Academic literature on the topic 'Techniciens de laboratoire'

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Journal articles on the topic "Techniciens de laboratoire"


Dalmat, Yann-Mickael. "Revalorisation et reconnaissance professionnelle des techniciens de laboratoire." Option/Bio 32, no. 639-640 (September 2021): 4.

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Manus, Jean-Marie. "Brève : Situation des techniciens de laboratoire à l’hôpital public." Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 2021, no. 528 (January 2021): 6.

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Benaderette, Serge. "Les techniciens de laboratoire sur la piste des reconversions." Option/Bio 24, no. 500 (December 2013): 1.

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Dalmat, Yann-Mickael. "Situation des techniciens de laboratoire de la fonction publique territoriale." Option/Bio 32, no. 649-650 (April 2022): 6.

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Dalmat, Yann-Mickael. "Situation des techniciens de laboratoire au sein de l’hôpital public." Option/Bio 31, no. 625-626 (November 2020): 7.

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Ferrera, V., J. Chiaroni, S. Dolla, and P. de Micco. "P10-4 Formation des techniciens de laboratoire à la qualité." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 5 (April 1998): 122s.

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Moncharmont, P., M. Tourlourat, C. Fourcade, E. Julien, T. Peyrard, and J. J. Cabaud. "Référentiel d’enseignement de la transfusion sanguine aux étudiants techniciens de laboratoire de biologie médicale." Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 19, no. 1 (February 2012): 46–48.

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Josso-Laurain, Thomas, Jonathan Ledy, Frédéric Fondement, Sébastien Bindel, Frédéric Drouhin, Françoise Simon, and Michel Basset. "Transformer le campus universitaire en laboratoire ouvert : le projet SMART-UHA." J3eA 21 (2022): 0001.

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Ce papier décrit la méthodologie permettant de transformer un campus universitaire en laboratoire ouvert par l’introduction de plateformes expérimentales liées aux thématiques phares de la mobilité, de l’énergie et des mutations sociétales. En particulier, ce papier s’intéressera au volet Mobilité avec la présentation du robot SMART-UHA, un robot mobile autonome tracté par énergie électrique et dont les missions sont d’assurer des livraisons de colis sur le campus, et ce en assurant la totale sécurité des usagers. L’ensemble des capteurs et actionneurs de cette plateforme sont présentés, ainsi que les architectures matérielles et logicielles permettant une navigation sûre le long du campus. L’utilisation de cette plateforme dans le cadre de la formation des futurs techniciens et ingénieurs est détaillée, illustrant l’intérêt du robot SMART-UHA comme démonstrateur du savoir-faire de l’Université de Haute-Alsace et des interactions fortes entre recherche et enseignement.
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Atchessi, Nicole, Megan Striha, Rojiemiahd Edjoc, Emily Thompson, Maryem El Jaouhari, and Marianne Heisz. "Surveillance des expositions en laboratoire aux agents pathogènes humains et aux toxines au Canada, en 2020." Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada 47, no. 10 (October 14, 2021): 468–76.

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Contexte : La Loi sur les agents pathogènes humains et les toxines et le Règlement sur les agents pathogènes humains et les toxines exigent que les incidents de laboratoire soient signalés au système de surveillance de déclaration des incidents en laboratoire au Canada de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada. L’objectif du présent rapport est de décrire les incidents de laboratoire concernant des expositions survenues au Canada en 2020 et les personnes affectées par ces incidents. Méthodes : Les incidents survenus en laboratoire en 2020 dans des laboratoires canadiens autorisés ont été analysés. Le taux d’incidents d’exposition a été calculé et des statistiques descriptives ont été effectuées. Les incidents d’exposition ont été analysés selon le secteur, type d’activité, type d’événement, cause fondamentale et agent pathogène ou toxine. Les personnes affectées ont été analysées selon l’éducation, la voie d’exposition, le secteur, le rôle et l’expérience en laboratoire. Le temps écoulé entre l’incident et la date du rapport a également été analysé. Résultats : Quarante-deux incidents touchant 57 personnes ont été signalés au système de surveillance de déclaration des incidents en laboratoire au Canada en 2020. Aucune infection contractée en laboratoire n’a été soupçonnée ou confirmée. Le taux d’exposition annuel était de 4,2 incidents pour 100 permis en vigueur. La plupart des cas d’exposition sont survenus pendant les activités de microbiologie (n = 22, 52,4 %) ou ont été signalés par le secteur hospitalier (n = 19, 45,2 %). L’erreur de procédure (n = 16, 27,1 %) et les incidents liés à un objet tranchant ou pointu (n = 13, 22,0 %) étaient les incidents les plus fréquemment signalés. La plupart des personnes touchées ont été exposées par inhalation (n = 28, 49,1 %). Ils travaillaient à titre de techniciens ou de technologues (n = 36, 63,2 %). Les problèmes liés aux procédures opératoires normalisées étaient la cause fondamentale la plus courante (n = 24, 27,0 %), suivie des interactions humaines (n = 21, 23,6 %). Le nombre médian de jours entre les cas d’exposition et la date de déclaration était de six jours. Conclusion : Le taux d’incidents en laboratoire était plus faible en 2020 qu’en 2019, quoique la pandémie en cours ait pu contribuer à cette diminution en raison de la fermeture de lieux de travail non essentiels, notamment des laboratoires, pendant une partie de l’année. Le type d’incident le plus fréquent était l’erreur de procédure, tandis que les problèmes liés au non-respect des procédures opératoires normalisées et les interactions humaines étaient les causes fondamentales les plus citées.
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Lagarde, Fabienne. "De l’identification à la fidélisation organisationnelle : quels rôles pour le manager de proximité ?" Projectics / Proyéctica / Projectique Hors Série, HS1 (June 26, 2023): 225–48.

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Dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire Covid, le besoin massif en personnel soignant dans les établissements de santé a mis en avant les difficultés de recrutement et de fidélisation organisationnelle. Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude qualitative exploratoire menée auprès de techniciens de laboratoire, ainsi que le rôle joué par le manager de proximité lors de la mise en place d’une plateforme de dépistage de masse du coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Les analyses de documents et du contenu de dix-huit entretiens semi-directifs ont permis d’établir le lien entre une identification organisationnelle forte et l’investissement au sein de l’organisation incarné par le souhait de rester, soit : la fidélisation organisationnelle. Ces deux concepts inter reliés sont profondément assujettis à la notion de sens au travail. En effet, au regard de ces résultats empiriques, le Sensegiving et le Sensemaking semblent caractériser les différents rôles tenus par le manager de proximité.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Techniciens de laboratoire"


Twohig, Peter L. "Organizing the bench, medical laboratory workers in the Maritimes, 1900-1950." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Pesnelle, Marie-Françoise. "Enseignement de la biologie clinique aux jeunes techniciens et ses problèmes." Strasbourg 1, 1985.

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Ahonen, Laura. "An analysis of the perceived values to Northcentral Wisconsin phlebotomist of phlebotomy certification." Online version, 2009.

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Wylie, Caitlin Donahue. "Invisible technicians : a sociology of scientific work, workers, and specimens in paleontology laboratories." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2013.

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Brand, Catharina Elizabeth. "A continuing professional development framework for medical laboratory technologists/technicians in South Africa." Thesis, Bloemfontein : Central University of Technology, Free State, 2006.

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Thesis (D.Tech) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2006
Since 2002 all medical technologists and technicians have been obliged to participate in the compulsory continuing professional development (CPD) programme implemented by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). It was foreseen that CPD would not be equally accessible to medical technologists and technicians in urban and rural areas. The reason for this survey was to identify obstacles that might prevent medical technologists and technicians, especially those in rural areas from participating in CPD activities and to identify ways to overcome these obstacles. The survey was conducted in three phases. During the first phase quantitative information, concerning the profession of medical technology in South Africa, and CPD in general was obtained from registered medical technologists and technicians by means of a questionnaire. Information obtained from the questionnaire as well as that obtained from the literature led to the second phase in which an interview questionnaire was compiled. Structured interviews were conducted with medical technologists and technicians employed throughout South Africa, gathering mainly qualitative information regarding medical technology and CPD. Lack of time and financial constraints and to a lesser extent travelling were identified as the major obstacles to participating in CPD activities. The obstacles were an even bigger problem to those employed in rural areas. It was also confirmed that everybody involved in medical technology should be positively motivated to create and participate in CPD activities. A method suggested was to practise CPD activities during working hours which is cost effective but restricted, because of the workload. In addition medical technologists and technicians should participate in activities offered by the Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists of South Africa (SMLTSA) and attempt formal further qualifications. Being involved in research projects and identifying case studies could result in publishing in accredited journals. During the third phase of the survey a concept CPD framework was compiled. According to the framework all role players involved in the profession of medical technology must collaborate and contribute to making CPD activities accessible to all registered medical technologists and technicians and create a positive attitude to CPD. The role players include the HPCSA, employers and top management, the SMLTSA, medical companies, other health professionals, higher education institutions and the individual. It must be emphasised that the task of collecting CPD credits remains the responsibility of the medical technologist or medical technician. The framework offered suggestions for CPD activities whereby medical technologists and technicians could accumulate CPD credits. One major concern indicated in the framework, was that CPD should not only be measured by CPD credits but the outcomes of CPD should be reflected in the profession and the workplace and a system must be implemented to measure CPD outcomes. The CPD framework was evaluated by a panel of experts familiar with the profession of medical technology and the CPD programme, using the Delphi technique. This final CPD framework will be referred to the HPCSA for implementation in all South African pathology laboratories and the blood transfusion services. The aim of the framework is to assist the CPD guidelines currently under revision in establishing a usable CPD programme.
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Wilson, Scott B. "Computer assisted instruction : a comparison of hands-on and computer-simulated laboratory experiences for post-secondary students /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 2001.

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Harpel, Rachael A. "Using Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle as a Guide for Understanding Critical Values in a Clinical Laboratory." Defiance College / OhioLINK, 2005.

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Clingerman, Stephen. "A Report: Flushability Technician Internship with P&G via Advanced Testing Laboratory in Cincinnati, OH." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Towler, Ilse Jane. "Safety in context : a study of health and safety in modern universities from the perspectives of safety advisers and laboratory technicians." Thesis, University of Greenwich, 2003.

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Kneissl, Lukas, and Christian Modre. "Dental Laboratory Crisis: How is Chinese competition affecting the Swedish dental industry?" Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Företagsekonomi, 2017.

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Background: With the appearance of the fourth industrial revolution a lot of industries had to change and adapt to computer integrated manufacturing, the ‘Internet of things’, cloud computing, machine to machine communication, additive manufacturing and ‘big data’. Overall, this industrial transformation is driven by digitalization. The Swedish dental laboratory industry is of special interest for our research due to the lack of adaption to the new technological changes, decreasing market share in Sweden and the threats from cheap Chinese production. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand the current situation the Swedish small and medium sized dental laboratories are facing because of the threats from the Chinese competition. Therefore, we analyze the Swedish dental laboratory industry and map the situation. Moreover, we show what the laboratories are currently doing to defend their market position in a highly competitive environment. Method: The data was gathered from semi structured and open interviews of dental technicians, dentists and industry experts. This empirical data was analyzed in an abductive thematic approach. Additionally, this theory driven approach combines the research question and the propositions with the empirical findings to create a precise research report. Conclusion: Up to recently, China was a big threat for the domestic dental laboratories but this threat is decreasing nowadays. Due to the demand of high quality products with precise services, dentists require a close collaboration with the dental laboratories. In order to survive as an SME in the Swedish dental industry, collaborating in networks among local competitors can help to lift investments for new equipment in the transforming environment. With state of the art technology and shared competences Swedish dental laboratories can sustain their competitive advantage in global competition.
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Books on the topic "Techniciens de laboratoire"


Solberg, Victoria. Laboratory manual for animal technicians. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1985.

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Solberg, Victoria. Laboratory manual for animal technicians. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1985.

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Solberg, Victoria. Laboratory manual for animal technicians. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1985.

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Solberg, Victoria. Laboratory manual for animal technicians. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1985.

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M, Stark Dennis, Ostrow Marshall E, and American Association for Laboratory Animal Science., eds. Laboratory animal technician. Cordova, TN: AALAS, 1990.

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E, Ostrow Marshall, and American Association for Laboratory Animal Science., eds. Laboratory animal technician. Cordova, Tenn. (70 Timber Creek Dr., Suite 5, Cordova 38018): American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 1990.

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M, Stark Dennis, Ostrow Marshall E, and American Association for Laboratory Animal Science., eds. Laboratory animal technician. Cordova, Tenn: American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 1990.

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Taylor, Bennett B., Addcox Nancy, and American Association for Laboratory Animal Science., eds. Instructional guide for technician training: Assistant laboratory animal technician and laboratory animal technician. Cordova, Tenn: American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 1989.

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Spotlight on lab assistants. Edmonton, Alberta]: Grass Roots Press, 2013.

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W, Pratt Paul, ed. Laboratory procedures for veterinary technicians. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby, 1997.

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Book chapters on the topic "Techniciens de laboratoire"


Hakimi, Marwa, Riitta Jolanki, and Howard I. Maibach. "Laboratory Technicians." In Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology, 1–10. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Jolanki, R., and L. Kanerva. "Laboratory Technicians." In Handbook of Occupational Dermatology, 989–94. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.

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Hakimi, Marwa, Riita Jolanki, and Howard I. Maibach. "Laboratory Technicians." In Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology, 2093–101. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Jolanki, Riitta. "Laboratory Technicians." In Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology, 1543–49. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Samples, Oreta Marie, and M. Scott Echols. "Necropsy: A Technician's Role." In Laboratory Manual for Clinical Veterinary Technology, 173–93. New York: Teton NewMedia, 2022.

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Kenkel, John. "Analytical Science Education for Chemical Laboratory Technicians." In ACS Symposium Series, 219–32. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2007.

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Amzalak, Nimrod. "From the Trenches to the Laboratories: L’Appel aux Techniciens." In Fascists and Honourable Men, 61–96. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.

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Flatland, Bente. "Minimizing Laboratory Errors in Veterinary Practice." In Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians, 227–44. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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MacNeill, Amy L. "Getting Started with Clinical Pathology." In Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians, 1–17. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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MacNeill, Amy L. "Hematology." In Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians, 19–74. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Techniciens de laboratoire"


Zumbrun, Henry. "Without the Right Adapters a Force Calibration Technician is Nothing Short of Being Called a Miracle Worker." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2019.

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Think about that for a minute. Would you want a surgeon to operate on you with kitchen utensils such as a serrated knife? Then why do some people (management cough) expect or ask the force calibration technician to calibrate load cells, truck & aircraft scales, tension links, dynamometers, and other force measuring devices with whatever they have in their laboratory. Adapters that could range from unsafe, to an improperly machined adapter that allows them to fixture the force measuring device in the frame to apply forces and record output at those forces. You must ask why is this happening? Is it just that people are oblivious to the importance of adapters in mechanical measurements? Not using the proper adapters to calibrate load cells, truck scales, aircraft scales, tension links, dynamometers, and other force measuring devices can produce significant measurement errors and pose serious safety concerns. The purpose of this paper is to examine safety concerns with using older adapters and discuss some of the error sources associated with using the wrong adapters. We will leave the rest up to the reader on whether it makes sense to seek out the appropriate adapters and have skilled calibration technicians or simply hope the technician can maintain the "miracle worker" title. Though some calibration technicians may still wear the miracle worker hat when the manufacturer writes specifications that were achieved once and never repeated, but I regress as this is an educational paper and we will not be discussing unrealistic specifications. Instead, we will be discussing using the adapters that will give a calibration technician the highest probability of meeting those specifications.
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Maulik, Shreya, Amitabha De, and Rauf Iqbal. "Work related musculoskeletal disorders among medical laboratory technicians." In 2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES). IEEE, 2012.

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Sidney, Steve. "The Metcert Cetification Scheme for Calibration Technicians." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2018.

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After taking more than six years to establish and get off the ground, the National Laboratory Association • South Africa (NLA-SA) established a Certification for Persons Scheme for calibration technicians in 2008. During 2010 the first metrologist/calibration technicians were certified under this scheme which was aptly named MetCert (Metrologist Certification). Whilst adoption was initially slow, certification gathered substantial momentum once professional recognition became a requirement by local regulations and the local accreditor adopted MetCert as one of three mechanisms to satisfy this requirement. The paper will provide statistics on how many technicians and which fields they hold which certifications will be reported; difficulties and challenges that have been encountered and how they have been dealt with, as well as how to deal with ongoing competency requirements will also be highlighted. The authors of this paper have been intimately involved in the scheme’s development and they will reflect on its current status as well as the positive impact it has had on the South African calibration laboratory environment.
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Benitez Chavez, Roberto. "Metrology Education In México." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2014.

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At most calibration laboratories in several countries, competent Calibration Technicians are required. Metrology carriers or metrology education institutes are needed to prepare the technicians required for industry. The great increasing of the accredited laboratories requires people with very special profile not only technical but ethic and professionalism that can manage the calibration services in industry and in health care.
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Franco, Ana Maria R., Rosane M. Debatin, and Patricia Cals de Oliveira Vitorio. "The Role of Scientific Metrology in Industrial Metrology." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2012.

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The Brazilian industrial sector represents 45.5% of the total electricity consumption in the country. This relevant value causes all sectors involved in the electricity area to work with high quality technology services. Electric power distribution of good quality ensures reliable working of equipment and processes. In this paper we will describe the actions of the technicians in the power and energy laboratory and high-voltage laboratory of the NMI of Brazil (INMETRO), considered the top of the pyramid of measurement, together with areas of legal metrology and quality control, working on the electricity quantities dissemination, development of test procedures used in factories and performing audits in laboratories of electrical products manufacturers. The metrology culture is deficient in industry with little engagement to the quality system by the scientific area, and it is difficult to understand the role of each person in the chain of production and final product quality. Thus, it is necessary that each person involved is aware of its importance within this pyramid, as well as the impact on the final product when this chain is not perfectly connected. Here we report the case of how all the technicians of the laboratories involved in the measurement results, in order to assure traceability, should work. It describes how this group was equalized (measurement and quality), leading to the understanding of how their actions directly impact the final quality of a product. It also describes the introduction of this group to the reality of electrical energy meters, current and potential transformer factories, engaging in development of regulations, and resulting in the standardization of metrological procedures. Due to deficiency of human resources in metrology industries, our work as auditors in factory laboratories is also important, thus emphasizing the necessity of quality control in factory tests, impacting product improvement. Still, the laboratories should be directly involved and aligned with the tests at the factory, because the knowledge from the factory to the laboratory also makes the development of tests more consistent with the manufacturing reality, not forgetting the quality of the product.
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Chandrasekaran, Vishnu Vardhan, Lewis N. Payton, Chase Wortman, and Wesley Hunko. "An Affordable Machining Laboratory Approach for Undergraduate Engineers." In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Designers in any industry need to understand the processes involved in making a part beforehand in order to communicate with technicians from trade schools and industry. Even a simple engineering drawing can often not be created due to process limitations (e.g., a perfectly drawn internal 90 degree angle in a CAD drawing does not occur in nature OR in a machine shop). This paper describes an affordable way to teach manufacturing to undergraduate engineering students and in the process provide them with hands on training in a machine shop environment. The goal here is not to create machinists, but to enable future Engineers to understand and talk with designers/machinists. The theme here is not to spend on expensive super machines but on simple machines as emphasized in the Toyota Production System. Students learn the techniques that let technicians produce perfect parts on imperfect, simple machines. The result for Auburn University has been an affordable laboratory that mutually supports undergraduate students, graduate research students, and the university as a whole.
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Giansanti, D., L. Castrichella, and M. R. Giovagnoli. "E-Learning for Laurea in Biomedical Laboratory Technicians: Presentation of a Pilote Study." In 2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 2007.

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Aini, Zahratul, Eti Poncorini, and Ari Natalia Probandari. "Optimization of Surveillance and Laboratory Technicians in Diphtheria Outbreak Control in Banda Aceh, Aceh." In The 5th Intenational Conference on Public Health 2019. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2019.

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WEN, Wu, Peng GU, Kailun QIU, and Xuming GUO. "The Management and Development of Laboratory Technicians in the Construction of High-level Universities." In 2020 International Conference on Social Science, Economics and Education Research (SSEER 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Brown, Garret L. "Laboratory Remodel, Challenges and Solutions." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2015.

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Laboratory technicians, metrologists, and managers need to be able to efficiently manage a laboratory renovation process from beginning to end. It must include everything from the design of the project to successfully commissioning the newly remodeled facility. This paper will focus on mistakes, lessons learned, solutions to problems, and best practices as a high level overview of the Alaska weights and measures laboratory renovation project completed in 2014.Consideration will be given to some key areas including: suggestions for documenting the process, suggested methods for evaluating success, ideas for a successful commissioning of the newly remodeled facility, safe handling and storage of the standards, equipment, and records. It will provide examples of laboratory client/customer notification, possible financial impacts, and integration of new equipment. Methods used for evaluating measurement agreement from before/after renovations will be presented. The session will also include general audience participation and discussions.
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Reports on the topic "Techniciens de laboratoire"


Brendlinger, Terry L. Audit report: health physics technician subcontracts at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1999.

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Miller, James, John Vavrin, and Samuel Stidwell IV. Study of maintenance of High Performance Sustainable Buildings (HPSB). Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), March 2021.

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A study was performed by the Energy Branch of the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, on behalf of the US Army Installation Management Command under the Installation Technology Transition Program. The focus of the study was related to maintainability and operability issues associated with High Performance Sustainable Buildings (HPSBs). This study was conducted primarily based on information gleaned from telephone and web conference discussions with installation Directorate of Public Works personnel including Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Chiefs, energy managers, maintenance supervisors, and maintenance technicians. Experiences with HPSBs varied from installation to installation. For example, some installations had very positive experiences with photovoltaic (PV) arrays while other sites questioned their practicality due to maintainability problems. One site noted that PV technologies are changing so rapidly that procuring spare/repair parts becomes difficult or impossible when vendors discontinue supporting their older technologies or manufacturers go out of business. Based on discussions with the installation O&M personnel, a table of pro and con recommendations for 25 technologies, which are commonly implemented on HPSBs, was prepared and is included in this report.
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Electrical testing laboratory technician killed after contacting 26,000 volts and falling from a ladder. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, November 1996.

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