Academic literature on the topic 'Technologies de l'information et de la communication – Épistémologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Technologies de l'information et de la communication – Épistémologie"
Debande, Olivier, and Eugenia Kazamaki Ottersten. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication." Gestion de l'enseignement supérieur 16, no. 2 (August 2, 2004): 37–69.
Full textGonsalves, Chris, and Margaret Kathleen Pichora-Fuller. "The Effect of Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies by Community-Living Older Adults." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 27, no. 2 (2008): 145–57.
Full textGranjon, Fabien, and Benoît Lelong. "Capital social, stratifications et technologies de l'information et de la communication." Réseaux 139, no. 5 (2006): 147.
Full textKiyindou, Alain. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication et expression culturelle africaine." Présence Africaine 179-180, no. 1 (2009): 41.
Full textZune, Marc. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication : quelles logiques professionnelles ?" Formation Emploi 82, no. 1 (2003): 11–21.
Full textMichel, Jean. "NTIC : les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication." Sciences et techniques éducatives 5, no. 3 (1998): 263–69.
Full textPassey, Don. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication : besoins curriculaires et changement institutionnel." Recherche & Formation 26, no. 1 (1997): 31–45.
Full textAmsellem-Mainguy, Yaëlle, Francine Labadie, and Céline Metton. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication : construction de soi et autonomie." Agora débats/jeunesses 46, no. 4 (2007): 14.
Full textChaudiron, Stéphane. "Technologies linguistiques et modes de représentation de l'information textuelle." Documentaliste-Sciences de l'Information 44, no. 1 (2007): 30.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Technologies de l'information et de la communication – Épistémologie"
Puig, Mailhol Vincent. "Le numérique et l'esprit. Prendre soin des technologies numériques de l'esprit à la lumière de Gilbert Simondon, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Henri Bergson." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Poitiers, 2023.
Full textThis address to designers stems from an approach of anthropological decentering to think and take care of the digital as spiritual in the sense that Derrida designated the process of questioning but also the of technique in Heidegger. This route goes through a critique of the notion of information in Simondon to try to rethink "the soul of objects". It continues with an analysis of the question of the Flesh from Merleau-Ponty to propose the passage from a "digital suffering flesh" to an organology and a pharmacology of the digital gesture. Finally, it approaches what Bernard Stiegler called the technologies of the through the prism of Bergsonian intuition and Simondonian transduction to reintroduce analogical thought into the digital design of a dispositive benevolence, techno-estheú, cosmotechnic, ethical and political condiú)n for the development of the common good and of knowledge
Palmieri, Joelle. "Genre et société numérique colonialitaire - Effets politiques des usages de l'Internet par des organisations de femmes ou féministes en contexte de domination masculine et colonialitaire : les cas de l'Afrique du Sud et du Sénégal." Phd thesis, Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux, 2011.
Full textHattori-Cocherel, Izumi. "Développement des Technologies de l'Information et Communication en Chine." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2003.
Full textMicallef-Dent, Anne. "Nouvelles technologies de l'information et stratégie de l'entreprise." Nice, 1991.
Full textFacing the development of new information technologies, managers ask themselves a fundamental question : what is the impact of these technologies on their growth strategies ? (integration, diversification). The transaction costs analysis of the new information technologies-strategy relationship raises two contradictory results: the integrating capacities of electronic hierarchies diminish internal organizational costs thus enabling further growth through internalization. But the advantages of growing through internalization are also decreasing since interorganizational information systems and electronic markets reduce transaction costs. This allows externalization for more flexibility in an ever changing competitive environment. The final impact of information technologies, as proposed in this thesis, is the emergence of alternative growth strategies : the network strategies, unique combinations of strategy-structure-management processes for the xxi century
Bigot, Jean-Édouard. "Instruments, pratiques et enjeux d’une recherche numériquement équipée en sciences humaines et sociales." Thesis, Compiègne, 2018.
Full textGradually, digital technologies are becoming more important in research on sociocultural phenomena. Equipment projects are developing in all the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) and movements advocating an instrumental revolution are multiplying. This thesis proposes to question the advent of a digitally equipped research in the SSH on the basis of a general reflection on the links between science, technology and writing. What are the epistemological and political issues that underlie these digital instrumentation logics as they institute new writing techniques at the heart of research practices? The thesis is composed of three main parts. The first part questions the fundamental relationships between technical instruments and scientific knowledge. It is also about estimating the specificities of a communication approach to scientific instrumentation. The second part proposes a critical exploration of the discourses that accompany these transformations by focusing on projects from two major currents in the field of digitally equipped research in the SSH: the "digital humanities" and the "digital methods". What promises, what "imaginaires", what representations of science do these research practices renewal projects by digital technology contain? But also what "epistemological obstacles" do they encounter? Based on a theory of digital writing, and on a techno-semiotic analysis approach, the thir part questions the forms and powers of the digital instrumentation. On a morphological level, what do the design and implementation of such instruments consist of? On a political level, what are the normative effects of these "dispositifs" on the epistemology of the disciplines that seize them?
Rejeb, Hanene. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication et mutation du métier d'agent immobilier." Thesis, Nice, 2014.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of !CT (Information Technologies and communication) on the profession of estate agent and on the changes in customer behavior. We conducted a qualitative survey among real estate agencies members of service interagency, two surveys quantitative of clients were as well conducted (100 buyers and 100 sellers) and a national quantitative are of real estate professionals.Our research was guided by several principles: t.lle field of theory and the one of research concemed with the various actors. Driven by a strong will of change and evolution of the real estate brokers' practice we chose to focus on the use of the ICT by professionals and clients.In an attempt to understand the importance of the use of technology and communication, we showed that the use of the digital tool as a strategie one enables to modify both the organization of real estate agencies and the way they work, at a time marked by the emergence of new competitors such as real estate agents or low cost agencies ...Being at the same time an actor of the real estate sector and a researcher in information science and communication, our work finds itself in the paradigms of complexity and Constructivism.We had to go back and forth between theory and field research which enabled us to advance, develop, widen, analyze and adapt our work methods depending on observations and our transitory results us to gradually progress
Lioukas, Constantinos. "Information et communication en alliances stratégiques." Paris 9, 2006.
Full textThis dissertation brings to the forefront the informational and communicational aspects of strategic alliances. It examines how different stages of the lifecycle of an alliance are influenced by the communication capabilities of the partners and the interface through which the partners interact. More specifically, the dissertation investigates (i) the impact of firms’ ability to exchange a large information amount (IT capability) on the alliance design, and in particular on the governance structure and the alliance scope, (ii) the choice between information amount and information richness in alliances, (iii) how this choice influences changes in the levels of trust between the partners, and (iv) implications of the above for alliance performance. These issues are examined by extending existing communication media theories to the domain of interorganizational communication and by combining them with contractual and competence perspectives. Evidence for the arguments is provided from a mix of survey and qualitative data. The survey data were collected from two groups of people: Full members of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals and alumni participants of the INSEAD executive program on strategic alliances. The qualitative data were collected through face-to-face interviews with key informants
Isckia, Thierry. "La communication en environnement d'entreprise : l'impact organisationnel des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication." Paris 11, 1998.
Full textThe business environment at the end of the 20th century requires that corporations should efficiently manage their information ressources, to wich purpose new information technologies (nit : informatics and telecommunications) can be a great help. However, it is not the present business environment justifies the importance of information ressources, we may add further reason, of genial and technological character. From a general point of view, it may be said that the importance of information within the firms is but me reflection on such social organizations of something that is changing at a global level, wich is said to be entering a new order that has been termed as postindustrial society, or information society amongst other definitions. Nevertheless, in the information society, changes in organizations caused by the introduction of new information technologies are inevitable as organizations are compelled by external environment to be efficient and competitive in order to survive. On a technological level, the progress and generalization of the so-called new information technologies have also played a major role in conferring information ressources me strategic character they possess within organizations. Once mis has been said, one of the purpose of our work is to present our hypothesis that the role to be played by new information technologies within thes organizations should consist on puttin the power of these technologies at the service of an efficient management of information ressources, thus opening a way to have at our disposal the quality in information as required by any firm deserving to be described as adpatable, quick responding, aware of the threats and opportunities of an increasingly internationalized environment, and willing to cater for any present and potential needs of its customers. Come to this point, we would like to to state that another of the purpose of this paper is to show that traditional organizational structures are dissolving and new forms of organizations are emerging. We have tried to outline the organizational changes that the introduction of new information technologies might involve. The main question pointed in our work is wich we might group under the name of +the relationships between nit and organizational structures ;. At this stage, our main hypothesis is + does the growth of nit contribute to the emergence of
Fonteneau, David. "Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, l' employeur et le salarié." Toulouse 1, 2002.
Full textThe speeding comet of IT and telecoms is on a collision course with the planet of "employment law". The impact of the net on business has brought about profound changes in daily working relations. A feeling of freedom for some and an increase of control for others, the internet offers every one the means to realise his or her ambitions, but at what price ? The study of the consequences of the arrival of NTIC on the individual relationship in the workplace responds to this question, in the light of practical cases but equally texts and judicial precedents on the subject. The study of the consequences of NTIC on trade unionism in the compagny, but also on elected representatives, allows a review to be made of the implications of NTIC on the collective relations in the compagny
Lodombe-Mbiock, Olga Marlyse. "Conditions stratégiques d'appropriation des usages des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'accès à la société de l'information et de la communication : cas de l'Afrique francophone : Cameroun, Gabon et Sénégal." Bordeaux 3, 2008.
Full textThe fast progress of the technology of the communications and transport, which cause a drop in the costs of the goods, the capital, the people and the information, supported the emergence of the information society, thanks to the speed to which information is gathered and transmitted. The reality of this society in many countries all over the world allowed UNESCO and the UNCSTD (United Nations Center for Science and Technology for Development) to establish criteria making it possible to measure its state and its evolution. French-speaking Africa, territory of our study, appears there late because of many obstacles: technological, political and institutional, legal and ethical, sociocultural and financial. This has as a consequence an insufficient integration of the ICT in socio-economic, educational, and public administration’s contexts. But, the role of the ICT like factor of development, which should result in the installation of new competences into French-speaking Africa, appears still limited by the lack of qualified human resources. If the reasons of this explanation are sought, one can find them in the deficit of the public investments and deprived, which raises the question of the public policies
Books on the topic "Technologies de l'information et de la communication – Épistémologie"
Communication et autonomie: Audiovisuel, technologies de l'information et changement social. Paris, France: Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textJelassi, Tawfik. Information, systemes complexes et technologies de l'information. Fontainebleau: INSEAD, 1992.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Technologie de l'information en affaires btx4e cours préemploi. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Technologie de l'information en affaires btx4c cours précollégial. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textAnnie, Chéneau-Loquay, ed. Mondialisation et technologies de la communication en Afrique. Paris: Karthala, 2004.
Find full textcommentator, Henrotte Jean-François, and Poullet Yves commentator, eds. Droit des technologies de l'information et de la communication. 2nd ed. Bruxelles: Larcier, 2011.
Find full textAllab, Slimane. La logistique et les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication. Paris: Economica, 2000.
Find full textpréf, Mkandawire Thandika, and Diop Momar-Coumba autres, eds. Le Sénégal à l'heure de l'information: Technologies et société. Paris: Karthala, 2003.
Find full textCoumba, Diop Momar, and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development., eds. Le Sénégal à l'heure de l'information: Technologies et société. Paris: Karthala, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Technologies de l'information et de la communication – Épistémologie"
Huteau, Michel. "Technologies de l'information et de la communication (information and communication technologies)." In Orientation et insertion professionnelle, 415–19. Dunod, 2007.
Full text"Les technologies de l'information et de la communication." In Mesurer l'innovation, 84–85. OECD, 2010.
Full textBOURASSA, Clément, Daniel L. BRENNER, Monique CHARBONNEAU, Sylvie LALANDE, Yves LECLERC, Mario POIRIER, Daniel POTVIN, and Bernard TURCOTTE. "Usages sociaux et utilité des nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication Des autoroutes électroniques pour aller où?" In Les autoroutes de l'information, 503–30. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textBioulac, Stéphanie. "53. Nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication." In TDA/H - Trouble Déficit de l'Attention/Hyperactivité, 429–34. Dunod, 2014.
Full text"L'accessibilité et l'utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication." In Regards sur l'éducation 2006, 432–44. OECD, 2006.
Full text"Sigles et abréviations." In Impacts écologiques des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, 7–10. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Sigles et abréviations." In Impacts écologiques des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, 7–10. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"2.3 La communication environnementale." In Impacts écologiques des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, 114–24. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"2.3 La communication environnementale." In Impacts écologiques des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, 114–24. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Les technologies de l'information et de la communication et leur impact sur l'économie." In Projet OCDE/G20 sur l'érosion de la base d'imposition et le transfert de bénéfices, 55–73. OECD, 2014.
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