Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Technological constraints'
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Luo, Jianxi. "Hierarchy in industry architecture : transaction strategy under technological constraints." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/62759.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 154-163).
Motivation -- Industrial firms survive, sustain and co-evolve by participating in the sector of innovation and production through industrial transactions with each other. However, it is difficult for specialized firms to be aware of and manage accordingly the kind of systemic constraints and opportunities induced by relevant but indirect transactions, as well as the technological and economic requirements of their value chains, which they cannot control or even sufficiently observe. The myopia may cause specialized firms to implement incorrect strategies, leave them vulnerable to system failures or ignorant of emerging opportunities. This implies a paradox: the simultaneous needs to specialize and to understand and manage the big picture of the eco-system. Goal -- Previous industry studies have focused on the question if a transaction with an external firm is needed rather than in-house production, and on empirical work from single industries or bilateral relationships between firms. Meanwhile, the firms' positions in the sectoral transactional network are also influential to the success and performance of firms. In this dissertation, I conduct transactional network analysis to explore how firms are organized in the sector of aggregated industries, in order to shed light on the set of previously ignored knowledge on industrial transactions, which is valuable to single firms in designing strategies and managing operations but is not available from firm- and industry-level analysis. Hierarchy in Industry Architecture -- At the sector level, existing theories often assumed hierarchical or non-hierarchical relationships among industrial firms, and quantitative evidence on variable degrees of hierarchy in industry sectors is lacking. This dissertation first identifies and defines the type of hierarchy relevant to industry studies -flow hierarchy, develops a network-based metric on the degree of hierarchy (one-way flow of transactions), and applies it to the transaction data from two industrial sectors in Japan. The empirical results show that the electronics sector exhibits a significantly lower degree of hierarchy than the automotive sector due to the presence of many transaction cycles. It shows that the simplistic hierarchy hypothesis for production sectors does not always hold. Industrial Network Model and Transaction Specificity -- I further create a network simulation model with random networks to relate sector-level hierarchy degrees to firm-level behavioral variables, and infer transaction specificity, i.e. the extent to which a firm is captive to a niche of customers positioned closely in the industrial network hierarchy. The model builds on three basic rules on market structures, i.e. hierarchy, niche, and the mapping relationship between roles and positions. Transaction specificity provides a way to quantify the tendency of a firm to fix or institutionalize its role according to its relative network position, or where the transactions of a firm are oriented in the value chains, whereas traditional studies analyze whether a transaction versus in-house production is needed. The result shows that transaction specificity in the electronics sector is quantitatively much lower than that in the automotive sector. Interviews and Firm Boundary Strategies -- I further conducted interviews with nine firms in the two sectors and found that, with decision rationales related to product modularity, innovation dynamics and asset specificity, the major electronics firms take the permeable vertical boundary strategy and diversified horizontal boundary strategy, which decrease transaction specificity so that many transaction cycles emerge in the electronics sector. My analysis shows the permeability of a firm's vertical boundary, i.e. playing multiple value chain roles, is the necessary condition for transaction cycles to emerge. Meanwhile, these two strategies are not feasible in the automotive sector according to interviews. They are also not observed in the American electronics sector. My data show the American electronics firms tend to be vertically specialized in the value chains. Social-Technical Arguments -- Linking network analysis results, interview data, and the prior work on the physical limits to product modularity, I argue that higher power level of a sector's technologies leads to higher transaction specificity, and more hierarchical transaction lows across the sector. High power technologies constrain strategic transaction choices, while lower power technologies enable a larger option space of transaction strategies, for companies to explore and exploit. Implications -- For academics, the use of network analysis permits transaction cost analysis, or more general analysis of transaction-related decisions, to be extended from the boundary of a firm to the architecture of a sector comprising related industries. It gives us a bird's-eye view to observe firm-level transaction behaviors and create new knowledge on transaction specificity. In addition, the analysis of the physical properties of product technologies allows us to interpret the difference in transaction specificities and hierarchy degrees of different sectors, which economic and sociology theories cannot explain. For industry practitioners, this research suggests that firms' choices for industrial transactions are under some predictable constraints from product technologies. A better understanding of the linkages between industry architecture, firm transaction strategy, and product technology, in turn can guide companies to tailor transaction strategies to implicit technological constraints and to adequately explore strategic options made feasible by technologies.
by Jianxi Luo.
Nakamura, Takatoshi 1964. "Technological rules and constraints affecting design of precast concrete housing." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/12153.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 115-117).
Precast concrete technology is of great importance in multifamily housing. This technology provides the possibility to the industrialize housing construction and thus enhance the availability and quality of houses. With regard to the design process of precast concrete housing, architectural and technological concepts have to be woven into housing systems by iterative processes. Although precast concrete technology is an offshoot of reinforced concrete technology, its structural nature and construction process is not the same: its identification with the concept of industrialization makes this technology quite different from cast-in-place concrete. In other words, the processes of precasting, of transportation and handling, and of the erection of precast concrete building systems give significant advantages to housing systems, but they pose technological constraints to as well. This thesis investigates the technological rules and constraints of precast concrete structural systems which provide technological approaches to precast concrete housing systems. First, the methodology of the considerations of structural systems is introduced. Second, the technological rules and constraints of precasting, transportation, and construction methods are discussed in detail. Then, the technological rules and constraints of three typical structural systems, including unbraced frame, braced frame, and large panel, are examined.
by Takatoshi Nakamura.
Gorst, Ashley. "Assessing climatic and technological constraints to agricultural productivity in South Asia." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2017. http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/3613/.
Full textVillaschi, Arlindo. "The Brazilian national system of innovation : opportunities and constraints for transforming technological dependency." Thesis, Birkbeck (University of London), 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.425734.
Full textHasan, Syed M. "Three Essays on Export and Productivity-Impact of Financial Constraints and Technological Innovation." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1405352293.
Full textVoss, Georgina. "Stigma-based knowledge constraints and technological innovation : the case of the North American adult entertainment industry." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.499668.
Full textHölzl, Werner, and Andreas Reinstaller. "Complementarity constraints and induced innovation. Some evidence from the first IT regime." Inst. für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2003. http://epub.wu.ac.at/156/1/document.pdf.
Full textSeries: Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness"
Turman-Bryant, Phillip Nicholas. "Closing the Loop: the Capacities and Constraints of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D)." PDXScholar, 2019. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/5003.
Full textLabuschagne, Johannes Riaan. "Human capital constraints in South Africa : a firm level analysis / J.R. Labuschagne." Thesis, North-West University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/4452.
Full textThesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
Liu, Haidi. "Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) adoption in the South African retail sector: an investigation of perceptions held by members of the retail sector regarding the adoption constraints." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002774.
Full textVASUDEVAN, ROHAN ADITHYA. "SWOT-PESTEL Study of Constraints to Decarbonization of the Natural Gas System in the EU Techno-economic analysis of hydrogen production in Portugal : Techno-economic analysis of hydrogen production in Portugal." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-292186.
Full textDet starka behovet av att ta itu med klimatförändringarna och deras negativa effekter är omfattande världen över. Den europeiska unionen utgör en pionjär när det gäller att såväl hantera sina koldioxidberoende och utsläpp som att implementera reglerande miljöpolitik, och framstår därmed som överlägsen andra stater och organisationer i detta hänseende. Unionen är emellertid fortfarande mycket beroende av fossilt bränsle för att uppfylla sina energibehov, och kvarstår därför som en av världens största importörer av naturgas. Syftet med denna forskningsavhandling är att undersöka befintliga hinder och restriktioner i EU: s politiska ramverk som medför konsekvenser avkolningen av naturgas, samt att undersöka de utjämnande kostnaderna för väteproduktion (LCOH) som kan användas för att avkolna naturgassektorn. Därmed utförs en omfattande studie baserad på befintlig akademisk och vetenskaplig litteratur, EU: s politiska ramverk och stadgar som är relevanta för naturgasindustrin. Dessutom genomförs en teknisk-ekonomisk analys av eventuella ersättningar av naturgas med väte. Valet av väte som forskningsobjekt motiveras olika forskningsstudier som indikerar vikten och förmågan att ersätta till naturgas. Till sist berör studien Portugal. som tillhandahåller en lämplig miljö för billig och grön vätgasproduktion. Av denna anledning är Portugal utvalt som den viktigaste utvärderingsregionen. Studien utvärderar det nuvarande ramverket baserat på en SWOT-analys ((Strength, Weakness, and Opportunities & Weakness), som inkluderar en PESTEL (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental och Legal) makroekonomisk faktoranalys och elicitering. Den utjömnade vätekostnaden beräknades i blått (SMR - Ångmetanreformering med naturgas som råvara) och grönt väte (elektrolyser med el från elnät, sol och vindkällor). Kostnaderna var specifika för de portugisiska förhållandena under åren 2020, 2030 och 2050 baserat på tillgänglighet av data samt anpassningen till den nationella energi- och klimatplanen (NECP) och klimatåtgärdsramen 2050. Storleken på elektrolyserar baseras på den nuvarande marknadskapaciteten medan SMR är begränsad till 300 MW. Avhandlingen tar endast hänsyn till produktionen av vätgas. Transmission, distribution och lagring av väte ligger utanför analysens räckvidd. Resultaten visar att hindren är främst relaterade till kostnadskonkurrens, förändringar i stadgar och bestämmelser, incitament och begränsningar i formerandet av efterfrågan på koldioxidsnåla gaser på marknaden. Att säkerställa energiförsörjning och tillgång på ett ekonomiskt hållbart sätt kräver omedelbara ändringar av reglerna och politiken, såsom att stimulera utbudet, att skapa en efterfrågan på koldioxidsnåla gaser och genom att beskatta kol. När det gäller LCOH dominerar blåväte beträffande produktionskostnaderna (1,33 € per kg H2) jämfört med grönt väte (4,27 respektive 3,68 € per kg H2) från elnät respektive solenergi. Osäkerhetsanalysen visar vikten av investeringskostnader och effektiviteten vid elektrolysörer och koldioxidskatten för SMR. Med förbättringar av elektrolys-tekniken och ökad koldioxidskatt skulle upptagningen av grön vätgas vara enklare och säkerställa en rättvis men konkurrenskraftig gasmarknad.
Štefaňák, Jan. "Stavebně technologický projekt výrobní haly Rokycany." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-225511.
Full textВовк, Р. Б. "Система інтелектуальної підтримки прийняття рішень для запобігання нештатних ситуацій в процесі буріння свердловин." Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2012. http://elar.nung.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1801.
Full textDissertation is devoted to development of method for technological errors control, as a base feature for intelligible system for preventing of unscheduled situations arising in the process of drilling for oil and gas wells based on the analysis of the structure foi decision taking support on the set of imposed technological constraints. Based on the analysis of typical routines for technological decision taking support the formal approach for technological problems modeling by means of constraints based modeling and constraints satisfaction problem formalisms is presented, what is used as main idea for developing of the system for intelligible decisions support based on constraints. The developed formal constructions for classification of technological constraints allows controlling the flow of technological problems for current process and making it possible to select on the general set possibly unscheduled situations, what constitutes the common base for support of technological decision making under the conditions of incomplete, imprecise, uncertain and fuzzy information about the technological process. The general structure, algorithms and software for the system of intelligible decisions support based on the constraints for preventing of unscheduled situations in the drilling of oil and gas wells were proposed and implemented.
Grey, Audley Bruce. "Unified solution of security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) problem using a linear programming methodology : a dissertation presented to the faculty of the Graduate School, Tennessee Technological University /." Click to access online version, 2007. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=88&did=1397913351&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=6&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1255446163&clientId=28564.
Full textTaha, Lilas Hasan. "Acceptability of electronic communication media in organizations situational and technological constraints /." 1992. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/31715979.html.
Full textTypescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 29-32).
Yeng-Feng, Wu, and 吳彥鋒. "A Study of the Relationship among Leisure Participation, Leisure Constraints and Lifestyles of the Faculty and Administrative Staffs of Technological University in the South Taiwan." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/86905047539949614926.
Full text國立高雄應用科技大學
The faculty and administrative staffs in the universities and colleges of Taiwan have huge stress and become displeased due to intense competition and long time work, which also make them exhausted. While facing stress, the staffs need to find effective decompression methods. One of the decompression methods is to take leisure activities. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among the leisure participation, leisure constraints, and lifestyles of the faculty and administrative staffs in the universities of Taiwan. By questionnaires, we collect the data from the staffs of the technological universities in the south of Taiwan. We provide a total of 300 questionnaires, receive 285 returned questionnaires, and eliminate 15 invalid ones. Overall, a total of 270 valid questionnaires are obtained, making the returning ratio to be 90%. These obtained data are analyzed using the software of SPSS for Windows 14.0. Moreover, we consider the analysis methods including Descriptive Statistics, t-test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Scheffe Multiple Comparison, and Regression Analysis. The results of this study can be concluded as follows. (1) In terms of leisure participation, the faculty staffs prefer the knowledge-based activities while the administrative staffs prefer the entertainment-based ones. (2) In terms of leisure constraints, since the averages regarding “individual inherent constraint” and “interpersonal relationship constraint” of the faculty staffs are much larger than those of the administrative staffs, we can infer that the faculty staffs may have the uncomplicated interpersonal relationships. (3) In terms of lifestyles, both of the faculty and administrative staffs prefer “family-oriented life,” which means they concern family lives. Since the faculty staffs prefer the knowledge-based activities as shown in the results, which may cause their insufficient exercises, the faculty staffs are encouraged to do more sport activities.
"Development of adaptive dose constraints templates for dose optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning advanced-stage nasopharyngeal cancer." Thesis, 2007. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b6074802.
Full textIn conclusion, the solutions to several major problems in IMRT planning for advanced-stage NPC were investigated and established. It has been demonstrated in this research that, by applying these methods and tools, significant improvement in the dosimetry and efficiency of IMRT treatment planning can be accomplished as compared with conventional IMRT planning techniques. It is expected that such would translate into an improvement in treatment throughput, better tumor control and reduction in normal tissues complications. The methods developed have potential to be applied to all stages of NPC and to other tumor sites.
The first study was to improve the efficacy in target coverage and organs sparing using an "organ-splitting" approach. The OARs which overlapped with targets were split into target-overlapping and non-overlapping segments and each segment was assigned with different constraints parameters to increase the degree of flexibility during optimization. As a result, a steep gradient in the dose distribution at the regions of interface between the targets and normal critical organs could be achieved and treatment quality was improved. In the second study, a thorough dosimetric comparison between conventional 2-dimensional (2D) RT and IMRT plans was conducted to determine, with reference to outcome of 2D treatments, the extended tolerance dose limits for the critical organs, especially that of the brainstem and spinal cord, and their planning organ at risk volume. Such data could then serve as reference in IMRT planning when the dose of critical organs need be exceeded in order to allow adequate dose to a very close by target. In the third study, the feasibility of using interpolated contours for segmentation of targets and OARs in IMRT planning was investigated. The result indicated that the use of interpolated contours in IMRT planning could significantly reduce the contouring time by about 50% without degrading the target coverage and OARS sparing. In the final study, an array of dose constraint templates that could accommodate different degrees of overlap between the targets and OARs, together with a template selection program, were developed to improve the efficiency of IMRT planning. By applying the methods and tools developed, IMRT treatment planning of advanced NPC could become more efficient and less dependent on planner's experience.
Chau, Ming Chun.
Adviser: Anthony Chan Tak Cheung.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-02, Section: B, page: 0948.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-128).
Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Abstract also in Chinese.
School code: 1307.
Фоменко, Богдана Вікторівна. "Автоматизація процесів керування прямоточними котлоагрегатами з врахуванням технологічних обмежень." Doctoral thesis, 2011. https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/1280.
Full textBin, Chen. "Dynamic strategies of patent licensing for Latecomer Firms under the constraint of technology gap and cost advantage." Doctoral thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/22698.
Full textDesde a abertura económica da China, depois graças ao melhoramento contínuo do sistema de patentes da China, a Huawei e outras empresas retardatárias chinesas passaram por um processo de desenvolvimento de introdução tecnológica, imitação tecnológica, inovação em imitação, inovação independente e inovação aberta. Nesse processo, as empresas chinesas pagam altas taxas de licenciamento de patentes a entidades ocidentais. À medida que suas capacidades tecnológicas se desenvolvem e as vantagens de custo enfraquecem, renegociações de licença de patentes são iniciadas, todas as quais merecem uma revisão cuidadosa, especialmente as estratégias adotadas para reduzir as taxas de patentes. A tese adopta o método de construção e derivação de modelos matemáticos com base na teoria dos jogos. Um modelo de patente "holdup" baseado no fosso tecnológico e vantagens de custo é então construído para analisar o impacto dinâmico do "holdup" dos espaços nas capacidades tecnológicas e vantagens de custo. A tese verifica ainda as conclusões teóricas da pesquisa acima por meio da análise empírica e do estudo de caso. O fosso tecnológico e as vantagens de custo das empresas retardatárias são analisadas em dois momentos, a saber, "dez anos atrás" e "os últimos três anos". Uma das conclusões importantes é que, em comparação com dez anos atrás, nos últimos três anos, à medida que as vantagens de custo das empresas retardatárias enfraquecem e seu fosso tecnológico com as empresas dominantes estrangeiras diminuiu, a gravidade de patente "holdup" encontrado pelas empresas retardatárias não se mitigou, o que demonstra até certo ponto que, no caso de fosso tecnológico reduzido e vantagem de custo enfraquecida, as empresas retardatárias devem adotar estratégias correspondentes para reiniciar as negociações com empresas estrangeiras dominantes a fim de obter acesso mais económico a tecnologias proprietárias. A tese propõe maneiras de alcançar o progresso tecnológico e o gerir o "holdup" nas novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC). As empresas chinesas de NTIC devem tomar medidas eficazes para controlar os custos de trabalho e aumentar o investimento em I&D (Investigação e desenvolvimento), especialmente em pesquisa básica. As empresas chinesas de NTIC devem optimizar o portfólio de patentes enquanto trabalham no avanço tecnológico, criar confiança em sua tecnologia própria, perceber o valor das patentes e estabelecer e melhorar um sistema de PI (propriedade intelectual) para facilitar as estratégias de operação. As empresas avançadas estrangeiras devem adaptar-se e ajustar oportunamente suas estratégias de licenciamento de patentes, utilizar totalmente a regra de alívio de infração trazida pela reforma do sistema de PI da China, buscar activamente a cooperação com empresas chinesas como a Huawei em campos emergentes e olhar para futuras avenidas tecnológicas.
Wei, Luo. "Project selection & portfolio considering strategy orientation and resource limitation - Huashi Installation Engineering Company." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/19759.
Full textCom o rápido desenvolvimento da indústria chinesa de construção, muitas empresas empreenderam vários tipos de projetos de construção e instalação nas últimas décadas. No entanto, constatou-se que a maioria dessas empresas se concentra apenas em fluxos financeiros quando tomam decisões sobre a seleção de projetos. É um facto que os fluxos financeiros constituem-se como uma métrica fundamental e importante, no entanto essa métrica dificilmente reflete os efeitos abrangentes dos projetos sobre o desenvolvimento das empresas e a sua implementação estratégica. Assim, além da métrica dos fluxos financeiros, os objetivos estratégicos das empresas em termos de inovação tecnológica, gestão da inovação e responsabilidade social precisam de estar envolvidos num processo de seleção e gestão de portfólio de projetos. Por outro lado, os poucos recursos existentes numa empresa dificilmente suportam a execução de diversos projetos a que uma empresa se candidate em simultâneo, portanto, a alocação dos poucos recursos existentes dentro do portfólio de projetos tem que ser considerada adicionalmente. Caso contrário, poderão existir alguns conflitos sobre a gestão dos projetos que se encontram em execução. Durante a revisão de literatura, foi verificado que uma gestão equilibrada do portfólio de projetos traduz-se numa maneira efetiva de implementar a estratégia de uma companhia através do sucesso dos projetos selecionados. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa que propôs uma metodologia geral bem como métodos para a seleção de portfolios de projetos em linha com a estratégia da empresa. No entanto, essas estruturas e métodos gerais dificilmente são aplicados diretamente a uma indústria ou a uma empresa específica, uma vez que não conseguem capturar as características específicas dessa indústria ou empresa. Além disso, alguns autores reforçaram, o facto das limitações dos recursos nos seus projetos e processos de portfólio. No entanto, em níveis operacionais, a alocação de recursos dispersos entre os diversos projetos selecionados é raramente considerada e integrada no processo de seleção do portfólio de projetos, ou seja, a estrutura do portfólio em projeto não é realista ou então não pode ser colocada em prática numa indústria ou empresa específica. Motivado pela indústria e pela literatura existente, esta tese estuda o problema do portfólio de projetos considerando a estratégia definida por uma empresa e a sua alocação de recursos. Neste estudo são abordadas duas questões: 1) como avaliar de forma abrangente os projetos de acordo com a estratégia predefinida de uma empresa? 2) como selecionar projetos e alocar os poucos recursos para maximizar toda a contribuição estratégica do portfólio de projetos? Para responder à primeira questão, primeiro é desagrupado o objetivo estratégico pré definido de uma empresa e m quatro grandes objetivos: objetivo financeiro, gestão de inovação, inovação tecnológica e responsabilidade social. Em seguida, aplicamos o método do processo de hierarquia analítica (AHP) para estabelecer um sistema de avaliação de projeto composto por critérios hierárquicos e ponderações relativas para a definição do objetivo estratégico. A resposta à segunda questão foi obtida através da elaboração de uma métrica evolutiva que permitiu medir o rácio de contribuição de um projeto para um objetivo estratégico através da análise da contribuição de cada recurso num dado projeto. Posteriormente, foi definido o segundo problema como um problema 0 1 Knapsack através da programação linear mista e, em seguida, através de uma função heurística que permitiu determinar a alocação dos poucos recursos existentes numa determinada empresa aos projetos selecionados. Por fim, o sistema evolutivo proposto e as métricas de alocação dos recursos existentes foram aplicados a um caso real, nomeadamente à empresa de engenharia Huashi (HIEC), uma empresa pública chinesa localizada na província de Sichuan. Os resultados da aplicação destes modelos demonstraram que a abordagem desenvolvida ajudou a HIEC a melhorar substancialmente o seu desempenho na gestão do portfólio de projetos. Os resultados desta tese providenciaram conhecimento e linhas gerais contributivas uma eficaz para a gestão do portfólio de projetos das diversas industrias na China.
Masiri, Ebba. "Exploring the practice of quality control in the onscreen marking of ordinary level Biology in Zimbabwe." Thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/26772.
Full textThe purpose of this study was to explore the practice of quality control in the onscreen marking (OSM) environment of Biology (5008) examinations between 2013 and 2017. Examination marking is gradually being migrating from paper-based marking (PBM) to OSM in a bid to improve the efficiency and quality of marking. The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) introduced OSM for some O Level subjects in June 2012, in a context characterised by a persistent economic crisis, patchy internet coverage, erratic power supplies and low digital literacy, among other challenges. The Council encountered some difficulties related to quality control, which triggered this qualitative instrumental single case study that was informed by the ontology, epistemology, methods and axiology of the constructivist philosophy. Data were collected through face-to-face and focus group interviews on the WhatsApp platform with 4 subject managers, 11 senior markers and 18 normal markers, and through document review. The findings of the study suggest that the quality of marking was influenced by the context in which the examinations were marked. The socio-political climate that prevailed in Zimbabwe impacted on the technological infrastructure for the OSM and the digital literacy of the examination personnel. The capacity of the examiners to work in the OSM environment was influenced by knowledge and skills transfer from training and standardisation to the live marking. The quality of marking was monitored by the seeds approach to script moderation, automatically generated reports and audit trails, and escalation of problem scripts. It was also influenced by the structure of the question papers, cognitive demands of the questions and mark schemes on the examiners, spaces provided for candidates’ responses and mark scheme features such as language and marks to marking points ratio. The assessment framework provided by the syllabus guided the design and marking of Biology examinations. From these findings, a framework that could guide the practice of quality control in the OSM environment was formulated. OSM technology could enhance the quality of marking Biology examinations, thereby eliminating challenges associated with PBM. Some of the opportunities were, however, reduced by the challenges encountered during the OSM of the examinations. It is recommended that ZIMSEC put in place policies and procedures that could guide specific quality control activities in the OSM environment and establish computer centres in the provincial capital towns. The Council could also consider benchmarking examiner recruitment, training and standardisation procedures with international examination authorities.
Tsvakurudzo ino yanga yakananga kuvandudza nharaunda yemakwenyero ebvunzo kubudikidza nemichina pachidzidzo cheBhayaroji, 5008 pakati pemakore a2013-2017. Vandudzo iyi iri kuuya zvishoma nezvishoma kubva pakukwenya pamapepa zvichienda mukukwenya nemichina (on screen marking :OSM ) nechinangwa chekuda kukwenenzvera mhando yebasa rezvekukwenya . Bazi rebvunzo reZimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) rakavarura kukwenya kubudikidza nemichina (OSM) kubvunzo dzedanho reOdhinari revhuru muna Chikumi 2012 , mumamiriro anozivikanwa ematambudziko ezveupfumi, masaisai eindaneti asingavimbiki anouya zvigamba zvigamba , magetsi asingawanikwe nguva dzose, nezivo yezvemichina muvakwenyi isina kupararira pakati pezvimwe zvimhingamupini. Kanzuru yezvebvunzo yakasangana nemamwe matambudziko ane chokuita nounaku hwezvemakwenyerwe ebvunzo hwakakonzera kuti paitwe tsvakurudzo ino yezveudzamu (qualitative) muchinzvimbo chiduku chakasarudzwa (case study) yaitungamirirwa nemaziviro evacho vanoona nezvekukwenya bvunzo (interpretivist epistemology) nemaziviro okuti chokwadi chinosiyana nekusiyana kwenharaunda nokuti chigadzirwa chevarimukati mekukwenya (constructivist ontology), nekuumba mufungo kubudikidza neumboo huchabuda mutsvakurudzo (inductive theory) nenzira nezvinokosheswa nenharaunda mukuumba ruzivo (constructivist philosophy). Umboo hwetsvakurudzo hwakawanikwa kubudikidza nebvunzurudzo ine udzamu padungamunhu nemumapoka nekupindurana padare reWatsiApu nevanotungamira zvidzidzo (Subject managers ) vana , zvidza mune zvokukwenywa bvunzo gumi neumwe, nevamwewo vakwenyi gumi nevasere uye kuongorora magwaro. Mamiriro ezvemagariro nematongerwo enyika mu
Ihloso yaleli rhubhululo bekukuphenya indlela ikhwalithi elawulwa ngayo ngehlelo lokutshwaya ngekhomphyutha kwe enhlahlubo zeBhayiloji (5008) phakathi komnyaka ka-2013 no-2017. Ukutshwaywa kwe enhlahlubo kancanikancani kuyasuka ehlelweni lokutshwaya iphepha ngesandla (PBM) kuya ehlelweni lokutshwaya ngekhomphyutha (OSM) ngomzamo wokuthuthukisa umsebenzi omuhle kanye nokuletha iqophelo eliphezulu lokutshwaya. Hlangana nezinye iintjhijilo, UMkhandlu wezokuTshwaywa kwe eNhlahlubo eZimbabwe (Zimbabwe School Examinations Council) (ZIMSEC) sewungenise ihlelo le-OSM kwezinye iimfundo zesigaba sika-O Level ngenyangaka Mgwengweni 2012, ngaphasi kobujamo obumbibe zomnotho, kobujamo obumaratha be-inthanedi, obuqokeme kobokuphakelwa ngegezi kanye na ngaphasi kwezinga eliphasi lefundo ye dijithali. UMkhandlu uhlangabezene nobunye ubudisi obumalunga nanokulawulwa kwekhwalithi, okubujamo obukhwezelele isizathu sokobana kube nerhubhululo linye elisebenzako elisebenzisa indlela yerhubhululo yekulumo, kanti lokhu kwabangelwayi-ontholoji, i-ephistemoloji, iindlela zerthubhululo kanye ne-akziyoloji yefilosofi i-constructivist philosophy. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngendlela yehlolombono yokubuza umuntu ngamunye ubuso nobuso kanye nokubuza iinqhema zabantu ezinqotjhiwe kokukundla yezokucocisana, i-WhatsApp platform kanye nabaphathi beemfundo aba-4 subject managers, abatshwayi abakhulu abali-11, kanye nabatshwayi abajayelekileko abali-18, kanti lokhu kwenziwa ngokubuyekeza umtlolo. Ilwazi elifumane keerhubhululweni liphakamisa kobana izinga lekhwalithi lokutshwaya laba nomthintela wobujamo/wendawo lapho iinhlahlubo zatshwaywa khona. Ubujamo bezehlalakuhle yabantu kezepolotik iebebusezweni leZimbabwe laba nomthelela phezu komthanga lasisekelo wethekinoloji, kanti kwathinta abasebenzi behlelo le-OSM kanye nezinga lefundo yedijithali. Amandla wekghono labatshwayi lokusebenza ebhodulukweni le-OSM lalilawulwa kudluliselwa kwelwazi kanye namakghonofundwa ukusukela ekubandulweni kanye nokwenza izinto ngendlela efanako ehlelweni elibonakala ngamehlo lokutshwaya. Izinga lokutshwaya lalitjhejwe yindlela yokulinganiswa kwamaphepha atshwayiwako, ihlelo le-seeds approach to script moderation, kanti ihlelwe lingokwalo lihlanganisa imibiko begodu lilandelela ukuhlolwa, kanti goduli yakwazi nokuveza amaphepha ane miraro. Leli hlelo begodula lilawulwa sisakhiwo sephepha lemibuzo, lilwazi elifunekako ephepheni lemibuzo kanye namaskimu wamaksi phezu kwabatshwayi bamaphepha, iinkhala ezenzelwako bana abafundi baphendulele kizo kanye namaskimu wokutshwaya okunje ngelimi kanye namamaksi asesilinganiswe nisamamaksi, phecelezi-marking points ratio. Isakhiwo sokuhlola sinikelwa yisilabhasi, okungiyo eyikombandlela yedizayini kanye nokutshwaywa kwe enhlahlubo zeBhayiloji. Ngalelilwazi elitholakeleko, kukghonakele ukuthi kutlanywe isakhiwo ebesingabayi kombandlela yendlela engalandelwa ukulawula ikhwalithi ebhodulukweni ye-OSM. Ithekinoloji ye-OSM beyinga siza izinga lokumakha iinhlahlubo zeBhayiloji, ngalokho lokhu bekungaphungula iintjhijilo ezihlobene nehlelo le-PBM. Nanyana kunjalo, amanye amathuba, aphungulwazi intjhijilo ekuhlangabezenwe nazo nakutshwaywa iinhlahlubo zehlelo le-OSM. Kuye kwa tjhukunyiswa ukobana i-ZIMSEC izene mithethomgomo kanye ne enkambiso ezingabayikombandlela elayela imisebenzi ethile koyokulawulwa kwekhwalithi ebhodulukweni le-OSM kanye nokuhloma iinkhungo zekhomphyutha kumadorobhahloko we emfunda. UMkhandlu begodu ungatjheja yokubeka izinga lokuqatjhwa kwabatshwayi, lokubandulwa kanye nehlelolokwenza izinto ngendlela efanako neyamaziko we entjhabatjhaba alawula iinhlahlubo.
Science and Technology Education
D. Phil. (Education)