, Alexander Wenzel, Elmar Gerhards-Padilla, Nils Aschenbruck, and Peter Martini. "Methodologies and frameworks for testing ids in adhoc networks." In the 3rd ACM workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "TESTING FRAMEWORKS"
Nederveld, Sadie, and Berkelly Gonzalez. Analyzing Frameworks for HPC Systems Regression Testing. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2020.
Full textBrady, Kevin G., and James St Pierre. Conformance testing object-oriented frameworks using JAVA. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998.
Full textAiken, Catherine. Classifying AI Systems. Center for Security and Emerging Technology, November 2021.
Full textAgarwal, Smisha, Madhu Jalan, Holly C. Wilcox, Ritu Sharma, Rachel Hill, Emily Pantalone, Johannes Thrul, Jacob C. Rainey, and Karen A. Robinson. Evaluation of Mental Health Mobile Applications. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), May 2022.
Full textZyphur, Michael. Instrumental Variable Analysis Using Mplus. Instats Inc., 2022.
Full textMiller, Thomas. Testing the applicability and potential impact of rigorous quantum embedding methods for the study and characterization of metal organic frameworks. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2013.
Full textKarasek, T., S. Böhm, B. Keith, R. Amela, R. Badia, R. Rossi, and C. Soriano. D4.3 Benchmarking report as tested on the available infrastructure. Scipedia, 2021.
Full textAlach, Zhivan. Grounding Practice in Theory: The Development of a Literature-based Performance Framework in New Zealand Local Government. Unitec ePress, May 2016.
Full textGoodwin, Sarah, Yigal Attali, Geoffrey LaFlair, Yena Park, Andrew Runge, Alina von Davier, and Kevin Yancey. Duolingo English Test - Writing Construct. Duolingo, March 2023.
Full textBurstein, Jill, Geoffrey LaFlair, Antony Kunnan, and Alina von Davier. A Theoretical Assessment Ecosystem for a Digital-First Assessment - The Duolingo English Test. Duolingo, March 2022.
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