Academic literature on the topic 'Technologies of the spirit'

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Journal articles on the topic "Technologies of the spirit"


Eisenlohr, Patrick. "Technologies of the spirit." Anthropological Theory 9, no. 3 (September 2009): 273–96.

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Krstic, Jelena, Milica Kostic-Stankovic, and Sonja Veljovic. "Traditional and innovative aging technologies of distilled beverages: The influence on the quality and consumer preferences of aged spirit drinks." Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade 66, no. 3 (2021): 209–30.

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Aging is one of the most important processes in the production of high-quality spirits, including whisky, brandy and cognac. The contact between wood and distillates is a crucial step for the migration of chemical compounds, which evoke the novel sensory properties of the final products. Novel taste is pleasurable for a vast group of consumers and depends on cultural preferences. In order to demystify the main chemical compounds for aroma contribution, connecting them with a sensory profile of aged spirits is a crucial step in hastening the very timeless process without decreasing the quality. Consumption patterns of spirit drinks have been influenced by changed consumers? preferences and increased availability of different types of spirits on the market. Consumers? choice of one type of spirit drinks over others is significantly shaped by extrinsic attributes and consumer-based factors, but the choice among different available options of the single type of spirit may be based on consumers? perception of its specific sensory attributes. Therefore, the combination of taste, aroma, color and other sensory attributes of a spirit drink can shape consumers? perceived quality of the spirit and impact the potential of its market success in general.
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Nocera, Anna, Jorge M. Ricardo-da-Silva, and Sara Canas. "Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of wine spirit resulting from an alternative ageing technology using micro-oxygenation: a preliminary study." OENO One 54, no. 3 (July 17, 2020): 485–96.

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Aim: Alternative technologies for the aging of wine spirit, as for other spirit beverages, have been developed over the past decade in order to meet consumer and industry expectations of differentiation and sustainability. Physicochemical characterisation of the resulting products has been carried out, but no previous research has evaluated their antioxidant activity. This preliminary study examined the effect of an alternative ageing technology (micro-oxygenation combined with wood staves from chestnut or Limousin oak in 1000 L stainless steel tanks) in comparison with traditional technology (250 L new barrels) on the antioxidant activity and related phenolic composition of the wine spirit.Methods and results: The wine spirits resulting from both technologies were sampled after 8, 15, 30, 180 and 365 days of ageing. Samples taken were analysed using the DPPH method, HPLC and total phenolic index. Significantly higher antioxidant activity (50.43 % vs 36.42 % DPPH inhibition), together with greater enrichment in wood-derived compounds (51.79 vs 27.72 total phenolic index), was achieved in wine spirits aged using the alternative technology than in new barrels. Moreover, chestnut wood stood out from Limousin oak wood with higher promoted antioxidant activity (62.69 % vs 21.35 % DPPH inhibition), and higher phenolic index (49.03 vs 25.67). Significant correlations between the wine spirits’ antioxidant activity, total phenolic index, ellagic acid, gallic acid, vanillin and syringaldehyde concentrations were observed, particularly in those aged using the alternative technology.Conclusion: Micro-oxygenation combined with staves resulted in higher accumulation of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, thus increasing wine spirit quality and adding value to the product.Significance of the study: These preliminary results show that the characteristics acquired by the wine spirit, coupled with those revealed by previous research and the promotion of faster and cheaper ageing, make the alternative technology a promising option for the industry.
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Wang, Victor X., Valerie Bryan, and Krista Steinke. "Web 2.0 Technologies and the Spirit of Online Learning." International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology 4, no. 2 (April 2013): 44–53.

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There are many definitions of learning, all reflecting the academic specialties from which the study is conducted: 1. the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, beliefs, emotions, senses, etc.; 2. the sum total of the process of acquiring knowledge, skills etc, e.g., a learned person; and 3. sometimes, wrongly used as a synonym for education, e.g., adult learning. Significantly, learning is replacing the term education in the educational vocabulary. However, active learning is defined as methods by which learners actively participate in the learning process (e.g., discussion groups, problem-solving, experimentation, and the like). It is differentiated from passive learning in which learners are led by the nose. It is widely believed that active learning may lead to the creation of new knowledge and new skills needed by learners. Because of this belief in active learning, both educators and practitioners have been avidly promoting active learning online since Web 2.0 Technologies were used for online teaching and learning.
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Kubiak, Anthony. "Theartre and the Technologies of Appearances: The spirit of apprehensions." Performance Research 13, no. 4 (December 2008): 82–92.

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Hind, Richard. "Bedroom Coding Punk Rock and the Diy Spirit." ITNOW 61, no. 3 (August 21, 2019): 12–13.

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Abstract Richard Hind MBCS, Tutor of Digital Technologies at York College (not pictured above), takes us on a journey from his bedroom coding years through to a career that has helped him inspire the next generation
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Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. "When Did the Masks of Coloniality Begin to Fall? Decolonial Reflections on the Bandung Spirit of Decolonization." Bandung 6, no. 2 (November 5, 2019): 210–32.

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The ‘Bandung spirit of decolonization’ pre-dates and post-dates the physicality of the Bandung Conference of 1955. The concept of the ‘spirit’ encapsulates a melange of resistance and struggles against colonial encounters, colonialism, and coloniality—going as far back as the time of the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804). This article posits that to gain a deeper appreciation of the significance of the ‘Bandung spirit of decolonization’ it is vital to begin with an analysis of technologies of the invention of the Global South within global coloniality. The ‘Bandung spirit of decolonization’ gains a broader canvas as a name for the long standing anti-colonial resistances and decolonial struggles not only against global imperial designs and breaking from Cold War coloniality but also as a terrain of self-invention in opposition to the Northern domination. Thus, this article performs the following tasks: conceptually, it frames the ‘Bandung spirit of decolonization’ with decolonial theory; historically, it traces the politics and technologies of the invention of the global South together with its entrapment in global coloniality and empirically, it lays out the long-standing struggles for liberation beginning with the Haitian Revolution right up to the post-1945 decolonization and pan-African initiatives in Africa. Africa is the author’s locus of enunciation of the ‘Bandung spirit of decolonization’ without delinking it from the rest of the Global South.
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Mathieu, Marc, and Origène Nyanguile. "Peptide Technologies at Energypolis." CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry 75, no. 6 (June 30, 2021): 539–42.

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The new Energypolis campus brings together the skills of EPFL Valais-Wallis, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, and the Ark Foundation's services. Together these partners respond to today's major concerns in the domains of energy, health, and the environment cutting-edge technology. The spirit of this new campus is to foster innovation in these disciplines and emulate the creation of start-up companies. The HES-SO hosts the School of Engineering (HEI) at this campus, which includes the following degree programmes: Life Technologies, Systems Engineering and Energy and Environmental Engineering, as well as their corresponding applied research institutes. Peptide technologies belong to the many activities that are carrying out in the Institute of Life Technologies. The present review summarizes the peptide technologies that are currently under development, that is, the regioselective labeling of therapeutic antibodies for cancer imaging, the development of peptide antivirals and antimicrobials for the treatment of infectious diseases, targeting of drugs conjugated to peptidic scaffolds as well as engineering of biomaterials.
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Makhamadjonovich, Akhmatkulov Umidjon, Abdullayev Bakhriddin Tojialiyevich, and Tojiyev Khakimjon Kholikovich. "Methods Of Educating Youth In The Spirit Of Patriotism, Physical And Intellectual Devotion To The Motherland." American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 02, no. 12 (December 25, 2020): 184–89.

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Improving the effectiveness of education to ensure that the person is at the centre of education and young people receive an independent education, they are well prepared in educational institutions and, in addition to solid knowledge in their field, possess modern pedagogical technologies and interactive methods. we need teachers who know the rules of use when organizing reading and educational activities. To do this, it is necessary to equip all-natural science teachers with new pedagogical technologies and interactive methods, apply the knowledge gained in teaching and educational activities, and constantly improve their qualifications. Today, the use of new pedagogical technologies in education is becoming increasingly important. It is known that pedagogical technology is intended for the educational process and determines the goal of the process of personality formation in society. The pedagogical system needs updating as society changes. The “National Program for Personnel Training” set the goal of education in a new direction: “to get rid of the ideological stigma of the past, to train highly qualified personnel that meet the highest moral and ethical standards at the level of developed democracies”. That is, today it is necessary to completely update the content of pedagogical technology, the goal of teaching, and the improvement of the pedagogical process. Education-based on advanced pedagogical technologies with the skilful use of traditional teaching methods is a requirement of our time. The main goal of reforming the education system is to develop students' ability to think independently, use modern information tools and teach them to apply their knowledge to solve any problems.
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Maar, Juergen Heinrich. "Johann Beckmann (1739-1811) and Modern Chemical Technology." Substantia 7, no. 1 (December 7, 2022): 79–92.

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Modern chemical technology, in the humanistic spirit of the Enlightenment, begins with Johann Beckmann (1739-1811). It followed pre-modern technologies associated with Cameralism and Chemia Applicata. Beckmann’s holistic approach to technology, expressed in “Anleitung zur Technologie” (1777) and “Entwurf einer Allgemeinen Technologie” (1806), also engages with economic, social, cultural and ethical problems, giving the term ‘technology’ a new meaning. Viewed with skepticism in his time, there was a revival of Beckmann’s ideas by Franz Exner (1840-1913) in 1878. Only in recent decades his contribution to technology was more extensively studied. Examples of Beckmann’s ideas are presented.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Technologies of the spirit"


Puig, Mailhol Vincent. "Le numérique et l'esprit. Prendre soin des technologies numériques de l'esprit à la lumière de Gilbert Simondon, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Henri Bergson." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Poitiers, 2023.

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Cette adresse aux designers procède d'une démarche de décentrement anthropologique pour tenter de penser et prendre soin du digital comme spiritual au sens où Derrida interprétait ainsi le processus de questionnement mais aussi la technique chez Heidegger. Cet itinéraire passe par une critique de la notion d'information chez Simondon pour repenser « l'âme des objets ». Il se poursuit par une analyse de la question de la chair à partir de Merleau-Ponty pour proposer le passage d'une « chair souffrante du numérique » à une organologie et une pharmacologie du geste digital. Il aborde enfin ce que Bernard Stiegler nommait les technologies de l'esprit, par le prisme de l'intuition bergsonienne et de la transduction simondonienne pour réintroduire la pensée analogique dans le design numérique d'une bienveillance dispositive, condition techno-esthétique, éthique, cosmotechnique et politique du développement du bien commun et des savoirs
This address to designers stems from an approach of anthropological decentering to think and take care of the digital as spiritual in the sense that Derrida designated the process of questioning but also the of technique in Heidegger. This route goes through a critique of the notion of information in Simondon to try to rethink "the soul of objects". It continues with an analysis of the question of the Flesh from Merleau-Ponty to propose the passage from a "digital suffering flesh" to an organology and a pharmacology of the digital gesture. Finally, it approaches what Bernard Stiegler called the technologies of the through the prism of Bergsonian intuition and Simondonian transduction to reintroduce analogical thought into the digital design of a dispositive benevolence, techno-estheú, cosmotechnic, ethical and political condiú)n for the development of the common good and of knowledge
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Pieritz, Homero Ivan. "Spirit." Florianópolis, SC, 2003.

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Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-20T18:03:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 194158.pdf: 13764743 bytes, checksum: 9b80a5e3fe50aab77c458d469f1c9723 (MD5)
Esta tese utiliza Jogos de Empresa como laboratório de pesquisa sobre decisões empresariais com sistemas especialistas probabilísticos feitos a partir de SPIRIT. SPIRIT apresenta uma nova maneira de pensar sobre o processo de suporte à decisão em várias áreas. Nesta tese foi criado um Sistema Especialista Probabilístico de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão, que serve como ferramenta para a sugestão de decisões das equipes que participam das simulações do Jogo de empresas GI-EPS. Esta ferramenta pode ser utilizada como um auxiliar das equipes na tomada de decisão, bem como um Jogador Automático, capaz de adaptar-se à situação que uma empresa simulada no jogo se encontra, tomando as decisões no lugar de uma equipe real. Como resultado dos trabalhos de criação deste sistema uma nova abordagem de desenvolvimento é proposta, representada por um método para geração de regras a partir de uma amostra, além da avaliação da qualidade da amostra para treinamento. Sendo que esta abordagem é voltada às características e recursos específicos da ferramenta SPIRIT, utilizada nesta tese. Esta abordagem é baseada no uso dos recursos da ferramenta, que outros softwares da mesma categoria ou não dispõe, ou então dispõe de maneira menos eficiente, como o agrupamento de variáveis (LEG), e o uso da entropia na construção da Rede Causal.
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Pichocki, Jillian. "Fighting spirit." Fairfax, VA : George Mason University, 2007.

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Thesis (M.F.A.)--George Mason University, 2007.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Jan. 21, 2008). Thesis director: Peggy Feerick. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Art in Art and Visual Technology. Vita: p. 58. Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-56). Also available in print.
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Clem, Kathy. "My spirit /." Online version of thesis, 1988.

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Chotka, David Ralph. "Spirit versus "spirit" an examination of the nature and function of the Holy Spirit against the backdrop of the false spirit in Ephesians /." Portland, Or. : Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1992.

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Phillips, Jeff B. "Discipleship in the spirit of Jesus reflections on spirit christology /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1999.

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Costanza, Matt Ferris Kelly Eremiasova Michaela. "Awen : flowing spirit /." Online version of thesis, 2007.

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Didrichsons, Anja. "BMW Motorrad Spirit." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2018.

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The aim of this thesis project was to create something, that has never been there before in motorcycle design. A new, deep collaboration between the future generation of riders and their bikes. It should create a whole new riding experience. And this experience should be inspirational and new to several fi elds of transportation design besides motorcycling. The process started with the research and inspiration fi nding. It continued with form exploration through sketching, ergonomic tests and photoshop sketches. The whole process was based on an interdisciplinary working method. Being in touch with modelers, engineers, generative designers, color and trim designers was an essential part of the project. The interdisciplinary work continued digitally, with many different types of software. Creating the 3D visualisation of the project required the use of Alias, Cinema 4D, Rhino, Grasshopper, Fuse, Speedform, Maya and VRED. Frequently reviews on the current project status and taking part in technical meetings, along with responsible designers at BMW, in combination with weekly reviews with the university, structured the time plan throughout the whole project. As well as fl ying to the university for check-ups and presentations. BMW Spirit provides a revolutionary experience for future motorcycle riders. Focusing on the interaction between the rider and the bike, it creates the opportunity to build a deep relationship. Since AI becomes more and more important in our daily lives developing ways of human-machine interactions will be crucial for our future. The concept is focused on the opportunities it could bring to combine an Artifi cial Intelligence with motorcycling. BMW Spirit creates a human-machine symbiosis and is controlled like an extension of the human body, with intuitive movements. The built in Artifi cial Intelligence is the rider’s companion and develops its own character and consciousness over time. It learns and grows together with the rider and adapted to the rider. Growing trust enables more possibilities to push the limits and enjoying the power of this unique riding experience.
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Токар, Ю. С. "The entrepreneurial spirit." Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2007.

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Dalton, Jane Emily. "Awakening the spirit /." Online version of thesis, 1987.

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Books on the topic "Technologies of the spirit"


Vavra, Ingo. Technologie und Metapher: Grundrisse zur Transformation der "Phänomenologie des Geistes". München: W. Fink, 1987.

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Spirit of the web: The age of information from telegraph to Internet. 3rd ed. Toronto: Thomas Allen Publishers, 2006.

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Noble, David F. The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1998.

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F, Noble David. The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1997.

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F, Noble David. The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 1999.

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La technologie mentale: Un logiciel pour votre cerveau. Saint-Hubert, Québec: Éditions Un Monde différent, 2001.

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Lalonde, Peter. 2000 A.D.: Are you ready? : how new technologies and lightning-fast changes are opening the door for Satan and his plan for the end of the world. Nashville, Tenn: Thomas Nelson, 1997.

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Fellows. Technologies. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1990.

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Spirit, spirit: Shaman songs : versions. Providence, R.I: Copper Beech Press, 1989.

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Karen, Wood. Diamond Spirit: Diamond Spirit #1. Crows Nest, N.S.W: Allen & Unwin, 2011.

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Book chapters on the topic "Technologies of the spirit"


Dunlap, Alexander, and Jostein Jakobsen. "The Spirit and Metaphysical Form of Capitalism: Devils, Worms, Octopuses and Worldeater(s)." In The Violent Technologies of Extraction, 13–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Russell, Inge, and Julie Kellershohn. "Advances in Technology and New Product Development in the Beer, Wine, and Spirit Industry." In Innovations in Technologies for Fermented Food and Beverage Industries, 89–104. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Nakano, Hisamatsu, and Junji Yamauchi. "Spiral, Helical, and Rod Antennas." In Handbook of Antenna Technologies, 923–54. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Nakano, Hisamatsu, and Junji Yamauchi. "Spiral, Helical, and Rod Antennas." In Handbook of Antenna Technologies, 1–26. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015.

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Nakano, Hisamatsu, and Junji Yamauchi. "Spiral, Helical, and Rod Antennas." In Handbook of Antenna Technologies, 1–26. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015.

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Gunjan, Vinit Kumar, Fahimuddin Shaik, C. Venkatesh, and M. Amarnath. "Spiral Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction." In Computational Methods in Molecular Imaging Technologies, 29–44. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.

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Xu, Wei, Saurabh Sinha, Hao Wu, Tawab Dastagir, Yu Cao, and Hongbin Yu. "On-Chip Spiral Inductors with Integrated Magnetic Materials." In Advanced Circuits for Emerging Technologies, 439–62. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.

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Kumar, Ravi, Yi Xiong, and Sakshi. "Optical Cryptosystems Based on Spiral Phase Modulation." In Recent Advanced in Image Security Technologies, 59–75. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Choudhury, Somdottta Roy, Aditi Sengupta, Susanta Kumar Parui, and Santanu Das. "An Archimedean Spiral-Shaped Frequency-Selective Defected Structure for Narrowband High Q Applications." In Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, 205–11. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Toapanta-Ramos, Fernando, Tito Hidalgo, Jefferson Parra, and William Quitiaquez. "Numerical Comparison Using CFD of R134a and R600a Condensation in Helical and Spiral Exchangers." In Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications, 425–38. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Conference papers on the topic "Technologies of the spirit"


Conan, Boris, and Simon Carolan. "FLIPPED SYMPOSIUM: DEVELOPING THE SPIRIT OF THE FUTURE RESEARCHER." In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2017.

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"TEACHING PROGRAMMING WITH A COMPETITIVE ATTITUDE TO FOSTER GROUP SPIRIT." In 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2008.

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Horie, N., M. Kabata, and H. Sano. "Japanese Project Spirit 21: Development and Testing of CSO Treatment Technologies and Instrumentation Systems." In World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2005. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2005.

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Stefan, Veronica, Mircea Constantin Duica, and Liliana Condratchi. "Promoting Creativity and Innovative Spirit in the Learning Process Through Advanced Web-Based Technologies." In International Conference Globalization, Innovation and Development. Trends and Prospects (G.I.D.T.P.). LUMEN Publishing House, 2020.

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Benawa, Arcadius. "The Significance Influence of Trust and Organizational Commitment on The SPIRIT Characters Building for The Students." In 2023 2nd Asia-Pacific Computer Technologies Conference (APCT). IEEE, 2023.

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Caine, Moshe, Doron Altaratz, Eytan Mann, and Adam Havkin. "The Spirit of the Cloud: The ‘New Jerusalem’ as a metaphor for social experiences of virtual technologies." In Proceedings of EVA London 2020. BCS Learning and Development Ltd, 2020.

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Bogdan, Vasile. "E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN SUPPORT OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT." In eLSE 2014. Editura Universitatii Nationale de Aparare "Carol I", 2014.

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Efforts are currently needed in the optimization of crisis management, as instability can occur in all areas. As it is the Prime Minister's attribute, crisis management is an area of responsibility of the Government and this enables extensive optimization approaches. Crisis management task returns to a specialized structure, multiministerial Joint Command type, subordinate to the Executive. In order to improve future involvement of multiple participants, e-Learning strategies must be used, these strategies being tailored to the command / control chain for the Gold, Silver and Bronze commands, structured on all levels of execution. Strategies and software used will be addressed to the commands, both during crisis management and consequences management. In working with the Learning Content Management System, it is important that multiple participation, analysis, results' assessment and feedback correction be considered from the perspective of the Effects Based Approach Operation. This allows the increase of the level of the educational act through specific methods, and also the increase of information quality in the system for decision making of both manager and operational levels, achievable in the complex and fluid changing environment. The activities that can take place through e-Learning technologies give the possibility of multidisciplinary analysis of adopted solutions, allow the improvement of the decision taken, in real time, in the same time involving all the headquarters that are responsible in solving the crisis. The possibilities of Computer Based Training help in an efficient manner to improve the organizational culture by developing the cooperation spirit between the structures that are activated in the virtual model, assuring the suitable instruments as for the performers to find good solutions for the operational environment created for them. Based on the experience of the leaders, computers can be used to extend learning. By implementing the process of e-Learning in crisis management at all levels, facilitates quick connection of the national system that are dealing with the situation with similar European and NATO sub-systems, with the help of computers. Naturally, the positive practices will be quickly and efficiently generalized through the specific possibilities assured by the virtual environment, in a multiple framework that accentuates the need for multiple collaboration.
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"Exploration on Cultivating Talents with Innovative Spirit and Entrepreneurial Ability by "Three Districts" Jointly in Colleges and Universities under the Background of "Internet+"." In 2017 International Conference on Frontiers in Educational Technologies and Management Sciences. Francis Academic Press, 2017.

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Dumitrescu, Virginia mihaela. "ONE STEP AHEAD: FROM WEB 1.0 TO WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION." In eLSE 2015. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2015.

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The present paper explores some of the reasons why technology integration is a must of 21st-century education, and looks at the practical benefits of using technology in conjunction with new approaches to teaching and learning based on the connectivist theories of cognition and instruction that best support the present-day student-oriented educational paradigm. It looks at the necessity (confirmed by our first-hand experience with students of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies) to keep the education process in sync with the spirit of our times, or the way the highly digitized world outside the classroom has come to approach communication, knowledge/ information acquisition, meaning-making, problem-solving, and even socializing and entertainment. It outlines the evolution of computer-assisted instruction from its early stages marked by more static learning tools and (Web 1.0) technologies that place students in the less intellectually stimulating situation of receptacles or consumers of Internet knowledge, to the more recent, more evolved and dynamic Web 2.0 technologies and learning environments that lead to the emergence of new models in education, facilitate student interaction, collaboration and creativity, and enable mind-stretching and enjoyable learning experiences. After examining various psychological and behavioural changes in both teachers and learners as a result of incorporating technology in the education process, the paper focuses on the importance of technology use in tertiary education, where the increased complexity of the learning content calls for more sophisticated and diversified instruments of teaching and learning that may develop students' intellectual autonomy, creativity and adaptiveness, along with their critical thinking, continuous learning and professional skills, preparing them for a more and more competitive and challenging work environment.
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Mallet, Joshua C., Michael Selom Gawugah, and Twum Barima Adu. "The iBox Technology-Enabled Teaching and Learning in Pre- and Post-COVID Ghana." In Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning. Commonwealth of Learning, 2022.

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Prior to Covid-19, some young private Ghanaian technologists, inspired by COL’s APTUS dongle, undertook a project toward solving the high cost of internet connectivity and the challenges related to equity, access, quality and gender. Their research produced an offline system called the iBox along with a corresponding online for learners, teachers, parents and school managers. It was adopted in 2014 by Ghana’s Ministry of Education through the Centre for National Distance Learning and Open Schooling (CENDLOS). Appropriate e-content was also developed by selected teachers. The product became a national solution during the Lockdown. // The system offers lessons in text, quiz, video, audio and laboratory simulation formats. Its unique learner management system (LMS) generates individualized assessment report sheet along with other support features on a dashboard. It supports learning at one’s own pace, is gender sensitive and is convenient for some persons with disabilities (PWD). // This paper considers how adapted and localized technologies can help bridge the digital divide in lower income communities, using the case of the iBox system. It explores the spirit of collaboration within the Pan-Commonwealth education in areas of technology, pedagogy and training.
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Reports on the topic "Technologies of the spirit"


von Speyr, Adrienne. Availability for the Spirit. Saint John Publications, 2022.

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Kallal, M. Jo. In the Spirit of Otsuzure. Ames: Iowa State University, Digital Repository, September 2016.

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Dugal, Michael W. Affirming the Soldier's Spirit Through Intentional Dialogue. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2009.

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Chalfant, C. P. Spirit II Vehicle: (A26.780). Post Flight Report. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1992.

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Doepke, Matthias, and Fabrizio Zilibotti. Occupational Choice and the Spirit of Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2007.

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Hoffman, Scott A. American Aerospace Power: Reinvigorating Our Adventurous Spirit. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2015.

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Zachor, A. S. Limb Retrieval Capability of the Spirit 3 Radiometer. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 1990.

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Schneider, Richard, and Donald F. Fournier. Sustainable Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT), Version 1.4.1. Documentation Guide. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2004.

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Zachor, Alexander S. Performance Predictions for the MSX SPIRIT III Interferometer Spectrometer. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1992.

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DEFENSE THREAT REDUCTION AGENCY ALEXANDRIA VA. Militarily Critical Technologies List. Weapons Systems Technologies. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2002.

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